>Sailor Moon gets a new movie
>Still no Sailor Moon video game
>Sailor Moon gets a new movie
>Still no Sailor Moon video game
In general I dislike Mercury's archtype but fuck me if she doesn't give me the fattest nuts.
Venus > Mars > Jupiter > Moon > Mercury
Wasn't there an rpg on the SNES?
This guy gets it.
there's a fighter too
Venus is a no-good catfucker.
good taste but Mars is the best
>we will never get a good Sailor Moon vidya and all the lesbian and monster girl action it entails
why even live bros
Best lesbian
I enjoyed the first SNES BMP
I even made a YouTube video about it
Best Sailor
You're probably baiting or an actual dumbass but I'll respond. Licenses are fucking expensive. There's the licensing fee, the minimum non-guarantee, the royalties shares, and sometimes a shit ton of other hidden fees. It's not worth it unless you have the money to burn
Mercury = Mars > Saturn > everyone else
I just wish there was more stuff of the sailors turning into the monsters of the day
don't remind me
hmnnn I'll allow it
black dog
Has there ever even been one?
Even I cosplayed my favourite scout better to an event...and I'm a 1.9m non-white buffed dude
Find a flaw
there was an RPG on the SNES along with one or two fighters and an arcade beat em up. Probably more (pretty sure there's some mobile puzzle game for example but can't be fucked checking) but I doubt any of them are relevant, hell the ones I mentioned are already barely relevant considering nobody talks about sailor moon games in general outside of the occasional mention of the RPG as a hidden gem and the fighter being treated as a janky sideshow at fighting game tourneys.
>(pretty sure there's some mobile puzzle game for example but can't be fucked checking)
There was, but I think I heard a while ago that it's dead now, haven't checked myself though.
When it comes time to advertise your game on Yea Forums, do the following things for greatest market penetration:
1. Use attractive pictures of female characters.
Yea Forums likes these, and will associate their positive emotions with your game
2. Get Yea Forums arguing over which character is most attractive.
Arguments keep a thread bumped and anger is great at making potential customers remember your product, but remember that customers should never be angry AT your product. Instead get them arguing over which part of your product is best.
3. Don't start throwing around "reddit" or "SJW" or "shill" or "incel" like it's a downvote
It's transparent as fuck. If you try to smear something with really transparent messages, you instead invoke the streissand effect and promote it.
Good luck marketing your Sailor Moon game on Yea Forums. My favourite character is Sailor Saturn.
Toei has to keep the animation rights on Sailor Moon somehow despite how irrelevant the IP is now.
You are now unseeing manually
A man of fine taste I see.
less and less game tie-ins
>>Sailor Moon gets a new movie
Why you lie?
but it's true
it's just crystal's adaptation of the SuperS arc
Trannycore series
Are you fucking kidding?
Sailor Moon has had tons of vidya.
Are you telling me you didn't want to be sailor mars when you grew up?
I really only remember the FIGHTING EVIL BY MOONLIGHT and owning some vhs tapes of it but I was more so watching it because my older sister would put it on
I've never wanted to be a Senshi but I have wanted to fuck at least every single one of the OG 5 at some point or another.
Are you me?
I wanted to be Mako-chan.
Best Sailor Senshi.
Nice taste
Jupiter > Moon > Mars > Mercury > Venus
Why so many people love Mars that much?
What is it this whiny cunt has more than the rest besides being an anti-social bitch?
>Why so many people love Mars that much?
Red = best color
Wow user, you sure showed him. These reasons are why we never ever see anime games at all.
Nobody would ever make an arena brawler about a 5 year old anime for example.
Sometimes I kinda wonder what a male senshi would look like.
nigga you stupid
You're the dumbass.
The reason we don't see anime games is because they don't get released outside Japan.
Well that's not fair at all, buff genderbent cosplay of scouts is top tier fun.
I cosplayed my fav scout better and I'm a 5'10" skeleton mode white boy.
back in the day I used to think mars was the hottest just because of the stiletto heels, made her look mature and I guess that was attractive to a dumb kid. Later on I've learned to appreciate mercury and jupiter much more tho
There are no male senshi. There can only be female according to the creator.
Oh no, it’s pro-jared!
Well I suppose the thought never went too far anyway.
Chibi Moon is so awful. Thank goodness for Mini Mars, or whatever her friend's name is.
>Mini Mars
I like hot headed girls
You can keep your boring doormat
Isn't that pretty much Tuxedo Mask?
She'll be cute one day
Why was everyone besides usagi gay?
maybe if she didn't have a retarded hairstyle
Tuxedo Mask has no powers. He's literally a normal guy in a tux wearing a mask.
to the eternal outrage of takeuchi
the senshi were all star seeds and tuxedo mask was earth's star seed so that's probably as close as you're gonna get without going full Starlights on a "man"
he counts as a senshi though, he has a crystal and is basically Sailor Earth in everything but name.
>Sailor Moon gets a new movie
Depends; it's gonna be animated like shit like the anime from a few years ago?
Also; Childhood is liking Mercury, adulthood is understanding Jupiter was the best girl.
>Tuxedo Mask has no powers
who needs superpowers when you look this good
Fuck you user
This is the opposite of cute and funny.
This is basic and plain.
This guy gets it. Though it does look better on her adult body. The juxtaposition is nice.
Because we are anti-social bitches, what else?
It's a transformation even in the anime isn't it? And in the manga he has magic as well.
Nah that's not canon and was an invention of the 90s anime.
Switching Jupiter and Venus is another opinion I can respect.
The manga is shit and the anime IS the canon though.
dumpling head looks relatively normal compared to hers
I don't see Mars on top so this is invalid.
>Tuxedo La Smoking Bomber
Sailor Moon crystal exists because Naoko didn't like the original anime.
Didn't Ami hook up with a student (male) one time? I could've swore Makoto had a former BF too.
sailor moon crystal is shit what's your point
Girls don't play games so there isn't a market for one
>inb4 what about mobile games?
The only mobile games that earn money are gachas and that's marketed towards sweaty neckbearded whales, not women.
You're shit and so's your point.
My point is only the creator can decide what is canon.
Retard, there's plenty of Sailor Moon video games.
Annoying brat attitude.
*only for alphas
>Guy in a tux
He's the embodiment of the power of /fa/
I choose to believe this is bait, because no one could genuinely have an opinion this bad.
Name one.
We have the SNES kusoge fightan that is so kuso it warps around and becomes pure kamige.
>mfw the finals in Animevo 2019
I don't remember his name but yeah there was a guy who showed up occasionally that Ami was interested in. How could you forget Makoto's bf though? She brings him up all the fucking time.
Sailor Moon: Another Story on SNES.
I wasn't sure he was a real person who actually existed and not just a figment of Makoto's imagination.
The shift to the Precure style of characters is an improvement over whatever S1 of Crystal was.
Would mamoru and usagi's romance fly in 2019?
Could not get dick off the mind while also being a shrine miko and attending a catholic girls school
>My point is only the creator can decide what is canon
Wasn't the anime (aka the successful part of SM) basically the brainchild of her, her husband, and based Ikuhara? It was like a perfect storm and I don't doubt that Crystal feels different since it's missing at least one of the 3.
Hell, leaving anyone not reigned in and unchecked is a recipe for disaster, just look at what Ikuhara did with the Utena movie.
So I'm the only plutofag here?
Too bad it doesn't look as good as Precure.
>that time seiya threw the rose from his shirt to distract a MOTW and Usagi broke down realizing Mamoru was really gone
I always felt bad for that dude. Never stood a chance despite being a vastly more interesting character.
>Could not get dick off the mind
That's every girl though
Stupid ass c*mbrain
The anime deviates from the manga way more than an anime usually does.
It's shit and sold poorly, you also looked that up.
Not into futas
I can't
So we can all agree Rashiku Ikimasho was the best ED right
>you also looked that up
I didn't look up anything.
I've played it and its an amazing game.
I never read any Sailor manga aside from V but I was always told the Moon manga was a constant rehash of the same arc or something to that effect.
Literally just reskin nuPersona with Sailor Moon characters and you're all set.
>Fight a "monster-of-the-week" enemy every few days
>Hang out in your spare time; visit places shown in manga/anime
>Big fight with a major villian at the end of a month or two
wouldn't work without a self-insert protag
>constant rehash of the same arc or something to that effect
I literally don't know what your talking about.
The manga isn't like that at all.
>playing a game made for girls
Sissy faggot.
Time to fap
The series already has a lazy MC that wants to spend all day reading manga and playing video games. I see absolutely no issues here
>implying usagi wasnt a self insert for unpopular girls
Don't be coy.
Everyone here is a little girl.
Make it another Sailor based on a Dwarf Planet. Sailor Ceres, Sailor Eris, Sailor Makemake, Sailor Pluto.
>not being able to self-insert as Sailor Moon
Sailor Moon had like 20 games though
>tfw no 10th Sailor Soldier game like Jojo's 7th Stand User
Best girl
>Sailor Pluto.
Both best girls reunite in the best art.
Whoever made this has done god's work.
shoulda just posted the lala solo one because it's the best by far
adding the singing to the transformation was such a good change to the formula that I hope they keep it in some capacity next year.
Its funny because I always here "it's nothing like that" and "it's exactly like that" when bringing that up.
I suppose I should just bite the bullet and read it for myself one day but I guess i'm just afraid it will ruin the anime's appeal somewhat.
Plus I don't think I've ever actually read a (mahou) shojou manga aside from Sailor V unless you count Cutie Honey. I refuse to experience anything Utena aside from the tv anime because autism.
Lala is best girl I agree.
it's already been posted
Sailor Mir
Who's your favorite monster of the day?
Sailor Uranus is best tomboy
Sailor Oumuamua
This actually looks about as good as Tumblr noses will ever look
Very cute and funny
ok now post the REAL tumblr sailor moon """fanart"""
That's pretty tame for >tumblr, they're all still the same color, they aren't goth or punk, and none of them are hamplanets or amputees.
best ST anyway
No. I just wanted to fuck her.
>favorite girls are Neptune and Uranus
>always fantasize about having a threesome with them
>because they're lesbians, they'd outright refuse me, and even if they didn't, they'd ignore me throughout
Why did the best girls have to be lesbians?
Venus is best scout especially the manga version, anime version is still pretty damn good though.
Just become a girl first then you can do the Threesbians.
Maybe they'll let you watch
Why does everything have to be trash now? JFC, take me back to 1998.
I can't. She's the ideal Japanese woman, bitchy personality aside.
Reminder to jump on the precure train if you want modern magical girl goodness.
you can't see it from this angle, but me on the bottom.
The saddest part is that since gender is such a taboo topic online now that you can't say that you saw yourself in someone of the opposite one without people thinking that you wanna be a tranny
Fuggin space joint man
she's been my favorite senshi for years.
I have a daki of her, but she's a lesbian so its okay
Disregard trannies. They wanna force their bullshit on everyone. You can like girls' stuff without being mentally ill.
Pretty much every adult male has wondered "I wonder how it feels when two girls fuck". Doesn't mean it's time to donate to Medicines Sans Frontiers, turn the audio 10 decibels too low, and contact Twitch staff.
I love these two, though Venus isn't actually dumb like Usagi just lazy when it comes to school work
Sounds like you just really like cool girls.
Is Rei Hino really bitchy though?
To me she just sounds like that really confident type of girl who has too much pride in herself.
Based tripfag
Except they are all super trashy.
What's this? This actually looks good.
>one or two fighters
By ArcSys no less
She's a bitch in the anime for sure, she actually wasn't that much of a bitch in the manga just kind of cold
It's weird how Venus is like a prototype Usagi and yet better in every way
Maybe that's just what being freed from the shackles of being the protag does for a character.
I already watch precure.
Why do you think I can post transformation videos and know Lala is best girl?
user, it already has vidya kino
>The saddest part is that since gender is such a taboo topic online
It is because it individualize a person on the internet; where it is supposed to be anonymous by default, not for those shitty memes my lad.
Cold how? I've never read the manga, in the anime she is kinda friendly despite her regular arrogant behavior.
>sailor moon
Imagine finding your twin in your teenage years. What luck.
why couldn't the monsters be like showa kamen rider, aka, monsters?
That's Crystal isn't it?
what episode is this?
they actually fixed crystal so it looks really good later on. Truly a shame it started off so fucking ugly not it has a bad rep
Just more stoic less catty, she didn't lose her temper as much or try to take the leader position from Usagi
Usagi should be bottom tier. She's going to be a terrible wife, a terrible mom and a terrible lover. She'll probably be the first of the five girls to hit the wall.
Talking to everyone else ITT friendo.
that anus
What is the best attack, and why is it dead scream
Apparently she made a good mother even though she forced immortality on the people of Earth.
>starting what amounts to company wars in a magical girl thread
I thought only madoka fans did this.
That looks rad as heck. I'd play that.
Madoka is small time compared to Sailor Moon and Sakura.
Both are way way more powerful than anyone in Madoka.
Is that a Saint Seiya character?
Only watched a few eps of this but it seemed alright for a gag anime.
I played the super famicom one.
Based japs.
the bat girl
Underrated & intriguing
I wasn't talking about powerlevels, user...
>still no modern mahou shoujo fighter or 3D action game
World Shaking was the coolest by far
flip venus and moon and you become me.
>go to beach
>see this
what do
That's because there hasn't been any good mahou shoujo in over a decade sans Precure.
Tell them I'm sorry for their backs hurting so much.
think to myself
>wow, those thots look almost like the sailor scouts
>precure will never get a game that's even as "jank but still fun" as Battride War or Climax Heroes, nevermind something legitimately good
>Sailor Moon will never get a cool modern persona-style RPG
>nobody's even making magical girl-themed games in general
I really feel like this is an untapped market.
>Realise they literally ALL have fetal alcohol syndrome
>Get a bit confused
>Wander into local bar / restaurant to check if this entire town has fetal alcohol syndrome or just those girls
>Get the local water company to test whether there may be poison in the water supply
Mercury is best
>formerly plutt's