>This is the only American character in smash
This is the only American character in smash
>American character
>she's black
I'm pretty sure that's an alien
America doesn't own any other planets yet
>American character
>Its an edgelord
Of course
Would any nation be allowed to legally own a planet?
I think they can only do joint ventures.
How is she an edgelord?
It isn't like anybody else can stop you when you own a planet and they don't
SR388 is not an American planet.
>there's more British reps than Yank ones
She was born on Tallon IV
All Metroids originate from SR388. She certainly evolved into Dark Samus on Tallon IV, but that doesn't make her a native of that planet.
Does it even count when it’s just a Dark version of an existing character? I wouldn’t count it
Would you a Dark Samus Yea Forums?
and suffer severe exposure to radiation? no thanks
Stick your army on it and protect it and see what anyone thinks about the law
You for to add
>Say something nice about her!
Not true, the metroid that turned into prime was most likely bred on a space pirate homeworld
Metroids have been cloned on Zebes and the BSL and bottle ship
I guess you've got a point there.
>the bottle ship
The what? Never heard of it.
There's fanart of her in her "zero suit" ( the fusion shorts, actually), and I just wonder if they even know that she looks like an alien Skeletor in her final fight in Metroid Prime 2.
That's blue
That's not Dark Samus
The Metroid that leeched and killed the Tallon IV leviathan is of an unkown origin (had to originate from SR388), but it had to have come long before the space pirates landed on Tallon IV
>ds goes years without lewd fanart and waifu fags
>gets in smash
I'm surprised there's no Dark Samus foot fetish despite the fact her Metroid Prime 2 design is barefoot. I'm serious
Why would she ever sit on the floor when she always floats?
I'm surprised there's no Dark Samus scat fetish despite the fact her morph balls are literal fecal matter
Either that's in the non-canon NA version or it was retconned, the metroid that phased through the wall did it due to phazon experiments by space pirates turning it into a phazon metroid found in prime 3.
Thank god for Smash
Wait, what? Where did it say that? Was that in a scan?
Ah, i see you are a proud american. We too, are very proud of our nation. .gg/bwQ4k5Z
SAX did it better
Sa-x is trash, it's an uninspired copy pasted varia samus
Is this that guy that drew a shit ton of dark Samus leeds and only posts the cropped versions to troll people?
What if the Chozo had some 'troids on Tallon IV? Wasn't it hinted that they once lived in harmony with metroids at one point? Also, Why are there MP husks on Phaaze? How many MP's are there, if more than one?
Isn't meta ridley an American character as well then?
Uh yeah I guess
Because space pirates under dark samus's control were operating on phaaze a little after prime 2, they brought over metroids
Owned by Nintendo, a Japanese company. Dark Samus is a Jap character.
It's like saying Walmart is a Chinese company because all its goods are made in china.
>food analogy
The Bottle Ship is the main setting of Metroid: Other M.
user is likely referring to how Dark Samus’s weaponry is supposed to be more organic. You can draw conclusions from there.
Wouldn't be too sure about that buddy!
Where was this?
im a samus main since melee. any difference with dark samus compared to normal samus in ultimate? other than samus being nerfed to absolute shit
That's such an incorrect analogy that I'm convinced you have some sort of mental retardation. Dark Samus should be the good, not the company itself.
Who cares? We japanese now.
Mecha Ridley is an alt skin for Ridley. That's also from prime, so you got 2 American designed characters
>Naoto Ohshima
>Yuji Naka
>Hirokazu Yasuhara
Ah yes, Sonic's American creators
not yet*
aren't Diddy and k rool made by rare
not that user but IIRC it's when you look up in Phaaze in Prime 3
rare is british
if i do will i become a based boy?
yes but Rare is UK
so three European characters and one American, two if you count Meta Ridley
Mario and Luigi are Italian Americans
That makes them britbongs, not burgers
And before you ask, no, Donkey Kong himself was originally made by Japan, his design was later changed and refined by the brit, but the character itself is still of japanese origin
I wonder if the artist who invented her suit design was pleased.