It's not a bad game, but it's a bad [franchise name] game

>It's not a bad game, but it's a bad [franchise name] game
What's her name?

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None, any game described like this is always a bad game as well.


doom 3

Fallout 4

Death stranding


DA2. Well, kind of bad, but not that bad.

RE 6
Dead Space 3

Resident Evil 4 is the poster child of this sentiment.

I think you missed the 'good game' part.

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Gothic 3.

RE6 is a badly designed game with a great mechanical base. It's a case study on why competent game design is just as important, if not moreso than refined mechanics. Really sucks, since what it was trying to be could easily have surpassed 4 had it been done right.


Max Payne 3
All FFT Advance games

Metroid: Samus Returns

DmC: Devil May Cry

hitman absolution is the first game that came to my mind. It's a pretty good game but too linear for hitman standards.

Zelda 2
extremely impressive in scope for a NES game, unique gameplay that has yet to be replicated in basically any game since, and people still hate because it's called Zelda

Dark Souls II
Resident Evil 5
Silent Hill Shattered Memories


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>Fallout 4
>Doom 3
>Hitman: Absolution
Games itself are decent but they are black sheeps in the franchises.

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DS2 is a good DS game tho

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Chrono Cross would be considered the best Suikoden-like jrpg if it wasn't supposed to be the sequel to Trigger.

Why should anyone care whether or not something is a good [franchise name] game? Text written on the game's cover has no impact on my enjoyment of it. I don't care if the next Street Fighter is a fighting game, a grand strategy game, or a first-person dungeon crawler, all that matters is that it's good and appeals to me personally.

Super Paper Mario and Color Splash. Not Sticker Star though, fuck that one

it doesn't mesh with either of the other members dark souls trilogy or even demons souls. Dark souls 3 feels more like a successor to dark souls than dark souls 2 does.

Call of Pripyat

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Fallout 3/4
Halo Reach

It’s not even as good as Suikoden

everything after halo CE

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Nobody should, but that's not the point. If your favorite game in a series happens to be the black sheep so what, you like what you like. Fans of the series aren't wrong for shitting on your favorite though, to throw a food analogy at you if they've been going to a bakery for cake for a while and they hear a new flavor's coming out only to be served a sausage they have a good reason to be pissed since even if it's an amazing sausage it's still a terrible cake.

I'd put Suikoden 2 over it but I can't see putting any of the others on top. Maybe 5.

Banjo Nuts N Bolts

final fantasy 8

AC4. Great pirate game, terrible AC game

pretty much every Final Fantasy for the past decade

Rainbow Six Siege

Resident Evil 6

Nuts and Bolts

Crash of the Titans


I want to tell you to shut the fuck up, but deep down I know this to be true.

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since nobody mentioned the two most obvious ones. starfox adventures and banjo kazooie nuts and bolts. if they weren't forced by their own publishers to use the ips they did, they would have gone down as yet another pretty ok, but not the best, rareware game, and may even have developed their own tiny cult followings.