Why is Yea Forums shit?
Why is Yea Forums shit?
We are a /pol/ puppet
That dude just wasted a month's worth of water for the whole village.
is correct
funny webm by the way
Reddit, Trannies, and Jannies
Damn, /pol/boogeyman posting is cringe.
: The Fall of Yea Forums
Because they want everything to fail except Nintendo. But Yea Forums is always wrong.
>Muh /pol/ Boogeyman
Because you're here.
Now they're stealing our goddamn pranks?
Sony persecution complex is strong with this one.
Worth it
>Why is Yea Forums shit?
Because you won't stop posting.
shut up, dork
/pol/ "thinks" we're their puppet, but they get told to fuck off every time they try their shit
>except Nintendo
ironically the board that bashes /pol/ the most, even more than /lgbt/. video games are a very popular hobby among shitlibs, despite what Yea Forums thinks or wants
Is that Indian Draco Malfoy in the back left?
>muh unsourced inforgraphs
Holy cow that woman is dumb as fuck
How can you even deny this lmao. This is why Yea Forums is always wrong, such denial from having their heads up their ass every day of the year.
liberals used video games to stage a war. this caused many many different factions to commit to this war on every video game media, including Yea Forums.
Based sandnigger
Hahaha, anyway, abdar says you're up next for suicide bombing.
Why would that dumb bitch do that? She deserved every second of that.
they wouldn't bash your shit board so much if you weren't beating your dead frog-horse into the ground here for the last three years
I hate to break it to you, zoom zoom, but Yea Forums was always racist.
1. Point to me a thread that's generally critical of a Nintendo game.
2. Point to me a thread that's NOT generally critical of any other game.
Imagine spending hours monitoring an internet forum as a designated janitor for no monetary compensation
Her titties look pretty nice right here, but holy shit why does she look like she's wearing a face over her face. What a cow.
>Point to me a thread that's generally critical of a Nintendo game.
We have hourly Breath of the Wild hate threads.
1. any botw thread
2. any timesplitters thread
This woman is a molester btw
Alright, who?
i laugh every time.
0/10 eyes too big
tranny mods
She can molest me any time.
>lol /pol/ boogeyman much?
Did her nudes ever leak??
Can someone explain why nu-Yea Forums is so obsessed with /pol/? Can't discuss anything without at least one sperg going on about this /pol/ boogeyman of their's.
Its way too weeby.
garbage moderation
who are you quoting
Because Americans are retarded and will believe anything you tell them
>disliking trannies makes you /pol/
Well fuck, I guess I am /pol/ even though I disagree with them ideologically.
Fuck trannies.
One side says /pol/ is the problem and the other side says trannies are the problem. Who is in the right here?
I was gonna say you can do better user but if you actually want that then I can only pity you
>Have sex
These phrases + phoneposting, redditors, and overly ban happy jannies killed Yea Forums
Ew Not Asian 5/10
His fictitious boogeyman he spends all day obsessing over.
post webms that awaken something deep within you
>too much of a brainlet to even get the post
They both are.
Bruh magic is haram.
Somewhere in the middle: the /pol/trannies are the issue.
You, retard.
because every other thread is some retarded sjw or tranny saying something dumb, to no-one's surprise, along with some generic caption like "how do we stop them bros???", sick of seeing this trash filling up the board
Go to /pol/ and find out, that board supports freedom of speech unlike this safe space.
Plastic tits
They are literally the same thing
>FILLED with BotW worshippers who say it can do no wrong and deny all criticism
Pretty shit example
Not him, but what was the point of the post if not "only /pol/ hates trannies, and Yea Forums is /pol/ for hating trannies"?
you're a sad little moron, champ.
this but without the jannies part, there are too few bans in reality
t. /leftypol/
What did she do? I know one guy that actually met her. He said that she was not thick, she was genuinely fat.
>We are a /pol/ puppet
I'm not.
why isnt this beached whale in captivity?
did he died?
Who cares, tranny?
>moving the goalposts
those threads are filled with posts critical of the game, and that's always the majority opinion in those threads.
There is nithing wrong with communism also your picture has nothing to do with leftypol tard
You asked for an example of a thread that's critical of nintendo games.
We get hourly botw hate threads, there's not debate about that.
See you at the next Sword and Shield thread! Based OH NONONO poster.
vidya is trendy now, so is Yea Forums. Yea Forums is full of normies, even coordinated attacks from resetera and other queers trying to convert us, even with revisionist history saying this board or Yea Forums was always gay and left leaning.
Little chub never hurt anybody.
Besides, you gotta bang a 3 to appreciate an 8
dilate tranny
i love fucking latino girls, they're so easy
The side that says trannies/discord are the problem.
Who do you think makes all these non-video game fapbait and erp threads? Not to mention the mindless baiting.
yeah shut the fuck up and go back to your quarantine, pal
>There is nithing wrong with communism
>There is nithing wrong with communism
History begs to differ.
Why do I even bother talking to a lefty brainlet.
I find it impressive how the bear directed zero of that hostility towards it's handler.
This is still entirely relevant, you can even replace "internet ebonics" with whatever shitty flavor of the month buzzword stolen from twitter, semenmind etc
politics killed this place.
>seething this hard
There's hating trannies which is justified and treating them like some boogeyman where you call every single person you don't like a tranny. It's the same shit you faggots whine about with "muh /pol/ boogeyman"
Fucking retard.
Nice ad hominem also not an argument
Nonstop console wars, malicious tired shitposting everywhere and too many tourists.
>The side that says trannies/discord are the problem.
You do realize where the meme comes from right?
The /leftypol/ trannies have been caught with a discord where they organize raids on Yea Forums and Yea Forums to create division.
It's hilarious that you shitheads fall for the bait everytime.
>Hunter tries to interfere in a turf war between deviljho and bazelgeuse