Games where the final boss was visible from the start/part of the game the whole time?

Games where the final boss was visible from the start/part of the game the whole time?

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the only cool character and cool part of SAO

>cool part of SAO
a boring character or the twist?

Trails of cold steel

yeah, gamemaker twist with Immortal Object shit

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I stopped watching this shit after s1, give me a quick rundown

I thought he was cool for kicking Kirito's shit in during the first match, but it turns out that was only due to hax (because the protag is a faggot and apparently nobody could've won fairly)

persona 4

Tales of Berseria

Kuradeel did nothing wrong

He was literally in season 1 ya dingus.

Guy is actually the creator of SAO.
Season 2 has GGO and guns along with a filler storyline about a girl with aids.

Season 3 is about the military developing a new technology for VR that is more real then regular VR. Ends on a cliffhanger that will continue this september.

>He was literally in season 1 ya dingus.
damn, the series was really forgetable tbqh

Strange Journey chaos route

Can we go back to the SAO story written by somebody competent with fun characters and a lack of rape threats.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Sword Art Online Alternative - Gun Gale Online - 11 [720p].mkv_snapshot_14.57_[2018.0 (1280x720, 91K)

>Why did you do it, Akihiko?
>Why did you trap all those players in this giant death game?
>Why did you cause untold amounts of death, suffering and grief?

>for the lulz lmao

Was Kayaba Akihiko, in fact, /ourguy/?

>the SAO story written by somebody competent with fun characters and a lack of rape threats.
So never

Tales of symphonia

didnt the hero end up beating him via some bullshit hacks/respawn cheating or some shit? i remember being so mad watching that anime. and seeing all the fat self insert Kirito cosplayers at cons. he's the male harley quinn. or the anime deadpool. but 0 charm

Games where the MC is the villain mastermind

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Metal Gear Solid
Plot twist, the man who aided you the entire time was in fact the man who murdered your mentor whom you thought was assisting you and used you to start up Metal Gear Rex. The kicker was you saw him right in plain sight several times and he played you like a damn fiddle.

No Kirito lost but managed to get close enough to stab him back. It was a double K.O. but bad guy let him live

The abridged series is really good.

Is that Edelgard?