I'm replaying MonoGlutamate Sodium V for the first time since I beat it in 2015 and I gotta say it still holds up. I still think Kojima's a hack, but the game still looks and plays pretty damn well.

What are your thoughts?

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Other urls found in this thread:

I played it as my first Metal Gear about two years ago. I dropped it shortly after I got to Africa. You just end up doing the same shit over and over and over with a ton of boring-ass riding around in between the actual decent stealth.
I put a lot of hours into it, but I felt no urge to finish it.

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It was great. Fuck the haters.

Fair enough. Have you played any MGS games since?
Agreed. It's far from perfect and the story is a mess, but it's damn good. #machineswithin

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Its unironically perfect

>have you played any MGS games since?
No. I have no desire to. I have a coworker who constantly wanks off Kojima, and has forced me to watch videos about how impossibly philosophical the series is, and how deep and meaningful some basic-ass speech from MGS2 was, etc. It's turned me off from playing the series. Honestly, 5 had good gameplay when it actually happened. It's just that there was too much filler in-between. Forcing me to actually wait for shit to research in develop? In a single player game? Fuck off.
And I know that the other games are much more story-focused, and I don't really care for that, either. 5 without the open world would be great. I understand the other games are pretty much 5 without the open world, but I don't want to play a game that's more movie than anything. My coworker never talks about the actual game at all. He just talks about the story. I'm turned off from ever touching this series. Same with Death Stranding.

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The undeniable fact is that nobody who knows anything about games (as in actually understands them and has a variety of relevant titles not only under their belt but in active appreciation) thinks its anything but a 2/10 asset flip alpha stage of development proof of concept for a game that will never come out

based kinosseur coworker filtering plebeians and philistines

I play action games, Dishonored, fighting games, Souls games, etc. I don't give a shit about your deep lore and cutscenes. Just let me play the fucking game. Watching the Death Stranding guy
>piss for 10+ seconds
>fall off a cliff
>literally have to coddle the baby so it will shut the fuck up
ensures that that's a game I will NEVER touch.

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it was 10/10 game up to okb zero, after that it just goes tumbling down

good for you I guess

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>i play souls
>I don't give a shit about your deep lore and cutscenes
>I don't give a shit about your deep lore
do you have schizophrenia per chance?

>and has forced me to watch
>I'm turned off from even touching the series.
That one's kind of on you, because you should have said no to his autism, but it sounds like this shitlord kind of ruined the series for you. That sucks, because there are some genuinely good games in the series despite the overall story being nonsense. Hopefully one day you'll give some of them a try and enjoy yourself.
>It's just that there was too much filler in-between.
I 100% agree and I think that's an issue with modern Jap games overall. I like interesting and even complex game mechanics, but fuck clutter and unnecessary fat in games. I'm playing through the new Fire Emblem game and it's the same shit. Cut the fucking fat and reiterate your shit.
>My coworker never talks about the actual game at all. He just talks about the story.
Well he's an idiot, so maybe take everything he says with a grain of salt.

I hope I'm proven wrong, because I've enjoyed a lot of other KOJIMA PRODUCTIONS and that engine is sweet, but Death Stranding looks like shit so far.

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There's a difference between reading and playing. Don't be stupid. I don't want to watch a ton of cutscenes and have my time wasted with filler. Souls has lore, but it's not shoved down my throat, and I don't have to go through some unskippable hospital intro whenever I want to start a new save.
He's my boss, and our department has a lot of computers, so when he pulls up a video, I'm kinda forced to sit there and endure it.

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>disliking cutscenes and filler in your video games means you can't like movies or manga

>ywn have a boss to talk about MGS lore with
you dont even realize how lucky you are

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why would you start a new save in mgs?
why would you start one in souls?

>dont care about lore
>play lore simulator

>so when he pulls up a video, I'm kinda forced to sit there and endure it.
You're not. Grow a backbone, nigga. If he retaliates, retaliate back. You think Snake gave a shit about what his boss thought? Wait....

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Souls have no filler and every cutscene can be skipped. They have a lot of lore, but it's not forced down my throat.

Played 2-4 over the last few months and had mixed feelings despite thinking they were still good overall. Saying this because I've only played the shitty nes game and MGS1 before playing V at launch. After playing those three games and currently replaying V after never finishing it, I'm gonna say 2 is the best overall but V has the best gameplay. No question. The padding is irksome, but the gameplay works. Not a big fan of Kojima trying to be a film director though, especially after giving several actors the axe because he wanted A-list celebrities for his roles.
Side note, should I go out and play Peace Walker? Other than the spin offs (minus Ghost Babel and Revengance,) and the remake, Peace Walker is the only MGS game I haven't played..

Solid gameplay, absolutely SHIT story.

okay I really dont see the point of skipping anything, sorry
if dark souls didnt have lore I wouldnt bother with it
same with mgs, or most games, really

I’m not skipping it on my first time through, obviously. I enjoy the story of the game, but not when I have to go through a forced walk segment or watch tons of cutscenes.

Go away chapofag

why are you playing it again though when you just beat it?...

This game is much easier than I remember it being. I just beat the honey bee encounter and remember it being a bit more troublesome, so I had a bit of anxiety about it going in. I just fucking ran and blasted my way out of it and was able to get a bunch of resources out of it.

>The padding is irksome, but the gameplay works. Not a big fan of Kojima trying to be a film director though
I'm with you 100%. He tries too hard to be a cinematic director and it's more often than not very hamfisted and shit overall. Even the legend of zelda games cutscenes are better directed despite having much less cut scenes.

>Side note, should I go out and play Peace Walker?
Depends on what you're playing it on. I think the MGS collection is decent enough, but I don't imagine you'd really give a shit about it if you didn't like MGS3.

By the way what'd you think of MGS3 and what version did you play?

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>Souls have no filler
I was somewhat sympathetic to your opinions until now, now I realize you're baiting these poor tards
pic related

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Souls? Because it’s fun. I like replaying games if they’re good.
Every time I get into MGSV, I drop it. After a few months, I try and give it another go, but I don’t want to go back into an old save without context, so I restart. I’ve put 80 hours into that game.

It’s on area.

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>Just let me fucking play the game
>But I couldn't make it through the "gamey-ist" MGS title.
>my coworkers autism dictated my taste for me

Howd you manage to get pleb filtered by fucking MGSV? Jesus christ.

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I like the Tomb.
When I’m talking about filler, I mean forced walking / getting talked to / tutorial shit. Not actual gameplay areas.

Honestly if you have a buddy, then PW is 110 percent worth. Otherwise you can take it or leave it. I personally love it, but I get those who don't.

this is pretty much like peace walker but bigger

Alright some of this shit is goddamn kawaii, but I am also not entirely convinced that Japs have ever seen a dog in real life.

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Memes aside, Kojima's actually not a hack and pretty clever, you just need to pay attention to his stories because, like reality, they're complicated.

His autism didn’t dictate my taste. It just proves to me why I wouldn’t like the other games.

Complicated doesn't mean well written, believable or good.
>His autism didn’t dictate my taste
> It just proves to me why I wouldn’t like the other games.
>His autism proves to me why I wouldn't like the other games
>His autism dictates opinion on the series
Do you see why your thinking could be flawed here?

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Kojima can't ever pull off the whole "show don't tell thing" properly. He does it in some select setpieces but then completely forgets how to do so and goes back to dumping movies and codec calls/tapes for days onto you.
It's why making Venom a silent protag fucked the plot so hard.

My experience with the series + what he’s told me about the other games proves to me that it’s not for me.
Is that better?

Fair enough. Just don't let dipshits ruin things for you.

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Don't make me get the metallic archea again, you giant cuck

He didn’t. Playing 5 ruined it for me, and he only proved to me why I didn’t like it.

Oh I liked 3, just didn't like it as much as 2. It's mostly a preference, but I can at least appreciate it going for a different environment and direction. The Cobra Unit has to be the most overrated group imo, save for The End and The Sorrow. The Fury was a kinda cool boss fight too despite not having much relevance, but the other two are absolute jokes. Just throw grenades at The Pain and win while The Fear isn't much to write home about. The final act has to be the best part of 3, probably out of the whole series.
I own three copies of 3, Subsistance, the original (kept it because I had it signed by David Hayter,) and the HD version on ps2 and 3. Call me entitled, but I preferred the HD version after playing Subsistance. Found the frame rate in Subsistance a pain on the eyes, which is funny because I handled 4 just fine. *shrug*
Well, better find a buddy then before the servers shut down.

play 2


your loss

>Metal Gear Solid V
>Metal Gear Solid aVatar
>Snake and I Are One.
>Together, we're Big Boss.
W o a h

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One of the best Operator Simulator on the market. Night time balaclava infiltration in those few big bases are some top tier fun, and the gameplay is nice and responsive wheb going full rambo.

It's still an amazing game as far as stealth gameplay goes.

It's just a shame it was so unfinished

How do you feel it was unfinished other than the story plot?

Just the storyline. But that's a pretty big flaw for a metal gear game, even if you felt 4 was too story heavy.

>one DLC scrapped early during development
>Battle Gar
>side op where you kill Chico
thats literally all that is missing, story was complete in 2013 and none of the stuff above would change it

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*battle gear
Also Chapter 3: PEACE didnt make it past the titlecard and was turned into Paz sidequest

the fuck would you kill him for

also how the fuck would this make any sense?
Japs can't write a good, believable story for shit.

It propably would have been same as Quiet, you have a choice to kill him or recruit him as a buddy. I guess he would be batshit insane. Also here is a good reading about the story of MGSV

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The translation script, which mirrors the main script to the point where it's essentially the main script was finished in early 2013, which means that the main script was finished at the same time or possibly even earlier.

It's 99% identical to the final product asides from Eyes on Kazuhira and the optional Nuclear Disarmament ending being missing, including what was listed in and being cut, which is not much.

Jesus, poor chico. I guess death was probably a mercy.

why are you even bringing in a completely different game into this conversation about MGSV? what kind of asshole tries to derail a conversation like this?

I dont follow user

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woops meant this for

MGSV is either tied for third or 4th best MGS behind 2, 3, and possibly 1.

>80 hours over multiple retstarts of MGSV but no clear because keep dropping it
>Three entire days and some change
>Every time I "get into"
You were never gonna "get into" any MGS, you never had a snowballs chance, and assuming you're the guy with the annoying coworker, it had nothing to do with his autism. Holy fuck EIGHTY HOURS? I'm just as much a "traditional" gamer as you seem to be; gameplay is paramount and the more of it the better, but MGS gameplay has always been PEAK stealth, particularly tactical stealth espionage. The only thing that ever really even came close was Tenchu. While the old games codecs/cutscenes have turned away plenty, just as many can easily stomach it for the gameplay.

Moreover, MGSV is THE one with the least of the filler/fluff and most pure gameplay on offer. The story doesn't even matter, regardless of whether or not you played the other games. It can be completely ignore it, it actually gets thrown out the window halfway through, hell the way its structured you don't even need to go get key narrative content unless you want to do more of the gameplay. Fucking game journos cleared it in a THIRD of that time. These were key issues that veteran fans who ate up the autism had with the game and the reason its the most new-friendly of the whole series; it was meant for people who wanted more game less movie. I have no idea how anyone on earth could spend 80 hours in MGSV without clearing it unless you have ADD or some other kind of attention deficit disorder. How you managed to keep attempting to the note of 80 hours, even via multiple restarts, on the only one you in particular would ever even have remote chance of getting some fun out of, is utterly baffling.

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Game is sort of unreplayable without modding in some difficulty and getting rid of the retarded mobage resource grinding and waiting times.

Core gameplay is still fun.

i recently played through the missions too, and if you force yourself to choose more difficult routes and use land exfiltration and land insertions, it becomes infinitely nore enjoyable. i have 700+ hours in this game and i basically have to roleplay that i dont know where the objectives or where the best routes are.

I try to give games an honest try. I gave Dragon’s Dogma 30 hours before it “clicked” for me.
I liked MGSV in bursts. The moment-to-moment gameplay was fun enough to hold me over for that long. But all the extra dumb shit just got too annoying.
Look back at my original postI don’t hate the game. It’s fun when it wants to be. I genuinely enjoyed a lot of those 80 hours. But I feel as though I’ve seen all there is to see by the time I get to Africa.

just got timed out of a twitch stream for presenting solid facts against their little hate train, nitpicking 1% of little details while ignoring all the awesome shit it does very well. hating on it is a meme, it's a very solid game

>chapter titled peace is never released
In Outer Heaven, peace never comes. Bravo Kojima.

I played MGS V a few weeks ago, and finally got interested enough in the series to start playing all the games. I just beat MGS and really enjoyed it, and now I want to continue with MGS2. What is the best way to play it on PC though? Is it better to play the original game on an emulator, or should I rather play the "Substance" version that was released for PC?

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the thing about MGSV is, it lifts a lot of stuff straight from Peace Walker, like music and assets, while missing a bunch of mechanics that were in that game (but perfects them a lot). haters seem to complain about those missing mechanics in V (while ignoring that V has fully animated cutscenes while PW has that cheap comic book style, and much lesser detailed assets, which of course needs much smaller budget and dev time)

PW is very cool, you should play it.

Based fag letting others think for him

The PC version plays surprisingly well with a fix, excuse me for linking reddit

Thanks user, I'll look into it.

not him but splinter cell always had better gameplay than mgs

>user disagrees with what someone is telling him about the series
>thinking for him

>Venom Snake is a literal proxy for the player (the script calls him "the player"/"the Avatar"/"Avatar Snake"/"the Medic")
>Naked Snake is still Snake, and thus a Snake (the script calls him "Snake", even when it details Mission 46; there, the script calls him "the real Snake".)
>Two Snakes can nicely coexist at once, breaking the laws of The Boss, because Kojima said so
>Script implies that it's perfectly fine and that you're supposed(!) to play the game thinking that you're "the real Snake", even after watching the Truth ending ("In fact, they are this individual")
>"Avatar Snake and Snake are Big Boss, but Avatar Snake is not Snake in terms of entity. However, Avatar Snake is still Snake regardless".
What was Kojima even thinking?

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you have to stop

>I like to give games an honest try
Thats a good habit but still 80 hours without even clearing? Thats still insane to me. How far did you even get? I beat the game in probably 30 hours, spent another 20 through the last new post-game missions for the final narrative segments up to the truth tapes, and a whole other 30 hours past that just doing the side missions and re-playing the more eventul mains. The most "annoying" thing about it is the 40 or so seconds you spend flying in and out of a mission, but even that can be curtailed.

The game almost has TOO much shit on offer. I don't think its "Fun when it wants to be" as much as its "As fun as you make it." I've noticed a trend of people turtling through the game with the tranq pistol and sniper and hating it without ever really getting into the meat of the crazy shit you can do if you just think outside of the cardboard box and approach it in different ways the game allows for. Its completely different from the other ones in that regard. I guess you can argue it the games fault for not really forcing you to do anything but tranq-fulton-repeat, but I still prefer more options to less, and MGSV was swimming in them. Its pretty much its primary redeeming factor for fans of the series.

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TPP is basically an epilogue to peace walker, it basically the same game but with updated graphics, slightly more shallow base building mechanics, and a story that's about the same, but presented way worse. I personally enjoyed peace walkers comic book style. Peace Walker is like a more jolly, slice of life version of TPP and after recently replaying the entire series, they should be played back to back, it gives TPP being so melancholic hit way harder, you really start to miss the old msf and whatnot.

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>"Heres to you, nicola and bart, rest forever here in our hearts."

>has to play games for tens of hours before deciding if he likes them or not
Yeah, you're real smart, fella.

To put that in retrospect, imagine having to go to a movie theater ffour or more times and paying the admission fee every time and sitting through a movie to figure out if you liked it or not.

That's Tick Tock retard tier, buddy lol.

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pc has a few missing important graphical stuff like shadows that have some gameplay importance, emulate it if you can

watched PW after beating 5 for the lore
I cant believe PW is this bad.. and the gameplay is unbearable

to put that in perspective, god damn it. I'm drunk and am listening to retronauts. Please excuse me.

>you have to stop
Stop what? I'm just proving how Kojima is a hack by using MGSV's script as evidence.

Only thing you are proving is that you have unrivaled autism

Does it explain what eyes on kazuhira was supposed to mean? I assume that he's a two face?

By what? Paying excessive attention to the way someone writes, which is, I don't know, analyzing?

I would guess its implying that Kaz is the traitor, not Huey

The open world kills the game. Controls are stellar and so is the presentation but when you keep running around the same lifeless outposts it gets old real quick.

based Corvo poster

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It’s weird, because Dishonored is one of my favorite games, and it gives you a ton of options to mess with that you don’t technically need, just like Metal Gear.


I didn't mind it, you have to give it some leeway because it's a handheld game, I hated it on handheld but enjoyed it when I replayed the hd collection. But I also really enjoyed the time period and the setting. I enjoyed the lightheaded 70s slice of life feeling it had too, despite snake basically becoming a piece of shit throughout the game.

>Two Snakes can nicely coexist at once, breaking the laws of The Boss, because Kojima said so
It was Major Toms scheme to make Venom out of Medic and he never understood shit about the boss, and even though Jack had no choice in the matter, he didn't care because he abandoned the bosses ideals at the end of PW. The point of MGS in general is nobody got "The Bosse's laws" right but David. So why not make "Everybody" "Snake"? Maybe that'll be corny enough for people to stop bugging him to make another game in a series he wanted to be done with 3 games ago.

Thats what Kojima was thinking. You just don't know what the fuck you're on about.

Man, MGSV just did not feel like metal gear to me at all. I was so hyped to see what crazy shit happens in the cutscenes and I'm just met with ...snake awkwardly shuffling around in the fog until the bad guy grabs him with a giant robot then lets him go. Like what the fuck?

How about having a final boss being nothing but tanks and helicopters? Or not letting us use Battle Gear? Or not letting us go back to the GZ camp? Or the missions that repeat to pad out CH2? Or the cut content like Boss' motorcycle, Mission 51, demon Chico, more SKULL types, etc?

The point is that we, the Metal Gear fans, are responsible for Big Boss' insane acts of skill and heroics. The legend of Big Boss is nothing without us, the players, who accomplished and experienced those battles.

It's the thematic counter to Raiden throwing out the dog tags in MGS2. That scene signified that Raiden wasn't a puppet, that the players weren't worthy of controlling him in that way. By the time MGSV rolls around Kojima has shed some of his ego and is willing to admit that, yes, the fans ARE a huge part of what makes the franchise. Hideo can be a genius, but he wouldn't be shit if his fans didn't play the game.

The problem with going full Rambo rather than tranq-fulton snoozefest is that eventually your mother base would end up understaffed, setting you back massively.

Mods can fix this, but most people played the game on release or console and had to endure the grind.

That and you still have to waste time developing cooler guns and side gear

People shit on the fact that the game was literally unfinished, the engine and gameplay are CRISP, I played for years every time I felt the MGS ich

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I don’t hate the game. I had fun with it enough to keep playing it. I gave up on TW3 in 6 hours. I just don’t have any desire to see it through. It got boring to me.

This board hates to admit it, because that admits defeat, but that's the entire point of the game. It endlessly subverts what you'd expect the game to be, even moreso if you didn't play peace Walker. Yea Forums loves to scoff at the notion that the game was purposely made to make you be left with a longing for what mgs used to be, but for people that love to mock the idea so much they sure as fuck can't seem to over the game

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7 out of 10

Good game but continues the downward trend of the series.

1-3 are peak MGS

It does not. Once again, the whole scene is completely missing.

>despite snake basically becoming a piece of shit throughout the game.
Which is funny because he somehow turned into a good guy again in TPP. Sort of
>He actually cared for getting revenge. According to the script, he's the one who woke up Psycho Mantis
>He selflessly chose to give the role of Big Boss to (You) out of gratefulness and generosity, as if he wanted to really mean something to (You)

You fucked up. You were supposed to play MGS3 after V.

>Your motherbase would end up understaffed.
I probably killed just as many people as I fultoned my first playthrough. I eventually learned LATER that If you still got decent clear times it made up for any goofy or botched murdering you did and the better your score the more "mission-clear recruits" you get regardless of how many you killed or fultoned, which evens out if you didn't fulton that many people. When I re-played the game a year or so after release to challenge myself to a minimalist ghost-run and ONLY tranquilizing and Fulton the best of the litter I could find, I wound up having to routinely kick out junk from motherbase to compensate. Fultoning everybody probably would have been a micromanagement nightmare.

I guess its a delicate balance though, cus I could easily see FULL DEMON FUCK FULTONS methodology getting you understaffed.

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This happened to me back in the day with Gears of War. I enjoyed the first one a bunch, and put some okay time into the MP. Then when 2 was announced, my buddy fucking obsessed over it. It was all he talked about. It got to the point where even hearing "Gears" would trigger me into falling into an annoyed state. I eventually avoided Gears of War 2 simply out of spite of the fact that my friend was obsessed with it and would not shut the fuck up about it. As much as it sucked for genuine fans, I was kind of relived that the MP's server thing resulted in the MP sucking ass, because my friend ended up not playing it anymore and moving on to MW to endlessly farm headshots to get all gold weapons. Which he eventually did.

Hope you're doing alright, Bruce.

I agree it feels a bit off in terms of the tempo in game, but the overall productis great.

It's a little bit like saying that Game of Thrones is a bad show, because it's had some shit moments and a bad ending.

Overall it was good and I enjoyed it and I can move on. Yeah the ending is shit, but I'd still recommend it to anyone interested because the rest of it was great.

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Two words: Backward development.

Remember halfway through development the game had to be retrofitted for the previous generation of consoles.

I played every game within the franchise. Liked every single one, gave them all the same rating.

V is as close to real war as you can get while still having Metal Gear elements. Repetitive missions, constant nothingness, etc.
If you think V sucks, real war will suck the same way.

>It does not. Once again, the whole scene is completely missing
Wonder if it's something they were gonna flesh out later in development before kojimbles got canned, or in dlc. I like to think there was gonna be more dlc in the future, to fill in the Moby dick motifs and whatnot.

Venom is best Snake

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Yeah, theres a certain melancholic hollowness that the game gives off really well that I feel doesn't get enough credit. Venom seems fucked in the head, but not overtly, and is just doing whatever he can to manage all this shit going wrong. I don't think there's a better sad operator game on the market like v.

>rarely talks
>sounds drunk when he does
>stares with no emotions during important events or conversations
>best snake

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If you go 100% lethal you're gonna get fucked, and trying to go volunteers only is gonna deprive you of specialists.
>b-but you can extract wounded soldiers using the chopper!
Ain't nobody got time for that.

>actually getting the golden uzi

that ponytail in the concept art is much cooler than what we got ingame. i wonder if the engine couldnt handle the longer hair

and that right there is why he is the best, he also cares for his comrades

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>I like to think there was gonna be more dlc in the future, to fill in the Moby dick motifs and whatnot.
From all accounts we basically got like half the game that Kojima intended to release. He wanted to do not only Kingdom of the Flies, but Chapter 2 wasn't supposed to just be a bunch of replays of previous missions. Mother Base was also supposed to be WAY more involved, as far as actually going there to do meaningful things.

The "finished product" we got is like 45% of Kojima's intended product.

Okay I need this answered cuz I can't seem to find a proper answer. If I go 100% ghost, as in no shots fired, no alerts, no making contact with anyone ever, I can take as long as I want and get S rank? Is that the actual alternative to speed? Because I swore I just did that and got an A, but I don't remmeber if I threw a magazine or not at the start.

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I thought MGSV had top-tier gameplay, which is why it is unfortunate the story and open world shit were so bad.

Are there any good mods for a re playthrough? Stuff like events, things to do in the maps?

he never cared about his comrades. he was just trying to fit the role made for him

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Speed factors into it, seemingly in a big way. You're better off sprinting through the level and taking some guys out than going full stealth but taking forever, speed counts for more.

Cared more than Big Boss, thats for sure

Bros demon edition was supposed to be announced. why wasn't in announced bros

>if the script leak is actually real
>Big Boss is still a Snake by the time of TPP despite the game's cast listing for the Truth mission calling him "Big Boss"

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The game would have been GOAT if it was just a bunch of semi open areas like Ground Zeroes, each with a unique mission
The open world meme and repetitive missions just killed all the enjoyment for me

yes. you tend to get 80k to 100k poinst just from no traces. adding the 30k you get from the psnk bonuses, you should have more than enough to grt s rank (130k). its really fun to do

even worse once you realize that he didn't care about the fodder followers, just his close circle of friends and soldiers. Just like every general or even manager in mankind. The more people you get put in control, the less fucks you give about a single one. Especially if you're a megalomaniac, or damaged in other ways.

Gotcha, that kinda sucks. I'm not a big speed guy, I thought I could go full Sam Fisher and counteract the speed timer, good to know tho, I'll just do ghost runs for fun then over aiming for the S.

stop you fuckin autist

MGSV is a lot like BOTW, and any other open world, big world game. It's a boatload of fun through most of the first playthrough, but you can never actually play it again

what the fuck are you talking about? everything bibo tried to do was to keep soldiers from dying needlessly.

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Gameplay's fun too although controls are a little esoteric. Story's great and can be pretty nuanced at times but people tend to exaggerate it because its their first philosophical pill having never touched a book.
Kojima wanted these games to be just for fun so thats how it should be approached. Just try them in your spare time. It ISNT the best game series but it isnt bad either

heres a no traces video i made a while ago. you get 160k just from that bonus alone which puts you 30k over what is needed for s rank. its totally worth doing not just for the challenge but the high score you get too shut up BiBo, you love war

Yeah, it took me a long time to go back to it after I made the mistake of deleting my save. And I was on console

>that feel when you reach the end of Chapter 1 and think "ohh yeah, now the story's gonna get good!"

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nothing wrong with the story in MGSV, its a pleb filter like MGS2

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fucking kek, that can't be real, can it?

So, you rarely talk?
You sound drunk when you do?
You stare with no emotion during important events or conversations?
You don't see yourself as "one of the best Snakes" despite that you are Snake and thus automatically the best?
Cool, I don't care.

So, you care for your comrades? Cool, I don't care.

So, you never cared about your comrades, and all this time, you were just trying to fit the role of Big Boss? Cool, I don't care.

So, you care for your comrades more than the real Snake does? Cool, I don't care.

So, you care about your close circle of friends and soldiers, but not your fodder followers? Cool, I don't care.

So, you don't like the real Snake's way of thinking with his war obsessions and all? Cool, I don't care.

Oh shit thanks user, I wasn't sure cuz there's so many conflicting answers about it on the steam forums. Appreciate it

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Zero and BB have completely lost The Bosses Will by TPP. Also, as far as the games context is concerned Naked hasn't been a "Snake" since PW. As far as the lore goes, Naked stopped being "Snake" and truly became "Boss" by the end of PW, leaving room for Venom. Not that it matters because of my first sentence.

People love to rip this conversation out of context of the game it came from and the lore built around that game later to justify being pissed off for falling for the ruse that BB didn't "Become a demon" in TPP, even though BB has always been a grey-moral "villain". You see it a lot from the "BB really did turn evil cus he abandoned kaz!" crowd.

>So, you care about your close circle of friends and soldiers, but not your fodder followers?
Yes. That's exactly how it works once you're in charge of multitudes of people. This might not make sense to many people that haven't been in that position, but that's how the human brain works.

I don't think the story was unfinished, but I think the world was. I think there are locations and assets that were just never made or completed. But the story itself is actually pretty coherent, it's just not presented in any bombastic fashion. It just feels like you're some dude out in bumfuck nowhere being told Intel.

>Still holds up
>Implying it's an old game.

Replaying it now actually, Chapter 2 sucks on a replay, love the series but can't see myself beating it a third time, too much wait and grind for repeats.

>You see it a lot from the "BB really did turn evil cus he abandoned kaz!" crowd

I don't even get this, if anyone played peace walker you'd know Kaz is a two faced fuck and snake had every right to leave someone like that behind. On top of that he tries the entire game to send venom down a path of destruction, and in my opinion is what leads him to become the outer heaven demon in the time skip.

Yeah chapter 2 is where my enthusiasm starts to die. It feels like there's missing levels and set pieces for some of the events of the later game. Somehow I really doubt you were supposed to fight the skulls in the airport you've been to like 5 times now, very small things that go a long way.

I've found such people often hadn't even played PW, they only peripherally understand BB as a "Villain" because of what they heard from their friends from PW and the old MSX games, and thus so easily fell for kojimas weakest ruse and demonize (Pun not intended) BB while praising Venom and vehemently hating Kojima.

I'm convinced its these kind of people whos reaction to MGSV was: "WHY DIDNT WE GO DEMON REEEEE" That developed that fake "demon edition" leak, and you'll find them here on Yea Forums more than you might imagine... and a few retarded ass youtube comments on one of the very few video reviews of the game.

>As far as the lore goes
Nice one, pal. Unfortunately, you see, well... the script, let me repeat, THE SCRIPT, calls Naked "Snake" and "the real Snake", even when it details the Truth mission/ending. Throughout it as a whole, "Big Boss" is rarely ever used. Therefore, he's still a "Snake" by TPP.

The game is one thing, but it's script is another. A script, holds EVERYTHING to be understood by others, EVERY single meaning to be deciphered by others, and EVERY single secret to be found by others. It also details, going back to my original point, the correct name calling conventions for EVERY single thing, de facto.

I made a back up save on PC, turns out you keep your online research and FOB unlocks, not their development or staff though. Haven't beaten the game again yet but all the online resources meant I maxed all my home platforms already. Also got a S rank ban warning and wondering what equipment causes it only to find out I had too good a sneaking suit from FOB shit on my first file.

>First playthrough
>Men get infected
>Decide fuck trying to figure it out, of course there will be a cure and all my dead guys will get replaced by higher stat versions
>Get quarantine mission and feel bad
>2nd run
>Actually bother to solve the puzzle
>No quarantine mission but checking everyone took forever

Don't know if it was worth the effort.

I liked it, but I'm still only halfway through the main missions, was juggling between Talos Principle and Dishonored 2 and Prey at the time and right now don't have much time to finish any of them no matter how much I want to.

The gameplay mechanics are right up my alley and the attention to (historical) detail is very nice especially if you know enough to notice.


>Don't even think about 100% completion, it's so grindy because they want you to pay up for MB coins and raid maxed out FOB's/
>Max your bond out with quiet
>When you get the mission to go find her in Chapter 2, get dressed for war, that means Battle Dress and Rocket Launchers.

FOBs fucking suck