You're not supporting the yellow jew, are you, user?

You're not supporting the yellow jew, are you, user?

Attached: 1488616080420.jpg (1000x1500, 380K)

Other urls found in this thread:

wtf i love western sjw shit now!

No I do not support Epic Games Store.

Is this the epitome of "rent free"? Imagine taking the time to illustrate this.

Anyone who actually makes this claim or uses this image anywhere else but Yea Forums can be safely be dismissed as an idiot.

It's a parody and funnier than anything you've ever created

>bumping the thread

Racism is never funny, parody or not ok sweetie?

I'm sorry, but the jews fear the samurai.

Parody what? That JRPGs usually have stupid outfits? That their characters are usually noodle armed pretty boys? Hysterical.

A. Wyatt Mann comics, my newfriend

Ugh, i just googled that and i'm literally shaking right now
Thanks for ruining my day, shitlord

Yes, but the modern samurai is a slav, not a jap

Slavs are infested with jews.

Putin kicked out the rotschilds and leads the world's charge against homosexuality

Shut up jap nigger

As expected from a self-serving manlet.

Support only Japanese games. All glory to Nippon.

Down with western civilisation. Death to America.

Attached: 1550973642407.gif (328x338, 2.24M)


I love anime titties


Even if this were true, it would be totally justifiable. The Japanese are a peaceful, polite people who just so happen to make the best video games and animation known to man. Truly a beautiful culture.

Americans are fat, loud, ignorant and they crave violence and destruction. Look at the destruction they've caused in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Vietnam, Central America and the Middle East. Pearl Harbor was 100% justified.

Attached: 1513032923290.jpg (440x622, 90K)

We didn't go far enough in WWII

yikes and cringepilled

Unironically this. I hope vlad purges these hypersensitive authoritarian whiners.

I want to be an Ampharos

Attached: Ampharos 6.png (270x301, 102K)

True. Truman only attacked Hiroshima and Nagasaki because those were the Japanese cities with more Christians.

Attached: harry_s_truman_pgm_missouri_1.jpg (414x497, 45K)

absolutely BASED

Attached: Machamp.png (651x448, 176K)

That image but unironicly

Japan is degenerate

Imagine acting like an edgy 14 year old as a grown man.

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>calling yourself based
God /pol/tards are such faggots. I'm glad your site died.


>According to the Bisexual Resource Center (BRC), 45 percent of bisexual women have considered or attempted suicide, followed by bisexual men (35 percent), lesbians (30 percent), gay men (25 percent), and much lower rates for straight women and men.
And thank God for that. Bisexuality is deviancy and unnatural.

>inb4 that's too wide
>Suicidal ideation – Thoughts about killing oneself; these thoughts may include a plan.
>In the United States, the annual prevalence of suicidal ideation in adults is 4 percent.

This is not the only thing that proof bisexuality is not a healthy sexuality, but I like 40%-related memes.

>Men who have sex with men and women (MSMW) have a much higher rate of sexually transmitted infections (STIs) when compared with gay or straight men, ScienceDaily Reports. Publishing their findings in American Journal of Preventive Medicine, researchers at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) conducted a review of studies pertaining to MSMW published between 2008 and 2013.

>A history of genital herpes or genital warts was reported more frequently by bisexual women (15.0%–17.2%) than by lesbians (2.3%–6.7%) and their heterosexual counterparts (8.7%–10.0%).

Pick a side.

When did Yea Forums die

You know, OP has a point.

kill yourself, former 8gagger

This unironically.

No he fucking doesn't.

Attached: (you)2.jpg (425x365, 31K)

Slava rodu, smrt kineskin bodulima

Yes, I do hope Atlas shoud gas themselves.


My side is against /pol/tards and their off topic evangelism.

Attached: the_reason_pol_sucks.png (1306x354, 78K)

Americucks need not reply
I can literally list off why America is shit

Attached: 1566332562414.png (965x692, 763K)

Being a cuck in 2019 is based and bluepilled

>best animation
>6 fps of mary sue androgynes going "uraaa"

>best games
>having your hand held through a story about mary sue androgynes going "uraaa"

But I don't hate LGT people.

I can also list of why the EU is shit. Don't pretend like the real problem isn't just feminism.

>Shitty parents blame society for their shitty parenting.
Imagine that.
They've been doing it with gaming since the early 90s. Its a convenient scapegoat to excuse them never interacting with their children, and parking them in front of screens instead of taking them outside and kicking a ball around or fishing or something where they actually have to interact with them.

>Supporting "down with western civilization"
>While living in the west
>Calls others cucks

Tharjafags aren't even people

The problem is black people because they're low inhibition and stupid, degenerates like homos and trannies, greedy corporations that exclusively care about money at the expense of their populations health

Attached: 1565916327856.png (708x1000, 836K)

>being anti-fun because muh white tribe
You're no less a cuck.

blacks are probably the only ones who will punch you in the face for being too gay in front of them, they're based af.

>Yes goy just have fun while your kind does

I smell cum in your brain chapofag

>not being a cuck is anti-fun

>best animation
Thst belongs to the french. Even koreans and chinese animate better than japs now.

>witness 5 other threads deleted
>tired bait still up

You people aren't "my kind", faggot. Even if we're the same color.

>replying to a tripfag
>not just adding them to your filters
You losers will never win at Yea Forums at this rate

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>low inhibitions retards who are insecure about being raging homos are based

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The absolute state of Americans.


Imagine being this much of a cuck

nah, the problem is culture. there are no more great men, no cultivated peoples. everyone is a greedy faggot that wants to squeeze as much pleasure out of their life as possible then die.

Attached: julius-caesar-rome-roman-empire-615344.jpg (865x1300, 109K)

If you idiots did that do you think any of this faggotry would even be an issue right now? People like you let the would become like this, if you want to blame anyone blame your own complacency.

>Oy mate that cheese smells sharp like a knife

>Got a lposense for it

Attached: DVNT4dQX4AEiWvV.jpg (600x304, 14K)

The real cuckoldry is sacrificing one's happiness for strangers you owe no debts to. Enjoy being miserable for your dead and rotting cause.

that's not true I wrote spaceballs

>Caring about temporal pleasure

Go away Satan

>grr i hate my own kind cuz white chad stole my gf
Do you think your luck would have been any better with muhammad chads?
Learn to love your own people, just like every other fucking race on earth does

fuck off
you give trip anons a bad name

God isn't real, you deluded christcuck.

>All of the violence you say Americans crave happened after Pearl Harbor
>It's a well known fact that Americans were largely isolationist until Pearl Harbor
The japanese are at fault for what America is. I hope you're happy


Go back to /r/atheism

>Christcuck ecks dee
Burn in hell you degenerate

blacks are literally the gayest race bunch of closet homos

Attached: article-2220120-15949116000005DC-938_634x308.jpg (634x308, 26K)

Go evangelize your collectivist bullshit to somebody else.

Isn't the entire point of a trip to not be anonymous? Or is a tripanon just someone who uses anonymous##faggot

>Final Fantasy

Flamboyant sure, but I don't think anyone dresses and acts genuinely androgynous out of the main 13.
The Spartans are more genuinely gay.

Haha he posted le epic yellow furry xDD

People who refuse help can't be helped, don't forget this next time you're peddling blackpill trash and posting >tfw no gf threads

>It's a well known fact that Americans were largely isolationist until Pearl Harbor

Tell that to the native Americans, Mexico, and Canada. Though prepare yourself for constant mockery from the Canadians about how they burned down the white house in retaliation. You can't call yourself an isolationist when you're actively taking land from other people you blanket poisoning fat fuck.

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Memes wont make your magical jewish skydaddy any more real.

>too busy tipping your fedora to understand the metaphysical implications of a divine creator and original sin
>cannot realize that "pleasure" is a biological trap that can never be satisfied
very yikes. good luck with your miserable life.

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Canada did not exist when the white house was burned down.

That shit isn't real, you hick.


user, Americans don't like other Americans
and not even all Americans can even be classified as people in the first place

The Japanese were so violent during WW2 that Nazi Germany literally had to call up their god emperor on the phone and tell him to calm down.

>Loves the Japanese
>Hates collectivism

Attached: 1543281338106.png (5000x4000, 3.74M)

The metaphysical implantation of a fictive have no bearing on reality and any claims to the contrary are pure sophistry. If you want to establish a sound and valid philosophical framework you start with truth, not lies.

Hell is eternal separation from God.

I can love what they make while thanking my lucky stars I'm not one of them user.

>the metaphysical implications of a divine creator and original sin

And what, the ensuing slave mentality it instilled? Turn the other cheek guys, no matter how much you're shit on. You deserve it because a man and his rib ate a fruit. Don't achieve anything, whores and beggars are more worthy of heaven than a wealthy man. Don't fix anything, don't complain about anything, don't care about anything because this world is a dumping ground that is going to be purged on judgement day. Nothing matters until you die and if you did good you get the joy of being an eternal cheer squad to the most fucking sensitive deity ever.

It's a fucking slave trap just like Karma. Don't fight back, let Karma sort out your abusive master. Suck it up and be a good, quiet, pacifist slave and you'll get to be a fucking pet peacock in the next life.

You can't be separated from what doesn't exist.

Hey, this isn't entertaining? Where's the pail of water?

Texas didn't exist when the founding fathers were around but by God do they suck their cocks hard.

>I love what a properly working collectivist society makes and all the fruits of their collectivist society!
>but I hate collectivism and think being an atomized isolated individual in my racialized and mongrelized country is lucky and I'm eternally grateful I'm not Japanese!
I bet you're also trying to learn/have learned Japanese without a lick of irony, you idiot.

Attached: 1545146347868.png (431x389, 54K)

was apart of the British, so it was the British who did that, not Canadians
declared war on the USA, the US didn't just show up and take their land

Really if you wanted a point you should've said about how we "liberated" the Phillipines from the Spanish and then when they said "hey so we're cool now right and we can we're free from being anyone's colony" we replied with "yeah haha about that"


Attached: 54BFC208-46D2-4AE2-A110-22B6700FFB17.jpg (794x1123, 121K)

The women having wide hips doesn't make the animation better.
It means the character design is better.

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>le enlightened rationalist
does this invalidate aesop's fables as a vehicle to deliver morality and life lessons to children as well? the bible is a convenient, relatively condensed truth bomb that can easily be dropped on normalfags.

>you start with truth
Yeah, that's the idea behind God. It's literally impossible to start with the "truth", you need some sort of axiom.

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And the Native Americans?
>But they weren't a centralized country!

You're not a centralized country, but if I came onto your property, hunted your pets to extinction, raped your wife and burned down your house would you say I was being isolationist?

Yeah, "rent free". But you're paying, tranny. Dial 8.


You forgot an extra N.

This. Even the black community once had a rising future before welfare started putting nails in the coffin. Fuck modern culture and the boomers that rode in on it.

Axioms are true by definition. A self justifying claim without that validity just just circular reasoning.

>does this invalidate aesop's fables as a vehicle to deliver morality and life lessons to children as well?
You don't treat the fables as hard reality like christians do their book, just as thought provoking stories. If the only way you can get people to obey your sense of right and wrong is with what amounts to brainwashing, your ideas clearly aren't very worthwhile.

I overestimate and thought someone would add it while I post

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Religion is good. It provides morals, and threat of punishment to back them up because most people will just become indolent degenerates if not threatened into civility.

Christianity is shit because it's slave tier. It's shit because it can be used by every cuck and traitor to tell people not to fight back against anything but to turn the other cheek and spread the wuv uguu~, seriously look at every Christcunt swede using it as an argument to throw open the borders of the west. The only argument I ever see in favor of it is that it civilized Europe.

How many Greek scholars we STILL refer to, philosophers, mathematicians, politicians, were Christians? Europe didn't need Christianity. All it did was instill a need to fight each other over the tenant of "thou shall have no other gods before Bulrog who has the power to have all the powers he wants."

No problem, based.

That is not how Christianity works. One of the greatest saints of all time was responsible for the idea of the "just war" which is still utilized today.

The idea is to try to avoid sin and live in a state which approaches moral grace. Like instead of masturbating to anime, spend time educating yourself or connecting with others. Focus on edifying behavior.

>You deserve it because a man and his rib ate a fruit
No, edifying behavior does not come to you naturally because of original sin, i.e. the will to life.

dont lewd the dragon loli

>gamered gook cocksuckers spamming this thread with underage porn in attempts to 404 it
How pathetic. You're just proving one of OP's points.


I thought you faggots were dead

Attached: 2538877B-48BD-4F52-A56D-082318A6550F.jpg (1280x1801, 296K)

>How many Greek scholars we STILL refer to, philosophers, mathematicians, politicians, were Christians?
Christianity is literally Greek. The first Bible was written in koine greek. Jesus was from hellenized Galilee. The Septuagint uses terms from Greek philosophy.

If you want to truly understand Christianity, then you need to stop being a faggot /pol/ LARPer and actually go read the greeks.

> instead of masturbating to anime, spend time educating yourself or connecting with others. Focus on edifying behavior.
>he says while shitposting on Yea Forums
You sure do emulate your god well.

Attached: hypocrite.jpg (273x184, 20K)

OP has no point
Yea Forums is a loliposting website where you can talk about games

Attached: A3D46253-D284-4B67-AB42-EEB7ED1F0319.jpg (907x1280, 386K)

this thread should have actually been deleted 2 mod cycles ago
this is pure bait/flameware

>Implying saving and posting loli is the same as supporting the Yellow Jew

You dont need religion to teach morals dipshit.

>You sure do emulate your god well.

Attached: quote-o-master-make-me-chaste-but-not-yet-saint-augustine-60-72-38.jpg (850x400, 50K)

OP posted an obvious joke picture and everyone took it seriously.

Natural virtues are enhanced by religion.

Fedoralords keep parroting "you don't need religion to be a good person", but they aren't capable of giving any actual examples of atheist virtue
Name a single atheist country that isn't a degenerate shithole









Poe's law

Sweden and the UK seem to be doing well

>tripfag wants us to believe he helped the white race in anyway
Also do you really think rabbi will care about you having more white kids, he still controls the institutions that baby sit them for parents meaning he gets more slaves to tax and indoctrinate into hating themselves. Maybe try to fix the shit that has led to whites having less babies instead of just asking for more and hoping it fixes shit.


Poe's law is a reddit tier copout for being autistic and not getting obvious jokes and parody

you can't make declarative statements without affirming God's existence, buddy. i don't think you know what God is.

Attached: 1547883677364.jpg (306x306, 15K)

They're diluted by them. Using religion to push them is a tacit admission that they aren't good enough to stand on their own merit.

a newfag posting this would mean that they actually believe it
an oldfag posting a bait image would know that it would result in this

both bad ends

I want to drink this water

Attached: BC892163-5002-483F-84B4-2199B13B72B1.jpg (1600x2000, 262K)

Ironic that the only argument is sheer assertion, but also having nothing to show for it like a mouth breather.

Attached: descartesinnate.jpg (850x440, 103K)

Merely trying to deny his existence proves his reality. Religion is inextricably woven into the soul. Organization distorts it.


Attached: JotaroSalute.jpg (852x478, 43K)

why, in recent years, has Yea Forums become so obsessed with

The only joke is the /pol/tard that posted it. Don't act like the dumbfuck doesn't seriously believe those things, especially after people like him pushed the c umbrain meme so hard.

Who else /proudsatanist/?
Fuck religion, fuck god and fuck christians

since when are ff characters trannies you retard

Who else /proudsatanist/?
Fuck religion, fuck god and fuck christians

based retarded and libtarded reactionary

A false hope for people who fear the emptiness of death.

That argument mistakenly assumes that existence is on some mathematical and logical level better than nonexistance. It's total bullshit.


Attached: 20C9E76F-8169-4422-9A41-AC2908F8930D.jpg (850x850, 368K)

Then why'd you chop off your penis, tranny GOTEEM

Shalom Rabbi

Attached: jewishgraves.jpg (2470x2374, 1.24M)

satanism is just as bad you inbred. Your god isn't real.

Rent free

It's ok to admit you didn't get the joke and obvious parody of a A.Wyatt Man comic, "poe's law" is just the leddit way of projecting and saying "UHHHH I'M NOT THE DUMBFUCK FOR NOT GETTING THE JOKE, OTHER PEOPLE ARE. GOTEM"

>fuck religion

Attached: 1508496327068.jpg (267x224, 25K)

boy I sure do love VIDEO GAMES

Attached: haruka.gif (360x203, 2.8M)

holy fucking BASEDp

You will know God, if not in life then in your death throes

>Yea Forums
>fuck jews
>also Yea Forums

Attached: 1545976969654.gif (325x258, 895K)

>merely pretending

Attached: merely_pretending.jpg (790x1229, 120K)

I'm not holding my breath.

In theory, in practice the only moral of liberal democracies is "as long as third parties aren't affected" which justifies such bullshit like late term abortions.

Maybe, if God is the purest nonexistence.

Never watch monty python or any type of humor media, or you'll have an aneurysm asking yourself "WHY ARE THOSE PEOPLE PRETENDING TO BE RETARD WTF 0/10 TROLLING NOT EVEN MAD" every 5 seconds

Attached: jokes.jpg (1028x1513, 198K)

God would forgive me for not blindly believing child molesting priests

what else would you expect from a board that worships e-celebs and constantly regurgitates meme rhetoric

Attached: 1553270709536.gif (320x240, 776K)

Jokes and parodies are usually meant to be funny. OP is just another tinfoil trying to convince Yea Forums to "save the white race".

been a while since ive seen the goosh

*ting ting ting*
Please tell me, why do we believe our media and public educators so blindly? After all, in comparison the priesthood has molestation rates on par with the other denominations and is comparatively lower to both public education and entertainment, and it's mostly a homosexual problem.

Attached: abuserates.png (720x695, 209K)

It's almost like half of Yea Forums is /pol/ invaders that need to go back and the other half are 13

Speak for yourself, humorless cunt
The stuff this drawfag did is hilarious

Attached: birry.png (999x1017, 721K)

What anime is this even from? I remember one of my weirder friends in highschool showing me this exact clip in full years ago.

As a jewish man, threads like this greatly sadden me
I did nothing wrong.

I have a feeling it's goosh goosh

>Have Sex
>soul vs. soulless
>AHEM! ding ding ding! Fuck jannies, trannies and niggers
>It's almost as if
>Redpill me on X
>The absolute state of X
>Imagine X
>Janny are you okay? Are you okay janny?
>CRUNCH CRUNCH Insert pretentious opinion burp
>What does Yea Forums think of X?
>Did you buy her game, X?
>Shitty thing about game What's her name Yea Forums?
>Xfags seething
>Xfags on suicide watch
>What went wrong?
>What went so right?
>Now that the dust has settled, what does Yea Forums think of X?
>poo poo pee pee doo doo
>X gets on the server
>Here's your X, bro
>He's in
>Roll a 7
>What is the video game version of insert band or album
>Smacks lips
>Cunny thread
>cute and funny
>I love X!
>Let's write a letter to X, one word for each post
>Is he right Yea Forums?
>What did he mean by this?
>Gachashit thread
>Apologize to him Yea Forums
>Explain yourselves
>Well? Who was in the wrong here?
>Defend this
>What's his name again?
>What the fuck was his problem?
>Coworkers start talking about video games
>Refute this
>Prove him wrong
>Perfect X doesn't exi-
>Protip: you can't
>Why does this trigger Yea Forums so much?
>Yea Forums BTFO
>Would you?
>Is he "our" guy?
>He did nothing wrong!
>He/She killed millions
>Will you buy his game?
>Buy his game
>Convince me to NOT buy this game
>Find a flaw
>For me, it's X
>It's up
>Now that the dust has settled, can we all agree that it was shit?
>I'm glad we can all agree on this
>How did we go from THIS?
>Hold me, Yea Forumsros
>How do we fix this?
>best ass/tits/feet in vidya thread
>20XX...I am...forgotten...
>Video game quote game thread
>brb smoke/last online 569 days ago
>I want X to sit on me
>What are some games that X
>Buy my game
>E-celeb thread
>Eastern design vs. western design
>woah... deep...
>say word > money stolen
>this but unironically
>say something nice about her

Attached: 1553207328077.png (1200x800, 56K)

You're not fooling anyone, /pol/tard.

The one where he's wearing the naruto headband and talking about "revenge for the atomic bomb" or whatever is kind of funny, this one is just weird.

As a jewish man, threads like this greatly cheer me up
Nice to know we’re killing it and white people are just jealous

maybe if it was the ALTUS CEO talking to Bobby and it was a complaint specifically at ATLUS or some game of theirs it would be
right now that's equivalent to those unfunny Impact font images shared on Facebook by old people

If you cut off your kids foreskin you absolutely fucking did.

Yesterday it's the jews
Today it's asians
tomorrow it will be hispanics
Sometime in the near future blacks will be le sneaky merchant too

White cucks just can't stop blaming their stupidity and capitalist whore culture on anybody but themselves lmao.

Seething dilating tranny

Attached: cope.png (888x894, 520K)

>White cucks
Yea Forums is in the running for one of the least white boards

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I feel like you already got more (You)s than you deserve, leddit bred 2016 election tourist

This one's great

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>t. hebrew


Maybe is just time to destroy Burgerland

Why are you so obsessed and insecure about Americans?

the majority of traffic was already from the US

What's the punchline