

Attached: 1548816595797.jpg (1000x1250, 193K)

Man, green-haired girls are the best

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Me on the bottom.


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Why is Nowi a bully?


She's bullying red dragons from FEH. Even though she's the least relevant dragon in the meta, she's been due for a powercrept unit for a while. LTiki and Sothis are both meta defining while Nowi is just the budget free player dragon

Attached: nowi sothis.png (1500x1189, 1004K)


Attached: sothis.png (1532x1718, 2.36M)

just imagine the smell


Attached: 25-07-2019-fire-emblem-three-houses-edelgard.jpg (1920x1080, 135K)

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I didn't draw the image, and yeah she seems nopan going by the art we've seen. She also has a huge ass.

Attached: sothis butt.jpg (1200x675, 155K)

I want to molest a dragon.

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I need more porn of her.
More FE porn in general.


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Imagine the sex once she gets her body back in the DLC.

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I wonder how Rhea will react to having new siblings. This time the biological kind instead of the space dragon magic kind.

Yes. YES.

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aaaaaahhhh, I want to kiss a little girl

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Wow, great writing.

You're not supposed to be talking while kissing a loli.

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I blame FE and WoW for my fucking huge dragongirl fetish. It's actually nuts how much they get to me.


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I don't recommend you to look up for doujins where the girl is gagged, m8. You're gonna be disappointed

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I want to make Myrrh my personal cunny honey dispenser.

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followed by morva going full Seteth on you

Attached: takawo_wood ECL-DmeUcAY4KAe.png orig myrrh.png (600x800, 435K)

Saw that image dump on sad panda featuring Myrrh,

He's dead, Tim.

Dancing Manakete.

Attached: Ninian.(Fire.Emblem).full.83146.jpg (1033x1421, 506K)

Tell us more.

She's beautiful

>doing anything
user, I...

What does dragon breath smell like?

Attached: Screenshot_2019-04-19-18-34-24.png (1080x1920, 2.21M)

Like human semen.

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Like dragon cunny.