On June 6th, 2019, Vergeben claimed that Banjo & Kazooie had a 99% chance of being part of the Fighters Pass. He also reaffirmed his statement that Minecraft would be represented through DLC, though he also stated that he was unsure if Steve would be playable. Banjo & Kazooie were confirmed at E3 2019 along with Erdrick, albeit as a skin for Hero, something Vergeben stated he took great joy in as he was not informed of multiple Dragon Quest skins, and that it also explained why he kept hearing Luminary along with Erdrick.

Yeah. Steve is in, and playable.

Attached: steve sonic mario.png (799x409, 587K)

Other urls found in this thread:

He also told me you're a faggot

nazis franchises aren't allowed.


Banjo & Kazooie are the USA REP.
Steve is the EUROPE REP.

Minecraft was made in Sweden ...

I find it MORE FAIR to have an EUROPEAN REP among the 5 DLCs than to have another USA REP. SO, GO STEVE!!!

>Banjo & Kazooie is the USA rep

Try again

Attached: 8F3F8123-6E3B-4A24-ADA2-B0DADA4EE1DA.jpg (903x508, 187K)

go away

Attached: heil.jpg (2000x1200, 77K)

Vergeben said Empire guy is also in

Attached: hqdefault (2).jpg (480x360, 18K)

the only USA rep is Incineroar

wouldnt banjo be a UK rep?

I can't wait for the Steve Mii costume.




but Banjo was made by UK devs


Call Empire

> Anonymous 08/21/19(Wed)23:13:00 No.475023105▶
> (You)
>but Banjo was made by UK devs

prove me


Age of Empires is not a good franchise to enter Smash

LOL.... sounds fair. the only way to customize a Steve character is via Mii. cause Steve would only have 8 skins, too limited compared to the original Minecraft game = unlimited customizable skins.

Guy only got a leak right once, ever since then he just gets things wrong

banjo was literally made by rare, a british company, you fucking mongoloid

Attached: 1525336204209.jpg (640x640, 181K)

>tfw the hair became brown one day suddenly
d-did... did he...

Attached: 1474674656747.jpg (1272x1094, 526K)

>unsure if Steve would be playable
>Steve is in, and playable
I have nothing against Steve getting in at this point, but come on.

Attached: 1566071714992.jpg (1852x1982, 1.41M)

Since we have a USA rep (Snake) and a European rep (Banjo), who will be the Canadian rep? I'm thinking a Bioware character like Shepard or that new Anthem protaganist.

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Does he post anymore or has he finally succumbed to being btfo?

>that formatting spaghetti
>prove me
Literally google "rareware" you dumb mouthbreather

>USA rep (Snake)


at this point there'd be no viable solution for him outside of suicide
you can't live that down

>USA rep (Snake)
And I thought calling Banjo a US rep was dumb

Attached: 1392405782113.jpg (477x637, 56K)

Bioware? So Shade from Sonic Chronicles: The Dark Brotherhood.

He was made by kojimbo u fucking tard

>last gamefaqs post was a few days ago
>it predicts that ori and the blind forest will come to the switch exactly a day before it was announced

>USA Snake
Ignoring that I did a quick google of games developed in Canada since I'm a FUCKING LEAF. If you count where the game itself was developed and not the company that owns it.
>Ass Creed, Bioshock, Bully, Celeste, Cuphead, Darkest Dungeon, Dead Rising (sans 1. Also owned by Capcom lol), Prince of Persia Sands of Time series.
Chuck Greene is IN

Attached: 1562734220761.jpg (395x400, 30K)

>every country needs a smash rep
Yes, I'd love literally who characters meant only for adequate representation rather than characters that are actually popular. Everyone needs to feel included!

>desperate Steve fag is desperate

"Hey remember when Vergeben jumped on the Banjo train last fucking second and then said he has no reason to disregard what he heard about Minecraft content? THAT DEFINITELY MEANS STEVE IS PLAYABLE. What? Sakurai said that he needed to convince Nintendo to add Banjo because Nintendo and Microsoft are competitors? SO WHAT!?!? STEVE IS IN FUCK YOU GUYS UGH YOU GUYS ARE ALL FUCKING IDIOTS!!"

Heard it all before. This time is no different.

Banjoke wasn’t added because sakuri cope faggot

try again. ori was leaked fucking months ago and not by verge.

What happened to the Steve shitposter?

>Steve is in, and playable.

for real tho it would be cool to get a Tekken rep

Attached: steve.jpg (750x1020, 73K)

>Minecraft would be represented through DLC
hmm...i wonder what it could be....

Attached: steve.jpg (600x600, 123K)

Hopefully, he's dead.

>Sakurai said that he needed to convince Nintendo to add Banjo because Nintendo and Microsoft are competitors?
Nintendo chose Banjo, not Sakurai.

Heihachi was considered but Sakurai couldn't figure out how to convert Tekken moves to Smash moves


he would be the most fitting since he has wings for recovery and laser beams. Heihachi would be boring for a Smash character

Attached: T7FR_DevilJin.jpg (1080x1089, 170K)

Honestly, I can see a Mii costume working better than Steve being playable and not just because I loathe Stevefags with a burning passion and want nothing more than for them to suffer.

single statement in which a Japanese man speaks English completely on his own ('Nintendo picked the characters')

versus more than one other statements that say the exact opposite of that.

push start to unread your comment

B-but he knew! How could this happen?

Attached: sobbleiscrying.png (965x1080, 1.07M)

Hi Hitler

If Nintendo didn't even want Banjo then people just need to cope with the fact that they would shut Playable Steve down immediately.

>Ori and Cuphead leaked to be coming along with Gamepass
>Gamepass would come with the MCC
>Muh Nintendo console "rule" finally dead for good
Pack it up Stevefags, he's in

Attached: Master_Chief_Smash.jpg (1280x960, 85K)

Fuck off with that Virginben shit.

It doesn't say anywhere that Nintendo needed convincing.

>Sakurai was very clearly on board with it.

>Microsoft and Rare were both stated to be completely on board with it.

>Nintendo is conveniently left unacounted for beyond the comment about rivalry.

Banjo was difficult because of the rivalry..but Sakurai and Microsoft were both willing. That leaves ONLY Nintendo. The only part of the equation that wasn't stated to be on board with it. Just use common sense.

jokes on you, i'd still be happy with a costume because i play mii swordie already

MCC on Switch is inevitable at this point with the amount of credible leaks supporting it. I've never played a Master Chief game so when it does come then I'll probably pick it up.

The tweet doesn't reference a time frame, he could have been talking about past games, back before they started acting friendlier with one another.

It could be that Nintendo picked the line up and Sakurai chose them and then proceeded to make negotiations
I don't think Nintendo would go through the trouble of negotiating first if it meant not being able to use the characters later due to only 5 getting in

That's just a preview translation. The actual translation he does later states that it WAS (in the past) difficult because of them being competitors but that THIS (present) time, it was easy because Microsoft, Rare and Phil were so accommodating. Sakurai never says that Nintendo needed convincing.

Firstly, he said it was difficult to ADD Banjo. He didn't ADD Banjo when their relationship was less close-knit. Secondly...

>Nintendo is conveniently left unaccounted for [2]

He said he was willing.
He said Microsoft was willing.
He said Banjo was hard to add.
He simply didn't mention Nintendo.

This isn't a puzzle, the answer is right there in front of you.

Of course he used passed tense. Anything else would've been grammatically incorrect.

"It IS hard to add Banjo"

"It WILL BE hard to add Banjo"

None of that makes sense because he already added Banjo at the time of that column. Present tense doesn't work and neither does future tense.

I cant wait to finally have steve and banjo both in so i can finally record porn of banjo and steve getting married

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The whole point of Minecraft is building mii fighters cant do that

This is exactly what happened, yes. Nintendo presented him with a list. Sakurai chose 5 out of however many and they had to negotiate for them. If a deal fell through, then they moved on. Sakurai couldn't overwrite the list based on his personal feelings, he had to choose what he thought was viable and realistic. I almost hope that he would reveal the others, but that is unlikely to happen, since at this rate it looks like the whole thing was 3rd party and would look bad on Nintendo and him if companies found out about their other potential choices.

Source? Or uh. Are you just assuming?

There's nothing outright suggesting that. It isn't anything concrete, it's just something people made up because they refuse to believe that MAYBE, JUST MAYBE, Sakurai's English isn't perfect and he totally said what he intended to and didn't lie either

well it's a shame that you can't wait, you're gonna have to. for a long time.

Just let us import skins from bedrock dude,its not that hard

>he said it was difficult to ADD Banjo
Yeah, difficult to add doesn't have to mean when they actually got added. It could just as likely mean he has attempted to add them to Smash in the past but Nintendo shot the idea down. Notice how he say "Difficult to add to Smash" and not "Difficult to add to Ultimate/Special".

>Nintendo is conveniently left unaccounted for
This could just be you looking to deep into it.

>This isn't a puzzle
Funny since you're the one looking for the missing piece with you assertion that Nintendo was left out because they didn't want to play ball.

>Notice how he say "Difficult to add to Smash" and not "Difficult to add to Ultimate/Special".

If he said that then the implication would be that it was easier to add Banjo prior to Ultimate.

Side note, "difficult to add" definitely does HAVE to mean when they actually added him. You wouldn't say "It was hard to add [X]" if you didn't even fucking add [X]. It just doesn't work that way. The "Nintendo shot them down before but not now" idea is contradicted by simple common sense.

easier to add prior to Ultimate when he wasn't even added prior to Ultimate***

>You wouldn't say "It was hard to add [X]" if you didn't even fucking add [X].

"doing this thing that I actually never did was difficult."

>If he said that then the implication would be that it was easier to add Banjo prior to Ultimate.
No, the implication would be that Ultimate was the first time he tried to add them to the game.


>OP title isn't "shitposting general"
I don't get it

No lmfao.

(hypothetical) example: "It was difficult to add Snake into Ultimate."

You managed to make me laugh unlike these desperate faggots (i.e. OP) who want to continue baiting both copers and banjo fans by making them think that they think Steve is getting in. May your night be blessed, user.

But you have to build a Mii Fighter to play as them.

So are there any legitimate leaks worth keeping an eye on because once Hero and Banjo were announced, the closest we got to an actual honest to God leak was that one faggot who got fucking lucky with his guesses.

Attached: IMG_20190703_155543.png (480x360, 279K)


No. Keep an eye on "VR Plant" (just Google him I guess) but besides that nobody is reliable.

banjo and steve are married!!!!

Except the same thing is in Nip

steveposters are retarded holy fuck