Defend this Yea Forums
Miyamoto hates hiring people who like video games
Other urls found in this thread:
He hates gaming too
Provide source or fuck off.
Makes sense. People who like video games wouldn't want to participate in games like Paper Mario Color Splash and Metroid Federation Force.
Easy: people who are fans of something will shoehorn in references to it, and Miyamoto would rather hire people who come up with original ideas. Easy to prove, too: just look at indie games and see how many are "inspired by" and end up being lazy ripoffs of their inspirations.
So he hires Yea Forums?
Probably less back talk that way, when he makes blatant cash grab decisions
How the fuck could you work in gaming and not be a gamer yourself?
Does a library hire you based on how many books you've read?
I kinda get it. When you get older you grow out of video games and if someone's primary interest is gaming then their ideas will be very limited
The guy doesn't even game design himself, he's a literal idea guy in the right time right place
People who work on creating games because they like or are "fanatics" are prone to conform and be in creative bankruptcy. In simple: they have no perspective because of this.
Meanwhile people who ended up working at videogames by any chance have been capable of delivering the best things videogames are known.
Miyamoto is right.
>make a fake article headline
>post it on Yea Forums
>get free (you)s
>Game designer.
>Not liking videogames.
Why is Miyamoto so fucking based?
> Miyamoto and his staff are not designing games for “the sort of people who, for example, might want to watch a movie. They might want to go to Disneyland. Their attitude is, ‘OK, I am the customer. You are supposed to entertain me.’ It’s kind of a passive attitude hey’re taking, and to me i find casual gamers pathetic. They do not know how interesting it is if you move one step further and try to challenge yourself with more advanced games. If you do that, you’re going to learn how fun it is.”
>OP literally makes shit up that never happened
>Yea Forumstards eat it up
Every time
That way he gets to make all the design decisions and everyone under him just does what he says.
You want to make something original, not something that's a derivative of something else.
Yes, we already know this. His reasoning was that anyone who games, is comfortable with where gaming is right now. Miyamoto wants new experiences and typically, gamers don't. At least, this is what he believes anyway.
he wants innovators who think beyond fandom and preconceived notations of a character and how a game should be
>implying people on Yea Forums like video games
Get a load of this guy
Everything you said is bullshit.
>make a fake article headline
It's true, dumbshit. Just old news, but to people with the memory span of a goldfish probably is fake.
That really shows when you look at Nintendo since 2006.
This isn't news OP. 80% of their new hires come from unis like Tokyo uni and all their majors are in shit like philosophy and business. There was some bitch that took over animal crossing(?) or some shit that was basically a female miyamoto in the respect that she is also a failed mangaka and came up with amibo Festival
I know the bitch from an interview but I'm honestly not sure if it was for AC or for pikmin
Google the development of Body Harvest.
Nintendo and Shigeru Miyamoto are evil greedy pieces of shit and I have zero respect for any retard that tolerates their continued abuse of the medium.
The story of Body Harvest is why Sam and Dan Houser refuse to ever release another major title on a Nintendo product. GTA: Advanced, and Chinatown Wars only exists because of Leslie Benzies. He no longer works at Rockstar.
Fuck Nintendo
Fuck Shigeru Miyamoto
Pompous greedy arrogant filth. I am grateful the age of the internet is finally showing their true colors. I hope they die in my lifetime.
Xenoblade X
Pokemon Sun/Moon
Zelda: BOTW
Mario Odyssey
Rune Factory 4
Splatoon 2
Smash Ultimate
Bayonetta 2
All of these are fantastic games
At what point did Miyamoto become senile?
Nintendo has been around for nearly 150 years, they aren't going anywhere
>Listing outsourced games.
>Miyamoto says he wants to make it a point they aren’t “just a gamer”, but someone with “a lot of different interests and skill sets”. That way, these developers are more likely to create new types of gameplay, rather than make “perfect current ones”.
He jumps the rope with it.
He just needs to start asking better questions. You can get the same people he's trying to avoid by excluding gamers, simply because they could be lazy, or yes men. People that chase profit above all else and that means keeping to a certain way games are made.
Instead, he needs to start asking if they feel that certain series are getting stale, that they could use something different. Or, what kind of experiences they would want from certain series going forward. If they just say that they think a series is fine where it is, then they aren't for Nintendo.
Miyamoto just has a very outdated view of how games should be developed. When he was first shown BotW he did nothing but climb trees. They asked him to do something else because there was so much else he could do but all he wanted to do was climb trees. He can't comprehend how complex games and the industry has gotten. That's why he has no influence in the company anymore and is just there for publicity.
fuck, guess i'll be applying for a job there
>Pokemon Sun/Moon
>All of these are fantastic games
I where he's coming from, obviously they need to have an interest in games, but devs who identify as "fans" would tend to just parrot whatever they're a fan of. better to get some fresh ideas from people who don't have preconceived notions about what a video game should be.
honestly that's what most people do when first playing botw. Being able to climb anything is novel in itself
Fuck off, fanboy. People are getting sick of their shit. They have been on a decline since the Wii.
Also fuck your nonsense timeline. They made playing cards. Not even remotely close to the same company.
They didn't make time factory 4 which is probably why it's the only game in that list that isn't shit
>When he was first shown BotW he did nothing but climb trees.
No, he was on point. Zelda is known for pot fuckery shenanigans; climbing trees is a similar way of seeing the whole picture.
The whole picture being something that pretentious people can't understand about what makes games great: The little details and the attention to them.
Wasn't it that they would prefer to hire people who had backgrounds and hobbies that weren't just video games, and they gave the example of wanting someone with diving experience to work on a game about diving since they
Kamiya exists, but people like him are extremely rare within the industry, most people can't see what can be, they just see what is and how they can iterate upon it.
The tree climbing thing. It broke him.
Which is true. It's why he was willing to let Ubisoft use Mario in the MarioXRabbids games. It was something new, fun, and hasn't been done before. Same thing for Cadence of Hyrule. He likes quirky new concepts.
i like how kojima gets shit on constantly for being a "hack," but miyamoto - a proven hack who hires yes-men who don't know shit about video games - gets a free pass on Yea Forumsintendogaf.
>They have been on a decline since the Wii.
Maybe that'd be true if you were paying attention to their home console sales and not their portable gaming sales.
>Miyamoto would rather hire people who come up with original ideas.
good point, miyamoto's original ideas are so based!
Hi Guru Larry. Think of how many recent "meh" Nintendo games could have been great if Miyamoto didn't have retarded rules the devs had to follow.
>You will never get a good Turn Based Game with hit timing ever again
While i agree with you, that quality wise, nintendo is on the decline. They are a top company in Japan, and people constantly want to work there. So they have an almost endless stream of young talent every year to pick from. It's just right now, they're in an awkward period where previous leaders and trend-setters are aging and past their prime. But do to japan ways, still have a few decades left of seniority.
most of miyamotos games are actually fun to play
>People like
>saying that if you don't play video games you'll do original things!
>People who don't play games proceed to copy something that came out in last 3 years in a poor fashion.
I have never seen new devs do otherwise. Video game mechanics have been refined over time, and trying to reinvent the wheel is just leading to worse wheels. People who don't know anything about games will also only repeat the mistakes of those who came before them. You should always learn from the mistakes of your predecessors but also learn from their successes.
There's no way you'll have a refined understanding of game mechanics and how they should fit together by having never touched a game in your life. If that experience limits your horizon, that's on you. And knowing less about video games won't make you any better.
What are you trying to say, sequels can't exist?
thread should have ended here. The title is just clickbait, Miyamoto encourages people to play games, but he doesn't want gaming to be a devs entire life because that shit gets depressing
left-to-right; top-to-bottom:
3D Land
3D World
do I win?
It's about impartiality and an outside perspective
Who the fuck cares what miyamoto thinks? He doesn't make games anymore. He's effectively retired, just walking around annoying the younger folks making the games.
miyamoto said another f-zero sequel can't exist because he can't come up with a new gimmick for it that nobody wants anyway, but he has no problem rehashing bing bing wahoo over and over again with minimal changes.
because rehashed bing bing wahoo sells more than rehashed f-zero
If it ain't broke, don't fix it.
even bing bing wahoo rehashes still have something new in them each time
They also didn't make bayo 2 so...
Those games have entirely different levels and powerups tho.
>He can't make a game after it peaked
He's right you know. Althought a new entry rehashing that with tech upgrades like multiplayer, online and being avaiablefor once would be nice.
I disagree. This game was pretty decent, although just as easy as a Paper Mario game.
Thats a reference to level 1~1 i
Play Lisa the Painful and then play Lisa the Joyful
NewsfIash; EmpIoyers Iie a shitton about who they hire and why they do it
They usuaIIy just say what sounds good and have a very romantisized way of Iooking at the process,
If there is one thing that YIIK taught me it's that hipsters and people who like games cannot be trusted
for every 1 original indie game, there's a 100 """inspired by x but really we just want to ripoff but we're indie so it's ok""" garbage.
>Miyamoto literally says her likes to hire people with diverse interests
Why is this board filled with literally nothing but NPCs?
mario peaked decades ago and he still keeps rehashing it anyway.
oh, you mean it's one of those references to old ideas that he's supposedly hiring non-gamers to avoid?
If I had a money printer, I'd keep milking it too.
imagine being miyamoto and some nu-male faggot is sitting in front of you saying how he loves Zelda gears of war and other garbage when all he wants is someone who hates video games someone like Yea Forums who is autistic enough to be able to have talent and be able to use his autism to create complete code, maps and systems
Yea Forums is the ultimate game developer, one that doesn't bow/bend to society, miyamoto wants autistic programmers ones with vision and talent and not nu-male cocksucker normalfags riajuu who only play mobage and normalfag casualshit
>Shiggy doesn't want to release a bad F Zero game that people would get bored of and Yea Forumsirgins would REE about
>REEEE regardless
What is there to defend? Out of all the people to hire for any position why the fuck would you ever hire a gamer? Most people would prefer to keep racism, misogyny, and transphobia out of the workplace.
>mobage and normalfag casualshit
you mean the exact games nu-nintendo shits out at the expense of everything else they used to make?
>New Wii / New U
>3D Land / 3D World
>New 2 / New
I know this is bait, but come on
>Miyamoto says he wants to make it a point they aren’t “just a gamer”, but someone with “a lot of different interests and skill sets”. That way, these developers are more likely to create new types of gameplay, rather than make “perfect current ones”.
>“I always look for designers who aren’t super-passionate game fans,” Mr. Miyamoto said. “I make it a point to ensure they’re not just a gamer, but that they have a lot of different interests and skill sets.” Some of the company’s current stars had no experience playing video games when they were hired.
>Kosuke Yabuki, a 37-year-old mentee of Mr. Miyamoto, said the company has not changed how products are made. “Our mission remains the same: to find unique ways to explore play,” he said. “The difference is that, perhaps, now is our time.”
stop posting out of context fake news
Mario can be mainstream, something F-zero never was. Take it as you want.
>you mean it's one of those references to old ideas that he's supposedly hiring non-gamers to avoid?
Or maybe because it is a iconic moment of games? No? Of course not, it just rehashing.
less likely to go against his opinions
I wouldn't want some fag who plays video games all day working for my video game company. I want autists who only care about beautiful code.
>Miyamoto prefers to hire game designers who aren't gaming fans
this board is a fucking disgrace
>Miyamoto says he wants to make it a point they aren’t “just a gamer”, but someone with “a lot of different interests and skill sets”. That way, these developers are more likely to create new types of gameplay, rather than make “perfect current ones”.
>Miyamoto says he wants to make it a point they aren’t “just a gamer”, but someone with “a lot of different interests and skill sets”. That way, these developers are more likely to create new types of gameplay, rather than make “perfect current ones”.
>Miyamoto says he wants to make it a point they aren’t “just a gamer”, but someone with “a lot of different interests and skill sets”. That way, these developers are more likely to create new types of gameplay, rather than make “perfect current ones”.
He’s crashing Nintendo with no survivors
>There are new edits
Nice to see
looks like we have a chance bros
"gaming fans" are autistic
interesting theory
how often has it proven to it's weight in gold?
Un-ironically your chance is even worse since you're a soulless automaton that can do nothing but meme and shitpost.
do you think miyamoto was a gaming fan when he made mario, DK and zelda? dumbass
>Hmm, should I hire these competent programmers or these gaymers who took game design classes at community college?
Must be a hard choice for him
Don't know, need to find out if the people behind shit like Splatoon or Arms were other interests first, video games second. I mean hell, remember Shiggy came up with Pikmin because he was crawling around in his backyard and planting shit. And what's his face came up with Animal Crossing because he was home sick and missed his family.
I don't think anyone defends Miyamoto anymore.
same with Goldeneye dev team
This is old as fuck. He prefers that because he wants employees to have original ideas instead of stolen ideas from other games.
Fuck off tumblrina, shiggy has nothing to do with Toads.
Fake or not. He's still a hack and the most condescending fuck in the industry. He killed fucking Iwata.
Miyamoto is a stubborn purist that doesn't want anyone to play with his toys in a way that he doesn't approve of. People that aren't passionate about their work are easier to control to fit his vision of what a video game should be..
How is he condescending?
Too bad phil was a gigantic faggot
It means you have to spend extra time and effort making them unlearn what they think they know.
For real though it makes sense in a way. I hate math with a passion but am damn good at it.
You paper mario fags will find any way to hate on him lmao, when the article says the exact opposite. I oughta report you for drive by posting if this were Resetera. I'm a mod there you know.
Processional coders are 10x more useful than gaming degree coders
Wrong pic; this is the relevantish
Literally fake news.
>we don't hire people with eating disorders for our kitchen staff
Their zelda game development takes a "gameplay first, story second" approach and that's why the timeline is a dumpster fire.
Because zelda games are NOT about the story; the actual legend of zelda.
They test gameplay ideas on an NES-like system in 2D, even for games like breath of the wild.
They set fire to bush sprites and watched them burn up a hyrule that looked very much like the one in the original NES zelda.
The breath of the wild sequel is being tested this way right now, in a new 2D zelda demo that you'll never set your eyes upon.
What's being tested now is a new gameplay mechanic where Link and Zelda work together to overcome problems, which may remind you of the Wind Waker part with Medli and Link working together.
But this is different. The entire game is one big Link x Zelda companion adventure and Zelda will NOT shut the FUCK up! She already has 50+ dialogue textboxes that she spams nonstop. Every time Link does anything, Zelda must react in some way as part of the "living, breathing companion" feature Nintendo wants.
Get ready for something... pretty damn different.
So, what, Nintendo is supposed to hire people graduating from college with a degree called "Video game design"?
>prefers to
Well done, OP you hyperbolic faggot.
Yea Forums will defend anything Nintendo does. Even when Shiggy shits on their faces.
He literally told the Splatoon team to not use Mario characters, only as a last option if they couldn't think of anything.
Cool it with the drive by posting please. You've been warned.
It actually isn’t, seething fanboy.
>Miyamoto: "To be frank, I usually prefer standing up rather than to sit down *raughs*"
There was no pikmin: amiibo festival and Miyamoto has always been famously heavily attached to pikmin games, so it has to be animal crossing.
He earned a lot of hate for killing paper Mario. When paper Mario inevitably goes back to the normal format on the switch people will calm down.
>hires people not into gaming
>makes some of the best games ever made
Maybe because their minds are constricted to only what they "know" can be a video game.
>original ideas
>use the same characters and mechanics for the past 30+ years
Pick one
Mario & Luigi
>Wasn't even involved
>Reeeeee shiggy
um, sorry sweetie, those don't have any soul anymore so they don't count ;)
>When paper Mario inevitably goes back to the normal format
Miyamoto doesn’t make mario games anymore. Alternatively, would you like F-zero to get Star Fox 64’d over and over?
>but am damn good at it.
>Zelda Minecraft ripoff
>Mario that's exactly the same as all other marios
>fighting game that is just a collection of all other brand characters and hasn't change its formula since the first 20 years ago
It gives everyone on Yea Forums a chance at gainful employment.
headline posting should be a bannable offense. literally clickbait threads. fuck you op
>literally one game per console, released over more than a decade
This is out of context.
He said this after the wiis life was up. Because they were done marketing to casuals.
>>Zelda Minecraft ripoff
>>fighting game ... hasn't change its formula since the first 20 years ago
Let's be honest, that's most fighting game series.
>Miyamoto prefers to hire designers who haven't played a game before and thus will probably invent something new instead of copying the stuff that they know and love
>This has most likely resulted in hiring retards who don't know how to make a certain kind of game and immediately look to the most popular example anyways
Honestly with this and Miyamoto's unintentional sabotage of Paper Mario he's really fucked up. He could have stopped any of this at any time with his fucking senior cock sucking privilege, but he didn't.
Weird then that the main Wii-U and Switch titles were all extremely casualized, extremely safe to make games. Though, ARMS was still pretty inventive.
Lmao, still high off the Wii's success with casualization, senile fuck who hasn't realized the casuals have moved on to phone games and Nintendo is going to be forced to become less and less casual or die off. Literally going to get killed off my Snoy trannies if they keep this Wii casual dinosaur strategy. Nintendo is such a shitty company, I wish Sony and Microsoft weren't that much worse, so they could force Nintendo to actually put effort in.
people who get into things out of joy generally suck at what they do and are only good at running their mouth about how much they love whatever their passion happens to be. you are not supposed to be passionate you are supposed to be skilled.
Good job now you get neither.
Miyamoto has been a useless old fuck for a while now
>morally bankrupt
I mean, yeah.
>no soul
>article is from 2017
Congratulations, you're all retarded.
>Literally 11 year old games
>Remade with one of the shittiest art styles out of all the fucking games by now
>Newest game in the series was as soulless as Paper Mario games are now
Are you fucking stupid you goddamned nigger ape?
I would sacrifice him to get Iwata back any day
I'm okay with discussing it, it's not like he's likely to have changed his stance in the meanwhile.
Huh, never knew he was so based, you wouldn't think so by just playing fez
It results in ideas that appeal to everyone, original ideas (instead of "it's like X game but with Y"), and don't require lots of genre knowledge to get into. The downside is nobody knows the framework for basic services which would really explain the state on Nintendo's year online.
>the remakes
I was shitposting in btw, I for one don't think there's a single bad Mario & Luigi game and I fucking hate when people use "muh soulless" because of the art style or because PJ used regular Mario enemies and paper variants, completely ignoring the writing having the same kind of wit as the old ones and the gameplay being arguably the best one yet.
Because Fez was an actual good game and Phil ruined it by quitting the industry because he was sniffing his own fucking farts instead of trying to uphold his own standards, and couldn't handle getting bullied by literal-whos despite getting fucking critical acclaim from every goddamned gaming media site at the time.
The gameplay was ruined in paper jam though, paper Mario can create endless copies of himself at no cost, making him literally unable to die, and I'm surprised you think paper jam was anywhere close to say, bowser's inside story writing-wise.
I also hire people that aren't programmers in my software company. So far, I haven't made any profit.
who would want to hire soft handed betas as employees?
>yes sir i waste my life in front of a children toy in my spare time, now hire me and pay me
What a psychopath.
>The gameplay was ruined in paper jam though
Agree to disagree.
>paper jam was anywhere close to say, bowser's inside story writing-wise.
Oh, the story was basic and lame, I meant the writing itself felt the same, at least to me.
Based to be honest. Totally see why, video game fans have a much higher chance to turn out to be spergs.
>Soft handed
>Yes sir I have hobbies but what does that have to do with my work
Honestly though I wanna see some kind of interview tape where Chad just walks into the room with his fucking beetle-like stride, breaks a can on his forehead, and talks about football for thirty minutes.
but it is fake news in the way how OP presents it
But the article name isn't fucking misleading for once and the full thing just goes on to explain WHY Miyamoto doesn't hire people who play games. How the fuck is that fake news? Because of how old the article is?
Not everyone is online and omnipresent on Yea Forums in all threads and all times, dumbfuck. There will be plenty of people who missed those threads discussing the old article, they are the ones taking the bait and not because they forgot about it.
What was his fucking problem?
The only nigger ape here is you you braindead retard.
Honestly, a majority of any game studio comprises of people who are familiar with coding. They don't necessarily have any interest in the game they're making and are assigned a project to get done. The ones who should absolutely be into games are those who are leading each department or the creative heads. They're the ones making decisions and assigning the projects.
Bringing fresh new blood into the niche. What's the problem?
Zelda botw
>user laments the lack of NEW turn based games with timing based combat
>"lol why don't you just play M&L games" ;)
Fucking eat shit you goddamned darkie. You don't even know what's being talked about here.
wow. How can one person cry so much on twitter?
>video game fans have a much higher chance to turn out to be spergs.
Case in point: this entire thead
Ask Trump :^)
What he's actually saying is that he doesn't want to hire people who are solely into video games since they can't innovate as well as someone with a more diverse range of interests.
it kinda makes sense desu
just look at pic related
Do you seriously think other publishers are any different?
Being around a lot of people who make fanmade shit or talk about their fan ideas for games I find this partially true.
Fans usually want to mix and match the same shit from games they like but make it more "epic" because they focus far more on creating dumb character interactions and huge plots rather than new gameplay ideas.
Imagine being a narcissist
how do you get good at math?
>Jason Schreier
Go back
he is completely right, videogames need fresh minds that are open to experimentation, videogame fans are prone to stagnation by virtue of parroting what they like playing instead of what they think people will have fun with
it's the same principle of marketing, you cannot have passion for the product you are trying to sell because you will shoehorn your personal bias and subjective reasoning, miyamoto is one of the greatest videogame designers of our era and even he didn't particularly care about videogames when he got hired at nintendo
> Fans usually want to mix and match the same shit from games they like but make it more "epic" because they focus far more on creating dumb character interactions and huge plots rather than new gameplay ideas.
This is a consequence of many gamers not understanding the appeal of games in the first place. Many, including most people on Yea Forums as well as myself, were wowed by the spectacle and technology of games. This serves to hide interactivity, which is the true heart of the gaming experience. This even extends to game developers, thus why there are so many cinematic experience games, and why so many gamer's idea of "evolution" is to make an established property more like a movie.
Also, game design is not the same skill as game playing. You need to be able to stick the task of making a dysfunctional system (the game in its early iterations) work, which is far from the instant gratification many games supply.
>Implying it's bad thing
He hasn't been on a Zelda game since Majora's Mask.
Is Shiggy even still on the main staff for there?
>Smash bros.
That's Sakurai
That's gamefreak/the pokemon company, neither of which he works for
that's fucking brutal son.
Fags here don't want to hear this truth
Its actually the same with a lot of industries
user you should see a doctor
I mean something has to be causing your retardation, with the end result being posts like these
And then those products called social networks added collective delusion to the equation. Meteor when?
I can't believe OP killed himself after reading this post.
Because you get different perspectives from people who don't give a shit about video games. Most of the legacy "celebrity" video game designers from japan didn't give a shit about video games either.
Even in the Wii era all the first-party games were "make your own fun".
Whatever he does I'm gonna support, since it obviously works.
I absolutely agree word by word. Being outraged at miyamoto's statements only outs people in this thread as dumb hobbyists. Videogames have become so spectacularly advanced that they can stun people from appreciating what's doing all the heavy lifting behind the game's design, which is the quality of the interaction with the game. This is something that is difficult to appreciate because of its abstractness. Graphics, cinematics and story are way easier to discuss, and avid "gamers" that dont do much else with their life can fall prey under this intoxication of the medium not allowing them to take a distance from videogames and appreciate what they actually offer compared to say movies or books.
>posted 2 years ago
I hate this fucking place
No, they just bring their flavour of creative bankruptcy to the game they're working on. It's why all the Hollywood rejects who get filtered into the videogames industry now are...trying to make videogames more like movies.
Tbf alot of fans are massive faggots that dont know what they want
Good. He doesn't want fucking losers.
Same thing happens in gamestops. Don't hire fan boys as they're generally more trouble than they're worth, even if they know what they're selling compared to the next Johnny twobyfour.
And a lot of twats in this thread that just goes to show "people make hasty generalisations just reading headlines" and get no context as to how misleading the title actually was from the main article
You also know what else happened to gamestop? Bankruptcy.
That's not because of their hiring practices, that's a management problem. Why the fuck did they get funco pops? Every place that ever got them bankrupt!
Good art comes from a life well lived. Most anime today is shit because the people making it got into the business just because they like anime.
But with that said, Nintendo's first party games are shit
He's hiring people who can design games as he once did when he started out. When there was no concept of "platformer". When designing a level wasn't based on "best practices" but on experimenting and seeing what worked
Pitfall was created before Mario.
Atari had several platformers.
At that point it was a notion barely formed. Miyamoto was still on the frontier making Mario. So I can see why he'd want similar people now although it would be hard to find people these days who are a 'clean slate' so to speak
At that point dozens of platformers already existed. Pick up a history book.
That doesn't hold much water when he invented mario
how many of those games did Miyamoto actually make anyway? doesn't he usually work on his own projects and leave stuff like that to other directors?
Stop being a pedant. Of course they already existed but Mario was the first to get it all right. The player-controlled scrolling, variable height jumping, intentional level design, etc.
Again, Pitfall.
Flashcards with various multiplication problems really help. Maybe there is a Typing of the Dead type game for maths.
Just every single possible multiplication problem from 1*1 to 12*12 on cardboard wrote with a magic marker or pen. Being able to multiply numbers on the fly without calculator reaching will help you tremendously with many fields of maths.
From there you can learn order of operations with PE(MD)(AS) or please excuse my dead aunt Sally. Paranthesis first, then exponents, multiplication and division both come next since multiplying and division is basically the same operation, just 1/X instead of X/1, then finally adding and subtracting last.
From there you can learn troll maths to troll people who are probably more autistic at maths than you like how .999... = 1 because there is no number between .999... and 1 therefore they are the same with a simple proof: 1/3 = .333... and 1/3 + 1/3 + 1/3 = 1 therefore .999... = 1
From there learn galaxy brain theorums that don't even apply to our world since we decided not to count that way. Like how an alien might count a human by the tips of his limbs instead of the unified body.
Also please for the love of all that is holy learn about the Mandelbrot set. Infinite complexity with simple rules and infinite possible sets. Pic related is the infinite mandelbrot set. There are old computer programs that let you delve further and further into it, and the set can be used to plot objects with no discernable shape, like clouds.
Pitfall did not have auto-scrolling, let alone scrolling that the player could control
>Weird then that the main Wii-U and Switch titles were all extremely casualized, extremely safe to make games
Mario is always pretty safe sure but it sounds like you haven't heard of the more niche titles
Why are you trying to use a European plug that needs 240 volts into a sow that only produces 120 volts without a step up transformer attached?
He is kind of an overseer for every project. He is responsible for Nintendo games having that Nintendo like aesthetic.
Thats one of the strongest (and weakest) point of their games. Some people love them and others hate them
But Miyamoto only does Pikmin these days.
Pitfall was crap tho
That explains why every Nintendo game is a boring slog now
Makes sense. If you work with people who dont give a fuck there's less creative fighting
This is literally why a lot of anime seems very derivative and samey
it's hardcore anime nerds making anime for hardcore anime nerds
He probably just doesn't want to associate with limp wristed annoying faggots that make up the majority of the gaymer population.
Eh, I don't know... Many of the greatest video games ever made are inspired off many of the greatest movies ever made.
hit timing in joyful is basic as hell and awful
So Sakurai being the Smash director and creator of kirby is a bad idea? he's 100% a gaming fanatic.
>how many of those games did Miyamoto actually make anyway
He's more of an advisor at this point than he is a creator. And when you don't listen to him you get sticker star and color splash.
Then why did he hire people who do?
Kind of yeah.
>Pokemon Sun/Moon
Atari was never relevant since they crashed an industry that wasn't even installed.
Saved as
>Miyamoto is a clueless boomer. Quote from the article, 'The reason, he said, is people who play a lot of video games are less willing to try new ideas.' Blatant lie; the more into games a person is, the broader their horizons-
Damn Windows and its strict character limit for file names
Usually most of the good inspirations for video games come from personal real life non-gaming experiences. When you have gamers make video games it's usually a rip-off or inspired by another existing video game
What's wrong with Sun/Moon? (I stopped caring after Emerald.)
Is anyone surprised?
I do not questing his decisions
>shit cartoon graphics
>shit realistic graphics
what did you mean by that?
people just complain about game freaks terrible programming style, sun and moon is actually fun besides the little post game content it as.
Why do you call cartoon artstyle shit?
You're right, the best chefs are people who hate food.
The best bankers are people with no money.
The best athletes are people who hate excercize.
Thankfully Nintendo is wise enough to apparently only hire passionless corporate drones now, it really shows in their amazing products!
Nintendon't/Pee Sea consumer spotted.
cartoon artstyle isnt shit,
THAT specific cartoon artstyle is shit, it looks like ass compared to windwaker
fuck off nintendie SEGA 4 lyfe
The key being Sakurai not a faggot and having actual talent for what he does.
This is why Miyamoto had Iwata murdered and Reggie fired. They both enjoyed playing games too much.
BotW feels like they hired Tumblr users to make it.
Doesn't have round red nose so definitely not tumblr
But why is bad?
>The people who put an actual real money casino inside a 5 year old game are ther good guys
it looks blurry as shit, the enviroment isnt cartoony thus contrasts too much with the characters, and they didnt improve over windwaker asthetics
As much as I liked BotW I can't say I disagree with that.
>elbows are too pointy
big think
literally /ourguy/
This makes a fuckton of sense.
I've just watched that Game Maker's Toolkit indie dev competition and from the top 20 games out of some 4000, 80% of those were either revamped ancient mechanics with a twist or some literal aspect of gamedev turned into a mechanic. Aka imaginative takes on completely unimaginative ideas that will catch nobody's attention except other game devs.
The true definition of a circlejerk.
Why the fuck would I ever hire any of you faggots
I see a good post, this is a good post.
Please let this senile hack die soon so Nintendo can actually finally stop living in 1997.
as opposed to the limp wristed faggots who hate gamers
I hope that old, senile pants shitting fuck eats shit and dies as soon as possible.
I'm sick and tired of this old, demented faggot who is so out of touch with video games. He belongs into a retirement home and sedated till he croaks.
The unholy trinity of Neokiketrashitpisstendo: Iwta (thankfully ate shit and died already) Reggie Nigger (also out) and the final cancer Miyamotto. Once this worthless fuck is gone, Nintendo will usher into a new golden age.
I think it's whether or not they are video game fans before they are game devs. If you think like a gamer during the dev process you will fuck up. The base of a game takes a lot of effort to get right, for good games I mean. You have different goal posts and that change the way you think. If you primary goal is " to make a game" then the result is vastly different from "I have a vision of a game I want to make"
make sence
people who playing games are losers
dude's a phoenix wright witness
>iwata dying was a good thing
his death is the single reason pokemon in general and nintendo's philosophies are dying right now
Miyamoto hasn't been relevant since the 80s