Other urls found in this thread:
>tifa is a nigger
I thought black girls had fat asses?
>tfw no Tifeisha gf
I don't mind the color and might even admit that a nigger with a nice skin complexion and physique can have a really alluring body. What I can't get past is that disgusting gorilla shaped nose.
She's cute
Not only does she capture the her pretty well
I also believe the different race puts a new perspective on the character
Generally speaking I'm not really into cosplay
Guess I'm just getting old...
Either way, I still really enjoyed this image
Rating: 9/10
i feel like youd settle for a real goblin IRL though
she looks like she fucks white boys
>black girl
>no ass
wtf is this shit?
I'd rather go for a more caramel hue wand have those brazillian goddesses instead.
FF7 is the only game where a BLACK'd cast would work tbqh
c*mbrains fuck off
Rasta Sephiroth looks ballin as fuck
Grow the fuck up. Being racist or pretending doesn't make you cool online. I didn't come into Yea Forums for this bullshit.
Don't let muh luscious mocha skin meme fool you, goblinas are batshit insane. Even Shuh'kanduhs would be preferable for fulfilling your vikang native-pillaging fetish
Any black girl who rejects that stupid shit ghetto culture is good for me.
I wouldnt mind a nigaroth tbqh
Sephiroth looks great, tifa is okay, barret and cloud look stupid as fuck
Then go to Reddit or Resetera.
Queen LaTifa
anyone still have Step Up Senpai? Lost it on my HDD
I just want to have sex with them.
Right, you came to 4CHANNEL user....
Remember Yea Forums is a myth =)
>it's a Hojo is an insane Haitian witch doctor episode
Why is it that when you look at a black weeb girl you JUST know she fucks white dudes
I'm black though, so i can say "Nigger" by your standards.
Jesus Christ, what a retarded...
You are literally nothing to the world invalid, imagine actually- I mean jeez
The San Andreas of JRPGs
>falling for Kelly
no u
>no ass
>no tits
the left can't meme
Let's get this shit started!
>muh white features
>muh caucasoid admixture
What else?
>that face
Black girls with flat asses are a waste of genetic material
>focusing on her face
found the gay
I don't know, she looks pretty money-like to me.
It's still baffling Americans have been brainwashed into unironically finding these creatures attractive.
What a pitiful country.
I can get behind this
>mfw there's this black chick I want to fuck at work just to see my cum on her dark skin
>she is born with "steal" materia
literally nothing wrong with this
muh pure nubian goddess is a meme, full-blooded negroes are disgusting more often than not
white admixture gives them a chance to have more attractive features while still being exotic
guilty as charged
Is this a weeb blood convention?
The fuck
Not gonna lie, this is me to your post
>We overcame
Comedy genius.
They have to go back to school soon.
the perfect girl for the wrong cosplay send her a Nessa costume
Glad this dude is finally in prison after years of paedophilia.
>i didn’t come into Yea Forums for this bullshit
Honestly, what could you have possibly expected? What did you come here expecting this to be? A politically correct safe space?
most black women in america are either fat as fuck or flat as fuck
gr8 b8 m8
Of what?
Why are blacks so based?
Brittney white is the black equivalent of lucie wilde. Great tits on a skinny body but a busted face
Sephirtoh is sick, Barret looks okay but tifa and cloud just look like self inserts.
>Fuck off back to R3ddit you stupid niggerfaggot poltard. Have sex incel.
Imagine having a black gf
Is this supposed to be an insult or aneurysm?
Black chicks are the only ones I feel confident in approaching. They a;ways seem surprised and flattered when a white man expresses interest in them that it makes me feel extreme confidence, since it feels I'm way out of her league rather than the reverse if it were a woman of any other race.
That's just a white girl painted black
she hasn't been brushing her teeth regularly.
Tinifa Lockpick
barret looks good, only cloud looks lame
Black people smell terrible.
Would you a darkie, Yea Forums?
I don't see a problem with this. It looks like a cosplayer which is harmless. And if she's cosplaying a character that she likes then more power to her.
No, she's black, it's just she always uses an obnoxious amount of makeup.
Dat curly haired black tifa. HHHHNNNNNGGGGGGG
Black women look good when they dont have an afro hairdo.
Why do they all get such ridiculous hairstyles?
It makes sidecuts look good.
Brittney makes up for a unfortunate face, by being so joyful and enthusiastic. Fun girl personalities adds 2 points at least.
yeah user black girls are black
I think Reddit might be more to your liking
No, i'm not American, so I haven't been brainwashed into tolerating ebonics.
Funny enough, this also means i'm unable to date any American, no matter the race.
>I didn't come into Yea Forums for this bullshit.
This is too good to not be bait.
Brittney White for u fellas
>Honey, when are you gonna introduce me to your parents? I'm dying to meet them!
How do you respond?
Elma in real!!!
Black people smell bad to White people and White people smell bad to Black people. The same goes for all other races. It's only natural, dumb dumb.
Do you know what black hair looks like unstyled, Sven? Have you ever seen a black girl outside of entertainment media?
>American posting hours
God, I can't wait for the US to collapse and their propaganda to die out.
Imagine sliding your dick into that while you hold onto her thighs
No, fortunately, i've never had to deal with black people in real life, and seeing the state of the US, i'm glad of it.
As long as they don't have those huge squashed noses and weirdly angled faces. Pic related seems great less those cornrows(?)
Isn't it a little early to start obsessing over America? You assholes don't usually show your faces until 3AM Yea Forums time. Note, Yea Forums time is east coast of the US. You are on an American website.
both white nigger and black niggers smell bad if they dont fucking bathe, stupid
white nigger's have that sour + moldy laundry smell going on
black niggers smell like dried out makeup and something else i cant quite describe going on
>meanwhile, in Europe
>meanwhile, in Am*rica
Hey, the UK isn't Europe.
And thank god, the UK are too close with the US, they should be considered traitors as much as Ameircans.
haha imagine giving a pretty black girl your white genes because you like her so much and shes really into it just like asians are haha
the fuck else are they supposed to do with that nappy hair?
most black chicks with straight hair are just wearing weaves which are fucking disgusting
I can handle the flat noses, but not when they're also wide. agree completely about the facial structure. chimp jaws and receding forelines arent hot
>that face
>its also the UK
what the fuck is it with UK and these supremely busted white trash welfare mommies
UK women in general seem to be hideous
Yeah, imagine giving her your genes and then 9 months later this comes out calling you daddy.
kid looks like a whitey though
In a country where pic related is the whitest woman, i'm sure that's considered nordic.
>hood negress Tee-fuh beating the shit out of Cloudkwon while calling him a pussy-ass uncle tom until he's too weak to stop her from sitting on his face during the airship scene
Well you're talking to a black user. Isn't it your lucky day. Here's some information about black people that you might not have known. Our hair is extremely curly, so naturally, it stands up on itself.
The reason black people often use picks, is that combing curly hair out, is easier than combing it down. It takes a lot of effort to get black hair to relax. relaxers, perms, hot irons, grease, oil.
But one of the ways to make your hair appear neat, is to braid it.
>Here's some information about black people that you might not have known
I don't care about it.
This America, too. The one on the right is a boy.. while every mid-late 20's white male here is soifacewojak.jpeg. it hurts bro
>that abomination
Yup, you are an American.
>haha imagine giving a pretty black girl your white genes because you like her so much and shes really into it just like asians are haha
love is sacrifice(i think i heard that in an anime once). it could be the ultimate way of showing your affection to your niggress woman.
these types of threads make me want a black gf but it's too bad that it's so extremely rare to ever find an attractive black girl out in the wild.
Impressive, the American creatures seem to have figured out camera filters to make their brown skin look light.
Ah, so you just want to talk shit and aggravate. Kind of like a nigger.
he'll prolly get murdered like a whitey too though, which would be ironical
You Americans are lesser people who clearly only mean harm to the world.
There's nothing to talk about with you, just laugh at the parody of humanity that America is.
go away nigger
Netflix adaptation
So did you start this thread, as a pretense for your America bashing?
The absolute state of clapistan.
Why are you posting an image of a mahogany plank?
>Literally genocides most of its own population during intestine wars
euroshits are quite a laugh
Why does Yea Forums always bite obvious bait?
Ireland is still part of the UK
War is part of humanity.
Not that you'd know, the only thing modern Americans know about fighting is shitposting on social media.
Hell, aren't you fighting the greatest of battles now because Spiderman is leaving those Marvel movies?
I'm sure that will appear in American history books some day.
was this a shooting?
Black Tifa or Mexican Tifa?
the future of britain
A bike had a fucked up engine and people thought it was someone firing an assault rifle.
>I didn't come into Yea Forums for this bullshit.
fuck off back to l*ddit, then you fucking niggerfaggot
Holy shit you really BTFO'd those Americafats. They don't die in trenches bleeding out while gas melts their faces off! what fucking losers lole!!!!
need more muscle
i like my girls /fit/
I would never start a thread like this.
I just take the chance to get in them and mock burgerclaps.
Considering how little time the US has left, I won't have the chance to mock them in the future.
My parents would just be happy I found a girlfriend. So would I.
That cloud looks like fucking shit but niggaroth is 10/10
Actually you did.
America is the only country stupid enough to see wars in Europe and say
>hey, I want to do that too
At least it used to, nowadays they only keep wars in the middle east to keep their military industry afloat.
post a picture of your wrist
>Fun girl personalities adds 2 points at least.
this gentleman speaks the truth
I hope you realize that the sooner America falls, the sooner blacks migrate.
And the sooner America falls, the sooner we'll get rid of the manipulators who tell us to accept migrants.
genos hair and one punch man costume
>buying costume
yikes for me.
t. /cgl/
Yeah those silly Amerifats who defend their own interests!!! Don't they know that the war wasn't in their own countries!? Yep not like they became a super power due to participating in that war or anything. Fucking idiots lole!
Zaubers. I'll show you zaubers.
>Yep not like they became a super power due to participating in that war
And what did they do with that power?
Create the richest 3rd world country in the world?
The US is an utter shithole full of horrible people who want to kill each other, and are in fact, already doing so.
Personally, I prefer Latina/Mexicana girls.
you have 10 seconds to post a good black vidya character that isn't demoman
I think it's mostly because he isn't a typical american black
>"Tifa we gotta stop Sephiroth and save the world"
>"Hmmm That is not my problem!"
>tfw no qt black weeb gf
Why even live?
I think it could work for all of the final fantasy games. FF15 would've been crazy with a main cast of black dudes.
America was wholly and staunchly against getting involved in WW2 and making Britain clean up their own mess until Japan attacked Pearl Harbor.
post a picture of your wrist
You think you know zaubers?
Marlow Briggs
The name's Andre Ulmeyda
Keep it short.
Play Killer7
>No fat ass or huge tits
Should have sticked to the Pacific.
At least now we know that if there was another big war, America wouldn't get involved.
I hope you realize that ethnonationalism is a pipe dream, short of extreme militaristic action, you can never keep your country pure. Your country doesn't have what it takes. I'll just go through the due process, take up residence, and then pop out mixed children on your soil.
Barrett is fine
if you count D2's Tyrael as black (since he was revealed to be black in 3)
Sheva is hot as fuck
And yet everyone wants to be here.
Post it with a timestamp too
Who is she? I've always wondered. She's so cute.
Are you the slav from last time.
big word brain hurt
So this is where mutts come from...
Or we just wait until you American savages finish destroying your country, and the cancer that originated from you, this "leftism", dies out.
If they want to go to a warzone, then it's just natural selection at that point.
>has no idea how leather works
why would you want that
That dude throwing the blood hands would legit get decapitated by an AK if he did it anywhere other than that faggot arts district.
Hitler basically begged Japan not to get America involved because he knew the Axis would be right fucked if they did. Caused him to panic, fuck over Russia and then the dominoes fell. You're welcome, Eurocuck.
I thought I was racist
Turns out I only hated shit designs
>I hope you realize that ethnonationalism is a pipe dream
Funny, because until Americanoids started preaching the values of "multiculturalism", all of Europe was like that.
America is the biggest enemy Europe is facing currently, and the fact that Europe hasn't allied with China or Russia to take the US down means they have, obviously, infiltrated our governments.
>qt black weeb teaching my Japanese class
Silly, user. What do you think happens to dying countries? Everyone flees. Like I said, the sooner America falls. The sooner you'll get that immigrant influx.
I don't care about the Axis or what happened to it, I just don't want Americans in European soil.
Everything you touch you corrupt it.
Barret works better as a black guy and cloud looks like fucking XXXtentacion.
Seph looks tough though
Look at those long shapely legs.
Yeah, sure all those trucks of peace are MUCH better.
And without America's manipulation, Europe will drop the
>h-hey, we have to be nice to other people
That's cancerous American attitude.
In a fair world, the EU would have declared war on the US a long time ago.
Yeah those shitty Americans. Much rather have the Germans try and take over the continent AGAIN
Unrelated, but I'm autistic: In the Cold War, the world wasn't really split it two. It was split into three. America's team (The first world), Russia's team (the second world), and those territories that were still up for grabs (the third world). Boradly speaking those countries were the developing nations south of the equator so those regions can be considered the third world if you want something more tangible. The United States can't properly be third world.
FF15 but you push your car through Compton
Do I have better chances at scoring a black GF as an italian?
From what I've heard we're one of the only shades of white black ladies tend to go for.
I've had jungle fever forever and I just can't take it anymore, I need black pussy.
That new guy in tekken. I don't know anything about him but I bet he'd be sick.
Look at the thigh and then look at the rear.
Really? Because the rest of us did. I'll say what I want about niggers and they can say what they want about me. They can have our white thots and we can breed the gorilla nose out of their qt black bitches.
>all of Europe was like that.
No it wasn't. You're fucking insane. No European country prevented other races from entering. Or natively born children citizenship based on race.
Those terrorists that you armed? That you trained? That you kicked out of their countries with your wars?
Yeah, last thing we need is more of you here, you've already caused enough harm and cultural terrorism.
Considering Americas influence, by far.
Germans can't be worse than the abomination Americans have turned themselves into.
I'm not really into femdom shit but I kind of like girls which are taller than me. What it is?
I'll be honest, I think the lighter tones on a she-nigress's feet is sexy as fuck.
How about you try to get a girlfriend based on your own merits as a person rather than worrying about that nonsense.
I love Carmen Hayes
taller girls doesn't mean it has to be femdom
>No European country prevented other races from entering
Yes American, Europe was a very diverse and multicultural place since the beginning full of people from all races.
This is why I feel glad everytime there's a mass shooting in the US.
The monkey nose kills it for me. I'd fuck her with a bag on her head maybe?
I remember seeing the black seph cosplay
dios mio... debajo de congelación en la tienda de juegos épicos
are you the same slav from the other threads? what country are you from. you'd think someone who's white wouldn't have a problem asnwering.
You mean the ones that you invited into your countries? That you let do whatever the fuck they want because you don't want to look "racist"? Keep talking, Europoor, maybe Brexit will fuck you over just enough to knock some sense into your head.
Thanks friend
>tfw black female weeb
>i live in bumfuck, usa where theres no nerdy guys
Silence. You were not asked to speak. Sit down. be humble.
You say that when we have proof that you are manipulating Europe into trying to convince people of the "benefits of diversity"?
You are the enemy, a bigger threat than Nazi Germany and the Soviets put together.
Yeah. Also maybe tall girls just look better than short one? I don't know. There's one girl at work higher than me and she's wild kind too.
This is still the greatest Kelly comic and will never be topped.
I didn't say Europe was greatly diverse. But no country denied natively born children citizenship due to race. So it did have some sparse minorities.
The difference now, is that travel is easier than ever, and life is pretty convenient now. So what used to deter people from travelling to certain countries, no longer does.
No, i'm Spaniard. Moved to Norway two years ago.
Why not just pay a hooker, retard.
I'm sexually attracted to blacks/redheads.
Of course I'd look for someone who I'd be happily compatible with, but ignoring what you want physically in a relationship is what fucks up relationships 100% in the long run.
Dilate faggot
this is 100% a safespace. If it wasn't you would be able to type out the original versions of "t b h" and "cumbra*n".
Found the Estonian.
Which is why we need to start arming our borders.
We have Americans on one side, Russians and muslims on the other, and Africans on the south.
>Europe literally makes the US "world police" with NATO
Fuck Europe.
mine too, but religion would be an issue
I doubt a black girl would date a nerd.
She got pregnant at 12? WTF.
Sex with no emotional attachment is for younger 20 years olds with gamers.
if you ever Canada we can get drunk and watch anime
Then get a fucking personality other than video games and marvel movies you dumb retard.
NATO was nothing but a deterrent to prevent the Soviets from invading Europe.
The fact that NATO wasn't disbanded in 1991 makes no sense whatsoever.
You don't have what it takes.
I'm italian maybe I can come to your house and you can try out my home made SUPER salami
Post pic of your wrist
It can't be that emotional; if his entire reason for hooking up is the color of her skin.
one word posts should be a bannable offense prove me wrong
the reason mods haven't filtered/starting banning cope/seethe/dilate/have sex/etc. still eludes me even though baka desu senpai is STILL filtered and that wasn't anywhere near as bad
We do, we just need to get rid of America.
Fortunately, Americans are doing that for us.
It's gonna take some time to get rid of all the American infection in Europe.
A good way to stop it would be banning all American entertainment media, it's all propaganda.
you'd be surprised. But it has to be ones that were raised outside of the normal black community. The relationship norms in those cultures are real fucking bad.
Yea Forums aka mindgeek aka mossad want you to discharge all your semen and lose all your T levels.
Yes, i'm sure people in Yea Forums are the key to saving the world.
>small white penis
such a cutie
America is a practically direct result of your countries fuck ups, mostly the fact that half of its current territories used to belong to you, and you yourselves are the genetical town bike of the mediterranean
Aaaaand here we have it. Black girls want normies with tattoos and swagger, and smokes weed.
Still doubt.
i dun gettuh
most nerd guys think this way, it happens
god i wish i could move up north, but I dont have enough friends to room with
You need to be sexually attracted to your partner for any relationship to work.
I'm typically only ever attracted to blacks or redheads, it's just what I react to.
Sorry you don't know yourself, bro.
that's hot. I wish I had a Mossad mommy who drained me all night so I couldn't get it up again for days. "Thats it, do it for me gamer," she coos, nibbling on my ear, "let all those lazy thoughts and free will turn to clouds and gently float down to your cock....""
how is gamer an insult again?
The only thing they have un common are the big tits, Britney has personality and probably a great fuck, Wilde just looks braindead all the time and most of the times makes the guys do all the work
Someone on /pol/ linked a q and a thread on reddit with someone from pornhub, and the ph rep started accusing people of being antisemetic when someone mentioned mindgeek owning everything.
Personally I consider the questioning of NATO to be Donald's one and only good idea, but new members have joined as recently as 2017 so some people out there are able to sell the idea.
Kelly has betrayed us, he needs to be cancelled...
>America is a practically direct result of your countries fuck ups
South America is.
Funny enough, that subcontinent shows the dangers of racemixing, the very same thing you people are trying to push in these threads, the same thing you people push through all your entertainment media.
An American is the natural enemy of white people.
The very birth of the US was an act of treason against Europe.
>you yourselves are the genetical town bike of the mediterranean
The Amerimutt is calling others on their genetics?
I was talking about your worrying about the pasta blood in your veins.
You. Don't. Have. What. It. Takes.
If I go through the due process to become a citizen, then you'll let me through the border. Ethnonationalism can only be maintained by having the balls to forcibly remove well-meaning individuals.
Are there visual markers that differentiate a weaboo from a soiboi?
>Ethnonationalism can only be maintained by having the balls to forcibly remove well-meaning individuals.
Which would easily happen if America is destroyed.
There's no well meaning non-whites.
>Queen LaTifa
>Company founded by a Belgian, owned by a Quebecois Canadian
>Personally I consider the questioning of NATO to be Donald's one and only good idea
Questioning Nato and putting China's balls in a vice. If he'd stop fucking folding to them like Rice Paper and actively kicking their shitty tech thief industrial and political spy companies like Huawei out of our fucking country that'd be even better.
>most nerd guys think this way, it happens
I'm a virgin, myself, but my brother has dated multiple so called "black nerd girls." But they never work out, because he spends a lot of time inside playing video games, and they get bored. And it's not like he's a complete shut in either. He can be pulled out to do stuff. But when your MAIN hobby is nerdy shit, then you just happen to spend most of your time doing nerdy shit.
reminds you of when you were a kid and your mother towered over you
This but unironically. If this wasn't a containment board and we were allowed to raid and organise and we all exercised and nofapped for like a year there would be a fourth reich.
>South America is.
All of the americas are you stupid faggot
>Funny enough, that subcontinent shows the dangers of racemixing, the very same thing you people are trying to push in these threads, the same thing you people push through all your entertainment media.
Yet you are even stupider thn the average local mutt spic, already forgetting your own crown and church sanctioned mixed marriages, both inside the peninsula with conversos and in the new world?
>An American is the natural enemy of white people.
Your countries history is a pretty good remainder that white peoples are their own enemy, from the time half the gothic lords defected to the ar*b side
>The very birth of the US was an act of treason against Europe.
Thats why Spain directly supported it, alogside france and on entirely geopolitical
>>you yourselves are the genetical town bike of the mediterranean
>The Amerimutt is calling others on their genetics?
The spic is the OG universal mutt, keep acting like the US will loose its influence and conservativism reigns again in your country, it still will be under Catholic Universalism instead of your ethnostate larping, you stupid sarracen
>country that isn't white has a problem
>"it's duh race"
>country that is white has a problem
>"well you see it was policy and a bad economic downturn no one could predict..."
lel who says "gizmo" in 2019
desu thats sounds great, I dont like going out much either, he can spend his time playing videos games and I can draw/watch cartoons in other room. as long as we can cuddle at the end of the night im fine
Arent you streaming right now vinny?
by god, he's right
>exasperated viewers
yeah man, we couldn't see that from their expressions or anything. Political cartoonists are fucking retarded
>not posting the superior version
This much bait, this late at night. Fucking hell
>mfw this entire thread
Oh, well look at that. She actually is quite shapely.
Rastaroth and Barrett Jensen look cool
She'd make a great 2B.
I always get hot on by pretty black girls, but I've never dated a black woman before so I always decline. I recently said no to a black girl who loves black metal.
La creatura...
Can someone explain? I don't follow blacks.
>I don't follow blacks.
I don't blame you man. They're really hard to see at night.
Do you want to date one?
>> I don't follow blacks
Well if you mug the mugger you get two wallets and a fake rolex
>still no h-game about a black shota fucking his family
shits rough man
Early Anime hits in the west were propelled largely by shonen, which was/is extremely popular among African American populations. Ex. DBZ.
However I would argue that while Niggaboo's did help popularize Anime in the west, and even made it not dorky - a super power black people have is to make cringey things not cringe simply because they give absolutely no fuck what people think about them for better or worse - the real power behind western anime popularity was mexi''s and PR's. Shit like Saint Seiya, Yu Yu Hakusho, DBZ etc were fucking HUGE in those countries.
tl;dr, white people liked anime first but because brown people lack self consciousness (at least when the judgement comes from people outside their own social and cultural groups) black people made it mainstream
And this is all summed up in a brief clip of manufactured Canadian rapper, Drake, rambling about how he created something.
in a way it does since it shows black people will consume any manufactured media
only in am*rica
god bless
>user brought a girl home? oh my god I was ready to accept that he's gay
I don't know yet. I've never fucked one either despite all the chances I've been given. I love big round asses, but I don't know about big black round asses. My dick needs to ponder on this further.
>Be a product of Disney.
>Get your rap career bought for you.
>Producers and marketers coming out of your ass.
>Known for having ghostwriters.
>"Look at this. We created this."
Oh sweet irony.
Oh, well i suppose i first learned of anime by an old mexican friend i had before he was kia. I believe he gave me an old vhs in the 90s of Ninja Scroll and maybe bubblegum crisis.
this desu ne
He had excellent taste.
Your dick needs to pound my ass
>bigger threat than Nazi Germany and the Soviets put together
>I don't know shit about Generalplan Ost
I really doubt that the Americans planned to reduce the Estonian population by 50%.
I declare this thread based & bleachpilled, and post the threadly theme; www.youtube.com/watch?v=WiXmh3VwCCw
>tfw no black gf to have kinky raceplay sex with, followed by loving cuddling
Why even live?
That he did. He left me all his Dragon Ball and Dragon Ball Z collection and a bunch of Gundams when he left.
Only if you're a cute rare tranny
>fascist Italy
>the laughing stock of WW2
True, but Mussolini took the bleachpill.
That's a weird looking Tifa.
Nigcloud looks kinda shit, but at least the buster sword makes more sense and he actually has the muscles to wield it
Nigtifa, i would breed mulatto babies with
Brent looks like he belongs in cyberpunk
Nigseph actually 10/10
You couldn't be more wrong, nigs had nothing to do with anime becoming mainstream. Anime has been steadily getting popular over the years but as soon as ironic humor took off in mainstream normalfag sites so did anime. Its a combination of that ironic weeb faggtory, youtubers, and anime avatars that propelled it to mainstream status.
But nigs are obsessed with themselves so naturally they have to try and claim that they were the ones who popularized it. Fucking poser faggots, kill everyone who uses twitter.
She looks like she's talking a dump.
Kinda cute. I'd fuck her butthole.
you cant just fucking post this and not drop source
How to get a cute black chick who is into vidya culture? I live in Germoney, we only got Arabs but no blacks
Report them for Off topic, Participating or instigating a flamewar, Trolling outside of Yea Forums, or This post is extremely low quality.
>Trying to stop incel virgins with scat threats
Welcome back
I encountered this image whilst perusing reddit today, and I was confident it would reemerge on this message board. You shame yourselves!
>A Sun warrior tattoo
You're fucked, most nerdy BW are into Koreans or Metalheads right now, try looking into Instagram tags like 'black nerds' or blerds do record yourself speaking German it's the hottest accent
redmoa, it also has sound
Rent free.
Why do leftist assuming people on here are saying nigger to be edgy instead of it just being in their vocabulary?
OP pic is no different from the plethora of retarded white girls who cosplay as Tifa. Tifa is an asian character.
Honestly a pretty fucking good cosplay. Too bad this thread is filled with faggots.
Final Fantasy isn’t weeb you crack addict
Cloud looks like he's about to get shot to death in a parking lot for the clout and only remembered through memes about his child's circumcision
redmoa is top-tier. does facial animations and character expressions so much better than other porn.
We literally made the world as it is today. Cars, electricity, the literal fucking internet. All us and no one else. Because we're always in the spotlight on the world stage, everyone is constantly forced to look at us. But you can't stand that can you?
The fact is, and to my chagrin, America spends excessive effort helping everyone else who doesn't deserve it and breaking up fights between you little shitters. Sometimes i wish we could iust be a little more isolationist for a while and let the rest of the world collapse in on itself, maybe then, you ingrates would learn a long overdue lesson.
Just like Fire Emblem and Dragon Quest right?
If you're gonna post apes at least post good looking ones
Asians are superior.
Final Fantasy doesn’t have the traditional anime artstyle
Same with Selfdrilling SMS, except he is an actual professional CG animator but does this porn stuff on the side. Naturally he keeps his identity hidden afaik
>Selfdrilling SMS
thanks for the further fap material bro
Holy shit, she's genuinely terrifying to look at
No prob, he's probably the absolute best sfm guy right now imo
If the FFVII map is the real world reversed, then Nibelheim is in Russia, and Cloud and Tifa are Russians.
wait no they're not supposed to see this
Nose job + and a moderate chemical peel would work wonders