>meanwhile on Yea Forums
Meanwhile on Yea Forums
>multiple fire emblem threads at any given time
>thread up right now arguing about the N64
>half the OP images posted are just sexy anime girls
>"boomer" "zoomer" "cope harder tranny"
yeah, i'm thinking Yea Forums has never been better
>meanwhile on Yea Forums
fuck vidya gæms
hehe videogames
As a less-than-heterosexual male, I feel like Fire Emblem: Three Houses is a step in the right direction for the series. I plan on becoming a woman at some point in the future, so it's like I'm enacting my future when I play as a female and have sex with all the cute and sexy boys.
im clonning myself so i can fuck me in the urethra
MTF trannies that will suck a dick are alright, i tell you hwhut.
I hate myself and therefore everything else
Let's be real, all ecelebs are bad. Except for this one, of course, he's /ourguy/!
I sure love getting banned for no fucking reason.
>meanwhile on Yea Forums
>WoW is coming back
>CoD looks good
>BL is back
>Minecraft is suddenly popular again
Did I get lost moving into 2020 and end up in 2007 again? What the hell is going on.
>meanwhile on girl Yea Forums
I hate all of you!
>Have Sex
There, that's all of Yea Forums for the next 5 years.
soo hodd :DD
Personallly I'm sick of SJW NPCs ruining video games with politics and things irrelevant to gameplay and starting Twitter mobs to defame developers considering they won't even spend money on games. To combat this I loudly complain anytime a game features a minority, non sexualized woman, or non heterosexual while review bombing them and make sure to pirate all their games.
you forgot the "RESETERA WINS AGAIN BAY BAY" shit you nigger.
I'm going to stomp your fucking brain out of your skull and force feed the grey matter to you. Get the fuck off my board
but its true user those degenerates always say that shit
what GAME can I CREATE a character that is a LITTLE GIRL with BARE FEET?
(i was going to make this a thread but i just don't have an OP image)
skyrim with mods
>CoD looks good
oh babby
monster hunter general
obvious r/The_Donald thread
As a woman, I think you should stop playing video games and have sex.
why is it always food comparisons with americans?
Cool, someone saved my gif
cope harder tranny
It was pretty cool desu
i want to have sex with keiji
check em
Yea Forums is the shittiest board on this site and I feel bad for anyone who has this board as their main.
>used to be a Yea Forums regular
>decide to try browsing /o/ for a change of pace
>join an /o/ group in my state that does regular meetups and group cruises
>learn a lot about cars in the process, learn and get my first manual (inb4 american)
>get my motorcycle license a week ago and buy a bike
>make a lot of good irl friends in the process
>board isn't infested with trannies and leftists, the auto community is right wing as fuck
>at the same time it actually has good discussions
This board is so fucking shit in comparison it's not even funny, and I honestly look back on the fact that it was my main board for so long in astonishment. I still occasionally browse threads for games I'm interested in, but now I enjoy Yea Forums far more now that Yea Forums is no longer my main board.
Wasnt this a thread where OP asked Yea Forums to act like twitch chat?
Oh its infested with trannys alright
Old Yea Forums hates you niggers, thats all
Is this even a real thread? I've never seen anyone post Twitch emotes here
You're pretty cool
>things only got exponentially worse
>Is right wing as fuck
Personallly I'm sick of Rightwing NPCs ruining video games with politics and things irrelevant to gameplay and starting R*ddit mobs to defame developers considering they won't even spend money on games. To combat this I loudly complain anytime a game features a white guy, non sexualized man, or non homosexual or transgender while review bombing them and make sure to pirate all their games.
90% of Yea Forums can communicate using just cringe and based
Just you're average Yea Forums
there's your problem, meeting with people who go to Yea Forums. never do that, they're full of memespewers who make Yea Forums their personality replacement. they don't have a sense of humor or geniality, it's "heh, reference. like that, right? do you get it? i'm saying something i read on the internet"
I don't use twitch, is its chat usually composed entirely of Yea Forums's favorite buzzwords and slurs?
Weebs are the fucking cancer killing this board. I have no problem with jap games, but seeing these off topic posts constantly on top of the page because cümbrains cant stop jerking off for 5 minutes while actual video game threads and discussions die with no replies makes me sick
PogChamp Based LUL Kappa 123 !
>go to the FFXIV /vg/ general
>rate my slut bunny who wants to erp with me post cutecat girls i want to pat your head
>go back to Yea Forums
>cumbraïn cumbraïn cumbraïn cumbraïn
I can't win
Dilate tranny. The less left wing a board is, the better.
Most of the people I met were cool
>Dilate tranny. The less left wing a board is, the better.
This is where you fucked up. You actually thought anyone gives a fuck if some random faggots jerk off to the same scat as you, here's the newsflash niglet noone gives a fuck cupcake. You basically outted yourself as a sub 20 iq monkey that can only think and act in tribes and can't think for themselves. You identify with those losers because they're a bunch of fat greasy autists who echo the same retarded shit as you. Doesn't matter if you're right or left if you pick a side you've just told everyone that you're a brainlet and can't form a single thought for yourself.
God I love this new pepe
Hello my fellow white nationalists, which innocent female game developer are we going to cyberterrorize tonight? I sure love bigotry and harassing the left!
> TFW i finally have enough time to make a top 50 games list after spending months trying to get into college
Should i post my list Yea Forums?
keep saying it haha i said it again
so what are you gals playing till the new AC comes out?
Cry more tranny. Leftism is a cancer to this site.
>the auto community is right wing as fuck
hello fellow enlightened sirs!
someone is a scant bit touchy
>space after the >
it's simple mistakes that out you as a piece of shit that nobody wants to reply to
I got your right wing right here
That doesn't make sense considering that /pol/ is low quality
I think you meant the more obscure a board is, the better
Video games bring no joy to me anymore
/pol/ is better than Yea Forums
t. assblasted trannyera browser
not by much. offtopic /pol/ threads are part of the problem with Yea Forums actually.
>oh no people are talking about video games
>oh no people are talking about video game consoles
>oh no people are posting anime images on an anime imageboard
>oh no my triggerwords that i could easily filter are too common
Reddit's probably more your speed.
>the troll post is the only post to stand out
When did it all go so wrong
user reverse traps aren't gay, it's a masculine vagina
Most of Yea Forums reminds me of the behavior of a shitty classroom in high school or middle school whenever the teacher is gone or when there is a substitute teacher
>why yes i only play Japanese games while review bombing western games on steam, what gave it away?
Yea Forums is the worst board on this site by far
Hey, Yea Forums...
Please stop hurting yourself. You're beautiful just the way you are.
I'm a virgin
>ape brain doesn't realize everyone isn't a right or left tribemind knuckle dragger
kys leftitranny
I just jacked off to Wii Fit Trainer
Initiate intercourse involuntary celibate male
Yea there is a sudden spike in fire emblem threads going on