why are they so narcisstic?
Why are they so narcisstic?
>How dare anybody take pride in their accomplishments! FUCKING NARCISSISTS!
Damn, that's pretty cringe, dude.
They SHOULD be proud of Blood Money. You want them to be proud of Absolution instead?
I mean, Blood Money is one of the best stealth games ever made so I think it's deserving.
That is narcissistic. God knows what you did and anyone that has played Hitman knows what they did. Be humble about yourself
shut up and be shamed in quiet you lowly mutt
You can just tell that this guy has never accomplished anything in his life.
Why does Nu-IO take pride on the older Hitman games? They drove the franchise to the ground with Nu-HITMAN 2. They insulted and shat all over the first four Hitman games when they released Nu-Hitman 2 last year. Tons of shitty retcons to the established Hitman lore, 47 and Diana having fucked up characterizations, bland and uninspiring music that doesnt compare to Jesper Kyd, a mediocre storyline that doesnt make any sense and a sanitization of all the edge and adult elements that Hitman used to have. The 2 new games are just so soulless and bland even if the gameplay is good. I dont know what the hell were they thinking.
>being proud of making one of the best games of all time and the game that would act as the template for the best stealth games of the 8th gen (the new Hitmans) is narcissistic
I'd rather they did that than hold up Absolution as the ideal direction for the series.
can it you fucking re*
be nice b*tch
what the fuck...
Hitman is more of a puzzle game than stealth.
Lmaoing out loud reading this retard shit
>complains about everything BUT the gameplay
>even says gameplay is good
It's the main thing that matters and they fcuking nailed it with nu-hitman.
dude blood money was pure kino
C47 is my favorite in the series.
You've never won anything, have you?
>47 and Diana having fucked up characterizations
nigga that's absolution not the nu-hitman
You know that guy, when you're having a friendly competition ramps it up to 110% when you start remarking that you beat him once?
That guy is me, I know I can obliterate you and the moment you forget that I remind you, just to put you in a fucked up mind state
I said people who post pictures of themselves online all dressed up solely for people to see them looking good is narcissistic and not a very humble thing to so, but i got called an asshole
I feel like I am right though
>just so soulless
stopped reading right there
It isn't even a single person doing it. It's just something they hung up around their office to give it more flavor and more self identity. It also reminds the people working there what game the company is proud about having produced and how they should focus on going into that direction.
there's some real retards responding to this post even though it's right
putting up a fake award for your own fucking game in your office is just plain cringe
>fucked up characterizations
47 is the best he's ever been with his dry humour and Diana being his moral compass fits.
People seem to forget that 47 acted slightly out of character in BM. He was never that autistic in SA and Contracts.
Yes its true gameplay is the main thing that matters. That does not mean that everything else in a game has to be shit. Or else you get hollow games like Marvel vs Capcom 4 or HITMAN 2 where it plays fine but everything else in the game is kinda ugly and muddy and it makes you want to stop playing.
>That's Absolution, not Nu-Hitman
Its both. Absolution and NuHitman did a very good job at character assassinating 47 and Diana, to the point where they dont seem like the same characters from the classic games anymore.
Agent 47 in the old games was an inhuman, mostly emotionless killer who took things seriously and was always professional. Then in Absolution they turned him into an overemotional dumbass who gets outsmarted by rednecks, and in Nu-Hitman he's now a quipster who makes death puns to his targets every two seconds and gets bossed around by everyone, all the while wearing wacky flamingo disguises.
Same thing for Diana, she used to be our calm, calculating handler who was very good at transmitting information and was always cold about the contracts themselves. Then in Absolution she suddenly grew a conscience and was killed-but-not-really by 47, and in nu-Hitman she's a super chatty news anchor who boo hoo had her parents killed by 47 for whatever reason, while also desperately wanting you to care about your targets with her flashy, overproduced briefings.
47 and Diana are just a far cry of what they used to be. And I dont like the new games so much because of that.
shut up dumbass
The only thing cringe about is its design. After the game got released and sold amazingly well and got a really positive reception they celebrated their work and someone made this shit and hung it up on the wall because they were so happy about the success of the game and wanted to remember the positive energy it generated. There is nothing else to it.
Yeah fuck you too buddy. Eat my shit.
I'm not really sure what's going on here, but it looks like management wanted to congratulate the blood money team for doing a good job. I don't see anything wrong with that.
Playing blood money now, do people you knock out never wake up no matter how long? On normal mode
They never wake up. Also the only thing the difficulties really affect is the number of quick saves you get and how detailed the map is.
Where is joseph Clarence?
fuck you and your kike cult
There's a difference between being humble and being ashamed of your accomplishments. When you make a game as fucking GOAT as Blood Money, you deserve to walk around wearing an outfit that literally has "I worked on Hitman: Blood Money, blowjobs and tribute are appreciated but not necessary."
Blood Money is worth being proud of.
It's not like they framed Absolution or something.
Does anyone else find BM hard to go back to after play the new games? BM just feels so janky without all the gameplay improvements of the newer games. There's also a problem with large sections of certain maps being nothing. Most of the Opera House is a series of copypasted basement hallways. A New Life has a lot of pointless rooms in Vinnie's house too.
>bland and uninspiring music
Niels Nielson did great with nuHitman, and it's dynamic soundtrack that changes as you progress into different areas, get into different stages of alert, and finish the level is composed excellently and seamlessly. Jesper Kyd was great but if I could give him one criticism it's that his music didnt always fit the situation. Sneaking around while a blaring orchestra and tribal chants fills the soundscape isn't very appropriate.
I notice most people that make this complaint are always just homesick about Blood Money, but I don't think his gothic-sounding and imposing style would fit nuHitman well.
The publisher probably gave him them a golden CD glued on a board instead of bonus payments.
To be fair, the games really shine when it comes to their incidental music.
It's great how most of the incidental music they write entirely themselves. If I'm not mistaken those electronica songs in the Miami booths were handmade too
IO is based in Denmark, Squenix had a Euro division in Denmark too
You realize this is what entertainment companies who make popular media do right? It's no different from what record producers do. Are you fucking 15? Businesses recognize products they make that do well.
Contracts and Blood Money will always be infinitely superior to Hitman 2
Go back to /r/atheism
of course they will be
why aren't we getting snow levels in nu hitman?
we already have a snow level at home, dear
jealous loser who never did anything of value in his life
You're just a cynical decrepit boomer. Nu-Hitman are among the top games in the series along with BM. Jesper Kyd was hit and miss with the music and many of his tracks were too noisy and fast-paced for what was supposed to be a tactical stealth game.
>tfw you snipe the yoga slut from the mountain and naruto run into the operating room to kill soders within 2 minutes, then leave
Kek. Fucking asshole.
>Be humble
kill your worthless self
Fuck off, the nuHitman is fantastic, the story is garbage and the tone could be better but they're trivial complaints.
The real reason why IOI shouldn't be taking any pride on the old Hitman games is because nobody currently working at IOI even developed them, those devs are long gone. There's one or two people who have been around since Contracts, that's it.
>not giving him a heart attack by revealing yourself to him in the unlockable flamingo suit
>run business
>get award
>hang award on wall
>dude that's narcissitic
you'd probably scream "they're tarnishing their old franchises if they didn't respect the award."
>nobody currently working at IOI even developed them, those devs are long gone. There's one or two people who have been around since Contracts, that's it.
It hurts in a way.
why are christcucks like this
why do you love letting people walk all over you, you really are cuckolds
BLOOD MONEY best hitman.
How did you get a picture of me.
New redesign is so bland and shitty I can't believe they couldn't give him any character.
>caring about the story in a hitman game
In terms of face
Contracts>2TM>C47>Absolution>Blood Money>TM>SA
>character meant to be generic and fit into any costume
>looks bland
story is fucking great, origins of 47 are fantastic and it's shame they went this tamed, streamer-friendly boring way.
Most of missions in 1-4 are pure kino.
>character meant to be an assassin and not stand out, disappear back into the crowd
>massive 6 foot tall 180 pound bald white guy with blue eyes, chiseled model-like features (he even exactly resembles a famous model in nu-hitman) and a barcode on his head, always shows up to places wearing a tailored suit
What did he mean by this?
I don't normally Yee haw but this is a Yee haw
Fucking Christmas
>6ft 180lbs
>t. twink
I'm mostly talking about model quality and character. It does not stand in opposition to having 'neutral', 'perfect' (for lore and immersion reasons) face.
It's about overall shape, eyes, facial animations, voice etc.
that's the worst looking drumstick i've seen
Did you throw your participation ribbon away in elementary school because it was a sin to be recognized, user?
>nu-Hitman has wicked gameplay, dude!
What is it?
The shitty level design, where the only variety is in the kills that the devs were able to think of [and depending on the level, can be very fucking few]?
You gonna cry, "B-BUT MUH SAPIENZA" and act like the whole fucking game is even close to achieving that kind of quality consistently?
You even gonna acknowledge the fact that half of the entire fucking map is barely usable at all, save for ONE, I repeat, ONE kill method.
The awful opportunity system that practically dictates how you kill people? Remember in Blood Money, where you'd see a snapshot come up of a character do something, and it was on YOU to use that knowledge against the environment to formulate how to kill that sorry sack of shit?
The fucking enforcers? Everyone hated that shit in Absolution, but there's less of them now so duurrr, fucking god damn durhadur they're good now I guess. Fucking colossal faggots, it still makes no fucking sense in all but the most specific circumstances, and is only there to limit player creativity. You can't go here with that costume because we put a guy who knows you there.
The absurdly ass rewards system, forcing you to painfully grind out the different opportunities in each and every one of the god damn levels to get a gun you can't even customize anymore?
How about the shitty wanna-be James Bond score, that blends in with about every hack Hans Zimmer-esque soundtrack every fucking piece of media has these days?
How about Agent 47 and Diana inexplicably caring about politics and morals when it goes thoroughly against not just their characters but their outright statements of old?
How about you fucking zoomers just played MGSV, liked the speedy stealth, and said, "DURRR, D-D-THIS IS HOW EVERY STEALTH GAME SHOULD DO STEALTH"
Fuck costumes, fuck gadgets, fuck creativity, enjoy your wanna-be Splinter Cell.
It's always been Bateson though
Stop being autistic
dumb meaningless newfag reddit buzzword
I'm 6ft and I tower over most people, especially nonwhites. Manletism is the mean. A nondescript multiracial short guy would be a better assassin if you were going for stealth.
>massive 6 foot tall 180 pound
and fuck elusive targets, numeric scores and always online.
I used to be like this and know people that still think this way. That's the depression knocking
>C47: Lex Luthor
>Silent Assassin: caucasian Morpheus
>Contracts: sad Lex Luthor
>Blood Money: perfection and kino
>Absolution: Jason Statham
>nu-Hitman: too Nederlands/Swedish looking
47 is multiracial though. The 5 Fathers and such
not actor, but written lines, tone (it's strongly connected to overall atmosphere and direction).
Nu-hitmans just don't click with me.
'The Bjarkhov Bomb' is more atmospheric than entire season of new Hitman.
>newfag reddit
nice buzzwords, fucking faggot.
>it's not a reward from a game awards group
>it's not a reward from some journos either
>it's not a reward from their publisher
>it's a reward from themselves
they litteraly rewarded themselves on that and they call it an "achievement" ?
>He can't pull off a hit without tons of tries and savescumming
You're the type of person to brag about min/maxing shit and how easy games are I bet, get FUCKED NERD, you don't have any mechanical skill, you just brainlessly ape muscle memory.
Get fucked GET FUCKED
Christ you’re a fucking loser. I hope you’re still here to see my comment. Fucking faggot
Onions are good on this sited, newfag.
they are all caucasian, I'm not sure you know what race is.
Also his appearance and physicality was altered to fit a form of a perfect assassin.
That's because the new games intentionally tried to distance themselves from the atmosphere of the old game to go for a spy thriller atmosphere. The lead writer claims this was done to reflect the fact that 47 is going after more high profile targets.
There's nothing I hate more than e-sports competitive min-maxing bullshit and Elusive Contracts only encourage that shit because you only get ONE FUCKING SHOT at them
I got no choice but to slam up a fucking aussiegamer3000 playthrough video to get the best rewards because that's my only fucking god damn chance to get that shit.
I HATE that, I HATE it, with a burning passion
I know...
I just wanted Blood Money 2, even on old engine.
Fuck, they should release modding tools for that game, people would make crazy missions.
'Editor' in Absolution was lame.
You could just live with the fact you're not the best player alive and hold the L when you fuck up
Just some mental gymnastics for cubicle slaves.
Things like that makes them feel like their individual input was important to the final product and company overall when in reality they just did what they were told to by 'idea man'.
are you having a stroke, my friend?
Don't be stupid. When a game goes gold that means they completed development and started printing physical copies. The master copy/source code is usually stored on a gold disk, and that's what that is. They were celebrating the completion of development on it.
>talks about being humble
>thinks fuckid God cares about him
git gud
I miss that old jank.
Well as far as I was aware I wasn't participating in some half-assed PVP competition bullshit, and was instead playing a HITMAN game
You wanna force leaderboard shit, at least make it separate.
It's not like some story thing either, like you fail and they acknowledge it or some bull, it's this faggy bragging rights thing that only serves to please autistic try-hards who are the same kind of people who like Dark Souls II because it's hard.
Take that wanna-be-esports shit outta MY fucking hitman game
>the only variety is in the kills that the devs were able to think of [and depending on the level, can be very fucking few]?
>opportunity system that practically dictates how you kill people
None of this is true, you absolute dipshit. Any target can be killed with every lethal method the game offers. Opportunities literally only serve to add more variety to the target's movements. You could do every opportunity just to trigger it and watch what happens without even touching the target, so what is this bullshit about "practically dictating how you kill"?
The fact that you got such a basic mechanic wrong shows how little you know about the game you're trying to shit on.
There will never be a full blown mission creator because then there would never be a need to buy another Hitman game ever again. See The Dark Mod for Thief as proof of this.
Where does that play in paris?
It's one of the songs that can play when you turn on a radio. It always plays in Dalia's bathroom.
You magnum fuck, you almost outright acknowledged the fact that the AI arbitrarily won't continue on any extra routines unless you are within 50 fucking feet of a particular area, but you just managed to gloss over that shit.
What, are you gonna call fucking SHOOTING them a unique, creative player-choice assassination? Gonna call a poison drink that the guy will only drink if you activate a certain set of parameters genuine agency?
Fucking absurd, the only way you can get freedom in these kills is to game the fucking system, none of it happens naturally.
>add more variety to the target's movements
By stripping out all the variety and only activating select parts of it when you're near one of their, """opportunities"""
yes and no. Mostly yes, but still engine improvements alone are something beyond modders power and for them (and new/updated mod tools) along with professional VO for new campaign with high production values it probably would be profitable to keep making these games.
Not to mnetion additional game modes, multiplayer/coop (hell they made decent MP and coop for Splinter Cell or Assassin's Creed).
TheDarkMod is fantastic, for a fan project looks awesome, but Thi4f visually was stunning and I was happy I have finished it, even it sucked in terms of gameplay design.
>outright acknowledged the fact that the AI arbitrarily won't continue on any extra routines unless you are within 50 fucking feet of a particular area
This isn't true either, you stupid nigger. Targets will continue moving on regardless of whether you're present or not.
You complain the game restricts you in kill variety while being ignorant of the fact that none of your retarded info is even remotely correct.
>none of it happens naturally
What the literal shit are you going on about? It's an assassination, of course it won't happen "naturally" you dumb faggot. What kind of criticism even is this? Name any kill in old HM games that """ happened natural""", you fucking retarded cocksucker
>using humbleness as a way to attack others
you are a piece of shit
>literal fag
natural to me means that it didn't take the game fucking telling me with Diana chipping in, a help pop-up, and a pause menu extension detailing the next step for the opportunity, to get across a fucking idea.
Also, good job on missing extra routines; Of fucking course they move when you're not there, they still aren't statues. But they don't do anything that you would assume they would do, or would happen, or would eventually come along, unless you happen to go to a particular area. Your assertion that they keep on their routines without you around is fucking retarded, because it's complete bullshit. Only instance I can recall it being remotely correct is ONE opportunity for the Paris level, where the guy faggot will eventually, after a fucking eternity, bring the show to a close with his artfag friend. The vast, VAST majority of other bullshit, needs to be activated via a fucking presence trigger, because they don't want one single thing happening without you being there for it.
Kane and Lynch > Shitman
that's one of the worst baits I've seen this month.
K&L1 is pretty good tho, shame they fucked it up with 2.
>But they don't do anything that you would assume they would do, or would happen, or would eventually come along, unless you happen to go to a particular area. Your assertion that they keep on their routines without you around is fucking retarded
They literally do keep on doing everything. If you're familiar enough with a target's routine, you can set up a remote kill way ahead for something they'll do in the future and move on to do something and they'll end up getting killed still. But I wouldn't expect a retarded nigger like you, who got even opportunity mechanics wrong, to know this shit. Keep making yourself look like a fool, my dude
Things like is fine. That's taking pride in what you've accomplished and raises morale.
What's not good is if you take it to your head like pic related.
God, Jesus, you fuck, just saying that they actually keep going doesn't make it fucking true. You only think it does because the game gives you the fucking speed of a crazed sonic fan on crack, and triggered every fucking possible trigger there is.
Just watch any explanation or guide. Older games will say, "In 10 minutes this guy goes here" or "in 20 minutes this guy arrives"
Nu-Hitman ones say,
"When you do this, this guy arrives"
"When you do that, the show will begin"
Fucking awful, absolute sham, I'm so sick of people treating these nu-games like they're a return to form when they're a return to habits almost as bad as Absolution's.
>just saying that doesn't make it fucking true
Right back at you
>watch any explanation or guide
I don't rely on fucking youtubers or let's players to tell me what's what, underage retard. I explore game mechanics on my own.
God damn it, fucking colossal faggot, I explore them too you magnum anus, why the fuck 'ya think I'm bitching about this shit in the first place? Some phoney fucking love for a series I didn't actually fucking play? 'Course I've played the fucking game you fuckwit
And how do you expect EITHER of us to prove our bullshit? Make a fucking jewtube video on two games that sold like ass, and [I suppose ARGUABLY] were ass? Neither of us are stooping to that fucking level.
I just think you're being a deceitful little shit to try and make nu-hitman look more legitimate when it's got the level of depth comparable to one of the nu-splinter cell games, which seems to be what it tries to imitate considering.
im not the one spazzing about npc routines complaining that they dont exist when they do and you get your info from idiots on youtube when you can look at high score charts and see levels are speedran in 2 minutes because you actually have variety in how you can go about a level
How do you manage to make a post so ripe with wrong information? Do you do it on purpose? Is it just accidental? Is autism contagious? I don't know, but that post right there is easily the saddest one since the narcissistic one way up.
>t. never played hitman
>Course I've played the fucking game you fuckwit
Yet, you managed to get every mechanics complaint wrong somehow. Either you're really mentally challenged or you're making up lies.
You still have not addressed the thing I called you out on
>the only variety is in the kills that the devs were able to think of [and depending on the level, can be very fucking few]?
>opportunity system that practically dictates how you kill people
How is any of this true? Name me a single target where the kill you wanted to make couldn't be made because the game restricted you? You can't.
you stopped reading at god didn't you, or are you that clueless
>my youtuber let's play told me!!!
where's my featured contracts ioi?
Fuck featured contracts. They always choose the ones with the hardest most contrived difficulty and its always from the same 3 or 4 users in the hitmanforum, ive only done them to claim the rewards and i never opened them again
when you done all the escaltions there's nothing I can do but FC
You retards drilling this cuck mentality into everyone's heads is what turned all the gen Y's and millennials gay as fuck. Hard to believe you worship the same Christianity that was used to conquer the entire western world.
I didn't know Featured Contracts had rewards. I might actually do them now
Well there's still the sniper missions, elusive contracts, ghost mode, and regular contracts. But they all get boring after a while. I wish they would add all the escalations from Hitman 1 already, i liked the one in Sapienza where you had to disable bombs in a garden or something but its not in Hitman 2.
>I didn't know Featured Contracts had rewards. I might actually do them now
You earn up to four rewards for doing up to 40 featured contracts. They're all reskins of existing items but they're still cooll, my favourite is the yellow wrench because it means I dont have to carry the fish around during a mission.
And I'm that guy that never gets put in a "fucked up" mind state by retards, absolute cringe.
You're the kid that saw my dick in the shower and shot me glares ever since because it just completely mogged your self confidence retard
keep projecting
I'll project myself in your noggin and live in there rent free tiny weener
only losers think being proud of yourself or having any ego is narcissistic because they are in a constant state of inferiority because they're fucking losers with nothing
>can't stop talking about penis
there's no need to be closeted user, it's 2019 everybody will accept you.
>You're the kid that saw my dick in the shower and shot me glares ever since
Fuck you just had to go and mention it. That's like my number 3 fetish. You made me rock hard just by reading that lmao, imma go and jack one off right now. Keep insulting each other maybe you can guess my number 1 fetish by doing so
based gaynon
it's not gay if you're just 'mirin
Did anyone else notice he had like 6 something wow expansion packs on the floor?
t. narcissist
replying "language" to someone in general but especially on social media is peak boomer
Don't forget
>Single player game
>Always online
This. They shot themselves in the foot with their shitty always online system