Why did Yea Forums hate Detroit?
Why did Yea Forums hate Detroit?
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>tfw no baby faced gf
Kara actually looks better with short hair
I honestly wish there was more porn of it, I hope based Tim will deliver on those models.
because it was bad
jesus christ, $899? dating would seriously cease
>Yea Forums hate Detroit
Say what? Yea Forums loved Connor.
It didn’t?
/pol/ tried to meme about WE and MUH SJWs since one main character was black and one was a woman, but both of their arcs were good, even though best boy Connor had the best story
Detroit: BH took the genre of interactable movie games to a new level. Another great movie game that Yea Forums universally praised is Until Dawn
tedious task that requires you to interact when it could have just been a cutscene like do the dishes, go out with the trash lift this old guy up, move this food to him and shit
literally a movie
Shit story. Bad writing.
>a fuckable qt for the price of an iphone.
I'll take it
shitty movie
That QT is the iPhone. Records your data nonstop for nefarious uses by secret organizations.
>Why did Yea Forums hate Detroit?
I would just hug her for 20 minutes straight and probably cry for more than half of it.
I found the idea of a little girl android to be a bit too farfetched, even with all the other weird shit in that game. There's no way they'd allow companies to make those, much less allow people to buy them considering there really wouldn't be much of a way to prevent anything bad from happening to them unless you had the androids themselves constantly monitoring you and then had constant teams around the clock monitoring the footage they send.
how will they use the number of times you cum in her daily?
Why not? They're appliances.
>Stereotypical bitchy action agent girl character but now she's a toaster
Shittest of taste
>tfw she looks like my ex
>got pissed whenever she started to agree with me
>let her die the first chance I could
Move to Mid-Michigan. We don't have problems with crime, but we do have problems with nothing to do.
>I found the idea of a little girl android to be a bit too farfetched
It would solve the problems with adoption almost overnight. The parents wouldn't be robbed, and they wouldn't deal with raising an adult ten years later.
People freak out over highly stylized cartoon drawings that look nothing like actual people. You honestly think they'd let people purchase actual children robots? In a world like that that'd be the first thing to get banned.
Threaten to have her call your family members with live footage.
it should have been all Conner
Because of the homeless
In a world where sentient robots are a thing? Yeah, I can see it happening. I lack the food analogy for this but you are putting 1910s sensibilities to 2010 norms.
Hard to believe they'd be cheaper than a phone. That's about $550 according to inflation projections.
>first trillion dollar valuation off by two decades
You can tell he was just throwing numbers around like the hack he is.
So my family sees me fucking a robot. So what? Its more human than any sex doll Ive ever seen. I feel like a lot of the shame would go away with that
Markus's story was actually pretty great when I played it. I had him act as the super jesus the whole time until you storm that one building to hijack the broadcast. Then when that one guy was trying to run away, I shot him and just had Markus spiral into absolute barbarism and violent revolution. In the very last mission literally everyone got gunned down around him and it ended with a final fight with Connor where he got blasted. I don't want to play again and do the actual robot jesus playthrough and ruin the memories of that one.
No I'm sorry I need the food analogy to understand what you mean.
You alright user?
Hot face model but just a bitch.
>movie game
>"if if robots is human?"
I played full pacifist to see what would happen and I was gonna do that on my next run. Sounds like shit gets ridiculous.
Gotta give Cage some credit in letting you go full dictator.
Yea Forums is a video game board. That's like asking what games Yea Forums enjoys.
>Blade Runner + Ai + iRobot - any real charm = Detroit.
I thought it was pretty cool apart from the motion sensor controls while playing it but it was really forgettable. Connor was based
Kara's story took a huge nose dive while Marcus's story was really cliche. Conner was really the only interesting story the "game" had.
Full violent revolution Markus is honestly the second best part of the game after anything involving Connor and Hank.
I want to fug a robot
Alice being an android was a shitty plot point that made Kara's story even more obsolete. Prove me wrong. Not only Connor and Markus' story tied to the main plot but their stories share themes with each other. Identity, Freedom, Emotions, Morality. Kara's story is literally just fucking filler. One mundane task after another. The fact that she can die extremely early and you'll never hear from her again is laughable. Connor just keeps coming back in his and I think the earliest Markus can die is in that cringy freedom march scene (though I could be wrong). The themes of Kara's story, Motherhood and Android-Human relationships, the two things that at least made it somewhat meaningful and not total filler, is completely thrown into the trash because the hack of a writer desperately needed a cheap plot twist to keep people interested. Said plot twist is retarded and required plot induced stupidity for the characters for it to even pull off. No one notices Alice looks just like one of those popular child androids? Kara magically decides to deny that Alice is an Android??? Why the hell can Kara even abandoned after finding out that she is not human after all what they been through? You might as well stay on the ride.
Sad because Kara is a qt that deserved better.
I would buy one RIGHT NOW. Robot "home assistances" when?
>busty pics
>flat as a board
Such androids would destroy humanity. First world birthrates would plummet even more and the third world that can't afford custom made waifus/husbandos would out-breed and wipe out the minority that can.
I used to live less than 10 mins from Detroit and I hate the place where I grew up. Those ratchet niggers from Detroit moved in and literally ruined everything. I lived in a pretty nice neighbor with nice, quiet people for years with decent schools. Next thing you know some lowlife attempted to break into our car, costing thousands in damages, my brother was beaten pretty badly for simply asking these wild animals to turn their music down at 3 in the morning, the schools start turning into prisons and the city basically became neo-detroit from that point onwards. Glad I moved several years ago and I don't regret it through it makes me depressed sometimes.
Dont care. Still fuckable
>I'll be 50 by then
>probably won't even really crave sex by then
Fuck fuck fuck
>$899 for a fuck bot
holy shit thats nothing.
>Choose to listen to Bishop and not push his jerkoff son
>Bishop has a heart attack and dies
>Choose to push jerkoff son
>Watching his son practically die cures him of his heart attack
>His son later reconciles with him and decides to go straight
Frogs don't understand American economics. No fucking way would an actual android would be just under 1K. Even they are bottom of the line.
Voice of reason
also this
You are correct, Kara's plot twist was put in simply so there would be a plot twist, and it completely destroyed the point of her story. You may recall Cage having a character lie inside their own head before so he could force a shitty plot twist.
>implying in the future where robots are making robots for free every thing wont be dirt cheap
based retard
Just out of curiosity can you guys see my posts, or are my comments just too boring and irrelevant to get a (you)
You're just boring bro, sorry
My first (you) since I got banned. Thank you for making me feel human again.
Imagine if that actually was a topic this movie touched on instead of >muh robot racism
There's literally no reason this game needed a bunch of hamfisted references to slavery and the civil rights movement. Aside from that it's a good movie game.
>900 dollars for a fucking android
Man, deflation must be insane in 20XX.
A-user, stop i-it
Shit story that would never happen the way it was laid out.
This is not Yea Forums user
I thought the discussion over how Hank really feels about androids killed the discussion?
Specifically the mag about leaving your spouse for an android under Hank's bed you can find and how Hank drunkenly refers to Connor as his right after that
Realistically speaking, how long would that actually be true? Because mirrors were only available to the priests and princes of Egypt because of how they manufactured it and now even a hobo can afford one. However long it is, I'm sure the future doesn't look like how it is in Detroit since it still looks fairly modern.
The real reason Detroit Become Human sucks.
Markus's section is full of questions you have to answer about what the revolution is worth or about. Do you kill this unwoke android to preserve your mission? Do you riot in the streets? Do you kill this guy? What about if we raise the stakes, do you kill him now?
Kara is walking around rooms figuring out what buttons I need to push to advance the plot. Conner>Markus>Kara
Couldn’t care less, if they wanna record how many of my loads she swallows, go for it.
could be in your lifetime actually, maybe
not sure how we'll decide what to do with all of the people who don't have jobs anymore
The comparison to slavery is just too much of a reach for so many reasons and it hurts the narrative. For one very few people owned slaves, just rich plantation owners whereas in this game everyone owns androids, even poor people and the unemployed. I could go into a lot more reasons but I feel it will just get into an obnoxious discuss of race so I won't.
think of a super human robot that can do every thing
ok now think of said robot being in the thousands
and those said thousands of robots making more robots for free
humans would literally never have to work again
Did anyone notice when Connor mentioned the sex club to Hank, this immediately piques his interest? Not sure if this was intentional or Hank getting off his ass because the plot demanded it
I thought that was more of a normal guy reaction than anything
>Alice and Kara at that woman’s house
>Game instructs you to “undress” her
>Streamers physically back away from the screen and look horrified
It’s just a fucking video game. Why are people so terrified of fictional characters? There were no sexual tones, it was a girl not catching a cold who couldn’t catch colds anyway unless you told her to.
It didn't
TBFP redditors tried to complain about it because their E-friends pretended to hate it but even they came around.
Weren’t sex dolls recently banned in Tennessee or something because they’re under 18 years old? So never.
No really. Only time he gets pissed is when he catches Connor staring at the fuck bots.
They're scared of the hate mob from resetera. They don't actually care. It's the same reason why people leave the door open when meeting alone with women. You don't fuck around with the mob.
Is saying Connor's name wrong a meme or are people in this thread just illiterate
i watched gameplay vids on youtube
most of connor's side of the story is really fucking fun to watch and was legit surprised because i never expected it from a david cage game
everything else is shit tho
>implying they wont pump something into you to make you look and feel like your 20 years old
you guys have no imagination
Todd is officially 6 foot and 198lbs.
Are you fatter than him Yea Forums?
The fuck does it matter to him if Connor is staring at the sex bots?
Is this better than Detroit?
I had a straight look on my face and just pressed the button. It’s not like something was going to be shown, the game isn’t Japanese.
im 6 foot 2 and 310 pounds
so im fatter
>why does it matter to him
Hank can't dissociate androids from humans, that's his problem.
Really? I had him pissed at me a lot, he left me on my own near the end when Connor asked him to help stall for time at the police station
Parts of Heavy Rain are but Beyond is easily the worst game Cage has ever done
No. It’s worse except pressing X to Steven or whatever his name was.
It's because Connors side has an actually interesting theme (what defines a human being) whereas the other two routes go for the much more boring slavery is bad narrative.
The "gameplay" in heavy rain is infuriating, haven't played beyond
Literally didn't even realise some people were creeped out by this until I saw some reactions online
Why do americans always act like this?
I meant that is the only time he reacts to anything during the strip club scene.
Because we are a bunch of braindead pussies now.
There were threads full of incoherent ranting over how triggered everyone was by David Cage. I played the game and only afterwards came to Yea Forums, so unironically enjoyed it.
>game explores android and what it means to be human
>literally no mention of cyborgs, the people who are literally in the in middle of between man and machine
Explain this
How could they ever be cheaper than just silicone sexdolls?
What is your Connor's relationship with him? You've must've fucked up at some point.
Stopped playing Heavy Rain at the beginning after the kid died because it was so shit. What's it even about?
Fuck no.
hose were clearly people that only watched a play through online
Best part was when people tried to claim it was like a Telltale game were none of the story choices matter in the end but even if you hate Cage and Detroit his game is pretty much to only "Movie Game/Interactive Comic" that I've played that actually has vastly different endings and levels based on what you do.
Right, you can have a character die in almost every chapter, and there's usually 2-4 different paths for each one. It was an extremely well done game, I felt bad for people with Cage derangement syndrome, unable to enjoy a good game because of getting memed by Yea Forums.
"""""""Game""""""" fucking blows lmfao. Conner and Mr. Krabs are fun, but everything else is absolutely trash. How does david cage even still get work? Every single one of his games has been such insufferable dogshit.
Except it wouldn't because women can have babies and these robots can't.
you know artificial wombs are 10 years away right?
Because if you don’t act offended you could be branded as a pedophile. It’s not so much they were creeped out as they had to act like it and milk it.
The only thing worthy of note it has spawned is this
You think most men give a shit about having a kid when they would have on-demand mouth and robot pussy they could just turn off if she starts talking?
How does an android cost less than a car?
Because QD's writing team isn't capable of engaging with any of the themes that they set out to tackle. Out of the three characters Conner is the only one that actually explores the "robot becoming human" thing, Markus and Kara are basically just written as humans realizing that they're slaves. You could replace those two with African slaves and set the story in pre-Civil War America and not much would substantially change.
>lady sells you one of her eggs for cheap because the value of a woman has dropped significantly
>grow a baby in a test tube
>raise with your loving robot waifu
lmao you've got to be a newfag if you think there was hate threads here. it was mostly praise and meming because it's easily quantic dreams best effort to date, and hank/connor was kino
Haha is buy one haha maybe I’d get the cuddle dlc you know? Wouldn’t even make her clean just rest her head on my shoulder haha that’s be crazy wow haha maybe she could tel me not to kill myself
this is some good bait
They are heavily subsidized by the government in order to combat incel violence.
Oh wait.
Cage shouldn't have tried to make some painfully unsubtle holocaust/slavery/civil rights allegories and instead just focused on making an entertaining buddy cop story
Going full terminator Connor was kino
He's too pretentious to do that.
the funny part if these robots where real most people would use them for crime
cage is a hack and his "games" are shit
Pretty original opinion user, I've definitely never read it before
>implying they would ever release a robot that would go against the government or corporations
They will love you unconditionally as long as you play by the rules and stab you in the back the moment you go against the powers that be.
I bet me finding where you live and fucking your ass in the middle of the night would be pretty original too, HUH?
What do you consider to be David Cage's best game?
you do know people would modify these robots right?
No they wouldn’t. People would fuck them.
>try to modify her
>she immediately sends out a distress signal to Google
>your rations are halved and your travel privileges are restricted for 3 months
The future is scary user.
Yea I mean since they were going beat you over the head with the race analogies, I figure they would talk about cyborgs as they would be the halflings to our mutts.
>this is the average porn addict imagination
have fun getting your block knocked off by Tyrone and his "sexbot"
This. Detroit is probably the first cage game where he's written characters that you might actually care about (Hank, Conner), but then he fucks it all up because he can't restrain himself from diving into self-important civil rights bullshit.
now Fahrenheit? THATS kino
too many niggers keep pouring out of there into the neighboring cities, and bringing their shit flinging with them.
You men are pigs.
There's nothing saying women can't raise children with their perfect robot husbandos. Everybody will be happy.
Not even sure what you wanted to acomplish with this one.
if you didn't see the thinly veild SLAVERY BAD as some nigger bot becomes Jesus, you're retarded
>bots come with denuvo
>t. roastie
Seethe, Roastie
The future will render your kind obsolete.
When I played it in 2005 I wasn't prepared for what I was about to witness.
Men are only as bad as they are because of how god awful women have become in the last 50 years. Cause and effect roastie.
They watched some faggot ass youtuber or streamer pick all the generic gay options. If you make kino choices, you get a kino story. Violent Markus vs. Machine Connor is based as fuck.
Pretty much this, most normies pick the safe boring options and you get a very boring game as a result. I doubt most streamers and normals played the game more than once. And the game should be replayed many times.
But for real though that guy was based.
This too. The game literally spells out every branch of the story for you so you can experience the whole thing but retards still give it a once-over and shrug like "I guess that's what we got!"
>do i'll be back
>was able to salvage hank's relationship with connor despite pissing him off so much that he shot connor on the bridge
They come with tracking shit and are monitoring you 24/7. Yeah, good luck committing crimes with your livestream youtube camera with built in GPS, Tyrone!
>not buying a robotic daughter to fuck her
This is why she left him. She realized she was with a cuck.
The point is that she grew attached to the concept and is able to accept that because it makes her happy. Even if it's all according to their programming, it begs the question if they are really any different from us and our biological instincts. If she was actually a human girl then the whole plot would just boil down to "robots can love too!"
>David Cage
That's the only reason. I refuse to touch ANYTHING with his name on it.
>this Twink faggot ended up being one of the most enjoyable Sony characters of the generation
I hate Cage, but he really impressed me with Connor.
because it was a bad movie. And movies are already worse than games
You can't do anything illegal with these robots. They have cameras and sensors calling home 24/7. If you tamper with those they will know. If you do smut with them the cops come calling.
what about omikron the nomad soul
HR is pretty good once it gets going.
B2S has to be played a pretty specific way to get the most out of it (naive girl / fuck you ghost). Detroit addressed that issue by making outcomes a bit more unpredictable.
Awful annoying characters (except Conner and Hank)
Boring plot
Can't actually make choices you want
Pro anarchism
Unlike Heavy Rain and B:TS, I felt compelled to finish this interactive movie. Despite the ham-fisted social commentary about droidism = racism, I still enjoyed most of my choices. Turning Markus into a droid-god and having Connor become his own badass and suporting the droid revolution left me with a play through I won't forget in their stories. Kara on the other hand felt very forced in terms of the shock value added to her story. 'Abusive druggie dad! Let's leave, Alice!' , 'we got duped by a droid-molester, let's leave, Alice!' , 'we are pseudo jews about to be burned alive for being too jewish for our own good, let's pray for a miracle for we can leave, Alice!' By the end of the gassing....I mean 'droid burning' part, I was done with Kara and Alice and sincerely pushed for both to die. I couldn't handle anymore of their forced sjw bullshit and wanted to kill them off before they ended up fucking a black android and having a mocha baby just cause.
Overall I'd give the game a 6/10. Removing the blatant underground railroad and judaism references constantly being shoved down your throat would make this game an easy 8/10...or basically, just remove Kara entirely. I was hoping at one point I could force her and Alice to become workers at that droid sex club. Not for any disgusting perverted reasons, but to give their characters some actual depth that WASN'T forced new age 'we are the world' bullshit. That one case where Connor and Hank tackled the rougue droid in said club would be a good template for Kara being interesting and Alice having depth. Have Alice be the rogue droid and have Connor or Hank discover a secret back room with loads of Alices being used by pedos that the dynamic detective duo has to stop or something. Instead, I got to watch those two ride a merry-go-round. Nah. Pass.
I tried my all just to get North the fuck out but she just kept on going.
Todd is the most based cage character
>Smokes crack on the couch while loudly explaining how much he hates androids and wants to beat his daughter to nobody in particular
>tfw my GPU costs more than a robot waifu in the future
I hope I'll be alive to see the day
He 100% also fucks Kara
>having Connor become his own badass and suporting the droid revolution
>he didn't kill Markus
I seriously do not understand how anyone can stomach the """""""""interactive"""""""""" movie qenre.
please stop using /pol/ as shorthand for "people who have opinions that i don't like"
>be 400 pounds of circuits and ass
>don't deviate because I know the kid is an Android from the brochure
>gets slapped to death by a human
>make Connor and what his face the ultimate pussyfests
>everyone lives
>everything works out fine and there are no repercussions
>maybe Androids have finally Detroit: Become Human™ afterall
>never explained why the needed to build Androids so complex they can pass for humans mentally and emotionally
>no explanation why they didn't have kill switches, internal tracking devices but had skinjob holotech
I've now played every David Cage game, good lord....
pretty based post, sums up most of my thoughts. Except the true best playthrough is to have Markus be Gandhi, the womyn president decides to spare him because she thought his singing was like, super pretty, and then Connor 2.0 assassinates him. Also, just let Kara die right at the beginning. That's what I did, when Todd told her not to move, I listened to her directions, my logic was that Kara is weak and impotent, she wouldn't move. I didn't realize I was supposed to move until about 2 or 3 minutes in when I could tell they were delaying Todd murdering Alice by a lot, but then I just stayed up. It was awesome because the pace of the game increased by 33% since I completely skipped all of Kara's shitty, boring episodes.
They're selling sentient robopeople at $900 a pop? What the fuck are they made of, chinese newspaper?
The explanation for the ability to go deviant/lack of kill switches was explained away by the inventor of androids, who was literally just cartoonishly chaotic neutral and wanted to see DUDE WHAT WOULD HAPPEN. It's shit but in Cage's defense it was explained.
A fun fact is that apparently europe banned human based androids.
So you just know damn fucking well there are guys that have animal sexbots.
If you were gonna make a sapient slave race of fuckable robots, why wouldn't you make them as beautiful as possible?
Why do all shitty robot fictions have this universal boner for making life-like, 6-7/10 robots? Do you think I'm gonna pay 1,000 fucking dollars for someone who just looks 'normal', when I can get a gynoid that looks like some bizzare fuckin' sylvan supernaturally beautiful 20/10 sex-demon who will destroy my penis, laugh at my jokes, cook me dinner, and let me rest my head in her lap?
Because it's full of niggers.
I wish Robocop was real.
Just a reminder robots can't have feelings for they have no soul. Anything resembling a spark of humanity is just a bug on their internal coding.
robocop would be robozogbot, he'd kick your door down and shoot you in the duck for posting on imageboards
Connor can ask the black lady about it, they do have trackers and kill switches, but it's a "remote request the machine turn off" kill switch, not a "detonate the explosives" kill switch, and going deviant disables it.
Ah yes, chaos hipster.
How could I so easily have forgotten that Deus Ex Machiavelli of lazy writing.
your 6/10 might be someone's sex demon
You leave my duck out of this, he did nothing wrong.
why would they sell that shit for cheap? a fucking phone costs 500 dollars right now despite costing like 10 dollars to make. there's a ton of r&d, marketing and such costs involved in selling stuff like that. not to mention that the top companies will probably engage in price fixing to ensure that they can sell their robots for like 100k a pop or whatever. why wouldn't they? it's all the same for them if 1 rich person buys a robot rather than 100 poors buying one, they're getting paid 100k regardless. even better, they have to spend less on materials and logistics when selling that stuff on the luxury market. and even better than that, they get to enjoy the privilege of owning something the poor cannot.
>No Valorie Curry shower scene
God fucking dammit, Cage
Kara's story only works if you abandon the kid at the ship. Then it fucking works. It's not a story about motherhood, it's a story about disillusionment.
for what it's worth, he probably tried to get it in but i'm guessing someone higher up said no after what happened with ellen page
>tfw no Connor bf
This actually hurts
Scott Shelby is the origami killer.
Valorie would've done it. She's done a few shower scenes already. No nudity, unfortunately.
The idea of white people living in Detroit is a little too far fetched for me Cage.
The overall message doesn't work because robots aren't human.
Humans are fleshy robots.
>Pro anarchism
sounds based
>You will never EVER have a bf this cute
Why even fucking go on
You spend a level doing real life chores that could be better spent actually doing those chores.
because its Yea Forums not Yea Forums
That's Kara's route because it tries to build up a motherly feeling for the shit twist. Connor never washes dishes
Making that child a machine was fucking retarded
>disliking Kara storyline for the racism allegory but liking Marcus storyline
Now that’s pretty fucking retarded
It wasn't even veiled, the aesop practically hit the player/viewer over the head with a bikelock.
Connor's parts are the best
She was a fucking cunt. I'm glad I killed her as Connor.
who wouldn't?
Hope you lads that want robo GFs realize that in the case of something like Detroit actually becoming real, sex/relationship bots would be straight up banned.
*jailbreaks maid-bot*
Just waiting for the PC release, so I can se this bitch getting fucked by a BBC.
Horrible story, terrible characters, retarded messages, shitty voice acting, pointless choices, garbage QTE gameplay. You know, standard David Cage fare.