Its not that good

its not that good

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yeah its not good, its great

It's literally one of three AAA games to come in 2019 that's amazing. Note that one of the other ones is also by Capcom.

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ITT: opinions

Starts strong, fumbles midway, and kinda comes back at the end

Bought a 2080Ti for this game

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I don't think so, either.

I didn't know why until I got to the part where Ada kisses Leon and it hit me that they just met 2 hours ago. I don't care what the situation, people don't get this attached or fall in love like that. It worked in the original because that one was campy as an 80's teen horror taking place in a camp by a lake but here it takes itself so seriously the whole absurdity of the plot becomes too blatantly obvious.

Sure, great mods out there. Game? Not so much.

All the effort was put into the PD they just rushed it.

>like game a lot
>horror stress me out
>never finish it
anyone found the secret sauce to this?

that's a hot take

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But that's what's great about RE games as you get better at them they give you tools to make it more interesting.

I enjoyed leon's campaign but they ruined claire's. Don't think I'll replay it it every year or two like I do with the original


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This game is only praised because for once crapcom didn't fuck up. It actually has less content than RE2 (no point in replaying for b side at all in this version).

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Let me guess, you're one of those pussies who think Mr. X ruined the game.

by blasting em in the face

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Yes it is. It's a really strong re-interpretation of a classic game.
That third one better be Sekiro.
Pop them in the head 2 or 3 times and run past while they're staggered.

if your on hardcore, make that 5 or 6 times.

>I didn't know why until I got to the part where Ada kisses Leon and it hit me that they just met 2 hours ago. I don't care what the situation, people don't get this attached or fall in love like that
Leon was a naive 21 year old being manipulated by a hot competent older woman you mong. It was completely one sided. He was a horny young guy who thought he could get laid.

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>That third one better be Sekiro
But of course

>It's a really strong re-interpretation of a classic game.
It is similar to the classic in name and setting alone. The actual gameplay is nothing like the original.

>The actual gameplay is nothing like the original
It's not tank controls with fixed camera angles but it's still a slower paced horror game where you have to manage resources and navigate a large environment, solving puzzles and doubling back on yourself to use key items to progress further. In that sense they captured the spirit of the original.

>where you have to manage resources
Inventory is too forgiving. I didn't have to backtrack to an itembox once; too many pouch extensions.
Also the atmosphere was destroyed by being overly dark and having virtually no music. And backtracking really wasn't a thing either since they completely casualized the map system by signifying to the player when they have exhausted all of the items in each room/area of the game

says who?

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You don't have to use the pouches, tard. Only retards backtracked anyway. Music complaint is pure trolling.

better than dmcv

i think is just overhyped.
its a good game indeed but maybe the nostalgia for the whole two disc adventure diferences are still strong for me but i think it pales compared to the first REmake.
I enjoyed RE7 more than REmake2...

>just handicap yourself bro
I bet you're one of the scrubs that defends the cape in smw.
Anyway the music is hi garbage compared to the original and quite frankly the entire game felt boring and uninspired. It feels like every other ots shooter down to the 4button quick weapon select. Enjoy knowing your generation killed gaming lil zoom

What did you favor in RE7 over RE2make? I love both games but RE2make is better in every regard for me.

It's a modern RE game on top of being a remake that actually cut shit from the original, of course it's not
but people will praise it anyway because they're capfucks

What do you mean? I share your sentiments with the DEmake though. Would have been neat to have a proper one with fca and tank controls.

I'm 32 and know more and care more about gaming than you ever will, kill yourself.

Remake was great, you just a broken brain. Probably suffering from depression.

it's great.

Honestly amazing remake, can't believe they did such a great job. I honestly would have liked them to add 1-2 more other character routes from scratch though to be honest.


hi micheal.

It's pretty good. Not legendary good like HDREmake but still a good game.
Ghost survivors was super gay though.

>n-no u

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It's fantastic
Sorry you can't enjoy things

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Kid, you know nothing about gaming.

>I bet you're one of the scrubs that defends the cape in smw

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Honestly my favorite game of 2019 so far. It really did it for me. And when it was announced I realized I still have the original ps1 discs in my tv drawer. And I've moved 4 times since 98.

I'm genuinely happy about both versions of RE2 guys :3

based re2 user

Not liking ryona material what are you gay OP?

Stop been a pussy? Re2 remake is no horror game

How good is "that good"?

It's a disappointment. Capcom designed it to appeal to zoomers and casuals so now it feels like every other ots shooter.

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Could you, you know, use reasons instead of buzzwords?

It really wasn't.

As someone who actually played the original when it was brand fucking new, it's pretty goddamn good.

I lived through the release of the original and played it near fucking Gary Indiana in the middle of the I know spooky. It's utterly fantastic.

Its was good, but that's it.
It was a huge disappointment for me.

>Been watching the poster count
It's one dude panning the game over and over, what the fuck

Trolls be trolling.
It's cringe like this that shows you know nothing about RE at all.

Good game.
Terrible remake.

>Hurr I used my phone to troll

I wanted a remake in the vain of REmake, instead we got a reimagining of RE2 where the new content for the most part were ass.

Played the original as a kid, was great. Played the fuck out of the remake now and it too was great, but the scenarios being so damn similar was kind of a letdown. The original as a kid never scared me but the new one gave me nightmares a lot from playing it. All in all good as fuck and I can't wait for 3Make

>nerfed map system
>dynamic difficulty
>shit musical score
>No A/B campaigns
>"Go here, now!" mission objectives
>in-game puzzle cheat booklet
>Button prompts
>Unlimited saves
>16+ slot inventory
>Auto-balancing that spawns ammo & HP
>RE7 GUI and music design
>Goblina Claire
>fucked up "classic" costumes
>fake gun names

Damn, you know im going to go play it again right fucking now, thanks OP. Its the fucking GOTY.

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I've never understood how people can replay this over and over again. It would be like replaying TLoU

Sounds like you need a new hobby where you have fun instead of falling for memes about what is correct and what isn't.

RE2make is probably the most solid post-RE4 action game

anyway I want to fuck sherry

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it's a remake, OP. a majority of its critical reception comes from nostalgic fanboys. nostalgia is a powerful thing and can convince a person that a meh game for its time is literally GOTY. now imagine have that senseless fanboy nostalgia validated with a full blown remake.

don't take opinions like too seriously
>It's cringe like this that shows you know nothing about RE at all.
shit like this show you're pretty much dealing with fanboys who followed the original series.

the only way to form an unbiased, valid opinion is to play the game without ever having had previous touch a resident evil game in your life, particularly when it was just released.

then is when you can actually determine if its truly up to par with other modern releases.

it really isn't. As soon as Mr.X is on the ground following you I turned the game off and haven't played since. Completely kills the fun.

Same, I want to fill Sherry up with my cum.

Original is still better.

RE2: Not that good, but still pretty good.
REmake: Trash.

>REmake: Trash.

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>action game


It was orgasmic and I'm not even a pedo for Sherry

>REmake: Trash.

>REmake: Trash
Zoom far far away zoomer

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Now that's just not true at all. The zombies in 2R are fucking resilient, and take more than one headshot to go down

Should have been way longer. They already added stuff, should have added more. Even if I purposefully play slow, picking up every single item, killing every enemy on the highest difficulty it takes only a bit more than 3 hours. More weapons and better weapon sounds too. Better mini games. Also should have gone full tank controls if they are going to do that stand still better accuracy thing.

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Reminder that the fucking best thing about the remake are the Claire/Christ memes

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>not wanting to impregnate sherry
or are you an emma guy?

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>Even if I purposefully play slow, picking up every single item, killing every enemy on the highest difficulty it takes only a bit more than 3 hours.
That's a bald faced lie

Her dad sure does

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>shooting in the leg is LITERALLY the same as shooting in the head
>this is an acceptable mechanic according to capcocksuckers
I didn't even finish the Chris A run even though I pirated this piece of shit. That's how boring and soulless it was.

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>Chris A
Is that when you play as Chris and your mission is to hog tie Leon back to your apartment so Claire can finally get some?
Cuz I don't remember that mission

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Nah. Then again I've played it a lot and know what to do. Still if I were to do the same thing in 4 it would be a good 7-10 hour playthrough.

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You ever think that maybe the plots of the RE games aren't meant to be taken too seriously even with how RE2 presents itself?

the best RE still remains outbreak

yeah and how many runs did it take to get that rank? :P

I think user meant blast them in the face for the stun. Either head or kneecap zombies to run past.

I have never had so much fun blowing holes in a zombie's face. Thank you Japan. Thank you.

I want to racemix with Ada and BLEACH her.

we're not their main audience anymore

i have the same, just got to force yourself, or play with a friend wacthing.