Hi Yea Forums

Hi Yea Forums

Going through a rough time. When I was a kid, the social interactions I had in games like garrysmod and world of warcraft really helped.

didn't think I'd have this problem at 25, I've had a sudden change in life situation that has me losing entire days to just being sad. Suggest other games where I can find a comfy place to hang out, or berate me, whatevers good

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FF 14?

GW2 is a comfy MMO with a nice community, and you can play at your own pace without worrying about becoming irrelevant. Plus there's some big announcement coming at the end of the month.


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wow classic
it's releasing in 5 days, and, despite of all of the shitposting here, I think most people playing will be normal people looking for a good time and not zoomers

TF2 is always a great game to just zone out to. warframe is really good too. but I especially recommend learning to love yourself and accept who you are. your happiness is whats most important

what genres do you like

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Put the game down and be active. Sitting inside won't help your feelings. exercise and vitamin D from the sun will.

>2010 Gmod
>played some game modes for fun and got really into it
>started to share strats with the “cool” guys and eventually because friends with them
>still talked to people in game and helped a ton of newbies enjoy the games
>had to stop playing for a long ass time because of real life and eventually drift away from everyone
>present day
>come back to the old server I used to love
>right off the bat some tranny is literally talking about getting rammed
>begging people to join his shitty group
>fags in his group just keep kissing up to him in chat
>can’t even help the people playing because of their flooding
>fucker literally had some kid in his group who I’m sure doesn’t realize how fucking creepy and degenerate that guy is being
>other than that nobody else really talks
Sorry for blogposting but this just broke my heart.
The time of wholesome online games with small communities is gone, user. Everywhere I go it’s thirsty assholes ERPing in chat, groups of random who refuse to interact with anyone outside their discord or people so new they don’t know what the fuck is going on and shortly leave forever. What the fuck went wrong, bros?

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He asked for games not that normie bullshit

you learn that you just wait then bad feelings go away
if there was a cure all people would be sharing it by now
your brain has no qualms about punishing you chemically for things outside your control
but like a meth addict you eventually need a bigger dose for it to do anything to you
eventually it's just "aww shit here we go again getting worried about some meaningless bullshit"

try league of legends competitive :)

>2010 is considered a nostalgic time, where anything was different at all (times weren't actually different even muh 90s)

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>That sudden spike at around early 20s
>That's me
>I feel old and tired all the time. Even though I'm only 23
>Still haven't fucked
>Still haven't gotten my feet off the ground and gone to college
>Still in a shitty retail job
>At nights I just drive around listening to music and hope some drunk fuck runs into me so I can die quick

God I'm so fucking horny and lonely anons

this graph says its just gunna get worse lol

That’s the problem, though. Not much time passed since then but somehow (Garry’s mod specifically) went to shit in such a short timeframe. That what bothers me so much, not how “time flies” or how I “wish I was a kid again” bullshit

Literally the exact same scenario. Something clicked around 23 and I feel like shit.

how many hours did you have in gmod?

god that game was the best. would just get on and hang out. 1800 hrs, and wish I could put in another 1800


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Maybe it has to do with 30-year-old-at-the-time-millionaire Garry trying to make facepunch forums a Yea Forums alternative.

then he fucking killed it
he killed my boy

What the fuck why are the other ones so high

Games aren't gonna pull him out of sadness user.

Over 2300. Sure I had tons of times where I AFK’d for a long time but most of it was just playing with people and having weird but genuine interactions with them, wether it be role playing or trying to to get killed in competitive game modes. There was nothing out the like it
I never used facepunch but now that you mentioned it the decline of their forums might have been a big part of everything going wrong

just looking for an alternative to blankly staring at my computer while TV shows play on it.

VRChat, it's the best bar you'll ever find.

yeah boi

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