Final Fantasy 14

>start ff14
>get to the end of 2.0
>last two dungeons are literally just unskippable cutscenes
>have shit gear to have no impact
>literally just afk

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Other urls found in this thread:

god level 70 ast fucking sucks. i'm stuck benefic 2 during big pulls and bosses are painful to heal through as well. when does it get better?

you did dipshit you could've always done your lvl 50 quest first to get the ilvl 90 gear all you had to do was follow the leader and click the nodes and you even fucked that up it seems

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It gets better when your end of expansion quest get gated with certain ilvl dungeons and trials. Then agin, you can buy grey gear to bypass all that in the expansion's cities. But yea, they knew it was a bad idea, learned, and kinga can't remove it from the game, so they made it have some pretty insane rewards so people still queue for it for new players.

It gets better when the player playing it gets better.

it gets a lot better when you get a 2nd charge of essential dignity, celestial intersection, and neutral sect

Uh-oh. Mass furry epidemic incoming.

>Final Fantasy XIV Devs Working to Remove the Barriers Between Datacenters


>mfw i saw thaumaturge at praetorium few days ago
I have no face.

>Not having E4S cleared yet


i'll kill this thread because you're a fucking asshole go fucking suck a dick you mother fucking faggot

did you witness my fucking power asshole

best server to avoid trannys and fag shit to the best of my ability? I just want to meet some normal dudes

what world center are you in right now?


>normal dudes

what server are you in right now?


I see no problem with this.

>Dabbing on Japkeks and Europoors with my Burgerbros

Cant fucking wait, YoshiP really is a genius

oh no


Just log out and log back in

I didn't want to heal because that is for sluts, but damn malezen look good in robes.

Plus this kitty is checkin me out.

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i've definitely made a mistake lol

I fucking hate all the shitters giving BLM a bad name and ensuring that no Dancer will ever partner with you.
But at the same time they guarantee free commends just from doing my job.

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me on the left

adamtoise - braindead but pretty nice folks
cactuar - heavy memelord assholes
faeries - know.
gilgamesh - trannies
midgardsormr - HUNTS but a bit drama heavy
jenova - FRENCH, most likely stupid. pretty passive aggressive for some reason.
siren- okay, not seen anything wrong with them

They realized their mistake and never put cutscenes mid dungeon again. From HW on, it'll be final dungeon, then cutscene, then final boss trial

What does this do?

All male Elezen are tucking hot t.WHM

I would suck a Malezen cock in an instant no joke

Male Elezen will get you any girl(male) you want in this game.

/vg/ bro

Is brynhildr an okay server?

>he wants to play with seaniggers while japs would just filter his existence based on client language
Imagine being this much of a cuckold

>Be the tank
>Healer was crap and I had to heal myself more often then not
>Melee DPS keeps standing in circles
>Ranged DPS somehow keeps standing in circles
>BLM only one's who are honestly doing their job and not dying somehow
Even with everything being so braindead easy now, it's shocking how people still can't just MOVE around and do simple mechanics. I am nearly ready to just sit out the rest of this expac till 5.4 drops at this rate and hope most people have grown half a brain...though honestly it will chances are just be "Gear makes it trivial now, no one still has learned how anything works."

>dabbing on anyone
>when their best clear rates are comparable to Japanese casuals

Doing mechanics while still staying in range of the healer and melee makes me feel like a super genius.

>furries, erpfags, third world shitters, seamonkeys, saluts, ironic weebs ALL in one place
>5 pages long PF results with half of them having the jponly tag
who thought this would be a good idea?

So a nip, a burger, a frog, and a hue walk into expert roulette...

>do mechanics correctly while staying in range of healers and melee
You can never win.

Not him, by the time you log back in you can skip the cutscene and run to start the other cutscene before people finish the first one.

New players complained about people speed running the last two dungeons because you use to able to skip all the cutscenes.

By the time they were finish with the cutscenes the dungeon was over.

I couldn't imagine doing E4S as a BLM, christ

Oh, no wonder I kept seeing people finish the cutscene ahead of me.

what the fuck am I looking at?

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What is this, just alternating between Freeze and Fire 3?

Can confirm

Think the one I saved it from said it was from a normal Eden.

I thought primal was supposed to be free of the Tranny menace

How would you fix SMN?

nowhere in ff14 is free of trannies, its impossible to escape them

Oh look, another fucking party with weird arbitrary job restrictions. Thank god FFLogs exist, now I can meticulously plan my party composition and still not clear. Oh what's that bro? You wanted to join a static? Okay sure, let me spend three fucking hours going over your entire DPS history and if you're not in the top 5% you can't join.
Fuck this game.

SMN-fags will complain no matter what you do.

>my static keeps putting no dupes in ex farms
It shouldn't bother me but it does.

If this happens I really really hope the JP practices in DF become common as opposed to the shit NA and EU ones.

Increase DoT duration by 5 seconds
Give Bahamut some kind of partywide damage buff like Phoenix's regen
Make Bahamut and Phoenix stationary
Maybe make Egi Assaults usable while casting

>RF practice becomes completely overrun by clueless sneakers and the entire scene dies

does this song sound familiar to anyone?

You know it does.

went around asking anyone if they could guess the song for 100k and nobody got it. :(

It's from some newgrounds porn game, but I don't remember which

the first phase is an abstract kind of fucking cancer
>ley lines comes up right after bomb boulders
>have to plant it so you're within heal/bubble range, but not where the tank is taking stonecrusher which is practically random in pugs

>magnitude 5.0
>can just spread in a
>D T D
>D T D
>H _ H
>3x3 formation for easy healing and minimal movement for everyone
>retards still insist to use the 2x4 spread at the beginning

i can already tell one day someone will bitch at casters/healers prepositioning in the 4th center rotating tile instead of running along with the pattern like a sperg

>there are people who actually think E4S is difficult

If I have BLM in my group I usually just let them have the center tile after M 5.0
Don't know why people don't do that.

Why the fuck would you not make a girl character

That tile is always inexplicably unoccupied. Even the macros that covered that mechanic assigned it to nobody.
It's a mystery

Because he isn't gay

Give ATVman some space, bro.
It's rude to not do so.

Well your average player only has enough brain power to think about themselves and how they can benefit the most. Hence why you get tanks thinking placing the boss in giant ice aoes is fine since he can still hit it.

Honestly it's not worth even doing, you're doing far more work just to skip few cutscenes.
Everything toggles for the group all together if it's done right.

Just let other people finish the steps ahead of you.

>its gay to want to watch a girl and listen to her moan in a fight
>its not gay to want to watch and listen to a guy

but gays play males?

This. The good thing about JP DF is that it's constant. Forever. There might be let's say 1-2 variations but it's actually minimal and 99% the same anyway.

I don't know how DFs are run for EX and Savages are run in NA and EU, but I heard they vary so much depending on who is the "leader" for that current run. Dunno if that's true though.

That's the road to agp

Meet n fuck niggas

Sorry, I'm not masturbating while I play the game.

>tfw both of my E2S clears are horrible parses
It's like me dying to a guillotine is a requirement for me getting a clear. I'm probably playing it overly safe with the adds too.

Christ on a stick.

How the fuck do you get to 70 BLM without knowing how to the most basic F4 rotation?

Thats also just due to lag and load times depending on where you're playing from.

>IV casts of Fire IV

What do you think the long gcd is designed for nigger

>tfw i've reached a state where i can shitpost in these threads between gcds

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You did clear Eden EX, right?

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t. Gays

Haha, no. I lose interest and start playing something else before they release Savage, every single time.

Um sweety I just fucked a futa as a futa myself I'm not gay

Eden EX? What?

Lalafells are so fucking gross holy shit

Dude you're the fucking princess of gays prancing around in a tutu and fucking all the boys

>just did mhach
>that fucking ozma boss fight
Holy shit lads, tell me the rest of the entire content is just like this, that fight was fucking awesome and I loved FF9. A shame it didn't have the music.

>Didn't have the music.
You sure bout that?

>A shame it didn't have the music.
But it did.

Don't play the game with sound off, bro.

there is more ff fanservice in stormblood but good luck getting a party for them at this point

that's funny, I did Mhach not too long ago.
It went alright but for some idiot misplacing markers and causing an issue with everyone's positions

Not him but I fucking wish

Now go do Eureka and fight Ozma EX for your Ozma mount.

shame mhach is so fucking easy now

Everyone rags on Dragon Ball GT.
Let's be honest though, they had fucking great taste in jpop music.

This is probably my favorite dragon ball ending even though the others (romatic ageru yo) is more "classic dragon ball"

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I have literally never met a transexual on ffxiv. Honestly the most cringy I have seen was a fucking brony so I don't know what the fuck you are talking about.

Oh, well it looks like I gotta turn the music volume up. I was probably too busy actually screaming when doing this with friends in voice.

transsexuals are kinda rare imo...

FFIX doesn't get a ton of fanservice but it gets little things here and there like Mhach, the country of black mages, having the battle theme and Ozma. Also Alexander mentions an alternate timeline in which he saved Eorzea from Bahamut.

When I first joined Facebook I would make my profile/cover pics just a bunch of characters from some media and I used the image at the end of that ending. I wasn't eve into Dragon Ball. Never saw that ending. Just found the image on Googe.

How have you never watched dragon ball?

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>jponly tag
I will go out of my way to harrass these groups as much as I can get away with. Fuck them xenophobic racist gook fucks.
Learn English, learn to tolerate other cultures, and lesser skilled players or get dabbed on. Equality now.

Hey buddy I think you got the wrong door. Resetera's two blocks down.

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>Learn English you fucking xenophobes
I know I'm being baited but I'm biting.

I'm not joking, if I see even one jponly DF tag, they are going to get bullied the shit out of.

Classic wow in 4 days, fucking these weeb faggots

OH I'm shaking in my boots

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You missed being able to do Ozma Extreme with 56 people.

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console players

I did it a few days ago and I still don't udnerstand what was the mechanics and what was I supposed to do, we oneshot it but I spent 80% of my time dead. I know sometimes you have to stand someplace but couldn't figure out where and why and how do you know when to stand where. Looked fun, wish I could contribute.

How about Coeurl?

do the Omega series raids especially the savage version those are super fun especially if youre big fan of the FF series

>learn to tolerate other cultures
>xenophobic racist gook fucks
You have to be over 18 to post here.

Should I fantasia myself into a viera bros

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Fucking idiot

Sorry, I don't tolerate intolerance :^)

Bros my static is filled with bumbling idiots who need to be explained every intricate detail of a mechanic, die 5 times to it, and only then do they understand how it works
Then they die to it 10 more times afterwards
Is pugging it that hard, and is mental boom strat the common pug strat?

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By it I mean e4s

What is a static? Ew here

>treat frogniggers like shit because you can't communicate
>japs do the same to you
>wtf d-don't be so discriminating dude
top kek

I've done Orbonne Monastery with tank queues about 20 times in the last two weeks trying to get the Agrias body and haven't seen it once.
It's a cool raid but I wish the average person's DPS wasn't so shit because most of the time I'm top 3 as paladin or dark knight.
Also I want Chad Mode Ramza's hair. I always liked it more than the chapter 1 variant.

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Its a preference, just remember that you can't have any head-glamours that are HATS.

Kinda wish someone warned me before I switched.

Front line maps are so much more fun when they're only 8v8v8. It stops being a zergfest and you actually have to use a modicum of tactics and pseudo alliances with the third team to beat down the top team.

This is an NPC that appears in a story cutscene.

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that's what happens after week 1 for a 24 man. Raid mentality sets in when one person thinks "i don't have to do much there are 23 other people" and so on until everyone is halfassing everything and doing just enough to clear.

im having a shit ton of fun converting midi files to brd performance stuff.

Looks like a based fellow

I hope you're not converting anything copyrighted, that's illegal you know

>faggy theater actor


you know i am cuz i'm a rebel

I wish we have a temporary truce function i hate the 3rd team keep beeline gor the 2nd while feeding the 1st like a retard (im looking at you flame fucks)

I'm going to have to report you, what's your name in-game

hahahaha ahahahaha.
GL when you're the only healer because no other dude will switch.

also for fuck sakes
what's with the fucking adders just gangpiling and not even going for the objective for one of the alliances in aether? they literally won't even go for ice. THEY'LL JUST MAUL ON THE FLAMES.

Lion Daddy

Jewish Nigger

OK I now reported you.

Sambo Rambo

While I think Shadowbringers is a good expansion, I feel it will be the death of XIV. It got too big for itself and all bad comes down to the community.

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>have shit gear to have no impact
what did OP even mean by this? you only need like 1 or 2 people to know what they're doing for castrum and praetorium and the rest don't matter. It is true they're shit tho.

Yeah well buddy I don't tolerate you not tolerating intolerance.

So what are you going to do about it?

i think the main problem is while the story is fantastic the game has still been using the same update model since 2013. there are some benefits to the model but they need to add more side content that transcends the patch cycle and isn't just seasonal and disposable like everything else

Flames on primal is the ungaa bungaa faction they always gunning for the nearest faction and ignore the objectives, while adders is the most try hard, mael is a mix bag when you got good team it military precision tier coordination smt you got drooling retard who got led by the nose if got baited

what is my character doing in the animation for iron jaws?

Flashing armpit for the enemy?

Make you pay (You) tolls.

>finish weeklies on day 1
>want to decorate houses and other things
>end up gathering/crafting all day and night
Can't wait this game to die so I can stop trying to get all the gil

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You think that, but it was actually me who made you pay the (You) tolls this whole time!

What you don't know is that I set you to me so I collect both my (You)'s and yours too. You've been made pay double-(You) toll.

You should fanta into a lalafell.

Mister Happy

>mfw fishing in the rainstorm in North Shroud

This has no right being so cozy.

Meanwhile, you were unaware that I was orchestrating the circumstances to bring you under the impression that you set me up to you but in reality it was the otherway around. So actually you've been made pay triple-(You) toll.

The cutscenes used to be skippable but newfags who didn't have friends to unsync the dungeons whined about not being able to watch the cutscenes so now all of them are unskippable, even stupid shit like the one that's just you getting in a suit of magitek

I hate we don't have cool stuff to do in dungeons like the magitek stuff. Fuck that would've been fun.

mael wins most of the time on primal. Unless it's 8v8v8 then it's adders and usually it's a lot of people on loan.

I think he's a garlean agent. He appears alongside Gabranth.

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I was unlucky enough to play it through the first time while the cutscenes were skippable, and it was a truly miserable experience. Everyone was rushing forward like madman, while I finished watching the first cutscene, the zerg party was finishing up killing a boss halfway deep inside the dungeon, triggering cutscenes one after another that showed my character far aways from where I was while missing out on fights and contexts. I was this close to dropping the game there.
I'm all for the changes, it gives the players a chance to make these dungeons enjoyable, they aren't that bad for them this way.
Yes it sucks for faggots who just do the roulette for the XP, but the rewards were made so generious that you should be able to deal with it. If you can't deal with it, you can always not queue. Thankfully a lot of people can deal with it.

God I hope we see more of Gabranth.

Go to a fucking inn room then you stupid faggot. It's not like there's more emotional impact to the cutscenes because you zerged down some braindead boss in 5 seconds after each one.

>the rewards were made so generious that you should be able to deal with it.
The rewards are literal garbage if you get Castrum instead of Praetorium. Maybe if they equalized EXP from both.

Will there be some follow up ivalice 2.0 raid to deal with this plot line?
Seems a bit strange to intergrate it to the main storyline with such a blatant FF12 expy character.

Do leveling dungeons sync gear as well? Like if you go into the lvl77 dungeon and compare your DPS on one job with 456 ilvl to your performance on another at 416 how much of a factor is the gear

>mael is Discord premades
Fixed your mistake.

Or how about I don't ruin my first experience with that part of the story for the sake of some faggots I will never meet again so they can finish their roulette 15 minutes eariler.


Yes ruin.

Sounds like you need to dilate again, speedrunfag.

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They used to be skippable. Its one of the most retarded changes they ever did. Even if I just watch something on the side it feels like Im wasting an hour with what used to be a fun 10 minutes run.

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Am I the only one who pretended to be new when there's a bonus when cutscenes were skippable so I can watch cutscenes while everyone does the work for me in MSQ roulette? ;)

Make me. Oh wait, you can't. So deal with it.

What the fuck does this mean?

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Post favorite minons.

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They should just make it so the cutscenes are unskippable when there's a newcutie in the group or create a separate queue with more rewards. But we know they'll never change it now, they don't have the tech for all that shit.

So what's with the one guy posting porn on XIV threads?

how do you have motivation to do it? I have 75mil and feel there's no point making anymore

>already watched the cutscenes 500 times
>now i'm a (((speedrunfag))) because some special need retard is literally too retarded to locate an inn room in the game

Could give some to me, I'll take good care of it.

Seems like some sort of Japanese tax raise or something affecting mogstation prices


Literally some mad /xivg/ attentionfag

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Nobody is going to watch cutscenes in an inn just to please some retards they will never meet again.

>or create a separate queue with more rewards
user that's...
that's literally what they did...

>this is the SAM giving you e1s tips
We were in there for 1 hour btw.

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Likewise, no one is going to watch cutscenes in an instance just to please some retards they will never meet again. Works both way.

>felt like I casually leveled my MCH and did my MSQ in the first week
>finish around Day 5 cause taking it slow
>accused of poopsocking from retarded FC member cause his dumbass was still at lvl 73 even though he plays all day
The FFXIV playerbase is a special kind of retarded. Majority probably thinks Eden Normal and 24-man are good tests of their skills. I know the retard in my FC thinks outhealing all other Healers in a 24-man is being god tier

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Doesn't really, because everyone kinda does that who queues for the MSQ roulette, every day.

Did you clear? :)

what do you think

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>Pug E1S
>10 fucking minutes working out spots
How are these dumb motherfuckers so confused by this shit?

I'm ilvl450 and don't plan on doing savage ever, but I'm sometimes tempted to join e1s learn groups just to see how much a shitshow it is for amusement.

Wait are you the dude having troubles with Titania before?

You should have left after 10 minutes if a dps was pulling 5k

I like doing 5k as SAM just to see some parsefag have aneurysm.


For fun I joined an Titania parse run.
These fuckers couldn't pick a spot to save their lives. Holy fuck it was like 10mins setting up I just gave up and left.


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/d2g/? Don't even know what general that is user though I'm guessing its that trashfire of a Bungie game since its the only "relevant" game that fits the letter/number.

that's just simply /dg/
no idea what /d2g/ is either

dota gulag

>Holy fuck it was like 10mins setting up I just gave up and left.
This is one of my problems with the "hardcore" community. It always has to go a certain (the MrHappy) way and they can't deal with any change. I'd say that's also one reason why many who would love to do more EX or savage don't bother with that content at all.

Yes :)

everyone is petersonposting now that theres a voice ai website for him

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>tfw get all jobs to 50 before the release of HW because fresh out of college and NEET
>get all combat jobs to 60 shortly before the release of SB
>get all combat jobs to 70 halfway into SB because nothing else to play and only working part time
>currently have 6 combat jobs at 80 by doing roulettes each day with friends over some beers, with an occasional dungeon thrown in
>guy in FC thinks I have no life
>despite another dude in our FC being an actual NEET with all his combat jobs at 80 and half his crafters/gatherers at 80
if you have been playing since early ARR and enjoy playing daily with your friends, you will level really fucking fast, especially with FC/Squadron buffs and plenty of rested exp, I'm actually worried I'm levelling my shit too fast, I haven't even been poopsocking at all

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Finishing ShB MSQ in 5 days pretty much is poopsocked. People with jobs and lives took longer than that.

What the fuck. Technology is so scary. I didnt realize this was a thing.

cry more faggot, it doesnt work both ways because it makes sense to just watch the cutscene when it comes up
that being said, they should at least let you fags skip it and play around in an enclosed circle at the beginning of the dungeon like the children you are

>dopamine addicted roulette warriors crying about it taking longer for them to be "efficient" in getting their dopamine hit

What the fuck is wrong with you? I thought the selling point of this MMO was it's story? I'm glad they're unskippable (again), it was a load of shit for new players to just view cutscene after cutscene and not have any idea what's going on.

It's not even that. I don't know why but fuckers keep afking during positions or they'll be stubborn and stick to one position and we're wasting like 2-3 minutes getting people to FUCKING PICK A FUCKING SPOT

based and lobsterpilled

It's fun in it's own way watching a person die to the same thing over and over again. I highly recommend it.

To be fair, at least speedrunfag doesn't tell you to buy a story skip.

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Been here since 1.0. Honestly outside of the stupid leveling glitch in 1.0 most of 2.0 and beyond is easy and fast to do.
>5 days is poopsocking
I mean I only played for like 2.5hrs a day since I had school and work filling up most of my day. Maybe you're just abnormally slow?

What really bothers me is these fucking dopamine addicts literally have to make sure to do the MSQ roulette in order to be this triggered.

>GL when you're the only healer
frontlines are perfectly winnable without a healer

Pugging Savage is just like Pachinko. You just gotta be lucky.

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whats the issue with femRoe GLD/PLDs? I play one

AST never gets a LOT better, it's a finnicky piece of shit now that can barely output a WHM's rDPS if the player works about 5x as hard.

You can watch your cutscenes all you want. Don't be a self-centered faggot demanding people who have ALREADY watched the cutscenes to sit there and watch it all over again with you because you came here late.
Kindly kill yourself.

I prefer skipping cutscenes for MSQ roulette. I do however hate the amount of faggots who go

Stop. Just stop.

Attached: TSR_Shadow.png (400x653, 427K)

This image is outdated now that GLD actually has a damage aoe, pld only sucks in comparison to other tanks in boss fights if you've got a shitty shield now

>Don't be a self-centered faggot demanding people who have ALREADY watched the cutscenes to sit there and watch it all over again
I already told you that you should be allowed your pre-trial play-pen, kiddo
>because you came here late.
>Kindly kill yourself
you first, fag

>Movement Settings
>Standard Type
why the fuck would anyone play with that fucking shit when you have the Legacy camera? standard makes you feel like you are driving a fucking tank

>he had work on the weekend of the 4th

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Is this really something they say?

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Im not far enough for that to really matter, probably

How? You're not aware that you can right click and literally turn 2080 degree in 0.2 seconds with a mouse?

it came out on a weekend, not to mention a lot of people book a few days off for MMO expansions, there are also those people that zerg the story and don't stop for anything

This is what an axe wound does to your mental state.

>5 days is poopsocking
Shit I know people who bought fucking adult sized diapers that look like they were meant for kids to beat the story in 1-2 days and to beat Savage on Week 1. 5 days seems like an ok pacing for this game.

>demands skippable cutscenes
>demands its needs before others
>literally just a project/no u tranny combo fit
ironic and cringe

Just look at what game you're playing. I love it to death but nobody can deny that it's filled with the weebiest deviantart-tier cancer known to man thanks to the overindulgent 14-year old hyper catgirl aesthetic the game has.

Sometimes I want to see what's around me while running without running in the direction I want to look.

I bet you don't think what you said is ironic at all.

It's essentially just that PLD sucks by way of not having built-in sustain like the other three tanks, with free damage mitigation instead
You can argue they feel weaker in solo content until you hit 58 (and get their self-heal) if you're not optimally geared through all the leveling content

>he wants to play with seaniggers
Can I get a SEA gf if this happens?

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That facebook tier image was outdated before it was made.

I wish I screenshotted it but some retard actually said it. I know you're here dude what the fuck?

>demands skippable cutscenes
Wrong, cutscenes in the game have always been skippable outside of recent MSQ roulette, which people willingly sign up for while putting on a TV show in the background.
>demands its needs before others
Wrong, earlychads can just skip cutscenes, run ahead and clear the entire instance while leaving you to watch your little cutscenes. Nothing is asked of you because you literally don't even exist in the same instance as them.

Now go back to dilating.

Why would it be ironic when this is what prompted the discussion ?
Literally no one was complaining about unskippable cutscenes. There is, however, a class of retards complaining about people not staying and watching cutscenes with them.

>Literally no one was complaining about unskippable cutscenes.
Uhhh...except for you and your dopamine addicted ass?

Reminder that there are people in this game that defend the rushed state of ShadowBringers and call anyone critiquing it an Armchair Developer.

Go ahead and quote the sentence where I said this, schizo tranny.

>admit your entire point is moot
>still seethe this hard
cope and stop projecting your split cock onto others just because you regret it so hard

>rushed state of ShadowBringers

>i-if i said my opponent admitted his point was moot maybe i'd be able to escape my losing battle
Unbelievable. This is the argumentative skills of a latelet tranny.

>Will there be some follow up ivalice 2.0 raid to deal with this plot line?
>Seems a bit strange to intergrate it to the main storyline with such a blatant FF12 expy character.
Well they built half of expansion from a ARR 24 man.

>The cutscenes used to be skippable but newfags who didn't have friends to unsync the dungeons whined about not being able to watch the cutscenes so now all of them are unskippable, even stupid shit like the one that's just you getting in a suit of magitek
Way to self own yourself. And before you even try to play that card, no, wrapping it into a passive aggressive rant doesn't mean you didn't whine about it.

Attached: 1560767520441.png (900x676, 410K)

>there are only two posters in this thread: you and me
fucking retard reddit tourist

Tbh asmongoloid only did it so people would shut the fuck about ffxiv. Can't blame the guy who obviously did not want to do it but the easiest way out to play a while and make clear you dislike it.

Yes but even then they didn't bring a full FF3 character over. Well you can argue that the Crystal Tower is something like that, but I think it's a bit different because it's not a character.

>implying a sperg-tier tranny seething over unskippable cutscenes while everyone laughs is a battle
>implying adding -let to anything makes it a workable insult
>implying you didn't make your entire "argument" shit itself last post
seethe and cope

In this thread there are only me and all the other retards. The fuck do I care which retard you happen to be, from my perspective you are all the same lesser beings.

>i'm not all alone smokescreen
>complain about -let while shitting out cope and seethe every line
Trannies are truly delusional.

Is this guy not an FF3 character?

Attached: FF3NES-Xande.gif (226x196, 4K)

Damn why does anyone take that pedo shithole seriously these days.

any bard performers here?

You aren't giving your latecuck kind a very good representation with that behavior.
I suggest dilating on the official forums with the other like-minded people.

Why don't you go and give yourself a try to this dilating thing you are so obsessed about?

>i'm not all alone smokescreen
Im not, there's multiple people replying to you ITT because you're acting so retarded, tranny
>complain about -let while shitting out cope and seethe every line
try coping instead of just seething
>Trannies are truly delusional.
Yeah, you things really are
gb2 >>>/discord/

Will FFLogs add a filter for ilvl? I don't know if my damage is any good being 450 and having to compare myself with people who already have 475 weapons and 470 gear.

I don't have the gameplay downtime to do it unlike you :)

>there's multiple people
>literally just (You) flailing hopelessly against my ceaseless beating
lmao thats a good cope

>delusional tranny continues to seethe
>fails to cope

They ride the waves of getting offended in twitter about social things, which is easy and popular for people outside get behind because hating people for a thing they might not be able to do anything about is morally wrong.

That's a very poor excuse, you don't have anything better to do while waiting for the unskippable cutscenes to finish that you like reeeeing about so much.

>delusional tranny continues to seethe
>fails to cope
keep projecting dilating tranny

I like that if you remove the buzzwords from these posts, barely anything remains at all.

>you don't have anything better to do while waiting for the unskippable cutscenes
Not really, I come here to tell special need faggots like you to put yourselves out while autoattacking my way to 12,000,000 exp. It's good content.

Just hide and report them, user.

>NO U every posting
stay seethed and btfo
oh yeah, thats a btfo reaction alright

Yeah this is what I'm talking about. You could be dilating instead, you don't have any excuses.

>cry about NO U while doing the exact same thing in every post since you introduced your bootyblasted reddit ass to the thread
gonna be a yikes from me

Attached: 1562438253583.png (1211x771, 878K)

This is a fucking mess
Go back to the cuckshed until you come up with something better

>thinking (You)s matter enough to deprive them
You're pathetic, tranny.
again gb2 >>>/discord/

>calling somebody out
like pottery

You'd have to know precise stat weights to even begin to implement something like that, ilevel alone is far too vague a metric for it to be a useful filter. And SE is never going to make their damage calculations public, so yeah.

There are two conditions one need to satisfy in order to be a dilator: free time and having bad enough taste to watch Final Fantasy cutscenes.
Luckily the latter doesn't apply to me.

>Signed up for the free 144 hour login 140 hours ago
>It's already been terminated

Attached: 1399241306800.jpg (292x227, 25K)

yikes, trannypilled, cringe, cope, seething, reddit, resetera, discord and dilate!

>thinking (You)s matter enough to deprive them
again gb2 >>>/reddit/ and dilate

No, actually there is only one condition to be a dilator, you have to be a tranny, which you are so you have to now. Owned! Ollololololl
And btw I'm not a tranny so I completely destroyed you and owned this internet debate :^)
No need to reply because now I have already won and nothing you write will change that tranny, don't even try :D

He's a spy in an actor troupe dummy

I havent seen an obvious tranny user this btfo and assmad in a while

>Play story game
>It starts showing me story
>"wow wtf is this" - op

go back to wow faggot

>cutscene-sperg tranny user has a mental break: the thread

Attached: 1491027305848.jpg (700x1036, 241K)

>lonely watch cutscene with me tranny has a mental meltdown: the thread

>still screeching NO U in a hormonally ruined voice to the no one in its room
sad and pathetic, tranny

Save us from the autism, jannies.

Attached: insecureblizzardvsxiv.jpg (1813x853, 444K)

>it's another cornered tranny accusing others of NO U while putting NO U in the line immediately after episode
tend to your axe wound

they're going to let it continue, for future justification for deleting xiv threads


>tranny-brained user still melting down and projecting
sad and pathetic, please cope


Attached: Zatch_Zakeru_Chapter_3.png (697x1100, 216K)

cope seething have sex faggot tranny dilate yikes cringe oof seething cope resetera have sex yikes faggot tranny cope oof cringe reddit seething cope seething have sex faggot tranny dilate yikes cringe oof seething cope have sex yikes faggot tranny cope reddit oof cringe seething resetera cope seething have sex faggot tranny dilate yikes cringe oof seething discord cope have sex yikes faggot tranny cope oof cringe seething cope seething have sex faggot tranny dilate yikes cringe oof seething cope have sex yikes faggot tranny cope oof cringe seething cope seething have sex faggot tranny dilate yikes cringe oof seething cope have sex yikes faggot tranny cope oof cringe seething cope seething resetera have sex faggot tranny dilate yikes cringe oof seething cope have sex yikes faggot tranny cope oof reddit cringe seething

Quitting to play Classic but ShB was pretty good
Way better than the dumpster fire Stormblood was

Attached: 1563999271460.jpg (744x1199, 140K)

Tohsaka NO

Attached: a33.jpg (640x480, 151K)

>another NO U
seethe and dilate

>you aren't allowed to dislike thing I like


Attached: evcc0021.jpg (640x480, 155K)

this is why you don't store swords in your asshole
they stab your intestines and you bleed out.

Now it's black????

Attached: evcc0021a.jpg (640x480, 155K)

Mentioning XIV is not banned over here, whoever made that post was trying too hard, even sadder to see this picture. People from Blizz play XIV and TESO, people from SE's XIV team play WoW and few other JP/CH MMOs with no western release.
Or let me translate this for you: playstation console warriors play nintendo games, and nintendo console warriors play playstation games. Shocking, right?

>tranny-brain still think it can NO U a NO U
are you enjoying your mandatory roulette cutscenes, tranny?
remember to cope and not just seethe

>Or let me translate this for you: playstation console warriors play nintendo games, and nintendo console warriors play playstation games. Shocking, right?
biggest lie i've read all year

Don't you guys get tired of posting dilate seethe cope tranny, etc. all day? It's always the same shit, what is even the point?

Careful with that reasonable post there buddy, you're going to make some autists here pop a blood vessel by not dedicating yourself strictly to one MMO

How am I supposed to feel about the main plot? There seems to be this big stigma against skipping these ARR cutscenes, but it's hard to care about something with such awful pacing as "event of big importance happens that threatens the lives of people you're supposed to care about - let's play delivery boy to save them".
Is the story even good? I'm yet to be wowed by any concepts.

Attached: Leviathan2.jpg (2460x2598, 838K)

>xe thinks anyone watches the mandatory roulette cutscenes instead of tabbing out to tell trannies like xim to dilate before going back to claim their exp bag
very ironic move for SE to make them unskippable, now their tranny audience is harassed all the time. it's not fair

Cross channel was good.
It is a good VN if you guys choose to read it. Which you won't because you're all normalfags.

Attached: evcc0003a.jpg (640x480, 182K)

Koji-fox localized that to Zak III

Which character so you want me to dump their H scene?

Attached: evcc0007.jpg (640x480, 182K)

>First spell
>Zak 3
Nigga what?

Can confirm he's right, I'm a nintendo console warrior but I still play bloodborne sometimes

>still screeching NO U to itself
>still seething this hard
pathetic and sad, please cope

Very based

Second one from the left, the long wavy hearied girl.

Attached: evcc0038.jpg (640x480, 137K)

It's a combo starter
Zak 3 -> Mike 3 -> John 3
Zakeru -> Mikeru -> Joneru in Japan. I don't know wtf Koji-fox was thinking because the -ru line of spells is all AOE but -eru is all single target.

Receive my seed TOHSAKA

Attached: bh09.jpg (640x480, 158K)

These anime characters are all 18 btw

Attached: evcc0037.jpg (640x480, 157K)

It would be cool if there was a job called Verminion Master where you could summon minions you collected and each pet has a different skill. Almost like BLU except with minions and isn't a Limited Job.

Boring hags

Attached: evcc0035.jpg (640x480, 134K)

Found the zoomer

What area in XIV is this place?

Attached: bd06me0.jpg (800x600, 528K)

You have to be a boomer to enjoy age difference.

>Weeabo doesn't actually know what he's talking about at all
>Still has clear wishes based off of literally nothing but his own retarded biases

A latefag cutscene watcher's wound

UwU who's sucking on my cock rn?

Attached: h04_1.jpg (800x600, 74K)

all gay people I know play as male characters - mostly catboys, roes and hrothgar

>projecting tranny so btfo they stopped replying
lmao @ ur life

Lalafell and her cute elezen pet!

Attached: h14.jpg (800x600, 231K)

What the? My lalafell is sprouting wings?

Attached: 47.jpg (800x600, 355K)

>someone stops replying to you for 1 second
>ppppppppppppleeeeeeeeeease come back PLEASEEEEEEE
no wonder you need someone to watch cutscenes with you while you dilate

Any more of this?

Attached: 75012F6D-513A-4824-8180-1158C902D3B7.jpg (1024x542, 45K)

If this thread wasn't terrible already, now it has truly gone to shit, why is it so amusing watching a dumpster fire escalating.


Attached: ah06a.jpg (640x480, 141K)

>bitch out like a tranny
>get called a bitch like a tranny would love
>seethe over it
doesn't make sense desu

Fucking normiefag can't appreciate good visual novels. It's okay casual scum.

Ciel can help you.

Attached: CEL_H01.jpg (256x192, 19K)


Hey i just started playing this mmo any tips?

All of them are 18.
You have to save Ciel! What would you do next?!

Attached: CEL_E08.jpg (256x192, 26K)


take the lala pill!

Attached: 1533181074804.png (1200x1200, 2.41M)

Play on Primal datacenter and I'll give you free items since I'm a rich veteran player.

Attached: 1510255721247_0.webm (1280x720, 827K)

Attached: High_impact_sexual_headpatting.webm (638x640, 2.04M)

>imagine other people's seethe because you project your seething cope onto them every post
this is just sad, dilate

What is going on in this thread.

Why would you want to use 2 hands just to turn around when you can use one? There's ZERO benefits to playing on Standard and you're a retard if you do

Why would you need 2 hands to just turn around while using standard? You right click and flip the fucking mouse. Using 1 hand.
I'm starting to think that retards who complain about standard don't even know how it works.

>still seething
>not coping
poor tranny

Attached: 150970470945.jpg (1920x1080, 60K)

mouses have sidebuttons. can be used to activate abilities while turning 2160 degrees in half a second.

1.0 had a leveling glitch?


What did YoshiP mean by this?

Attached: 18vxcgwq8bi3fjpg.jpg (1600x900, 78K)

On the one hand, it's incredibly yikes and problematic, on the other hand I don't know.

The story isn't bad
The problem is that it isn't good and was pretty forgettable most of the time
The sidequests are nice but the rest of it just sorta blurs together as you never get deep enough in anything to truly care about it, yet you move too slowly for the story to have any good pacing
And it just gets worse in the bit between ARR and HW

It's not bad, just not good
But if you skip it, then you won't know much of the world and stuff referenced later, which makes HW a lot harder to enjoy

Replace this image with XIV and Trannies.

Attached: architect.jpg (2418x640, 819K)

You're still turning the camera away from the boss even if it's for a split second, it's still more inefficent than just pressing S on the keyboard. Tell me one advantage of Standard please. The only one I can think of is that it makes OOB glitching easier

>tfw expert roulette
>BLM is using Fire II, not using despair, still using transpose
>tell them they will do more damage if they flare/freeze for aoe and cap off their fire spam with despair
>"no, is not as good, flare and despair makes my MP to 0"
>tell them its fine since the 72 skill makes having 0 MP a non issue in your rotation
>"no, is how I always play"
>say they will do much more damage that way
>"shut up, I do my job fine, leave me alone"
I hate this game sometimes

Attached: 1363940768675.png (475x792, 490K)

Nice pasta waiter, give chef my thanks.

Attached: 23826900-handsome-late-20s-black-man-praying-with-hopeful-expression-isolated-on-a-white-background. (857x864, 115K)

you don't have to turn away from the camera if you're fast enough with the mouse or use camera locking button.

you can unbind the S key and bind it to something else. I bind it to my mount.

Did you guys trigger a wowfag or something?

To be fair, I'd tell off some smartass immediatly who tries to tell me how to play as well, regardless if it's good advice or not. Go be a mr. knowitall smartass fucker somewhere else, you can't force me to admit I was wrong in something. That's just not how it works.

I just started playing ffxiv give me tips, also should i play classic wow?

fucky-wucky yourself in the assy-gassy

Who didn't we trigger at this point?

24 a day? What does it mean.

Yeah, its a bunch of max level players babysitting you for half an hour and they get a bunch of freebies for it. Just watch the cutscenes dummy, you literally only have to do it once and then never again

>"no, is how I always play"
Yes, I, too, continue using Shadow Flare and Bane as SCH like always
Why can't people adjust to fucking CHANGE

Dear waiter you must be confused.
We did not order this pasta to this table but I think that is waiting their order.

Attached: images.jpg (189x266, 6K)

why is there spam happening in this thread?

This thread has been a dumpster fire for hours now, what does it matter.

i think someone doesn't like ffxiv.

I'm surprised it's still up, XIV threads are usually deleted for much less.

>I'd tell someone off for trying to help me get better at my job too
yeah, they took the time to write out how you could be doing better and instead of at least considering it, you take it as a personal attack because you literally just can't accept you may have been doing something wrong, so you lash out instead
>you can't force me to admit I was wrong in something
so you can't accept criticism and you can't accept you made a mistake? are you a literal underage?

how do i play DROGOON

should i play ffxiv or classic wow?

So what you're saying is I need to start dumping loli in WoW Classic threads?


Attached: 1566232175258.jpg (400x335, 75K)

>mods give an inch deleting the previous threads spamming Tsukihime porn rather than just deleting and blocking it
>now it started doing this
Good job retards

Attached: dead.png (500x409, 253K)

How much of eureka is soloable? I obviously only unlocked it long after anyone would willingly do it, but all I really want is that DRK Odin blade

why did this thread go to shit

is there any sources for good ffxiv information that isn't reddit xiv or here?
i mean holyshit somethings wrong with here

Wowfags or autism, probably both

Do you want me to go to WoW Classic threads?

No, it's all bad, this game's community as a whole is awful
Just use the wikis for what you can, and for everything else you should just find an FC full of friendly boomers or something to help you

I'm at the tail end of SB, but how does someone start getting into the harder content if they're late and everyone already knows the fights?

Can someone rec me a good pov toilet Sim? Or just lewd games with scat as a focus

You create lerning groups in PF and hope people join for your wipefest, which it inevitably will be because all the competent players have cleared it weekly, only the trash struggles still and the occasional competent player who was late, but they are not enough to carry the trash so it will be an eternal wipefest until you luck it out and get a clear so you can join PF farm groups. Things will still be a bit shitty but it should take less time to get clears now, even if not by much.

What was Emet implying with his comment that you might remember the previous calamities, and that should you survive the next ones you could join him? I get the feeling there is much more to the warrior of light than we know.

Classic if you like old school MMOs, XIV if you like themeparks

Each calamity was the rejoining of a shard
After all the shards rejoin the ascian home world will return
WoL is the shard of an ascian, so after the rejoining they'd be the same as Emet

>nooooooo stop having fun

Will this make it so we only have a single market board to?

It'll be 5 pages full of Duty Roulette Expert selling shit.

>he thinks WoW is an "old school MMO"

Go play Everquest then instead of being a semantic retard

>stormblood just fucking ends out of nowhere

Attached: 1558196681802.png (1035x920, 133K)

How difficult is Titan Savage?

remember heavensward threads?

Attached: hwcat.png (1000x1282, 1.42M)

Rushed as fuck ending.

Imagine queueing up for this shit then complaining about having to watch the cutscenes
just don't queue for it you retarded child

Did you really want it to keep going?

Stormblood ended with Tsukuyomi. Everything after until 5.0 was Shadowbringers prelude.

Seriously guys I need scat porn games. Rec me some please

It was a good ending, the song together was a great moment to cap it off.

Just accept that it's over
It can't hurt you any more

What the fuck statics are you going for? World first clear statics?
The most I've ever had requested of me was to not be a graylet

>palace of the dead is 3 years old

Attached: e36.jpg (218x231, 5K)

Progging 4s now, the static is a little slow but on Crystal beggars can't be choosers

Yeah, it kind of does, huh
Now prepare for several patches' worth of teasing about Garlemald that ultimately leads in pretty much the opposite direction
Remember to do the optional content like the Four Lords trials and Omega and Ivalice alliance raids, they're fun

the "no doubles" shit is fucking retarded, my best E2S run has been with two black mages

Stormblood was shit in terms of plot. You can pretty much ignore 4.0 shit and only pay attention to 4.x content and be just fine. Hell, you can buy one of those shitty story skip potions just to skip Stormblood (while having played ARR and HW) and still be perfectly fine for Shadowbringers plot because 4.0 plot has barely any fucking impact overall.

I have met one. My friends had huge problems with them but funnily enough I got along well with them decently well.
They got kicked out of the FC for being a cunt to the others and I haven't spoken with them since.

Why is the mere mention of FFXIV can send Classicucks into a raging spiral ?

They aren't actually mad
They are just paid shills doing their job to earn that sweet activision money

Black mages are overpowered is why

place your bets, Hildibrand quests for 5.0 will either feature
1) Hildibrand and crew warping through space and time into the First
2) The firsts own Hildibrand counterpart
3) Both and the two Hildibrand's assist each other in some retarded way

and yet PF groups thinks they're trash and lock them out, recruit a RDM and a DNC instead and end up never clearing

They are rewarded for knowing 100% of the fight.
MNK, on the other hand, are overpowered as fuck.
>12k DPS is grey

>MNK, on the other hand, are overpowered as fuck
MNK deserves to be OP after how shit it was before 5.05.

4. All of the above

I know one (1) transy in XIV and she is okay for casual interactions but also terrible at the game. I say she to be polite. She's mostly harmless but is also obsessed with the typical tranny stuff other than social justice - i.e. overly-cutesy anime girls, beautiful warrior woman characters, etc. It mostly stands out because all the straight real girls I know in XIV are obsessed with anime dudes like Cloud.

All of these at the same time

>MNK deserves to be OP after how shit it was before 5.05.
WAR mains everyone.

These but also with a power rangers team of gilgameshes featuring Odin

Have you noticed thread quality got better after the shitposting?

Hildibrand got summoned by the Crystal Exarch when the scions did (because he's bound to you by fate or whatever) and has been living on the First as a spirit-body or whatever for years - longer than any of the scions. He's been solving mysteries with the First's version of Nashu, who is searching for the First's version of Hildibrand, who is missing. The ending to the whole quest line will be a bad joke about looking for food or someting.

More of the same Slapstick since 2.0. Fucking change it up, it's dull.

The reverse is also true

I just wanna talk about video games man, why do people gotta shitpost about that?

Attached: 1434993943902.png (1920x1080, 2.37M)

WAR is a tank though. Nothing to do with MNK.
WAR is fine as it is, the people who main WAR are just salty they're no longer the flat out best Tank and that they're all pretty much fine.
MNK on the other hand has always been rather mediocre, and it only got worse and worse. 5.05 literally saved MNK from being eternally shit or eternally mediocre.

What the absolute blue blazing fuck is going on in this thread, is someone from /xivg/ off their meds again?

I just realized they'll bring him back and he'll be how Hildibrand gets into the First. Calling it now.

Who /NIN/ here?

MNK was fine for most of Stormblood. It has overshadowed SAM almost since its inception.

Shitposting from XIV players having melties is just so common now it doesn't even phase me.

should i play ffxiv or classic? what do you think will be more fun?

How many shitposters were there?

>I just realized they'll bring him back and he'll be how Hildibrand gets into the First. Calling it now.
So you did not do SB hildy quests? Because last quest make the set up pretty clear.

>c@s still aren't real

Attached: 1501713610899.png (631x732, 24K)

I stopped touching Hildibrand quests after HW's lot of them.

But if you want to only sub to one of them at a time, get to end game in XIV, unsub, then play Classic (or the other way around)
XIV is literally designed for you to unsub until a new patch comes that interests you, there are very few rewards for players who commit really hard to the game

Classic is a bid for nostalgia, but it was solid for the time
If you don't have good memories of back then, you probably won't enjoy it much. If you do, they'll be a good way to relive those memories

XIV is ongoing, starts a lot slower but ends up being pretty good. If you're patient enough to stick with it it will probably be better for a player who hasn't played both. But it will also be around for a long time to come, so don't feel pressured into choosing immediately

Attached: shadowniggers.jpg (500x770, 72K)

Ffxiv has free trial so start with that.

Everyone is in agreement that retail is shit
We're talking about Classic

I wasn't around during Heavensward but that seems like a pretty big and good patch. PotD and HoH is some of my favourite content in this game.
Should I expect 5.1 to be of an equal size in terms of content?

That literally never happens again so

Thanks guys

>Crystal is dead now

this is what you ERPing gaijins get

Attached: 1815825.webm (294x233, 2.9M)

>still looks like 10

Attached: 1562858444554.png (512x787, 198K)

Better look 9 when she's 15.

Because I’m a guy

Not everyone is a frothing horndog.

I don't even get how anyone manages to do only 5k as SAM at ilvl 440(the minimum requirement to even participate in e1s).
5k damage was considered bad at the end of Stormblood, and you get more damage than that just hitting 1-2-3 over and over without using any oGCDs at ilvl 440.
Someone explain.

Fuck you, I didn't ask to be put into the same DC as all the RPers when the server split came around, and I'm not paying money just to get off of it, especially when I still have a couple pals who play on Diabolos.

If you die you do 0 dps
Maybe he was dead all that fight?

NIN is dead brother, play MNK.

>do great DPS throughout a dungeon
>no coms

Attached: 1548180040254.gif (487x560, 899K)

Its just the curse of being a DPS.
Even if you btfo everyone in terms of DPS, most people will throw comms to healers or tanks.

>do great DPS throughout the dungeon
>give a com to the other DPS
>other DPS gives a com to me

Attached: 1361532808550.jpg (500x709, 68K)

>play healer
>no coms
>play BLM
>2 coms every time

Attached: Typical BLM.webm (852x480, 2.42M)

how do i remove my sprout?
i can't stand those """mentors""" in my dungeons anymore

Attached: 1552846102605.jpg (453x604, 65K)

>do nothing but press Art of War for ten minutes
>always get comms
Just play better lmao

right click your character -> edit search info

>do great throughout dungeon
>receive no comms because the first thing i do after a run is open the duty menu and dip

oh, thanks

>Alliance roulette healing
>Other healer does fuck all through the entire thing
>0 comms for keeping these shits alive

Yeah I tend to get coms when I play BLM in expert roullette and clean out mobs in seconds

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There's no wah to get rid of mentors unfortunately, even when you remove the sprout you'll still need to deal with them in dungeons

>get in dungeon
>mostly catgirls and humans
>get in raid
>exact same thing
>literally no one wants to be an elezen
I'm seriously considering changing my race

>have dipshit teammates in regards to E4N to the point where I ended up having to raise 13 times
>eat 5 landslides pulling off an LB3 to revive the entire fucking party bar the main tank at 5%
>0 comms

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>Carry everyone as healer in a trial
>Everyone rushes to the exit
>No comm
I hate this community just a little bit.

I'm leveling NIN now as I love complex jobs and I suspect it's gonna get buffed next patch. Am I making a mistake?

>Alliance roulette healing
>can dps to my hearts content knowing the other healer will always pick up the slack
>guaranteed 3+ commends because everyone loves a healer who does dps

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Kek name?

>having to raise 13 times
should've healed them instead, slut

5 days is a pretty leisurely pace.
I finished ShB's MSQ in 2 days because I only slept a total of 6 hours in those 48 hours, but I didn't skip through cutscenes and actually finished all the side quests in the new areas as I went.

>not playing the race you enjoy the most
You don't want to watch that, it's terrible.

who should i give coms to?

It's a trash anime. Like I don't even know how it got an anime.

I'm still confused how the journal works. I did a level 50 dungeon and did Thordan yesterday and neither counted

from elezen or to catgirl human? Elezen are top tier, we need more of them

CAN'T HEAL WHEN THEY GET PUNCHED OFF OR STAND IN ONE SHOT BOMB RADIUS. Like the second the fucking fight started the BLM, MNK and DRG dropped and started begging for a reset

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Elezen is the master race as was Elvaan. They are blind to the truth and you are a fool to even consider lowering yourself to their level brother.

"Seven shadows cast, seven fates foretold.
Yet at the end of the broken path lies death, and death alone!"

Poor laddie, at least you aren't a slaying dps. Trying to get Ramza's set is a headache and a half.

show me how to make a good looking elezen and il change.
I'm playing highlander.

tfw you always comm good healers or tanks they earned it.

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If you die I'm not raising you

You get 2. You can have an off day and whatever I won't be salty or a hardass for that.

What's astrologian whole thing with healing? How is it now? Looks kind of fun

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I have it at 72. It's ass. It's actually legit ass. I don't know who would like new AST. You're so fucking gutted with healing and your damage is trash. Sure you get buffs, but GL when your tank's health is ping ponging.

Good thing I won't, then.

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they're in a pretty sorry state

>Eden EX
Lmao look at this retarded drone who doesn't even play the game

You can pretend you're helping the group by giving cards to the DPS
They won't really care, but you might get a pity comm for trying

>implying I'll clear Eden Normal
>implying I'll do any raid
>impying I won't just level each job and work on glamours instead

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