Spelar lite DotA?

spelar lite DotA?

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I hear you man

I feel you man

No, DotA is for faggots.




You faggots ready for south america to kick Newbee out?

Hell yeah, fuck those chinks.

>fucking PERU is going to 2-0 one of China's best teams
Clown meta

do you brainlets not realize newbee's new roster is NA?


Tuned in for the international after 3 years and where the fuck are my niggas dendi an ee-sama?
What the fuck happened to them?

>EG is american
>Newbee is american
This is your brain on jewmerica.

Is his "music" ironic?

Holy fuck you're a brainless retard. The players currently playing for Newbee are from NA you bumbling chuckle fuck faggot. Think before you type you sub 80 iq ape

Dendi is a coach/commentator now, has shown up on the english panel a few times.
EE is washed up and will soon become a tranny.

So you're saying EG isn't american?

Is he good on the english panel? His russian casting is still at this level

I haven't mentioned EG at all get some reading comprehension subhuman monkey

He didn't do any casting, just post/pre game analysis, it was ok.

Answer the question, is EG american or not?

They are slaves of winnie the pooh regardless.

You are a hopeless idiot. You can't stop saying "b-b-but what about EG" No one is mentioning EG but yourself. I replied to your dumb post because you seriously thought Infamous were facing old Newbee and not this failed NA stack who just got picked up by them. If you had even a sliver of a fucking brain you'd know that.

Answer the question, you weaseling kike, are EG american or not?

This is sad

>can't answer simple yes or no question
>calls others sad
Are EG american or not?

winnie the pooh 1989