Name the worst thing about it.
Name the worst thing about it
Other urls found in this thread:
nonfree spyware
too easy for idiots to use
couldn't pick just one
They're compromised, don't use them.
That's it not vidya related.
For some reason fags use it to organise mass groups of trannies and communists who then perpetually raid 4ch.
Snoops your process list every 15s even when overlays are off.
Dating servers
I hate that I'm forced to use it because several projects I follow use it.
moderator drama
The "T" word.
Not enough cute guys that are also in my area.
Most public servers are anti-social, and if you try to socialize you either get banned or a "yikes"
The 18+ servers that aren't NSFW focused also seem to be just men orbiting around the women. So I have yet to find a server that I like.
not enough oc nudes
It's devs
How about I just go back to IRC I legitimately enjoyed my time there
My erp pet ain't on 24/7 so sometimes I have to masturbate without her there to help.
>believing the fake boogyman
You are just like the redditfags who whine about /pol/
Fuck off reiko
>Facebook listening to your microphone, selling/trading user profile data and scalping messages
>Chrome listening to your microphone, selling/trading user browsing data and targeted ads
>Grammarly keylogging and sniffing for AI development & collecting data
>Honey tracking user purchases and selling/trading data
>Discord ????
Kids don't know any better, secure encrypted lines in Skype were removed when MS acquired them and people thing Mumble is a hassle now.
It's spiritual successor of message boards, groups are evolving into circlejerks led by few random fags who for some reason are popular on given server. It's still best chatroom service I used in last fifteen years.
@everyone @here
>Implying that turning neets into cute traps isn't based
>Just ignore the fact that they can't breed anymore
Oy vey someone needs to go to Holocaust class
There was one dropping off his link yesterday
genital mutilation
It's slowly killing in game communication in guilds, it's replacing forums which are easier to search for specific information of posts, and it's taking mostly unmoderated game dicussion out of /vg/ and putting it in the hands of neo-tripfags and their cliques on servers they control.
>All discord links are from tranies
>click discord link
>it's a server full of trannies
trannies =/= traps
Kill yourself.
>My degeneracy is less degenerate trust me
R*ddit killed forums already though
Probably its userbase, though I never really used it.
/pol/ seems like a pretty shit preachy board, though I guess it's just the legacy of post-chanology.
Yes. If it's not private or official it's trannies. People expecting something good from public Discord servers, especially posted on Yea Forums, are fucking retarded.
Check yourself in before you give yourself further brain damage, user.
The fact nobody wants to join my slick ATHF themed discord
I kinda want to shill it here but I don't want the jannies to perma-ban me because Yea Forums is the only real social media site I use. Since I can't do that. I do have this other link to
At least they don't have an open flesh wound at all times and take pills that fuck up their brain.
Israeli company that sells your info to Jewish supremacy hate groups like the ADL
Literally everything
>>My degeneracy is less degenerate trust me
any comfy servers?
>least mah brian ain't fuck
>says the man that sees trannies everywhere despite them being a tiny, insignificant fraction of the population
it's not a game
while the united states may be israels bitch it isn't part of greater israel yet
the creator is convicted for spyware deployment
Wait is that true about honey? My friend put it on my computer because she wanted me to get her a game for cheap
CPU heavy
Trannies are factually on Discord, in large numbers. It's not a boogeyman, so it's different than the Redditors and their /pol/ boogeyman
I’ll join
That you can be banned from using it entirely because someone in a mutual server reported you for saying a bad word. Imagine getting your steam account closed because you offended someone
im in 6 tranny servers. AMA
I dont get this
Why are you joining servers with trannies in them
Do you retards seriously join random ass servers in which you know absolutely no one? If so you're retarded. The only servers worth joining ever are the ones your friends are in, or ones dedicated to porn.
nice bait
Probably the data mining.
Maybe the accessibility is the biggest double edged sword (it's so easy that everyone uses it, which is both good and bad)
Yea Forums servers are probably the worst.
>being able to look up every single word that a person has said which has caused several witch hunts
>if you just want to discuss something about a game in a public servers you constantly have to deal with wierdos that tries and jump into the conversation and derail into talking about their life
>servers has 10 meters long rules that they expect you to read
>if someone decides to block someone else they don't just do it and move on, they need to let the whole server know
>people with special roles get's treated like they are above everyone else and shit
the list goes on but that's just some examples I can think of right now
>y-yea guys cute guys are just as bad as trannies trust me
>god I hope they believe me so someone will finally fuck my gaping wound
What does it offer that's new? Its just a communication service that harvests your data
>boipussy is g-great you guys
>t-totally not a fake v-vagina just li-like the tranny boogeyman
We all actually liked it at some point.