Press F to spit on its grave.
Press F to spit on its grave
Other urls found in this thread:
imagine not pirating this
It's actually really fun though
It is, which makes their fall all the more tragic.
i enjoyed it. Didnt look into the controversy
i have the original version gog installer backed up before all this twaddle happened.
Why? Game and devs are based, Im not gonna punish it just because the publishers are cucks
More like press S to shit on the grave
Nah it's a pretty bland game. Very little weapon and enemy variety, endless sewer/warehouse/etc levels.
TORtanic 2019
hey remember when Yea Forums cared for literally nothing else but fun and rewarding gameplay
because I sure as fuck do and want nothing else in the world to go back to that
What happened? It looks fine
t. shill
Wait did something happen to the game? I played through and had a great time when it came out. Did it get taken off the store or some bullshit?
sjws vs /pol feud ruins another game
Resetrannies are seething because one dev said on discord that "some SJW are nuts" and that "parents worrying about their child wanting to be trans are fucked up in the head"
Like always they chose to side with the trannies, that weren't even gonna buy the game because muh sexualization, instead of the people buying the game
If I was a shill I wouldnt be calling 3drealms cucks
duke 3d megaton is better
this is just more of the same with no real innovation or charm
just a money grab targeted towards loyal boomers who think 3d realms is still "based"
Anons are review bombing the game, because removing a nonsense gibberish message outside the map (only reachable via noclip) is censorship
So do I. I wish game devs still had the freedom to do what they wanted.
You fags were the ones hyping this shit, I don't mind old style games but using an engine from the mid 90's is garbage.
>this is just more of the same with no real innovation or charm
>just a money grab targeted towards loyal boomers who think 3d realms is still "based"
What exactly was megaton then??
One of the devs said in a leaked discord chat that parents who want to change their baby's gender are mentally ill or something to that effect, and the game also had a bottle of soap called 'Ogay' in it. Resetera lost their shit over these revelations and did their usual hate brigade against the devs and the publisher, 3D Realms. 3D Realms forced the devs to apologize, remove the Ogay bottle from the game, undergo sensitivity training, and to donate a percentage of funds from the game to a tranny charity or something. This caused a revolt amongst the people who were actually going to play the game, resulting in review bombing and refunds.
Dev said a thing on discord, and then ResetEra found out and made 3D Realms pay $10k in damages and censor the game.
The game is being review bombed now as a result.
it is though
catering to crybabies over a word gives resetrannies that much more power over language as well as free speech in a fuckin video game
And removing a joke that's plastered all over the game showing that they're willing to push the envelope and be irrvereant.
And giving thousands of dollars to 'charities'.
And sending their staff for political reducation.
The whole affair thus showing that in the future, they'll always err on the safe side when it comes to gameplay and concepts lest they offend anyone. Constricting creativity and expression for political purposes only constricts good gameplay.
one dev said on discord that you shouldn't decide your baby gender and the trannies went ballistic
>a nonsense gibberish message outside the map (only reachable via noclip)
Why are you trying to play it down? If it doesn't matter why take it out in the first place?
moreso they caved to sjws andtrannies
All they had to do was nothing like just stop talking nigga ignore and also maybe don't have a Twitter account under your real name like a teenage girl?
What's being downplayed? That's exactly what it is.
they're blaming Yea Forums hackerman btw
improved upon the base game with more content
ion fury is just generic "badass" bitch with no charm or personality compared to duke
Who is "they"? 3drealms did all that, and they are not the devs.
The devs literally said fuck this, everyone should pirate the game.
Megaton added no new content to duke3d.
You're confusing it with world tour, and the new episode in that was shit.
Then why remove it? Who fucking cares if it stays there.
Let it go
I mean the people they "offended" were never going to buy the game. So they tried to apologize but went full retard and gave 10k to help 2 year old chop off their genitals and putting their entire staff through sensitivity training over non offensive comments.
What the fuck happened to videogames anyway? I remember Rare talking about making DKC ages ago and how it was basically a bunch of nerds having fun. Now we're dealing with fucking politics and PR nightmares (epic store exclusives, tranny shit, hating boobs, etc). Where did it all go wrong?
Why not remove it?
It's garbage that was a forgotten leftover from a mapper. Maybe removing it would even add a couple FPS to that map.
What does keeping it add to the game?
It's not even a joke or a statement, it has no creative value whatsoever.
You can't even buy Megaton anymore because of World Tour, that should tell you everything.
None of the review bombers were going to buy it either, hence why they mostly have
The Discord chat wasn't leaked, someone on Resetera actually went through the full chat actively searching for something to raise hell about after seeing that one of the devs called SJWs nuts.
>It's not even a joke or a statement, it has no creative value whatsoever.
it's a reference to friends or modders name's
little easter egg for them
why be outraged at a word? If you relate to being called a fagbag maybe you should stop being a faggot.
Again why does it matter? You seem really intent of getting rid of shit for no reason whatsoever. There's plenty of things that are useless in games but them being there is fine.
Megaton is totally worthless, it is outdone in every way by free sourceports such as eduke32
World tour sucks too
Socialist subversion of our democracy via colleges and universities.
that 3d realms are cucks that want you to play their "remastered" version instead of the simply expanded upon release?
>someone on Resetera actually went through the full chat actively searching for something to raise hell about after seeing that one of the devs called SJWs nuts.
Someone from here actually, an autist who was mad that Shelly wasnt using the 1997 Duke Nukem Forever bimbo design.
Why would it be early access? I thought it just came out?
Dev is not based at all, he defended the censorship and thretened to ban whoever even called it censoring
And why are you so intent on keeping it? Do you think devs should never be able to alter any content at all for any game after release?
Doom has 2 copies of every sound file in the WAD. Youd probably complain if a patch removed the duplicate copies.
They also singled out this post as problematic
I don't know why that user bothered to even defend it. Most of the buyable ports suck.
Alright so you don't even know who owns Duke Nukem nowadays.
>The devs literally said fuck this, everyone should pirate the game.
Remember when developers were not biased politically?
>go eat at a restaurant
>the menu says in full caps "VOTE FOR X. IF YOU VOTE FOR Y, YOU'RE A WEENIE"
nigger I just wanted to eat food, why you have to ruin my mood? It's the same with video games.
>pwning the sjws by review bombing it like sjws
No, he banned people for doing nothing but come to the discord just to shitpost about it
He later went to twitter and told everyone to just pirate the game
Facts are offensive reeeesetera trannies
>3D Realms forced the devs to apologize, remove the Ogay bottle from the game, undergo sensitivity training, and to donate a percentage of funds from the game to a tranny charity or something.
Please tell me this is a lie.
If it's meaningless then the effort to remove it is just wasted time that could be used in adding something else
Ass backwards tranny retard
Its since been deleted
it's pretty easy to ignore if you're truly wishing to "just have fun", user
Its real. So if you played more than 2 hours of the game on steam and cant refund it, you contibuted to child mutilation.
> dev does what we want
>dev does what they want
In both situations, you rob the dev of their artistic ability to make any choice you disagree with.
The pandering nature of games has attracted nothing but crybabies on all sides.
>This caused a revolt amongst the people who were actually going to play the game, resulting in review bombing and refunds.
No the people who planned on playing it did on release. If you check the hours played for the latest reviews, they're all under an hour because they want to leave their political opinion and get a refund.
>"hey guys remember us we made duke nukem so badass, kickass and chew bubble gum, shake it baby yeahhhh"
>takes it up the ass from SJW's and begs them for mercy
the fuck is wrong with the world lately, literally everybody is so fucking sissified and pussified by social justice fuckwads. letting them walk all the fuck over you jesus christ
Search Yea Forums archive for GreenSkeleton or PresidentSkele, he started claiming hed do exactly that just 1 day after release, and has been complaining about Shelly's design on threads since launch day
yeah that's not a call to fuck everything and everyone should pirate the game, faggot
>People using the reviews as a retard soapbox
>They essentially get the "sir this is a mcdonalds" treatment from steam staff
>you see, you have to do nothing at all or you are just like the people you hate
Nah, they deserve something for throwing their developers so far under the bus that they wouldn't be found again.
The devs? Sure. You? No. Which is the issue here. It's their game, if you don't like it fuck off.
>make game with female protag thus ensuring that no male who isn't a colossal faggot will touch it
>at the same time refuse to bow down and worship at the altar of trannyism
It's their own fault. Made a game that appeals only to s0iboys and then insult s0iboy things, what did they think would happen? Who is left to play this game then? The Chad wont touch it, The Virgin got buttmad at the devs and wont touch it, women don't play games in the first place, so that leaves who, TERFs buying it as a statement and parents accidentally buying it for kids? Not a big market.
never ever ever compromise your game to the biggest faggots on the internet, V there will be hell to pay
>bad reviews and piracy = witch hunts and muck raking
Remember to dilate.
If it is irrelevant, why wastig time and resources removing it?
So the troll made Resetera turn on the devs because the devs desexualized the female character?
that looks based to me.
Because a company gives more of a shit about PR and fture sales/work than some retard on their staff making self destructive timebombs in their products.
Dumbass is fucking with their bottom dollar by doing shit like that.
But the devs are the one who chose to remove the out-of-bounds map message.
most likely they would have removed it if they knew about it anyway.
>an edgy game company which made its house on being edgy, forces sensitivity on its staff
Thats a big old "YIKES" from me.
playing this game made me check out duke nukem 3d for the first time and its boring as shit in comparison. fucking boomers
I've pirated the game but haven't played it. Probably never will.
>people that aren't gonna play the game talk shit about it
>people that aren't gonna play the game leave bad reviews on it
There isn't a difference between anti-SJWs and SJWs.
The devs were anti-SJW but pissed off the SJWs. The publisher went full SJW apologist and pissed off anti-SJWs. Now everyone hates their game. All 3D realms had to do was ignore the 5 people on resetera causing a ruckus but they went full retard instead. They dug their own graves. Stop letting the vocal minority bully you into censoring your game post release.
The devs didnt even desexualize it, they had to use the same design from 3drealms earlier game Bombshell
The burden of proof is on you user and if you cant provide the actual screen caps, i cant take you seriouslly.
>the devs are the one who chose to remove the out-of-bounds map message
They didn't have a choice.
>devs made a couple of homophobic jokes
>40%s complain about it
>devs act like faggots and remove it
>people decides to not support a bunch of pussies that censor themselves in order to appeal to non-players
Nothing wrong with this scenario. If you're a spineless faggot, live with the consequences.
Pretty based
Why does it matter to you what the devs decide to spend their free time and resources on?
It's probably a literal 5 minute fix.
Hell, the dev even said he's coming up with a better joke to replace ogay with, not just simply removing it
Two outrage mobs: The trannies that threw a shit fit in the first place and the neckbreads who are throwing a shit fit now.
Both sides are equally niggers
It's not that hard tb h, just search for keywords such as fag, trans, SJW etc. DIscord's search feature is surprisingly robust.
I don't even care about the censoring, I'm more mad they're forcing someone to go to sensitivity training for 'wrongthink'.
We LITERALLY had the magnet link posted for a thread last night, what's your excuse?
Duke had a Y axis
These are the kind of Mongoloids you are dealing with
These culture warriors are the ones ruining the game at this point
>Why does it matter to you what the devs decide to spend their free time and resources on?
Because they did it after a bunch of dilaters complained in a shithole of a website. 40%.
Ok, lazy fucking faggot
All the devs had to do was nothing. They made theor choice and must live with the consequences.
>le enlightened centrist
In a slapfight between two retards, you slap, you don't take the high ground because then you get slapped.
It's insane to me that big companies can basically send you for brainwashing if you have to wrong opinions.
>theyre asking me to cite my sources after making a claim
Unironically kys
Then why is everyone trying to punish them?
Even everyone in the thread is defending that
Why? It's a pretty good game though.
> Get mad when SJWs review bomb a game
You left out the soap joke.
Can someone explain this to me, I have YET to get a straight answer.
If the stuff being removed is so minor then why is it being removed to begin with?
Well he did it anyway, are you gonna keep bitching about it, faggot?
Really the onus is on that user for saying "no thats wrong"
Because people on Reeestra only stay on their own site and would never post their findings. Im calling this as a gay-op false flagging om this.
The thing being removed can't actually be seen in-game and are assets in like the source files or some shit.
Dude, literally nobody on Yea Forums cares about the actual game. It's just some cringey boomercore FPS, "just like in the 90's" lmao who gives a f.
Now the controversy is worth putting your weight behind. They can't keep getting away with this.
Why don't more anons do this to western devs?
Get ResetEra worked up over some minor shit, make the devs cuck out to save face, and laugh.
you belong on pol, politics mean more to you than video games
The OGAY joke was not cut. The fagbag is in the game, but can only be seen with noclip.
The dev said the ogay joke is being removed because he thought it was a bad joke, and is replacing it with a better joke.
We don't know what it is yet because 3drealms banned the devs from the game discord and did all this training punishment and shit, so they probably are going to fuck off and not patch anything at all
the devs are retarded
never apologize for shit to a bunch of idiots on the internet. just tell them to fuck off and cope, you'll keep your integrity and earn the respect you deserve
3d realms is tiny and can't afford to deal with shit like this
Trannies and the red pilled mob think in they are punching up when in reality they are just bullies
wait. are the review bombers trannies or /pol/?
I don't give a shit about the devs. I just find it hilarious both sides are eternally offended and retarded
Reestra was posting shit about this way before the dates shown. Sorry user, you got played.
Is it really so hard to believe that somebody on Yea Forums wouldn't do the same thing just to cause butthurt?
What a newfag
And YES, he is the same autist who keeps shitposting here at Yea Forums with the bait threads, like the ones HATING on RE2R and DMCV, THE SHIPOST STRAVAGANZA against Kingdom Come that he went on to demonize the game because ON SINGLE SHIT that he hated it on media, the Death and banisment of Guild Wars 2 threads on /vg/ and the nigegr responsible for the Boomer meme spam.
And yes, the asshole uses an expensive VPN to IP hop and Evade bans here at 4chins, and he has a LOT of free time to shitpost here all day.
He is the responsible for MANY of the stupid shit that is been pushed here on Yea Forums and other boards for a long time, and the mods cant ban him because he Changes his IP all time.
That's exactly the point, and it's why everyone is mad at them for removing it. It's a bad precedent to let publishers/devs change their game because of a few people's feelings got hurt and that's why a lot of us left legitimate negative reviews and fully refunded the game. Shit like this needs to be stopped so I'd rather not support them than let them pull this shit. It doesn't matter how small the change, I won't support devs who censor their game to appeal to insane people who bully them to try to change it.
No human emotions are more complicated that than. How immature to assume they're black and white.
Im trying to play it on an older machine and it doesn't display anything in opengl mode. Guessing because my GPU is too old. does run fine in software mode. devs please fix
I'm not a turbofag looking for noclip secrets, I just play my games for fun. Still worth it. Fuck /pol/ and self righteous trannies.
There was a couple after the game released from trannies, but the recent big storm that took the game to "mixed" is /pol/, because "any censorship for any reason is immoral" etc
I love watching women shit.
dude literally no one on v cares about games, I'm a zoomer faggot and don't actually play games I just like to spout politics on a video game forum let's crusade and make everything political. you don't belong on v social justice warrior
Sorry I hate people that hate video games and the people who pander to them.
>dates on screencaps are after resetera started posting it.
To be exact, it was $10k, to a suicide hotline, not really tranny mutilation shit.
See The user has also been posting since before then, way back when the early preview beta came out.
>any censorship for any reason is immoral
Absolutely true
almost all /pol/ retards, there are like 3 tranny reviews whinging about the gay shit
you hate video games based on your desire to destroy the potential success of a game over politics
Again, can you back that up or are you upset that im not falling for your dumb shit.
March 2018. You can't fucking read, holy shit
I really don't care about the censorship. The way I see it, the SJWs and anti-SJWs are exactly the same. Both are evil and cancerous. The anti-SJWs are worse and need to stop whining and sending negative reviews. They are the real bad guys here.
>all kinds of innuendos, fat earth, ATMs say "Shake it baby"
>ogay and some out of bounds text are targeted
>only your enemy can do things
One thing that I don't get:
You all liked the game but are shitting on it due to political bullshit that doesn't affect the gameplay at all?
See Check the dates, lazy faggot
i really dont understand what is bad about this?
I see the dates but resetera was on this way before. Just admit you got suckered and stop crying.
>because 3drealms banned the devs from the game discord
That's is absolutely, 100% false. All the devs are still on the discord.
I did and they are after the resetera posts.
Not him but there is an autist that shitposts for every big release and switches once the game comes out. You can find a ton of his videos focus on one game. I think it's Michael something. Someone help me out
What a stupid fucking opinion to have. I bought a product, the devs changed the product I bought due to a few people complaining, and now I'm mad. Stop acting like both sides are equal. People like you who think you're so above it all are so fucking delusional.
I don't hate video games, I hate the fags of the devs and I won't buy a single game of theirs. Sorry I vote with my wallet.
>pic related
Now the onus is on you to prove that.
None of the shit resetera bitched about was in the game until the final release, not the early preview campaign.
if anything spreading their cheeks for these SJW dipshits damaged their PR more than anything else.
>yfw you didnt buy this game
>power over language as well as free speech
That's the whole point of protesting in the first place you stupid nigger. The power for one group of faggots to whine their way to policy change is as much enshrined in the 1st amendment as calling everyone you don't like a nigger/tranny and not needing to watch your language.
Why? You're not a retard, are you? You actually give a shit about it?
>It's actually really fun though
every fucking time
>cant refute so its on you
Typical cunty behavior from random anons on Yea Forums
In this case the anti-SJWs are the one who sunk the game and are probably going to cause every company to never want to work with modders again to avoid this kind of PR disaster
You even admit it when you say the tranny review bombing was inconsequential and thus doesn't merit any response
I can see you have reddit installed on your home screen.
Yes, and if we are against that policy because it goes against our interests, then we will fight back instead of just being trampled on. What the fuck is your point?
>3d realms is tiny and can't afford to deal with shit like this
You literally just ignore it and it never grows out of its stupid little bubble.
S. It's really fun though so definitely pirate the uncut version.
RIp Termix
That's literally what the user he responded to did, though
you decide whether or not to buy video games based on your political agenda
>Sjws review bomb
You mean shill media?
>You even admit it when you say the tranny review bombing was inconsequential
Prove the negative reviews "sunk" the game
No it "literally" isnt you dumb faggot.
Not that user but fuck you for making me go to that cesspit
>Aug 16, 2019
>Being "way before" March, 2018
>"way before"
How does it feel have literally no concept of time?
Here we can see where the trannies left a dent and where the neckbeards rammed the rusty dagger in the back 42 times
>In this case the anti-SJWs are the one who sunk the game
So? You can't expect people to support you when you choose to pander to their enemies.
Wanna know how I know a /pol/tard made that image?
I'm a member on the Duke4 discord and he's still there, stop spreading lies.
>i made you go on Resetera
Mission accomplished
How is a game reviewing at 67% or so "Mixed" on steam help it any?
Now anyone will see the mass negative reviews and go "huh, game is shit"
If 3drealms made the big apology over just a couple of those kind of reviews from trannies, imagine the impact fucking hundreds of them have?
That tweet never existed and it never was deleted.
this should be documented to properly gauge the ratio of oofing basedboys and sweaty neckbeards on the internet
Is accurate as fuck.
Almost as if they're just removing a pair of slurs and haven't changed the actual character of the game at all. If responding to criticism is censorship then developers who patch games after players complain are being censored. Fuck the psychos on retardera and fuck you dumb niggers on Yea Forums, it's hard to put into words just how much I hate this irrelevant worthless culture war, and the slackjawed morons who perpetuate it.
The Duke4 discord isn't the discord for the game, dumbass.
how butthurt are you right now
enemies why? there is no difference between the anti-sjws and the sjws at this point. Please off yourselves together
>Yea Forums caring about fun and rewarding gameplay
u 'aving a giggle?
>Not putting up with game publishers/devs censoring their game due to a few bullies is being a 'neckbeard'.
Not an argument.
>you must literally roll over and accept it or you are just as bad and should kill yourself
Uh huh.
>cherry picking a thread after the date.
Seems as though the dev that put it there should not have fucking done so in the first place, because it puts everyone in an awkward position, be it developer company or publishing company.
Dudes claiming "they" should've kept integrity and not done it have not considered that maybe the majority/rest of the team doesn't agree with that shit, hence why it got changed quickly.
If you have wasted anything longer than an hour pissing your pants over this, you're beyond help. You've probably invested the past ten years screaming about an imaginary boogeyman and have yet to realize none of this shit matters and you're never going to be remembered as some martyr for free speech. You'll at most be recognized to be that weird asshole like that Ian dude currently is.
This is a terrible obsession you've formed and it's time to get out. Forget about these purple hairred roasties and their five guy burgers or whatever trash fire that resetera currently is and will eventually self destruct again. Stop letting them trap you in an endless argument. It's been 10 years.
You said the game is "sunk" due to the reviews now prove that. As of right now you are making a baseless statement
Before they caved in to retardera, the game was at overwhelmingly positive. Now it's down to mixed. It's clear which side makes up a bigger portion of their audience.
>haven't changed the actual character of the game at all
So, no reason at all for removing them then.
Believe what you want but im getting a good chuckle. Thats all that matters to me.
>Fuck the psychos on retardera and fuck you dumb niggers on Yea Forums, it's hard to put into words just how much I hate this irrelevant worthless culture war, and the slackjawed morons who perpetuate it.
Is there a stat for recent refunds? I heard even people past the 2 hour mark were able to get refund.
It is only accurate at describing how /pol/cucks feel about SJWs.
>muh diversity
>produc cuck
>"they're just as bad, those fucking problematic sexist assholes!"
The truth is both /pol/cucks and true SJWs (not just someone who respects other people and is thus a "SJW") are awful, but ironically a lot of us would never hear about SJWs if it wasn't for /pol/ shoving it down our throat every day.
It has nothing to do with /pol/ being racist, sexist or whatever. They are just fucking annoying. Keep that shit to your forum.
>most negative reviews have 0.1 hours of playtime
continue to make desicions based on politics, I will continue to enjoy video games
That is the thread that started it on ResetEra go look yourself. But then again Yes I'm sure you are really excstatic. Really rofling on the floor lmaoing your ass off.
I think the majority of people are mad about the subsequent donation and forced sensitivity training then they are about a couple of gay jokes.
I don't support pozzed devs. Dilate and support them if you want, but I know I won't.
Here's ur PR guy bro
You can get a refund for anything past 2 hours, you just have to ask a human instead of the bot.
>an incel who nypa'd ERA into fucking with a devs
all publishers have to do is ignore those trannys. Giving them any attention brings more unwanted attention to their mentally ill agendas. Just giving them any head way is a good way to lose in sales. They're like what, 1%, if not less of the world's population. These moron execs are going through the whole woke/broke and just ignoring the big elephant in the room, "actual" sale figures.
>continue to make desicions based on politics, I will continue to enjoy video games
They both need something to be outraged over, hilarious how they think they're so different.
anything new happened today?
I am because i keep on getting these (You)s from you.
>if it wasn't for /pol/ shoving it down our throat every day.
Yep, you're a RetardEra poster.
You guys sure are putting facts over feelings on this one. Yup. Totally rational behavior. No extreme political ideologies here. This is just where I go to get my daily fix of video game discussion.
Stop investing time in squabbles like this.
Really, ask yourself how long you've been doing this.
k have another then
>ironically a lot of us would never hear about SJWs if it wasn't for /pol/ shoving it down our throat every day.
That would just mean they'd be warping more of society uncontested.
The fact they can send you for training because you display wrongthink should be fucking worrying.
Like clockwork.
>comes to Yea Forums for video game discussions
Lol wut?
I’ve stopped bathing until they bring back OGay
Why did you click on this specific thread user
politics mean more to you than video games, you don't belong here
They could be changing a single pixel on a wall. If they do it because resetrannies bully them into it, then Im not buying their game.
a wojak isn't an insult or an argument user
I think the thing that pissed me off the most was that before all this happened, there were less than 10 negative reviews left on steam by ResetEra;
For people that actually bought the game, got upset and tried to review bomb it, it was under 10.
They caved, censored the game, and gave 10 grand to a dick clipping charity because of a forum that could only muster up less than 10 negative reviews.
Fucking unbelievable.
It doesn't takes too much time.
>these devs pandered to dilaters? Fine, miss me with that gay shit.
And that's about it.
Just dropping in to say I feel your pain.
games who sell themselves as "old school" is kind of a red flag nowadays
I know, just that it seems to be more common with Ion Fury. Just wondering how much this shitshow affects them where it matters.
Ogay hasnt even been patched out yet
>You guys sure are putting facts over feelings on this one. Yup. Totally rational behavior. No extreme political ideologies here. This is just where I go to get my daily fix of video game discussion.
Im sorry user. I admit i was being a contrarian asshole
fucking boomers, is it so hard to ask for a decent retro game without all the bitchin. no wonder you faggots spend all your days talking about politics more than games
yes it did and yes it was
I remember that thread that guy posted that in. It seemed way too on the nose to be fake, and all this lines up.
If you're in this thread you're a gigantic faggot.
Because you're a baby and it offended you?
They did it because their publisher made them do it.
Damn, what a bunch of fucking cowards.
same faggot behind the Twana watermelon scandal to boot
I hope the little shit ends up with his very own KiwiFarms thread
THIS is what it was about? THIS? holy fucking shit. i have never met anyone who would give a shit about this irl. who are these fucking people?
>>you must literally roll over and accept it
first, fuck off back to redit
second, the trannies have the same thought process when they cancel everything
>What's being downplayed? That's exactly what it is.
You are trying to cover up that the company sent all their staff to sensitivity training and gave 10k to a tranny charity. Faggot.
Pleas tell me thats true.
>posting wojaks
god, what a horrible reply to a great post
I don't have this game or anything but it seems like both sides are wrong and both sides are equally evil here. There is no good side or better side. They are both equal. The ones against the censorship are babies and need to stop throwing temper tantrums because a bottle got edited. Grow up.
I mean overall.
For how long have you been doing this?
>food analogy
Lose weight, fatty.
It's cool. Par for the course. But I swear to GOD if you troll me again by call takesy backsies on that apology I'm GONNA FREAK
If you actually think you're so above it all for staying in the middle and not caring about shit like this then you are a complete fucking loser who lives a sheltered life and doesn't understand how a few loud assholes can completely warp societal trends over the long term. It's the equivalent of one side suddenly being shot at and then having to fight back and then some smug asshole strolls along saying how you're both war-mongering losers who are both just as bad as each other.
>god, what a horrible reply to a great post
Do the people who made Duke and Max Payne even work at 3DR still?
I repeat - it never existed. You can check any public automatic twitter archive. I have access to 2 paid ones that have 99% of the data - there is no such tweet
Stop leying
food analogies are used because everyone eats food
No, because it is biased as fuck and pretends people are either /pol/tards or SJWs with no in between, which only the most delusional of people (i.e. people who screaming "niggers" at black people, but only over the Internet so Tyrone doesn't beat them up while fucking their sister) genuinely believe.
No, 3drealms made that statement, meanwhile the actual dev team Voidpoint is a bunch of modders around the globe who made the game in their spare time. 3drealms probably cant do shit to force them to go to any training.
Did your mom buy that iphone?
>putting their entire staff through sensitivity training
What, seriously? That's somehow the most disgusting part of this whole shitheap, even worse than the $10k donation.
The trannies wanted voidpoint and the game to suffer. They did through you. Good job, you are all tranny proxies.
FACT, this site would be better it this was the captcha everyone had to complete to post
>I don't have this game or anything but it seems like both sides are wrong and both sides are equally evil here. There is no good side or better side. They are both equal. The ones against the censorship are babies and need to stop throwing temper tantrums because a bottle got edited. Grow up.
It's my business. Dilate.
It is, that’s what makes it so sad.
Or you can realize that being this fucking dramatic and hyperbolic about video games is exactly whats killing video games
Literally comparing video games to getting shot and fighting holy shit how worthless is your fucking life
>Those darn /pol/tards!
So you're offended, lol.
The reason is that they are slurs. If you don't know the difference between a crude joke and a slur I don't know what to tell you.
Posts like these are bait posts that are trying to get a rise out of you. Stop responding to them.
based centrist is the voice of reason once again
If being annoyed at people being retarded constitutes being offended, sure, I'm offended.
>You being hyperbolic is ruining video games
Wow, that's the most retarded idea yet.
10 years, man.
Was it worth accomplishing nothing but giving trannies a legit visible target for everyone to see?
Stop appropriating Yea Forums terms you weeb faggots
The difference between a crude joke and a slur is your whiny subjective view point.
>it’s ok to censor something, WHO CARES
Faggot nigger kike.
>what did she mean by this?
>Did your mom buy that iphone?
Last time I checked being associated with smooth and silky skin achieved with OLAY™ products is NOT disparaging and is NOT a slur.
considering the amount of energy he puts into convincing era to be his personal army
hes probably a kiwi himself
>lol this is u!! haha wojak
Why did trolling, baiting, and shitposting become so utterly low effort?
>THIS is what it was about? THIS? holy fucking shit. i have never met anyone who would give a shit about this irl. who are these fucking people?
The company sent all it's staff for sensitivity training over this and also gave 10k to a tranny charity.
>no, to do so would make me an anti-him, and that's just as bad, enlightened people ignore the gun shots
why are people still caving to reeetera when it was found out that theyre just a bunch of smelly pedos?
This guy seems like an actual sociopath who probably shouldn't be out in public. If he's able to mastermind this kind of shit think of what else he could seriously do.
/pol/fags are annoying but nah
And it didn't affect gameplay at all.
I don't give a fuck.
Trannies complained, a game got edited because of it, and it's not the first time. /pol/ never achieved that. 40%.
lmao, transphobes stay mad, die mad
*d-d-dabs on the haters ecks dee*
He said "you being hyperbolic ABOUT VIDEOGAMES". Nice reading comprehension.
>phoneposter doesnt realize his identify can be tracked with the filenames
Imagine buying a game that marketed itself as edgy fps and comparing it to Duke Nukem with it humor and then have the devs bend the knee because someone got offended.
Maybe when you are an adult, you will realise that principles are necesaary so that children like you can grow up in a pleasant world.
You have it backwards. Maybe Yea Forums made it popular but it was an /l/ term first
You rang?
>I tried to share this within the topics concerning Ion Maiden
>but it seems to have been largely ignored
And that's where it should have, and would have ended. IF the publishers weren't part of the clique, and didn't hire former games "journalists" as their PR.
The game would've continued to have a successful launch, until they all decided to throw shit at the fan. And for no reason other than spite.
Fuck off retard. Yea Forums spamming this shit everywhere is what caused its adoption. Yea Forums wanted and deserved this. Also cute and funny > cunny.
All you have to say is "fuck trannies" and go on with your life.
Invertebrates like you don’t deserve to live.
Not even him specifically, the trannies and the poltards review bombing the game
>playing videogames that have a texture altered is akin to being shot
For the players
Yes considering /pol/, /leftypol/ refugees, discord trannies, and gafera pedo soapboxers all belong on /pol/ instead of Yea Forums if they want to shitpost politics at me.
not an argument
You don't understand basic game theory. If a couple losers keep complaining the loudest and get their game "journalist" supporters to write articles about it to make it seem like it's a mainstream opinion, and nobody who disagrees says anything, then it's the only opinion that game companies will care about and they will shape their games around it. This has been happening for years and it only got started because in the beginning everyone just kept quiet and dismissed them as crazies. Since they whined the loudest and nobody cared to refute them, companies started listening to them and everything started getting worse. Ignoring it doesn't make it go away when the people who make the games don't ignore them.
kiwis turn on their own all the time
It's a matter of digging info on him and then making a thread for the rest of the userbase to laugh at
I mean just look at what he does, he openly shilled himself here, peak lolcow if there is one
Nobody is trampling on you. You weirdos are so desperate to be victims and yet this ridiculous shit is the best you can come up with
I dont understand how you think. If nothing is done, the SJWs get what they want. Is that preferable?
Keep crying tranny
>The Trevor Project is a suicide prevention organization for underage faggots that offers guidance and resources to parents and educators so child faggotry can be endorsed in a safespace
>headquarters is in Pedowood
>pedoera seethes at somebody thinking that deciding that your toddler is a tranny is wrong
I don't know about you guys but this really makes me think
Based. Fuck her shit Captain Marvel design.
There is no difference between the two. SJWs and anti-SJWs are literally the same thing.
But now pol is the one crying the loudest, by a hell of a lot
>stop listening to their review bombing and listen to our review bombing!!!!!!!!! also pandering to review bombs is bad!!!!! but listen to us!!!!!
>Yes considering /pol/, /leftypol/ refugees, discord trannies, and gafera pedo soapboxers all belong on /pol/ instead of Yea Forums if they want to shitpost politics at me.
>calls me a tranny
>has an iphone
dont you have a pride parade to attend?
>pedobait captcha
Imagine being so universally despised that every word that describes you is a slur
Imagine trying to bullshit people and getting btfo that hard.
Game theory is about probability, it is you who dont understand basic game theory.
Why are you people so obsessed with trannies? Your lives must be so miserable
t. /leftypol/ cocksucker mad at being named in the post
>le epic strawman comic
I'm sorry that being reasonable is against your anti-SJW ideology.
Absolutely red pilled and true.
Forcing your staff to go to sensitivity training really damages the fact this was marketed as a game with crude/offensive humor.
More seething projection
Well, the something that was done got the apparently impotent sjws exactly what they wanted, the game and devs fucking destroyed.
And yet you're mad that the game was made more accommodating by changing a single texture and removing an out of bounds secret.
Keep clear
It was an actual pedo term used by real pedos before that.
ok so you do that and dont come here to bother us about it
Not him. I know how liberalism works. It's like a cancer, progressive. It can never be satiated and feeds on heretics. That's why you went from decriminalization of sodomy to sex reassignment surgeries.
>tfw /pol/ will NEVER live in my head rent-free and I will NEVER be obsessed with such a board
Feels good.
To any anons suffering from /pol/ophrenia: seek help.
3drealms made that statement, voidpoint (the devs) is not 3drealms staff.
Why is everyone confusing the two? The publishers covering their ass has nothing to do with the devs.
>not understanding how reverse psychology work
do not underestimate how lazy faggots here are
And now that they see that nothing at all was bad until they gave into the trannies bullying them, they and other devs/publishers won't act so retarded in the future.
I wish whoever popularized this shitty wojack template died a slow, painful, agonizing death.
I wouldn’t know, I’m not a real pedo
Join the 40% after that, desu
Look, I dislike SJWs and all that but anti-SJWs really need to stop whining over a fucking can. Let it go. It's a fucking can. All they do is whine and start shit and are more annoying than SJWs now
It's not anons, it's Steam's normies. Yes, you are so hated that even normies prefer to set aside a game when they find out that the company that made it aligned with you guys.
You people sound legitimately mentally ill. Dont you wonder why you've lost the culture war so badly? Normal people are disgusted by your beliefs and screaming about homos only creates more support for them. You cant win
The pot calling the kettle black.
Yeah that sounds like Yea Forums alright
Youre an idiot if you think theyll see that, publishers and companies will now just think it isn't worth it to collaborate with modding communities or try to make 90s-esque shooters anymore to avoid their angry fanbase.
Right or not, it's what they will think.
They said they are removing crude jokes like the ogay one.
No company ever folds to you loonies. If anything it will just make more publishers vocal about telling weird incels to fuck off
>seniding your staff to sensitivity training
Indeed they sent a statement, just not the one they were hoping for.
>You cant win
This is true tho. American countries were founded in liberal principles.
>Look, I dislike SJWs and all that but anti-SJWs really need to stop whining over a fucking can. Let it go. It's a fucking can. All they do is whine and start shit and are more annoying than SJWs now
This needs to be remade for trannies
im tell you to not talk about it here and simply not play it as we dnt give a fuck and your threads clog valuable board space
Are you retarded?
Did you read the statement? They are forcing Voidpoint to undergo that shit
This. I mean all /pol/ shit aside, its a fucking build engine game that wants 25 dollars. I dont care how much love, attention to detail, etc went into it, its still a build engine game.
Nobodys gonna buy my finger paintings for 100 bucks even if it looked like the mona lisa
"If I plug my ears and close my eyes it will never affect me! LALALALA I CAN'T HEAR ANYTHING"
Game looked like shit, no idea why anyone cares in the first place.
You have to stack some blue things and jump on them.
Trannies on Yea Forums are just /pol/niggers falseflagging as trannies
>or try to make 90s-esque shooters anymore
Good riddance, fuck all these lazy dime a dozen boomer shooters
I can't wait for the day that brainless wojak posters are banned on sight
You mean "this needs to be remade for people complaining about trannies", for sure.
These people are delusional narcissists with insane victim complexes. Gamer incels are incapable of reflection or recognizing how embarrassing and alienating their own behavior is, which is why they always end up losing any cultural fight they start. Nobody wants to side with these weird pedophiles
Voidpoint is not a company. It is a bunch of duke3d modders around the globe. They dont have an office, they worked on forums and Discord. They made the game on their free time outside of their regular dayjobs. 3drealms has no power to send them to sensitivity training because the game was made under contact, not over ownership or employment of the dev team.
>he thinks this is normal
Trannies are real and they are becoming the new /pol/
>only one group of retards exist
pls stop larping in the culture war user
Fuck off faggot. I guess removing and covering up boobs don’t hurt the gameplay either right cuck?
I don't want to because it's pretty sad what happened to this game and there's nobody to blame but the publisher.
>I can't wait for the day that brainless wojak posters are banned on sight
since nypafags cant convince people here to do anything at all
i guess the next best move is to make resetera your army with a little bit of subterfuge
If only those hurt advertisers...
Trannies are real but how often do you actually see people on Yea Forums saying "I'm a tranny"? That's right, almost never, on Yea Forums at least.
And yet, every thread
>kys tranny
>you will never be a woman
And so on.
Reminder that tranny discords are raiding this thread. Don't let them convince you that some of the weird posts here are organic.
It doesn't matter they said they are going.
It's not Jurassic Park Trespasser, you can't see anything when you look down.
The actual trannies are stuck in endless circlejerk threads on lgbt, and they're just as much of annoying caddy screeching fags as everyone else in this heap.
They have the neoliberal ruling class on their side. They will make it normal.
3drealms said they are sending their staff to sensitivity training, their staff does not include voidpoint.
Nobody at voidpoint is employed by 3drealms.
>Trannies are real but how often do you actually see people on Yea Forums saying "I'm a tranny"?
About as often as I see someone say "I am /pol/"
How long is this game without focusing too much on secrets?
PSA: please also check under your bed for tranny discord raiders
they are not be joked around and they are very real!
>you can't see anything when you look down.
Really? What a piece of shit game. No wonder trannies latched onto it.
Good, better than bowing to censorship
>all of the retards raging about this that weren't going to buy the game in the first place and only care for it as ammo in left vs right horseshit
Are you trying to say that every tranny hate thread and weird obsessive /pol/behavior is actually an organized tranny discord raid?
There's a literal fucking board completely for them. There's a ton of crossposters on Yea Forums from /lgbt/. Hell, have you ever watched GamesDoneQuick. Trannies mostly consist of socially rejected men who got lost along the way and think being a girl will be a better easier life than the difficulties that come with being a guy. There's a huge overlap of that group with people who play video games.
Fuck off faggot. The retards in the wrong were the censoring faggots and the Steam reviews agree.
remember that tranny rally where they marched with torches chanting jews will not replace us and then ran someone over with car later that day?
Skelefaggot detected. Also bolt on fake tits are trash tier.
You don't need to browse /pol/ to be /pol/.
Are you racist? Sexist? Constantly complain about SJWs for no reason? Extremely obnoxious at all of the above? Congratulations, you are /pol/.
Still the longest Build engine game
I just played to the third level. the maps are kind of confusing but Im enjoying it
if the devs is making the changes willingly, its not censorship
if the publisher is pushing them, then it is censorship
>we poster
If you start with we/us then your post can immediately be discarded.
Speak for yourself and yourself only.
Confusing principles and standards for prudeness is something a true degenerate does.
Isn’t it obvious? Nobody on /pol/ cares about trannies. It’s just trannies trying to grab as much attention as possible.
The truth is, nobody likes the things they consume to be censored, they just want the other guy censored instead. The people celebrating the removal of a fucking soap bottle with the word "gay" on it are the same people that would fucking cry their eyes out if a gay character was removed from a video game.
Either start killing one another or get a grip.
I don't give a shit about the culture war, I DO care when games get censored because of people whining, no matter how little the change. It makes me lose respect for the creator so I refunded it. Yes, I know it's the publisher that made the decision but that's how it goes.
Altering their content in any way due to outside pressure is censorship
>Moving forward, Voidpoint will institute a zero-tolerance policy for this type of language and all employees and contractors will undergo mandatory sensitivity training.
This is how bad things are for you when you try this semantic. Even if it was 3drealms staff it would still be wrong making your semantic attempt pointless.
There's nothing wrong with tits though? Don't misunderstand me user, removing slurs in a videogame that was never suggested to have slurs is worlds apart from getting rid of tits in a game like Dead or Alive where the tits are part of the package that you are sold. Sex negative faggots have done more damage to left-wing causes than any other group because their moral puritanism alienates normal people.
*Also SJWs and people who rant about politics unwarranted
**Also including people who vehemently whine about /pol/ everywhere they go
The point is how can you tell the person arguing with you at any given time is a tranny? Short of the few people who actually say "I'm a tranny" (usually accompanied with "and I hate trannies"), you really can't.
The closest thing is people complaining about gamers, a.k.a. jizzheads, and even then it's a legitimate argument against Yea Forums being shit up with waifu threads 24/7 when there are dedicated boards for that shit.
No but I have seen trannie pride parades. Dunno what your point is here?
So /pol/ has now morphed into some catch all bogeyman term?
that's a hard (You)
Trannies like to cry wolf and falseflag if you didn't know this already
Their the ones who started this whole thing to begin with though
he's right though
Im gonna wait and see what the devs do first before judging. If they did something like change "Ogay" to "Ugay" just so they can say they "altered the offending content" that would be fucking hilarious
only one of those advocates genocide