Silent Hill Thread

I'm trying to play SH3 on PC but game keeps crashing I went to first link on this page to see if it would fix the game. Will it or is there another link

Attached: sh301.jpg (830x535, 214K)

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Wait for SH Guide user to post his guide, he lurks every SH thread lmao

That is what I was hoping for

i hope he's going to add the new silent hill 2 improvements to his infographic

it's really fucking good

did you change compatibility you fucking mong?

I don't think so, what does that mean?

right click the exe file and choose compatibility for something other than the windows youre on maybe something less than 7 like xp

Ah ok, would you know if any of these files are worth downloading

currently just playing game as is.

no idea
if you run into any issues check the list on that site but i dont remember ever having issues running it on 7 but i could have just forgot i had an issue
did compatibility mode work?

YOu don't deserve to play on PC with questions like that...

So far no problems, but it was like that even without changing compatability, have to play for a while longer.

PS2 > PC

Attached: 1448499640513.png (1394x865, 705K)

slright well if you end up getting fucked again maybe that dude everyone thinks will show up will show up and help you otherwise if your PC can handle PCSX2 you can emulate the ps2 version if it comes down to it

I remember the guide saying to run game as administrator

yeah, how the fuck does he do it? do you think he has a script that pulls the Yea Forums catalog and greps for silent hill threads?


Attached: 1467924771645.png (1300x3453, 1.66M)

Old af. this one is newer

Attached: 1559236971441.png (1281x5183, 1.92M)

Isn't the issue that if you try and put it in widescreen it crashes?

What does dump widescreen fix into install folder mean? are the talking about just the root of the SH3 game folder?