Meanwhile in Iwatodai Dorm Yea Forums

Meanwhile in Iwatodai Dorm Yea Forums...

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Other urls found in this thread:


>come home, no one in the lounge to greet me
>everyone in their rooms fapping

>Screaming coming from bathroom
>Open door

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This looks pretty good. Would play


Welcome back.


Where have you been?

>FeMC can romance Ken

i call dibs on akihiko tonight

Would play the shit out of a remake. P4/5 fags are too hard on this game. They need pretty graphics to appreciate it

>tfw we'll never get a P3P remaster

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So who do you guys think is the hottest girl at school?

You now remember that due to Fusion Spells, the MC can summon two Personas at once.

FeMC duh.

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Does Crit Up High gear effects stack?

Wish there was more team synergy aside from AOAs and that stupid occasional 'let me steal your turn, please' prompts in P4.
Liked the fatal blow blocking proc, but your teammate withstanding said fatal blows was too OP honestly.
Having a fusion spell that scales with your social link progression or is unlocked by completing a social link would be nice.
When they ask you to steal your turn after knocking down an enemy, instead do a combo attack with them.
Was thinking maybe stack elemental attacks like both casting ziodyne when one casts it, but even if they forfeited their turn to use their turn in the attack it would still be too strong.

Battles aside, if they remade P3 I'd want them to redesign their sets so they can have more anything. OP pic is a good example of how there were large areas with nothing in them, much like the empty corridors of Tartarus, except one place is supposed to be the spooky fortress separated from space and time and the other is where you live and breathe!
It looked pretty good on the PS2, but frankly it's not good enough to just add bloom and bigger textures.
The velvet room needs some serious QoL stuff that 4 didn't do and I haven't heard of 5 doing either. Simple things like dismissing Personas INSIDE the velvet room so you don't have to leave just to make room for a fusion would make the Persona creating process much more enjoyable.
Would be drastically different, but what if you could just pull persona right from the compendium for fusion? Along with the standard forward search on fusion where you see what the materials can be combined into, add a menu where you can reverse search ways to create Persona you have already encountered using Personas you have in your compendium. To be useful this could be supported by a system where the game gives you recipe hints ingame either by dialogue with the attendants like the cooking recipes in P4, item loot, or maybe using your study/library time to do your own research.

Who the fuck swapped the evoker for an actual gun?

Ikutsuki. Who else?

Here's an idea, open Power Records and have the store sell soundtracks that Fuuka can play while you're in Tartarus, and each soundtrack also comes with a small section of lyrics that hints at specific fusions recipes.

is this a real mod or just concept art?


>No enemies on this floor

Please flush after you poop thank you.

how do i flush yukari's pillow

Too bad all the characters are lifeless. Except Junpei and Aigis.


Don't be mean to Yukari

I love Fuuka!

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looks like someone took P3Dan models and put them in blender or some shit.

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>Mitsuru's apparently forcing people to attend fucking summer school
What a bitch.

I thought those blood curdling screams were shadows.

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That's the Lovers arcana shadows. Fuckin' raunchy slimes.

Wait so that brazillian farting was a shadow?

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Was, imperative word. Mitsuru killed it pretty quickly.

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Which is better / has more content? FES or Portable

That's not fair. JAVs don't scream THAT loud, do they?

FES easilly

FES has full 3D explorable environments. P3P trades them in for essentially visual novel lifesim segments.

the fact that we haven't gotten a ps4/pc remake of P3 with FeMC is a travesty. The best Persona game just sitting there, withering away

>Only greet someone if they greet me first.
>Go straight to room.
>Sit at computer until late night.
>Go to bed.
Ahh, why can't we get an HD remaster of this already.


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Toriumi is ERPing with her students again.

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Guys stop getting cum on Aigis, it’s bad for her circuitry

>Give Maid Outfit (Y) to Yukari
>Yukari: "....."
>Yukari: "I can't believe you're ordering me to wear this..."
>Yukari: (Angry) "You've really let this whole 'leader' thing go to your head, you know that?"
>Yukari: "....."
>Yukari: (Blushes) "Fine... I'll wear it. Hope you're happy..."

>Gunshots popping off from above
>Followed by the sounds of furious persona fucking


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Better do it before the dark hour bro. Wouldn't want your mac to be sitting there until the power comes back on.

Imagine tartarus raids with Yea Forums

I'll make it using my Persona during the dark hour

I knew it was fake when I saw Femc not being in the garbage.

You mean oyakodon with miso soup and coleslaw on the side?

>*climbing through the vents over the girls rooms*

FES. Don't fall for the P3P meme.

Imagine being so fucking retarded to like lifeless 3d static scenes and shitty gameplay over well balanced polished to the end game such as P3P

(Anyway P3 sucks)

This must be the ultimate version of Persona 3 with changes to make the gameplay enjoyable that Atlus is definitely making.

It's going to be the next main game release, for sure. After Royal obviously.

>Fused Thanatos
>Came with Die for Me!
>And Mudo
Please, Thanatos. You only needed Die for Me!. Everything else is worthless save for Mahamaon.

Gameplay is the thing that you suffer through to enjoy Persona games.

>fusing thanatos
That right there was your first mistake



>Not fusing the coolest Persona
Fuck outta here

Have you tried turning her off and on?


I thought the gameplay was better than P5s despite being a lot grindier. I can't think of a single battle in P5 that was challenging.


that was so cute

>Just reach your hand bro into a robot underneath your bed
Hell no, the last sucker that had her under his bed lost fingers that way!


delicious robot pussy


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They'd remake 1 and 2 before doing anything more than an hd port of 3.

I'm watching all of you in the camera room.

Smiley and bubbly, hiding despair.
Her brother just expresses the same through apathy and indifference.

>that one user who happens to have Mara as his Persona
>proceed to make dick jokes throughout the raid

>tfw you want to fuck FeMc but the developers removed your route and ending from the game

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She's still canon because of Persona Q2. Just a parallel timeline.

sauce pls

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It was actually a reference to how Junpei was supposed to have a route, and even has an ending that was cut from the game. like how they cut Yosuke's gay as ending from P4

Not gonna lie, that pic is kinda cute

a canon SLUT

Why do people keep talking about this shit? This game isn't even as remotely interesting as 1 and 2.

Go make a Persona 1 or 2 thread then.

when does this happen in the game?

isn't this game's overworld all some lazy top down clicker shit?

I do, but nobody replies.

Delete this Junpei is only for Best Girl you slut

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It isn't real, just a work of some random FeMCfag from Twitter

Then it seems that your game is not nearly as popular as you think it is. Keep trying until you find likeminded people, and stay out of unrelated Persona threads.

It just fucking pisses me off that people are discussing this game over and over despite it coming out more than 10 years ago. What does this game have that Persona 2 doesn't?

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All Persona 1 and 2 threads are fucking SMT threads. Fuck that shit, 1 and 2 are the ORIGINAL persona games not this weeb crap.

SMT is dead and Persona killed it

So go make a Persona 1 or 2 thread and discuss it there.

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No one fucking cares take the hint and shut the fuck up.

I'm discussing it here, fuck Persona 3.

I just know Yukari will go out with me if I drink a few dozen more cups of coffee

>not this weeb crap.

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Fuuka is getting gangbanged in the toilet again, business as usual.

Coffee is inefficient. Go eat ramen and do photoshoots at the arcade instead. Same with studying, it's only worthwhile on the weekend. Otherwise eat brainfood and play quiz games at the arcade.

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The dyke that's always lusting after Mitsuru

I wonder why

>the hot girl from your dorm becomes a character from your favorite show

Imagine what that would do to your dick. I'm surprised Ken is still alive as of Arena.

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Fuuka loves COCK

>its a persona 1 chads dab on femmc persona 3 thread

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I wonder...does she have any weaknesses?

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She's a fucking terrible navigator and her voice through the comlink is shrill as hell. Fuuka is worlds better because her voice isn't grating to my ears, and she doesn't tell me the obvious ALL the time.

P1fags are the true chads. It's the P2fags that are the literal EVAfags of the fandom.

>playing dub and not the original where her voice is sex in aural form

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Persona 3 wasn't balanced around direct commands. They break the game.

Hey. Fuuka has some men visiting her room, don't go inside.

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>She's a fucking terrible navigator and her voice through the comlink is shrill as hell.

Fucking duh, she is meant to fight, her persona isn't for navigating
Fuuka is a fucking piece of shit who gives the most useless advice on battle. Also, her persona is meant for navigating yet she can't even locate the exact floor where the boss is.

Only girls wear earrings. Now THIS is what a real man looks like.

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>Fuuka is a fucking piece of shit who gives the most useless advice on battle.
The only advice I need in battle is to see the enemy's weaknesses, and for my navigator to not be annoying. The field leader is used to combat, and it took far longer for Fuuka to get to the point where she can't discern boss floors until you're close than Mitsuru did, and Mitsuru also relied on her complicated equipment to do that too.

You asked for weaknesses, there's a weakness.

Chidori was top cute

Shinji was best boy. Prove me wrong.

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Koromaru exists

Portable but I'm biased because I'm a woman. The expanded social ranks for the different characters made it feel more fulfilling. If you're a man you'll probably prefer the content of FES (although to be fair it isnt that great - Aigis fans will get the most out of it I imagine).


>the hot girl from your dorm becomes a character from your favorite show

That would kill it. i know a few people who are becoming famous and it's creating this weird dark feeling in me.


Koromaru's too intelligent, He wouldn't want shit to do with the filthy girls in his dorm.

The only person besides a robot who's allowed to touch him is ken-kun

But Koromaru is a dog.

And Shinji.

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I can't

Yes he is

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who is this semen demon, she cute

user, I...

An elementary school kid who decided that murder-suicide was the best answer.

...whatever. gimme the name of this salami tsunami

im down with this


theres a lot of kens. what game is he from?


it's almost like this thread is about a specific game or something

Should I play P3P? Yes, I've played FES

Why can FeMC romance Ken but MaleMC can't romance Maiko?

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Street Fighter, the shit one.

I'm hiding under Fuuka's bed listening to her masturbate

If you want to see the girl MC stab shit, then sure. You can do the reverse in the hot springs and find the boys hiding, or ignore them. You can even take pity on them after Mitsuru executes them.

What are you talking about? You and mako are engaged.

The one with glasses or the delicious brown

>Fuuka's video
>Mitsuru hearing what's going on in the room and just sort of awkwardly walking away while Fuuka tries and fails to explain

>Wouldn't want your mac to be sitting there until the power comes back on.
I've always liked to think about the implications the Dark Hour Power Outages have.

>Man, I can't believe that grandma had the potential! Too bad it took her life support dying during the Dark Hour for us to find out.

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Haha who do you think has the stinkiest poops out of the female cast?

Man this takes me back.

>coolest Persona
>not Jack Frost

I'll hee ho to that


>Fuuka is worlds better because her voice isn't grating to my ears, and she doesn't tell me the obvious ALL the time.
This is the exact opposite of what Fuuka is like.

Junpei was the best.

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lame, so its from this stupid weeb thing. i looked up, theres 1 ( one ) doujin with that character. great. another dead end.

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>fuuka doesn't tell me the obvious all the time

You really are an idiot, aren't you? Why did you even open this thread?

Weirdly enough that doesn't seem to happen to me every time a knocked down shadow recovers. It almost always did when Mitsuru was navigator though.

Where do you think you are, retard?

Selective memory

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>Remaking 1 and 2
Never ever. 3 was the first game to implement the life sim and thats what mainstream fans like about persona.

Man, this chick looks like she's going to be a hottie when she grows up

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The thing that annoys me about this is that the life sim portion has become less interesting with each successive entry. Time management is the entire point of that sort of game design. Giving the player so much time that every can be easily maxed out with time to spare robs the decisions made during the life sim segments of much of their weight and makes it feel a lot more boring to me, like I'm just going through the motions to see the content rather than actually thinking about how to portion out each day/night cycle.

Nobody wants that though. P3P is fan fiction cancer, everyone wants a FES remake

I hope she keeps her short hair

I just want platonic options for the girls' social links. I'd like to do them, but I'm not fond of romancing every single girl if I want Orpheus Telos. There are other meaningful bonds I can make, Igor.

You can do that in every other persona game, just door-kun uses pussy to fill the hole his parents left.

Yes but like
I want one girl. One. Not all of them.

The joke tabs really make your post great.

Fire, probably.

The adult slinks of Tanaka and Monk were tight as fuck.
Also Liz's dates.

it bugs me how much of a pain it is to get the tab to actually say ebaums world and not just "the greatest fr-"

To be honest, the fact that after all this time nobody has hacked Femc into FES with all her content shows how inept and undedicated the Persona fanbase is.

I'm proud to see that there are still anons keeping the old ways alive.

Do it yourself then, or do you just lack the dedication?

I don't like Persona 3.

It's a shame how the other attendants haven't been able to come anywhere close to Elizabeth.

You'd have to overhaul practically everything in the game, including lots of non-animated scenes that would suddenly need animation and modeling.

Then shut the fuck up, nobody asked you.

All the events are different, you have any idea how much work that would be? Unless you're talking about just switching the model.

I liked the lolis fine, but having their social slink be a fusion tutorial in a game with selective inheritance didn't do them much favour.
Maybe taking them out in R will help.

>you have any idea how much work that would be?
How long has this game been out?

The lolis come uncomfortably close tho

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>why don't the fans just remake the game from the ground up?

Goddamn I love Persona 3.
I wish I could find something that makes me feel the same way as I felt the first time I played through it.

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i know that feeling man. nothing has ever come close.

Man that final Boss battle was so intense the first time playing it. I wish I could feel it again.

lolis are crippled by what they tried to pull with Igor, their "caretaking" dynamic also prevents them from being fun for much of their slink.

>Fusing Thanatos with a Nihil weapon doesn't give you his cleaver
Missed opportunity there. I'll take my Mother Rapier, I guess.

The only thing I've found in my 10+ year search that was even remotely close was Evangelion. After all, P3 takes a lot of it's plot devices right out of Eva, and the two share near identical messages.
However, the two are very distinct from each other in how they construct said message, and Eva also lacks the edgy 00s aesthetic, so it failed to hit exactly what I was looking for. Still love it equally to P3, though.

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I liked that one

Imagine the hot springs scenes, except Ryoji is in his Death appearance, but nobody notices.

Lurk for a greater period of time.

Been searching all along.

Remaster. Do not change anything. Do not appease P5babbies.

That Shrinefox guy did some P3 shit in the P5 engine as a sort of proof of concept, and inadvertently showed me why I don't want Atlus to do that.

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I want to tongue mitsuru's asshole

It's okay when it's Japan and a woman does it. After all, she'll be waiting for him to grow up, right?
Although he DOES end up being a hottie in Persona 4 Arena Ultimax.

>It's okay when it's Japan and a woman does it.
duh, didn't you play p5?

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Not like p4 has radically better graphics.

Cakes were good and I want to see more of them.

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Older women need anal sex.

Ok bend over

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I have no idea why everyone hates ohya, she's like top 3 best women.

I do too, but honestly i really hope p6 takes place in a college. It's hard getting excited about dating older women when you're like 2-3 years older than them. Takemi's like the only one who's older than 30 isn't she?

Chihaya is an idiot.

Portable obviously has more content with the entire female protagonist route. The Answer is meaningless garbage so it's no great loss.

She's a cute country bumpkin

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I know isn't that cute? plus she likes you more than anyother girl in the game. she even mentions liking you before social link 8

I don't understand you people, but if that doesn't bother you then more power to you.
Her voice is SHIT. Shiiiiiiit.

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I want to rawdog this cutie in an alleyway and then take her home for food and cuddles

I like her design, but disliked the personality

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No tard, the reverse. As in older women getting need to get their buttholes pounded.

Why would they want that? they don't have their erogenous zone in their butt like boys do

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Sounds more like you need to get your butthole plugged for good.

>I do too, but honestly i really hope p6 takes place in a college
It'll never happen but I'd love to see a persona game with a main cast of adults like Catherine had.

Wrong. Older women who's parents hassle them for grandkids deserve extreme vagina sex without condoms for the sake of procreation.

See, I liked her because she's the type of person I'd date irl.


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>being a needy bitch
No wonder all your S.Links are Rank 1.

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>They need pretty graphics to appreciate it
>P4 looks the exact same

Based Fuuka poster strikes again

user don't do it

I didn't particularly like her but she looks just like one of my favorite vidya girls so it's hard to resist her.

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She's the only woman in the game who would realistically date a 17 year old.

Everything about her is realistic she has actual problems and in the end her problems aren't magically solved by you either.

I-no's in the wrong game.

I-No is a witch, she can go wherever she wants.

I'll believe it when I see it.

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I have want to be that boy

You and most of the male people on this site

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Oh yeah remember there was a new girl? That sure got forgotten fast.

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New P5 girl is shit. P5 needs enough fixes that they shouldn't have bothered expanding the cast even more. I mean for fuck's sake Haru barely even gets to be a character.

You don't need to tell us user. Basically every that isn't a c*mbrain addled waifufag knows that P5R is going to be awful.

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He wasn’t a boy he was da man

if you're the artist, I love seeing your art in half the ygo discords I'm on

why is Shinjiro so cool?

>not using the literal semen demon persona

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but i do

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>FeMC can't romance females

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FES if you REALLY REALLY NEED to walk around a 3D high school
Portable otherwise

I thought Die for Me! was Alice-exclusive?

Seethe some more. If the gameplay and QoL upgrades from 5 to Royal are as good as 4 to Golden it will be RPG of the decade (2020s).

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You're the one crying over some people not liking your newest fapbait.





>bring up gameplay
>accused of waifufaggotry


I'm not hyped for Kasumi, I'm hyped for new Tokyo areas, new dungeons/dungeon mechanics etc etc

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Portable. no 3D and no animated cutscenes but in exchange you get FeMC route which has far superior social links and events.
also I like FeMC more than MC.

Make sure to pay the full $60 for that glorified expansion pack. I'm sure all those totally original new scenes with your favourite waifu will be worth it. And what amazing additions to P5's gameplay are they adding? Porting more mechanics over from SMT/P1-2? More flashy animations that take 10 seconds? More horrifically overdesigned Personas? And you better be excited for the new fapbait because all the nice new content will be locked behind her route just like Marie in P4G.
>I-I don't care about waifus, I only posted a waifufaggotry image and praised P4G because I like the gameplay!

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yeah, "if" is the keyword - and considering they haven't teased many changes I doubt we'll see a lot of improvements
I played P5 three times, loved it to death, but I don't think I'll be getting Royal - maybe in two or three years.

holy based those fucking tabs

P3 = P5 > P2 > P1 > P4

Adachi was nowhere near on the level of Kira, that's why it fucking sucked shit.

Da man has an iron will.

i like p4 because it's comfy and has my favorite waifus

Aegis and Elizabeth aren't females? There's even yuri undertones with Mitsuru.

You're embarassing the rest of us P3fags. Just stop posting.

I'm not, but I know them!

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Who’s kira?

My name is Yoshikage Kira. I’m 33 years old. My home is in the upscale neighborhood of northeast Morioh. I am currently a bachelor. I work for the Kameyu Market regional management office. Everyday I work late and don’t get home until 8 PM. I don’t smoke. I only drink occasionally.

I’m always in bed by 11 PM so i can get a full 8 hours of sleep. Before I sleep I drink a warm glass of milk, and do my stretching exercises for about 20 minutes. That way I fall asleep quickly and sleep soundly until morning. Every morning I wake up refreshed and stress free, like a baby. During my yearly check ups, my doctor always says everything’s perfect.

I was just explaining what I do to go about my life quietly with a calm heart. If you keep worrying about winning or losing, it’ll just stick in your mind and you’ll be troubled. You won’t be able to sleep at night if you’re worrying about your enemies. My attitude towards society as a whole has made me a very content person. But if anyone stands in my way... I won’t lose.

It's not going to fix story and writing issues.

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>33yr old bachelor in Japan

That alone should have told everyone that something was wrong with him.

I like P5, user, I just see no reason to get P5R. They've said they aren't changing the vanilla story so the narrative problems won't be fixed and they're just pulling another P4G by randomly introducing a new character that will likely be narrativly significant (Marie being Izanami, Kasumi being dressed like Joker). Except this time it looks to be worse, just look at how much space she takes up on the front cover. The only things I care about are, ironically, the waifu scenes with some of the characters I liked(Ohya, Chihiya, Kawakami). I liked P5 a lot, but not enough to spend 100 hours grinding through it again just to look at ~10 minutes of scenes I can find on YouTube.

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Fuuka has no particular fondness for farm animals!

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How do you think Fuuka would react to walking in on you having sex with another girl?
Fuuka would become extremely embarrassed and run away with tears in her eyes, stumbling out of the house. After a few hours she'd come back inside, her eyes red and swollen with tears. She'd never mention the incident again but would always knock before entering. If you said that you were busy she'd patiently wait outside for you to finish, tears welling up in her eyes.
I love you Fuukaposters

>not inviting her for a threesome
Beta as fuck.

>After a few hours she'd come back inside, her eyes red and swollen with tears...
And I'm still giving Mitsuru the buisness in the main room.

I doubt she would like that. Though Rise would be up for that

Rise would become angry that she wasn't invited and would quickly slip out of her clothes and attempt to join you. She'd fit right into a threesome and would enjoy it greatly. After the threesome ends and the other girl leaves, she'd tell you that you two should do this more often, just as long as you love her the most and she's invited first.

Fuuka deserves love and happiness! Not pain and sadness.

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It's funny cause he's dead and in her imagination.

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Fuuka would be too shy for a threesome, but she'd use her Persona powers to spy on you and get off to her voyeurism.

more you beautiful bastard, show that worthless bitch what for

Saying such terrible things about Fuuka is not right! She is an angel that deserves love and respect!
She has done nothing to merit any of these cruel insults and lies!

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The bitch is essentually a HUD she's fucking worthles.

This is why nobody likes you, /pg/.

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What if your balls get pinched on her legs though?

Fuuka is not a bitch! And she is very important to the team!
Without her you wouldn't be able to track full moom shadows or read enemy weaknesses!
Without her, Yukari would have never found her father's real recording!
She is important to the team! SEES would be much worse without her!

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>tfw no comfy dorm to go home to after a busy day and have someone greet me at the door

If I just had this I would be a happy man. I'm serious

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Without her, I'd just use a fucking calender and notepad. She just watches me attack shit and tries to remember it. Yukari is the only slut more worthless than fuuka, and right when you think she'd learn a lesson to shut the fuck up, fuuka comes with that recording.

She's lazy and doesn't ever work so her meat would be tender like veal.

I just noticed Iwatodai sounds like I want to die.

Reminder that Fuuka is canonically a pedophile!

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Alright here's some cute
Fuuka would sleep in your embrace. Her small physique would allow you to practically envelop her with your arms, and she'd be the perfect little spoon. Even though you'd move around inadvertently in the night, you'd still keep your grasp on Fuuka throughout the entire night, tenderly hugging her even unconsciously. In the morning, you'd wake up before she does and quietly disengage your hug, stepping out of the room to make breakfast for her. Fuuka would wear a silk nightie to bed.

But you wouldn't know where it is!
Port Island is a big city! And you only have one hour to work with!
Fuuka helps you know where they are so you can beat them quick and easily!

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Fuuka only thinks of Ken like a little brother, nothing more!

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Mitsuru built a huge fucking room filled with machines that can tell where they are. That self important bitch doesn't need to say anything, but she just LOOOOOVES attention.

>the difficulty of communication

autistic confirmed

I think you're just making stuff up now user!
Mitsuru didn't build anything, if you're talking about the command room that is only to monitor the dormitory. Mitsuru needed to use a small device to help her find a shadow in the train station, which is extremely close to the dorm!
She said multiple times that her power to track shadows was weak, and even when you go rescue Fuuka you have trouble communicating with Mitsuru because her power isn't strong enough to reach you that high up, but Fuuka can talk to you all the way to the top with no problem!

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It saddens me so much to see all these mean comments directed at Fuuka when she's done nothing to deserve any of it.
I am glad she's not here to see it.

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I need Persona 3 and 4 for PS4.

enjoy this way too long and very detailed description of kissing fuuka

Fuuka would kiss in a very tentative and slow manner. Even the notion of something so suggestive and lewd would cause her to blush bright red and stammer out some half-baked excuse. You'd have to have personal, heart to heart talks with her before she'd tentatively agree. She would be almost inordinately submissive, and she'd make no moves of her own; simply waiting for you to do your thing. Her lips would part willingly under your own, and even going deeper inside her mouth would elicit nothing more than a light gasp from her. She'd stiffly move her lips against yours as you kiss her, but it'd be a halfhearted effort at best. Eventually, after her lips and mouth had already been moistened and prepared by your own, she would start to kiss back more earnestly, running her tongue along the rim of your lips and attempting to pry them open with her own.

Childhood is identifying with the depressed P3 MC
Adulthood is harnessing that energy and realizing Adachi did nothing wrong

You'd pull back and lightly peck her lips repeatedly until even she was hot and bothered, then eagerly go back in, kissing deeply and suddenly. You'd receive nothing more than a satisfied sigh from Fuuka as you kiss her deeply; a sign that you're doing well. When the kiss is finally broken, there would be no odd noise, no weird sensation, but a smooth release. You would look down and see a smiling Fuuka.

Disgusting. You're gonna catch something from her.

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Its not rude to be cautious around the town bicycle.

but that's yukari

One day, we will save her

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>Elizabeth is doing everything she can to get door-kun back
>Door-chan's just gonna rot there forever though.

Weak to anal sex, she just can't resist it…

user, in her timeline either Elizabeth or Theo will be doing the same. How have you not realised it?

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i bet theodore is trying his best to rescue door-chan

So what does The Universe do apart from turning the user into a door?

Thats the thing. Theo wouldn't. Elizabeth is well know for fucking off and doing her own thing, but theo is too beta to do so. The end of everything is barely enough of an excuse to dissuade her, but theos so fucking beta that the second he finds out it's a bad idea he'll just give up and spend the rest of his life drawing anime pictures of themselves together.

It locks Nyx away from Erebus and lets the user tank some hits and fly. That's all we've seen.

Imagine becoming a door for Nyx when you can just cage Erebus instead, lol what a dumbass emo

>Spends the entirety of Arena Untimax fulfilling Elizabeth's dumb request knowing full well it's a bad idea and won't amount to anything
>Classic SMT lineup of Personas in his optional boss fight
If the beta Morgana who is a last minute creation by Igor was able to take out the demiurge, what's to say Theodore, who more than likely had a longer time of creation, wouldn't be able to save his love

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Well I have it on my Thanatos soooo

Only in P3P

Makes me so mad you can't get it on thanatos in p5

I hope they'll remake P3 at some point. Having FeMC route would be a nice bonus too. I really enjoyed her social links.

Town bicycle is literally the opposite of Yukari
She hated her mother for being one

Portable has better dungeoncrawling/combat and more social link options/replayability due to FemC, but loses 3d roaming in SoL segments
dungeon roaming is still 3d and combat still uses 3d models, it's just the running around school/mall/shrine/etc that gets trimmed

I'm not playing P3P though, I'm playing FES and have it on him.

>Remake 3
>Both MCs are canon twins.
>You play as both, swapping characters every single day.
>Aigis makes herself the meat in a sandwich.

i like this

It's funny how Picaro turns Thanatos into a punk rocker

My headcanon is that they are twins, but one died in the crash



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That's a pretty common headcanon. My headcanon is the twin who "died" instead through the Shadows' control over time was teleported to a parallel universe. But to Door-kun and the outside world, she vanished in the car crash and presumed dead.

Oh I see now, DFM! became Alice-exclusive in P3P, others can inherit the skill in FES.

>wanting a remake when the game already had 3 rereleases, multiple spin offs, and a plethora of side material
Its time has passed, let it go and just enjoy it for what it is now. More importantly, the original team and vision isn't even on the P-Team anymore, Wada and his spinoff crew would never be able to do the original justice.

You just needed to keep Erebus from reaching Nyx to stop the Fall. Elizabeth oneshots Erebus on a yearly basis, so with diligence it's technically possible.

But imagine him being freed now, seven years later. How would you even go about reconnecting with your friends, who grieved, accepted, and came to terms with your death, after a seven year sleep you thought you'd never wake up from? You're still 16 and they're 23 now.

I often forget Aigis has Orgia Mode

P3P dont listen to these shmucks. The answer is garbage, just watch them on youtube. P3P have a lot of quality of life improvement such as controlling your party, saving your highest reached floor, teleport around the world like p4. Also you get femc route and challenges. The only thing you are missing is 3d environments, cutscenes

It's just there to make trash mob fights faster, which if you have Mahamaon/Mamudoon you're already destroying anyway

I usually just conserve SP and stab those guys

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Yukari goes into random alleys at night and provokes the thugs there so that they rape her

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Damn that top left one sounds like a doujin plot.

I imagine Aigis would be all fucking over him, and Mitsuru would make it so he never has to worry about money.

She's just not afraid of picking fights, but does admit that she needed Door-kun and appreciates his assistance.

What kind of bitch picks fights for other people to deal with? She's like a white trash walmart chick

I loved that line.

Yukari's temper can lead to her getting into situations out of her control, because her pride won't let her admit to needing to rely on other people. That's why you have to cheer her up in her after she insincerely says she didn't need you, because she knows she did but wants to be treated seriously instead of coddled.

God tsunderes are fucking worthless

Yukari would likely just break down sobbing on the spot, believing it to be some cruel joke or an actual miracle.

>Crazy bitch does crazy bitch shit

>Need to be level 90 to fuse Messiah

This is the 7th time this month Yukari turns someone down, why do you guys even try?

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Because she sneaks into the guy that confesses to hers room at night as an apology for turning them down in public, trust me Mitsuru has me monitoring the dorm cameras, I can get you the tapes if you make it worth my while

She fucking pays them. They're always the same 4 guys just wearing different costumes and makeups that she provides. She gives them dates and times to appear and everything. At first it was funny, now it's just embarrasing. She had the last guy in black face for christ sakes.

Does anyone have the compilation of how each of the Persona females would be when you kill them and have sex with the corpses. Had it on my old HDD and it was always a good laugh re-reading it.

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I liked that she canonically cared that much about door-kun during the answer. It was kind of a swerve from how she presents herself for most of the main game.

FeMC is a lot better, if you ask me. Actually getting to have a social link with the guys in the party instead of hot for teacher, gourmet king, random sports rival, and glasses girl was nice.

Because of her mother she had zero faith in trust or romance, but ended up cautiously changing her view when she herself fell in love.

I wouldn't be surprised if even years later she's still in love with him.

> No Akinari

Staying indoors with Fuuka!

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I know what you are doing by that computer Fuuka you naughty girl

Akinari is still the Sun social link for FeMC.

What are you talking about, Akinari is still there.

Use her how?!?!?! It's all metal down there!
here ya go mate

There is nothing naughty about looking for presents! Fuuka just wants to make sure to find a good one!

Forgot my image!

Attached: Fuuka looks for a gift.png (800x846, 448K)

She's not using private browsing for presents you tard she's doing "magic tricks" on camsites

no fucking wonder her food tastes like shit

Posting best P3 girl that didn't deserve anything that happened to her.

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Taking Fuuka to the festival was the most fun I've had all summer

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Maybe it's because I'm an autist but I actually enjoyed some of the ones this guy wrote, like the futa one. Has he done anything besides the Persona girls and Final Fantasy?

same i like the stuff. the pastebin account only has persona stuff so I have no idea if and what he wrote besides that

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>Posting best P3 girl that didn't deserve anything that happened to her.
What happened to her?

>At the end of the game, she sends a letter to the female protagonist, revealing why she was sent overseas. Her parents had sent her because they blamed her for a serious incident. Once there, she had no one to support her, so she never went to school and took refuge in a church. Saori also mentions that she used to love someone but it's implied he killed himself because she "pushed them into a corner" and so she prays for his soul every day at the church.

There was one for the pussies of the Final Fantasy girls floating around but I lost the screencap.

She's the P3P Hermit S.Link. Remember how the game tried to point out that the main sources of bullying at Gekkoukan were Natsuki's group on Fuuka? That's not the case in P3P.

FES is fine if you're a graphicsfag.
Portable is superior in every aspect.

You can't use any weapon you want in FES and fusion spell items are near impossible to aquire

>the hair pins spell XXII
oh, wow that took me so long to notice

>You can use any weapon you want in FES
only matters if you care about pointless autistic minmaxing
>fusion spell items are near impossible to aquire
who the fuck actually uses fusion spells?

>who the fuck actually uses fusion spells?
>He didn't spam Armageddon against Nyx, the Reaper, and Elizabeth

Thunder Call is also really good too.

>gameplay varation = autistic min-maxing
Fuck you

I'm just saying, I want to be cuddled by Kanji. I'm not gay tho

Jesus christ what?

Damn if only doorkun had met her. I could have saved herwith my penis

you already have variation in the number of swords/naginatas you can choose with different special properties.
having access to the other weapons, again, only matters if you care about autistic minmaxing

Why live

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Naginatas/swords only ever deal slash damage, have the same attack animation and similar damage/hit ration

Being able to wield other weapons gives you more ways to approach fights and cool attack and crit animations.

Would Fuuka visit Yea Forums(nel)?

that's where personas come into play. weapons are only good for their special effects, otherwise they're useless
>muh animations
who fucking cares. everyone hates those overly long, janky animations.
people may joke about smt not having muh budget 3d models and animations but at least that way you don't have to watch the same 10 second long cutscenes for every attack every single goddamn time

isn't it this place where she gets her shitty cooking guides from?

It's pretty much confirmed she visits 2ch, if she were american it's safe to assume she'd visit the equivalent.

why are p3fags so entitled? 1 and 2 deserve remakes long before any of the nu-persona games do.

She's very kind but since she's older than the other students she doesn't really have any friends so she gets bullied and people spread rumors about her. She's one of the few characters that doesn't get a happy ending.

Weapons conserve SP/HP for attacking instead

Seeing as Fuuka is Japanese, she's more likely to browse 2ch! But even then it's not guaranteed.

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if you actually use weapons not for their special effects against an enemy, it just means that you are massively overleved compared to the enemies and you couldn't care less about what weapon type you'd be using

>when P3 came out I was at the peak of my overall "sadness", the kind that makes you stay up at night because of your emotions and anxiety just working you up
>when all my friends and a girl I really liked pretty much all left me within two days, I got this game for Christmas
I won't lie. Persona 3 kinda helped me through some hard times. The Kenji S.Link in particular hit home at the time. It's kind of my favorite out of all of them due to very personal reasons. I hate using the term, but it really was kind of a 'friend simulator' when I didn't go to school and instead hung out in a basement all day. Course I didn't use that as a crutch and gained a social life afterwards.. but it was a nice safety blanket at a time I needed it the most. December was the hardest month to play through in that game just because I didn't want any of the cast to die.

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i wanna give you a wedgie

That's fine, I deserve one.

I want to stick my penis in the toaster.

Guys, is it me or is Mtisuru's room like 3 times larger than any other room in the building? That seems somewhat unfair if you ask me.

i had a similar experience with P4G, but it helped me to cope with loneliness and emptiness instead.

Well, she's a big girl

for you

her family built the building, I think it's deserved.

Half the girl's floor is hers, but I guess it doesnt matter when the whole thing is hers.

what reasons do you have for liking kenji exactly

So are the dancing games just completely skippable?

When I skip through videos it seems like its just some thrown together plot where nothing consequential happens whatsoever just to get to the rhythm game

Pretty much. P4D does have a full on story mode, but it isn't really worth anything while P5D/P3D are just party interactions with no overall story.

It's mostly fluff

At the time the person I liked was much older than me. I was 17 and she was 21. I would later go on to accept the fact t hat it was nothing more than just weird physical flings, but I was very into the idea of a 'older lady' at the time. Course I didn't pick up on the fact that we were established as just a physical relationship, so when she stopped seeing me for about a week and showed up out of the blue with a boyfriend, it kind of got me. Kenji's relationship with the teacher mirrored that almost exactly. It was hard but.. very touching at the time.

Well I did that the entire game sooo

Would Door-kun's mp3 player be an equivalent gift to a girl that their mementos are to him?

God this is depressing. A thread that lasts a whole day? Always an indicator of a thread being kept alive by wives posters, when it should of fell from page 10 so long ago

Just give it up. Go home

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Fuck off, phonefag

make me

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why the fuck is the sword bent

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Yuko is cute and relatable. I don't share her interest in pro sports, but I do her lack of motivation in doing anything.

Ah yes
A fellow Yuko chad

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So is that just a screenshot or what

No it's fan made, look how they butchered the back of akihiko's hair


How come Koromaru never evolves his Persona?

He does, his evoker is built in to his collar. No, it's never explained how exactly it works.

Evolves, not evokes. He starts with Cerberus and keeps Cerberus despite everyone else advancing their Personas.

It uses the P3D models idiot, that's all Sega.

If you tertiaries played PQ he explains why; he never has a resolution because he believed he failed his master, and doesn't deserve to grow past his mistake like the others. Shinjiro has the same reason, except his is more obvious in vanilla.

Realistically it's because he's just there to serve as a cute and inoffensive mascot character but if you want some other reason you could try to argue it's because he's dealt with the emotional baggage of the death of his master long before he joins SEES or some BS.

>If you tertiaries played PQ he explains why; he never has a resolution because he believed he failed his master
I mean that was obvious, and my question was more implying why he never got a resolution like the others. It's not like he's a dumb dog, he's pretty damn smart and something could've been done.

I wish the game would let me return to some locales without automatically advancing the clock. Like, if I want to go back and do the Hermit slink don't have me blow it by walking out the door, just have a prompt to enter or advance to evening/night.

Why is Chihiro such a bitch?

cemented light bulb

>The dyke girl went up to the dorms but couldn't get in
So was the door locked or did she just not try?

She might start after talking to Futaba, who almost certainly does.

>10 inch cock
is this an irl greentext?

>tfw you got to play P3 on release and you were the same age as the characters

Still my favorite single-player gaming experience largely for this reason

why is Akihiko built like Mishima in this pic?

Thank the Magician.

Hanged Man is such a pain in the ass boss

It took you this long?

>Only did Heirophant-3 during winter so I missed the entirety of the Temperance link

Post more Yukari

Akihiko doesnt get super buff till arena