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people always say Kojima is a master troll and that everything is a ruse and the real truth will eventually be revealed. But then, every time, the game comes out and it turns out its just a game and there was no ruse what so ever.
The same thing will happen this time.
>what is MGS2 ruse
>what is MGS3 first sequence with raiden mask ruse
>what is the whole P.T. ruse
come on he's the only one in the industry
Holy fucking shit
stuff that only weebs care or spend their time thinking about it
>get told
>lmao who cares
how is this even an argument?
kojima let the ruse slip. his finished. caramel was right etc.
>a cutscene is a ruse
>an internet puzzle game that he embezzled funds from Konami is a ruse
PT was a demo not of silent hills and not to us, but of him and his ability to make games beyond metal gear solid to Sony or whoever’s going to take him under their wing for shelter.
And he got what he wanted and can now do whatever he wants without ever having to deal with you metal gear autists. He did it while BTFOing SHfags too
i don't understand how anyone could ever think they designed that suit for just a logo
there are so many hints
>the whale in the logo video and whales in the trailer
>literally Sams eyes behind the mask
>Mads character talking about goig to the moon in the previous trailer
>the keychain
plus Shinkawa is the main art director for the game, there will 100 percent be mechs, robots, and vehicles
there is obviously more to this game than they are showing
it's no secret that Sam is the Ludens
No, P.T. was made while Konami and Kojima knew he was getting off the train and projected this into the game.
everything he does has an underlying message
Thats some meta shit going on right there. So Sam is Ludens and talking to himself.
Who or what even is Ludens?
Ludens are basically the players
I guess Die-hardman is one of them
No shit it was made during Konami, I’m saying he made it because he knew Konami was gonna him and possibly shitcan his project. I’m not going to watch your theory video. There was no underlying message behind PT. It was there to showcase his staying power when the inevitable happens and he loses MGS. Sony took the bait and took him in and gave him a blank check to make a game that will sell gangbusters.
You rusecruisefags are never getting your dream game. I’m sorry about Demon sedition but it’s time to wake the fuck up.
>I’m not going to watch your theory video.
Well just say you're not willing to argue and exchange also stop wasting my time
Same. Since you’re not willing to listen to anyone either, you can’t even disprove what I said.
The “How you doin, Sam?” doesn’t sound like Norman Reedus to me.
topkek he literally made up a fake game studio and wore a bandage mask to expos before he revealed MGSV
It literally is Sam, couldnt be more obvious
Why the fuck would Geoff say that?
I'm not willing to even read what you said since you're not willing to watch a ''theory'' video that is just down to earth showing Kojima calling out Konami through P.T. and at the same time bypassing the NDA they made him sign to not put dirt on their names. It's nothing about REEDUS IS GREY FOX. Stay in your ignorance and stop acting like you hold the information high ground when you don't even want to understand the latest developments.
I don’t understand the point you’re trying to make.
I hate how Kojima is basically known as "the Metal Gear guy", I'm legitimately hyped to see him add something new to his portfolio. I also hope he doesn't get roped into making Death Stranding 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6. We could be entering a golden era of diverse Kojimbo kino
not him but are you stoned or something?
I guess what I mean was that the line doesn’t sound like it’s being read by Reedus to me. He has a very distinctive timbre to his voice.
There’s no need to get upset.
I think the name he made for himself will carry on all the projects he wants to do and many publishers are willing to throw money at him to get in on the crazy shit. He won't be forced to endlessly retcon a franchise like he was for MGS.
so did they announce MGSV: demon edition yet?
I just don't see how you can't understand. Anyway, enjoy the buzz
True, he sounds very different when he speaks louder
dont forget this ruse
The thing is, the voice from the hologram is modulated. "How you doin' Sam?" is not.
>Raiden mask in MGS3
Not a ruse, thats an easter egg
Not a ruse, that was a promotional demo
>Moby Dick Studio
People figured out it was MGSV within hours of the first TPP trailer.
Kojima is shit at "ruses". Only one he ever pulled off was MGS2 bait and switch, and thats only due to the lack of modern day internet and social media.
>Kojima is shit at "ruses". Only one he ever pulled off was MGS2 bait and switch, and thats only due to the lack of modern day internet and social media.
Nobody figured out the MGSV twist until release. Most people on Yea Forums thought we were playing as Solidus/Gray Fox/the real BB.
Point is he likes to fuck with the fans and proved it many times. What the fuck is your problem
Also P.T. was a groundbreaking way of promoting an upcoming game how can anyone overlook that
>nobody figured out the MGSV twist until release
Nigger everyone fucking knew that Venom Snake wasnt the real Big Boss. Then after GZ came out people litterally said that the medic was Big Boss.
>Nobody figured out the MGSV twist until release
Wrong as fuck. I saw the theory that you weren't BB posted frequently before release. Some even guessed medic due to the fact he was voiced by sutherland. The more trailers they showed the more obvious it became.
>he likes to fuck with his fans
Yes, ins very obvious fashion though. Kojima has never been as secretive and cryptic as rusecruise think he is being with Death Standing.
I agree he isn't and most people are setting themselves for disappointment once again, but I strongly believe there is something interesting being hidden nonetheless.
>the Norman reedus is ludens leak was real
Wow, ripping off the time wanderers book. So original Kojima, so fucking original. I'll give you the ending, Sam is the bad guy in all of this. Reminds me of when Yea Forums called the medic body double shit when GZ came out
Why are you hostile? Are you feeling threatened?
No? What are you trying to do here? From my point of you it's you that is trying to not appear dumb as fuck.
The baby's name is also Sam
It's over, shitposter. I have the high ground!
The baby's name is Jack
But I was here first, leaving me the victory in this little battle.
>I'm not mad! You're mad!
>first time on Yea Forums
>In the "not metal gear" game made by Moby Dick Studio
>new studio making "not metal gear" features ghost whale in launch video
THis was known wasn't it? That the Ludens is Sam?
The ludens represents the player. The world they live in, this "other side" is just a virtual reality this world has created. The world of the "dead" as Del Taco puts it, is just the real world.
In this virtual world, obviosuly, you can be portrayed as anything you want. Just like Sam's mother, is old in the real world, she is young in the virtual world.
But they're like, trapped in this virtual reality, they were literally born there.
This game is like the matrix. The real world is inhospitable, and when you're a baby is the only time in which you can actually interact with the chiral world or world of the dead.
As for "mama", her baby actually "born" as in, woke up, in the chiral world, but since they can interact with the virtual world, he is half in the virtual world, half chiral.
Sam was used as propaganda, for Ludens. Ludens might be like a faction, in this virtual world.
That's all it is.
You better not just spoiled the whole game to me
The whole game is a message about global contamination and unity, you know KOjima and his stupid anime writing.