Would it sell well?

Would it sell well?

Attached: ffx3.jpg (1110x582, 93K)

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>Would it sell well?
>Would it be good?
Not at all.

I really really really really really really really really really hope they don't bring back Sin. That would be fucking awful and retroactively ruin the original.

No sex in FFX-3 attraction it'll sell shity

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It's Square-Enix. They'll not only bring back Sin but also throw in Auron and a miscellaneous ViVi as well

i just want a blitzball game.
like a full on madden level deep blitzball league game.

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Depends. Would it follow the novel or go in a different direction?

>Tidus we must stop the strong undertones toxic masculinity of Sin from getting to Luca!

>Full-on sports JRPG
Crazy enough to work.

I heard the novel was batshit convoluted and it one point it had Yuna bringing back a zombified Tidus who died after mistakenly kicking a bomb for blitzball

Is it based off the novel or pretending that it doesn't exist?

I would either have it take place decades after the original or be a prequel that either covers Braska's pilgrimage or the Bevelle/Zanarkand war.
Whatever you do, do not follow that garbage fanfiction novel.

This is exactly true

directly after X-2

>tfw no fat titty lulu mommygf

FFX may have been a retarded mess but it was comfy in that it easily made you feel pretty smart in comparison to the shitty characters and awful storywriting. Also the soundtrack was comfy as fuck.

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For anyone that's wondering. No, this isn't a shitpost and this really happened in the novel.

>I heard the novel was batshit convoluted

So just like the game then. At least they're consistent.

You would've liked Wakka more if he had a gypsy mustache.

Attached: wakka ffx mustache.jpg (1092x751, 444K)

you know the custom-character modes in sports games are already basically stats-autism games right?

Isn't X-3 the one where Tidus dies because he kick a bomb thinking it was a blitzball????

that didn't happen

Squeenix can't make a good FF anymore

Greetings Witcher

nowhere does it ever say that he mistakes the bomb for a blitzball. Why do people always say this?


what's convoluted about people losing a war thousands of years ago and then summoned their city (which they lost) and a giant fuck you monster to defend it?

people who think it's convoluted are the same people who think the laugh scene is bad voice acting

Everything, Please explain to me what Tidus was. Was he real? Was he a projection? Was he part of Sin? Was he a group hallucination?

Try to explain it to me without sounding fucking absurd.

>unironically liking bad stuff
Wow, you would fit right into Yea Forums

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>Please explain to me what Tidus was. Was he real?
he's a summon

probably, should they make it god no

the laugh scene was supposed to be stupid and sound bad. The voice actor said that himself.

"""fan fiction"""

The novel also brings back Sin for some dumb reason making the entirety of FFX pointless

Is that an iced tea? If I remember correctly, the dude asked to see his ID.