What does Yea Forums think? I'm only just now getting into it, but I'm enjoying it so far.
What does Yea Forums think? I'm only just now getting into it, but I'm enjoying it so far
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It's racist.
it's cool. the stamina/calorie system is pretty crazy, and the ai is surprisingly advanced.
whoa wtf I didn't even know it had a calorie system? It's a lot deeper than I even though.
you can see the details in your notepad.
make sure you watch a video about how it works
It doesnt. Its mostly hunger/stamina. Your hunger/thirst lvl is tied to your stamina and thats all. Keep your self fed and all is good, just like in any survival game. As a game, its pretty good indie, the forest graphics actually look amazing, its gory, the cannibals have some interesting behaviour but it wont take long for you to see it is patternized, the map is fairly small that doesnt make exploration a drag, the build system is easy and works and there is some sort of story to discover.
The downsides are the clunky combat, the countless bugs, the annoying early constant attacks from cannibals/monsters on your base, monsters are spongy af, the light sources that are available to you are shit, cave exploration is good but gets annoying pretty soon and the isnt much variety of things to build
A fun game overall. I do wish in forest 2, the devs to focus on making the cannibals and their ai behaviour, much more organic than that
Only fun the first time around. Make sure to avoid story spoilers and enjoy your time.
I like it but i think it could use more depth. Stuff like different reactions from cannibals, more construction stuff, more nuiances in cannibal behavior, that sort of thing.
Id personally like buildings to not be made of paper machete.
Yeah the buildings were bullshit. A friend and mine started out on hard and tried to make a tree house, but we either accidentally hit shit, or some octopus cannibal spawned and wrecked all our shit before we could fence it in.
>build enormous tower with a gazebo on top
>Achievement: You should be looking for Timmy
Im scared to go into the caves so I haven't got to experience the full game.
Only fun with friends
I want more traps to build. I love traps, I want to turn the entire island one giant forest of pit, snares and deadfalls only I know how to safely navigate.
Would love to see this game executed with a AAA budget. Some of the atmospheric horror works out really well, no scripted jump scares.
This game paired with some of RE7 and Dying Lights mechanics would be neat.
>Start a camp in the south end of the map.
>s'alright, tribals don't bother me much but I have to funnel them down a trap grounds.
>Build a raised gazebo up by the land bridge between the islands.
>Flat, nice access to two cave points, access to beach, closer to the story points.
>Also in the middle of the aa goddamn tribal highway.
>Walled up east and south, west is literally every trap in the book.
>actually filling up my bone baskets, tons of bone armor and anything craftable eith bone.
>Mutants are a tremendous pain in the ass.
I like putting molotov traps over leaf traps then connecting an effigy over another section of the leaf trap.
Oh once you start going into caves the game gets really fun. Sleep with one eye open.
Good but super annoying with infinite cannibal spawns.
>with infinite cannibal spawns.
They aren't infinite. You can eradicate them all from the island.
This game is great in multiplayer. The way you build buildings I think is intended for it.
best survival game. Really pretty to look at, and isn't 40gbs