Wait a minute, those numbers

Wait a minute, those numbers...

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the numbers....... chihiro would know she's a programmer

If Chihiro knew the numbers, wouldn't that make
the only suspect, considering only
would know the meaning of those numbers unless someone else just knew what this random ass number meant?

This is retarded for us, but some user brought up a good point in that Nips aren't English masterminds like you or I, so they might not have been able to figure it out at first. I still wish it wasn't the final nail in the coffin of the case, because it completely detracts from the quality of the franchise's opening case for all english players.

Did the japanese version of the game use it as well, or was the texture changed for the english release?

Far as I know it's the same texture.


You might be thinking you're clever and funny, but they never implied that only Chihiro could know, just that she might be more likely to know.

No way fag

My name is 7718, I wrote it down so I wouldn't forget.

Why did they bring up religion in the game guys?

Fuck off Bill, your name is even gayer than Richards who call themselves Dick. If my name were Bill I bet I'd be bald and if I were bald I'd fucking kill myself

>immediately realized it spelt leon
>have to wait for all dumbfuck characters to catch up

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I have moments like this in many games but then have brainlet moments later on.


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Isn't that the case for basically all of Dangitronpaul

>never realised it spelled Leon until Kyoko said so
>now I feel retarded because apparently everyone here got it instantly

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I could understand not getting it immediately if you were ESL, it takes a level of familiarity with the letters to recognize when they show up backwards.

that bitch

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>immediately realized it spelt Leon
>couldn't remember who Leon was

I see backwards LEON

>That art
Not tonight I guess.

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>Leo the second

Literally did nothing wrong.

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wait a minute, that card...

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Tbh this makes a lot of sense in Japanese because of how the L works in Japanese. 怜恩 would be read as “Rei on” in romaji, so I can see a Japanese guy not familiar with English getting stuck here.

However it makes anyone that knows English solve this way easier. I thought it was a red herring because of how easy it was.

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The japs figured it out even quicker because Leon is one of two characters with an english name.

He killed my waifu; I'll never forgive him for it

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I’ve never played this game and know nothing about it. But my first thought when seeing that image was, “looks like LEON upside down.”

Your waifu is a slut bitch, user

This is correct.

>gravel in the swimsuit

This. Japanese people have a hard time the L. For example Luigi is pronounced “Ruigi” and some merch is even spelled like that

Leon’s name as far as I know isn’t spelled using romaji at the point where you see the code. So I can see Japanese people think it be spelled as “Rion” or some shit

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meat on the bone.

V3's ending is pure kino, anyone who disagrees is an autist who can't comprehend the concept of two separate canons, with one that has the other canon as in-universe fiction

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what would bill's execution be like

your waifu probably took a shit ton of old japanese dick in order to get to stardom. I'm fairly certain she says she had to do some things that she was not proud of to reach stardom.


Reminded of Lenore and allowed to kill himself.

Like shooting a walrus.

Did dangan 1 post credits ever lead to anything? A lone monokuma wakes up not being controlled by junko.

2 and v3 had had a completely different reason to why they started.

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Apparently they had been dating during the normal school life, and it was possible that Leon had knocked her up shortly before the game began.

What happens in that year where everyone memories where erased


>numbers flew over my head until they explained it in the trial
>but as soon as I investigated the garbage room I was 99% sure who it was because the crystal ball looked kinda like a baseball so it had to have been baseball guy
what did I mean by this

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High functioning autism

Noel...damn you Santa Claus.

>tfw once posted a komaeda reaction image in an unrelated thread and got a 11037
hope is a hell of a drug

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This was really bad for me during v3-4. They seriously spent like an hour figuring out the world had screen wrap when I figured it out before the fucking murder even happened.

Anyone who agrees with you is a retard that can be entertained for literally hours by having a single easily understandable plot twist explained over and over and over and over and over and over again. When it was revealed I thought it was interesting, 3 hours later as it reiterated it for the 27th time I just despised the game and only carried on playing in the hopes that I would see all of the characters' brutal deaths.

In my opinion, she's the official waifu to the guy who made that 90-page essay explaining her innocence. Only someone that dedicated would claim someone like her as their waifu.

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>tfw expected twist that the killer used her hand to write it and frame Leon

I think this led to UDG.

>implying she didn't and everything but dying from her injuries was all according to kiekkaku