Wow classic thread. Also fuck you jannie.
Wow classic thread. Also fuck you jannie
I desperately want classic to be a huge success because I'm genuinely worried we'll start seeing suicides if it fails, maybe even mass shootings from guys who were denied a home to return to
>Want to be a Horde Mage but don't want to be a fucking Troll or a Corpse
What do
You're kinda crap outta luck then buddy.
>WoW threads allowed on Yea Forums for years
>suddenly they are just being purged
Before they delete it again: do classic Rogues play similar to BFA Assa/Sub Rogues? I just like to do comfy pve content and gank shit.
Before I quit the game after Heroic G'Huun I no lifed those specs and even got into 2200+ rating in BGs with my boys.
Should I look somewhere else or should I stay Rogue?
Aren't almost all the servers full already just from people who signed up early? I don't see so many of them leaving that it becomes dead, they're obviously pretty dedicated and not just tourists if they're willing to sign up early just to reserve a name.
>forget private servers exist
>shoot people
why are americans like this, buncha fat retards
>People see how much classic sucks
>They develop their own MMOs with love and dedication
Sounds like a win/win.
Its already a huge success
>Enter Barrens
>type "Where's Mankrik's bitch at?" in chat
>Game freezes
>An embedded youtube feminist frequency video pops up
>Learn about gendered slurs and sex positive intersectional feminism.
>14.99 to unlock account
>1 microaggression is logged on your account record
>unable to use any social features on the account ever again
welcome to nu bliz lads.
No doubt, life has gotten so impossibly shitty that if blizzard fucks this up they beta uprising will commence
>Aren't almost all the servers full already just from people who signed up early?
This literally does not get mentioned enough. Blizzard just added two more servers to take away some of the queue problems...but the commercial release is still not live. It's going to be a complete disaster at launch.
Why do homefags even care about wow classic? Just play a private server, it's free. Or are you that desperate to give Blizzard your $15 a month for a 15 year old game?
Blizzard is going to go after private servers hard after launch. Also nobody wants to go back to playing with the russians and chinese.
>want to play on PVE server
>both east coast PVE servers are already full
What server are you guys rolling on? I got my name on Skeram but I'm hoping they add another EST PvP realm with a better name.
The only two things a man needs in this world.
Remember to ignore all the retail/FF angry shills
Could be worse, Oceanic only has 1 PvE and 1 PvP server.
So there is some mad bants going on between the factions, but you wont be able to play both factions on different PvP servers.
Alright dude we get it, you're going home. You can stop making 100 threads per day now, you're getting worse than smash faggots.
>Alright dude we get it, you're going home. You can stop making 100 threads per day now, you're getting worse than smash faggots.
>90% of Yea Forums is shitposting bait threads, /pol/tards political drama or Smash
>not allowed to have one thread about WoW
Based 90s kid Anonbro
>want to play on PVE server
Why even play at all?
>already full
You can still roll there, it's just a warning about queue times.
t. twitch zoomer
GOING HOME SOON BROS. Who else /created his char in like almost an hour/?
I think im gonna do it.
Im gonna resub just for this
at least 3 months
fuck i got the itch
mages are a cringe class, theyre the easiest to play and you might as well play retail
>one thread
>one thread
>literally multiple threads at the same time having the same discussions about the same 15 year old game everyday
so now that classic is already confirmed dead on arrival thanks to actibliz, what is going to be the next hype MMO?
>when someone manages to fall off right at the end and dies to the crocodile and your group decides fuck it lets 4man the last boss and kills her
ArcheAge is rebooting as b2p.
Hi /wowcg/, I'm an autistic manchild with an important public service announcement.
It's come to our attention that a group of SJW babies from retail collaborated and rushed to create subreddits and Discord servers for each respective game server as they came out. Then, they proceeded to merge with every other group they could in order to get their subreddit and Discord servers large enough to get their community partner status with Blizzard and become official communities.
Worst of all, they're compiling a "blacklist" of people they're banning from Discord servers and subreddits for activities they deem unacceptable. They plan on using this list to block people from guilds, groups, and activities in game.
TL;DR sjw cucks are attempting to consolidate power and push people out of the community so that they can get actiblizz shekels and enforce their views and make safe spaces
who the fuck cares faggot
Why was the other thread deleted anyway? Looked perfectly normal to me.
Can anyone else feel the spiritual energy building up to the classic release? It's immense. Sometimes its all I can think of. Fuck the people who say you can't relive your childhood, those people are fucking drones and their imagination died off years ago. Theres been a low hum of activity from people, its like the rumours of Sauron returning. everybody knows its gonna happen , the nay sayers are being fucking twats cuz they cant feel it.
There are no good MMOs it's a shit genre you maybe play on the side if you're autistic.
They always do this shit, mentally ill people love being moderators. Just avoid their shit servers, you don't need to be part of any general server one, join a guild that isn't full of faggots and stick to their personal server.
Want to give Warlock (Ally) a try on a PVP server
How do?
Here's your vanilla WoW dev team bro.
All cis white/asian males and one authentically nerdy woman
is there anywhere i can read more information about the servers or what kind of players are rolling where? or at least US PVP servers.
i know faerlina is where all the streamers are rolling. i heard that thalnos is where all the latin americans will be rolling because they don't have their own server. herod is where the anti-streamer autist gang was rolling (i think, don't remember). any other info about populations? really don't wanna pick a dead server and have to transfer off.
also this is neither here nor there but all the other EST PVP servers have dumb names, i wish whitemane was EST.
Be honest.
How much of a time sink is this game?
I only ever played on a WotLK pserver and tried retail a few times afterwards but always quit after a month.
How much time gated shit?
How much autistic grinding is there?
How does it compare to WotLK?
I'm fine with 3-4h mindless grinding a week, 1h daily quests not so much.
lol is already happening and you can't do nothing to stop this. "We're going home" my fucking ass, you will never play the same game you played when you were an underage faggot in the current year. Enjoy your neutered game filled with twitch zoomers, sjw and retards. They already removed skeleton cuz of hate speech, who knows what will be next.
is that GIF from Wow?
You can sink quite a bit of time into it, but it never really felt like a grind or time sink to me.
t. buttmad melee player
>the zoomers already invading
>How much time gated shit?
Was there even time gating in vanilla?
a lot of miserable looking people
its a massive timesink
there isnt anything time gated in the way it is in retial, when a content patch is released you can go all the way thru but see below/
its almost all autistic grinding
Tough to say, LK had the most abilities and made some specs not useless but the game lost a lot of its soul by then.
>How does it compare to WotLK?
Like comparing the best apple you ever ate to a rotten piece of shit.
In case you cant figure it out, Wrath is shit.
It's not a time sink in the negative sense like the game became in later expansions, it's only a time sink because it's so genuinely fun and addictive. The only thing you have to autistically grind for is endgame reputation levels.
>Classic WoW
>Updated Forsaken models
>Firemaw confirmed soimale server
It was always shazzrah for me.
kill yourself
All the "updated" models lack soul imho, especially in their animations.
Way too 'bouncy'.
what would be worse:
a raid full of female night elves
a raid full of female gnomes
are you gonna post the discord link or what?
Almost heaven, Classic WoW
Redridge Mountains, Southfury River
Life is old there, older than World Trees
Younger than Blackrock Mountain, blowing like a breeze
Rate my char. Also post ending in 7 names my level 19 twink.
>gangstalking is real
I just like how the metal jaw looks better
We can have 20+ smash threads up constantly, for months at a time. But god forbid 7 days out from the re-release of the most addictive MMO of all time, that Yea Forums discuss this video game.
>How much autistic grinding is there?
90% of the game is grind
For a Hunter with Engineering what specialization should I go, Goblin or Gnomish?
>It's going to be a complete disaster at launch.
10/10 Blizzard does it again, just like the Original Vanilla launch.
What race would be best for alliance priest?
Switching from whitemane cause fuck q times, who’s with me? :^)
lorewise? femnelf
gameplay? dwarf