2B, Chun-Li, Terra, Jill Valentine, Lip, Adeleine, Dixie Kong, and Style Savvy Stylist should be playable...

2B, Chun-Li, Terra, Jill Valentine, Lip, Adeleine, Dixie Kong, and Style Savvy Stylist should be playable. Smash needs more female characters and sex appeal. Plus, they need more porn and I'm sure their inclusions will prevent kids from becoming homosexuals.

How would you feel about their inclusions?

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I am depressed because minus8 will never do loli again. Someone please tell me there's an alternative to him.

How the fuck do you not know any alternatives to fucking Minus8? You don't deserve to be spoonfed if you really only relied on him for loli or anything really.

Dixie Kong is long overdue, fuck Nintendo for neglecting one of their biggest franchises
The other girls you mentioned belong in the trash

Is anyone here in contact with minus8? Please tell him to stop self-inserting with his avatar. I just wanted to see some Peach r34 without seeing that gay asian twink.

There's literally no one else who puts out such simple yet sexy renditions of characters. Most of his flashes are memorable as fuck and iconic at this point. His characters' facial expressions are still some of the the most cartoony and expressive in porn. His style is distinct and legendicky

I want a Monita assist trophy.

>flat out admits he only wants more porn
I hate resorting to buzzwords, but you're the textbook definition of a semenhead. Get a life.

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Dixie would be good, maybe Chun Li. I'd be indifferent to the rest.

I only came here for Terra art and I found none. Please fix this.

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just put Soren in the game, her boyfriend is already playable

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If it reduces the chance of homosexuality I support it.

What happened to Minus?

Why won't minus8 do loli anymore anyways? I can't find any post on the matter. All he does now are the stupid feminized mario enemies.


Is minus 8 back to making child porn?

Go back to wherever you came from nigger.

yikes, pedofag seething

>minus stopped doing loli
>shad stopped doing loli
What kinda bizarro timeline did we end up in?

Attached: minus shad.png (1946x1736, 667K)

dilate tranny

>making Dixie Kong sexualized
Degenerate spotted

oof cope harder

Attached: Super Smash Bros.png (1071x1360, 1.91M)

But Mist isn't even in Smash.

Reimu is probably the most realistic female dlc right now, but it would be counterproductive since she already has mountains of porn as is

Artoria is probably the most realistic female dlc right now, but it would be counterproductive since she already has mountains of porn as is

Why the fuck did minus and shad stop doing lolis?


He got depressed for some shit but now he's making more content, he's working in a parodius animation who looks really good


>Pepipopo Still makes loli just fine
>People Still shit all over him ALWAYS

Attached: D_qLGwnXsAAmwtN.jpg (1470x1910, 444K)


Is this the same artist? Reverse search brought up nothing.

that is pepipopo yes.

he posts on patreon but also has pixiv fanbox

-8 is trash tier tho

fuck waifufags

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He's not bad.

keep me posted DrPizza

Sure user.

Attached: 731ac0d33d9723e99fdde0bb3d526181.jpg (800x940, 143K)

>Omg dance and pose fetish
>Omg contortions
>He doesn't chase meme flavor if the month but draws his waifu from one shitty ova no one cares
>butt shots

You’re missing Mai Shiranui.

This image does a great job at showcasing just how bottom of the barrel we’ve gotten with 1st party characters.

>You couldn't even had friendly discussions of rule34 Yea Forumsli artists over at /ic/ cause snobbery, false flag/same post accusations, resetera normies, false accusations and bitter shitposting.
>infinetechan will never come back

She should be in. End of story!

Attached: d.png (301x293, 184K)

lip is based though

Attached: Lip_SSBU.png (1058x1654, 1.1M)

/ic/ is probably the biggest bucket of crabs in the entire internet. And that’s saying a lot. The majority of the posters are bitter spiteful jealous cunts that just drive all the good artists away with their petty jealousy.

shut the fuck up pedo

Oh this post again.

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I should be inside her, if you catch my drift

Was this made by the Grotesque Steve artist

>projecting his pedophilia
i mentioned nothing of wanting to have sexual relations with lip, kill yourself
nah a Lip Smashboards user made a model and then someone else edited it to look better.

the gay asian twink makes it better
way better

holy vomit gremlin

Attached: realmu.png (1920x1080, 2.65M)

The only people who support lolis in Smash are pedophile scum like you. Eat shit and die you fucking degenerate.

>Paying attention to either of those pedos.
You should be killed honestly.

would you kindly all of you toxic people please stfu and leave bandana waddle dee alone hes awesome i would love to see him in smash along with sora klonoa sparkster and bearmon

t. pedo

Can F-Zero be allowed to have a second character?

Attached: Jody.jpg (736x2072, 134K)

I miss shads because his drawing always triggered the fuck out of people even disregarding how god awful they are from a technique standpoint

This is a bretty gud Lip model.

Attached: d9gsvkn-81fa0253-15d7-44d3-854b-85c31676df65.png (600x750, 211K)

a shame cause there IS STILL some minor help there, but you gave to put up with the garbage, dig it and hope for the best.

Hiro! get rid if the word filter and lax the rules a little, PLEASE!

Why did Shadbase stopped any ways?

a little rough around the edges and a tad generic
this one is pretty good accurate to the original design (minus the slumped eyes) but the textures are all dull and samey

this one

Attached: images (3).jpg (739x415, 32K)

he still draws it's just not as shitpost worthy as his past works and he isn't doing as much loli anymore after the keemstar thing if I remember correctly

KEEMSTAR!? what did that third do!!??

Sex appeal is a terrible reason, but Smash really does need more little girl characters on the roster just for diversity’s sake. The only two right now are Villager and Inkling, who are both avatar characters with male counterparts in the game (and male Villager is the default as well).



he drew his daughter and keemstar had a rage fit on the internet over it



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this post reeks the stench of sweat and unwashed foreskin

Holy shit any source on that?

to be quite fair, if an artist drew your real life child in a sexual way, i'm sure you'd be mad too. unless the drawing wasn't sexual, in which case idk.

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I saw the image spammed here a lot when it happened but I can't find it and I'm pretty sure shad deleted it from his twitter

I found it. Mods have mercy on my soul.

Attached: kill me.jpg (900x1183, 383K)