We will never have a Dark Souls like game set in Mesoamerica

>We will never have a Dark Souls like game set in Mesoamerica

It just needs to happen

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Then make it you pussy.


I'd rather see a DMC like game set in Mesoamerica rather than a clunky From game.

Que asco indio hijueputa

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Overrated as fuck, And boring to boot.
>dude what if all our gods were gods of fertility and war lmao!!

>kill the god of the sun
>think you're done with everything
>sky goes black without a sun
>futa skeletons everywhere now

there was a dark souls like game set in something like that i cant remember its name. It was on ps2

>>futa skeletons everywhere now

those are an actual thing in aztec mythology

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This is actually a pretty great idea.

>futa skeletons
futa= dick
dick = meat
skeletons= no meat


There were some historical accounts of the mesoamericans saying that there had been relative peace for about 500 years prior to whites showing up, but before that it was a literal dark souls fucking shit hole with skull thrones and mountains of bodies everywhere.

Not this meme again

This is Quetzalcoatl, god of wind, air, and learning. Say something nice about her!

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a chicano made this thread

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found the retard

As an immortal, wouldnt you take extra care of yourself? Chances are, the last thing to go is the thing you most value. Skeletons with dicks sounds about right.

Apocalypto but as a game?

A complacent fool typed this out

Wonder if mesoamerican user will show up.

It's not Souls but this game is good shit.

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Pity (you) for the attention whore.

that would be cool but it cant fall for the flashy faux axtec/superhero aesthetic most games Spackle on when going with that theme

No, the Popol Vuh.

Aztec mythology is way too fucking hardcore to be actively displayed by modern public
And at any slight sign of 'downplaying' the violence on it's mythology, I'm fairly certain the backlash would be HUGE, knowing how prideful Mexicans are for their culture

Son, a Dark Souls game is about brutality and killing enemies and the lore is obscure as shit

There’s no way it could offend anybody

Are you trying to summon the resident nahuaboo?

>knowing how prideful Mexicans are for their culture
Yes, but we are not bitches that complain about pointless shit, unless they put a banner saying "Beaners smell like butt" or something... actually, we would even laugh about it and Facebook retards would make "memes" about it.

user, in Aztec mythology people are actively ripping eachother's hearts and skinning people alive and wearing it as a dress.
You dont see that in Dark Souls.

i'm here though as usual when these threads with made I was about to go to bed god fucking damnit

Mind clarifying why exactly? Mesoamerican mythology is crazy, but not in that sort of over the top hype bullshit way that DMC is, it's more esoteric/LSD crazy.

I feel like, say Hindu myhology would be a better fit for a curayzee action games, where they already have straight up named super attacks, magical martial arts, planet destroying weapons, etc.

While hyperbolizing Mesoamerican mythology/culture to DUDE BLOOD AND GORE LMAO is overdone, with all their neat politiical, artistic, archtectural, and intellectual stuff being ignotred, I can't deny that sort of depiction of it would fit the tone of souls games perfectly, Aztec cosmology particularly already has some of the same thematic elements as the lore of the souls games, as I explain here arch.b4k.co/v/thread/461953759/#461964945 and can clarify further on if people want

I'm not sure what you are referring to exactly, but in terms of actual history at least that's bunk. The postclassic period (900-1521 AD), especially the late postclassic (1200-1521 AD) aw an increase in military complexity and martial socities/classes wielding more social and political authority, with formal monarchies and republics where vs in classical period (200-800AD) was moreso the priestly caste that held political power, with theocratic states and dynastic kingdoms with divine rule.

Now, if there was actually more martial activity, I can't say, I'd suspect that the end of the Classic period with the classical collapse saw the most military activity, since there was a huge amount od demographic and political instability in a lot of areas; but otherwise that the latepostclassic saw the most warfar edue to the Aztec empire's mass expansionism... then again the fact they controlled so many states might mean it actually saw LESS warfare a la a pax

No but you do that in Monster Hunter and no one gives a shit.

Precolombian souls would be more kino, just grab every latin legend and put them in a game

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You can make a game like DMC without being wacky goofy motorcycle weapons and triple jumping. I guess it would play more like God Hand on a KMS run or God of War 2018 sans most of the magic.

I'd rather have a game about the spaniards educating your ape asses

Because monhun is garbage you capcuk

Jesus Christ are you trying to get the batshit crazy mesoamerican souls bro to show up? You aren’t ready for autism on that scale.

It’s ummm, it’s *chomp chomp* a lil too late for that. Time to sit back *chomp* and watch the train wreck.

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