>dude crushes on a girl so hard he goes nuts and tries to kill her when he finds out she's associated with the enemy
What other games have this feel?
>dude crushes on a girl so hard he goes nuts and tries to kill her when he finds out she's associated with the enemy
What other games have this feel?
Other urls found in this thread:
Being an incel
Come to think of it I don't think Dimitri ever did get laid
Nigga he'd already admitted to getting someone pregnant before the end of the game
He has that incel mentality then. He's definitely not a chad.
You don't have to be a virgin to be celibate. Not that I don't agree.
He wasn't crushing on her, she was his sister.
Step sister. One of his support convos strongly implies he had feelings for her.
not blood related so it's okay
Who wouldn't? I mean look at her. That was one fine piece of ass. And she would have white pubes too.
A lot of these support conversations are INCREDIBLE.
Which kinda sucks for him when you think about it since Edelgard barely acknowledged his presence or the bond they had as kids.
pretty much all of them with byleth are boring as shit tragic backstory reveal
The ones they have with each other are great though. I'm not ashamed to admit I found myself shipping a lot of them.
where was that and how the hell did I miss it
In the BE route where dimitri still has both eyes, he tells Rhea that he already has a heir.
probably doesn't exist in the other routes though
It was rape
user, she's pretty much the only family he has left after the Duscur Tragedy.
It's a bit more than being "associated with the enemy" though.
Well, to be fair, even with his obvious murder boner, Edelgard attacked first
>Murderhobo for 5 years
>Not even any stubble
Come on
He was trying to pull himself together since the Tragedy of Duscur. Edelgard, the first girl he fell in love with, being the Flame Emperor was the final straw for him. His love towards her turned into pure hatred at that moment.
See the ball conversation and also Silvain's support conversation with Dimitri. Nigga had the hots for her but tried to conceal it. Even Edelgard mentions she didn't like how Dimitri always seemed to obsess over her.
Edelgard was also the one that tried to have him and Claude killed at the start of the game, she's a cunt.
>invade a guy's kingdom
>kill all his soldiers
>walk up to his face
>tell him he was in the wrong because he didn't just roll over and let you conquer him
Does Adrestia not test its emperors for autism?
The slithers gave her the autism vaccine.
You are fucking retarded
>first love is a batshit insane femHitler
>second implied love interest is a literal autist.
Why can't Dimitri love a normal girl?
Well sure but I'm saying it started as him seeing her as his last relative which morphed into something more.
I have a feeling "Why must you reconquer?" is going to be the most memed on line from this game
His best romance is the suicidal girl who talks to animals when nobody's looking.
The guy just really likes weirdos.
Because Dimitri is batshit insane.
You know a motherfucker is insane when he's talking to ghosts IN HIS OWN DAMN ROUTE.
Does the fact that he casually eats weeds count as being insane?
>Dimitri is just you but cooler
face the music Yea Forums
Edelgard's plan wasn't for anybody to die, it was to scare away the teacher they had with them to ensure Jeritza would be chosen as a teacher, which would have happened if Byleth didn't happen to show up.
Dimitri only likes women who either A. don't like him back, or B. is too retarded to understand what a relationship entails.
He can’t taste anything so he can do whatever.
That's because she forgot, presumably from all the trauma of the experiments. When he gives her back the dagger that she dropped in the BL route, it all comes back to her.
He was subconsciously trying to look good for Edelgard.
He was referring to his uncle
She hired bandits to kill them. That is what she did
The game clearly tells you he thought of her as his step-sister and the only family he had left, user.
It's heavily implied that he had a crush on her when they were children and didn't know they were siblings.
At present time, those feelings are gone, not even just because he knows they are related but they were definitely there before.
It was the same case with Edelgard since she herself implies he was her first love. My point is that for both, they only care for each other as family now.
>murders the fuck out of soldiers for five years straight to the point where it looked like it wasn't done by human hands
Fuck this guy sounds rad
Play the game and read the support convos. We're not going over this again.
>At present time, those feelings are gone
They're implied to still be there. He reacted either bashfully or confrontationally whenever it was brought up by other characters.
I already did, stop looking into things that aren't there. These anons have it right
He literally laughs it off when you ask him about the "puppy love" thing.
> casually eats weeds
Where did this come from? Almost done with the BL route and I haven't seen this pop up yet.
Except Sylvain teases him about it and he immediately becomes aggressive and asks him not to bring it up again. You niggers are really bad at reading subtext.
I think its group task for Dimitri, Dedue.
If you have him do lawn duty with Dedue he'll casually mention that you often find edibles among the weeds with Dedue telling him to not eat the weeds.
I haven't reached the timeskip yet, but Punished Dimitri looks based as fuck.
how does Dimitri function
He got pissed that Sylvain pointed out his fucking autism, not because of Edelgard. See how he took what Sylvain said seriously about trying to woo a girl and actually went out an did it.
As Felix says, like a wild animal.
Wasn't he just making fun of him for giving a girl a DAGGER?
In constant pain.
The conversation makes it painfully obvious he was reacting that way because of Edelgard dude. He even interrupts Sylvain before he can finish the obvious "crush" hint and then threatens violence on him for mentioning it.
The ball conversation has the same implication. He wants to dance with Edelgard but then reminds himself of his duties.
It does not. I A ranked Dmitri with all the top tier BL waifus and he chose Dedue instead
He's also the unga STR gorilla lord of this game. Enjoy soloing everyone you encounter.
I know the feeling of this comic too well. Sucks watching a unit slowly die because they keep killing their attackers.
I tried to give him Annette and this happened. You just can't separate the two, and it's a crime to deny them an A rank.
This. Dimitri's exact reaction was "That was many years ago!" before he threatens to hit his head. Pretty sure he still had some kind of feelings for her to react that defensively.
it deters to who he has the most support points with when there are multiple A supports
Pretty sure it was more about being harassed about the dagger gift.
It’s funny to me that this specific rumor is what made Gilbert think the boar is alive
>soldiers are being horrifically murdered?
>that’s definitely dimitri, he’s alive
I really really really wish they'd patch in like an S rank or something. It doesn't even have to have a scene, it would just lock the characters ending in so I can actually watch other A ranks without risking my endings.
This can't be right as Dedue and Dmitri were one of the last units I A ranked. They were definitely racking up more points with the ladies
Check Dimitri and Dedue's closest allies segment of their character sheets. Chances are they are number 1 with each other over whoever you wanted to pair them with
dont forget each support done also adds support points between the characters
Now this is what true brotherhood looks like.
>even as a kid Dimitri was said to be so strong he regularly broke the training equipment
Just what is this man?
i feel bad for people who didnt do the duscar paralogue
Please just... There's a fucking button, on the controller, for screenshots. It's very hard to miss. Why are you doing this?
>getting someone pregnant
Dimitri is raising his wife son with the superior duscur blood
Why do all of Dimitri's endings have him die first?
Twitter is for faggots
>can lift up a wagon
>can't tailor because he mushes the scissors in his hands like paper
>Raphael can't even match his training regiment without nearly dying from exhaustion
>can crush a fully armored mans skull in with one hand
user, don't slander the friendship between Dimitri and Dedue like that.
The guy was living as a crazed murder hobo for a whole five years doing god knows what to survive. That couldn't have been good for his health.
He.....had a hard life
So don't use it for anything other than screenshots. You don't suddenly become an annoying tranny for making a burner account.
Doing a solo guerilla warfare against an entire army for five years fucks up your health apparently.
That is my screenshot album. I'm not bothering to upload every screenshot I take to twitter before posting it here
So was Dimitri also a slither experiment or was his freakish strength just an accident?
He's got a major crest that just gives him tard strength
He's autistic but instead of devoting his time to video games he focuses on training
He's the next step in human evolution. Shame that life fucked him up.
tard rage
Unga power
Possibly his crest. The crest's effect fits with his weapon mishaps (doubles damage but also doubles durability drop of weapon arts)
He actually only has a minor crest.
Could you imagine the retard strength he would have with a full crest? How busted was the progenitor blaiddyd that his grandkids are such fucking monsters?
He died five years ago in that tomb with Edelgard. It just took a while to take.
What job should I make him?
He does just fine as his unique class. Doesn't even matter that it's on foot, he has wider movement range than other on foot units, even if it isn't quite horse movement.
Before the timeskip you should try to make him a paladin. But it doesn't matter that much because after the timeskip he gets a special unique class that compliments his good stat growth.
>Last name means Wolf Lord
>Gets nicknamed boar
>Is the leader of the Blue Lions
Are there any other animals that he is associated with?
Alright, thanks.
Any recommendations for the rest of the BLs?
>ancestor stubs his toe on a wall one morning and causes a major breach in Fhirdiad Castle defenses
Horses and Dogs
Igrid should be be pegasus knight and eventually falcon knight
Felix should be a sword master. You can make him immortal savant, but he doesn't take that well to magic despite his budding talent, so probably just better to keep him as a sword master which has slightly better physical stats
Sylvain has some flexibility. He makes a good paladin, but with his budding reason talent, he can make a pretty nice Dark knight at level 30. I made him as a paladin, but throughout the game leveled his reason alongside whatever else stat he needed at the moment so when he reached 30 he could be a dark knight.
Ashe should be a archer/sniper/bowknight, because of him you don't need to have a thief/assassin on call because he can naturally pick locks.
Sylvain works well as a Dark Knight. Ingrid is a good Falcon Knight. Ashe is scary good as a Wyvern Lord. Dedue is a walking tank as a Great Knight.
I can't decide which to play after blue lions. On one hand Edelgard a shit but I don't want to end on a low note killing everyone with her.
Is there any reason not to ng+?
Ingrid should be a flier, but some people like to make her a brigand early on to patch up her strength and get death blow. She also works as a wyvern rider/lord in between pegasus and falcon.
Felix is a swordmaster, don't bother with mortal savant unless he somehow gets magic blessed.
Sylvain works as either a paladin or a dark knight.
Don't fall for the armor meme with Dedue, focus on his axes and fists to make him a war master.
I remember that the nips also call him a gorilla
Of someone can find more the man is basically a metaphorical zoo
I ended up with:
War Master Dedue
Mortal Savant Felix
Dark Knight Sylvain
Wyvern Lord Ashe
Gremory Annette
Gremory Mercedes
Falcon Knight Ingrid
The only one I would switch if I played them again is Felix to Swordmaster or Wyvern Lord. Maybe make Sylvain a Wyvern Lord too, flyers are based in this game.
Play either Church route (which is BE for the first half) or Golden Deer. Though it's great, the Blue Lions reveal the least about the setting, while the Golden Deer and the Church route reveal basically everything (almost redundantly in fact)
I somehow got a good mortal savant Felix on my BL playthrough
Only problem with wyvern lord is the investment in axes
Ay we're back
Not even a problem when axe skill is needed for brigand to get one of the best abilities in death blow.
did someone shoot up a school again like a retard
A federal agent got mad that someone made fun of Dorothea and decided to take matters into his own hands.
His eyepatch grants him his strength.
All slither experiments have white hair.
he's everything i wish i was
minus the ghosts of course
You now how Edelgard and Lysi are super strong because they have 2 crests inside of them?
Dimitri's crest of Blaiddyd is so OP that even just having a minor crest makes him an absolute destroyer
>Dimitri specifically only saw ghosts of people already dead
>in those 5 years, he didn't see you
He was seeing real ghosts, wasn't he?
PTSD is one hell of a drug
Raphael couldn't match the training regiment Dimitri did as a child.
He talks about how at a young age he performed all those exercises. His regiment now must be insane.
the boar...
Axes are perfect to pair with heavy armor and fair for an anti rng patch up of 28 hp 20 defense and 16 resistance through certification shenanigans.
Axes also gain Smash early which is a crit machine ability early, also brigand gives you retarded bonus to damage when you attack.
Brigand is part of the reason why fliers are broken even if they lack strength growths.
Dimitri and Edelgard talking in BL is fucking hilarious.
>wow Dimitri, how would a pampered noble like you know about suffering
Her mother killed his entire family, her army massacred his homeland, she destroyed his life, and her Slitherer ally executed his only living relative, and she spent 5 years trying to break the spirits of his people and make them subservient to her Empire.
>gay girl tells someone to check their privilege
I think I'm just going to have to keep playing online in the mornings instead of evenings
I can't get any decent races and the game fucks me over less
>wages war on the Church for "Fodlan's bloody history of war"
>the Church has only been involved in a single war in the history of Fodlan, and it was 1000 years ago
>it was a war her ancestors and the Empire started in the first place
But that makes no sense because the context of the dialogue makes it clear he was miffed about Edelgard, not the dagget.
does edelgard ever gives a shit about dimitri? it looks like she never cared about him
She doesn't realize who he really was until it was too late.
In her route she says something like "Your obsession with me is apalling", so I think it's safe to say any affection between the two was entirely one-sided. Dimitri hid his true feelings for Edelgard and Edelgard neither remembered nor cared much for Dimitri.
It's like a fucked up incel Romeo and Juliet tale.
That's just because Edelgard is poorly written. Dimitri has every reason to hate her, he believe she was complicit in the death of his family, and she invaded his country. Her calling him obsessed is about him saying hes going to bring her to justice, nothing to do with love. But, I know as with most of her fans you haven't even played the game...
Edelgard is a cunt but she's not wrong. She told Dimitri on multiple occasions that she had nothing to do with the attack on Duscur and he refused to listen. It wasn't just about revenge because he didn't become unhinged in the first place until he discovered her identity as the Flame Emperor. He went insane specifically in part due to his feelings for her and his relationship with her.
god he's so perfect
>Edelgard and Edelgard neither remembered nor cared much for Dimitri.
Not only does she carry the dagger around a decade later, but the last thing he said to her before she entered her uncles rapevan becomes her raison d'etre for the rest of her existance.
She's just too retarded to put together that the blonde haired prince of faerghus, dimitri, is the same person as the blonde haired prince of faerghus, dimitri. At least he has the excuse that El was one of a dozen or so siblings and only the short albino one named Edelgard survived, not the tallish brunette El.
Pic related, best girl for Dimitri.
This game really is sad. There is no objective canon good route and no matter the ending only one faction emerges from the flames to establish their own future.
Lions route is the best. The Alliance joins the Kingdom and the Empire succumbs once Edelgard dies
>second implied love interest is a literal autist
Who is this again?
Fem Byleth, I guess
They push him really hard on you
Making the mother of all omelettes here, Dimitri! Can’t fret over every egg!
>Edelgard is just a significantly more boring, less charismatic, and less attractive Armstrong.
t. disneybabby
Post yfw
>Return of the King
BL was Martin for a majority of the route then seamlessly transitioned to Tolkien and it worked
Armstrong wouldn't have been as retarded as Edelgard
Did you take the Annettepill?
Lions is by far the happiest ending, Claude returns to Almyra to take over the throne like he always wanted, the Alliance isn't turned into Imperial pawns and Faerghus isn't subjugated by the Empire, Dimitri rules Fodlan, Byleth manages the Church, the Empire is forced to play nice with it's neighbors.
Based Hector poster
>deep into the golden deer route
>yfw you hear this youtube.com
Nah you have to give those scumbags your phone number so you can get even more spam calls. If you try to use an email address they'll lock your account in ten minutes.
He had a true classic hero journey coupled iwth the classic FE lord arc.
>steamrolls everyone on male character polls
One of us one of us
>le based edgy hotguy and only i can cure his depression
otemeshitters are delusional
But DILF Felix cures his depression though.
In contrast to
>little miss hypocritical Hitler
>can't badmouth Claude, he's cool and a bro
Speaking of which, what the fuck was edelgard's mom's game with becoming dimitri's stepmom but then missing edelgard so much that she sets up duscur?
Edelgard's mom was married off as a political move, and was also a fucking insane murderer like the rest of the Empire. The sooner the Empire is burned to the ground the better.
I'm in the same position here. Just beat the BL route and it doesn't answer ANYTHING. Still don't know shit about Dimitri's step-mom, Byleth and Rhea's backstories, and the dubstep cult. What a disappointing ending story-wise.
>a guy who happened to have mental problems meets this one chick at his school
>woman is older than him
>also happens to be his teacher
>has huge tits and childbearing hips
>will always be there to listen to his autistic screeching and comfort him
He's literally /ourguy/. I can't blame him for wanting to hit that pussy. Dimitri is living the dream most guys wanted during their adolescent years desu
That's not the focus of the route, if you want Byleth/Rhea, you do the church route or GD.
>Crest womb tattoo
If I hadn't chosen male Blyleth for my BL playthrough I would have gotten her BOAR'd so hard, damn it I should have known
I'm sure everyone told you it's the otomestacy house.
>tfw there will never be a smash character representing the best recent FE game
>instead we have 3 fucking Awakening reps and one Fates rep
>Even if there will be a 3H rep, they will choose Edelgard or Byleth instead of Dimitri
As much as I dislike Edelgard, an axe user with a possible Hector echo beats Dimitri being the lance lord, because no way in hell we're getting Sigurd.
>Not giving Dimitri his best bros end with Dedue and resurrecting Discus
>Not marrying Marianne yourself after she survived for (You)
I chose not to come here before booting the game was too excited to play it
At least I got some puss from that mean green loli machine, will just watch the supports anyways
His S support is gold, one of the few times FeMC does something fun.
Just give him an Ephraim echo
Based handsome sisterfucker
What's with lance lords, "incest" and bloodlust anyway?
Just do a 2nd playthrough when Lunatic comes out
The thirst was so fucking real with Dimitri
>have nice tea
>I'll be going to your room later
Not to mention
>canon heir
Edelgard is more thirsty. She draws fan art of byleth on the daily.
Shame for him that she belongs with me
Seriously, Ashe x Catherine C is better than any support in fates.
? I dont remember him saying antthing about that
>thought Dimitri was otome bait
>he actually has the best no-homo broship with Claude
>best ending is getting old with his servant who is in fact his best friend that watches over him even after death
Waifus simply cannot compete.
Marianne A is pure kino though.
He said that he "already has a successor", it's not the same as saying he has a kid.
All things considered, like kingdoms reliance on crests, that's the natural thing that comes to mind, though. It's a really weird, out of place, comment. Just wanted to clear things up.
>being bros with fagmitri
my sides
Dumb Edeltard
Crests are overpowered why do you think the kingdom who frequently fights off northern invaders values them
>She told Dimitri on multiple occasions that she had nothing to do with the attack on Duscur and he refused to listen.
That isn’t true. She actively works with the perpetrators. If she didn’t want to invite misunderstanding why is she even chilling at remire watching another massacre take place
Give him battalion wrath, the battalion defense skill, and a killer lance. Then give him a critical ring. Keep his battalion health low and he will be at perpetual 70% MINIMUM crit chance. He literally couldn't stop criting, even when I wanted him to.
Who was the lucky woman, Yea Forums?
>but he doesn't take that well to magic despite his budding talent
Mine was a fucking thoron crit machine.
Would have to be some sort of amazon to survive a night with THE BOAR. The guy can't even use scissors without crushing them.
A village maiden
Generic village maiden-chan. Who else?
I was almost expecting it to be some kind of slither/empire experiment or poison.
No matter what shitposters and fake oldfags say, Dimitri's fall and redemption is the best writing in the entire Fire Emblem franchise.
He actually does. As far as his route in concerned. Gilbert is the one that mentions young prince (his son) that he ended up "babysitting" at orders of king Dimitri basically. This happens regardless of the pair.