>raytracing is a me-
just admit you were wrong
Minecraft RTX ON
Other urls found in this thread:
I never said raytracing was a meme.
It has an actual function that improves how a game looks.
VR on the other hand...
What does a godray have to do with raytracing
The worst part is that you can easily use other lighting tech to get very similar results.
yet no one does
good on nvidia for stepping up
...has actual function that improves how a game PLAYS
Another normie discovering raytracing.
is this the Boss basement?
That is a lie. Minecraft was using ancient lighting tech so it made a big impact there (lets ignore the fact that they also added in a bunch of physically based materials) All the games with physically based rendering also use lighting that achieves a lot of what Ray Tracing gets them just with artifacting and some inaccuracies.
Current Ray Tracing implementations are laughable.
A shit quality godray that is being rendered at 1/4 resolution at that...
I like their attention to detail on the block types and their own unique reflections. How the sun is actually a sun and lights everything at the appropriate angle. If this mod is soulless then Idk what is.
>All the games with physically based rendering also use lighting that achieves a lot of what Ray Tracing gets them
lmao that's BS
This makes me want to play minecraft for the first time, once they release the patch that is
Clashes with the minimalistic art design. Whoever decided this was a good idea should be fired. Might as well add a bunch of chromatic aberration while you're at it. Fucking retards.
Whoa they finally added global illumination from 2011
hows the gameplay?
The fact that it's pissing off tards like you prooves even more that it was a great idea
Ray tracing is the most accurate way to digitally portray light using known physical laws regarding the behavior of light. If you hate ray tracing, you're just a faggot who cannot stand realism and thus should be ignored.
this is minimalistic though... current minecraft isn't.
Why the fuck would you waste this kind of technology on Minecraft ? It looks fucking dumb with 4k textures on, since everything is made of blocks.
>Why the fuck would you waste this kind of technology on Minecraft ?
Because progress? Because why should we settle for less?
It really does look nice, but I’ll still wait until my 1060 runs out of juice. By that time, I would hope gaytracing is better implemented and optimized, and not rotting in a ditch like PhysX.
Both aren't memes. VR is just 1 generation behind being literally a properly functional device with no cables and 2 generation behind to be affordable and wireless at once. Raytracing on the other hand is just too young tech. It's very taxing on GPU and only one hardware manufacturer (Nvidia) is producing it with their most high-end graphic card which runs like ass in 90% of cases.
because it's the best way to show off raytraced lighting without being too heavy to run
>Because progress
Progress is not a worthwhile end unto itself.
It is for technology. A few years from now, this tech will become mainstream and make games look better
Look at Control. The only difference is reflection shit.
RTX is still a meme
you don't need RTX to get raytracing in minecraft either
Nvidia retards permanently on suicide watch
>PChodes bitch obnoxiously for years about how game technology is stagnant and visually unimpressive
>realtime fucking raytracing comes out on consumer hardware
RTX is a meme
Raytracing is not
It's not worth the performance hit. Raytracing is beneficial for reflections, but how important is that really? Global illumination can be faked n' baked and use ambient occlusion.
I have 144hz monitor. I want high frames to maintain that buttery smooth experience. I want good graphics but raytracing is just not worth the hit. Good luck playing anything other than cooridor FPS's at 30fps on the most expensive hardware.
NvidiaCHAD reporting in
This is some good bait, considering the Minecraft raytracing was done with shaders that don't require RTX at all.
Metro Exodus raytraced global illumination is superb to any of that fake bullshit
Probably because it couldn't handle any more raytracing. It doesn't have any impressive lighting.
>not having mods installed 7 years ago that make the game look better than this
for what purpose
How many times do you need to be told? RTX is a meme, raytracing isn't.
-mory waste
RTX is raytracing
he knows he just doesn't care because hes a cynical poorfag
SEUS PTGI looks better lmao
This is the most brainlet post I have seen today. And I have been looking at Twitter defending Disney and shitting on Sony all day.
Epic non-argument, Control shill. Stick to twitter shilling.
No, RTX is NVidia's proprietary raytracing libs and marketing bullshit.
RTX is a shitty cash grab from nvidia and is about 5% power of what real raytracing can do.
Cryengine will be doing raytracing similar to nvidia approach too and it doesn’t need RTX cards
No, it's a collection of sdks made to run on Nvidia's RT cores, specialized processors architecturally designed to optimize raytracing computation. The idea is it makes real time raytracing feasible via the dedicated hardware and to force people into Goyworks 2.0. The result is $1000 for a card that can't run raytraced Quake II 60fps@4k.
>and is about 5% power of what real raytracing can do
because it's what current hardware can handle, retard
Wasn't cry engine going bankrupt because no one wanted to make games with it?
Tech demo vs actual products in the market that deliver. Wouldn't be surprised if that version of raytracing is out in ~2025 but it requires a RTX 4070+ to run similarly to current RTX.
>>PChodes bitch obnoxiously for years about how game technology is stagnant and visually unimpressive
It still is. Ray Tracing isn't impressive at all. It's just another thing for goys to spend money on. So be a good goy and consume you dumb nigger.
So the tech is way too young then? And why make expensive hardwares while you can do the same with non RTX cards?
>VR on the other hand...
is the greatest leap forward in pornography since the invention of the camera a few hundred years ago.
>raytraced Quake II
so you admit it's raytracing lol
What the fuck? All this time I thought this new raytracing tech cast rays from the light until they hit the camera, but it's actually just done per-pixel? This crap can be implemented in a shader without special hardware
Fix those fucking jaggies
Raytracing is not a meme, only lardasses with no knowledge about how graphics work would say something like that.
It's giving us nice looking shadows and reflections in games currently so it's obviously not too young.
Surprise, there's absolutely zero new raytracing tech.
Wow dude its almost as if competitive companies like Nvidia want to put their feet in first for future tech. I get the feeling you're the kind of person who doesn't like change. There will still be indie games on Steam so you're safe dude.
>Nvidia want to put their feet in first for future tech.
>future tech
>future tech
I also watched their documentary on the history of ray tracing. You know what I mean.
Raytracing as a whole is very different from specifically RTX.
>trying to put realistic graphics into a stylized game
Holy shit, just fuck off
Graphical style > realism
If you cast rays from the light, imagine how many extra rays would be calculated that arent even seen by the camera. It only makes sense to work backwards from the camera to optimize the number of rays cast per frame.
I actually don't. How is this in any way "new tech"? It's just their standard Gimpworks practice, except it's hardware locked as well this time. Happened before with HBAO+, TXAA, Hairworks, and PhysX.
AMD can and has used raytracing via DXR in both those Minecraft and Quake II tech demos.
>keep showing this RTX stuff
>but haven't showed or done anything with their own 4k update in over 2+ years
This crap has been implemented in a shader without special hardware. That's why non-RTX cards can run the path-tracing in Minecraft(what's actually posted in the OP, it has nothing to do with RTX).
It's also not really new tech, it's been widely used since the 90s for pre-rendered CGI and pre-baked lighting.
Relax, Nintendo probably won't have raytracing for the next 20 years so your cartoony bing wahoos are safe for now
Got some bad news for you dude
I notice that the only times you see any kind of half decent raytracing is in low quality graphics games. It will remain meme status until I see it in a game like DMC5 or RDR2.
The PTGI mod looks just as good and I can run it on my 980ti
Some raytracing is RTX, but not all raytracing is RTX. That's what I'm saying. You could do real-time raytracing without any NVidia hardware or software.
if you play minecraft with raytracing or texture packs you need to be publicly executed
The contrast in Minecraft is that big because they are adding decent materials and textures in addition to ray tracing lighting. Anyway, I installed some shaders here and it's very interesting to note how light reflects things indirectly (pic related). Unfortunately it runs at 10fps on my PC.
>another memetracing thread
op should have his fingers broken off and set on fire
>VR on the other hand...
Are you a poorfag by chance? Nobody who has actually played VR thinks this. The problem with VR is that the playerbase is so small that all devs are willing to make right now are glorified tech demos. But games like Superhot VR, Gorn and Pavlov all show how much potential VR has to push certain genres forward. I think horror games and tactical shooters are going to make a HUGE comeback when VR becomes more mainstream. Also, even without any motion controls, RE7 on VR is a DIRECT improvement over the original version. It is so much more tense having everything seem so up close. After playing that game in VR I would never play the non-VR version ever again.
This one is a perfect example that what microsoft/nvidia did is not shaders but actually a proper implementation of pathtracing. This screen, while it looks nice, is not realistic as the pic from OP
reminds me of that super detailed resource pack that makes the game run at 1fps
I read the whole thread and nobody says what RTX does differently that regular shaders don't already do.
Screen-space reflections cannot reflect what is not shown on the camera, so if you're looking at a curved mirror and an enemy is behind you, you will not see them through that mirror, giving them a gameplay advantage.
VR is a huge revolution for driving and flight sims. That's about it. Motion controls are garbage and it's inherently too limiting on the kind of movement you can have. You will never have a game like Titanfall 2 in VR because it would make everyone's insides unravel.
>what RTX does differently that regular shaders don't already do.
Increase the cost of already stupidly overpriced GPUs by 50%.
Give me a game in which it's gameplay gets richier and truly takes advantage of that.
And not "just 'cuz it's prettier" thing
It allows you, at an affordable price, to have REAL-TIME raytracing in games.
As someone who works with game development tools, real-time raytracing is pretty stellar. Not having to bake indirect lighting and reflection captures every time I move, rotate or scale an asset would save me a lot of time and would keep my CPU (and my room) a fair amount cooler in the summer.
Metro Exodus, global illumination makes the game more spooky
Last Light had global Illumination as well, only rasterised and not raytraced. They took out both AO and GI in Exodus to force people to use RTX because the game looks like ass without it.
I love finding fucking bizarre worldgen things
Realistic lighting.
Thank you for proving him right, considering Minecraft uses regular shaders that aren't locked to Nvidia's RTX.
Any game with gameplay centered around reflections cannot take full advantage because current rasterization + screen space reflection methods are unable to render reflections on any object that is not directly shown on screen. If you aren't looking at it, it won't be reflected. If there is anything blocking your view of the object, that object will also be obscured in the reflection. This can become a limiting factor in games where reflections are emphasized.
Shit, ignore:
I thought you were asking about RT and not about RTX
i like to make castles in creative mode, and then reconquer them in survival from the swarms of mobs that spawn inside :)
Yeah, I didn't see that he was talking specifically about the Nvidia shader, I thought it was a question about Ray Tracing in general.
Give me one instance where it's up to the manufacturer of a graphics card to develop gameplay.
how's it look from the outside
Imagine getting an RTX card because you give a shit that much about minecraft
are these threads made just so people can justify the money they shelled out on this garbage?
>graphics physically cannot get any better than ray tracing
>>not impressive
Go to bed Crysisfag, you're batting out of your league.
I get 60fps on minecraft PTGI on a 1080.
You don't even need an RTX card for this in Minecraft.
you expect that there would be an economic version of a VR headset by 2019 but no, the new index VR is $999
Raytracing will soon be a standard feature on every new GPU in the near future.
>waste technology
user, do you understand how ray tracing works?
All of the modern graphics technologies went through the same phases. In time raytracing will be the norm and there will be another meme tech that everyone is crying about because they're experiencing its first implementation.
>coping this hard b/c you're poor
there is, it's called PS VR
>the new index VR is $999
was never supposed to be an "economic version"
The faster way to cast rays from the camera to the lights.
But this is just an optimization issue, right? It is theoretically possible to reflect off-screen objects, but would this consume a lot of resources or something?
There's always ways around it.
>console VR
you're joking right
sharing that argument macfags use
feel free to call me a poorfag or some shit but i'm not gonna shill out for "muhh rtx" when i can install optifine and be done with it
>b-buh-but rtx works in other games!!!! h-haha! btfo!
don't care because 99% of games supported by this rtx tripe is shit i'm not interested in
How's that Voodoo 5 treating you Jose?
And yet you're still trying to justify being poor on an anonymous image board lmao
You can't just use materials made for Cycles and expect it to behave the same with Eevee.
>PS5 gay tracing confirmed
>It'll probably be $50 more than a 2060
This user gets it.
I have no idea why you would think it would not look out from each pixel being calculated, but anyways ray tracing is an easy concept that merely requires a lot of processing to execute in real time. Nvydia just recently started making cards optimized for calculating this with new software and hardware.
Just so you know this is a rundown of how gpu's interact with games:
In writing the code for a game on the game's side of things its little more then a matter of feeding the card location data for lights, objects, the camera, and whatever else. There is separate code that's held in the card itself that devs can write, or modify without changing the actual game's code.
What this means the "shader" you're talking about is sent to the gpu if your computer has one. You absolutely can run any shader on older gpus or by your computer's normal cpu and ram... but these are not made to execute the code quickly, so they won't.
Basically you need the special gpu for this.
>fuck RTX, it's just a meme. AMD gonna do it better anyway
the absolute state of poorfags
>minecraft runs at 10fps
arrest yourself stevefag.
Why the fuck would you need any of that shit for MINECRAFT, of all things? No matter what kind of effects you slap on it, you will never make it look good.
>what's actually posted in the OP, it has nothing to do with RTX
what, the OP is an official nvidia screenshot
That's really cool user I sure wish I had more hours in the day to do that
I love how RTX ON triggers Yea Forums so much. It just works
People really need to stop eating Nvidia's bullshit every single time they do anything.
Stop buying overpriced shit and then they might drop prices.
minecraft graphics is the least you could possibly go with these shaders dumb faggot
do it in crysis, a game that actually has graphics then comeback to me otherwise this tech is irrelevant for another 10 years when it doesn't need to be pushed as the only selling point for some overpriced meme graphics card
what is that texture pack? it's really nice
The way SSR works makes it literally impossible since the method is designed to reflect pixels on the GPU.
You could use other methods like cubemaps, but the downside is that it's basically a static 360° image. You could also use planar reflections that renders the level twice, this time from the direction of the reflection, but it's much less flexible than screen-space reflections and only works on flat, level surfaces (if you want it to do a curved reflection, forget about it) and if you already have a lot of polygonal triangles and draw calls present in the scene without the planar reflection, it may impact your performance pretty hard since it's basically doubling the objects to create the reflection.
this is all lighting setup and disingenuous
take into account cycles takes minutes to get something that looks presentable while eevee is real time
Also this is an easy way to make old games look better. Shader code is held in a file that gets sent to the gpu's ram each time you execute it. Like its literally just a separate file, so if you have a shader already written that takes in a typical amount of info for the modern gen you can just change that file to be a different shader without having to modify the original game's code.
The kind of graphical gains you get for raytracing are very noticeable and with nvydia's hardware its relatively easy to change an existing game to a raytraced game if its not like 2+ gens old.
Basically if the hardware becomes cheaper devs will remaster games like crack, which would perpetuate consumer interest further, and we'd see a massive graphical leap. But you shouldn't buy a new card yet because they still have their prices inflated from cryptofags.
Maybe go earn some good boy points so mommy lets you upgrade your gtx1060?
would it be easier to just like
render the object you need "inside" the mirror?
dokucraft light
Dude if one of these stupid fuk devs would put out a head set that is HD clear with no screen door effect they would win the entire VR market, but they wanna fuck around with these mid term upgrades and wireless meme gimmicks.
Its rendering in a completely different fashion then previous methods. What you're suggesting would either be recalculating the position of every possible vert needing to be rendered when its reflected or the equivalent of calculating for an additional camera, with also some hairy calculations for the frame of the mirror. People have done this before, its not like the thousands of devs haven't thought of this, but its not as effective and you should have realized people would just be doing it if they could. Also both ONLY WORK FOR FLAT FACES (unless you do it multiple times for every face along a curve which is ridiculous and obviously overly taxing) while raytracing sees no real difference for curved faces like chrome car grills or something (that kind of thing previously wouldn't actually reflect anything around them).
You do know that the minecraft raytracing is not done with RTX shit, right?
Not gonna lie my desktop is already on it's last legs and it's time for an upgrade anyway. I may as well buy into it since it seems as good a time as any
>The kind of graphical gains you get for raytracing are very noticeable and with nvydia's hardware its relatively easy to change an existing game to a raytraced game if its not like 2+ gens old.
If your game uses an engine like UE4, it can basically be as simple as ticking a few checkboxes and restarting.
It's been confirmed that they rebuild the renderer to leverage DXR & the HW accelerated RT cores on the Turing GPUs--and did so only for the bedrock edition of Minecraft AKA the engine Microsoft wrote entirely in C/C++.
The Java version which is owned by 80% of the parget has to use the PGI shaders, which this particular THING does not benefit nor is it something that takes advantage of the RT cores nor Tensors. BUUUUUUUT, it works across AMD and NVIDIA GPUs going as far back as the RX 400 era.
Oh also because it may not be obvious, at best you can get like one surface without too many verts reflected without massive drops in frames using the older tech, but with ray tracing you can have a fuck ton of faces that reflect the world around them that also reflect each other.
Not only do you a mirror that works now you also have mirrors reflecting each other and whatnot.
ah okay, i understand a lot better now
no,also arrest yourself.
that's like saying opengl is rasterizing
Yeah that brings up a good point. Most games are just made with prebuilt engines like that and devs no longer care about writing that kind of thing themselves. I am pretty sure most engine creating teams that sell this already would push something like that out. Shits even more trivial; the only holding devs back from shitting out raytraced remasters is the consumer doesn't own the card.
no you don't
>win10 version only
look at what ray tracing looks like on a real game, like Modern Warfare reboot.
hint: it does nothing.
Yes I do.
>that flag
>calling whites (codeword for jews) sensitive
this person would never have a job in my town!
such antisemitism
no, you really and truly do not
watch the video again then,but with some glasses. Do you really expect me to show the differences to you?
too bad you'll be stuck with an AMD gpu on ps5
AMD cpu + NVIDIA gpu is the-alpha-and-the-omega-tier
Yes, I really and truly do.
because people actually play it
and if it can look better with simple lighting that's cute.>I would hope gaytracing is better implemented and optimized, and not rotting in a ditch like PhysX.
RTX will be
Raytracing itself will not.
Consoles are getting raytracing with AMD RDNA2. So buy an RDNA2 card, likely the 5850 XT
Show me it in anything besides Minecraft or Quake. It completely ruins the look of those games.
do you think it's the same thing on modern warfare? idiot
All RTX is raytracing
Not all raytracing is RTX
Look up DXR, RRT, etc...
Extremely based.
Except that cryengine de
raytracing removed shadows in MW
Friendly reminder this is running on a vega56, a card you can buy for $270 new and probably like $180 used.
Anyone can license cryengine, even the shitbags from mechwarrior online did. They just can't program for shit.
now you're starting to get my point.
it's easy to do raytracing on a game that uses 10% of a 1080's power.
i have a 2060
it's still a meme
wait for next gen
see you next thread
>from the light
he fell for the rtx marketing meme
yea but not in real time
wow, nvidia marketing at it again, what's new
that was your point? ok captain obvious
read the OP again
this but unironically.
the GPU on the PS5 will annihilate a 2060, and 2060S
It's rumored to be 2070-level, like RX 5700 or so.
this but unironically.
>have a 2070
>haven't even touched anything with ray tracing
what games should i play so i can actually use this thing?
Minecraft or Quake II. You wont be getting 1080p60 on anything else.
>2070 level
so it will be a generation behind within a year of launch, then they have to maintain this for 6~ more years (milking you out with a PS5 PRO version)
the quake rtx demo was ok, nothing mindblowing
bf5 and metro look a little better in specific points, like in bf5 the reflections on the muddy water and windows are kino
>light contrast to make things look pretty
>looks like a game from 2002
i could literally replicate this in ms paint
but why minecraft?
Because someone else did it first, and Nvidia likes copying shit and using it as marketing.
>look at what ray tracing looks like on a real game, like Modern Warfare reboot.
I would assume this is a joke, but I'm in a fucking minecraft thread.
It's a CPU bound game and always was.
it tries to iterate through every block every frame iirc
Stadia might be the most visually advanced gaming platform next generation. If Google can overcome the latency concerns, they could make an impact.
this is how computers render 3D shit since forever. We are close to running pixar lighting in real time.
Better play pokemon Sword & Shield, they have better graphics than this.
same with quake 2 rtx. it was a community project first.
alright ill spell it out for you
what i meant by real game = graphically intensive game.
raytracing isn't impressive when you have 95% free resources to work with, modern games will take up more GPU power before raytracing.
give me a new game with this tier raytracing and ill be impressed, but i know it can't happen yet.
It's a meme.
stadia will be really fucking good for people with Google Fiber.
and those who live next to data centers. that's about it.
>what i meant by real game = graphically intensive game.
>raytracing isn't impressive when you have 95% free resources to work with, modern games will take up more GPU power before raytracing.
>optimization is bad
>Modern warfare is pushing the limits of technology
>give me a new game with this tier raytracing and ill be impressed, but i know it can't happen yet.
>modern warfare is new
Raytracing tech demos:
Games with raytracing:
modern warfare reboot
>looks like a game from 2002
Not with dynamic lighting.
>If Google can overcome faster than light communication, they could make an impact.
No shit, unfortunately I don't think they're capable of unraveling quantum entanglement.
you're trying too hard user
SnS looks as bad as an early 2000's f2p mmo
Feels like what microsoft did it at e3 years ago.. Minecraft in 4K. Are we supposed to be excited?
>break graphics card
>durrr what a meme
So you want a new game that your shitty toaster can run RTX with?
That's the ray tracing shader reacting to glass.
That video was taken a long time ago and my 1080 is still working on more intensive games.
Nice try though.
by shitty toaster you mean 2080ti sure
Give it a year and no one will be talking about raytracing anymore. It'll become a meme like 4k gaming on consoles with high fps.
I'll wait for the tech to mature, running on acceptable frame rate until then no buy for me
What will we be using instead?
You could do a very similiar effect without raytracing at twice the fps
>my shitty 2080ti meme card can't run new shit with RTX
same difference really.
>flagship card
>shitty meme
>Give it a year and no one will be talking about raytracing anymore
ray tracing has been talked about since that fucking picture in GTA4 with the taxi car you absolute fucking zoomer.
Yes technology advances. your brand new card can't handle next gen technology.
and minecrap looks rejected for smash,you point?
Your reading comprehension could do with some work.
Who knows. Whatever the next graphical gimmick they decide to drum up hype for to sell graphics cards and next-gen games because everyones realised that we've hit a ceiling with how far current tech can go in terms of true simulation and realism.
>Your reading comprehension could do with some work.
You're going to have to explain then.
I directly quoted what you said and showed that it has been a thing for a while.
I have a 1080 and was just playing with that shader. You might be able to get 60 fps, but not in all areas, at all times. In fact, mostly everything near water or above ground will not hit 60 consistently.
Might want to read again then as I never said anything about the past.
Ray tracing has been talked about since 1968 when it was first introduced by Arthur Appel who was working at the IBM Research Center at the time.
your slippery slopery has no reasoning behind it unless you can see the future faggot.
Fucking hell, and you're the one who called me a zoomer?
>only zoomers deny fallacies
Yea I know, I'm more referring to the general interest around it will die down and become a meme. I expect the tech will improve but there won't be any fanfare.
nevermind, should've just assumed you're retarded
I haven't made any fallacies.
you predicted the future with no evidence and no explanation.
But it's not the standard now so spending the excessive amount of money to upgrade right now is a poor choice. Better models and lower prices of previous iterations of cards that allow real time raytracing will be cheaper. I'm never a fan of being ahead of the curve when it comes to technology as it grows fast enough as it is.
>we've hit a ceiling with how far current tech can go in terms of true simulation and realism.
that would be true if games were actually made for current tech and not for 7 years old consoles lol
Ha! I can't argue with that but that's also what I'm getting at.
That's not a fallacy, my reasoning is based on past hyped up things that everyone just memes now, like 4k gaming on consoles with high fps. Which I made that link already.
But this has nothing to do with consoles. In fact this is like reverse bandwagon.
Do you take everything literally, or do you just have autism?
do you just have the W10 version of MC if you have the java edition or do you have to buy it still
>proven wrong
>bro why you so serious
Seperate client you have to buy I think
So you're just a troll. Fair enough, that's boring then.
like (You) faggot.
Actually, it seems like we're about to reach a ceiling *without* ray tracing when it comes to current rendering technology. Rasterization (what we use now) has come far and it looks quite good in its own right, but the workarounds that current games use (such as screen space reflections, cubemaps, baked static lighting, screen space ambient occlusion and screen space refractions) to artificially emulate the effects that ray tracing can produce naturally will only take us so far. The only way to actually move forward with graphical fidelity in games seems to be through ray tracing.
Except it is constantly used in the media industries
I am pretty sure any kind of advance on the field halted once everybody realized they could forever milk the customer by releasing bloated software that needed ever increasing processing power for a few hundred bucks more than its last iteration.
The big leap people talked about for years will never happen because it`s easier to swindle people
Am I the only one who thinks this shit looks awful? I love how the lava projects the orange glow up the walls, but other than that it looks way worse than the ray tracing shaders that already exist.
I'd agree but it kinda feels like raytracing has been elevated in status mostly to address consoles and their underperforming power. I'm not sure if we're going to see it's full potential realised rather than it just be a replacement for rasterization techs.
>by releasing bloated software that needed ever increasing processing power for a few hundred bucks more than its last iteration.
>don't optimize and inch forward with small doses of old technology
>charge 500 dollars for a new console that can handle it.
The textures look garbage imo.
I disagree. Current technology may slow down the initial adoption rates, but seeing that it's already being standardized in DirectX and Vulkan, that both Nvidia and AMD have committed to it, that in the some of the most popular game engines already support it and enabling it is as easy as clicking a checkbox, and Sony and Microsoft have confirmed support for it (Nintendo will probably be a few steps behind, but they will support it too), it's only a matter of time before it becomes standard for most new games. Soon all new GPUs will have support for it.
The software is pretty much ready, all we need is for the hardware to catch up.
even pokemon SwSh looks better.
Nothing you said here contradicted anything I said. So what are you disagreeing with exactly?
I apologize if I interpreted your post wrong, but I thought you were saying ray tracing in games would fail to catch on and we would return back to traditional rasterization rendering methods.
I think the time a developer could save from not having to build pre-computed lighting, especially on larger levels, but instead having high quality lighting in real-time would be attractive, especially to indie developers with less resources, so much so that I can't imagine a future that real time ray tracing doesn't become the standard once the hardware is sufficient.
That's how it was done in a very old demo I saw on youtube once, and it looked realistic for the time. I assumed there was a benefit to doing it backwards as a trade-off for speed.
Oh it'll definitely catch on as the uses for it are amazing. I just don't think anyone in the public sphere will be talking about it in a year from now and anyone who mentions it will get responses like "lol that whole meme?". But anyway, yea I agree with everything you've said, are you a graphics programmer?
Honestly, they should just do standard shading for the PC and Console releases, and then use the really beefy capabilities of the datacenter to path trace the scenes in realtime. Then charge $60/mo for it.
When games look magically different, people will pay. When faggots complain about how their PCs and console versions don't look like that, drop the metrics how you need 10,000 dollars in GPU hardware to run that game at 60fps. This will then push the pressure onto Nvidia and AMD to innovate and improve GPU performance and drive down the cost of their hardware simultaneously--cause 99.999% of the market can't afford to drop 10 grand in GPU cost alone, nevermind the software middleware necessary to cluster all that shit for realtime rendering with gameplay.
If RT is kept in consumer space, each successive generation its going to cost more and more as the GPUs will need more hw shaders dedicated to that stuff or alternative just hybrid shaders that can do RT math as well as regular math. This will no doubt increase power and heat, but if the RT path is here to stay, then that's a sacrifice the market must be willing to accept.
IT IS LITERALLY THE HARDEST FUCKING THING TO DO IN ALL OF RENDERING. It is not without great sacrifice to do. It's like trying to run a 5K with no zero training. Can you do it? Technically yes. But you're going to be wheezing, and panting, and totally exhausted. Your body temperature and heart rate will be through the roof. Your overall performance is going to be absolute garbage.
What happens if people just say 'meh' though? What if they don't pay for it? What if they just don't care? Gotta think of the worst case scenario too.
Who is ray and why is everyo e tracing him?
I did a test with shader that uses path tracing in Minecraft and it doesn't reflect animals and objects that are out of sight. They should be reflected, right, since it's path tracing?
Cuz he's got gold.
It probably just doesn't calculate anything thats not a block after the first bounce. Honestly thats super weird they would do that but when you say "it should", on principle yeah but in actuality theres nothing stopping them from writing it in such a way where it doesn't consider all entities when calculating.
wait if you can raytrace it without RTX why do you need RTX?
Is the shader raytracing mod true raytracing?
>playing with input lag to use raytracing
no thanks
stealth games seem like the most obvious genre to take advantage of it.
>All of the modern graphics technologies went through the same phases
This is JUST false
the lgbtq community is the most sensitive group of people on the face of this earth though.
Raytracing lighting is a hindrance in Minecraft. The visual appearance of an area does not necessarily match its actual lighting based on the game's engine. The sunlight coming from the window covers a certain radius of the floor in light, and leaves the rest in darkness. Despite that beam of light appearing through the window, monsters can still spawn inside during that time of day..
*runs at 5 fps*
it only looks good when using the HD textures they did for it when they have that it looks pretty great
My buddy bought this card the other day for 917€
he got ripped off right? I told him, to either buy the TI/Super variant or at least get it for cheaper. Also this nigga didn't even get free games with his card.
-diocre graphic improvement.
>Motion controls are garbage
Have you ever actually used a Vive? The tracking is almost perfect. Can't speak for Oculus because I don't have one. On PSVR its obviously garbage because they are still using a fucking camera.
>You will never see a game like Titanfall 2
Where did I imply we would see games like that in VR? Genres like horror games and tactical shooters are a perfect fit for VR.
Or a black man being called nigger.
>has more faith in dead memengine than nvidia
Dumb ATI peasant has been spotted.
It's just hardware level optimization for raytracing