Well, is the N64 truly the best console of all time Yea Forums?

Well, is the N64 truly the best console of all time Yea Forums?

Attached: Screenshot_2019-08-21 The N64 is the best gaming console ever and here's why.png (805x817, 373K)

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>t. soimale obsessed with legos and cartoon movies
Of course it is!

yea sure whatever

> How dare people enjoy popular things, everyone must be a fat autistic neckbeard living in his parents basement like me

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Depends what you mean by "best." It was certainly influential

Yes. It is has some of the undisputed best games of all time

PS2 was far better in terms of games, addons, and shit

SNES, PS1, and PS2 are untouchable in terms of sheer volume of quality games

>It was certainly influential
Which is typically the deciding factor as far as what goes down in history as being the best

OoT and MM have aged like wine but Goldeneye and Mario 64 have always been shit

SNES is the best, tons of great games and visuals are wonderful


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>the Beatles were the most influential musical artists of all time, therefore they made the best music

by that logic then the Dreamcast would be the best which is true

it has the two best video games of all time
so yes

Who are you quoting?

i think the quality per game released outmatches every console ever released, but only because it only had like... 300 games released for it?

> Consoles with the most exclusives with a average critic score of 96 or higher
> 1. Nintendo SNES (9) (FF6, C.Trigger, S.Metroid, SMW2, ALTTP, SMW, Mario Kart, SF2 Turbo, SM: All-Stars)
> 2. Nintendo 64 (5) (Ocarina, GoldenEye, Majora. Mario 64, Perfect Dark)
> 3. Nintendo Switch (4) (BOTW, Odyssey 2, BOTW 2, Odyssey 2)
> 4. GameCube (4) (Resident Evil 4, Metroid Prime, Wind Waker, T.Princess)
> 5. Playstation (4) (FF7, Gran Turismo, Metal Gear Solid, Tekken 3)
> 6. Sega Saturn (3) (Panzer Dragoon Saga, Radiant Silvergun, NiGHTS)
> 7. Dreamcast (3) (SoulCalibur, Code Veronica, NFL 2K1)
> 8. Xbox (3) (Halo: CE, Ninja Gaiden Black, Halo 2)

N64 is best console? lmao
>those controllers that were trash
>those joysticks that would always break
>top loader had huge dust issues
>games have very bad QC for working
>every addon failed horribly
>N64 games not usable on next system by default

>2 of those Xbox games arent even exclusive

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>metacritic score


Would be high on my list of the worst... forever ruined tons of classic 2d franchises.

Why did Sega consoles die if their games were so good?

>>those controllers that were trash
Best controllers that gen
>>those joysticks that would always break
They would wear out
>>top loader had huge dust issues
Less issues than optical issues discs had
>>games have very bad QC for working
>>every addon failed horribly
>>N64 games not usable on next system by default
Not relevant

for the time period yes, looking back it was mostly a pile of shit just like ps1 and saturn. that era of gaming was horrific by todays standards and noone but the utmost retarded consolewarfags will defend any console or really any game that was released in that period as being better than the next gen equivalent.

> Not a single Sony console after SquareSoft died
Really makes you think

Sega bled themselves dry during the genesis era with so many redundant trash console add-ons. Saturn was too massively overpriced to succeed. By the time they had a legit cash cow in the dreamcast it was too little too late

>people still defend the controller
I just...

Nostalgia is a hell of a drug.

What do you guys think of the N64DD?

In terms of having the largest amount of amazing games, nothing will top the SNES, PS2, DS & PS1

>Lacks RPGs when SNES had em in abundance
>Lacks Fighting games
>Lacks anything that isn't just FPS/Racing
It's a fun console for sure but the best? That's delusional.

The controller sucks

Could have saved the N64 in Japan, not sure why they dropped it so quickly. At least you can play the F-Zero X expansion on an Everdrive.

its not even the best in its gen

>>Lacks RPGs
>>Lacks Fighting games
And nothing of value was lost

PS2 probably is.

SNES, PS1, Gamecube, GBA, DS and Gameboy are better.

honestly proves their own negligence and retarded sense of pride. they settled for second best after creating their biggest competitor.

>Lacks Fighting games
>he hasn't played Fighter's Destiny

From an objective standpoint, no, it sold so poorly compared to the PS1 that to this day, Nintendo STILL can't afford to make a system as powerful as its competitors.

Sales don't fucking mean anything in any form of media when determining quality

*completely and utterly destroys everything the n64 ever was*

Attached: PS2-Versions.jpg (2800x2480, 1.54M)

Cool fanfic, but 64 and Gamecube were both powerful consoles. It wasn't until 7th gen where they went their own way (and utterly raped the competition)

No but SNES probably is
N64 was kind of shit, especially compared to Dreamcast and PS1 but held up by some good games

I really was a big Dreamcast boy though and honestly it was the best of the three even if Sega flubbed it

Xbox, Dreamcast, and GameCube were each better than this underpowered DVD player

also unironically destroys everything sony ever did, proving what?

It isn't
It has a select few ground breaking games that set the standards for the future of 3D games. Like the mario 64 camera, OoT z-targeting system, golden eye first multiplayer FPS. Maybe a few more. The library was pretty small. Also had some shit games, where PS1 shined instead. Almost all the famous RPG switched to PS1 aswell, because cartridges. N64 will always hold a place in my heart though, got a lot of mileage from it. OoT is still one my favorites, even if it's dated now and pretty overrated.
On a side note, I remember there was a show on TV where kids got to run an obstacle course and depending on how fast they were, they would get prices. One of the biggest prices were an n64 with a few games. I always wanted to particiapate in one of those. Why are they not doing this with new consoles for kids?

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> OOT is dated & overrated
Fucking kill yourself you larping Zoomer piece of shit

That was the PS3 that undid literally everything gained the prior two gens. It wasn't until like just two years ago Sony recovered from that and was back in the black financially. Luckily for them, unlike sega, Sony is a multinational tech conglomerate and survived when they rightfully should have been dead and burried.

For me personally it goes:
1. PS2
2. N64
3. PS1
5. Gamecube

i'm 27 user
And don't tell me it's not. It's quite empty in many places (yes limitations) and I wouldn't say it's the best game ever made (even though I like it dearly)

30 year old grandpa here, the objective holy trifecta is SNES,PS1 & PS2.

It is perfectly possible to play NES and SNes, but it is almost impossible to play N64. Nes runs SMB1 at 60fps, the N64 runs Goldeneye at 15fps.
Basically the N64 is a console where almost all games had the same problem that Snes had with Star Fox. Poor graphics, poor frame rate, controls that do not respond well.

I'm 19, and have no nostalgia towards it. It pretty much shits on every single game i've played from the last 15 years. It's easily the GOAT & nothing even comes close, it's almost a perfect game

It has some quality games, but it's missing the quantity.

PS2 wasn't shit.

You can like something and still see its flaws, you dingus. You don't have to be "EITHER YOU LIKE OR HATE, DECIDE NOW" mentality.

for kids, yes

>64 games don't hold up but PS1 games do
What bizarro world do you live in?

You enjoy playing a game that runs at 20fps with constant dips into slide show territory? How about that empty as fuck overworld? There's no reason for you to even like OoT if you're 19 years old because it just makes you look like a poser faggot when Nintendo has released around 5 Zelda games after it with far more refined gameplay and graphics. Most of the people who think OoT is the GOAT were kids when it came out.

I bet you think the greatest game that gen was some obscure Sega game or Lucas Arts PC trash

Not even the best Nintendo console

SNES > GCN > GBA > DS > 3DS> Wii > GB > N64 >NES > Virtual Boy > Wii U

>popular things

I play it on emulator, the FPS is great & the Overworld is amazing when taking into context it came out in 1998. The camera angles are excellent & because it's cropped so close to the ground make it feels like Hyrule is this massive overworld. I can tell when people get so angry & spam buzzwords like you they didn't even play it & are seething out of pure jealousy

Because businesses aren’t run on revenue alone?

No, in fact if it weren't for the Wii U it would be the worst Nintendo home console

Nintendo is the most popular company of all time aside from Disney, almost everything they make is popular & beloved. Seethe more & go circlejerk your sales numbers some more


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Whats even good on it? I can think of like 4 games
Pokemon stadium 1 & 2
Pokemon snap
And bingbong64
Zelda sucks ass so i dont count those anyways

it's PS1

Oh no only 300 games. I sure did miss out on Mortal Kombat Special Forces and Final Fantasy VIII. I would gladly have traded Goldeneye for those gems.

>”nintendo is more popular!”
>admits to having lower sales
Ok retard.

>You enjoy playing a game that runs at 20fps with constant dips into slide show territory?
People who whine about technical aspects of games are legit plebs.

>You enjoy playing a game that runs at 20fps with constant dips into slide show territory?
The lightbulb wasn't perfect the first day it was invented

It’s been 25 years since Sony beat Nintendo at their own game and the fanboys still haven’t recovered. Lol

Worse than a zoomer. It's a 'born in the wrong generation' faggot

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The fact that Sonyfag zoomers are seething this badly & desperately trying to revise history proves that the N64 is the GOAT

Attached: Screenshot_2019-08-21 Poll of the Day - Which Nintendo console do you think has had the best first-p (865x292, 26K)

>the Overworld is amazing when taking into context it came out in 1998.
No it's not. You weren't even alive back then so your basis of context is very skewed.

Its not even a good Zelda game...

I don't think it's the best, but it has two Goemon games, which they're still fantastic even to this day

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List your favorite games that gen from other consoles.

Playstation sells because of it's multimedia features. It never had anything to do with the games themselves, which is why no one got excited about Playstation All Stars Battle Royale.

>People who whine about technical aspects of games are legit plebs.
I'd understand your argument if it was for some sort of in-game mechanic I didn't like but we're talking to "frames per second" here, the game can't even present itself correctly for the player.



Nintendo has 754 million console sales
Nintendo has 15 Billion dollar game franchises
Nintendo has the highest grossing franchise in media history
Nintendo has the most popular game characters
Nintendo has the most influential games
There's not a single metric that Nintendo isn't #1 at

>a average

Biggest true fact of them all. I played a lot of gamecube era, snes era, game boy era, playstation 1 and 2. And yet they can't fill the void of the best moments I had with the N64, finishing perfect dark, playing with friends. To me gaming is x100000 better when playing with friends so the N64 resonates very strong with me. Those primitive Mario Party's, playing Turok Rage Wars, Smash Bros. Fuck.

Said no one ever.

Why does OOT make Yea Forums seethe so much? I genuinely don't understand how they can constantly cry their eyes out & be as contrarian as possible only to rate as one of the 15 best games ever each year

What is with you fags and trying to jerk off a console that has been dead for almost two decades?

>that poll

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Soon Switch will outsell PS2 as well.

Has anyone else noticed that Playstation fans always universally declare PS2 to be the 'best?' Isn't that kind of strange? You get a lot more variety among Nintendo fans.

Is anyone actually this deluded?

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Had like 5 good games and the worst controller known to gaming. It was good not the best by any means.

Weak bait. Only chumps think FFVIII is bad.

Absolutely pathetic

>Translation: I have shit taste and am a nostalgia blind retard

>He didin't play Killer Instinct Gold, Rakuga Kids or Fighter's Destiny 1 & 2.

FPS doesn't matter. If the game is good its worth playing regardless.

He's right, the best selling games on every Playstation console were 3rd party multiplatform games. The only franchise they've gotten to 5 billion in revenue is Gran Turismo, which hasn't been the best selling Sony game since the PS1.

>Literally no argument

>Soon Switch will outsell PS2 as well.
you're mentally retarded

You calling me a chump?

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They are all console warriors and fall in line.

> Agreeing & sharing the most popular opinion in the world is "Shit" because it doesn't agree with jaded contrarian faggots who cry about Nintendo simply due to years of being asshurt about owning a Playstation instead

>> 3. Nintendo Switch (4) (BOTW, Odyssey 2, BOTW 2, Odyssey 2)

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It's a 3D tech demo from 1998. The standards were a lot lower back then, the game has aged like shit and if we're making a list of the best 50 games across every console of all time it wouldn't even make it.

>worst controller known to gaming
That's not the PSX controller for 3D games

desu the gamecube is my 2nd favourite after the n64 but nevertheless this post is based

What was he supposed to argue against? You didn't say anything?

Standards are lower now than ever.

Neither did you, so I guess we're even

>FPS doesn't matter.
Go watch a movie or read a book you retard.

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>has aged like shit
So it's literally a diamond?

you literally named every n64 fighting game except clayfighters

It was shit compared to PS1.

The blurry graphics alone made it unplayable for me.

>Agreeing & sharing the most popular opinion in the world

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Are you forgetting the CHOCOLATE CHIP COOKIE discs that couldn't hold big games like GTA SA?

Maybe your has or you've got those nostalgia goggles strapped on a bit too tight.

>couldn't stand 64 graphics compared to PS1
64 outclassed PS1s graphical performance 2 to 1. There is a reason Sony couldn't into 3D worlds until the PS2

Gamecube was more powerful in theory but that meant nothing because of the retarded mini discs. Killer 7 was two discs on gamecube for fucks sake.

I'd rather play games instead of bitching about how many frames they run at.

> Once again it's always vague buzzwords that don't ever explain why it's a poorly designed game & asspulled contrarianism like "Nobody considers it a good game"
> But someone posts a list of the best games with it being #1, the contrarian always responds with "Doesn't Count, Nintendo Bonus, Nostalgia Bonus" "It's impossible for people to like a game" "It's a conspiracy theory, Nintendo is hypnotizing millions of people & forcing them to like a 20 year old game until they die" "Ttthat doesn't mean it's a good, every popular game is automatically bad if it's Nintendo"
I unironically hope Contrarians get killed in their sleep tommorow
LMAO, every fucking time.

Why did you post that in caps like a retard? Also, storage space =/ performance. PS2 has all the worse looking multiplats. Just look at any random Madden or sports game of the era, or RE4.

No, it's old moldy shit.

>two relevant games
>best of all time

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It's okay to not have standards but wildly exclaiming that frames per second don't matter "if the game is good" is absolutely retarded.

fuck no it almost made me drop consoles altogether and now its best games are played better elsewhere

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Mulitplats play worse on gamecube because of the retarded controller. Xbox was the king of multiplats

You misunderstand what I'm saying, all the games had some weird fucking blur to them like a fuzz or filter on the screen. All the games had that weird ass blur tk them

Also no it ran like shit compared to my PC

Minecraft is FAR more influential than 90% of what Nintendo's done, and you fags brush it off as "muh zoomer shit".

Bitching about how many frames a game runs at is way more retarded. Nobody cared back then and nobody should care now.

>Gamecube was more powerful in theory
No, in actuality. PS2 had more power capacity in theory, but literally no devs capatilized on it, and you always had the worst versions of multiplats on it.

As I said, n64 has a few select games that were good, maybe 20 or so, the rest are kind of shitty. PS1 has a bigger library, more variety, + said RPGs.

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Cope, threads over now. Inb4 classic "It doesn't count" or other conspiracy theories as to why it these mean nothing because Nintendo somehow hypnotizes & pays for the opinions of millions of anonymous people around the world

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Nope. It's the PS2 and this is an objective fact. You can't refute this.

Vs 0 relevant games

ps1 fucked nintendo so hard the tendies still have hemherroids


No, it has a handful of excellent games but almost every other Nintendo console is better

Sales don't mean shit, RDR1 is the most acclaimed Rockstar game & it sold less than GTA V

The hard truth is that Nintendo stopped being good after SNES and the Wii and Switch only sold because of trendy marketing.

>no glasses
>decent face
How can he be a soimale?

Having standards is way more retarded than rolling around in the dirt and being okay with it? Nobody should care because you say so?

> Shoving your contrarian & extremely outcast opinions as a fact down everyone's throat

So how are these kinds of people going to write off the Switch?

And why do they always ignore the extremely lucrative handheld market?

You guys know your beloved console only sold so much because of the DVD player right? COPE

>Minecraft is FAR more influential than 90% of what Nintendo's done, and you fags brush it off as "muh zoomer shit".
No I don't

Cry more, he will continue to play the most iconic, popular & acclaimed game ever made. While you cry & seethe about how your irrelevant opinion is an objective fact that nobody will ever acknowledge

>having standards for framerate instead of gameplay
You dumb.

They got too cocky with the N64, tried to appeal to the core gamers with the GCN then finally said "fuck it, time to print money" from the Wii till present day. Nintendo has been shite for two decades now.

> Sonyfags still trying to push this contrarianism


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why do guys undfer the age of 27 try to wear a beard? you just look like little boys, only with a beard. you don't look "older" "more distinguished" or anything of the kind. just some little freak kid with facial hair, along with your little boy haircut with your little part on the side that hasn't changed since you were in kindergarten.

>frame-rate isn't the heart of gameplay
You have the smallest brain.

All snoy consoles have sold thanks to third world countries and Fifa.

A little hint before you go back to school in 1 week, you can swear on Yea Forums

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It isn't. Metal Slug runs at 30fps and Doom runs at 35, those games have some of the best gameplay ever. Framerate is an actual meme.


N64 is the epitome of nostalgia googles.
And people who praise it as the best thing ever are your typical brand worshiping fanboys.
Who probably praise it solely on the fact they played it as a child they often dont even have actual counter arguments to why its so good other than NINTENDO!

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I'm Scottish, nice try though picking at grammar like a sweaty fat neckbeard.

are you fucking retarded or what?

This can just be said about anything.

Why is that the "Nostalgia argument" is only used to attack Nintendo specifically & never applies to any other company?

>ignoring how the sequel has already outsold every game on the Nintendo Bitch

And before you copers say "ughh don't compare multiplat 2 excluuuusive", it is on 2 systems: PS4 and Xbone. Breath of the Wild, which is SUPPOSEDLY the best game of all time according to everyone (except me, fuck generic medieval open world #842) is also on 2 systems: Bitch and Wii U. Ouch.

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Ocarina of time is like The Last of Us or Metal Gear Solid V because it was never really a good game but journalists and posers heralded it as the greatest game ever and gave it perfect review scores.

>Framerate is an actual meme.
Yea Forums is fucked if this is the actual opinion around here.

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Super Metroid is on there higher than Tetris, that completely BTFO's the Sales argument

What's the matter? Does it go against what youtubers and reddit told you?

Forgive me for not giving a fuck what europeans think of Nintendo

Because you can't be nostalgic over sales numbers like sony fanboys

The more Yea Forums seethes about OOT, the more acclaimed it will be. This board is always wrong, Yea Forums literally named it the best game of all time this year despite over 150,000 different votes. So right away i can tell it's the same discord spamming OOT hate threads every time, notice how the IP count of these threads is always low? That means it's the same contrarian minority every single time, they use the exact same buzzwords so it's easy to recognize samefags

Were you even alive when most games were 60fps before the 5th gen? There's never any excuse to have your game run at anything lower than a smooth and stable 30fps, peroid.

No, i loved it, but fuck that controller and it's cheap analog stick.

Best console goes to Switch honestly, but only because it's good for third party games on the go.

Wii is up there though for it's hackability, i just hate waggles.

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PC had better Shooters the same year as golden eye.

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You post like a child

RDR2 lost GOTY to God of War, so clearly graphics & sales are absolutely irrelevant in terms of genuine popularity.

Because only nintendo fans say stupid shit like that GoldenEye isn't trash compared even to other games on the N64 like perfect dark

Nothing is outselling PS2 anytime soon. Switch hasn't even passed PS3 numbers yet.

>soon switch will outsell PS2
This is serious delusion, even for Yea Forumstendo

I have never used discord in my life faggot. Play a good action game like Ninja Gaiden and then try to play OOT.

> All literal who garbage that nobody gives a shit about, everything was forgotten after 1997
> Even Zoomers consider GoldenEye one of the best games ever made.
Accept it, your games were shit. There's never been a universally beloved single player game that wasn't objectively a 6/10 at worst

>Were you even alive when most games were 60fps before the 5th gen?
PC games pre 5th gen were not averaging 60fps.

Games don't "age" but what really happened is Nintendo 64 games were overrated to hell and people went into them expecting masterpieces when they were always shallow dull games.

Every Region of USA named GoldenEye the best FPS game, what makes you think anyone will ever care about what you think about video games?

I have not heard of a single one of these game

Why are you comparing two different genres?

Golden Eye isn't even as good as Perfect Dark

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> Overrated
> Shallow
> Dull
Meaningless buzzwords that contrarians spam against games they never played to seem edgy & intelligent by opposing the most popular games. Right away your opinion means nothing

PC had better shooters many years before goldeneye.

Out of all those GE was the only one to have location based damage and levels of its size. Actually Chasm might have had location damage I don't remember.

If the Nintendo 64 was so good, how come there was never a Nintendo 65?
Checkmate, nincels.

says it all, really

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Quake II, Blood, and Jedi Knight are some of the most famous shooters of all time little boy.

Golden Eye gave birth to Perfect Dark

So then why were all of them forgotten & not remembered as fondly? PS1 was the most successful console & more people owned it, so obviously that "Muh Nostalgia" argument would apply stronger to PS1 games than N64 games. But oh wait, you have no argument aside from one sentence buzzword spam

dude video games aren't real

Has your ignorant ass ever seen Crash or Spyro? Not even that, but fucking Tomb Raider?

> Boomers are being this delusional
Nobody gives a single fuck about any PC game from the 90s except StarCraft, AoE2, Half-Life & Doom. Everything else is literal who trash that 99 % of gamers have never heard of

Oh yeah I forgot popular = good

I take that back, obviously other than Goldeneye, the most celebrated console shooter of all time, Quake and Turok I recognise

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Yeah all of them are universally considered outdated garbage, and appear on lots of overrated games list whereas the only Nintendo games to frequent those are Twilight Princess, Breath of the Wild, Skyward Sword & Pokemon

>Quake2 Jedi Knight

Universally beloved only in the US by Nintendo kids.
Pretty sure only people who care about Golden-Eye are the vocal minority of people who got the Nintendo console from their parents as kids.

In the rest of the worlds different games are popular.
Hell more people cared about Twisted metal 2 in EU than golden eye.

99 % of gamers eat shit and are proud of it.

If it was iconic then it would matter how old someone was, it would still be universally praised among all demographics. GoldenEye for example is something that most people in the world will instantly recognize.

>If it was iconic then it would matter how old someone was, it would still be universally praised among all demographics. GoldenEye for example is something that most people in the world will instantly recognize.

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that was my point, even sony to this day in any aspect, can compete with the ps2 era of their company.

USA, England, Canada & Japan are the only countries that matter for entertainment. Nobody cares about what shithole country you are from

You mean all those "3D" hallway walking sims where walls and textures would wiggle and bounce for no reason?

cant compete*

Literal bugbrain

Take your meds schizo.

Look at the number of votes, this is the list sorted solely by what Zoomers voted for. Tell me how many PC games you see on this list

Attached: Screenshot_2019-08-21 After 500,000+ Votes, Gamers Have Ranked 'Skyrim' As The 2nd Best Vi (765x2755, 523K)

Seething & absolutely devestated

Prove him wrong

So you haven't. Gotcha.

>Look at the number of votes, this is the list sorted solely by what Zoomers voted for. Tell me how many PC games you see on this list

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> PC Drones spam Wojaks because they got BTFO'd so badly
Every time

I would have to invalidate that entire list for having portal as a top 5 videogame of all time, amongst other glaring issues.

This just tells me that zoomers have shit taste, but I already knew that.

USA and England don't make quality games anymore.

Nah, I have.

>> PC Drones spam Wojaks because they got BTFO'd so badly
>Every time

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Ain't gonna catch anything with bait that stale

Cool argument, elitist cuck

>Cool argument, elitist cuck

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Wouldn't even put it in the top 3.

PS1 stole the scene with massive game amount and tons of variety.

NES was revolutionary in the idea of using a PPU to make gaming smooth. It sounds small but this was the start of both advancing consoles and PC heavily.

SNES and PS2 I feel are less creative than the NES and PS1 and road the hype a bit, but both of those expanded on what was there a nice advanced and have a large treasure trove of games in their own right.

These easily take top 4 depending on preference. 5 if you count in handhelds the GB, GBA, ND, PSP, and 3DS are all heavy contenders for mass of quality games or advanced in the tech space they were in.

N64 was not a good tech advancement in had many flaws in this regard and what it brought was already done on PC by this time. It didn't have volume and really holds up only based upon the shoulders of a few amazing titles (some of the creators of which even hate the damn console for how much of a pain it was to dev for how much more they wished they could have done if it wasn't)

That said I did really like its Mario Kart and Smash.

Nintendo 64 and subsequent Nintendo console are good ONLY if you like first party Nintendo games.

>Soon Switch will outsell PS2 as well.
It's selling at a slower rate than the Wii, and the Wii still had 50 million to go before it would surpass the PS2.



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N64 had maybe six great games and that's really really pathetic for a console. It's competitor had almost more better games from one developer than the whole n64 library consisted of.

>N64 was not a good tech advancement in had many flaws in this regard and what it brought was already done on PC by this time.
I agree with everything you said before this point. The N64's GPU is slightly better than a Voodoo 1, it introduced 4 player splitscreen and the modern analog stick. It's still not a top 3 console but I wouldn't say it did nothing to improve games as a whole.

Portal's campaign was really good, just lacked replayability. The value in portal was found in the narration and story, along with the fresh concept for a 3d puzzle platformer, not any bonus trials after the initial campaign was complete.


Attached: th35LVUTB5.jpg (474x492, 22K)

>It's competitor had almost more better games from one developer than the whole n64 library consisted of.
Name them

The N64 was a barren wasteland for JRPGs whereas the PS1 continued the golden age of JRPGs that the SNES before it had ushered in.

Here comes a list of multiplats and games I've never heard of

>I agree with everything you said before this point. The N64's GPU is slightly better than a Voodoo 1
This is true, but the next Voodoo came out right after. That aside its GPU power was not nearly as useful as the spec sheet my suggest because it bottlenecked both with a pinhole of a texture buffer even for the time and some serious nonsense hoops to get CPU and GPU to work together. It was like dumping an Italian V12 into a Ford Pinto.

>4 player splitscreen
fairly sure this was done before, almost mentioned the 4 controller ports but that was actually pretty standard before the NES

>modern analog stick.
It missed that by about a decade or two and did an absolute terrible job of it. I've opened new controllers for the N64 that already have leans.

The console itself did nothing for gaming. Some damn clever devs at Rare and few other studios bashing their poor brains into it are the real success of the console and the heroes of that system.

I'm not saying its not worth owning one, I do and it has a few killer games, I'm just saying credit to the devs that made an assbackward design function.

does one have to be the best really how the fuck would you measure that, oh wait it's a fag who writes shitty opinion pieces for a click bait website

>The console itself did nothing for gaming
Please kill yourself

You first.

without online play you can't be the best


No way another console or even PC did four player splitscreen first.
>It missed that by about a decade or two and did an absolute terrible job of it
There is no analog thumb stick that predates the N64 controller. There are whole hand Atari style joysticks with analog, but those aren't the same as that controller design went out of fashion with the NES. And while it's anecdotal at best, outside of general looseness with the analog stick I've had no issues with N64 controllers.

PS2 and DS are the best consoles ever, don't @ me

>475023261 Bringe

Attached: Brainlet jak.jpg (812x1024, 61K)

Nigga it wasn't even the best console in its generation.

>No way another console or even PC did four player splitscreen first.
SNES even did this. It was more common for games to be 4 player on one screen dating back for ages, but Top Gear did it at least one gen before the N64.

>There is no analog thumb stick that predates the N64 controller
Except Atari and C64 did it. How is that not the same, just because it went out of fashion for awhile?

If you didn't have trouble then you are a rarity. I've got some old tech that still looks like it came out of the box and I couldn't get one of those to live.

The N64's only tech claim is its overpowered GPU but that was the Nintendo version of blast processing. Cool on paper, but not really a thing in practice so much. Games the console had, not many, but great ones.

I'm not shitting on people's childhoods. I spent many weekends in 007, Smash, and Mario Kart. I just recognize that it was some a few good games of childhood nostalgia that make me enjoy and got me to buy one of my own (use to play at a friends house so the nostalgia is less strong with me). I just put the credit where it belongs, good game studios, not a good console design team. Think it was Rare that hated it if I recall and their games were half the reason to own it.

And Nintendo 64 is the equivalent of Disney's the Black Cauldron; it was a critical failure that caused the company to rethink their approach. The PS1 fucking dominated it, and I was an N64 babby.

By sheer technicality yes.
It had a whopping 386 in its existence, yet more than 1/4 of its entire library is genuinely good and not shovelware trash.
Literally no other mainstream console can ever say that.

>It was more common for games to be 4 player on one screen dating back for ages, but Top Gear did it at least one gen before the N64.
4 players on one screen is not 4 player splitscreen. You're right about Top Gear 3000 though, I forgot all about that game. Still from the standpoint of advancing gaming Top Gear 3000 really did nothing to further to concept as the game wasn't very popular and the adapter required for four players even less.
>How is that not the same, just because it went out of fashion for awhile?
Because its not the same kind of controller. Its also certainly not the one everyone was inspired by to make their own analog controller.

>entire thread spent talking about how 64 games actually aren't good and the masses are just lying or tricked
>yet too afraid and embarrassed to bring up other games
Typical gutless haters

>32x was produced because soj was scared of the jaguar (LOL)
>nobody bought it because why would you
>gigantic failure
>ridiculously convoluted architecture for no good reason whatsoever
>developers flee to the ps1 because fuck developing shit for the saturn
>3d was a last minute addition
>only better for 2d, awful for 3d
>despite being the worst console for 3d it was also the most expensive
>for some fucking reason it shares cpus with the 32x
>this leads to saturn shortages in NA
>soa only sells the saturn to specific retailers because of these shortages
>retailers that were left out are fucking furious at sega and refuse to carry their products for a while
>actually does pretty well
>but not enough to make up for two failures in a row

>it was a critical failure
But it wasn't, and I guarantee Nintendo walked away with more profits from the 64 than Sony with the PS1

>Literally no other mainstream console can ever say that.
PS1, PS2, Wii

>It was certainly influential
No it wasn't. Everything Nintendo does is in a separate sphere from the other companies. They keep making Mario and Zelda games for all eternity while the other have a new flagship every half decade. Nintendo only influences Nintendo.

Developers that were willing to fuck around with the hardware were able to produce amazing results though. Conker is insane, it looks like a gamecube game at 240p with low res textures.

>No it wasn't
It invented 4 player splitscreen and analog controls. Its just as important as the PSX in terms of influence.

>"new" flagship

It did not invent 4 player splitscreen or analog controls.

When has Xbox had a flagship that wasn't Halo?

They're the ones that popularized the concept that everyone else copied from them specifically. Therefore they get the credit.

Most developers are lucky to have a single flagship. Nintendo has like 12

>there are more than 550 genuinely good PSX games
>there are more than 900 genuinely good PS2 games
>there are more than 400 genuinely good Wii games

Attached: (trump) wrong.gif (466x480, 3.17M)

the n64 was one of the shittiest consoles ever made and only nu-males disagree. the true chads back then owned a playstation and a dreamcast, not a shit64.

Attached: 1547359840127.jpg (125x122, 3K)

>Nintendo flagship franchises during N64 generation
>Mario, Zelda, Pokemon, Smash
>Nintendo flagship franchises during the Switch generation
>Mario, Zelda, Pokemon, Smash

Attached: 1504038830451.gif (320x240, 2.12M)

Most N64 games have aged like milk, and even in its prime the damn thing only had like 20 worthwhile games at best

The top three consoles are SNES, PSX and PS2
Huge libraries with a huge amount of great games.

>chads playing consoles that were famous for single player games instead of the original party system
Fucking what?

That isn't how it works

Yes it is. I guarantee for pretty much anything innovative you can look up some obscure piece of shit that did the concept half assed before and go full "ackchyually" mode over it like a fuckin autist.

Attached: fagmeme.png (700x700, 21K)

Every single chad I knew in college rocked a 64 with 4player Kart, Goldeneye, Smash, this was 15 years after the fact.

No, it's not. It has the unique position of being the console that had the most dramatic effect on the gaming landscape but also having the least amount of high profile games.

>There is a reason Sony couldn't into 3D worlds until the PS2
But that's objectively wrong you stupid dumb idiot

Attached: 1541041234064.jpg (1920x1080, 547K)

the n64 is popular because transwomen can dilate with the controller

>the highest grossing IPs are the ones that have been the most popular for the longest
Who would have thought?

>Most N64 games have aged like milk unlike PS1 games
Get a load of this guy

99.99% of n64 games aged terribly

They're like Apple, they don't actually invent shit but their braindead fans like to pretend they did.

It's not even the best console of its generation. It's not even the second best, either.

It was the best in terms of specs but only during that era
PS1 however trumps in every other category
>inb4 but muh OoT is better than sex
If I wanted to spend an entire gen with one game I'd buy a PS4

>everybody ripping 64 games
>nobody talking about games from other consoles
It really makes you think

It's absolutely true.

Name 10 games

PS2 > SNES > everything else

What imports did you guys get?

Why is it N64fags can only parrot the same three fucking games over and over while claiming whatever the PS1 had didn't count and they were better off without what it did have?

I grew up with both and enjoyed both, probably the N64 more given SM64, Mario Party 2, Star Fox 64, and Turok 2

But fuck me, I can look back now and see it wasn't as good a console it could've especially given the hardware and the time.

Attached: 1547653654753.png (275x280, 69K)

Ok sweetie I trust you

>PS1 had didn't count and they were better off without what it did have?
Start naming games then

No, i don't like Nintendo but even i can tell that Super Nintendo was superior than 64

We all know this game
We give you the examples
You reply with greentext retorts like
To dismiss anything we say out of hand.

*were never good
games don't age

>too cowardly to standup for what he believes in
>refers to people with similar opinions as "we"
>quitting before even attempting to argue
Peak beta behavior right here.

Gran Turismo
Bloody Roar 2
Ape Escape
Wild Arms
Suikoden 2
No One Can Stop Mr Domino

Go ahead and use epic greentext excuses to say they dont count, that will just proves you cant cope over the PS1 still being the best of that era

>dude that thing over there is SHIT!
>"ok, what do you like"
its funny because everybody has already agreed that Goldeneye, OoT and Mario are the mount rushmore of golden age gaming and you would have come back at me with niche weeb trash that nobody heard of and nobody bought anyway. Better off just criticizing from a far like the pathetic contrairian you are

Spyro, FFVII, MGS, Crash, Parasite Eve, Tekken 3, Silent Hill, Symphony of the Night, Oddworld

Let's see how this turns out

>No One Can Stop Mr Domino
Got this far before I released this was just a troll list.

>what is tekken 3
>what is power stone
>what is chu chu rocket
>what is poy poy
>what is third strike
>what is point blank
>what is crash team racing (or chocobo racing)
>what is soul calibur
>what is team buddies
>what is bishi bashi special
>what is digimon rumble arena
>what is guilty gear
>what is cannon spike
>what is mvc2
>what is tech romancer
>what is samba de amigo
i could keep going.

>everybody has already agreed that Goldeneye, OoT and Mario are the mount rushmore of golden age gaming
go back to play goldeneye, that game aged like piss

All these games aged like milk.

Let me guess, It's only not ok when I say it

>Why is it N64fags can only parrot the same three fucking games over and over
because it's all they had.

because it is.

All these games aged like piss

What's wrong, mad you can't stop him?

>He gave up trying to stop Mr Domino
It's ok user, Im sure your wife can try and stop him by whoring herself

I agree, what are any of these games

cringe. bing bing kart 64 and goldeneye are what actually aged like piss.

Final Fantasy 7,8,9, Tactics, Xenogears, Chrono Cross, Metal Gear Solid, Star Ocean 2, Gran Turismo 1, 2, Resident Evil 1, 2, 3, Crash 1, 2, 3, Tekken 2, 3, Spyro 1, 2, 3, Tomb Raider 1, 2, 3, Tomba 1, 2, Parappa the Rapper, Breath of Fire 3, 4, Medievil 1, 2, Castlevania SotN, Twisted Metal 1, 2, Legend of Dragoon

All N64 games aged liked like milk

Let me guess, It's only not ok when I say it

this is your brain on bing bing wahoo.


Why are you listing so many PC games?

>too cowardly to standup for what he believes in
>quitting before even attempting to argue
Peak beta behavior right here.

>Star Ocean 2

the n64 has zero games, then, since project64 exists.

Why do you just put acronyms of games that literally nobody knows?

How come Nintendo games are the only retro games that exist to people like this? It's like Sega and Sony never even existed and by extension kino like Panzer Dragoon Zwei.

Attached: kino.webm (720x547, 2.88M)

Those games were literally multiplats in their own generations. Sorry facts hurt you

>everybody has already agreed that ff7, mgs and gran turismo are the mount rushmore of golden age gaming

Back when even barebones PCs cost $1000 minimum. Also many were exclusive to PS for two or more years.

>hmm we need an FDS 2.0 to fight disc based consoles higher storage capacity and cheaper production costs
>let's make a system that uses proprietary discs that don't even hold any more than a cartridge!
awful, awful idea

so were the n64's games, since ultrahle existed. thanks for beta testing, nintenturds.

>of games that literally nobody knows?
>Gran Turismo
>Symphony of the Night
>Final Fantasy Tactics
>nobody knows
Shouldnt you be playing Fortnite?

Because we all played shmups, RPGs, and 2d fighters the prior 2 gens.

>ff7, mgs
Sick multiplats

Masterdisgrace is very low IQ. They can't analyze game design so a game being good really comes down to FPS and resolution.


>It's like Sega and Sony never even existed
It helps them ease the pain, it's not hard to be a nincel with a 20 year wound that will never heal

Gamecube was superior to N64 in every possible way

>mario 64, oot
sick multiplats.

Attached: ultrahle.png (640x417, 26K)

>pc exists so n64 has nothing

>goal is to run titles as well as possible
>uses HLE
yep, may as well throw it in the trash


see i can do it too!

>nincels got btfo so now they have to move the goalpost

Attached: 1510012532930.jpg (1284x1057, 106K)


So fucking sad you have to pull the emulation card just to dethrone a single console.

zoom zoom zoom. this was 1999 and both mario 64 and oot ran smoothly on any high-end pc at the time. there's a reason nintendo threw a hissyfit and put a stop to it.


>nintenturd crying about emulation
what else is new?

Attached: emulation.png (2000x3936, 1.81M)

Those were both my posts. Did you forget to type words?

>Near Miss
>Extra Gay
>Fuck Zee X
>Problem Sleuth
>Police Detective
>a coffee brand
>kitchen sex
>Before Christ
>Mountain Tim
>Muscle Growth
What did he mean by this?

>HLE N64
>good emulation
oh nononono he actually believes this

>tendies shitting on games getting ports when their current console is the king of ports
It's kind of hilarious what kind of mental gymnastics these kiddies go through.

Attached: 1553132285236.png (960x723, 961K)


I'm not tho? Nintendo PC has been the best combo since the dawn of gaming and this further proves it. Emulation is sick. Sorry I hurt your feelings by pointing out that Metal Gear amd FF7 weren't exclusive to sony, bro

Absolutely boiling

Rares platformers were the ebst. I coulld play banjo 1/2 and dk64 forever. Its a shame dk64 doesnt have a clean remaster like banjo does

hell yea baby, jumping flash

You mean multiplats, right? You always get those words confused. That's ok

Sorry but that title belongs to PS2

>but some of these ps1 games were multiplats
are nintendorks so dumb they forget those tended to be inferior to the console version? FF7 on PC had MIDI soundtrack ffs
Also even if you ignore the multiplats the PS1 still had a bunch of exclusives

Namco Museum 64
F-Zero X
Pokémon Stadium
Paper Mario
Perfect Dark
Mario Party
Jet Force Gemini
Kirby 64 The Crystal Shards
Blast Corps
Mario Tennis
Mario Golf
Majora's Mask (or Mischief Makers if you're being cheeky)

>nintendo pc being a "combo"
>when pc chads can just emulate nintendo's shit for free with better graphics and performance
nintenturds are the ultimate cucks.

Yes, we know you are

Why yes, I do think the PS1 is the best gaming console of all time. How did you know?

Attached: 1550985715597.jpg (1080x1246, 183K)

>FF7 on PC had MIDI soundtrack ffs
The PSX version soundtrack is also essentially MIDI, just in a different format.

I would say the top consoles of all time in order are PlayStation 2, Nintendo 64, and snes (I never owned one sega genesis).

PS4 could become 4th best of all time though.

Attached: 3C545405-35C9-4F23-8940-D849AD59F636.jpg (625x948, 125K)

Translation: I still play my Nintendo 64 with my friends while you are a fucking zoomer that grew up with the ps3 and cringy weeaboo games.

>no u

Must suck having no friends

But it's not. The PS2 was you gigaretard.

but i do have friends, that's why i don't feel the need to treat a multi-billion-dollar corporation like it's my friend.

>can also emulate literally every other consoles game in history
>only cares about nintendo games
PC/Nintendo bffs

>emulation pleb
Disgusting. Especially for N64.

>havng no friends
>on PC
>when even back then LAN parties were a thing
Legit retarded

>but I do have friends
>that's why I took all these legendary multiplayer games and made them single player

>a fucking gamefaqs poll

Of all the things you could have used to support your opinion. Jesus Christ user.

Sega's executives are retarded

>Anime game with windows excel-tier combat, terrible cgi and fucking cringy dialogue.
>A 2-player-only boringly realistic racing game with autistic wobblyng textures.
>A stealth movie game from the biggest hack in the industry.

Lmao, get some fucking taste brother.

>the biggest hack in the industry.
Who, Miyamoto?

Not him but you realize there's online play on N64 emulation right?

>licensed console shooter that already was outdated with the release of HL and CS
>sub 20fps empty open world with nothing to do
>another plaformer from the biggest hack in the industry

Lmao, get some fucking taste brother.

GE is better than HL, that's just a fact and OoT is not an open world game.

Did you finally get to play proper smash, Goldeneye, and kart after all these years? Nice

>HL and CS
Again, I have no fucking clue what these acronyms of unknown nich games are

>playing n64 games in emulators that can do online multiplayer is "making them single-player"

Attached: 1548970552362.jpg (221x250, 7K)

Netplay for N64 emulation is total shit. Builds of ZSNES with netplay hacked in worked better.

>GE is better than HL, that's just a fact
Let's see
>games influenced by HL
all that came afterwards
>games influenced by GE

All you're doing is showing everyone how little you know about video games

meanwhile not even Nintendo themselves can make their own games have decent online, shame

both ge and hl are garbage. hl is a "cinematic experience" and ge has a disgusting powerpoint framerate.

ps2 without a doubt. n64 was great for platforms and i will forever love it for having some of the best games in that genre. however, ps2 had such an insane number of great titles in different genres that it has yet to be matched by

Notice how shooters are all garbage now. Also Halo and TimeSplitters 2 were inspired by GE you retard.
GE is still a fully playable and fun game even if it has a low framerate.

Sick burn!

It needs a better controller and a lot more good and diverse games before it can lay claim to being best of all time. It still has a ton of masterpieces though.

>images you can hear

I'm happy for you! you finally got to experience 5th gen multiplayer games after 20 years!

>Also Halo inspired by GE you retard.
>the killer of creative FPS was inspired by GE
Well now we know what killed gaming, Nintendo and GE

>playable and fun
so this...is the power...of n64fags...

>so....this......is the power.....of boomer ellipsis.....

>you finally got to experience 5th gen multiplayer games after 20 years
Meanwhile Nintendo themselves cant figure out how to make those twenty year games even work on their own systems



64fags are the worst next to cubefags


desu, I used to disagree, but as I get older, PS1/SNES age like milk and the N64 is aging like wine

Attached: f55.png (561x782, 854K)

Halo is also better than Half Life. Fuckin shitty game ruined everything.
Stop bitching about framerates like a pussy and just enjoy the game.

Attached: Halo sniper avoid.webm (640x480, 2.83M)

Attached: 1554521977191.gif (320x240, 436K)

how do you enjoy a game if it plays like a powerpoint presentation?
also Half Life is still remembered fondly and spawned many games meanwhile modern Halo is a joke without punchline

>how do you enjoy a game if it plays like a powerpoint presentation?
You use your thumbs to push the buttons.

Attached: Goldeneye 007 rescue.webm (640x480, 2.88M)

>Best controllers that gen

They weren't perfect. The stick was its worst aspect. The overall design also limited the controller since you couldn't access every button easily with two hands. The Hori design actually is an objective upgrade for the most part. Also the console could have been way better with a C stick.

so in other words lower your standards? well it worked for gamefreak

If you set your standards based on the number of frames per second instead of how good the gameplay is, then you aren't setting your standards right.

Delusional. Even Source is fucking dead.

>If you set your standards based on the number of frames per second instead of how good the gameplay is
You cant enjoy a game if it runs like a literal slideshow, but I guess not everyone can think like a consolepleb like you do

It had like 5 good games, SNES was far superior.

How is a controller with sticks that self destruct from mild usage acceptable let alone "good"?

then the title belongs to MS-DOS

>You cant enjoy a game if it runs like a literal slideshow
You can if you aren't a whiny little bitch boy who complains about everything.

MS-DOS falls into either 3rd or 4th gen

You don't even see modern games with AI this intelligent. Even from a far distance and the Elite spaced far apart from the Grunt they both know to avoid the Sniper fire.

Seriously, fuck all people that hate on Halo CE.

I think caveman beating rocks together was the most influential musician of all time.

No be it has maybe 10 of the top 100 games of all time. I know that people always claim oot as the best game of all time, but I personally think mario 64 is a better game, it just isn't as atmospheric.