Let's be honest, what do you think are the odds that Bayo 3 will get cancelled...

Let's be honest, what do you think are the odds that Bayo 3 will get cancelled? They announced it 3 years ago and we've seen nothing, not even a screenshot. Meanwhile Astral Chain came out of nowhere and seems to be distracting people from Bayo. At this point should it even come out? DMC5 is just too perfect that Kamiya would never be able to match it.

Attached: Bayonetta-3.jpg (620x413, 65K)

Other urls found in this thread:


probably don't want to distract attention away from Astral Chain, I am surprised they announced Bayo 3 as early as they did though. Perhaps they saw DMCV and went back to the drawing board? Who knows...

They announced it before starting development and we haven't seen it yet because they don't want to cannibalize Astral Chain.

They want all eyes on Astral Chain, you dumbass bitch. If we get don't see anything on Bayo 3 this fall, then I'd start worrying.

Platinum should worry about topping DMC3 before they even think about topping DMC5.

we'll see it at the geoff awards in december

Nintendo doesn’t own Bayonetta, Sega does. They probably wanted platinum to establish themselves by funding bayo 2, working on a new fully-owned Nintendo IP, then funding Bayo 3.

They announced it in December 2017, so that's about 1 year and a half ago, not 3 years ago. And no, there is no reason for it to be cancelled.

I didn't say anything about topping, this isn't a game vs game situation as they're pretty different.



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Absolutely 0.

We saw it announced December 2017 at Game Awards Show so it's actually only been alittle over 1.5 years.

It's canceled and your denial is just sad at this point.


>3 years
It hasn't even been 2 years yet you retard.

Better question: why is the DMC fanbase so insufferable? Is it false flagging or do so many people really believe that juggling dummies is peak action gameplay?

I think the reason it's taking so long is that they announced it near the start of development. It was done so early that they even used the model from the first teaser trailer rather than the new design, which is probably NOT going to be the final one. Nintendo probably thought it would help sell copies of Bayo2, which was out in two months, and it looks like it did since the game apparently did pleasingly well on Switch.

Around May of 2018 the VA for Bayo did a podcast where she said that they hadn't contacted her yet for the role and stated that VAing was one of the last aspects of a development like this one so if they hadn't reached out to her it meant that the game hadn't gotten that far in development. Since AC was probably in production around that time as well they might've felt that they that if they released news for B3 it would outshine that game and go unnoticed. This is just a theory of mine but we only have around a week till we know for sure.

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if you round up really hard, 1y8m can turn into 3y... it's science...

Are you really asking this question on fucking Yea Forums?

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Look, man, I know, but let's keep it on Bayo and not light matches where there are flammable objects. Ironic considering the pic I just posted, but let's keep that fight out of the thread.

>DMC5 is just too perfect
Not with those levels and enemy designs. Empusa is the shittiest enemy I've seen in the genre. Good thing Sekiro came out soon after DMC5 and washed out the taste of shit out of my mouth.

The first time it pops up it will have a release date and will be only like 4-6 months from themat date

Take your shit falseflagging and fuck off.

This, and anyone who says otherwise is just trying to start shit for no reason.

>user posts a crop from a literal gay furry porn comic

Fair enough. OPs post is based on the idea that DMC5 is the game to beat though and I disagree completely. All Bayo 3 needs to do is be as good as the first one.

Judeccas are much worse. The enemy design could be better but at least it's a step up from 3 and 4.

Is there anything quite as exciting in the genre as fighting Grace and Glory on NSIC?

I kind of agree, though. There is something bouncy about the enemies and they're just unevenly animated.

Off the top of my head the scythe enemies do this weird, floaty thing. I hit them and then, like a near literal second later of looking staggered I'll approach again and THEN they'll fall down in a kind of serine, almost like floating, manner. All the enemies I can think of have some similar kink.

Are those the ones with the scythes?

Learning DO for the first time. I remember the first time I started using it and I didn't know if I was doing it right but then I was pulling it off. It was like learning to drive in a completely different way.

Yeah, fighting Jeanne on Hard made me realize I was missing something important. Maybe it's about time I learn that thing they kept telling me about on Yea Forums I thought to myself, and then the game was changed forever in my eyes.

Bayonetta is a switch exclusive and DMC5 isn't even on the switch. I don't think Plat has a reason to fear facing Capcom in that regard.

>implying there is anything at all dmc5 does better than bayonetta

>Perhaps they saw DMCV and went back to the drawing board
Why would they do that? If the only way DMC4 affected B1 was how it thought Kamiya not to add dice minigames I don't think as a production B3 will take DMC5 into consideration. That'd be like DMC5 having taken GoW into consideration. Why?

Everyone talks about this like everyone suddenly became scared of making action games because DMC5 came out. At first it sounds like shit talking or just memes but I starting to think people actually believe it. Where are you all getting this from? That's not how shit works in the real world. People don't just stop making games when they see another one in the same genre do well, nor do they change things because of it, either.

I expect a gameplay video in the Direct after Astral Chain comes out. If it had a troubled production, it'd have had a MP4 type apology instead of the presenter of the directs going "Bayo 3 is going well wink wink".

SMTV is the troubling bit, since it's not controlled by Nintendo. It might be just a case of Atlus mismanaging the fuck out of advertising games again.

I don't have mommy issues so I don't about Bayo 3. I wish Platinum made another Madworld but with good gameplay

Yeah, everything.

A question for you then: what enemy is more fun to fight in dmc5 than Grace and Glory in bayo?

Any of them, because I can fight them with something besides dial-a-combos.

Of course it does. Just because you don't want to admit it doesn't make it not true, just means you have a favorite you will defend even if you have to lie to yourself.

I'll give you an example. My favorite game of all time is DMC1. Now, do people talk shit about DMC1? Sweet lord above, they sure do. They shit talk about the camera, how aged it is, how there is no good HD port, with liIIIiiight, the story. Is any of it true? Yeah, it sure is. Does it matter to me? Nope, still my favorite. Just because it has flaws and people like to point them out to be cunts doesn't make me like the game any less.

DMC5 has flaws but because people are children they act like the thing they like is perfect or it will feel like their choice has not been validated. Lying about it, even amongst the fandom, will only make things grow stale by refusing to look at its flaws head on and let it change those things.

I'm convinced that you're the same guy spamming these because there aren't enough Platinum fans on Yea Forums for any of them to have not seen my posts on this subject.

They already came out and said that Bayo 3's being developed non-sequentially. Normally, you develop an action game with chapter 1, then 2, then 3, etc. This has pros and cons. The pro is that you very quickly get final gameplay, assets, and story. You can show off your game long before release, you have lots of time to test that early-game experience (very important), and everyone on the team can sort of understand what's going on. The downside is that, if you're not very carefully, you'll end up with a front-loaded game, and the lategame will seem lackluster in comparison. This happened with DMC5 to a degree, the early game is BY FAR better than the lategame. It also makes it hard to make storyline changes or things like that, which can lead to minor problems here and there.

By contrast, developing non-sequentially basically reverses the pros and cons. Bayo 3 won't have playable levels as soon as DMC5 did, because they're not fully completing any of the levels much earlier than the others. Chapter 1 might only come together 6-8 months before release. There might be production assets in use right up until a few months before release. This has the obvious downside that people get tired of waiting and you have absolutely nothing to show them, but it should theoretically result in a better-paced game overall.

>DMC5 is just too perfect that Kamiya would never be able to match it.
Oh, this is just a bait thread. Move along.

Very. There was zero reason to announce it early on with the Switch ports of 1 and 2. Those two ports were enough for the time being. This IP isn't a system seller-- it's very much the opposite by a wide margin. One of those commercial failures. They should've shut the fuck up, develop it in secret, and when the game is about 80% complete, show it off to the public. Which reminds me a lot of a certain game they're also making... I can't put my finger on it (hint: pic related). Don't bother expecting this piece of shit in a September/whatever Direct since Astral Chain would've come out for a few weeks by then and that'd be a bit of a suicide mission, don't you think?

Also don't worry I'm not trying to start shit, I'm just pissed off about the early announcement even after almost two years. I love Bayo very much, but man this sucks. The long wait puts a fuckton of pressure on the developers with the fans indirectly asking for crunch. It's fucking stupid.

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Well they have a precedent with Scalebound...
Sony curse may Strike again

Sony had nothing to do with that. That was Microsoft's fault for being rigid. When they were dealing with P* they apparently never had direct contact with a Japanese development and couldn't wrap their heads around the way they did things or told stories so wanting a western game out of a developer who so Japanese caused a lot of friction. Things didn't recover.

The Wonderful 101 already came out, though?

Astral Chain is a B Team game. It doesn't affect the A Team at ALL. Babylon's Fall is probably what's delaying it.

>comparing a souls game to a character action game
>not being able to learn to adapt to an enemy

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>Babylon's Fall
legitimately forgot this existed. It was mentioned, what, once during game awards or something? Don't think it's been heard form at all ever since.

who cares, where the FUCK is SMTV REEEEEEEEEEEEE

Im a dmcfag and bayonetta is one of my favorite games. No clue why anyone would try to start shit between the two fanbases.

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>3 years ago
It was in 2017 it was teased.

Dial-a-combo is a shit tier meme criticism of Bayo. The pause combos of DMC are exactly the same thing, Bayo just has more branching points.

>music (I can only hear fly me to the moon less than 100 times before I snap)
>performance/frame rate

Outside of Bayo and Jean I could not remember anyone elses name for the life of me. Not Danny Devito guy, not Black guy, guy with long black hair and light beard that is in every Platinum game (bayo 1, vanquish, anarchy reigns, metal gear rising, ect.)

This is literally the first time I've made this thread. A couple months ago I asked if it was vaporware after they announced Astral Chain, already had gameplay and then just acted like Bayo 3 doesn't exist. But yeah this is my first thread on this. Could it be that *gasp* multiple people share the same opinions on a video game message board?

You seem like you'll give me a straight answer. What does dial-a-combo mean? From the name it sounds like some kind of auto combo idea but if that's how people think it works then that'd be retarded, so I'm guessing I'm wrong.

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I have no way of determining whether you're lying or not, but I've already presented to you the answer for your question so one would assume that, being genuine, you'd be satisfied.

>Dial-a-combo is a shit tier meme criticism of Bayo.
It really isn't when Bayo's claim to fame (dodge-offset) revolves around them. Literally any criticism of Bayonetta is met with "lol stone award, learn dodge-offset".

Meanwhile in the better franchise each devil arm, each gun, each style and each character have their own unique mechanics.

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0%. as already said, it was announced before development even started. we'll start to see info roll out some time after Astral Chain has dropped, and anyone saying otherwise is likely still butthurt over Bayonetta 2.

i bet you said the same thing before Nintendo picked up the second game, huh?

DMCfag here, I think bayonetta is a shit ton of fun. I assume it's 50% barry falsefagging and 50% other autistic retards falseflagging.

It just means combos in which an attack only comes after another or a particular sequence. In DMC for example you have combos that are like AAA or A-AA or AA-A, while in Bayonetta you also have combos like ABB or ABA.

Doing Punch > Kick > Kick > Punch leads to a different outcome than doing Punch > Kick > Punch > Punch. There are many such combinations which you can find on the training screen. This is somehow a bad thing.

Every single attack string in DMC is also dial-a-combo by the same metric. Bayonetta also has fucktons of neutral moves which can be done at any time. Locking 3/4 of your moveset behind a D-Pad gate doesn't make a game better.

Bayonetta has unique mechanics, a better control scheme, much better enemy design and a better scoring system. Dante has slightly more options but those options are only put to use to juggle helpless sandbags. When I play a game I like to PLAY A GAME.

It's simply a specific move that can only be done after executing a predetermined combo, think stuff like getting a different move depending on if you make a pause between attack inputs. Now Bayonetta has a ton of these and the combat ranking system revolves around executing wicked weaves and most of them happen on the end string of a combo attack.

I see. So, dial a combo implies that all combos have the same inputs across all weapons.

Well, first off, that's not true. They all have very similar inputs but there are variations and effects, timing and function. Eg. a combo for the sword might have the same inputs as the guns but holding the attack button will have different effects and reasons for release.

Second, how would that be a bad thing? It's not as though there are 2 combos spread out throughout the arsenal and it's not as though it's needlessly or, more importantly, lazyly done. Rather than just have combos that look different but all do the same thing, push the enemy away, the Bayo way is to have the finisher of each combo do different things. One combo slams the enemy down, others send the directly, there are others that do more than one of those.

I wish I'd refreshed before typing all that out....

There have been rumors floating around that it's still in production but Platinum isn't developing it.

Nintendo fucked up announcing Bayo 3 and Metroid Prime 4 way before they were even remotely ready. They had just started development on both of them when they were announced.

am I the only one who can't use anything but the default guns in bayonetta?
I have such a hard time grasping the combat and all the options that I don't even want to try other weapons

>Every single attack string in DMC is also dial-a-combo by the same metric.

>Bayonetta also has fucktons of neutral moves which can be done at any time.
And none of them have as much mechanical depth as the combo strings. More over the combo strings and neutral moves are all universal, making weapon variability superficial.

>Locking 3/4 of your moveset behind a D-Pad gate doesn't make a game better.
That's the thing though. It does. Because the game is built around you being able to beat its challenges with any or all of them, making each option as solid as the other.

>Bayonetta has unique mechanics
It has way less of them, and they are less fleshed out.

>a better control scheme
If the game really gave a shit about having a good control combos would not be affected by dodging and dodge-offset wouldn't exist.

>much better enemy design
Whoa yeah. I can't wait to fight some Kinships, or Dear & Decorations, or a couple Beloveds covering the whole screen. Rivetting. And those bosses, woof.

Please stop pretending every single enemy is G&G.

>a better scoring system
Being graded for optional shit is not a good grading system. It's completely contradictory.

I thought it was mentioned during last year's E3 as a joint effort between Square and Platinum?
Still, the fact we haven't heard so much of a peep as to what kind of game it'll just kinda makes me feel its dead in the water.

While DmcV was really good, I don't think that it was perfect at all.
Bayo 3 has some catching up to do, but not so much that it's impossible

Definitely user, defi-fucking-nitely. They should've kept it to themselves until they were 80% ready like I mentioned in another post. Metroid Prime 4 is debatable since Metroidfags are (still) so fucking whiny and assblasted by Other M and Federation Force that they cried for a big new game and Nintendo threw a bone at them, and then there was Samus Returns. But Bayonetta 3 had absolutely zero reason to be announced early on. Zero. Unlike Prime 4, nobody was actually asking for it to an extent where Nintendo would have to announce it by obligation. It doesn't help that in Bayo's case, Switch was doing well already compared to when Prime 4 was teased, in which Switch was only in the market for less than 3 months but still breaking records anyway. It had its Mario, a Zelda it shares with Wii U (but still marketed as a Switch title-- that's not the point), killer apps like Splatranny 2, ARMS, Mario Kart/Rabbids, etc. Bayonetta doesn't move systems. Niche titles like it can easily get cancelled since returns are so minimal. It's only Nintendo's faith in the title that we haven't seen anything say it's been cancelled.

>Nintendo probably thought it would help sell copies of Bayo2, which was out in two months, and it looks like it did since the game apparently did pleasingly well on Switch.
Barely. It only sold twice as much as the Wii U version at release.

If it cancelled, Kamiya has finally bite off more than he can chew with his antics

So we're in agreement that dial-a-combo is a pointless term since it applies to any action game with more than one combo string, great.

>And none of them have as much mechanical depth as the combo strings.
Heel Stomp, Tesuzanko, Crow Within, Panther Within, Stiletto and After Burner Kick all have tremendous utility. Not to mention directional input attacks for Kulsheda, Odetta and various Shuraba attacks.

>Because the game is built around you being able to beat its challenges with any or all of them
The game is not "built around" anything. The fact is there's almost no relation between Dante's abilities and the enemies moves. They are mostly piss easy which is why you can use anything against them.

>It has way less of them, and they are less fleshed out.
Dodge offset was implemented flawlessly on their first attempt. Panther form is a joy to control. Hand and feet weapon equips were inspired and intuitive.

>If the game really gave a shit about having a good control combos would not be affected by dodging and dodge-offset wouldn't exist.
Dodge offset exists because the enemies actually try to kill/disrupt you. Believe it or not, many of us enjoy being under pressure while playing an action game.

>Whoa yeah. I can't wait to fight some Kinships, or Dear & Decorations, or a couple Beloveds
Kinships are the only bad enemy you listed. Decorations are backup enemies and Beloved are only dull at worst. The DMC series has too many shit enemies to list. 5 is a lot better but it still has garbage like Judecca.

>Being graded for optional shit is not a good grading system.
Then there's no point to DMC's system either.

>dial-a-combo is a pointless term since it applies to any action game with more than one combo string
Why would it be? It describes something quite specific.

Maybe you think I'm against dial-a-combo per se? That's not the case.

>all have tremendous utility
They would really matter if enemy control were Bayo's central idea. But it's really not.

>The game is not "built around" anything.
The pause screen showing combos and how much you've executed them, begs to differ.

>Panther form is a joy to control.
Hahahaha! The same panther form which they couldn't be assed to make auto-run and overlaps with your dodges? Please! It's just a gimmick.

>Hand and feet weapon equips were inspired and intuitive.
They are yet another gimmick. There is all of one feet exclusive weapon in Bayo 1. Putting guns on Bayonetta's fit is also pretty ridiculous.

>Dodge offset exists because the enemies actually try to kill/disrupt you.
That's not my point.

>5 is a lot better but it still has garbage like Judecca.
Judeccas follow the same principle as Hell Antenoras, which is to actually think about enemy knockback, a genius way to make the player think about what they're doing. They're just a more extreme version that requires more pressure to be dealt with.

>Then there's no point to DMC's system either.
Why? The point of DMC is to be stylish while you fight. What about Bayonetta? Is its purpose to have you backtrack and redo secret missions?


i might give you some points but soul ? fuck of nigger. pandering to nostalgia but also replacing the central characters with some edgy punk ass kid for a "new" demographic is as far as it gets from soul.
also bayonetta only has 2 games and the second is condemned to a shitty platform.

she literally is Dante and Virgil tier but unlike them she gets to be the center of her game.
once there are 5+ bayonetta games we can start the comparisons.

There is a zero percent chance that Bayonetta 3 is cancelled. They probably announced it before they even started development.

>But Bayonetta 3 had absolutely zero reason to be announced early on.
Bayonetta 2 released 2 months later and was announced just a few seconds after that trailer. The reason was to raise awareness and sales for B1 and 2 on the Switch.

>Maybe you think I'm against dial-a-combo per se? That's not the case.
You're against it when you're deluded into thinking it supports your argument. More is bad, except when DMC has more.

>They would really matter if enemy control were Bayo's central idea.
There is no central idea because it's not that simple. Controlling enemies is useful when those enemies fight back. Juggling and creating space with wicked weaves is useful for isolating enemies. Kulshedra is great for isolating. Shuraba is great for damage or crowd control. Odetta can remove an entire enemy from play for 10 seconds.

>The pause screen showing combos and how much you've executed them, begs to differ.
You're really grasping at straws with this one. This has no bearing on the gameplay whatsoever.

>The same panther form which they couldn't be assed to make auto-run and overlaps with your dodges? Please! It's just a gimmick.
It's a faster movement speed which is useful for repositioning. It looks cool, it feels good to control, it has a purpose.

>Putting guns on Bayonetta's fit is also pretty ridiculous.
Changing whether a weapon is foot or hand changes which charge attacks will trigger during each combo. It's not much but it's unique feature with some gameplay relevance. Also, it's a ridiculous genre.

>That's not my point.
This was your opportunity to elaborate on your point and you chose not to so I'm going to assume you don't have one.

>Judeccas follow the same principle as Hell Antenoras
They're a dull time waster enemy, the game would be better without them.

>What about Bayonetta? Is its purpose to have you backtrack and redo secret missions?
What is the point of DMC4? To break every bench in a mission or get a bad rank?
What is the point of DMC5? To ignore engagements which drag the average down and prolong the others until SSS? Or maybe it's just to abuse Royalguard as much as possible.

Actually the trailer for the ports came before this turd's teaser, but I get what you mean and don't at the same time. This IP doesn't sell. It's not a huge moneymaker, and they've already raised awareness plenty enough with her appearance in Smash so much that everyone thinks she's just a Smash character (the Smash/general Nintendo fanbase massively dwarfs whatever the fuck Bayo has), or what I consider to be the female equivalent to Captain Falcon.

the real question here is when will Bayonetta 2 come to PC ?

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The only thing you can do is play it on Cemu or Yuzu

Depends on Nintendo. There were rumors that they were interested in putting a few flagship titles on other platforms but as far as I know the PC wasn't one of them.

i know but i dont want 30fps and shitty audio.

>You're against it when you're deluded into thinking it supports your argument.
I'm against it when I'm forced to do that and just that. You can't play Bayonetta well without knowing its dial-a-combos and relying on them. DMC has way less reliance on you learning strings and a lot more freedom and allows for more player creativity as a whole.

>There is no central idea because it's not that simple.
And yet every single discussion I've had on Bayonetta seems to imply otherwise!

It's almost like you refuse to accept my points at all and would rather focus on less important aspects of the game.

>This has no bearing on the gameplay whatsoever.
No, but it clearly indicates what the devs were going for and what they wanted you to focus on.

>it's a ridiculous genre.
There are limits to good taste, even though Bayonetta doesn't notice.

>I'm going to assume you don't have one.
Since it wasn't clear to you the first time around: If the game cared about good controls, dodge-offset wouldn't require holding to work.

>They're a dull time waster enemy
If you don't know how to deal with them, yes.

>What is the point of DMC4? To break every bench in a mission or get a bad rank?
I don't know why you think pointing one flaw in the games somehow invalidates my point. So on average Bayonetta's enemies are better? The rating system in DMC4 and 5 isn't absolutely perfect? So what? That doesn't change the fact that the way each series was approached is not the same.

Didn't respond to the image. Did respond to the video link.

I gave it more time of day than anyone else would've. Not the OP by the way and excited for Bayonetta 3.

Oh yea, and how do you feel about Metriod 4?

>But Bayonetta 3 had absolutely zero reason to be announced early on.
Marketing tactic to resell Bayonetta 1 and 2 as filler games for Year 2 of the Switch. Anyone with even 50 IQ could see that.

Then just announce the ports by themselves without needing a teaser for a non-existent game. 1 got ported to Steam and they didn't need to tease anything.

Why don't you just buy a switch? 3's going to be exclusive and even if Nintendo does port it you're going to be waiting like 10 years for that.

>DMC has way less reliance on you learning strings and a lot more freedom and allows for more player creativity as a whole.
The creativity of DMC relies entirely on juggling helpless trash mobs. It's fine if you enjoy that but for someone who keeps insisting each game has a way it wants to be played you seem to be wilfully ignorant of Bayonetta's strong points.

>And yet every single discussion I've had on Bayonetta seems to imply otherwise!
That was them, this is me.

>No, but it clearly indicates what the devs were going for and what they wanted you to focus on.
A single menu item dictates the way the entire game is "supposed" to be played? Rather than the ranking system which appears prominently at the end of each stage or encounter? Not buying it. DMC's merits are more about what's possible when you ignore the scoring system whereas Bayonetta's puts more pressure on the player. Neither style is bad and I prefer the latter.

>There are limits to good taste, even though Bayonetta doesn't notice.
Wacky woohoo pizza man with his roses and fedora are great taste. Honestly, I don't like Bayonetta's style either but nitpicking how ridiculous her shoes are just makes you look petty. Strapping guns to her high heels plays into her femininity in a fun way.

>Since it wasn't clear to you the first time around: If the game cared about good controls, dodge-offset wouldn't require holding to work.
Forcing a hold on dodge offset gives you the option to drop a combo if you'd rather do a different one instead. Without it you'd be locked into completing every string which would obviously be bad.

>What is the point of DMC4? To break every bench in a mission or get a bad rank?
Your whole point was that DMC was the better franchise, of course we're comparing them. You're trying to shift the goalposts by ignoring the worst parts of DMC. I'm not denying it's a better combowank simulator, it's just not a better game.