Ideologically opposed to technology

>Ideologically opposed to technology

Fuck what Marcus said, in a world of power armor and Miniguns the Legion's football and machetes won't cut it. Realistically speaking, any sufficiently advanced faction(so pretty much all of them) should be able to destroy the Legion without even trying.

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Legion are nothing but glorified LARPers.

>Ideologically opposed to technology
well technology destroyed the last world, in that instance well... its not so insane to want to separate yourself from that kind of power, but its like wanting to undiscover a knowledge, can it be done? are people safer without mininukes ?

Legion is pretty much just showing who they are. NCR is corruptible and only for the mass number of pussies and weaklings

Maybe not safer, but in a post apocalyptic you'd have to have a death wish or be outright retarded to not take advantage lf the fact that rebuilding society would be a lot easier if you didn't pretend the hard part hadn't already been done for you.

what is mines and other explosives
I always imagined that the legion were like the Vietcong militarilty

Mr. House >> Caesar's Legion > NCR > Yesman >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Lanius's Legion

>opposed to technology
>uses life support and a power fist

Wouldn't it be interesting if you could change Caesars strategy with high int and charisma along with certain knowlege as well. +max speech and barter.
Like convincing Caesar that a war effort against an enemy is great for the stability of a democracy. And instead to hold back playing a defensive and continuing their societal progression attacking NCR at their weakest which would be easy with their spys in the ncr

Because as we all know, the Legion uses Machetes exclusively

The Brotherhood of Steel faction you meet in-game was advanced as fuck, but ideology-wise, they were still the equivalent of inbred hicks and nobody liked them

how fucking dare you. we're nothing like those bos faggots

The BOS and Enclave were pretty much doomed from the start considering their isolationism and lack of the suffeceint numbers to prevent their bases from becoming hotbeds of incest.

>organized force/strategy
>absolute loyalty
Most factions with power armor and miniguns lack numbers. Most raider factions are unorganized and lack strategy on the level Caesar talks about when he mentions first uniting the tribes.
The NCR is really the only faction that shares the strengths of the Legion but are bogged down trying to protect its holdings/acting as a police power. That said, I don't think the Legion would have any chance if they pushed deeper into NCR territory.

How the fuck did the NCR run the Brotherhood out of Helios again? They're literally in full bullet proof power armor with gatling lasers and miniguns vs not-M16s and cloth armor. How would any of them even die?
>But they threw hundreds and hundreds of bodies!
So did they just run out of ammo or some shit?

>out of Helios
NCR has stormed and overtaken at least 4 BoS bunkers, their whole campaign against the BoS has basically pushed them to extinction

>Veteran Rangers
>Anti Mat Rifles
>NCR Heavy Troopers using their own power armor and heavy weapons
And that's ignoring that ingame troopers can kill Paladins using service rifles and cowboy repeaters.

bullet resistant, not bullet proof, this isn't like trying to destroy a tank with small arms fire. this more akin to trying to destroy a medium armored troop carrier, sure, your first salvo of bullets won't do anything, but they will leave dents in the armor, and that's to say nothing of the probable weak points of said armor.

What I don't get is why he modeled himself after a populist reformer turned dictator that caused a civil war to keep his own ass out of the fire. Militarily speaking he's less like a Roman and more like a Gaul considering he just throws masses of people against forces with superior armament. For someone that's aping Caesar I'd at least expect some feats of military engineering or him constantly coming out on top despite a numerical disadvantage. It's not like the name "Caesar" would even have any merit with his followers considering they'd mostly been raised in tribal conditions without the benefit of even learning history past the last generation or so.

Just call yourself Scipio or Marius if you want the association with a venerated Roman military leader.

>>Ideologically opposed to technology
What the fuck are you talking about? Literally the weapon of Caesar is one of those technologic gloves. And there's also that thing that heals.

why not the bos just find some of the prettiest woman in California offer them a ton of money and life in the BOS steel bunkers to be breeding stock. Life in a bunker probably beat life in the wasteland

Do the Brotherhood/NCR actually produce pre-war levels of tech or are they stuck scrounging? If they can't even make anything new that reaches pre-war levels then they're on limited time.

The game was always meant to include a lot more Legion content but Obsidian didn't have time. I think Sawyer talks about it in an interview

BoS probably not, at most they're repairing and reusing old tech, NCR likely has their own workshops for making weapons and ammunition considering the Gun Runners are doing the same without the backing of a relatively wide ranging government.

I think half of the point is that he's another ignorant Wastelander idolizing pre-war times, thinking he can create something of a society that once was. It's tied in with most factions in New Vegas existing entirely as remnants of a past time rather than looking towards the future.

The NCR can't be manufacturing their own Vertibirds, Power Armor and Laser/Plasma weaponry though?

why are you retards still ignoring the fact majority of Legion soldiers used guns? just not energy weapons

Vertibirds possible, PA doubtful, Laser tech also doubtful but less so than the prior. Consider that the Mojave is a frontier so even if they had all three it's not likely they'd field them on such a short timeframe in the middle of nowhere against an enemy that their leaders seem to not take seriously.

nobody but Enclave can

See, this is yes, except the real ranking is NCR > House >>> Caesar's Legion >>>>>>>> Lanius's Legion

Yes Man doesn't factor in because there's too much variability in what can be done with him.

Wasn't the Legion in procces of getting energy weapons from the Van Graffs too?

>thinking NCR is better than Mr. House
I didn't think high school drop outs played NV

finished the game 4 times with all endings, only didnt play Lonesome Road, I still got it waiting for the 5th, ultimate playthrough with modded photorealistic graphics
all in all being an NCR soldier felt the best, then House route and then far below that Legion and Yes Man
House's arrogance was his downfall, he could have joined NCR and secure humanity's future through it