Which faction has the least edgy kid minded adults?

Which faction has the least edgy kid minded adults?

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Probably horde. Alliance was always full of retards especially Night Elf which attracted the most massive of tards.

Horde has a bunch of edgy losers who play UD and camp redridge 24/7. When they finally get killed, they'll throw tantrums and call in their bigger brothers to counter-counter-camp.
Alliance has a bunch of whiny losers who let the horde roll up on their territory and would rather afk than do anything to help the lowbies out because there is no faction pride and they know that the big try hard horde will show up and wreck their assholes anyway. Then the lowbies just cry about being camped.

the most embarrasing ones are the alliance pvpers who roll on pve servers because they know they will be trashed on any pvp server

Alliance statistically has more right wingers, therefore it's the more intelligent faction

Based, and redpilled.

They both do, it just depends on which flavor of autist you can stand.
>Alliance - Tranny ERPers and /pol/ LARPers
>Horde - Edgelords and neckbeards

>playing on gank servers

you brought it on yourself

>t. undead rogue that camps people 20+ levels lower than him

>Alliance statistically has more right winger
is this true tho?
i thought right wingers are all horde.

Imagine playing on a PVP server and then complaining about PVP

>Alliance statistically has more right wingers

The entire existence of classic hinges on male arrested development so there is no escaping it in other players.

You underestimate the people playing male human warrior/paladin larping as some nationalist

>he thinks right wingers play horde
orcs are the niggers of WoW. They're savages who hide behind empty rhetoric about 'honor,' genocide a bunch of Draenei the first chance they get, oh no we dindu nuffin! literally run themselves off their home planet by the raw power of their own savage hubris, arrive on someone else's planet and do what? Chimp out immediately. Fuck off space refugees, Elwynn is full

Alliance is the proper comfy faction.

>larping as some nationalist
mud huts
no shoes
King's Honor, you literal animal

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Alliance is what christcucks and trannies play.
Heterosexual white men play Horde.

Adults, people who love fantasy and returning boomers
Stoners, edgelords and zoomers who pretend they're boomers when they actually only ever played shitty private servers

how do you counter this ?

White men don't play the nigger faction, for one. Alliance is the quintessential grouping of both European pagan mythopoeic archetypes, and Medieval archetypes. The insignificant number of trannies LARPing as Night Elves is a small price to pay for access to Dwarf architecture, Human tavern music, Gnomish tinkering, and the Elven heritage which characterizes the comfiest, most aesthetically developed zones in the game including snowy Dun Morogh and Ironforge, classic Elwynn Forest and the timeless autumn of Redridge, far ancient Teldrassil and beyond. Horde zones are awful neon orange eye-raping zones full of no-shoe niggers squatting over rocks in mud huts patting each other on the ass about honor when in reality their poverty is due to their own hubris and inability to achieve anything by way of spilling blood save spilling more blood. Squat on a rock in another awful barren zone eating dirt cakes, or listen to the bard sing the songs of Strom in the Blue Recluse deep in the heart of bustling Stormwind, cold mead in your hand and thicc wench on your lap.

The choice is yours.

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The comfiest zone, Winterspring, is run by (((goblins)))

Based and white.

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guess by (((((((whom))))) is run the worst region in the game (stranglethorn vale)?

PvE servers have more alliance players because alliance racials are superior for pve content and the zones and cities are comfier.

>Starfall Village
Goblins have an outpost there but Winterspring belongs to Elune. You're right its the comfiest zone in the game, though.

based, but dont explain why alliance is better, if people cant see it first hand they dont deserve it just let them join no shoes edgy faggots

>Which faction has the least edgy kid minded adults?
PvE Alliance.

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Back in Classic and TBC, I had the persistence of leveling two characters: A UD Warrior, and Human Warlock.

My experience was that Alliance had loads more kids, and shit players for some reason gravitate to Humans. Horde of course also had it's good share of shit players. Usually Mages, Rogues, and Druids.



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In vanilla horde attracted more edgelords because of their pvp racials and warlike aesthetic. Alliance attracted more casuals and kids because of the cute/pretty races and peaceful aesthetic.
Alliance often had worse players but bigger numbers. Though that wasn't the case on every server.

Classic may be different though, because a lot more people will be aware of race/faction meta, and horde is more popular in retail due to blood elves. There will probably be a lot less casual players in general as well.

>trying to figure out which spec for rogue is best while leveling with a mix between pvp/pve
>improved sprint is god tier but so is all of subtlety
>assassination is good too

If you are a tranny, horde is a better choice. My reasoning

1)Nobody can accuse you of being ugly or a man irl when you're green and have tusks
2)If you guild up with night elf trannies they'll see you as competition for attention and try to manipulatively find ways to get excluded from the guild

>Tfw i'm 25 and going back to college this year
>Tfw I was out because I had gut issues, but am finally recovered enough to go
>Tfw I want to buckle down and focus so I pass with the flying colors I know i'm capable of
>Tfw All i really want to do is play Classic non stop

What's the plan they have for updates? I want to know how behind i'll be when break rolls around.

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>muh horde campers
Horde was too busy dominating organized pvp. Meanwhile, alliance faggots are constantly raiding the crossroads, then running back to the safety of Ratchet at the slightest hint of resistance.

unbelievably based

Is shaman a fun class in classic? I enjoyed it in the expansions. I enjoy healing pve content although I will probably want to pvp as ele too.

>Horde was too busy dominating organized pvp
You have no idea what you're talking about, paladins single handedly swing the favour of group PVP towards the alliance

>Which faction has the least edgy kid minded adults?
On PvP worlds, Alliance, all the horde players are PvP minmaxers who spend all day autisticly trying to kill Alliance players

On PvE, Horde, Alliance players are all massive fucking carebears who only care about ERP

PvP servers are always the same.

The most edgy kids play Horde because they think the racials make them better than Alliance, they spend forever ganking under-leveled/geared players thinking they are top shit boasting about how they 'ruined' someones time playing, then cry for eons when one paladin their level smacks their shit in and they get left with a repair bill.

Still better than PvE though.

well if we're going by discord the horde players seem really autistic this time, even moreso than normal

Elemental has the problem of relying on lightning bolt for the majority of it's damage output, and nature damage doesn't synergize with anything.

Enhancement it only good for certain totems. If you get lucky, you can sometimes one-shot clothies with windfury.

Resto is the king of AoE heals.

>Alliance has a bunch of whiny losers who let the horde roll up on their territory and would rather afk than do anything to help
This is so fucking true. Having played since TBC and multiple private servers over the years, this attitude has always been present in the alliance. It's like they live up to their cuck status. Someone killed the auction house NPCs? Or the bankers? Or there's a city raid going on? lol who cares dude xd
>please big strong orc come into my city and kill my king, I promise I'll just watch

>right wing
>more intelligent



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no, alliance is multiracial boomercore
Horde is peak far Right with a confederation of ethno-state tier archaic states or tribes.

PvP deaths don't incur gear damage, retard.

Horde but not by much. A lot of edgy kids want to play something that looks cool (but not ugly) or sexy so they go for Alliance.

Horde has a lot of tryhards who rage easily but generally aren't as sensitive or edgy as the Alliance.

But most importantly, Horde has less women so that's the correct choice if you care about playing with a decent group of people.

PvE Alliance is nothing but edgy white knights sucking up to women, you've made a mistake user.

>people who preference horde say its alliance
>people who preference alliance say its horde
>PVErs say its PVPers of the opposite faction
>PVPers say its PVErs of the opposite faction
With that we can deduce that it is the niggers who play horde

Black people play Alliance because they need to socialise more, it's why they play fighting games.

i would go alliance if gnomes didn’t exist. ally humans are much better than typicsl fantasy humans. but wherever there are loli races, i must kill them.

how is one more social than the other

prepare to get your boipussy turned out by gnome mages

not kidding, there are ALOT of right winger Human Males

i play orc warlock, so no

Alliance tends to have more people who are playing because of social reasons, probably because of prettier and cleaner looking races. This is why it attracts significantly more women, casuals and minorities.

You likely won't see any trans guilds on Horde compared to several planned on Alliance for example. If that's your thing then maybe it's nice, the downside to Horde is it attracts significantly more tryhards (who then rage when they don't succeed at everything).

Probably alliance.
Horde will have all the guide readers on it

>tfw rolling Alliance specifically because of gnomes

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based midget destroyer

every time i eat a gnome’s corpse i rejoice, for i know i have made a pedo neet smash his keyboard

imaging boning chromie and when you were finished she just turned back time for another round

This is complete conjecture, you've never seen any statistics to determine what reason people play a faction for, and the demographics of minorities or 'casuals'

In fact over the decade+ of WoW people swap faction routinely based on balance issues, you see it in classic with horde PVP racials, you saw the changes that occurred when humans got a second trinket, and inevitably back to horde when belf silence was the meta, so on

imagine tying chromie to your body and jogfucking her and then she speeds up time and makes you go really fast

This post sucks.

shoeless negroid detected

>Horde has less women
are you saying that there are women in WOW ????

>Human, fat human, human children, elf
>Cow, alien, nigger elf, dead human
>Alliance is multiracial!

Obviously it's conjecture because these stats are never going to be released publicly, and how could they?

Your second point about faction swapping is irrelevant because that's a minority of hardcore players, not the generalisation I was making.

I'm not saying 0 women play Horde for example (I've unfortunately had several in my Horde guilds) but from anecdotal experience and the experience of others there's a lot more of them on Alliance. And while that may seem like insignificant experience, back in Vanilla and TBC it was common to practically know everyone on your faction, atleast people in guilds of any kind of size or significance.

Women play games for social reasons not because they enjoy games, so when they have several friends in their social circle playing they often give things like WoW a go, more often these days.

I'd rather hang out with a bunch of ugly bros that I know have my back because we're in this shit together instead of dealing with a bunch of self righteous elves, corrupt humans, and gnomes.

Based and shortstackpilled

based, cant wait to bully the fuck out horde melee with rank 1 frostbolts

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What's the faction balance going to be like?

I'm not sure what I want to roll yet, want to just be comfy leveling while getting into world pvp shenanigans so I'm thinking warlock or rogue. But if I'm alliance, I don't want to deal with WotF as lock so I'd probably go rogue, and warlock if I went horde. Maybe mage. Thoughts?

go ally rogue, too many kids are going horde

>Repair bill
>Crying about PvP but plays on a PvP server

i think this pretty much sums up your question OP

who the fuck wants to play horde
literal mudhut niggers eating KFC in their designated nigger KFC huts in the middle of every zone (complete with every vendor, more quests then alliance and FP ofc oh and sometimes there is even a zeppelin or free transport thrown in) while chimping on anything that moves in numbers only despite rolling for pvp racials but never actually 1v1ing to use them
then porting into their literal mudhut nigger KFC city called "orgrimmar" more like ogreshit lol blizzard literally took some somalian shithole town and copy pasted it into wow to give that authentic nigger feel to the faction le monster races br0 check out these NO SHOES so whacky better name myself something fucking retarded like boogerbones to fit in btw get owned kid totally bg queued out of that 1v1 close one
you want a sick capital city to afk in br0? take your pick :

- literal sewer shithole with aids and feces everywhere
- some fucking retarded canyon thing where you fall off and die
- literal nigger kfc somali city





Horde has undeads.

couldn't even go five posts without making this about politics. fuck off back to your containment board you fucking asshole

See what I mean? Alliance is just /pol/ LARPers absolutely obsessed with proving that the gay faction is better. Deep down, everyone knows Horde is better.

Thinking of going gnome warlock.
I love they way they look in robes.

Look at this seething retard. If this is the kind of guy you want to play with, Alliance is for you.

go back to your containment website + dilate,

Yea Forums is a politics website


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i thought all """""women""" on wow were literal LARPers.

patrician choice

How stupid is it to take enchanting on my warrior?

I just like the idea of making peoples weapons shiny

>being this stupid
No shit, tell me how much money are you making from running around killing random people?

Oh thats right nothing.

I dont play the game to make gold, i play it to have fun, corpse banging seething retards like you whilst my buddy camps the graveyard is fun

Trick question.

Both factions are filled to the brim with autistic retards.

Thankfully, you can find the rare chill people to play with on the way, and your combined partying will deter any random ganging from whichever side you're playing against.

Enchanting is alright for everyone as far as I care. Plus you can pick up a gather prof to make extra money.

>i-i dont play for anything but f-fun!
See you in a week cuck

no, fuck you, can't even discuss video games without dickless cocksuckers like you shitting up threads, fuck off and don't come back

>Alliances races have better looking races and armor
>Horde look like they're wearing junk found in Detroit
How many group screenshots do you see of horde players? Barely any, its cos you all look exactly like you do in real life. Bunch of ugly trash bandits.

Except you Tauren bros, you're alright. Honestly you should ditch Horde and come to Alliance.

desu orcs look fine too. only UD and trolls look absolutely like literal garbage

Nobody shat up anything untill u went
If you dont like the website nobody is keeping you here by force, Yea Forums was and is a politics site

*casts earthshock*

You can do it if you're okay with not having a mount until lvl 50. Enchanting is a huge money sink and you can't really use the auction house to make quick gold right after launch.

Orcs need to see a chiropractor

Why Blizz did this whole hunched over thing is beyond me

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Based and absolutely redpilled. King's honor, friend!

Was going to do skinning/herb for starters due to no money on launch.

But as long as there is no giant obvious reason not to do it then enchanting just looks like fun.

The orc population grew like 30% when they added upright models in retail

The faction that doesn't play the game.

Why would orcs have good posture? Doesn't it make sense for a savage, beastly race to slouch?

Nobody at blizzard at the time could model anything worth a shit and they rushed the models in crunch time. They were kids straight out of college with no former experience.

Both have edgy retards.
Horde are just overall less leftwing social justice types, as they all play night elf trannies and gnomes.

>They were kids straight out of college with no former experience.
And all this shows is you don't need expertise to make a successful game, all you need is to give funding to a group of motivated developers who are passionate. But no corporation wants to do that anymore, they just want to make soulless garbage.

It's cool to boost your own gear while leveling and even give out free enchants if you bring a few mats to dungeons, but at 60 you won't really make any gold unless you invest in the expensive recipes and spam your catalogue in trade.

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Libtards play stoner hippie races like tauren and trolls

People think racials decide faction choice but its 99% aesthetics.

Not at all, they are supposed to be exceptional strong and powerful. Do you see giant bodybuilders hunched over? No, but you sure as hell would see scrawny nerds with no back strength.

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>We have a great fantasy game with the traditional races you would find in a Tolkien inspired setting, what races should we add?
>I know, lets add edgy elves, aliens, obese people and fucking pandas
Jesus Christ

wow the trolls are only slightly shorter then tauren, taller if you count eye level

Except they too suffer from Blizzards "every horde race must slouch" syndrome

It depends on how heroic the orc is honestly. Thrall is heroic so he stands upright. Rexxer is morally grey so he gets to slouch a little bit. Notice how far his face is perpendicular to the ground over his torso.

Full peon slouch never made sense for the chosen hero of the horde in any context though. Blizzard should have fixed their mistake a long time ago.

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>lets just make all fantasy a copy of lotr/silmarillion for the rest of eternity,
besides only tolkien races are dwarfs, human and one version of elf, from the start there were more "original" races


Ogres and goblins should've been playable in vanilla desu

Fuck off blood elf apologist


They slouched in WC3, so it makes sense to me. I don't remember any orc from WC3 slouching. Except maybe that Gul'dan model.

well majority of streamers play alliance

slouch is less i think aesthetics but more deign choice since the tauren already had enough problems going through doors

not saying you are wrong but ogres would look so weird

>lets just make all fantasy a copy of lotr/silmarillion for the rest of eternity,
>high elves
Infinitely better than pandas.

>its been 15 years and Blizzard doesn't have one employee who knows how to do dynamic animations
So thats why the portal they used to get to azeroth was so big

Blizzard added an entire race JUST to appeal to China.

If that doesnt tell you what a disaster Retail is I dont know what will.

we all know pandas are chink shove in to get the chengs to play wow sadly

other than the trolls that doesnt make sense though since the orcs and undead are shorter than the upright night elves

>>Any realm that is listed above Medium should expect queues at launch

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>just wanna make a gnome named NOSHOES and have him die right in front of the Ogrimmar AH

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its true , cata was shit but salvagable, but mop was when things really started to go downhill

I believe theyre not measuring based on concurrent server capacity but on estimated total server capacity

I would have even taken Mok'nathal as a low effort substitute.
It just always seemed weird how irrelevant ogres are in WoW despite being a major race in the RTS games.

Yeah, that vanilla retail wow was such a fucking shit game.

Honestly one of the main reason I dont like horde is how shitty their main city is in comparison to stormwind.

Blizzard had a ton of money to throw around at the time, but the field was poorly understood and they never thought the game was going to be successful.

Now there are amateurs producing professional level models that are better than the pro models that ship in actual videogames that sell hundreds of millions of dollars and the pro models don't even come close anymore because of time constraints. The availability of the tools is literally devaluing 3D animation, Blizzard even tried to ban porn animators off patreon because it was devaluing their image, it's making modern games look soulless, and it's only going to get worse from here.

>Stormwind as main city

>check chinese wow streamer
>everyone is a fucking panda
the fuck?

nice try shitposter, here is your complimentary (you)

>darkspear males are taller than Zandalari males
>but female darkspear trolls are short as fuck in comparison
The Darkspear have it right.

Hey, if an expansion from 7 years ago count as retail, so does vanilla.

Modeling doesn't matter in a game's success/longevity was my point. People want to play fun and engaging games, but publishers are braindead retards who put incompetent idiots in game design positions

But idiots are cheap and do what you tell them.

Really at this point I'm convinced all these publishers are taking advantage of tax laws and loopholes and intentionally run their games at a loss

>unironically defending pandas and fat humans
you and anything you posted is worthless cancer shit

People don't know what they want, humans aren't rational actors. They say they want fun and engagement but what does that even mean? To publishers it means they hire some analytic stooges who don't play videogames to look at spreadsheet that show player fun measured in hours player and then they run with that.

Really is a shame I'm going to get retail alliance and not pserver alliance.

How many debuff slots will there be to start?

>They say they want fun and engagement but what does that even mean?
Well let's look at 2007scape and classic wow, games with extremely dated graphics yet with very devoted fanbases

The metrics publishers use are about microtransactions anyway, thats the only metric they care about

What is the most JUST race class combo?

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16, MC and BWL will be lol

Nelf Caster

probably tauren hunter because of the massive deadzone

I liked playing my Enhancement Shaman in WotLK, how does the gameplay of the spec compare in vanilla?

Human warlock, nelf priest or undead warrior

Which class/spec counters Rogue the hardest?
I don't mind getting stomped by other classes, but I want to obliterate all rogues that stand before me.

>16 debuff slots
>instanced mob damage and armour already confirmed to be in the toilet
>but muh parry

What's the plan here?
How are they getting away with having even fewer vanilla features than a glorified private server?

>dead human males are taller than living human males
what did blizzard mean by this?

>*loses line of sight when enemy runs past a tree stump*
Gnome mains are so retarded. You know vanilla gnomes are significantly shorter than retail gnomes, right?

In my experience, a well played mage is very scary.

The exact mindset you have to have to pick horde.
It attracts all the degenerate faggots as well.

>human warlock
warlock is op
>nelf priest
shadowmeld mc
>undead warrior
now were getting somewhere, but they look cool

lordaeronians were always bigger and stronger than azerothians

I don't believe the talk of Alliance being full of /pol/ when not a single person here has expressed interest in my Paladin guild.

Rogues have so many different specs that they can be decent against pretty much any class, but prob warrior, hunter or warlock have the best chances overall.

You're not very good at the game, are you?

I hate gnomes with a burning passion, but I know they are just simply better than humans as casters

It being factually incorrect.

The major complaint about Alliance around classic was that it attracted too many white knights and "normies" while all the edgy "cool" people (read: trannies and other assorted degenerate scum) went horde.

It was only much later that the whole Goldshire ERP faggotry came into existence.

UD Warriors exist to fuck Fem Human Warlocks

You literally never touched a gnome if you think their line of sight problems don't exist

Just a zoomer who watched staysafeTV and LARPs like they played vanilla

The fact that private server numbers are overtuned doesn't make them more faithful. It gives a better challenge, no doubt about that, but it doesn't mean it's correct.

spriest and frost mage

mage dies in 2 gcds with cold blood ambush/backstab

Damn, that's based

Line of sight works both ways, so just learn to take advantage of it yourself.

1. PB&J, Crust on or off
2. Faction

Other than playing rogue better than your opponent, your best bet is a mage. Where it's a coin flip if you are fire, almost assured win if you are frost.

You'll actually have an easy time against most classes if you are good as well.

private servers
>corpse persistence
>pre 1.9 and post 1.9 itemization
>pre-zg and post-zg debuff slots

>standardized collision boxes
>standardized pet stats
>wotlk lighting

Choice is clear to me

Crust on

only peanut butter, jelly is for plebs who drink soda; with crust

PB & fluff

Yeah, I played on Kronos too and I never got why allies refused to engage and wipe out horde in their capitals.
That undead rogue in redridge couldn't be stopped though. Not because he was good, but because he lived there for so long he was basically part of the environment like those orcs behind the rock.

Let me cut that for you
>>pre 1.9 and post 1.9 itemization
>>pre-zg and post-zg debuff slots
Everything else is either wrong or doesn't matter. Fell free to stay on Kronos I guess with 10 other people.

Also Cannibalize to save money for food

>multiple private servers
>since TBC

Congratulations, your insight is completely useless to classic.

Orcs are literally nigger migrants who invaded a beautiful world, giving it cultural enrichment. Teamed up with local gipsy tribes (Trolls) and Ashkenazi Jews(Goblins).
And when they got beaten to a pulpt, they play victims of systemic opressions.
PS. Garosh dindu nuffin. They all be good boys
PS2. Grom Hellscream was a retard who got himself cought in a cage by few patrolling footknights, then nearly doomed his kind, cause he was gettin beaten by girls, so he did demon-drugs by drinking form a funny looking puddle. Grom is a fucking idiot.

Tauren are the only chill race there in classic.

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>calls others zoomer
>references a twitch streamer he proudly know of

Spriest if the rogue is fucking retarded

>Tauren are the only chill race there in classic.
However anyone who plays one is a furry degenerate.

A mage that knows how to play will clap you up, especially if they have engineering. Ones that make sure to fireball and rank 1 frost so you cant vanish, who are aware when you're no longer dotted and will catch you with a rank 1 blizzard the second you vanish

If the rogue is ultra aggressive don't bother doing blizz, do r1 arc explosion


There’s on guy out there that defends fatties in WoW to the death and I’m at a loss to explain why

That guy probably is one himself

So, I am going mage. Will I be missing out on a ton of damage if I go human over gnome? Or is the difference negligible

please ignore "people" talking about race, especially if they use terms "viable" "suboptimal"

top geared warrior, good frost mages and warlocks

gnome mages do slightly more damage but they also lose line of sight if there is a pebble in front of them, because gnomes in vanilla wow are literally like 1 ft tall

so yeah, gnomes are the better mage class, if only they were able to see over 3inch pebbles

Gnome mages is better overall, but who gives a shit about that roll what looks good

There is no difference, intellect gives you only crit chance and gnome gives you less than a percent. Also mana, but not that much.
Lie by the way. The only thing that gnomes height gives them is that they can climb into the fireplaces at taverns and they are forced to swim in Swamp of Sorrows. That's it. Maybe there are some other places like that but I am not aware of them.

Chinese people fantasise about being fat and uncommon.

I'm playing classic just to make an undead warlock to camp red ridge mountains all day long. It was so much fun over 15 years ago in vanilla. However I don't believe I ever got a tantrum. I did however have the forums community bitch about me and I was an actual hunted target on the server. When I was 16 I camped red ridge everyday after school when I was 16 for at least 4 hours a day. I was a mage at the time also and was almost fully epic geared.

>mfw this thread is just like the shittalking that took place on the forums back in the day
I love you, bros. Even if you do play Horde

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If you're even asking the question you're a casual so don't worry about it.


It's just RP you fucking underaged mongol

>on a ton of damage
Short answer, no.

Long answer, it's something like 2 dps in ideal Raid settings/perfect rotations and PvP is often far from ideal.


>right wing
>more intelligent
Now this is pod racing

>blessed us with WoW classic
Is she /ourgal/?

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All the far right moronic kiddies are playing alliance and making only human pally/warrior.

Stay away from the whitemane server. All the retards are going there.

You're a fuckin dumbass

Go play lotro high elf scum


No its retarded kids that can't RP and just shout racist shit because they live on containment boards. They pretend they RP to allow them to say the same racist shit they say all day.

Its tauren hunter

Its the only class combination with a massive detriment, other combos may sort of miss out on something, but this combo actually hurts you

>ERPs in a tavern
Back to retail you go cuck

god I wish furfags didn't seriously damage the reputation of all fantasy animal races.

>Rightwingers are intelligent

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Night elf rogue is pretty worthless also. Literally every race in game is better for being a rogue.

Which warrior race is the best?

>UD Warrior
>fucks female Warlocks in the ass

>Orc Warrior
>fucks female Rogues in the ass

>other horde races
>pve bitches

>Night elf rogue is pretty worthless also
Literally the race with the highest base agility, making them literally best in slot race for daggers/seal fate spec

Unironically what the average /pol/ poster looks like

eric, simply eric

Why only female warlocks and rogues though?

I believe you're gay. Also an idiot.

Thats not true, hes white, most of /pol/ are ugly hybrids

With the absolute BiS you'll be able to cast 2 more frostbolts which will average out you doing about 2 more dps than a human, its irrelevant

PVP racials however are something to consider, escape artist is phenomenal and only beaten by orc stun racial as the best PVP racial in the game. Whereas perception obviously helps against rogues, but this isnt that great because you need to know they're around in the first place.

If you can stomach the aesthetics of the gnome they're the clear choice

5% intellect is really fucking huge and stacks on top of your gear.

It's equal to a warrior having blessing of might on them at all times in terms of damage increase. Play what you want but gnome mages are just insane with the 5% increase. That and escape artist is maybe the best ability in game.

Downside... It's a gnome

The average retarded Alliance player .

>pve dagger bitch
>worthless in anything else
mmmmmmmmmmh free pvp food

Here you go.

Attached: 07924C9C-7651-4238-90A5-08F4EBB6F0D9.jpg (976x651, 84K)

you know that daggers/hemo is the best PVP spec, right?

>tranny screams in horror when I rape his female toon on screen

On point, thats /pol/ personified

>Downside... It's a gnome
Reason enough desu

More like gnope.

>please...let me farm those daggers... to be good in pvp with my epic pvp damage... no orc chad DON'T COME NEAR ME AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHH

Daggers spec rogues don't stun lock, they open with ambush... Orc passive racial doesnt mean anything...

>main city in classic
Guess how I know you've never played vanilla?

Rogues are the one class where gear scaling is so unimportant. All other alliance races are a better pick. Even humans with sword spec. Min maxing for fucking 3 more agility over an overpowered racial is the most retarded shit I ever heard.

Agility Equivalence Points

You dumb retarded normie

Fuck off dwarfs, get some height


The winning faction is the one not playing this trash ass game, lmao

>even more worthless
Tell me you rolled a male Nelf instead

At least you won't get raped by us horde chads

+5 stealth bonus is an extremely good racial and guarantees you the opener in every rogue v rogue mirror matchup

No. What actually matters is escape artist, which only really matters in PvP. However, Diplomacy is the absolute shit in vanilla and people vastly undervalue Perception in PvP.

I bet your dumb ass regrets asking now

FOUR fucking days left bros then we embark on the greatest adventure in gaming.

>rogue v rogue
Want the reality retard? Both are going to run away in sneaking away. One of them is going to fuck off back to questing. The second rogue is going to wait and jump him. 1st rogue will vanish and run away.

Repeat this over and over only replacing 1 and 2.




God I wish human females were real.

sopa de gnomo, uma delicia!

Okay and? What? Gnome rogue is so much better? Because a 5th fucking CD to break roots is so necessary (2x vanish, 2x sprint)

Human rogues are so much better with +5 to swords even though the best pvp spec doesnt even use swords/maces?

Dwarf rogues? Why because they can remove a disease and a bleed (which you can do anyway with items)

Night elf rogue is literally BIS but you retards love to jack off to being contrarian, thinking because stoneform takes you out of blind that dwarf is the best pvp race, or youre a gimp to your guild who demand you roll human

>all pvp realms are horde dominant
>al pve realms are ally dominant
whats the matter allycucks? scared?

Say that on Grobby motherfucker not on 4chin

Increase in swords doesn't help in pvp you mongoloid. It's a pve trait. Literally every race in game is better for rogue. Sorry faggot elf.

not really
this. so much this.
no, you are the retard
human females are for homosexual
all me

Attached: the boys.jpg (640x427, 59K)

Human Rogue always wins with Human Perception popping other Rogues

Immunity is too fucking good

Well, there's objectively less adults in the horde, likely none in fact.... So you could try your luck there?

He's staying facts retard. Every race is better for rogues. If you care or don't care for minmax faggotry is your choice. You sound really upset.

The only thing that matters is your ping being lower than the one you're fighting

>Human Perception
Is it buffed in private servers or later on in the retail? Because it was completely useless in vanilla.

Useless if the rogue knows what he's doing, I can open on a human with perception on

fem nelf rogue is pretty good for my huge orc dick

Jesus fuck just play your elf faggot. Sucks to suck.

I'm just calling a retard a retard, if you interpret as being upset I think thats only a projection

>Increase in swords doesn't help in pvp you mongoloid
It actually does. I am arguing with people who don't understand anything about WoW PVP. This shouldn't surprise me, but it does.

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Alliance has literal babies and also a lot of middle aged people who don't care for metagaming. The only tryhards on Alliance are playing twink gnome rogues in low level battlegrounds.

Horde has edgy tryhard zoomer teens and young adults who still throw childlike tantrums because they have not grown up mentally, but there is the rare honorable man who resembles what the Horde is supposed to be.

whoa... you dabbed on that guy.... very hardcore

>Why because they can remove a disease and a bleed (which you can do anyway with items)
Poisons too, and if we're bringing items in, then Dwarf is even better because of stoneform, AND items.
Fuck you're retarded.

Attached: stoneform.jpg (397x108, 15K)

>ElVeS aRe GAy!11!!
Great post dude. Keep it up.

why would i regret asking?

>there is the rare honorable man
Fuck off, Tauren Hunter


The honorable man are mostly tanks probably

unironically based

bluepilled and retarded post
play your shit elf nigger lol

Your weapon skills don't matter in pvp moron. You can put in a 2h axe with no skill points and be able to hit a pvp target at level 60 with the exact same percentage as if you had max weapon skills. Your stupidity is reinforced being a pepe poster.

dumbest post I've seen all day, nightelf is literally THE worst rogue class you buffoon, fuck off

Are you making shit up?

holy shit allybros just relax lol come over to mulgore and smoke some of this tauren grass

I can't fucking decide between shaman or paladin bros. Fuck.

>pepe poster yet again proves to be a retard
>double retard for thinking he's smart

Oh God kill yourself

Yeah, that's why I'm playing Based Orc Hunter and Rogue. I'd rather run with a straight libtard tauren than a gay nightelf trannie, especially with discord how it is these days. The guild drama will be great.

By default, in PVP, baseline weapon skill is treated as everyone having level 300. But. If you have gear, talents, racials, etc that boost your weapon skill, then those are calculated , so a +5 talent means the game calculates your attacks as if you have weapon skill 305, regardless of what your current weapon skill is.

Why are you playing?
What's your goal?

yeah, huh???
eh, graypilled.
only if they tank dick.
wow. truly a hot take if i ever saw one
try again later.

>he plays alliance
>he rolls a female toon

Attached: Dankey Kong.gif (550x400, 506K)

That is false retard. Nice try.

Paladin is fucking boring, go with shaman its hilarious when the stars align and WF procs often

>More niggers
Not that much of a difference, though.

Can you fuck off? No one gives a shit about your 1 word replies retard. This ain't twitch. Learn to write sentences.

Black gamers are pretty based though.

It can't recursively proc in 1.12

If that's the case elemental is fun too, more buttons to press than the paladin

You can play black human character anyway, so it's not even true.

Nelf rogues have increased overpowers to the face as a racial, that should tell you how good they are in pvp

prove it?
oh, yeah, this is based
are you upset?
agreed, fellow nigroposter
what did she mean by this?
hell yeah

420 bump lol

>Yea Forums's comprehension of racials and how stats work
This whole thread has been a fucking embarrassment

Redpill me on rogues, are they any fun to play other than their ganking ability?

If only Gnomes actually looked like that. They're ugly as fuck in game.

I think they miss you on their world chat.

sorry, friend, all i have are bluepills

The only fun part about rogues is the PvP.
Rogue PvE is boring shit made even worse by the fact you have to compete for gear with a shitton of other retards.

Do rogues have these abilities in classic or were those expansion abilities?
>Cloak of shadows

you have now fucked up
*charges pyroblast*

Given that it´s 2019 and Horde is the minmaxing choice given it´s pvp racials, id say most of the edgy kids will go there.

Have you tried googling it?

dwarf rogue for clearing bleeds before you vanish.

*drops grounding totem*

luffa clears bleeds too

*hacks your account*
*deletes your character*
heh. who is the sheep now...?

Attached: adios.jpg (500x500, 67K)

It is amazing 6% of the time

*level 1 frostbolt / wand the totem*
*recast poly*
*juke the ES*
heh, good game friendo

Attached: 1565487542138.png (763x757, 174K)

Cloak of Shadows is BC

>more right wingers, therefore it's the more intelligent

Attached: 200px-Drevil_million_dollars.jpg (200x212, 7K)

nah man, sorry, i already hacked your account and deleted your character. gg, zero chance for a re.

i need that

Attached: 1245426464.png (300x345, 24K)

Have you tried not sucking dick you dumb tranny

Alliance as always. All racist pieces of shit will roll Horde. All your incels, white nationalist morons, Drumpf supporting retards, etc will roll Horde on PvP realms. Normal, sane, decent human beings will roll Alliance on Pve servers (the only smart choice)

>is it possible to learn this power?
not from a jedi....

Attached: mozeltov cocktail.jpg (847x847, 84K)

All that is avoidable by rolling on a pve server user. World PvP is for incels who want to steal other's play time they paid for. That's not ok.

Are you the retard still debating night elves rogues are good? They are bad. Bad bad bad bad. Stone form also removes poisons and diseases that tick.

>Right wingers
You have to choose one. Those things can't go together. It doesn't work that way moron.

>doesn't know how to google shit
>calls others dumb
>mind goes straight to sucking dick
>assumes others are trannies
I'd recommend spending more time on reversing your latent homosex thoughts and/or retardation lol

dial 8

>racist rolling horde

What kind of retard believes this? The faction with humans, small humans, and midget humans against the very different races of thr horde aren't racist?

What level of reach is this?

The Chad Viking ideal, strong, alpha ready to rape inferior races.
The ancient mystic Aryan race of the world
The peaceful face of the Aryan species
The militaristic and betrayed Aryan facet
All split and separate but working together
Compare to the alliance
Jews: extra degenerate edition
Liberal multicuck society
Feminization based sissies and faggots with no dicks.

Cope harder, tranny

We in the Alliance do NOT welcome any right wings morons. Stay in your containment faction please or even better okay a different game. Also stop voting please.

you wish I was a tranny, m'dude. please be more mad, your tears are tasty

Savage mongoloid invaders
Hooknosed pothead WE WUZzers
Professional victims who constantly bitch about muh Taurajo
Unholy abominations with no moral compass

There is literally nothing wrong with being Jewish.

Attached: dwarf_paladin_by_jaqenart_dcjnjgl-pre.jpg (779x1025, 69K)

No one wants you on either faction but please stay off the Alliance side. We have a reputation to uphold and don't want any Drumpf supporting retards.

Seethe harder, tranny

False. I'm a heterosexual white male and I play Alliance. I'm also a liberal and not a bigoted racist piece of subhuman shit.

Cope and seethe more Jew.

We. Don't. Want. You. In. The. Alliance. Trumptard.

poor baby. I'm gonna go to work now, have fun shitposting. :)

Fine you are a christ cuck or a Deus vult larper.

I love that all the incels play Alliance while chads are Horde. You can just tell by the shitposting.

I won, tranny

>5 days

Earth shock only does a whopping 2sec single school lock. You can just raw counterspell and silence any shaman and do whatever you want to them.

I just never play on a PvP server. Problem solved. Stay on your containment server please and off my comfy PvE server. Also remember WoW was never meant to be a PvP focused game and World PvP is basically theft of time the player paid for and that makes you a nigger.

Thats funny because horde shitpost more than Alliance

They also care more about their racials and PvP, while Alliance just do their own thing. No point paying attention to something below you.

This thread is a nice reminder to stay away from alliance players and kill them on site. Feels like I'm in a chat room full of 16 year Olds that giggle when someone says cuck or tranny.

World pvp is [/spoiler] fun [/spoiler]

Rent Free pinkie.


Same thing as being a christcuck.

Alliance has the most socially obtuse players. The trannies, the gamer-gurls, the awkward people that get too deep into a fandom. They really get off on being the 'good' guys. It also has some of the more elitist players, who carry a very hard edge on them at all times.

Horde does have the most kids, because zombies are cool. I'd wager they are slightly more pvp orientated, specifically in classic. This reflects well in the two oceanic server population spread in the current reddit census docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1_7VJ381nSZfqiVaSqmlSRCS4VavhOVr1oLIjm4CfO-w/htmlview?usp=sharing&sle=true&pru=AAABbNzg4_k*jQZ5vTaVLoWnscx9k9O4Sw
I'd considered horde to be overall more edgy, but with a well rounded population of normal people.

What world do you live in? There is none stop /pol/ tards larping as racist alliance shit?

How many times do we need to hear no shoes, niggers, mud huts, and some cringe Christian post.

Repent and seethe, no shoes nigger mud hutter.

Thats such a weak retort and you well know it.

The true use of your faggot "yikes" meme one liner is rolling alliance warlock when so many people play undead.

>pink skin weak genes thinking they are alpha chad faction

Attached: Verto.png (196x191, 83K)

False flag


Okay betafags, how bad is it?

Horde is for edgy teenagers and dirty unshaven grown men who use blackout curtains and listen to metal music.
Alliance is for nerdy teenagers, qt girls, and grown men who have careers and responsibility but can still dominate in azeroth.

so basically neckbeard metal music listener with no background light
or Swifty

Hey, I have a career AND black out curtains. Because fuck the sun.

I have never ever made a character in a game based on meta and never will. If you aren't in world first groups or top 1000 PvP rankings it's utterly irrelevant, that +5 agility or removal of one bleed will matter in about 1 in 1000 encounters. Will is definitely arguable, but you have to know when you're fighting an undead they have it and act accordingly (if it's a rogue you're already dead anyway, no rogue with a brain is going to jump you until you're -50% hp from fighting mobs).

Attached: dealwithit.png (500x401, 227K)

desu I just want to be able to max out the stealth bonus in vanilla. wisp form is nice too.

Over the, top tongue in cheek mud no shoes/racist shitposting
Unironic tranny spam

HORDE sounds better. Alliance having wage slave faggots means they are easy pickings to gank and camp.

alliance is and always will be better at organizing, and our paladins actually heal in wpvp and BGs unlike your shamans

In what faggot world do you live in thinking trannys play horde instead of alliance? Are you a retard? Alliance is tranny faction for over 15 years.

Horde is for heathenistic degenerates that take part in orgies and illegal non-prescription drugs for fun. Literally disgusting people.

Alliance is for straight-arrow god-fearing good people who are salt of the Earth that pay their child support for their wife's children. You know, productive members of society.

Raid logs and actual raid progression prove you wrong faggot. Good players play horde.

i thought we were talking about pvp?

I’m glad your lack of reading comprehension helped prove my point better than I ever could.

God i love chromie i want to fuck the shit out of her and doing strange time related sex stuff.

>Horde player is told he is a nigger mudhut
What’chu gunna do about wh*Toid? *Ganks your gf*
>allycuck is told he’s a deranged tranny

Horde are also better in pvp on average. Winning 60% of the time. Jesus fuck where have you been for 14 years? Horde dominate pvp percentages also. Look at actual collected information instead of your stupid opinions.

>Fem Nelf Warrior
>Fem Dwarf Priest
>Male Tauren Shaman
>Fem Orc Rogue

Attached: 1418074650682.jpg (500x375, 119K)

Alliance dominates PvP on RPG servers thou.

(female) male human pally named sweetnips whispers: don't worry we alliance players are LGBTBBQ united against the heathen horde >.

>on RPG servers only
Because allliance outnumber horde on RP servers...

but the memes say otherwise

>moving goalposts

I have to assume you’re an alliance player at this point, playing some devilish double bluff.

Attached: 6355BB1C-26E4-417C-9E15-344D3805AFE0.png (409x598, 386K)

Is Affliction any good? Don't want to have to sacrifice my pet.

Are bfa fags too retarded to read? Are they unable to see shit that's not red? How is this not payers fault, stop asking for more server when there is literally 1 server marked as LOW POP

Attached: retards.png (1837x805, 503K)

I think it is more for raid, and dungeoneering.

It's good. And you will kill your pet.

>this level of sheer retardation and utter ignorance
thank fuck none of you will be on my server, i can't possibly imagine anything productive coming from playing with any of you fucking morons

There's people falseflagging for both factions in this very thread.

Attached: 1488308657511.jpg (351x359, 41K)

Thanks m’fair lady

The game isn't even out yet... There is going to be a big wave of people coming in on launch day.

this or a Human Paladin? Which should I choose?

Attached: undead-male-nemesis.jpg (260x440, 21K)

they are asking for a new PVE server

This is what you sound like.

Attached: 9de3390dd500db17bee6ee7b5c49968d096f059dc19e731a3edf5f02fcbc4294.png (1256x1244, 515K)

You sound like a nigger who can't hang with banter.


Back then, Horde
Today, Alliance.

Sweetnips whispered : did you just assume my gender? Gong to report you to blizzard for harassment. I am not female. -. -. My day is ruined.

So all the faggots will be on Allies this time? Thanks god.

Are you me user?

I'm really concerned about the number of warlocks who will hit 60 and raid.
If there's as much warlocks than mages we're definitely fucked. We only have 3 spots in a raid group

Mage, warrior, and rogue are the most played.

Warlock is nowhere near the number of mage players.

alliance, because almost no one plays alliance.

Horde has alot more because of its size, but also has a ton of 40+ boomers who are content farming normals and doing dungeons.

Faggot stay away from WoW and get your shit together now that you have a second chance.

>Horde has alot more because of its size, but also has a ton of 40+ boomers who are content farming normals and doing dungeons.
So you'll have better luck finding groups? Sounds awesome to me.

based pedo

what class should i play in classic??


mega cringe, see you in stv faggot

I'm actually in a similar situation myself, although not really a big WoW player.

gaza lol

>World PvP is for incels who want to steal other's play time they paid for

are you retarded or trolling

literally just play on PvE realms if youre too weak and emotionally fragile to defend yourself against other players

what game can i play that will make me feel like a vanilla wow shaman until classic comes out

will classic kill battle for azeroth?

classic will kill literally every single game. even ones that havent come out yet

BFA will kill BFA.
Classic is just the mercy killer.

Classic will finally kill WoW as we know it.
Will we journey into a new age of Classic+ or will we simply retread the path that led to the fall?
We shall see.

Insinuating that BFA needs help dying.

Attached: 1550643563602.jpg (900x900, 53K)

Based. Alliance it is.

Devs said they regret adding flying, so if they want to make new content there’s at least one indicator it will be different.
Not sure how I’d feel about adding zones like that underwater one, where you got a mount only usable for certain areas.

What's a fun DPS class for PVE?

>dropping a grounding totem while sheeped

reported for hacks, enjoy the ban

>Be lvl 34
>Get jumped by Tauren Warrior 5 lvls higher than you in Desolace
>Turn on Seal of the Crusader and beat him to death while he facerolls and uses every consumable in his inventory
Of course I quit playing Paladin as soon as I hit 40 because it was mind numbing but the experience overall was pretty good.

How long does it take again to get out of combat?
And does spamming left click on the ground help? I for some reason always did that

>in order to play classic you need to subscribe to BfA
note how they word it. You aren't paying for Classic, there will be no Classic sub numbers, every single Classic player is a BfA player in the numbers. Classic will do nothing but give them an alibi with the shareholders to keep pushing out more low effort shitty expansions while the grognards eat their hearts out on a 15 year old game that requires 0 maintenance. Enjoy Classic all you want, but don't fool yourself thinking they'll do a 180 and drop retail to make new expansions for Classic or something

You’ve had it explained to you repeatedly why that would be career suicide for any exec retarded enough to try it.

who are you talking to?

The person who posts that exact same shit every thread with the exact same wording, ignoring that it requires everyone at Activision to be mentally retarded, and nobody at Blizzard willing to climb the ladder with the easiest backstab in corporate history.


lol come on retard

>no one ever makes fun of male tauren
feels good


In Elysium alliance had all the faggot tryhards with premades and the chance of winning in a bg as lvl 60 Horde was like 1 in 20.

Horde: Incels and pre-teens who want to play the ebin cool looking orcs and undead. A few "dude weed lmao" trolls and tauren furries. Mud huts and sticks, no shoes.
Alliance: Trannys and faggots, some ugly womans playing nelfs getting free shit from male players.

Horde sounds the ok faction here

dude weed lmao troll shaman make this game worth playing

I'm maining a warrior no doubt about that, but what should I level as an alt?
Warlock, druid or hunter?
I manly want him to farm herbs to funnel to my warrior, druids aquatic form is a huge boon for this since stranglekelp is a pain to get otherwise but I have a soft spot for warlocks since its the only caster I enjoyed and hunters since that was my first class

For that DM N king solo farm I did on nost. Made 1k in a week or 2

>not full of edgy kids

intellect doesn't increase your spell damage you tard, go gnome if you plan to PVP or human if you're a lazy piece of shit and rather save time while farming reputations

you'll have two years at least to enjoy classic, because who the fuck is going to play the retail expac next year? they'll probably decide what to do with classic by the time the phases are through, and likely do a two year cycle with it to fill in the content drought that retail deals with each odd year

Does orcs stun resist waste rogues combo points trying to kidney them or is it only devastating to cheap shot openers?

Nah it’s racials, aesthetic is secondary. Otherwise horde wouldn’t be outnumbering alliance in classic

Pretty sure it blows the CPs
Dab on rogueniggers