Do you like this game?
Do you like this game?
yes, but contrary to popular belief Earthbound is the better, more cohesive game.
Literally no one on this board things that M3 is better
Yes, but EarthBound is better. Mother 3 is extremely overrated.
Is this bizarro Vee day or something? Not only did the hivemind always thought that Mother 3 is better, it's also objectively better gameplay wise.
you must be new here.
>it's also objectively better gameplay wise.
i'd like to see you explain how. and although i can see why they went with it, the chapter pacing really hurts the game.
>it's also objectively worse gameplay wise.
I tried, got bored by the time I was playing as a monkey.
How is it worse?
Are you aware of what objectively means?
are you also ? if so, you first made the claim that Mother 3 is objectively better, and burden of proof is on you. do as i asked previously and explain how it's better, user. use your words.
The only thing objectively better in Mother 3 is the music by far
>always wonder why this game never got translated
>get to the scene where Lucas is raped, or implied to be raped in the hot spring
Well I immediately understood at that point. Holy shit.
>The only thing objectively worse in Mother 3 is the music by far
Mother 3's soundtrack is significantly better than Earthbound
i love it but i wish they fleshed out the story more.
Why not?
Mother 2 with Mother 3 battle system please
I haven't played it, I can't like something I haven't played yet. I like the general aesthetic and the cult aspect of the series though.
Then play it
Nigger I shitpost 24/7 on Yea Forums I don't have time to play any games
sounds miserable.
>we could have had a timeline in which the scrapped full earthbound 64 could've been a fully realized 3D game on the GameCube with a unique artstyle
I was blown away by Mother 1. It seemed way to meta (I don't know another word for it) to be released that early in gaming. It feels like a game that could have been released a year ago. Unlike any other nes game
Ionia forced Lucas's head underwater until he started drowning, which made him develop his first PSI. IIRC Itoi explained that the way characters get new PSI in Mother 3 is after stressful situations, which is why you always get one after the character goes through a fever. Anyway, the rapey vibe of that whole encounter was so clearly meant as a joke, even if it didn't quite land.
Yeah, it's great. I really like how it handled being a sequel yet it's own unique thing. The New Pork City buildup paid off wonderfully.
I still prefer the way the story in Earthbound captures nostalgia mixed with a bit of melancholy without feeling overly dramatic, but I wouldn't want its sequel to just mimic that.
I love Mother 3 more than the other Mother games
Same, and I finished it just this year. It's far ahead of its time in every aspect but the excessive random encounters.
A remake of it could be amazing.
New Pork City was the worst part of the game
>16 bit remake has been silent for years
Fucking when?
it's one of my favorites honestly
I'm just saying I can understand why NoA doesn't want to touch the game with a 50' pole. A joke about a drag queen fairy thing raping a young boy might be one thing in Japan, but in the US it would look beyond awful. Of course they would rewrite that scene entirely, but then you'd have journalists and superfans asking about how they handled the scene with Lucas in the hot spring.
Outside Japan, Nintendo can't really do anything but wash their hands of Mother 3 completely.
Earthbound is better, Mother 3 is too story heavy and thus feels less fun to replay
>too story heavy
what were you expecting
That is some damn ugly Lucas fanart
I want a remake so bad, it's my favorite mother game. It's soundtrack is god-tier.
sorry user i don't have much
Yes even though it makes me cry like a bitch every time I replay it
I didnt even realize the beginning of Polyyanna is the same tune that starts when the sun rises in Onett in Earthbound, before it switches to the Onett theme. Crazy.
Don't worry user I got you
Its ok user me neither
Haven't played it.
What's to like about it?
So play it
Porky did nothing wrong.
No, my backlog is already too big for my tastes.
The Mother series is part of what inspired indie devs to do things like that, so to an extent that feeling makes sense. Some of the played Earthbound as children, some of them "totally played Earthbound as children haha", some read about it and spent time lurking, and some were told it was the hot thing inspiring big indie dollar$ and aped the style despite never actually touching anything related.
>having a back log
>not just playing games you want to
Why even fucking live at this point.......
I want to play a lot of games. That is why I have a list of unfinished games.
because there are many more fun games to be played, user
you can't spend your whole life worrying about what could have been
try to focus on the future :)
So don't play it then no one gives a shit
>tells me to play it
>lol no one cares
Now that the dust has settled, where they problematic?
If any Mother game got remade what type of artstyle would you want it to have? A peanuts-like artstyle for mother 1 would work really well.
I don't know enough about it, and have reason to think it's bad.
Phrygia has the best taste in fashion out of them, and is the closest to looking cute in this picture.
Wrong and wrong.
And turning into a job/responsibility is a great way to never actually play the games
Dumb-dumb jumped the gun, you weren't in that picture Fassad.
Why do I love Mother 3 but can't even finish Earthbound?
>tfw they let claus walk away to his death and then blames you for not being an immortal psi guardian like them.
>That ending
But it was a happy ending
Yes and the music especially
Strange, funny, heartrending. No crying until the end.
Claus deserved it
So did everyone die?
>it's also objectively better gameplay wise.
yeah I love when the first half of the game is a tutorial
Rushed. No ties to the former games in the narrative of what the previous two were. What was the catastrophe? What does this have to do with anything but Itoi saying "technology bad, nature good"?
Done by the same company that abandoned one of their own projects no less.
>No ties to the former games in the narrative of what the previous two were
What? That's not true at all
>technology bad, nature good
Low-IQ imbecile too stupid to understand a children's game, the primitive world was created by the travelers who wanted to escape the memories of their old world. Itoi never endorses it, and the game makes it clear that by doing it they were sitting duck's for Porky's propaganda and easily manipulated into coming to New Pork City and abandoning their traditional life.
Earthbound is basically just a remake of M1 but instead of having the characters be the same they're just relatives
That's when it starts getting good imo.
>Earthbound is just a remake of m1
You're retarded. Actually try playing Mother 1.
I do
no, more of a vn than a jrpg
Yeah. I liked it better than Earthbound. Only thing I didn't like about it is that Boney is a bit of a waste of character gameplay wise.
No. Too fucking dour, not enough levity.
That's not gameplay, retard
M1 is shit
Was Mother 3 just another one of those "it's Japan exclusive so people treat it as the best thing on earth" deal? Feels like the love for it's fading quite a bit. Honestly the first two games were better anyway. Felt like you were casually traveling around the country/world with your best buds, with some heartfelt moments here and there but not overblown.
>No ties to the former games in the narrative of what the previous two were.
They're probably the best part of the game. It's weird that the game almost forgets they sent a child with a hunting knife to kill himself against a dragon, but they have some good humor and are more than just "lol boys wearing dresses".
Hallucination Mixie is cute, though.
Yes. It's still a great game, but the same thing happened with Castlevania Rondo of Blood, everyone acted like it's a god-tier castlevania game forever until more people have played it now and realized it isn't as good as people hyped it up to be.
Once again, actually try playing it, shitposter.
The only connection between 1 and 2 is giygas
So like porkys immortal?
What if his head gets chopped off though?Like the ultimate chimera that can kill anything fights an immortal thing
Like why cant you just cut his fucking head off
He would die. We don't know if Lucas and co. were actually planning on killing him, but the absolutely safe capsule stopped them before they could even try.
now that you mention it why would he need the absolute safe capsule if he is immortal?
Immortal meaning "he doesn't age" not "he's impervious to all damage"
Immortal doesn't mean invincible.
i guess that makes sense
I fucking loved it once i started playing as lucas the beginning is kinda boring imo
I'm a sidequest kind of guy and despite Mother 3 not being a bad story in any way the railroading killed it for me.
There is literally no reason why you should be "trapped" in New Pork City besuides either laziness or plot reasons. And gameplay should never take second place to a flimsy narrative excuse like "You're supposed to think New Pork City is boring and the world is about to end so finish the game already!"
Depends, really. Do you feel that the dialogue post ending is canon or simply meta commentary, then it is more open to discussion. The world could be in a post-ragnarök state.
i guarantee at least half of the games on there are much, much worse than Earthbound/Mother 3.
If Earthbound EVER got a remake, it needs that claymation look
It’s pretty good.
Nice generalization, faggot.
If Earthbound got remade, do you think they'd censor Magicant again?
That background music combo system was absolute garbage so I used a cheat to let me simply mash out a full combo every time. It was pretty based.
Nothing like watching bright colourful pixel art of a small boy committing suicide
It's a known flaw with emulating it.
Is it possible to make a game in this style?? Is that image from an actual canceled screenshot; I fucking dig that art direction a lot.
Ness > Ninten > Lucas
Ana > Paula > Kumatora
Duster > Jeff >>> Lloid
Teddy >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Boney > Poo
Prove me wrong. Ness also is best boy
Yes, I like this game.
Id like it more if it wasnt so short