Other urls found in this thread:
Me on the right
People will always do what they want making shitty webcomics won't stop them.
me on the left
when they literally verbatim ask "please send me a death threat"
Death threats to webcomic comic artists are still ok.
some people deserve unlimited violence
How does anyone find this funny?
Define death threats.
No, "kys" isn't one.
How else do you handle dialogue in a comic, aside from floating text?
Are death threats the biggest meme in journalism?
These fags always hype up internet death threats as if niggers are constantly flying planes across countries to murder everyone they got into an internet argument with.
I'm saying it becomes an issue when there's more text bubble than comic.
dont overload a visual medium with dialogue and put more work into your art showing so that you dont have to spend so much time telling
As a game developer I agree. Honestly anyone who sends death threats or rape threats even ironically should be insta banned.
it's a really spicy phrase, like how fuck shit cunt are spicy sounding curse words and why they're considered the worst. "Threats of violence" just doesn't have the same zing to it
you a bitch I hope your corpse gets raped when you get killed by me,
why do they care why do they care why do they care it's not rela life you can say whatever you want why do they want everything fucked and censored why do they care
egomaniacs are like that, if you don't have complete totalitarian control then you're not happy
Fuck you fag I'm gonna rape your corpse after I pulverize your mom with a brick and destroy her cunt
the first rule of comics is 'show, don't tell'. The comic itself may as well not even exist if he needs paragraphs to actually get his message across
>video games don't make people violent
>proceeds to threaten someone with violence at the end
It's part of the joke, right? Buckley doesn't lack that much self awareness, does he?
He's right you know, don't send death threats.
Just fucking kill them instead.
The plague made her stupid
Under what circumstances is it acceptable to send death threats to your unborn child?
where can i get a shirt that says "THE INTERNET"
When you're a godless heathen.
When you can get you unborn child who hasn't yet developed some basic motor skills, not to mention ability to recognize (not understand, just recognize) speech a communication device and get it to use said device somehow.
I always wonder how exactly those threats actually look like. Like you think some dev would show some “examples” already cause they make them sound so serious that some twat from 2000 miles away will make that mission to travel and harm them because of their $50 purchase.
But what if-
when they are so mentally/physically deformed that a mercy kill is more justifiable than a lifetime existence of pain and misery.
Crummy "spices"
Should've gotten water instead
lmfao he keeps interrupting him
why is goku mexican?
Goku has always been mexican
>comic artist want to write a blog or some long preachy facebook post
>instead they insert their stupid personal blog into their lazily drawn 4 panel comic filled with text bubbles
Here's an idea for all of these fucks. If you want to write a fucking blog post, WRITE A FUCKING BLOG POST! Just because you draw comics doesn't mean you have to do it for literally everything you want to say online. You can just post your stupid and probably malformed opinion to twitter or some equally stupid shit you vain fucks.
this is true gringos can't handle spice
this lmao
Why does it say 9/11 on the bottom left
why the fuck are game developers suddenly becoming a protected class? i work in a call center and i get people telling me they will kill me/i should kill myself multiple times a day, who fucking care just get over it and move on jesus fucking wept it's just words
it's making sure you never forget
>pic is goku slicing kebab meat
LMAO white people, am i right fellas?
Is that guy that brazilian DB youtuber
I think he's taking a picture with that place because it became a meme and he probably came across it in some trip?
every time I see this post, I feel obligated to mention that there is a noticeable exception to this rule, and his name is Florida Man
Gringos putos
>Basic Human Decency
Faggots sure love throwing that phrase around.
its a joke snowflake gringo
post the pokemon one
It literally says "tacos" on the wall can't you read?
I'm gonna assume you are european so let me elucidate. In the middle of the 20th century there was a large amount of Lebanese immigrants to mexico, their kebab was such a hit that making kebab tacos is basically commonplace now. They call it "trompo" which means "top" like a spinning top, a beyblade.
mad about whites... !
Stop being retarded.
This type of shit is embarrassing because you know they're using it to portray themselves as victims.
If you actually want to kill somebody you never tell them beforehand for obvious reasons. Somehow this fact escapes the average person these days. Even dumb animals know this. It's why they stalk their prey and evolved to blend in with their surroundings.
It's been like a lot of other words misused and boy who cried wolf. "Kill urself lol" is a death threat. Which it shouldn't be.
"I'm going to go and kill you and rape the body" is a death threat.
that first one isn't even a threat, it's an imperative statement
Those are good eyes, user
Joke was exhausted in the first panel
I feel like thees death threats are sent by 3rd world savages, I haven't met a single white american who says 'They need to fucking burn with their children in a car because of this!' or some dumb shit. They get mad but move on.
>death threats on the internet
oh, my, god
Oh I get it, because someone who is autistic wouldn't think that is rude or socially unacceptable to say, because they would be autistic, but since she actually isn't autistic, she can still identify it as socially unacceptable.
we should have a national conversation on how death threats will always be present on the internet and you faggots are going to have to live with it.
English, Motherfucker! Do you speak it?
La pura neta, cabron. Goku a la Mexicana es la única manera de disfrutarlo.
>millions of gamers
>gamers just like me
>don't fuck with us
quick and to the point
I'm going to kill you OP
based and redpilled
cringe and bluepilled
The game journalist cries out in pain as he strikes you
This isn't the Tupac song I remember
Well maybe you SHOULD kill yourself if you can't understand why this is a real problem and empathize with these game dev's.
You should always tell someone to kill themself, instead of threatening them.
It's much more polite.
>when is it okay to make a death threat about yourself
>Please, just fucking kill yourself so I don't have to do it.
>after last panel
"Okay, I see it now"
what constitutes a death threat for these people?
ive seen people in the past post a screenshot of some random saying "kys trash" as an example and i just cant get behind that
sending something like their address, or just a "i know where the studio is and im gonna kill you" or some such is the only thing that makes sense to me
Damn, people find loopholes really fast. Pretty clever in my opinion.
Ahoy lads, i remember seeing some webcomic about a ghost girl on a graveyard doing stuff like spooking people and such. There was also a zombie girl and the art style was pretty cute.
Does anyone know what it was called?
maybe she is too autistic to recognize that he is mistaking autism for Aspergers and down syndrome
What if they break into your house, shit on your bed and then brag about it on Twitter?
If you live in a based state you just kill them right there and get a spot in the evening news as a hero.
someone should send death threats to tim cuckly for ruining the medium of comics.
It disgusts me to have interest in this medium knowing it'll get drowned out hy roastie Tumblr shit and uninspired boring artwork.
My schizophrenia fueled masterpiece thats vaguely pro fascist while dealing with concepts of incompetence and being absoulete for a new world will go unappreiciated until im dead and buried if at all and im ok with this because my friends enjoy my self published zines and im even in the works of getting my stuff in my local library.
>stay angry and creative and never give up your integrity even if it leads you nowhere because at the end at least you told the story you wanted to tell
Double Based
uninspired trust-funded college roastie Tumblr comic #475031095
I remember a webcomic where instead of speech bubbles, they showed off the dialogue in a VN log style in the tops and bottoms of each panel.
It seemed to work well ebough
Do people take internet death threats seriously?
The artist is reminding everyone that he actually did 9/11.
Heard over the radio today that an underage b& got arrested for making threats to shoot up his school in a game.
go ahead and link me bro, I'm interested.
So the moral of the story is that normies and autists are both retarded in different ways.
It's always amusing when some crybaby whines about getting internet death threats like they mean fucking anything.
why are people so triggered by death threats? by definition it's only words, and statistically not even mass shooters use them.
>all the sociopaths ITT
Should've known.
Only one needs to be real.
its gay when comics lecture while trying to be funny instead of just being funny
I got banned for a month on this site for saying I was going to kill someone
Yeah? When was the last time some random internet commenter talking shit over some trivial nonsense actually followed through with it? People on the internet make hollow threats, validating them with fear only gives them exactly what they want.
>fix your game you fucking faggots or I'll kill you.
who the hell doesn't just laugh at this? reading angry newgrounds review was my favourite fucking thing ever. why are devs today such pussies?
A month ago I'd agree with you, but after Kyoani, you kinda have to start taking it seriously.
>like how fuck shit cunt are spicy sounding curse words and why they're considered the worst.
Those are old hat. You want to shock someone now you need to call them a nigger.
The police does if you bother to file a report. People who aren't massive attention whores usually don't bother.
Swatting happens all the time. It doesn't need to be a death threat specifically.
LMAO get dunked on kiddo
You need to worry about non-death threats. when someones going to kill you they wont bother telling you.
literally who?
Death threats here just make you look like a massive faggot so your faggotry levels probably just got too high to not ban is all.
That's not a death threat, though.
Is it a threat? Yes. A death threat? No.
The difference is pretty fucking significant from a legal standpoint.
There is unironically absolutely nothing funny about that. You have a bizarre sense of humor.
Dude i used to go death threat fishing on xbox live.
Seven lives for my country
Not saying the reactions you might get can't be funny, just that there was nothing funny about that quote.
Still, it's better to go for salt. Calling someone a noob or gg ez will net you better results than death threats.
I want to read your work
Yea Forums has lots of creative insane people, and they're always a blast
But death threats are the purest form of salt.
underrated post
I just thought of this after seeing an ad about spicy salsa
You can't spell "Spicy" without "Spic"
GTFO normalfag
Better than an unfunny lecture.
Mario’s a nigger
Nah, that ain't it but it's pretty close. It was more chibi-like
Will work on transfering digitally, the fact I've sparked interest is the fuel i need.
Don't forget the name "anonymous" I'm gonna be big one day you'll see, you'll all see!
My own mother called me a psychopath, I don't understand why.
mothers are women and most women are retarded.
Who knew a woman doesnt know how to raise a man, lack of male role models and father figures isnt the main reason but its a solid reason why a lot of men are fucking retarded.
>a faggot dad is better then no dad even but that might be a stretch
Hehe, mothers of gamers are so silly, right?
lol you two remind me of this funny comic i read lol
I have a father as well
Do people get genuinely upset when I tell them to kill themselves?
Nope. Tim didn't even have the balls to say "don't say death threats" outright, he needs to make a shitty comic with a "quirky" strawman that does nothing but send death threats and his self-insert that literally lectures him. "The internet" is so dumb, they don't get it, lol! It's fucking pathetic
I'd fuck both of them.
And yet I'll bet he goes into hysterics over scantily clad women in games.
So she's not autistic then.
The goalposts, dahnald
You all should remember that definition of autism has been broadened, people who would have been diagnosed as just aspergers at most back in 90s are diagnosed as autists today.
they don't, it's just means of bringing someone you don't like down
>(C) Noelle Adams
Like ANYONE is going to want to pass this shit off as their own.
>politicians get death threats all the time
>live longer than your fucking mum
Oh yeah sure, because some unstable Jap burned your favorite anime nerd house. Look retard, if anyone wanted you dead, you'd be fucking dead no matter how seriously you take precautions. Maybe you're just lucky it's just some random fag here "threatening" to rape your family with a knife.
Still sad tho whatever to those animators. RIP.
You got a laugh out of me, at least.
>yes, I am a new player, how did you guess?
Because when people say "autistic" the image of some downs kid with the droopy eyes and retarded look flashes across their mind.
Unless you're ultra-low functioning you don't 'look' autistic, you 'act' it.
This is what i'm talking about. If anyone wanted any you insignificant faggots dead for real, you'd be dead already. Period. Too bad the average channer is some beta cuck who is autistic enough to know im just using buzzwords to make them seethe.
>said by 3rd world savage
Look, dumbshit. People threaten violence in America like it's nothing because THEY CAN. You poor pissants in n**gerland can't do shit anyway.
It's gatekeeping for thin-skinned faggots. If some anonymous faggot sending you death threats over the internet, sms or mail gets so under your skin that you cease functioning then you probably should an hero.
>no lee
ding dong the witch is dead
>”how did you guess?”
>”you’re wearing the starting gear”
>Big Bang Theory audience laughs and applauds
Why would you ever take anonymous shitposters and internet tough guys seriously?
I mean, if someone where I work was threatening to kill me I'd worry, but not if some random 12 year old on twitter does it.
Well, this. If someone really wants to kill you, that someone will do it, death threats or not.
If you agree that "KYS" is not a death threat, then 99.9% of all death threats video game "journalists" have ever gotten suddenly disappear.
I really miss the Girlz 'n' Games era of Yea Forums shitposting
As someone who used to work in care and as a special education needs (SEN) teacher, there is quite a large pool of physical traits (usually the more server) and physical giveaways that autistic people usually have.
Being told that you do not possess any of these would be a compliment, or is her not understanding this the gag?
>tfw hanging out in starter areas mooching free shit from generous veterans before sending it to my main
It's a jewish kind of feel, and i love it.
Based Joker vocaroo posters
Holy shit! reminds me of this!
In her recent career she was "official Tomb Raider cosplay ambassador" whatever it means.
>the virgin Buckley
>the Chad Cicierega
My dad is a total pussywhipped bitch - constantly asking my mother for opinion, being religious, talking almost exclusively in responsibility-avoiding language, but at the same time pretty homophobic and proud of just having bred.
He gave me some valuable lessons, but only once I started learning to be the opposite of him in those regards.
Not sure if a bitch father is better than no father. Fatherless children tend to search for surrogate fathers and those can be better than bitch father.
Though at least bitch father children don't end up criminal so often.
This. Funny how we never see full transcripts of these supposed death threats whenever devs whine about them.
Sure would be a good idea to shame these retards publicly.
esl retard
This gives me strong lewd vibes
If not for the coca cola on big dude's torso, I'd expect them to fuck in next panel
>Hunter x Hunter
Why do burgers lack self-awareness?
I too play OSRS on members worlds
It is very sad that people feel they have to resort to these sorts of tactics to avoid being bullied.
Seek help Cumskull
I'm not, though
It's just that it looks like porn
The problem is we shouldn't have "threats" at all. In the past, when men settle disputes they would have duels. One was the absolute winner and the other was absolutely wrong.
In this modern society humans have become a shell of their former ancestors. Devs and gamers act tough but they're both cowards in the end. Neither side is scared of the other. Companies should be scared of the consumer the way that leaders and politicans used to be scared of the people, but no longer and what we've got is evil getting away with evil.
It doesn't, seek help
*nods respectfully towards you*
Get help for your eyes.
and they are, what?
>being religious
M'gent, do you prefer sword duels or are gun duels fine?
Swords, because the person had to have some skill and strength to weld a sword.
Not that I'm undermining guns
Hey I know the guy who said this
to avoid being bullied, stop being fucking weird. that's literally all it takes. I was bullied mercilessly as a kid. I quit being weird and now me and my former bully are friends 10 years later. stop reading hentai at the school lunchtable or wearing a fedora or whatever and you'll be fine.
>death threat from angry video gamer
>death threat carrying literally any weight
pick one
This doesn't make sense, your brain is full of cum
>I define what is acceptable in society for everyone
I really, really like that image
Somebody please explain this. I have always wondered
>I quit being weird and now me and my former bully are friends 10 years later
Oh, so you became "that guy". What a loser, shameful.
You sound really salty about the term and like you're trying to devalue it so you can say
>it means everything so it means nothing!
yeah just turn into a normalfag and completely change your personality and then you will be happy!
Kill yourself.
I'm actually not, you're the retard for seeing porn everywhere
Are you really this fucking retarded or just b8ing?
I was an autistic weirdo as a kid, was never bullied because I wasn't a manlet.
You can't be a manlet as a kid. You have to be a man to be a manlet.
Only when you are in waifu industry.
Otherwise you are just a pussy.
Aspergers is a kind of autism, user.
A funny comic would have been
>them arguing for the first few panel
>second last panel red shirt guy says "but what if they are EA or activision?"
>teacher goes "oh just death threats arent enough for them!"
I dont even write comics but atleast thats something unexpected and actually a joke
We all do bro. It was huge last night.
>you became "that guy"
if by "that guy" you mean a normal functioning human being with a job and family, then yes.
if your personality is shit, maybe you should get a better one.
I was getting them since high school.
Sometimes I wish they did it
What helped me was literally just starting a fight with them they would even apologize to me afterwards
Still a milder form. Nowadays even the milder forms are lumped in with autism in general.
Nah, that's an overdone joke.
The "life defender turns out to be a hypocrite when group he dislikes in mentioned" jokes can be seen from a mile away.
By "that guy" I meant the faggot who hangs out with people who abused him.
Imagine being that pathetic, oh wait, you don't have to.
We fought it out like men, I got my ass beat, but I put up a fight, he respected that, and we found out we have more in common than we ever thought. You sound like a bitter young man. Learn to fight and take care of your body, learn to talk to girls, get outside sometimes. Life gets better.
Yeah wow i just came up with it in 1 minute its still better than this shit comic with no joke or anything coming
That's what helped me, we got into a fight, I got my ass beat, but afterwards we started talking and realized we have more in common than we ever thought. It all worked out. Sometimes dudes just need to get into a fight.
I remember a kid who would always go physical when bullied. Not full punch in the face, but just enough to show he won't take shit.
Despite being weak, rather small and kinda goofy, he avoided the worst bullying this way.
As in, he never got spat on, backpack dumped in toilet, beaten up randomly etc.
Wish people didn't tell the weak, weird kids to try to be nice. Being nice only works if you're liked.
Its certainly a million times better than just sitting there and taking it or telling the teacher about it which i also used to do and they would never listen
I felt like such an idiot knowing how easily i could have solved most of my problems
Its why if i might get to be a father someday i will show my kid how to protect himself from bullies because my parents never did
I'm pretty sure they'd change their tone if the dev was a bigot. That makes them less than human so it's ok now.
>Coke branded armor
How much money was coke giving this artist, or was he doing it for free?
A True Japanese Hero
>t. has never had their life threatened but thinks they know what that would be like despite everyone telling them that's retarded
Look at how they treated THQNordic. It's okay to send death threats, but only if the person you're sending it to is a bigot, racist, homophobe, transphobe, anti-semite, islamophobe, pedophile (likes girls under the age 21), or just a republican.
>likes girls under the age 21
*including fictional ones
Actually there is a famous case of a super low functioning who is drop dead gorgeous. It has no physical tells at all except for actions.
not at all the same as someone DMing you on twitter with your address and family member's names telling you explicitly how they're going to kill you
how new
it's in reference to the layout of this comic, otherwise known as loss.jpg
>hurr doesn't count
Post feet
also I'm gonna murder you btw.
women can't be autistic
there's obviously a difference between when you know you're anonymous and when you KNOW they have your fucking address
They can, it's just that they exhibit it differently.
Autistic cunts fake everything and expect everyone to understand their bizarre beliefs.
It's hard to tell it apart from normal women, hence it may seem that women don't have autism.
Just like most of these devs getting "death threats." It's all fake
>you will never make out with the daughter while the mother is sucking your cock
Oh god why live
I was bullied at first but then Sparta kicked my bully down a flight of stairs.
The guy was a notorious asshole and I wasn't the only one he was bullying so the director barely suspended me a week.
After that I could keep being an autistic sperg playing Pokemon during recess without any concern.
Well if you fuck over people you shouldn't expect a warm cup of milk and a blowjob.
Has any game dev ever been killed after receiving a death threat?
why does it have a thailand bumper sticker
>he doesn't know how to hide his powerlevel
You disgust me, weakling
>Living a life without Loss
You've been very fortunate thus far
You've been on Yea Forums for years (hopefully) but it's completely out of your worldview to imagine that there are unhinged autists who will get absurdly mad over trivial things on the internet? So much so that all the devs who speak up about this must be lying? When there are people in this very fucking thread downplaying death threats and trying to act like they're not a big deal?
>You just got bullied because you're weird, stop doing weird things
Must be nice being so ignorant. People are assholes, kids who don't know any better (extremely common in neighborhoods with shit parents) doubly so. I was bullied for literally years for no good reason, and I'm not the only one.
I'm saying that unhinged autists are few and far between and that if they truly felt threatened for their lives they would have contacted the authorities and / or posted the actual threats somewhere online instead of passive aggressively whining about it on reddit.
I'm also saying that most of these "death threats" are akin to people "I wish you would die" and "These people should die" or "I hope you die in a fire" kind of memes.
There hasn't been a single incident of a game dev being murdered or company being attacked by a fan who previously sent them death threats, or any account of anyone specifically targeting a game studio aside from the loosely related Kyoani fire.
It's all just shitposting to get sympathy points for shit that the average internet user reads on a daily basis.
>We're not violent
>Proceeds to threaten the reader at the end
the fucking audacity of this nigger
unironically lol
He's quoting the word tacos so he obviously can read it, you insufferable autistic know-it-all
>just stop being poor like duh
Brcause journalists love writing that in headlines even if the death threats were worded as "I hope you get run over by a semi" which is basically just a "Go fuck yourself"
I actually, just straight up, DON'T BELIEVE in death threats.
No one ever screenshots and shows them. No one ever reveals who sent them. It's always someone crying for sympathy like they nearly got sealed in a gas chamber or something.
The closet thing I've seen are angry PSN/XBL messages which DO NOT COUNT because they're usually from retarded children; or the written angry fan-mail that Hideaki Anno received after Evangelion episodes 25 & 26 which they actually bothered to take footage of and put it into the movie ending - and even then, if you actually look at them, they're mostly valid criticism and not literally threats of physical harm.
But you can't know the experiences of all these people. All you can do is listen to them, or guess. And if you need to come up with a reason for why they're lying, it's less likely than them all just telling the truth.
Also, a lot of these people DO go to the police, there's just nothing the police can do about it.
ok i actually kek'd
Call Planned Parenthood and make them hear it.
>"death threat"
These cretins take ever
as a """"""""""death threat"""""""""". Notice how they never post the actual """""""""threats""""""""" only tell everyone how many they get? Because they are full of bullshit and playing the victim.
Those aren't death threats, those are just abuse. "I hope you die" isn't a threat. Almost the opposite, since if you are reduced to hoping for something, that usually means there isn't a damn thing you could do to expedite it yourself.
Just because I'm not empathetic of them doesn't mean I'm invalidating their "experience," I'm just saying their experience is most likely a farce. I'm sure they felt those emotions and went through the right routes to fix them, but I feel like the root cause was not worthy of alarm.
All I'm asking for is evidence of the straw that broke the camel's back that made them get police help.
>i repeated something i read that somebody else noticed ten years ago when the comic was made
Well the ooblet cucks and journalists love to showcase it as death threats. This is probably the event that created the comic in OP.
>We're not violent.
atleast link the webm with the rising storm jap victory music
> take out a loan
> get a lberal arts degree
> write a book
> doesn't sell or review well
> didn't do good enough to get a Masters
> in a massive pit of debt
> read epic smart and funny comic
> pay loan back
Being a hobo is a good gig.
Aborting a fetus is fine, though
>it became a meme
no it didn't you stupid facebook mouthbreathing motherfucker it's a god damn joke
>based on shawarma spit-grilled meat brought by Lebanese immigrants to Mexico. Being derived from shawarma, it is also similar to the Turkish döner kebab and the Greek gyros.
so its cultural appropriation of a dish by mexicans
It means that the artist drew the comic the 11th of September
when they haven't been using the internet since 1998 so they never experienced chat rooms or IRC or old internet forums
now they're surprised when they put 100% of their life online and somebody finds out about it
dont make my statement any less valid wH*te boi
>and i have never killed anyone
pic related
what game would that work in besides old shit like diablo? i only ever give away shit that is worth inconsequential amounts of money or worthless
Maybe we should stop teaching liberal arts if no one is able to get jobs with them aside from teaching liberal arts.
seething yuro
it does when three other people already pointed it out
quit being a woman
No, we should stop giving student loans for worthless degrees. Liberal arts are being taught because people pay to learn them due to students loans making it possible.
Did the arsonist send a threat to kyoani before burning it to the ground?
>putting a space after the memearrow
why do newfags do this
it's only a recent phenomena nobody did it last year
Not him but there was this dude on my server in wow who hung out in the human starting zone handing out gold to new players.
90% of his customers were me, got like 500 gold off the nerd in a weekend.
This image nearly made me pee, god bless you for posting it.
>milder forms of autism gets lumped in with autism in general
>blue outline for the hair
outstanding, you've bested barneyfag
You literally got treated like the lesser dog in a pack of betas and you saw that as a sign of respect?
>sorry for what
As a game developer I couldn't possibly care less
How do you browse Yea Forums and still not understand that words on the internet hold no meaning?
According to some printed pages in old vidya magazines i read as a kid, it's alright to kill a baby if as an adult he/she invents viruses/bacteria that bring about the extinction of all humans/life.
>being a man and actually fighting those that treat you poorly
>being a bitter faggot who lets life happen to you
wow, this will really turn things around
>she invents
Why would you kill a baby girl just for stealing some dude's evil accomplishment in the future?
Yeah man, anyone who doesn't fight his bullies with his ass and mouth is a faggot.
lol no you don't
that's like taking seriously "you're going to be struck by lightening today"
Ok Yea Forums, when it is acceptable?
The internet is definitely real life now, user.
>all these niggas are absolutely going to pay off this 1.5 trillion debt, I am sure of it
>do thing you know you can expect backlash over
>get shat on
The audacity
have sex
look, I totally get it, being bullied sucks, but at some point you gotta stand up for yourself, there's no shame in losing as long as you fight.
When they put w*men and niggers in games.
Discord just added quoting, and it only triggers if you put a space after the meme arrow.
Could be that but actually probably not.
my friend got some rare unique items for free from some hc player who died and ragequit in Path of Exile.
It is easy to explain though.
Imagine you are talking with a group of people or driving a vehicle. You can't pause neither the vehicle nor the people. Sure, you can stop at the side of the road or ask people if you may leave for a moment, but you can't just halt the space and time to stop the process immediately.
Yeah, fighting off the attacker sure isn't enough, you have to become his bitch afterwards.
Only faggots don't suck off those who bully them.
You know what the problem with this comic is? Not enough text bubbles.
Why is B^U of all people joining the virtue signal train now.
Or! Now here me out here! Don't give loans to people that cant afford to pay them back!
>it's less likely than them all just telling the truth.
You could not be more wrong. It's absolutely more likely that they are lying, and the burden of proof is on them to prove they are not lying.
Did you reply to the wrong post or something? When did he say this was a death threat?
Or what, Tim? You're gonna shoot me?
>usually the more server
I can see why you work with retards.
That makes sense so naturally it's illegal. Don't you want the underprivileged to go to college?
Can't believe this dumb "comic" caused a meltdown at 8ch
Where’s the joke? Lol im le mexican and i like le animes?
What, why?
>off-topic thread was recently pruned
>this thread is still up
Just the usual rants about muh free speech and censorship, but taken up to elleven
Has anyone ever actually murdered a game developer? Has even one of these death threats ever been credible?
Ok. Have them submit their course work and their major. Only give them so much based on their job prospects to reasonably pay off after 10 years of graduating.
I can't be arsed to switch the bubbles' placements but here's an "improvement"
I don't think you can make this shit funny
I don't think any legible death threat gets shared or announced by the receiver on social media or what have you.
Me bane posting on Twitter= real life
>5th panel
>pisses on his shoes
>every one in existence
Extreme doubt
As a games developer, I need to make sure all voices must be polished and dissenting voice silent so our product, brand, and reputation can be clean as a fiddle
Baby murder is a ok according to women
god i wish that was me
You see, in video games, higher level players usually have better equipment than low level players haha.
They shouldn’t. When was the last time anyone even tried to follow through on one? Same thing with bomb threats.
Alright, is no one going to shop this picture with
>1. You tookout a loan
>2. ???
What is a game developer threatens my mom by saying if you dont reply to this post your mother will die in her sleep?
Fuck yeah I love couscous
>death threats were laughed off by most
>incel uprising all over the world shows that some autists genuinely will do it
Kids these days ain't right
Webcomics were a mistake.
Be the change you want to see
Terrible edit
From the same people who got their house’s foreclosed on in 2008. I blame the so called “greatest generation” for not beating their kids enough.
don't loan money you can't pay, then?
When has someone actually made a specific threat before one of these attacks? Do you have even a single example?
It’s not like money in that shit bot game means anything
Feels somewhat hollow coming from the dude who sends unrequested photos of his tiny dick to children.
Refute this.
No coke armour obviously shitlips
Well, the recent couple of mass shooters telegraphed their intention until the boiling point where they start streaming the plan on 8ch /pol/. Of course one can argue if posting death threats on a public place is the same as directing it to an individual personally.
now that's the stuff
Why do females have to try and appropriate anything?
If the person in charged was enlightened then yea, but enlightened people are far and between.
I for one can't wait for boomers to die broke in shitty nursing homes after they can't sell their "investment" houses with profit if at all.
have sex sperg
I don't think the arsonist sent anything to kyoani other than fuel and flame.
>censoring white
Kys tumblrina tranny
That's why it's said that autism is a spectrum, you autist.
>When was the last time some random internet commenter talking shit over some trivial nonsense actually followed through with it?
El Paso
Under what circumstances is it okay to make a non-vidya thread on Yea Forums?
When did this become about """chambers"" you autist fuck
there's vidya threads on Yea Forums?
woah, didn't know he was THAT based.
why do people get so sad when they get a miscarriage? just have another baby
It's typical female bs. They happily abort anything they want and are proud of it but then want to have a pity party when they have a miscarriage. Absolutely hypocritical crap.
Ok so what does she actually look like because her vain, self absorbed, vision of what she thinks she looks like isn't really anything to go off of.
This game is fucking depressing. Everyone in the town is an asshole or fucked up in some way.
I think people who make baseless threats over the internet should get their toys taken away. If they follow through or make threats that can be backed up they should be taken to the edge of our glorious flat Earth and hurled into the unknown.
Women are autistic by default and it's obvious because bonobos&vegetina.
Don't you guys ever tired getting angry?
lol i love this shit
whats the deal with japs and putting duct tape on their 4heads. are they trying to wax their eyebrows but keep missing because of their slant eyes?
Nobody here is actually angry unless they're clinically retarded spergoids. More than half of the responses on here are pic related.
It's a skin contact caffein or painkiller patch. Common japanese over the counter pharmaceutical product.
oh my gooood
You fought and lost faggot. You cannot like down on others. You are bottom barrel
>gamer humor
why not just skip a step and post minion memes you fucking boomer
She has a twitter where she has pictures of herself
Yeah, you should've know better not to trust the funny pics on reddit about this place.
Now I know your address.
Imagine getting triggered this hard
>Posting on Yea Forums without a VPN
You shouldn't have done that.
For that I'm gonna vote republicans again to double fuck you zoom zoom again
This, browsing Yea Forums is 50% moderate annoyance, 50% hearty chuckles.
But what if what they want to do is make shitty webcomics?
>If i see you on the streets, you are going to have your face smashed in as a wake up call Mr. Entitiled
>telling someone they'll beat them up because a video game didn't come to his favorite launcher and then calling them entitled
Is she hot or not? Not even hot, but just fuckable? Not even fuckable, I can sexualize just about anyone.
Pikachu wasn't Zeus fault, he was cautious.
People sending death threads to devs means that the devs can then just ignore all criticism of their game as "toxic gamers ugh amirite?"
It's gotten to the point that I suspect some devs are sending themselves death threads so they can ignore criticism.
They simply make up bs or twist any "I hope you get hit by a car" into a "death threat". Notice how they never post these supposed "death threats"?
how could you possibly take this as an ins- oh she's autistic
Should swap the last panel for Pachirisu tanking a Draco Meteor
When you act like a jew, be ready do be burned alive.
You don't even realize how pathetic you are
In a way, I envy you
why the condom
This isn't Goku, nor is it believable at all. There's no fucking way Chi Chi would make one plate of food for just Goku, let alone all three Krillin, Goku, and her fucking son. I'm surprised Goku hasn't left the family for this dishonor, and he's even in the shot at all.
The real Goku would pull Chi Chi aside and thank her for making enough food for Krillin and Gohan to split, but he would like to know where his food actually is. Once she told him that was it, he'd just stare at her for a second, leave to get his own food, and probably never come back.
To protect your dick from parasites squirrels can carry.
Well... Except for his own child.
Because we really don't need a second AIDS. On second thought, maybe we do.
I really don't understand people who play original DOOM, Hexen and the like with mouse. Even with source ports. I tried it a few times and it's just so fucking easy I quit in disgust.
You're almost at the point where you understand why first person shooters are better with a controller
>nigga spams tryhard comic
enjoy no yous on your unfunny shit lol
>nor is it believable at all
Fucking truth right there. Where the fuck is Piccolo? He's pretty much family to Goku at this point; he more or less raised Goku's son and granddaughter.
Baste retard
Probably because you kept autoaim on dummy. If a game's controls are the only determining factor in it's difficulty, then it's a bad game. That said, while I feel like vanilla UV is pretty easy, I'd figure it's more of a result of having put hundreds of hours into the game already.
Well that part's believable. Gohan is clearly old enough that they've met Vegeta by now, and.. well. I'm not saying it's fair what happened to Piccolo, but it did happen.
LMFAO give this man gold!
db lorelet here
what happen
Of course vertical autoaim is on, how would I shoot enemies above or below me otherwise.
>If a game's controls are the only determining factor in it's difficulty, then it's a bad game.
The game was developed when mice weren't as commonplace so it had to be balanced around keyboard-only play.
>That said, while I feel like vanilla UV is pretty easy, I'd figure it's more of a result of having put hundreds of hours into the game already.
More like I never really stopped using keyboard extensively since MS DOS 2.x.
turn the coke into water then it'd be based.
Piccolo and Goku were best buds until Vegeta came around and now Vegeta and Goku are literally almost inseparable. Gohan is still chummy with Piccolo, but he refers to him as his friend, not his Sensei which would be respectful even if Piccolo isn't actually his Sensei anymore.
Dude had a hard life. Got his dad killed by a kid, ended up raising that guys son and bonding with him, forming humanity and sympathy in his previously monstrous heart, helped save his home planet from a dictator, then drives cars with Goku and pretty much goes straight to glorified Nanny for Gohan's son from there. Shit sucks, but he seems to enjoy it.
Am I the only one who left multiplayer games when his parents asked? It's just a video-game, who gives a shit?
That's what they'd like you to believe, but people who don't care don't launch boycotts or review bomb or whatever
>clicking the thumbs down on a review is hard work
w/e dude
That is how they traditionally cook Taco meat, you fucking imbecile.
Neither of those take any effort.
Ok that got a chuckle out of me
Is that Rick Hunter from Robotech?
Except they don't just do that, there's people that create accounts across multiple platforms just to find a way to say nasty shit to other people. They're clearly angry, or at the very least so consumed by something that they take extra time out of their day to do this. Even as a young teen, I had so much shit going on that I couldn't ever imagine using so much energy just to downput someone else that extensively. Like even if I did convince someone to kill themselves, how does that benefit me in my day-to-day?
Yes user, it is the devs that are the problem, and not the manchildren telling them to kill themselves. Those are the emotionally mature free thinkers we should aspire to be.
nigger that's something you added. "Don't fuck with us" on it's own isn't a threat, and even if it is, it's too vague to be a violent threat.
Women have better social skills than men; an autistic woman is dropped to the level of a non-autistic man.
>The Internet
At least the guy can see a bigger picture.
>how would I shoot enemies above or below me otherwise
aim up or down, idiot. that's the whole point of mouseaim
>you can't be angry unless you're constantly emoting and over exaggerating reactions.
>Buckley doesn't lack that much self awareness, does he?
Nigger he wrote loss
They require emotional investment. A boycott isn't just not doing something, it's abstaining from something.
And thinking too hard or not responding to a complex question within 0.00001 seconds is autism, because your slow.
Which means everyone has autism, fuck you all.
You forget what board you're on?
You shouldn't send death threats to people but this is a very bad comic.
>I'd rather let the child be born to nigger parents that do not love nor can afford to raise him, then complain about why there are so many criminals around. All this because abortion goes against my fee-fees
>btw i support death penalty
>talks about Yea Forums
>doesn't post any thread pics
>supporting MURDER
Life starts at conception and ends at birth
you should follow your own advice
>implying condemning someone to a lifetime of suffering isn't worse than murder
this shit is a great example of pure unadulterated, raw, degenerate autism
schizoid tier art
anime tropes and backstory
virgin tier sexual jokes
and incest
>I quit being weird and now me and my former bully are friends 10 years later
That's fucking pathetic user why would you befriend someone who u know will treat you like trash. Sounds like you have low self esteem and sucking up to you're ex bully is bad way of coping with it
>stop reading hentai at the school lunchtable or wearing a fedora or whatever and you'll be fine.
Everyone knows not to do this, its basic knowledge the only people who do this have mental problems.
Women don’t have to have any social skills, they just need to look pretty.
I'd say in event of rape, incest and mother being too young (under ~16) or too old (over ~40). They're all so rare that they would make no real demographic difference, and allowing abortion in those situations will take most common strawman arguments away from rabid pro choisers.
Be pragmatic. All life isn't equal and sacred.
>Spics love Dragon ball
>blacks love naruto
>japs love one piece
What anime do whites watch?
Why the hell would you become friends with someone who bullied you. I get putting the past behind you but “hey if you don’t want to be bullied just ask the way the bully does and become his friend lol” thing is pure cuckery.
To not be bullied punch the bully in the face.
They don't even need that. Females literally only have to exist.
It's a beautiful gift!
Remember not to refuse this gift, though. Suicide offends judeochristian god!
I just told you that turning using mouse makes the game too easy. If it makes you feel better, I play Plutonia and TNT with mouse.
>none of my friends are any good at smash at all so I can never get a good local online teammate
It hurts
>Still playing MMO's in the year 2005+14
It's literally just a bundle of cells.
Who gives a fuck lol?
>p.s. nice (you)s
doom doesn't have a concept of up or down though
He's probably too used to source ports to remember the original.
Can I die?
white sissyes are usually moepigs
Here you go.
Franks and italians like JoJo, also BRs.
You need to come up with something else.
>not white
>Gamergater still mad over things that didn't happen five years after being proven wrong
>implying bottom panel is bad
i just don't get it how is that supposed to be bad?
b-but Yea Forums told me neets self improve...
>things that didn't happen
Living the life.
i mean she has a point, that's dangerously far from the pantry, a man can starve if he isn't careful.
You don't prove a negative, silly.
lol i hope you are kidding you fucking retard. that's the wrong comic.
Yeah, your complete lack of them
Death threats used to be a serious offense, now they're so easy and wide-spread they've become mostly meaningless.
There's a big difference between someone threatening you to your face or sending you a letter and someone just flooding your DMs with edgy shit.
Depends on what you mean by fuck. A woman or man taking a dick to get their game a good review is wrong. Penetrating a games journalist with your actual penis to establish that your game is dominant over them, however, is fine.