I can't get fucking good at or enjoy this game

I can't get fucking good at or enjoy this game
I've been resetting on hard mode of chapter 5 constantly because I keep getting hit by retarded bullshit I don't understand
I beat the hardest difficultly in bayo 2, what the fuck am I doing wrong with this game?
yes I know how to fucking dodge offset shut the fuck up

Attached: bayonetta-1024x576.jpg (1024x576, 113K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Learn how to combo, a huge part of Bayo1 revolves around staggering and crowd control instead of just pressing dodge when flashy red light appears onscreen like in Bayo2. And stop resetting so much, keep playing and get used to failure

I know how to fucking combo to
it just devolves into me running away and spamming wicked weaves the whole time, is this really how the game is supposed to be? it's fucking gay
it's either that or I get cornered by 5 enemies and just have to spam dodge and hope to escape with witch time or I get hit by some offscreen bullshit I had no way of seeing
I also can't fucking heal without docking my points, that's fucking bullshit
am I supposed to somehow not fucking get hit by the bullshit enemies at all??

>I know how to combo
>Except I don't
Is this some kind of dumb troll post?
Learn actual combos and stagger crowds you retard

if the whole game is running away spamming wicked weaves like a fucking faggot then I don't want to play anymore

Maybe Bayo 2 is more your speed. I know it’s hard without having Umbran Climax to spam

>no argument
eat my shit you dumb nigger
viewtiful joe is a million times better than anything platinum has ever shat out

w101 exists so your argument is invalid

>Wonderful 101 gimmick sections that ruin replayability as much as perfect platinums

Maybe start on a lower difficulty and learn the enemies and weapons first

I don't understand this thread. How did you get passed normal at all if you'rr having this much trouble on hard?
>All you do is spam wicked weaves
Well...yeah. Didn't you play the game on normal? You had to to unlock hard.

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Hard mode is locked until normal is complete so this must be elaborate bait.

Wicked weaves are more of a detriment than a positive in Bayo1 though

I don't want to have to play like a faggot just doing moves only to get to the wicked weaves while I run away in order to not get assraped
it's not fucking fun and it's frustrating getting hit by stupid shit that I can't even counter attack

No way. Wicked weaves are something I never knew I wanted after years of replaying DMC3, MGR, and playing DMC5.

>just doing moves only to get to the wicked weaves
Again, how did you get past normal mode not understanding how integral wicked weaves are to expediting combat?
>while I run away in order to not get assraped
Why are you running away? Dodge to trigger witch time.
>it's frustrating getting hit by stupid shit that I can't even counter attack
You shouldn't be getting hit at all. It counts towards pure platinums. What are you talking about?

I didn't remember. I first played this game in 2010.

>while I run away in order to not get assraped
You get up in the enemies face, dodge when necessary and combo with wicked weaves at the end

I want to fucking juggle them in the air and do cool shit not run away like a fucking faggot doing the most boring move in the game and getting assrapes other wise
I want to do COMBOS that involve shit besides shooting from a fucking distance and doing weaves that knock them away
I can't fucking play the game how I want
people say bayo 2 is shittier because of enemies knocking you out of combos and reliance on witch time but that's all this fucking game is too, at least you could cheese shit in bayo 2 in a way that was fun
in this you have no choice but to run away like a faggot spamming weaves instead of actually being able to juggle enemies and do cool shit

>I want to fucking juggle them in the air and do cool shit
Hold backward and triangle/Y and you'll launch an enemy into the air. From there have fun.

Post your Broken Sky normal mode rank.

The game lets you fall into a very bad habit of relying on witchtime to complete combos when you really need to get good at dodge offset before learning anything else. At least that's what happened to me

>launch enemy into air
>they break out of my combo or some enemy from offscreen hits me that I can't even see or react to
>or they just ignore the launcher all together unless it's a weave

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it doesn't sound like you do.

>some enemy from offscreen hits me

AI is programmed to not do this unless you fuck with the camera like a sperg


gut gud

Post your Broken Sky normal mode rank.

>they break out of my combo or some enemy from offscreen hits me that I can't even see or react to
This has to be bait

Of course it is. You absolutely cannot reach hard mode with this poor of an understanding of how combat works in this game.

>it's either that or I get cornered by 5 enemies and just have to spam dodge and hope to escape with witch time
jump retard
>or I get hit by some offscreen bullshit I had no way of seeing
enemies generally don't attack from off screen, and those that do have very distinct audio indications that they've attacked, like the trumpet dudes.
>am I supposed to somehow not fucking get hit by the bullshit enemies at all??
yes, that should have been clear on the first verse of the first chapter you ever played when you saw that one of the scoring conditions was damage taken. At least assuming you want good scores.

Use the blocking accessory and/or the bombs on dodge. Sometimes damage block butterflies can help too if you are going for pure platinum.
If you got this far I shouldn't even need to tell you to get good, just acclimate yourself to not having the witch time crutch.

>Love Bayonetta
>Just want nice comfy threads about the game
>All I ever get is shitposts or bait

go fuck yourselves

Attached: hurr durr enemies don't break out of combos.webm (1280x720, 1.64M)

Yes the enemy dodged?
I don't get it, did you literally want enemies to be stunlocked constantly?

When the enemy dodged you should have held fast to A so you could continue upping your combo with the bullets, and then dodge before it hit you to activate another witch time. git gud etc.

If you wanted to juggle it in the air you should've launched it at the start of witch time


Also the fact you're playing with witch time is the only evidence we need you're not at a high enough level to go deep into the combat mechanics and start complaining

There was nothing stopping you from continuing to attack him. Stronger enemies like grace and glory aren't sandbags, they'll fight back, but you can always keep up the damage on them, and as you can see in your own webm, it doesn't have to involve running away or shooting at them from the other side of the arena. They take damage just as well when not in hitstun.

>bayonetta 2 is fucking shit you can't do anything to enemies outside of witch time
>dude just do witch time if you want to combo enemies in bayo 1 lol
eat my shit you retarded niggers
>enemy dodged after it got launched in the air with no rhyme or reason
yes, I expect to be able to get a combo on a fucking nigger I just uppercut into the air and not have him fall out of it inexplicably
not an argument, shut the fuck up and address my points
like I said before, just shooting at them and only being able to stagger them with weaves and that one slow ass sweep kick is fucking boring
it's like doing a beam super in a fighting game that does 100 hits and being proud you got a combo that high, that isn't a real fucking combo and it isn't fun or engaging
in viewtiful joe I could fucking beat the shit out of enemies without them having their own arbitrary rules for when you couldn't combo them anymore and it was still really hard, this shit is just fucking boring and not fun

Jesus christ user is this literally your first time playing a skill based game? In the time it took you to write that book of a post you could've practiced and gotten better.
Yes you'll get fucking slammed but you get better and it feels great
The first time I played Bayonetta I dropped it because I couldn't beat Fortitudio, now I'm doing PP runs daily

>like I said before, just shooting at them and only being able to stagger them with weaves and that one slow ass sweep kick is fucking boring
then drop the game retard, bayonetta isn't about juggling enemies to death

not to mention the dodge overlapping with shit like the bird and panther form is idiotic and all the other dogshit about the game like the insta death qtes and ESPECIALLY the fact you have to randomly backtrack in the shitty levels to find all the combat encounters that you would have no way of knowing without a fucking guide and is the complete fucking opposite of what I want out of a game like this

I play fighting games you dumb nigger
I don't like spending time on shit that breaks its own rules with no explanation and forces you to play one way or lose
finally a fucking sensible post, jesus christ

But it doesn't?
user stop getting mad at the game, it's you.
To do Panther Within you double tap dodge, to do Crow Within you double tap midair.
The fact you think it's "overlapping" proves that you are mashing
>I play fighting games
You either think Smash is a fighting game and/or you are a complete scrub at the one you play. What FG do you play?

I play 3rd strike and I'm pretty fucking good at it
quit projecting you stupid retard
there's no other choice but to mash dodge in this fucktarded game when you have 5 enemies fucking your ass with 3 attacks a second at the same time

>Pretty fucking good at it
No you aren't, trust me.
Keep practicing and stop getting mad at everyone else

suck my cock, shithead

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Post your Broken Sky normal mode ranking.

>I know how to combo!
>Proceed to then show that you don't know how

If you're actively running away from ANY enemy in Bayonetta you have no idea how to combo.

Very well thought out post, I'm sure you're a standup individual who everyone respects

bayonetta 2 is a far better game
don't reply to me

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Ride the dodge and pick your battles.

>get btfo
>h-heh ur stupid
suck my fucking dick you stupid faggot

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>Gold medal
Show's over.

>Get btfo
You did user, but I'm not giving up on you. Even though you're salty at us instead of yourself, I think with enough practice you can get good at Bayonetta.
Have you even played since making this thread, or just bitched?

this thread is over
call me when clover reforms and they quit making fucking garbage

Attached: I-I bet you aren't even good at fighting games.webm (930x674, 2.9M)

But you aren't good at fighting games user and you're awful at Bayonetta. Bayonetta is one of the few games I'm good at and I'm trying to help you, but for some reason you're rejecting my advice.
Different weapons are good for different situations and enemies, but what I do is use double Scarborough Fair on set A and my situational set on set B.
Shotguns are underrated but only should be used on enemies that aren't good at zoning or that are stunned

That's the fate of an exclusive, whether it was an Xbone, PS4 or Switch, it's all the same.

>360, PS3, Xbone, PS4, PC, Switch

don't ever reply to me again
I'm deleting this garbage off my switch and going to the arcade tomorrow to play a game worth putting time into

Bayo isn't on PS4 and the PS3 version is by far the worst one.

Attached: Bayonetta.jpg (1920x1080, 395K)

But Capcom games aren't worth putting time into you retarded faggot.
Besides, why do you keep rejecting advice? Where are you up to in Bayo, I can help you out

Attached: hurr durr enemies don't attack from offscreen.webm (1280x720, 1.64M)

Post your Broken Sky normal mode rank.

a silent webm isn't very useful considering I explicitly mentioned audio cues.

Correct, they don't START attacking offscreen, but if they're on screen for even a nanosecond then they become "Active" and can fly around the arena.
You're still blaming the game for things that are your fault, I can't even imagine your rage when you get to the actually bullshit bits

yeah really distinct audio cue there, retard

Yes I'm glad you finally heard it.
Again, the fact you're using witch time proves you don't know much about the game. Keep playing and learning

why do you always use the same combo

there's two fucking buttons you stupid shithead

Is this bait?

>blatantly ignoring when he's proven wrong
don't reply to me again

you always just mash punch and then try to use a simple launcher as witch time is ending.

Answer me this, what is the core mechanic of Bayonetta?

Post your Broken Sky normal mode ranking.

Attached: Bayonetta2.jpg (826x727, 903K)

I'm talking about Bayo2, OP is trying to shit on Bayo1 while praising Bayo2. Isn't it obvious what's going one here?

turning it off and playing a good game instead

So you just ignore the entire combo list? Are you the person who says they "know" how to combo? Just relax and maybe come back after a day or two. That is not how you play Bayonetta, you're getting frustrated and that's understandable but you've gotta learn how to Offset.

Alright so instead of actually answering me you're being a faggot. I know capcumguzzlers are actual retard, but still.
Can you post more footage of you playing, not any fucking meme webm but just regular footage?

>that laser section where you have to control two ships before the final boss
Fuck that part, ruined my platinum for the final chapter many times

This attack was STARTED on screen and ended off screen, things like this are why audio cues exist and Bayonetta 1 has some of the best in the genre. Chill out and take a break.

>woow why do you only use the one of two buttons that isn't slow as shit when you have enemies on your ass
shut the fuck up you retards are so desperate to stroke your e cock over being """good""" at some garbage like this game
don't fucking reply to me again you stupid shithead
>play one capcom game
this board is beyond saving
bring back 8có ›¡han I can't fucking take this faggotry anymore

Attached: wooww you don't even know how to dodge offset or combo lmaaaoo.webm (1280x720, 1.32M)

Bayonetta was basically a de facto Xbox 360 exclusive since the ps3 version was functionally broken and Bayonetta wouldn't see any other releases until it got released along side Bayonetta 2 on Wii U and then later got a PC port. Bayonetta was essentially an Xbox 360 thing for half a decade.

>he thinks doing it versus no enemies is even slightly comparable

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Is it normal to get Bronze and Stone when playing this the first time? Because that's what I'm getting. Also I can barely afford any of the things in the store. :(

It's cool, ese. We got ya.
Explain the situation you are having trouble with.
Is it the G's?

Yes, don't worry.
Many of the store items are quite expensive. You're not supposed to be able to buy everything on one playthrough. So long as you buy all of the moves and a few hearts and moon pearls buy the end you'll be fine.

fuck this shitty game
I'm done pretending that it can be fun

Attached: can't do cool combos anyway lol.webm (1280x720, 2.62M)

Totally. The ranking for this game is based on time of completion, damage taken and doing it without letting your combo drop. It takes practice and patience.

there are a few ways to keep your combo going. Taunt, use the shoot button to keep it going or hold the attack button for the weapons hold attack. Shooting is the only one that last forever but the other two should buy you some time.

Was that you? What's wrong with that run? That was good and proper.

>Still using witch time
>Doing Kilgore glitch
Fucks sake user
Why the fuck do you think you shouldn't have to learn this game?

because I want to do combos
I want to look cool and be able to do what I want
the game won't let me do that because it's fucking gay so I have no reason to give a shit anymore
I have learned it, like I said I'm done trying to make it fun because it clearly is never going to be

Then do combos? You've been sitting in this thread seething for no reason when in reality all you need to do is practice and stop blaming the game.


Again, that's entirely on you. The game is amazing fun, but you have to put the effort in to learning it and that includes losing.

I'm not going to waste my time with a game where enemies randomly flip out of combos
fuck that retarded shit

Thanks bros, it's tough but fun

It's not fucking random, you just have to play more and discover the mechanics. Why can't you be like this guy?

>I know how to fucking combo to
>it just devolves into me running away and spamming wicked weaves the whole time
Then you don't actually know how to fucking combo. Every weapon is capable of massive sweep attacks that can knock down and stagger everything around you and every combo dial can be dodged midway through at any point without interrupting the combo.
>am I supposed to somehow not fucking get hit by the bullshit enemies at all??
Yes. This is why the next difficulty up has no witch-time (by default, you can still use accessories to get it but it's a waste of magic imo). Go into some fights and don't attack, focus just on learning tells and your dodge timing, until you reach a point where you can survive pretty much indefinitely. Bayo can remain in any enemy's face and never get hit if you actually know what you're doing, even Gracious and Glorious, running away should never be your first option. Try to Bat Within more than you dodge, learn how to use Umbran Spear both as a gap closer and a tool to interrupt enemies, start using Tetsuzanko when getting overwhelmed. Just practice a little and git gud instead of crying like a cockroach.

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How can you even bother going for Plaitnum in w101 with the epoch-scale loading times and the fact that kahkoo-regah deaths count as chapter deaths?
w101 should just be played once.

>w101 should just be played once.

explain how it's not random as shit that certain enemies can just roll out of air combos and instantly attack me? it's fucking dogshit design
or I can just spam kicks with the kilgore and perfect everything, or better yet play a fucking game that is actually fun and lets me play how I want

Ok capcumguzzler, the enemy dodged in the air and you didn't follow up.
>Dogshit design
Yes anything that takes skill is dogshit

OP, there are better ways to have a bayonetta thread than pretending to be a dumbass.

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>when you have enemies on your ass
you were in witch time both times lmao

>do uppercut
>follow enemy into air
>enemy randomly falls out
>now stuck in the air
>durr just follow up
this is the EXACT kind of shit people shat on bayonetta 2 for yet for some reason it's okay in this fucking dogshit game

Again, it's not random. I fucking hate you capcumguzzlers who think DMCs awful enemy design is a gold standard

Why is op such a faggot who clearly can't be half assed to learn how the game is rather than how he wants it to be?
Games have different mechanics, who fucking knew?


I've never played a fucking dmc game you boggeymanning piece of shit
>durr it's not random because I said so
fuck off you stupid nigger
combos should not be randomly breakable with no indication

>Combos should not be randomly breakable with no indication
Agreed, good thing Bayonetta doesn't do that

How many hours do you have?

this game's mechanics are dogshit
I shouldn't HAVE to get down you fucking NIGGER
I launched them in the fucking air, I deserve a fucking combo and the game forcing you to do this retarded hit and run shit is asinine and NOT FUCKING FUN
>durr it's not random because I said so

But it's not random, you're fucking awful at the game, and that's ok, we all started somewhere.
You however are seething and calling it random when you just need to practice

>I deservd

>Capcomniggers say they DESERVE to have combos connect instead of actually taking skill

Grace and Glory are resistant to stuns and launches. Witch time and wicked weaves circumvent that resistance. Some of the other strong enemies are like this as well.
Why do you think you deserve a free combo that goes on as long as you like because you landed one attack on the enemy? An attack you landed in witch time and can be done on-demand, at that.

explain to me all the exact circumstances of every enemy being able to drop or break out of your combos then, fucking dipshit
you can't because it's fucking random and nonsensical
see pic

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You didn't follow up and you used a weapon with massive recovery against them. Learn to play faggot

if something is in the air getting the shit beat out of it it makes no sense for it to suddenly block you or fall out of the juggle
like I said people shit all over bayo 2 for THIS EXACT SAME THING yet for some reason it's excusable in this game

>muh boogeyman
end your fucking life shill

Ok OP, you're not good at Third Strike, but let's pretend you aren't a massive fraud and know basics.
If someone said to you "Fucking hell Makotos mixups are random and dogshit", don't you think they would need to learn?

any game that requires me to """follow up""" after an enemy randomly stops my combo is a fucking dogshit game not worth playing
>Scarborough fair
>massive recovery
YOU didn't even play the game, fucking kill yourself
I hope bayo 3 is cancelled and they bring back a good series like viewtiful joe instead, fuck this garbage
I'm done with this shitty game and I'm done with this thread full of apologetic retards
makoto IS random and dogshit you retard, she can kill you off one command grab that you can't even punish on a neutral jump
platinum probably hired the retard who designed that character to make these shitty games

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There's that word again

you have yet to prove otherwise
never reply to me again

Stop bringing up arguments you're too stupid to understand. Bayonetta 2 gets shit because the enemies BLOCK your moves, which stops your combo completely, unlike a dodged combo which can still be continued through ranged hold attacks and finished with a wicked weave, and because even basic enemies can do it.
I already explained to you that Grace and Glory are resistant to being juggled. Learn how to play the game or fuck off and stop whining that you can't do well in a game you actively refuse to learn how to play.

I refuse to not have fun, and this game is not fucking fun

and I've had my attacks blocked a shitton of times by enemies in bayo 1, stop talking out your fucking ass

found your problem. bullshit or not, part of satisfyingly beating a game was overcoming its bullshit. some pretty good advice was given to you but you refused because of your own preconceptions. bayo doesn't play fair, but it feels that much better when you get past the bs and hit some pp medals. gracious and glorious are super fun to fight, haven't gotten pp for most of their encounters but I'm getting there.

by which enemies?

Then drop it like I told you to do two hours ago you stupid fucker

waaa my awards waaa

>bitches about DMC having fixed cameras forever
>finally gets full control of camera and doesn't use it to keep enemies in view

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>finally gets full control of camera and doesn't use it to keep enemies in view
To be fair, it's hard to do so with a fast paced action game, a fixed Camera might be the best option in my opinion, that or lock-on to keep the enemy in view.

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dealing with bullshit is not fun
the only bullshit should come from my inability to do something, not the game breaking the rules and forcing you to play a certain way with no leeway
if a game isn't fun it is a shit fucking game

Three challenge in overcoming the bullshit is fun. And what are you anyways, a game designer? Respect the game and its rules and lack thereof. Not every game plays the same, just go play bayo2. I'm done with you.

yeah, damn shame Bayo 1 doesn't have lock on

bayonetta is shit
good thread

Dang it's been a long time since I've seen someone sperg out so hard about being a scrub lol. I guess since I don't really come to Yea Forums anymore. Basedonetta dabs on em again.

Meh, just give up. You've spent enough time on the game that you should be able to handle hard mode by now, and even if it's your first action game or you are a slow learner/played the game a year ago/ whatever other extraneous reason, if you truly had the resolve to get good, you would be playing and practicing instead of bitching on Yea Forums.

If you aren't enjoying it and you aren't getting better, just give up. There's no piece of advice anyone can give you to solve all your problems.

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it isn't
it's retarded
the game should be respecting my time by not being an unfun piece of shit

I don't buy games to leave them unfinished

Well you already finished normal mode, right?
How much farther you want to go? You can put the line wherever you want at this point.
You can get all platinum medals on normal to unlock Jeanne, who only gets witch time from bat within(moth within), changing the challenge of every difficulty mode. You can then unlock Little Zero after that, who dies in two hits.
Getting all platinums would also require to complete every hidden verse, which would unlock the Lost Chapter, Angel Slayer.
There's also unlocking all the hidden weapons and costumes. The secret bossfight against Rodin. Etc.

I haven't done half this shit.

Then get to playing, bitch

>bayoniggers consider this good combat

Attached: puny god.webm (1280x720, 2.86M)

Nobody considers Bayonetta 2 good combat.

Bayo 1 is a button masher. that requires hit and run tactics on higher difficulties.

>OP has been here seething for literal hours instead of either dropping it or getting good

Don't listen to this guy. Resetting at even the slightest mistake is the true way to play any vidya. If you're not perfect, you're nothing.

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give me one reason to not use the kilgore glitch

Bayonetta's about wicked weave cheese

what the fuck do I use my magic on

>Umbran Spear
>Torture Attacks
>Accessory stuff

>defends Bayonetta's shit design


I'm not op
enjoy the wicked weave cheese
and shit enemies at the higher levels.
action games are really fun when the only option is to hit and run.Let's not forget the weapon reskins.

>All this literally incorrect bullshit

You can't get good when the combat has the depth of a puddle.

Agreed, I'm glad Bayonetta doesn't have this issue

I'm too retardo for this game. I wish I could get good but I can spend hours on one level, trying my hardest to play more intelligently and I make no progress.

Post footage of you playing

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Like I didn't already know.

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one of the big problems with bayo is the screen is cluttered with so much bullshit and intrusive effects it's hard to see what the fucks going on sometimes. the enemy attack animations are also kind of bad because the swings often aren't consistent with the wind up animations, they usually come through late or early.
so to help with this they put a glow on the swing but that often just contributes to the clutter on screen.
basically you'll find your self restarting missions a lot until you get a run where you're always in position where you can see clearly what's going on. it's a game of luck in that sense.

I enjoy Bayonetta up until the chapter where you're fighting Joys on a highway and cars constantly fly into you from off screen while you're trying to fight
Then I stop playing Bayonetta

>He fights in the highway

>durr you didn't waste your time backtracking for no reason to find all the """secret""" content and didn't know how to play on your first playthrough what a fucking scrub I'm so cool my cock is so gigantic lmaoooooooooo
kill yourselves

I didn't mean that Bayo has a bad camera, lol. I was just saying that a free camera isn't the best for an action game. and adjusting it isn't easy while you're fighting strong enemies

>You have to play the game to explore more depth
Yes you fucking idiot

He literally wants DMC enemies in a game that doesn't have, fucking retarded op

Me too. I was hoping to get some tips but OP is sperging out.

I played it long ago and i did not like it. It was on sale for the PS3 for cheap so i bought to give it another try and I'm still not really feeling it. So much so that i just got the urge to back and play Ninja Gaiden, and good thing because i actually learned new stuff in the process.

The whole combo system/dodge offset thing just feels so weird and gimmick to me. Am i supposed to ALWAYS hold the inputs so i can offset? They certainly do a lot more damage that way. But then there's weapons where you can't really hold. I also have problems with the timing on some delay combos when i hold the buttons, particularly with the shotguns which i just can't do at all. There's a lot of combos in the game as well and i only got as far as 2 weapons. Maybe my brain just reached maximum storage capacity when it comes to action game inputs because i have trouble remembering the inputs for all of them. Or maybe this game's combo wank is too deep for the casual distraction i intended it to be.

Should i not focus so much on getting perfect dodges as well? I don't remember any of the enemies attacks so i just keep getting hit or standing around waiting for the attack to come so i can perfect dodge it. And how the fuck can you tell what attack Jeane is going to make? Looks like she has no telegraph on anything but her dive kick.

One thing i will say is completely fucking pants on head retarded game design wise apart from instant death QTEs, is the lack of any "passive" healing even on normal mode. Every single action game out there has a healing method that does not penalize the player even on harder difficulties, but in this game those green orbs might as well not exist since they never drop. This is just frustrating when you are trying to learn the game but still want to strive to get the best rank you can. Everyone has to get hit with shit they don't know about several times before they learn how to avoid it.

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I was specifically talking about the silver rank you got during the Jeanne fight. I just wanted positive proof you're trash at the game, and I got it.

Attached: Bayonetta roster.jpg (1580x2338, 2.54M)

For a start it's a bad version even with the patch, get the PC version
>Weapon holding
Depends on weapon and situation, sometimes you don't want to. Without a specific situation I can only give vague advice about that
>Perfect dodges
It's nice but focus on dodging normally and consistently. Enemies have a yellow glint when they're about to strike
No fucking clue on that bitch
I think it's the Navarro accessory, it lets you heal if you taunt

You can cheese the entire game with the item that gives you 2 points of free magic and the feather throw attack of the crow.

So far it's not as bad as people make it out to be. it's certainly playable. I would have gotten any other version if i could and it was this cheap, duh.

I heard the healing on that thing was pitiful and a waste of a slot.

>you didn't know how to play on your first playthrough what a fucking scrub I'm so cool my cock is so gigantic lmaoooooooooo

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>"""play""" the game
>backtracking for no reason vaguely searching for actual content
kill yourself

It's a "waste" at the highest level because you don't need to heal as you aren't getting hit, but for practicing yeah it's fine

oops, pressed enter too soon.

Okay, should i be always holding the inputs with the default moveset then? Just the handguns.

I will give the game another try once i managed to get a night where i actually sleep and rest well.

Do you mean the actual handguns or Scarborough Fair? Because you should never be using the handguns, use Scarborough Fair. And yeah you want to hold with those for the damage

>Playing on easy
>being good
Pick one

Trowing names at me at the junction i am with this game is not gonna do anything, I mean those pink handguns the black guy gives you. They look like they have the same moveset as the guns in the graveyard scene anyway. Thanks though.

Those pink guns are called Scarborough Fair and will be your default weapon for a while

>I beat the hardest difficultly in bayo 2
no fucking wonder, bayo2 only requires you to spam witch time and umbran climax

>I get cornered by 5 enemies
that's exactly what Dodge Offset is for you fucking retard. you weave between their attacks and once you get even a second of breathing room you go on the offensive
if you really can't handle it then either throw a quick instant WW or circle around them with DO'ed panther
>I get hit by some offscreen bullshit I had no way of seeing
>what are sound queues
>I also can't fucking heal without docking my points, that's fucking bullshit
>using items
HAHAHAHAHAHA. typical bayo2 brainlets
>am I supposed to somehow not fucking get hit by the bullshit enemies at all??
if you want plat, yes because bayo1 actually expects you to stop being a shitter

FINALLY! Jesus fucking christ.

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Fuck that shit. what's even left to do once you get it? give it to me earlier fuccck.

>They unironically spout and believe in the action game messiah fallacy

This is how you can differentiate between the people who actually play the genre and the fags who self insert as youtube e-celeb autismos to role-play on discord. You're not naturally good at these games the moment you pick them up you retards. You're both full of shit and he's is 100% right, especially considering the ranking is tied to not getting hit by stuff you could not possibly see coming the first time around and ESPECIALLY because ranking in this game is tied to randomly backtracking to find hidden challenges that appear with fuck all indication whatsoever.

Nice meme. We all love to use that fallacy when funposting but good job outing yourselves by taking it seriously.

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What the fuck does this stroke of a post mean?

Exactly what's written on it in plain English minus a couple of typos.

what glitch?

>OP seething about "not being aloud to do combos"

I wonder what series he came from.

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imagine lashing out at the very people you're begging to help you. Bayo isn't for you brainlet.

Please don't associate him with anyone but himself.

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bayo is the kind of game where it can take multiple attempts before it clicks. if you do decide to drop it, give it a try later on, maybe it will click then.
>Am i supposed to ALWAYS hold the inputs so i can offset?
depends. sometimes you want to use a later move within your DC (dial combo) (which can deal more damage), or you just want to hit with punches
>But then there's weapons where you can't really hold
you can hold all weapons, it's just that they have different functions (sword for example charges an aoe that activates on release if you don't offset)
>here's a lot of combos in the game
that's why you should only focus on a couple of basic DCs first. my personal rec are PKP, PPKKK, PPPKKK and PPPPKK
once you get more accustomed to it you'll realize that the DC branches have a logic to them.
also all weapons share mostly the exact same DC structure. while the animations look different, the effects and WW (wicked weave) are the exact same.

>Should i not focus so much on getting perfect dodges as well?
no, it just leads to a passive playstyle relying on WT (witch time) when you should be as aggressive as possible, using DO whenever possible, especially since the IC (highest difficulty) disables WT entirely
>I don't remember any of the enemies attacks
learning enemy attacks isn't really important especially since on IC enemies attack pretty much instantly. so basically if an enemy is next to you, expect them to attack you.
>And how the fuck can you tell what attack Jeane is going to make?
You don't. Most of the time the same rule as before applies: If she's next to you, she will attack.
Only exceptions I can think of right now are that when she's in air, spam dodge for a distance cuz she will heel drop you and when she does sword combos she will do a charged aoe at the end (iirc it has infinite range so you want to dodge it or attack her).

(cont) jesus fucking christ that's one long ass multipost
Also her instant WW have a sound queue, though they still are a bitch to dodge.
There's no meta strategy to beating her. Just keep on pushing back until she fucks up and you can get a couple hits on her
>Every single action game out there has a healing method that does not penalize the player even on harder difficulties
it's because the game expects you to never take damage which is feasible because
A: the game gives you enough tools to fully negate all damage
B: bayo's made up of verses. that means that if you fuck up, you can quickly restart a verse instead of the entire mission like in other games
>This is just frustrating when you are trying to learn the game but still want to strive to get the best rank you can
you shouldn't. bayo is the kind of game where you should either focus on a casual or score playthrough because both don't mix well

I played Bayonetta for the first time recently and i can see why it was so liked. I even consider myself charmed by it in turn, good game, fun game, many annoying bits of cereal in the bowl. My brain will forever struggle with the offest system but that's on me.
Hips/10 my cheek on it.

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>B: bayo's made up of verses. that means that if you fuck up, you can quickly restart a verse instead of the entire mission like in other games
this is bullshit
it forces you to do the whole chapter over if you want to keep your ranks

>My brain will forever struggle with the offest system
it takes some time and perhaps multiple attempts for it to click but once it does it feels fucking great

no it doesn't if you exit before finishing the verse

Bayonetta you're a mystery
>no it doesn't if you exit before finishing the verse
Never knew that. Neat.

Bump while I'm reading this, hold on ;)

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Some folks wear a cowboy hat and lean to the side
Watch their orbs count get low and ranks get high
Take their waifus with balls and a square jawline
I think we all know who were talking about

The only attacks i see is from Barry online
The enemies i want just roll over and die
Cant combo ya if the AI is on right
I think we all know who were talking abouuuuuuuut

Love yah

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send help
I'm stuck at verse 2 (the TA tutorial full of Grace without WT and WW) and my autism refuses to use NG+

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Pure autisimo

learn to dodge offset

I know how to and consistently, but the Graces always cancel combos on the first hit and the weird camera angle often fucks me over

I will definitely keep playing don't worry.

I was thinking of the sword. I said you can't hold because unlike the guns you can't just hold every move and keep the combo going if there is no attack to dodge.

uh, learning enemy attacks seems pretty important in this game. Just as any action game. What a weird thing to say.

I'm sure the combos will click eventually. it was just an observation. I was surprised by my inability to make sense of the system, especially after having played the game once a long time ago.

Seems like my problem was to laser focus on the perfect dodges. It is a satisfying thing to pull off.

Then how do you fight Jeanne? I looked at some videos to see what i was doing wrong and everyone seems to fight her by staying long range and offsetting PKP to hit her with the weave. Is that really it?

Every action game expects you not to take damage at heart. That's no excuse for the retard punishing health system, especially on normal. At least leave the green orbs out, don't tease the player with them and then never deliver, that way they know to suck on some lolipops instead of waiting for drops that never come. Why does the game drop a magic butterfly every 5 seconds? Makes no sense.

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>but the Graces always cancel combos on the first hit
yea they escape at random (and can sometimes even evade multiple fucking WWs) but you just have to keep on pushing. if they escape a combo, just move closer with a quick offset and keep on attacking
when it comes to dodging, don't expect to be able to react to their attacks. general rule is to dodge away if they move closer to you

>general rule is to dodge away if they move closer to you

That seems shitty

They don't escape them, they cancel the combos with a parry, dodge offset doesn't continue the combo

>uh, learning enemy attacks seems pretty important in this game. Just as any action game. What a weird thing to say
it's tough to really explain
but as I metioned, on higher difficulties enemies act so fast that you can't really react based on visual cues alone.
That's where understanding their behavior comes into play. So instead of learning what preanimation leads into what attack, you learn what attacks they do at what distances/situations
>Then how do you fight Jeanne?
like i said there isn't really a general meta strategy against her just keep attacking and DO through her attacks until she fucks up
>everyone seems to fight her by staying long range and offsetting PKP to hit her with the weave
if you want to be boring (and waste tons of time), it is the safest way of fighting her
>Why does the game drop a magic butterfly every 5 seconds?
because it wants you to use your magic bar. too many people forget to utilize magic for instant WWs and accessories

see it as a last resort option. otherwise you can always go for an instant WW or a regular WW if you've reached one in your dial combo

oh yea forgot about that. still they can dodge though WW

Don't know how i feel about that but i guess I'm gonna have to wait and see for myself. This game seems to put a lot of emphasis in distinct audio cues, more so that other games in the genre.

Maybe her AI is too passive in normal mode but she just stood around doing nothing, which promped me to tr and take the initiative which prompted her to counter with a combo and nail me. That being said, there's a strategy for every boss user, I'm sure there's one here too. Speaking of bosses i really fucking hated that flying dragon house thing, couldn't even tell what was an attack and what was the telegraph for an attack.

>instant WWs

Say what now? Is that something you get later? I thought WWs were only combo finishers, hence the point of DO.

You can buy moves that let you do instant WWs at the cost of Magic meter, Tetsuzanko.

Youre combo score never broke 3000 fool

Ah okay

He says he knows how to dodge offset and do combos. His combo rank scores say otherwise. Theres not much of a discussion here its just a salty bab

get exposed for baiting brainlet
you probably just used some cheats to breeze through normal and decided to play legit on hard mode, but the consequence is youre getting dunked on an easy stage

He has to be shitposting since he said he played bayo2 no problem. That game actually doesnt let you do combos without the bracelet of time

>my autism refuses to use NG+

Why? Its designed for new game +

that's besides the point

I was under the impression that 2's combo wank was more simple and formulaic

>Maybe her AI is too passive in normal mode
she jumps between waiting for you to come or initiating attacks herself
>which prompted her to counter with a combo and nail me
you should always be ready to dodge when fighting any of the agile enemies (grace&glory, joy, jeanne) since they easily dodge through your attacks or parry escape mid combo.
>That being said, there's a strategy for every boss user, I'm sure there's one here too
she's pretty straightforward and her ai can't be really abused in any way. the strategy is to just keep on pushing until she makes a mistake
>couldn't even tell what was an attack and what was the telegraph for an attack
they do have clear telegraphs once you get used to the clusterfuck
>Say what now? Is that something you get later?
like the other user said, tetsuzanko and heel stomp. it eats 3 magic orbs but you get an instant WW out of it. it's insanely imortant as either a defensive tool or as a followup WW if an enemy dodges your previous WW.

yeah, because a score from my first playthrough is evident of what I know now
you fucking retarded nigger
kill yourself

how can WWs be used defensively?

Also how do you get a wicked weave from that move you buy that makes her shoot guns like crazy and then have a photo finish? I never got it to work.

are you one of those retarded faggots that want to beat every chapter without getting hit? don't be retarded and just play the game without those autistic conditions

>how can WWs be used defensively?
knocking dangerous enemies away/down or at least forcing them to do a dodge.
Very useful when you're focusing on one elite enemy and another flanks you

A lot of people, for some reason, expect to be instant masters at everything they try. Going into any action IP for the first time expecting to get even close to top ranks is absolutely bizarre.

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>"I-It's cheating !"
t. his autism
or something likd that I guess
he said he doesn't have WW, all he has are the handguns

So are the shotguns supposed to suck?

yeah only now did I notice that he was doing it on a fresh save.
that's a really fucking stupid thing to do unless you like torturing yourself for 10+ mins per verse (iirc the plat time values were something like that)

shotguns are stupidly powerful on the feet when you're close enough to something.
PPPPKK shreds health bars

They have niche uses, but they aren't bad. They are very good against Grace and Glory as the Onyx Roses stagger them easily.

nah bro if you have to play a game more than once to perfect it then you aint all that

It's been too long since I played, but wasn't there a training mode where you could practice combos (not just the loading screens)? I remember feeling good about actually getting the wait timing down to pull off some useful moves. Also learning how to effectively launch and slam down. Though I really just gravitated to the most damaging combo.

Didn't even beat normal.

>but wasn't there a training mode where you could practice combos (not just the loading screens)?
nope. the loading screen is the training mode and you can keep it running with select+RT

>Why do I have to...
>I deserve...
Why even ask "what am I doing wrong" when you don't really care to get feedback and just want to shit on the game? Clearly the developers made mistakes in the design of the first game which they fixed in the 2nd (which is why you were able to beat it on the hardest difficulty), so what's the problem here? Just want to call out shills of a dead game?

Wish i knew about this sooner.

>which they fixed in the 2nd
how is forcing the player to be in witch time to even be able to combo let alone hit enemies a fix?

I don't know I never played it. I'm just trying to gauge the intentions of OP.

ah. yeah it just seems like op is mad because bad since the second game is well known to be much easier

Second game's campaign is easier, however the later Witch Trials are stupidly difficult. And only because the game throws 2+ bosses at you in a single room.

Are you able to emulate bayonetta 2?

What's wrong with the PS3 version post-patch? Already have a copy of that so don't really want to throw down money to play it again on PC.

>What's wrong with the PS3 version post-patch?
PS3 version of B1*

>Are you able to emulate bayonetta 2?
yes but you need a really fucking beefy pc to run it
>What's wrong with the PS3 version post-patch?
shit performance. if you really don't want to spend more money, you can easily grab a pirated copy for the pc version

PC Bayonetta 1 is like $20. The better framerate is more than enough to justify the purchase plus you can mod it.

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>the later Witch Trials are stupidly difficult