Ion fury discussion continued.
Do not let vocal minorities bully devs/publishers into altering a game they had no intention of playing in the first place.
Do not let invading discords convince you that their posts are organic
Ion fury discussion continued.
Do not let vocal minorities bully devs/publishers into altering a game they had no intention of playing in the first place.
Do not let invading discords convince you that their posts are organic
Other urls found in this thread:
How often are we going to keep having this fucking thread?
This has to be the most astroturfed fucking controversy I've seen here in years
Fuck this narcissistic bullshit
Daily reminder the /pol/ fags bitching and whining about the change and review bombing the game are just as bad as SJWs
2nd for anyone defending censorship is a faggot nigger.
The kids are annoyed since school is back in session and they need something to focus on.
Threadly reminder that pushback against cencorship IS NOT THE SAME as those trying to censor. Anyone that says this are faggots astroturfing.
Daily reminder the NPC incels raging about this had no intention of playing the game and would not have even noticed the removed jokes.
Daily reminder that NPC incels are buying the game and leaving reviews without playing the game just because the incel hivemind tells them to.
Daily reminder if you care about any of this you are a drain on society and should delete yourself.
What is this? A shill image for ants?
me be centrist both sides dum dum
>ogay is being removed but not this
>Do not let vocal minorities bully devs/publishers into altering a game they had no intention of playing in the first place.
This is not the source of the controversy, faggot.
t. pic related
Go shill Alien Armageddon and jerk off to your bolt on boob job tranny oneitis you tremendous faggot.
>anyone against censorship is as bad as the people who are pro censorship
Hey there tranny. Hows the axe wound going?
I just want to buy it without giving 3D Trannies my money
Do any of you guys actually want to discuss the video game?
The way I see it, the trannies and anti-trannies are exactly the same. Both are evil and cancerous. The anti-trannies are worse and need to stop whining and sending negative reviews. They are the real bad guys here.
Threadly reminder that removing a name from a bottle of shampoo is not censorship, its a creative decision by those who own the rights to the product. And if you complain about any creative decision of the property owners, be it demanding to remove something or demanding to add something, YOU ARE A LITERAL COMMUNIST SHIT BAG.
Why, just so you can complain about it?
No. They want to rage over it because of horseshit that won't matter in a week.
Tranny shills going hard
See above.
Free the Devs!
I know nothing about this except for some basic info. Who are at fault here? The SJWs or anti-SJWs?
>Being fine with every game having to pass a Resetera content filter
>closeted tranny incel NPCs this btfo
Lmao, better go back to your incel discord and cry about trannies some more you obsessed degenerate
>Get btfo
>can’t make an argument
I have 6 hours into the game.
So constant outrage over how women are depicted in games doesn't happen? Do I just imagine the screeching if no brown people are included in games? Is the gay hysteria over a few jokes in this game merely a flash in the pan? Fuck off you disingenuous fuckwit.
Shelly "Bombshell" Harrison is cute, especially when she is at about 70 or 80 health with a bit of blood on her lip
It's manufactured outrage created by goobergaters who refuse to acknowledge they lost years ago. Just ignore it and move on.
Eat a fucking flacid cock GREEN SKELETON. How about you make your steam profile public again you fucking coward faggot.
Except they bought the game
trannies didn't
Like it or not, the outrage can only be perpetuated by their customers because they're the ones who can write the reviews.
This game would be fine if their lead coder wasn't a fucking bigot. Don't blame Voidpoint, blame terminx, he fucking ruined everything with his needless hate speech.
I'm so fucking annoyed this shit blew up right after I bought the game. After seeing comfy threads sharing secrets and talking weapons I was exited to talk about this game with Yea Forums.
,anti sjws because they won’t be good boys and take the kiking
The devs but that doesnt matter.
A lot of us are just neutral in the culture war but don't want to support censorship in video games is all.
I'm new to it but I definitely wanna talk about it
What kind of weapons does it have?
how can someone say something like this?
Started playing BloodGDx after I got the urge to play Ion Fury.
Game still holds up really well.
Any recommended campaigns/maps?
Holy shit you're mad as fuck lol. Guess the hormone replacement makes you a sensitive little bitch.
Not an argument
he's right though. tranny shit will be looked at like lobotomy in the future
>Its another gamer doesn't get the culture war
Who gives a fuck if your game is fun, filled to the brim soul and care, a technical Build Engine marvel and was initially beloved by Yea Forums? The devs are SJWenabling cucks that censor their games and as such bring as closer to the total cultural marxist takeover of society. You gamers are really stupid, like, what the fuck. Watch some Sargon vids kid and realize its not just about your precious video games, it will open your eyes.
Those threads were so fun. Now all of the IF discussion here will be political warriors raging against or supporting the devs for stupid political shit.
What gay hysteria? AFAIK it was some tweets, Whereas Yea Forums has been in meltdown mode for days.
Have you played Death Wish yet?
It's incredible
Also, play NBlood, not BloodGDX. BloodGDX is Java bullshit.
Technically true, that OGAY shit sounds super uninspired and this retardera backlash may have been the opportunity to catch two birds with one stone by improving the joke and getting those precious dindu points in front of the outraging faggot community. Fagbag needed to go anyway because it's leftover shit.
Get a life.
Anti-SJWs are just as bad as SJWs.
>Blatantly Ignores the first half of the post
boring game
Yes, a lot of us were having a lot of fun with the game but then 3D Realms went full retard. This is the reality, we can't go back in time.
This. How dare someone not want to get fucked in the ass?
Sorry friend but they removed 'ogay' from a bottle of shampoo they arent forcing you to play as a transsexual black woman president.
>The devs are SJWenabling cucks
See >watch some sargon vids
This is bait right?
>a concerted campaing to pressure the publisher into chastising the devs
>just a few tweets
And you're "just a little" faggot.
both sides are social justice warriors the only anti social justice are the people who don't give a shit
For me, it's the Bowling Bomb.
You already lost the argument. Your faggot designs were scrapped long ago. Voidpoint started with this design of shelly. THEREFORE THE DEVELOPERS LITERALLY CHANGED/CENSORED NOTHING you board spamming faggot.
>inb4 you post some pasta to dodge having to reason
Let me post your argument for you
>hate niggers
>hate trannies
>hate jannies
>love to dab on discord trannyggers invading Yea Forums
>"b-but muh vydia gaemz"
>"b-but muh pol boo gay men"
>"b-but muh wee men"
>people who play games are as bad as the people trying to ruin their hobby.
Keep em coming, I can reck you fags all day.
Gonna start you people GJWs, Gamer Justice Warriors, You faggots are literally the same if not worse
Soccer moms and church women have been complaining about boobies and violence in video games since before most of us were born so whatever bro
I never see screeching about lack of black people either. Just one twitter screencap of a literal who and a 300+ post thread of icnels crying.
Aight, will check it out.
Does the cutscenes work in NBlood? I got issues with them in BloodGDX cause apparently every program I try to extract them aren't 64-bit compatible
How does a lame apology "ruin their hobby"? How fucking autistic are you?
>or supporting the devs
Literally nobody but the actual friends and sensible people who know all facets of the context support the devs. They are the ultimate cucks and didn't deserve it for shit.
God damn I dislike SJWs as much as the next person but you /pol/ whiners are the worst thing ever
This, lol. Who cares if they are patching out jokes from a Duke Nukem game?
>But they changed the designs early on so it doesn’t count
They kept her personality, her weapon to a degree and the gameplay. Changing the design was a conscious choice from sjw 3D realms.
>bought the game ONLY to give it a thumbs down review
I love voxels!
>hate everyone
>love my bros
>love to shit post on discord trannies and cripchan incels invading Yea Forums
>closet tranny incel
That's actually a good idea, you might just might be the smartest person to crawl out of ResetEra.
It's not just this one instance and you know it isn't, stop being disingenuous. They removed content, that's bullshit no matter how small the changes are. This is not the first game that has been targeted by the internet lynch mob either.
>How fucking autistic are you?
Remember where you are.
>b-but they changed the design at the start so it’s ok!
Don't complain. Don't react. Don't think. Don't feel. Consume.
Sometimes I wish WWIII would start so you faggots would actually have some purpose in your lives instead of trying to fill the void in your empty and directionless lives with politics in gaming nonsense.
there is literally nothing wrong with chopping off baby dicks and giving them estrogen
Non argument, stay btfo reverse sjw secretly tranny incel virgin
I too, as a gamer that regularly browses Yea Forums - Video Games, dislike /pol/. I agree with you fellow Yea Forumstard.
It's not that I liked the guy because of its cringe language and attitude but at least he was cool background noise. Now I can't even bear to see his fucking neckbeard face without feeling ill and realized him spouting uninformed, unprofessional opinions without any second guess in order to further outrage made him as bad as the quote on quote evil he's fighting against.
This. Who cares , it’s just text lol
>actual friends
Content is typically considered actual gameplay content, not four letters on a bottle of shampoo you would have never looked it.
You are the only one being disingenuous here.
None of them would pass fitness let alone mental examination.
i dont think you understand what full retard is
Supposedly that one autist that has been promoting his DN3D mod here on Yea Forums for like the past 6 months is the one who masterminded this whole controversy. That's amazing if true.
No it won't. The medical side of it will only get better and people will be able to swap their gender at will and this will be 100% socially acceptable.
>everyone I disagree with is a wrong thinking sjw
try harder
They (the developers) never changed the designs they fucking created that design. 3DR SCRAPPED those designs you jerk off to during DNF development. The only USED design pre ION FURY is the Bombshell design which logically could not be used in this game because ION FURY is a prequel so she doesn't have a fucking robo arm and mech suit. They would HAVE to make a new design from the start for this game. No one is under any obligations to use scrapped designs for a new AND UNRELATED game because they are *SCRAPPED* and they were NEVER USED in the first place. Eat shit for life you tranny worshipping cunt. I'm done.
You should go fill the void in your ass, gay boy. Apathetic double niggers like you are the fucking worst.
>i wish thousands of people would die because somebody said mean things online
truly the smartest man itt
Yes, NBlood does support the cutscenes in addition to the OG software renderer (same look as in DOS, but with modern resolution support etc). BloodGDX looks a bit "wrong" what with all washed out colors etc.
Factually incorrect. One instigated the conflict, the other reacted in self-defense.
He's not the creator of that mod, it just supports his shitposting.
>on Yea Forums for like the past 6 months
Nah, he went on for WAY more than that, when the mod didn't even exist, and he also had a strong /vr/ presence.
No. They based Shelly off of original Shelly. They didn’t make her out of thin air, they based her name, weapons, design, ect off of the original Shellly. The consciously decided to keep the electro melee weapon and keep her name but give her a shit nu- SJW design that doesn’t look 90s at all. You are a faggot and just got btfo
i mean, that's kinda what /pol/ is calling for innit? or they really want some feminine cock in their ass
thats actually how it plays out usually so yes thats true
>let's punish developers for being forced to alter the game by their publisher!
Real self-defense there
>People wan't to keep poltics out of video games
>People just want to fucking play video games
>Other people bring their polotics into video games
>those people don't even fucking play video games
>dev panders to the people who don't even play the fucking game
>game is worse as a result
No, you just hate jews and minorites
You are literally one of the SJW's
>GJWs, Gamer Justice Warriors
National-Socialist Justice Warriors exists already.
that theory has no basis in reality
Ideas get recycled into other ideas all the fucking time.
> nu- SJW design that doesn’t look 90s at all.
Idk, it's pretty Ghost In The Shell or Robocop. just because it's not a titty bimbo doesnt mean it isnt like other 90s heroines
>bullying innocent devs and their 4-year long love project for being fucked over by their publisher cucks is self-defense
>nuh uh he started it!
nigger you're arguing about politics and using a weakest form of censoring to try and use as a soap box for a fucking VIDEOGAME and you're treating it like a tranny is choking you while banging your tight ass
Basing a new design off something != changing design
>People wan't to keep poltics out of video games
>People just want to fucking play video games
Then shut up and go play video games.
>game is worse as a result
Sorry, but how is the game worse as a result? Did you only buy the game because of four letters on a bottle of shampoo? OH WAIT YOU DIDNT BUY THE GAME AND HAVE NO PLANS TO YOU JUST WANT TO INSERT YOUR OWN POLITICS INTO VIDEO GAMES
It's also punishing the Publisher. This is the only way they will learn and adapt, when it affects their bottom line. In business you have to work in extremes. Moderates and people who don't care are swept under the rug as "inconsequential". That's why you must exaggerate your dislike for something to get change to happen, just ranting on twitter or Yea Forums will accomplish nothing and they will continue to do the thing you dislike until something changes.
Appreciate it, will check it out
>Idk, it's pretty Ghost In The Shell or Robocop.
The people who actually bought the game and are affected by the changes in the game are at fault for pushing back at the developers and warning people to not support the practice of censorship
Ya we are defiantly at fault
He's objectively correct though
Who the fuck cares about these devs? You're all a bunch of babies and children. Get the fuck off of my Yea Forums.
That's gross oversimplification because "centrism" is a meme misrepresenting moderates. And moderates want what is reasonable and don't want what is unreasonable, unsustainable or detrimental.
>This is the only way they will learn and adapt, when it affects their bottom line.
I don't give a fuck about 3D Realms, I care about Voidpoint and their fucking game because it is literally my childhood dream come true and you're taking it away from me and from their effort you humongous faggot. Neck yourself.
BloodGDX is a lot more accurate gameplay-wise so there is no perfect Blood sourceport.
This isn't going to accomplish what you guys want, though. You're expecting companies and the industry to be able to look at nuance, when they're indeed going to look at their bottom line and come to this conclusion:
Due to this PR disaster, publishers and companies and the industry will simply decide that it isn't worth it to collaborate with longtime modders to make games anymore. Or maybe even decide to not make 90s-esque shooters anymore to avoid pissing off their angry fanbase.
Now games like Ion Fury have a far lower likelihood of happening again.
Those are some other anons, I'm done giving him (you)s. My autism is unteathered rn
yea fuck you and your dog whistle. you don't care about censorship you just wanna complain about trannies
That's bullshit, NBlood was created by reverse engineering the original DOS executables to replicate their gameplay. It is demo compatible, meaning the physics and AI are the same.
You people are mentally ill
You all need to have sex then you wouldnt care about such nonsense
posting more SJW character designs
>Or maybe even decide to not make 90s-esque shooters anymore
>Now games like Ion Fury have a far lower likelihood of happening again.
Im not seeing the issue here. These boomer shooters are just lazy cashin bullshit.
maybe the game is not worse, but the attitude and the cowardice in dispaly will for sure make things worse in the future, it's not about the content change, it's about the reasons leading to the content change, the reasons are unnacceptable even if the change is.
already did last weekend
Major gets naked a lot, though. Shelly doesnt
No it’s not faggot. It looks nothing like Gias which is sexy and skin tight. Sure designs change but they specifically decided to change her from sexy to covered up,
>autist trying to shill his own game digs up 6 month old discord message where a single Voidpoint dev says "making your baby a tranny is dumb"
>autist uses it and various other things that make trannyera seethe to have them make a big stink that catches the attention of some journos
>3D Realms apologizes, says they'll make sure devs get "mandatory sensitivity training", and donates 10k to LGBTOMGWTFBBQ+-= child enabling and suicide prevention organization
>3DR forces Voidpoint to censor a few things
>chaos ensues and game gets reviewbombed
>trannyera still isn't happy and they want 3DR to fire le bigot devs
>Voidpoint devs get caught in the middle of a shitstorm that could've been prevented if 3DR just didn't acknowledge the trannies
It's a mess
You're splitting hairs, were the devs preessured to change their game or not?
If anything I think this controversy has proven that anti-SJWs are worse than the SJWs.
Changing game on the request of fucking Reseteara is a valid reason to reviewbomb. Regardless of the changes to the game itself it's a bad practice that damages the entire industry.
Stop trying to defend them, they've got exactly what they deserve.
>b-but the major is wearing clothes sometimes!
Wow, what a shit argument
Games where you can't get naked confirmed shit, you heard it here first.
Right, and pigs will fly straight up your arse.
What matters is not what was changed but that Resetera is not some gatekeeper that gets to decide what can be in the game and what has to be removed. Devs/publisher should get the message.
it's funny because movie motoko is a very bland interpretation of a sexy female character
Post favourite track
The point went way over your head. You are cherry picking and it’s a bad one at that since The major almost always wears sexy and revealing clothes.
>were the devs preessured to change their game or not?
Yes, But this also happens like every week with MMOs. Its called patches, updates, bug fixes etc :^)
don't forget is not just about game changes, it's about a dev/publisher sending their people to reeducation for perceived transphobia and homophobia, which I believe should the main point, the was no phobia and is just caving to lunatics which also should be unacceptable because they think that's their real audience, while the real audience has to accept what the lunatics want.
You know what they say about those who fight monsters.
>i was wronged, instead of doing anything like messaging directly i shall poison the well instead
no you're a dickless cuck
I'd also reviewbomb an MMO if Resetera got to decide by themselves what gets patched.
>Gias which is sexy and skin tight
What, are you basing it off the fucking scarlett johanssen movie?
See Meanwhile pic related is from Ion Fury ingame, a lot more skintight than those
As oppsed to the people who hunted down reasons to punish the devs for some jokes, harsssing the publisher until they were forced to change their product?
I don't want to look like a whore when I'm playing a badass cop, I want to wear tacticool shit and you got the ogays if you don't.
Steam reviews are currently the most direct way of communicating with the devs. And writing a negative review along with explaining why it's negative is not poisoning the well. It's using the review system as intended.
Honestly the gits manga is kind of a fucking mess, t b h
The game still exists, it's not going anywhere. They can cut ties with the publisher and crowdsource it easily.
I want you to take time and explain exactly how /pol/ being upset that a good game got attacked by SJWs is just as bad as said SJWs causing the bullshit in the first place? It's easy to make such an empty shitpost but people like you seldom elaborate on your actual feelings.
Tell me, do you agree with SJWs but don't want to admit it?
Because /pol/ being upset has caused far more damage to the game than the SJWs did
They literally got manipulated into doing their work for them
Didn't the developers call people faggots?
>people who are pissed at the internet lynch mob calling for devs lives to be ruined are as bad as the lymch mob.
It's amazing how the anime's director managed to turn a silly sci-fi ecchiish manga into a serious movie about what it means to be human.
The movie and anime you dumb fuck
Is Major more expressive in the Manga than in the movie?
Multiplayer is currently being implemented, and the devs hinted numerous times there would have been expansions if the game gathered enough success, which guess what, after all this shit it probably won't.
>They can cut ties with the publisher and crowdsource it easily.
1. 3DR owns Bombshell
2. Voidpoint are still cuck cowards which are not to be trusted in the common imaginary. Crowdfunding will not do them any favors, they are completely fucked one way or another.
it's fun until it disappears up it's own arse in the last third or so
a campaign of review bombing and going "SOAP BOTTLES ARE CHOKING MY FREEDOM 0/10!!!!!!!" is not how reviews are intended you child
ironic considering you are rhetorically poisoning the well of this discussion with your very post
See, disingenuous.
That’s not skintight at all faggot and you can’t see that at all in her sprite
I know. I was really surprised when I got to the part with the guy who had memories of a fictional family implanted into his head. In anime it was a heavy and disturbing scene, in the manga it was a joke.
How did /pol/ cause more damage? 10,000 dollars was wasted on meaningless virtue signalling and the game got into such a shitstorm that the publisher caved and felt the need to issue an apology. What has /pol/ cost the game in comparison?
have some your own medicine, its good for you
Imagine still pretending it's about Soap Bottles and ignoring literally everything else
The people pissed at the lynch mob created their own lynch mob against the publisher and devs for caving to the original lynch mob.
If you are against censorship you are as bad as the people that are pro censorship
>retards with no intention of playing the game bully devs for a completely normal comment made months ago
>Yea Forums and other cucks with no intention of playing the game are bullying the devs for apologizing, probably forced by the publishers
why can't all you people just fuck off from video games forever?
Deciding whatever you like game or not and writing what you dislike is how it was intended. Negative rating may be related to game itself or just bad industry practices.
>you child
Being angry and bitter won't help you so stop.
"/pol/"(i.e. normal people with a brain) reacted sensibly. You apathetic cucks are just whinging and complaining and getting in the way. Literally nobody cares about your opinion.
imagine crying this hard over a soap bottle
This, it was just text lmao, burn books I don’t care!
I can point to numerous professional reviews where this is a reason for giving a movie a bad score.
don't worry just pirate it
the devs don't care
>not paying for the game they've worked on for years
>not ruining their lives
I'd like to see you go in the discord and tell them that.
It's the principal of the matter.
>Do not let vocal minorities bully devs/publishers into altering a game they had no intention of playing in the first place.
So what you're doing with review bombing?
Well I guess they learned their lesson then. Stop caving to fringe loonies.
And to think all of this stupid drama started because of this bottle. Damn... we truly live in a society.
Anyone got a download link for it? I'll give it a pirate.
>"your honor i know killed that man for pinching me but its the principle"
fucking hell
So lynch mobs are okay when they support your pet political issues. Retard.
How about I give you the principal of my dick?
no it's not. you just want drama. it literally doesn't affect the fucking game in any way whatsoever. considering it's hidden, you wouldn't have even known it existed if not for this bullshit
>There's people out there that support the idea of forcing a baby to be a tranny
>the very same people that would be outraged if trans people were forced to live as the gender they were born as
All of this retardation spawned by some sort of "outrage culture", how people are able to ruin other's careers over a "wrong" opinion or a thing they said years ago, fucking global warming and how the people that fucked the world won't be around to see it's demise.
Offing myself is looking more tempting by the day, I don't like the idea of living if it means I have to force myself into a mindset I don't agree with just to avoid getting destroyed by a salty bitch or two.
Not an argument. I'm saying the reaction wasn't "/pol/" it was normal people sick of censorship you twat.
>cave to my fringe loonies, not those ones!
how about you go back to
This lad is losing his fucking shit. He thinks this game is made by antifa now.
You legit sound like a child abuse victim. I hope diabetes takes you from us soon.
The review bombing will result in way more lost sales than a paltry $10000 would cover, and will cause companies to go "let's not work with modders for old games anymore, their communities will attack us for the tiniest fuckup"
Well maybe they should reconsider pandering to groups literally nobody else likes before selling a product.
It's on the pirate Bay. That's where I got it
skub niggers must die
this is absolutely correct though, anyone with a sane brain would say the same damn thing
R-r-reeeee! Le Ebil Oppressibb EssJayDoublebubbles are OPPRESSING ME UWU
Learn to realize you're irrelevant, biblehumper.
He's right you know. /pol/ was unable to put as much as a dent in game scores. These are the normies that are upset.
don't know. i'm just calling you out on your bullshit
well if you're sick of censorship maybe you should not have spent 500 posts complaining about trannies on Yea Forums and actually did something that might affect change
That's how humanity works. Get out of your basement every once and a while and you'll find out.
And he's still getting flak from people who agree with him, by him doing absolutely nothing but not fucking his career.
>helping failjack posters
Is that you, user?
Well there are a lot more people hanging shit on the devs now so I guess they're less fringe than a few whack jobs on ResetEra.
Shes a white woman with a pretty face in 2019, there's nothing sjw about her design
This threads is hularious
>Resetera does some shit and Yea Forums doesn't reac
>RESETERA ALWAYS WINS BAYBEY, Yea Forums is irrelevant
>Resetera does something and Yea Forums reacts
I already did but it feels dirty
why do polfags not understand what censoring means
seething trannies
I don't care about drama. I'm sick of devs and publishers bending the knee to trannies for little shit like this. It all adds up over time.
>autistic disabled man tries to use his skills to make a videogame so he can financially support his family
>publisher forces him to make changes to appease a troll
>/vpol/ threatens the livelihood of a disabled man for something he was forced to do
Fuck you, you dumb faggots
They're still seething that Neogaf got shut down and they lost their pedo hideout.
Alright, let's go ahead and assume /pol/ in fact has caused the game more damage. All of it could have been avoided if the Devs either stood by their words or simply never said anything at all. /pol/ didn't make the Devs back down. They tried coming up with excuses like "context" instead of owning up to their own words & holding their ground. If any lesson is going to be taught it'll be for Devs to stand their ground or don't even bother speaking out against SJWs to begin with.
So even if /pol/ is causing more damage it'll end up being a good thing for the industry as a whole. Devs cowering to SJW outrage is what's made the entire industry so fucking terrible.
This. It’s only a joke. It’s ok to censor jokes!
but over a soap bottle....
Fuck off moralfaggot. Where did you even come from?
Even if that were true it won't happen for many generations. The present day, barbaric medical procedures that trannies undergo are our era's lobotomies, electroshock therapy or chemical castrations.
> /pol/ didn't make the Devs back down.
No, but 3drealms probably did make them.
That's now, before you were really upset because they changed the design of shelly for this game. Tomorrow you'll latch on to some other imaginary slight in other game, like the parasite you are.
Literally all of Yea Forums is an absolute rage and review bombing a game for their morality, how the fuck am I the moralfag for wanting to support a dev who made a good videogame
I'm part of a small gaming community that has less than 100 players and have had SJWs start spamming about how the game is racist and needs to be changed
Don't forget about forcing devs to do bullshit sensitivity training. Press was urging players for months now to react with outrage in cases when the devs are mistreated by publisher. Well, now is the time.
fuck you and your false morals. you don't care about censorship. you're just lookign for the next platform to stand on to complain about trannies and kikes
Insects do not have the intellect to understand principals. The kikes will say “it’s ok to censor this it’s just a little joke”, then the next day it will be “We are also censoring these homophobic jokes as well” and then the day after that “No got can’t say that homophobia thing either”.
What day of the week did Yea Forums become a single person?
I am so happy this lazy cashgrab has been overrun by retards. Fuck pandering.
>So even if /pol/ is causing more damage it'll end up being a good thing for the industry as a whole.
it won't though, publishers aren't gonna say "let's not give in to sjw demands anymore" they're just going to say "let's not hire well established community modders to make games anymore"
big yikes, bullet dodged
>Literally all of Yea Forums
Using that word for hyperbole is a literally unforgivable transgression.
This. Captain Marvel isn’t she at all!
Yeah, it's clearly more important that your retarded mental quandaries are placated than for videogames to be released. Videogames are for nerds, anyway, am I right fellow centipedes?
You don't know that.
Replacing the ogay bottle is literally a stylistic change
I liked the game. I might not like it if i paid $25 for it.
or "lets force anyone we hire to give us all social media names so we can make sure they are political equivalent of milquetoast"
I wish vidya would just fucking die already, I'm sick of not being the target audience anymore, I just wanted to have fun and escape this shitty world for a couple of hours, now everything has become infected by politics and it makes me sick
And not even so much as a sideshave or any piercings, by 2019 standards this is the complete opposite of sjw
>Yeah, it's clearly more important that your retarded mental quandaries are placated than for videogames to be released. Videogames are for nerds, anyway, am I right fellow centipedes?
Games will be released regardless. Ignoring SJWs while they were insignifficant led to multiple companies being ruined. If the gamers reacted to all SJWs as they do today, but back in late 00's some shit games would not be released, but the industry would be overall much healthier.
as opposed to other retarded mental quandries about whether magic words on a bottle can leap out of the screen and cause harm to transexuals
This. The only "principals" they have is fighting their political enemy.
These faggots would get wet if a right-wing group censored a game to fight the trannies or apologized for being even slightly pro-trans.
>"you can't predict the future user but i can"
Yet another reason the Epic Store's lack of forums and reviews is proven right as "hardcore gamers" continue to prove they're a bunch of malformed manchildren obsessed with identity politics
its pretty likely. Youre expecting corporations to do a right thing, lol.
Its no more of an assumption than thinking theyll remove actual jokes like the "this man has no dick line" because of the ogay change.
Many people might don't know it, but they also spent time and resources into developing a full fledged Android port of Duke3D based on their EDuke32 port, this was meant to be Voidpoint's actual debut into the industry. Back then 3D Realms still owned the rights of any Duke game before Forever, so it was technically possible, but Gearbox at large went to court and Randy literally pushed mafia scare tacticts on Twitter to force Terminx into refraining from what he was doing because HE wanted to do the 20th anniversary port. Voidpoint must the studio with the most fucked background in recent history.
Slippery slope is not a fallacy. It's literally happening before our eyes.
I never claimed to be able to predict the future.
Any more words you want to put in my mouth?
>still have all the jokes
>minus a soap bottle
The Devs still could have held their ground and stuck to their convictions. They completely pussied out and are actively attacking the users who are complaining in the discord, banning many of them and acting like censorship didn't happen. They could at least make it clear they don't agree with the publishers or something, anything.
As it stands they've totally bent the knee, and that's absolutely pathetic. Other Devs need to learn from this incident to never speak out against SJWs unless they're ready for a fight. These Devs should have been paying attention to the political climate, it was 2018 so there was no excuses.
Yes, it will. Devs in general need to realize that speaking against SJWs should be taken very seriously, and the consequences of engaging them yet backing down when it matters. Don't criticize SJW culture unless you're prepared, that's the lesson to be learned from here on out. If community modders get fucked because of that then so be it, Devs need to learn this lesson and appreciate how dangerous SJWs are.
I'd rather the entire industry crash and burn that see it further perverted by self-righteous Leftist faggots.
This, it’s ok because the joke is about a bottle so it’s ok got.
I hate how this has ruined any discussion you could have about the actual game.
You're either that autist that has been spamming bullshit about the game for months, or someone even dumber who saw his posts and went "gosh darn, this feller sure is right."
Why were they offended by this anyway? It's literal a Man in stasis with his dick chopped off. It has absolutely nothing to do with trannies. Maybe they were gonna add a laser module or something and have him shoot lasers with his...mechanical dick he's getting attached.
Literally what else got changed besides a soap bottle and a line of dev text? You can't answer this so you won't.
except its not, the only thing that happened is literally what you started on and nothing else
Not an argument.
Stay seething, tranny.
But by 90s standards it’s kiked shit
>still have all the jokes except the ones we took out
>The Devs still could have held their ground and stuck to their convictions.
No shit, theyre under contract, if they go against 3drealms they get sued or dont get profits from their game. Like it or not people make games to make money, not to make a moral statement. If you were in such a situation with your livelihood held hostage by your boss you'd probably do the same damn thing.
Ah, yes. The slippery slope, a powerful tool against the uninitiated.
>a full fledged Android port
It was close to a remaster, with tons of new assets and additional shit which included cut stuff from the prototype vaults they have on their hands.
>except its not
Look at any other so-called "slippery slope" fallacy in censorship for games. See how far down the slope they have gone. Exactly how far down the slope before you acknowledge it?
And the 10,000$ Donation. Also, the "Mandatory Sensitivity Training".
>led to multiple companies being ruined.
Name 5.
Doesnt matter, this joke isnt even being messed with. instead its a far more subtle prob being replaced and an out of bounds message.
Youd think if this was censorship theyd go for the more obvious things like the no dick line
Then don't make anti-SJW statements in the first place if you aren't going to be able to back it up, period. I have more respect for soiboy degenerates spouting their nonsense than those that talk shit against SJWs yet cower down. They should have fully understood what it meant to speak against the crybullies yet didn't, that's on them and they've suffered the consequences of it.
Imagine being terminx right now. After working hard on making one of your favourite Build Engine games of all time playable on modern systems, you're given the opportunity to work on an entirely new game using the Build Engine. After tons of legal bullshittery with Randy Pitchford and even Iron Maiden's lawyers of all things, you finally manage to push out a respectable game which most people seem to like. The launch seems like a success. Then some rando who must've obsessively dug through your Discord logs found something you said a year ago which could be used to spark controversy by reposting it on ResetEra. Several people get upset about it and start refunding/reviewbombing them game. It seems minor enough and you say you've found it fairly innocuous yourself, but HQ ain't having none of that and are going into full damage control mode, going even as far as to donate to some LGBT charity and making a public apology. This probably involved some angry calls by your superior and your entire team cursing you under their breath for dragging them into this mess. Then you return to your Discord only to find it's a massive dumpster fire with the mods working overtime to shutdown discussion about the controversy as per 3DR's request, with former fans calling you a sellout and a pathetic beta cuck for bending the knee, even though you literally don't have working knees.
And there you sit, seeing everything go from excellent to shit in the span of a couple days while you are on the verge of exploding, when all you wanted to do was make game. All because of some shit you said in the past.
Its a ghostbusters reference you dumb niggers
fuck resetera fuck /pol/ and fuck politics. all you faggots are just using this game to shitpost your political opinions because that's all you "people" are just flesh bags full of opinions not even human.
No it isnt, full bodysuits or armor was common as fuck for 80s and 90s characters.
Hell one of the biggest action movie heroines Sarah Connor is by no means sexy.
Gotta pay the troll toll
What happened? What changed? I'm completely out of the loop.
And the dev getting fired
wow a company doing damage control but wants to keep their dev so put them through sensitivity training instead of firing them? UNHEARD OF. its all pr you faggot
So it really is muh slippery slope, then, when zero evidence exists. Got it.
90s games had sexy chicks and Shelly was originally going to be sexy. They specifically made her not look like a sexy 90s female like she was originally going to be.
>published forces the devs to go to reeducation courses
>give 10000 dollars to a charity who wants to turn kids into trannies
>shills still pushes the soap angle and muh poor devs to shane you into buying
Don't give in lads, 3d realms don't deserve a dime after this, they're at the same level of gearbox/ea when it come to treating they're employees.
Why does a 10k donation to an anti-suicide orginization and a short instrusticion on PR bother you so much?
slippery slopes are real though, "google desmond is amazing"
being accepting of gays has literally slid down that slope into pedo acceptance in the last 5 years, its legal to fuck a dog in canada and its no longer a crime to knowlingly infect people with HIV.
Wake up, the slippery slopes are real and they are as slippery as ever
The bottle said ogay, not otrans. Where did the transexual thing even come from?
You're just parroting shit, try to placate your mob mentality.
if the dev got fired they wouldn't have to do sensitivity training you fucking nut
So how is 3dr gonna force Voidblunt to go through sensitivity training? Aren't they just contractors? Unless the original contract had that in they don't gotta do shit right?
Youre such a faggot larper, holy shit. Not everything you say in your free time is gonna be important enough to stand up to like that either.
Dunning Krueger the post
>Slippery slope is not a fallacy.
Yes, it is indeed a logical fallacy.
fucking wrong idiot
Nothing has changed yet. Supposedly a patch is coming to remove a shampoo bottle that says "Ogay" to something different but thats only conjecture right now.
They'll stop publishing the game if they refuse the indoctrination
>muh Java boogeyman
BloodGDX is enhanced, stable, easier to use, and requires less files than NBlood. Also native Linux support.
The effort to get NBlood to work perfectly is only slightly less annoying than DOSbox for a glorified sidegrade.
The only problem with I've encountered with BloodGDX is the AI being a little retarded when using Custom no matter what the slider settings are.
Custcenes look like shit even in the original version anyway and are better off watching a youtube compilation.
Naughty Dog
They're changing it to Obey
90s games also had plenty of unsexy chicks.
Shelly is pretty sexy, desu. Bimbos arent the be all and end all of 90s heroines.
Even duke nukem went through a shit load of ridiculous design changes, just look up LameDuke
Not when it's been proven to be true in this aspect of game politics
You are a retard that thinks slipper slope is a fallacy don’t you?
>t. welfare claimant
Incels are so pathetic they got ran out of /r9k/ by a bunch of fags in dresses and have been on a holy crusade against trannys ever since and have convinced themselves every single organization in the world is secretly run by trannies
>don't you see, give them a bottle of soap, soon there will be asking more and more and the game will stop featuring jokes and blood and who knows what else
based, logical argument
>don't you see, if 3DR didn't cuck out it would have led to them and VP to suffer excruciatingly difficult PR problems since platforms have been getting stingy in allowing overly "problematic" devs any time of day, not to mention Kotaku and Polygon were just ready to turn on their smear machine at the first sight of a "no way fag"
Don't forget some even more inconsequential shit you can only see with a noclip, outside normally accessible areas.
All I could see is them taking some bullshit online training and feeding the course makers the answers they want, if they do anything at all.
Disperser grenades could use a bigger aoe imo.
3DR owns the IP though. And aren't developers paid hourly and not through sales aside from like a bonus or something? Especially since they don't own the IP themselves.
There won't be any sensitivity training. Firstly they don't have the budget for it, and secondly they have absolutely no reason to not just say "okay, we did it, we're good". Nobody working there would be dumb enough to contradict them.
90s action games had sexy women 99% of they time. They actively made her not sexy and not 90s fps
>The effort to get NBlood to work perfectly is only slightly less annoying than DOSbox for a glorified sidegrade.
Lol what?
You literally just paste the game files into the nblood folder.
There's nothing hard about it.
>I'd rather the entire industry crash and burn that see it further perverted by self-righteous Leftist faggots.
You don't play video games at all, you plainly just want to see an industry you have no stake in crash and burn, because it doesn't affect you in any way.
As per usual, the 8gag psychopaths trying to spray diarrhea on everyone because nobody likes them. No wonder why all those mass shooters posted there.
Nblood is garbage and inaccurate compared to BloodGDX.
they could go with "Okay", as in "Fine, have your stupid pc shampoo"
>proven to be true
Where? Literally where?
fuck off
How were any of those companies ruined by mythical sjws? because they didn't reinforce your political beliefs?
Absolutely no excuses user, they worked in the industry, surely were watching how the political and social climate was playing out online and yet still chose to make those statements. Again, the bottom line is to not engage with SJWs unless you're prepared to defend yourself. Apologizing to them validates their tactics and empowers them. This is one of the main reasons SJWs have so much influence in the industry to begin with. So when Devs cuck out like this it's the job of /pol/ and anti-SJWs to mercilessly shit on said Devs to send a message to the others. Keep your fucking mouths shut about SJWs in your line of work unless you're ready to fight.
Kingdom Come Devs did it the right way.
When it comes to gay routes in JRPGs
>If you don't want to see gay don't do gay route you bigot!
When it comes to 90s style jokes
>If you don't want to see it don't noclip
omg wtf I have to
>sensitivity training
Sensitivity "training" is just a mouthful for some strict guidelines and a "you're fucked if you ever pull something like this on us again", and I shouldn't be here telling you.
except moderates/centrists are just anti-radical. not feeding babies into woodchippers isn't radical, it's the current status quo.
Why, it's like the apology was toothless pandering!
Me too, haven't had this much fun with a game in years, and it's clear these retards never touched the thing, or any games for that matter.
>Nobody working there would be dumb enough to contradict them.
Resetera is still on their asses despite this user. They'll be pushing for a followup and firings.
One decision ostracizes trannies who don't even play vidya.
The other ostracizes their actual target audience.
Now you see why the backlash was more severe.
Something 99% of the players wouldn't have noticed without outside help is essential to experiencing the game!!11 REEEE3333
Do not let vocal minorities shitpost on Yea Forums without getting called out for it
You are the invaders, it used to be just for fun, to pretend to be a bigoted idiot, now you're all serious about it and you need to fucking leave, go back wherever you came from. You don't care about video games, you're here to further your stupid culture war and you need to leave Yea Forums the fuck out of it.
I want to see an industry being overrun with SJW garbage cleansed of it by whatever means necessary.
Nobody was offended by that, idiot. It's a Ghostbusters reference.
>its the principle of the matter user
Voidpoint barely has a say in the matter, they're just getting fucked hard by 3DR
If you say something is ok then it’s going to happen and continue to happen stupid retard.
why do dead queers bother you so much?
That's how it starts, then tomorrow they're going to change shelly into a mtf and change the main villain into donal dtrump, and then make the trannie main character fuck him in the ass with her giant, pulsating cock while more than a feeling plays on the speakers.
how fitting
It was a slow stagnation. Removing anything offensive making for a sterile unfunny game, making all of their females unattractive for god knows what reason but it was on purpose, promoting gay stuff like WAY more than was necessary, to the point of shoving it down our throats, firing anyone who steps out of line.
This just makes people less interested, until the studio gets shut down and they blame it on "gamergators"
You have reading comprehension issues.
Its still a sidegrade, and it doesn't have enhanced features.
She was pretty hot in Terminator 1. Hell, Jim Cameron left his wife for her.
They're still a tiny fraction of the population and their numbers haven't swollen despite the gay acceptance. You're literally barking russian propaganda right now, even if you haven't figured it out yet.
I suggest you calm down, deal with your obvious issues and discern a bit where you get your battle cries from.
If they changed the soap dispenser to something more offensive, you can bet these guys would be clamoring about the "original" ogay soap bottle and making mods that replace the new soulless soap sprite with the based original
I know most of you sacks of welfare have never had a job, but sensitivity training is mandatory in almost every media company out there. the government doesn't force them to make it mandatory, they do it on their own. Even Fox news makes their employees take those courses.
They probably got paid an agreed sum for the complete game, but it's anyone's guess. Being a contractor might include a clause to take corporate courses like sensitivity training. Those courses aren't punitive, they make all their employees and interns take them.
Only the government can censor things btw
Shelly was already redesigned for the game Bombshell, this stupid cunt's anger is completely misdirected. My guess is he didn't care about that either, just had a personal irk against the devs.
does anyone else think SJW are just as bad as ANTI-SJW?
That was posted on their discord, he wasn't engaging with SJWs at all. You should know, you spent hours searching for resetera bait there.
>encounter these huge hulking assholes
>after dying to one, try something stupid
>pull out stun baton
>combo, back up and let his follow up swipe whiff, combo again, repeat
>actually works
Stun baton is hilarious against certain enemies.
They were user.
That probably wouldn't be in the original contract though. So if they're really gonna do all the paperwork to revise it to add that clause then that's just sad.
>they worked in the industry
They literally made the game in their free time, theyre also a group of modders meaning they're explicitly OUTSIDE of the industry, all of the posts that they got murked for was just idle chatter unrelated to the game
Should they keep their mouths shut about SJWs outside of their line of work, too?
It's not being removed so who gives a shit
The only things said to be altered are the ogay bottle and an out of bounds gibberish message containing fagbag
thank you for posting this user
>a game they had no intention of playing in the first place
Fucking NOBODY here had any intention of playing it here either you fucking spergtard.
It runs way better since it isnt based on java
BloodGDX is stuttery as fuck for me while nblood is smooth as butter
>when the other guys do it it's definitely always real
>when our guys do it it's a myth that companies use as a scapegoat
I really hope you read what you type every now and then.
Honestly the design in ion fury is cuter than this design, I dont like the shitty sideshave and her face isnt as cute
So not at all, and you're just mad that the companies didn't reinforce your politic beliefs. Cool.
>based journalist actually lampshading this whole mess the fuck out, rightly putting the blame on 3DR and green skelefag, in a convenient, sharable twitter post chain
>she's of jewish origin, which will untiringly be used for any deflections
Go back to retardera, all I see in that screenshot is common sense.
This game feels like it drags on forever. I'm up to "parting procedure", am I almost finished?
You vastly overestimate the organization that companies like this have. They're small, primarily organized over the internet and they're basically a bunch of modders that mailed in an NDA and get thrown money on paypal occasionally.
Because he's commenting on an issue that doesn't exist and was literal propaganda made by wannabe neo-nazis. Its like if someone said "yeah if you're instructing your 2 year old to handle heavy firearms you have mental problems" everyone knows this isn't happening and if you think this is actually going on it just shows you spend time reading propaganda pieces from insane radicals
>Because he's commenting on an issue that doesn't exist
Yes, I'm sure that was the first post on that conversation that he made.
What the that have to do with the fact that children arent being given sexual reassignment surgery by their parents and that the topic was literal propaganda initially disseminated by neo-nazi groups?
It's not about the change, it's about capitulating to bullies who are vocal minority.
>we need to look at the broader context
if only you afforded such to people you disagree with
Your response to this is to bully the devs and be a vocal minority?
Why trannies can't just brush it off and move on?
Why make such a fuss over a fucking texture?
Why are you?
Don't look at me, you started by ignoring my argument about people who agree with what in your opinion is fabrication, but ironically still shit on him for allegedly being in line with the more extreme detractors of that statement.
>Why /pol/ can't just brush it off and move on?
>Why make such a fuss over a fucking texture being changed?
yes, that's the 2nd to last level
Because (you)
what kind of madman would spend so much time larping on resetera and then make a giant troll?
Probably you. :^)
>you started by ignoring my argument about people who agree with what in your opinion is fabrication
because its literally fake
>but ironically still shit on him for allegedly being in line with the more extreme detractors of that statement.
what are you even talking about? if you felt the need to comment on this its quite obvious you're reading extremely radicalized "news" and thought it was real
>It's not about the change, it's about capitulating to bullies who are vocal minority.
So if the bullies from faggotera were the vocal majority, all of the bullying would have still been been fair game?
If you're a dev with an open discord the first thing you should do is block every single retarded tranny talking about transitioning and mutilating children.
when you've decided that you are waging war against tyranny, then any sign of resistance is treated as a transgression. trannies want to destroy anything that may remind them of the fact that they have forsaken common sense in favor of blatant insanity. since they've targeted videogames as their main platform for public and political expression, even something as small as a texture that pokes fun at them is considered to be a transgression against their cause.
in english, we have a word for this; it's called fascism.
How dear people fall for "fake news", its their fault!
Yeah who else's fault would it be? You sound like a complete retard who sends money to Nigerian princes.
Reminder that this is an unironic post and people are actually this deluded.
The lair, mate. What happen to never blaming the victim???
You faggots started it, simple
You're not even reading my posts, go bother someone else.
Trying too hard m8
hard at what?
>implying transgender people aren't actually just a bunch of power hungry fascists
Have you been living under a rock for the past 5 years, user?
until it's fixed
Reminder that this is an unironic post and people are actually this deluded
Apparently this is the tranny that started all this
Please tell me how I'm wrong so I can change my ways. If you have no argument then how can you expect anyone to take your baseless claims seriously?
pretending you have morals
it just seems far too fucking convenient at this point, i doubt that autistic cunt did it though, because i was in every single ion maiden thread when they sperg kept spamming his shitty review back in 2018
Daily reminder the SJWs Tranny bitching and whining about the change and not buying the in the first place are worse than normal people voicing a complaint about censorship
Your argument is that a kabal of trannys are using videogames to subvert american societal standards and enforce facism. Your own laughable beliefs are my argument.
>Reminder that this is an unironic post and people are actually this deluded.
Apparently this guy is disabled and living on disability pay. No wonder he's such a dick.
Boohoo, your game won't sell that great anymore, get a real job loser lmao.
We all know us based GAMERS would never demand something in a game changed because it didn't fit our political beliefs
>"its about censorship user."
>behaves like a SJW and fabricates outrage
>I'm not a SJW!1111
Fuck off to tumblr you literal kid.
How much of a mindless dumbass do you have to be to actually think children have the cognitive ability to decide whether or not they are fucking trans?
Children require guidance because they literally don't have the mental capacity to understand the world well enough to make ANY choices that are based on sound logic. Anyone who disagrees with this was likely severely abused in their childhood and has decided to project their own lack of control when they were young onto their children.
Pic related exists as a fucking testament to that very idea that CHILDREN CANNOT GOVERN THEMSELVES!
>Resetniggers coming here to defend censorship
>B_But it was only a gay joke guys, it’s ok to censor gay jokes!
Get on with the times gramps and stop yelling at clouds.
>posts no argument
>only points out precisely what i wrote and proceeds to scoff at it
I'm pretty sure ResetEra in and of itself is a kabal of trannies that are using videogames to subvert american societal standards and enforce fascism.
When we look back on the moments that defined us as gamers taking a stand this will be like Washington crossing the Delaware
>only points out precisely what i wrote and proceeds to scoff at it
yeah, thats all anyone with an IQ over 60 would need to do to disregard anything you say.
>I'm pretty sure ResetEra in and of itself is a kabal of trannies that are using videogames to subvert american societal standards and enforce fascism.
Reminder that this is an unironic post and people are actually this deluded.
Yes, bitching about censorship is just as bad as censorship. I keep forgetting that some of the dumbest fucking people are posting here.
>Ion Fury controversy thread
>expecting it to be about Iron Maiden because that's all I know about it
>It's about SJWs and anti-SJWs
That was close call... Classic post-2014 Yea Forums.
>parents post this shit online for likes and upboats
>kid is just happy to see his parents happy
Fucking hell lol. This is so insanely repugnant that it makes me want to puke. I can't even begin to imagine the step-by-step process that went into the finalization of this document.
Not until this bullshit is made right.
Think of all the .png textures that will be lost to this egregious fascism.
>tranny can't make an argument
>just repeats itself because "muh higher than 60 IQ"
I'm pretty sure having an IQ of 61 is still considered retarded, user. It's too bad you don't have your clap emoji on hand. That'd really show me.
It's almost as if this is a manufactured controversy so people ignore the iron maiden thing and the fact that the game was pre-censored in the first place.
So you want them to bend the knee again, but this time to the right people?
> I can't even begin to imagine the step-by-step process that went into the finalization of this document.
Nothing because its fake bullshit.
This time it would be unbending their knee though.
i really liked the game and hope the make more
you might say they would be
rising up
based schizo
I literally cannot fathom how having Iron Maiden force you to change the name of your game is worse for your public image than changing the actual content because of pressure from literal abominations.
Don't play dumb. You know as well as I do that this isn't just about some .png
gamedevs rise up? is that the new anti-gamer cringe movement?
I like how everyone is really trying to pretend like this even started because of the Soap bottle and deliberately ignoring everything else that happened
>phys ed teacher
Does anyone remember the last time one of those was relevant? Anyone?
parents are always woke progressives who think they're doing the right thing. Children barely have any awareness of sexuality, and it's common for them to not always act the "right" way in accordance with their gender. It's normal for some girls to be tomboys, it's normal for some boys to act girly.
because everything else is not related to the game and therefore not related.
You're right I forgot them giving money to a charity that prevents teenage suicide which really pissed people off.
No, it's about the imaginary projected future that you cooked up just so you can invent situations in which you're the victim and get mad over your own fiction.
it must feel nice living your life plugged into the sand, but I'll pass thanks
you mean child mutilation and abuse "charity"
well, it's not like it's happening right in front of our eyes or anything, definitly my imagination and projected future that developers are removing "offensive" content because a bunch of degenerate fanatics took offense
>everything else
I don't know about you but the roving Muslim Rape Gangs have now encircled my block and my Grandparents were shipped off just yesterday to be exterminated after their government mandated DNA test showed they have over 95% Germanic heritage. And to think I ignored it when I saw a minority portray a white character on my TV show.
>you mean child mutilation and abuse "charity"
>happening right in front of our eyes
Nobody's managed to provide any examples of this supposed slippery slope.
>pay money for game.
>devs use part of the money of their customers to donate to lgbtq.
This has got to be one of the most outrageous things a dev has done in a while.
apparently now when i buy games i need to be careful to make sure im not supporting some political organization indirectly.
if being ignorant sounds like a good idea to you, be my guest
So you can't provide a single example
Has anyone modded in the strippers from Duke3D yet?
Imagine all the mass shootings they could have prevented if they had used the money to purchase escorts for the people upset about it.
This is an article from a literal clickbait website that doesn't provide any sources outside of the twitter screencap.
Just because someone writes an opinionated article about a picture doesn't make it real you fucking moron.
It's not like there hasn't been a precedent for this. Remember games censorship in the 90's by Nintendo of America or Japs doing it out of their own to avoid offending Americans? Remember games getting outright banned in Australia and Germany? Do you really want things to go back to that time period?
But it agrees with my political biases.
Please stop pointing out that >95% white countries have more censorship issues than America you're destroying the narrative.
If you put your hands over your years and yell it's not real it won't change the reality of the situation. Get fucked alt-right moron, it's our time now.
i like how everyone is trying to pretend this is about censorship then immediately pivoting to moaning about trannies
I refunded after the devs submitted to faggotry and bought bloodstained instead :^) fuck you
I have better things to do than waste my time on going to any lengths to convince someone who is already enveloped in a bubble of self-delusion and ignorance.
Well you need to realize that trannies are the overwhelming majority of game development and have infilitrated it at all corners to inject their ideology, which is why we need to fight back because trannies are 0.000001% of gamers and have no actual power over anyone at all.
>tfw you enter a thread about trannies and teenagers arguing among themselves about morality
Nice one
Nice example and a good job backing up your statements.
But you already wasted your time already by making this post. If you really didn't care, you wouldn't have posted at all.
stop pretending you have morals. its not about censorship, it was never about censorship. this you platform to stand on to bitch about trannies when you should go back to
>be a tranny
>accuse other people of putting their hands over their ears and yelling about things not being real
Alright, ya got me.
So what's this game like?
We got a real big brain here.
first they banned soap textures
then they shrouded my anime tits
what else do i have in life?
you still fucking have anime tits you cry baby stop playing on ps4
I hope Voidpoint got a fat paycheck because I ain't paying for 3D Realms mandatory sensitivity brainwashing
it seems that the devs didn't program this NPC with enough dialogue options
DN3D + 20 years of modding experience in the build engine
the soundtrack is not the game .
>trannies are the overwhelming majority of game development
[citation needed]
there's nothing to "mod in"
it's the same engine
just load in the art files from duke 3d and you can add them as sprites
it's really easy
i could do it in 2 minutes
I haven't beaten the game yet, but I find its gunplay to be really, really good.
I love how uncommon hitscan is, pretty much every single weapon feels good and hits hard, bowling bombs are like the only throwable weapon I've seen in an FPS that are fun to use, the shotgun that switches to a grenade launcher is one of the best shotguns I've seen in an FPS game.
Hey I've been living under a rock. What is this game? Fuck video game politics what's this game about? Is it fun?
go work at any job where you serve the public and call someone a nigger. ill wait for you to come back screaming about your freedom of speech
I don't give a fuck about any of this. Don't remove stuff from the game, no matter how dumb the joke is.
They can fire as many bigot devs as they like, they can donate to as many child mutilation facilities as they please. Don't alter the game.
Looks really fucking cool and got a ton of praise before all of this crazy shit happened. Fortunately I downloaded a pirated copy before all this censorship went down, so I'll probably get around to playing it one of these days.
Didn't know thinking that children aren't mentally capable of making life-changing decisions is the same as calling someone a nigger
It's basically Duke Nukem with a girl. All new stages and fancy effects in the build engine. Minimal hitscan enemies and pretty fun guns.
Pirate it and then support it if you like it.
yea the GL is fun
i like how they have the same sound effect as quake 1 for the grenade bounce lol. really activates my almonds.
it's duke nukem 3d but you're a female cop in a cyberpunk future city taken over by cyborg cultists, and so you restore order aka go on a rampage killing a bunch of these fuckers who killed all your GDF friends
try it yourself
there's a mega with the full game up in the /vr/ retro fps thread lol.
pretty good build engine shooter but it sucks because the main character isnt a senran kagura
The devs never said such a thing you mentally retarded tranny pedo
>genital mutilation is bad and doesn't solve depression
factually correct
>genital mutilation and hormones for a fucking baby is retarded and those pedophile child abusers shouldn't be parents
factually correct
Neat thanks. I'll give it a shot tomorrow morning.
>Do not let vocal minorities bully devs/publishers into altering a game they had no intention of playing in the first place.
Too late
there you are on your soapbox again showing that this was never about censorship
This tbph.
You're losing the plot here user, not the guy you're arguing with by the way.
But wait, you forgot about her. How could this happen? please respond
A fucking soap bottle
The censorship was because the Dev said that
>if not worse
Fuck off you stupid faggot.