Who are the most /fa/ videogame characters

Who are the most /fa/ videogame characters

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Not Leon. He got his sexy Jacket stolen from him in a matter of minutes and spent the rest of the game in a gay looking compression shirt.

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That's not even the same jacket. Leon's is much shorter and the pockets are higher. Knockoff Chink shit/10

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SNK are full of them, but my favorite has got to be Garou Terry.

Forgot pic like a complete retard

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Why is it so hard to find a wool interior jacket.

a lot of characters from The Evil Within
>the asian friend
>the girl
>the bad guy from the second game

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Raidou Kuzunoha.

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How can one artist draw so many /fa/ characters?
Even the characters that aren't really wearing clothes are /fa/ I think

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The patrician answer, Maria was kino too


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Most of this thread consist of garbage unrealistic animeshit.

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>looks like he just did a fusion dance with a Hot Topic

those fucking patterned shoulders kill me every time WHY IS EIDOS OBSESSED WITH PATTERNS

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Kaneko was going to be a fashion designer and even went to school for it before he joined Atlus.

>that 15 years old faggot who belives bloodborne is the most at everything
get some help

>looks like he just did a fusion dance with a Hot Topic
Sounds like /fa/

Yeah its honestly a bit too much. I actually prefer the look without coat.

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either the fuzzy bomber jacket or the faux turtleneck sweater

Rent free

Your fatigue is understandable, but the game is full of /fa/ asf armor sets

step aside nerds

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huh, that puts a lot of his designs into perspective now

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Cringe faggot

>two zippers per shoe

If you wear heavy armor in Xenoblade you are doing it wrong

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both these niggas

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bruh that jacket...that ending....I had a feeling that was going to be the case

the Resonance of Fate cast.

You can also buy a lot of freaking clothes for them if you don't like what they are wearing

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Shank's Strong World costume in Pirate Warriors 3.

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Kane and Lynch 2 is the ultimate sleazecore

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One of the two good things about Freedom Wars was the outfits. The other good thing was the grappling hook mechanic.