They're masterworks all can't go wrong

they're masterworks all can't go wrong

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should've waited for a DD thread tho

This is a DD thread

>keep giving him gifts on my first playthrough
>think if he had high affinity for me I'd get better prices
>finally confront grigori

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Okay now you can post it

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if you're not fighting for his sweet lil ass, you're just not very good at DD

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>want to romance Fournival's daughter
>do princess quest because I need a love in the rough (or whatever that quest item is)
>permanently locked into the princess romance
If there was ONE thing I would change in this game it would be that shit. AT LEAST let me access the manse without wasting my time with that whore.

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>gave arisen's bond to mercedes
>get the princess of cunts instead
What's funny is that you can make an arisen's bond with love-in-the-rough, the item you get for that quest.

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Assassin to lvl 200 or you're a shit, SHIT
unless you're a magic boi

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DD2 when

It was going to be made, but devil may cry V came into play

A balanced approach is superior considering how vital your stamina is and how little attack matters when you have overpowered weapons.

>assassins have a bad stamina pool

>not cucking this bitch ass nigga

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Reminder that min maxing in this game is literally pointless unless you're doing some speedrunning shit.
The seconds you save at the end killing monsters isn't worth the hours it takes to get there. Just play whatever is fun.
But also, don't play sorcerer for over 100 levels and then complain your physical vocations are shit.
The first 100 levels get you more stats, just do like 50 of ass or sorc and then whatever else you pick will get you a good balanced level 200.
The grind to get good Lvl 3 cursed items is hard enough

At first I had misinterpreted it as "The Master works all" and assumed there was a brainwashing overlord pulling the strings behind the scenes, only revealing itself by manifesting into this one single random shopkeep

How it works is that there is an affinity meter each NPC has. It used to go up just by talking to an NPC but that has since been nerfed and changed to primarily increase from doing NPC's quest. The Arisen's bond will instantly max out the affinity of whoever you give it to HOWEVER how it works is if multiple NPCs have max affinity your beloved will be the last one you talked to.

Yeah but most NPCs that people want to romance have disappeared from the world by the time you do the princess quest, meaning that if you do her quest you'll invariably have her be the last person you talk to. Mercedes is gone.

Don't do the side quest to save the princess is the easiest way to avoid that.
You're only missing out on slut wear anyway

I hope you're right

I'll look for the article again.
Basically, the development was shelved because Hideaki Itsuno wanted to work on DMC5 instead.
Maybe he'll pick it up now

From earlier this year

>“Here we are – we’re now finishing up DMC5. But I had ideas for Dragon’s Dogma 2 at the time as well. So here we are, it’s the end of this project.” Itsuno grins.

Oh, that's fucking nice.
Do you think they're gonna work with the RE engine? it can do 60fps on these consoles, or I wonder if they're gonna make it for the next gen.

You guys are making me want to replay this for the millionth time, should I go sorcerer or mystic knight?
Never used either of them.

Mystic knight is one tank and spank mother fucker.
Best magic class

>never patched the damage calculation system

I found it really depressing she was forced to stay in your shack in her ornate clothes.
wish they let you buy homes or change her clothes.

>Not maxing out all of your favorite characters' affection for a harem ending

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That image is missing a female bandit.

Wolves hunt in ______, Arisen!!!!

DD2 is going to have to be next gen for it to be able to fit Itsuno's dreams better, and my best guess is that it's not going to be a sequel per se but rather the complete DD1 that he had in his head with the moon and all that shit.
I for one, don't care if it's the gen AFTER the PS5, as long as it happens and they confirm it i will be happy.
Itsuno will make a based game.

My nigga. The female bandits were the best.