Im over gay political shit want to get back into gaming what games do you recommend to an ex /pol/tard

Im over gay political shit want to get back into gaming what games do you recommend to an ex /pol/tard

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Other urls found in this thread: D0Npvy2VAAEI_3e.jpg/image/EbrWxlEWHpWIgNi8Mwhfig/

Gaming is nothing but gay political shit these days.
Just play some older good games like RE4.

Mario + Rabbids

Dark Souls / Bloodborne / Sekiro are all great and not political at all.

You got any genres you into? Or are you down for anything

Play Serious Sam, faggot

fighting gemu

Absolutely anything pre-gamergate. Regardless of your stance on all of that business that's when the real shift began.

even old gaming is political shit, just dont get your panties in a twist about it. like 7.62 hard life has the 2 "radio" stations of rebels and government and missions you do will have them report on it with their own slant and both of them are misrepresenting what happens

Thief I/II
Dark Souls
Jagged Alliance 2
Dark Messiah of Might and Magic
SMT: Nocturne
Resident Evil Remake
Serious Sam: The First/Second Encounter
Super Metroid

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Monster Hunter (3U and up, if you have no Nintendo consoles go with World, easiest to get into anyway)
Dark Souls (1 and 3, Demons Souls if you have a PS3 or want to try emulating)
Resident Evil (Any, 5 and 6 only if you can do them coop)
Ace Combat (4, 5, 0, 7)
Devil May Cry / Bayonetta
Earth Defense Force (4 and 5)

If you were ever into politics you're low IQ so stick to easy games.

>ex /pol/tard
Sounds legitimate.

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There's a company called HD Retrovision who makes component cables - if your flatscreen supports it, (plus has the ability to switch to a 4:3 mode so the picture isn't stretched), get that cable. I'm going back to PS2 games, because all these games made today are shit.

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Dragon's Dogma

It's almost as if war is political and art is too.
People complaining about politics in their game are either talking about identity politics or cowards that don't like to be challenged.

im not low IQ I had severe adhd but now im treated I can spend more time relaxing and not waiting spastically for a happening dopamine hit

>Unironically recommending Dark Souls 3 to someone
Do you really hate /pol/ that much, user?

political games arent the problem
the problem is that the politics in the game are just shitty "fuck trump" or other current politics hidden behind a thin veil
bioshock was a game with heavy political themes but those themes were also interesting to explore and it didnt try to force a narrative on you by going "FUCK ANDREW RYAN AND ALL HIS BELIEFS"

It's no 2, at least

You're right, it managed to be even worse.

Hollow Knight.


Play Outer Wilds, don't look up anything about it, just play it. It's a game about simplified simulation-ish spaceflight in a small solar system. Like, planets are 3km in diameter small.

No, nothing's worse than 2.

>the problem is that the politics in the game are just shitty "fuck trump"
Name three (3) games that do this.

I think all 3 are [/spoiler] fun and have the usual fromsoft quirks/flaws and calling them outright shit is a misnomer.[/spoiler]

Yeah like I said low IQ.

mafia 3
pretty sure new colossus also had something but i honestly dont remember

anything pre-2007

Anything before 2010. This has been the shittiest decade ever for pretty much everything.

lol what

If you think a game about racism in the 60s is "fuck Trump" then what does that say about Trump

Super Mario Maker 2

Sorry OP, you're ready to move on but Yea Forums isn't

Yeah but not every bad guy was some Trump like character.

I agree user
How is a game that was set decades before Trump about him

One of the characters is a literal caricature of Trump. Nice try though, faggot.

uh wolfenstein, medal of honor, call of duty 2 :^)

It did pretty much do that actually

Dragon Quest XI is a pure gaming experience.


You could argue FF7 is climate change propaganda.

im pretty sure there are literally some campaign posters that were modelled after trumps stuff in the game though and also some guy that looks like him but more grotesque
but thats not the point though
the point is videogames that dont let you draw your own conclusions are badly written and gay

But video games are all politics now, so you'd be better off just not even playing anything. Do what no one on Yea Forums has the balls to do: quit video games

You never go "ex/pol/" cause you witnessed truth. You witnessed the blackpill. You know how fucked up times are, and the times to come.
So just go AC Oddysey (inb4 "muh female warrior". It´s a good game you fuckers), Rainbow 6, TW Warhammer 1&2, Rimworld, Kenshi, Europa Universalis 4 (pirate DLCs tho) and so on. Those will keep you distracted for a while.
Then you will come back. See you soon.

You're just paranoid, dude.

lmao you said Bioshock was "subtle" but "hey this sleazy politician reminds me of Trump" is too explicit for you? Blatant double standard.

This is literally you jumping to your own conclusion.


>over gay polital shit
>gib me me furry video games

>AC Oddysey (inb4 "muh female warrior". It´s a good game you fuckers)
It isn't, not because muh female or muh gay, it's cause it's grindy and boring


He is so black pilled, he wants to retreat into Vidya and ignore whats going on.


Ion Fury

WoW Classic

>You never go "ex/pol/"

I quit after 3 month because I realized most people here were either retarded or hypocrite liar.

Abstract universal political themes =/= contemporary drumpf tranny politics


Name games as reference first.


>hypocrite liar
>3 month
So you didn't read any of the material and merely scrolled pages of shill shit-posting in an attempt to glean knowledge from it? You're a fucking idiot, user.

no it didn't, brainlet

You either live and struggle or succumb to slave mentality, that user doesn't sound like he has what it takes to take the era with live in and fight through it.

sorry you elected a politician that so pants on head retarded he could be in a videogame that would normally be a parody of politics?

Learn how to write before calling others retarded.

dont reply to the anti trump retard
hes a baiting nigger

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>/pol/ple aren't hypocritical and don't lie

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>soilent passive aggressive question mark
Sorry you're a faggot

I'm the brainlet because you can't pick up subtext? Except when it comes to anything remotely appearing to criticise Trump, of course.

You can't escape it, video games have become a political dumpster fire unless you only play first party nintendo games

/pol/acks are peak schizo right now. It's gone straight to delusion and insanity.


Yeah man, the only reason one would think /pol/ is bad is because they only scrolled through the catalogue.

it criticizes Andrew Ryan's views without specifically denouncing them. Rapture may have ended up a shithole, but without Ryan it would've never grew to be the scientific marvel it was in the first place. Ryan was both responsible for its greatness and its doom. Imagine not figuring this shit out.

You have to be 18 to post here.

We didn't elect Bernie

There are a ton of people who got carried there cause of /pol/ gained some visibility. Cant avoid it and ye, tons of retards. You can check it with the Trump and Greenland issue now.
But it doesn´t change the fact that things are fucked nowadays. And that, and not a random chink forumfor edgy teens, is the big picture.
It doesn´t matter if it´s /pol/ or not. You asked your self questions, and if you didn´t you will. And by seeking answers you found some place, or you will. The worse irl becomes, the stronger the questions will be.

>without Ryan it would've never grew to be the scientific marvel it was in the first place.
The scientific marvels that came at the expense of oppression and suffering? Rapture was never great and its inherent contradictions made its downfall inevitable. Yes, Rapture is a massive monument to Ryan's wrongness.

That's kind of what I mean. This kind of doomsaying is shared by the commies on Yea Forums too. I just don't buy it.

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yeah but the point is not if its an objectively good political system
its just that its good writing and includes politics
what if rapture was a white supremacist place instead and the whole idea of the game was to just kill racists
it wouldnt be a popular game at all because the writing would be shit

ac odyssey
vampyr (although they tried to actually make it work in the story so I almost give it a pass)
the new wolfenstein.

>what games do you recommend to an ex /pol/tard
DotA 2.

The point of the game is literally to shit all over Objectivism as a philosophy. Not because it has you kill adherents to the philosophy the entire time, but because it shows how shit it is in every single way. How you determine whether the writing is shit makes no sense and I feel like you're just making a jab at Wolfenstein because you don't like being told Nazis are bad.

>Absolutely anything pre-gamergate.
I agree entirely :)

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The only one of those that has an actual "fuck Trump" in it is the latest Wolfenstein and even that one is not explicit.

What sort of games do you like user?

I used to browse /pol/ from time to time even if I found a lot of their shit stupid because at least for a few specific issues like privacy rights, tech issues, net neurality, copyright, etc they were on point and gave a shit, but the 2016 election made them go full retard and now they'll call you a libcuck or commie for giving a shit about mass surveillance or IP law issues

you are literally a schizo


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Did you find people called you that a lot and figure you'd try it out yourself?

What the fuck is wrong with IPA?


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You have to go back.

beer isnt good my friend
limit your alcohol

Can you please answer the question instead of resorting to plebbit shit?

Don't think too much about it. It's just a bunch of random associations that have been canonised into some sort of code.

>what if rapture was a white supremacist place instead and the whole idea of the game was to just kill racists
You could make a decent game around that, have it be revealed later that the player's character is half-white and have their own faction turn on them.
In the player's struggle to survive in this place, they end up destroying BOTH sides, eventually ruling over a depopulated pile of rubble.
Fighting for your own people is well and good, but what happens to those who don't have a "people"? Are they doomed to just fight until nothing's left?
You could make a game out of that.

I forgot that piece of trash even existed.

ALL alcohol is degenerate

Go play OG Shadow Warrior. A game about an old stereotypical ninja slaying guy named Lo Wang spouting racist remarks, derogatory comments towards females, and dick jokes. Also excellent map design and weapon feel.

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that would be kind of interesting but you would probably just get both sides to spin it to "race mixing literally destroys society"

>ex /pol/tard
it's easier just to say you're a faggot

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To be free of the political scourge, you must be willing to angrily reject EVERYTHING that does not exercise purity of gameplay. You can't touch anything story heavy, or graphics heavy, or full of waifushit, or anything that encourages casuals. You'll be rejecting games and even entire genres, like JRPGs, but so too will you be rejecting walking simulators and political trash. As for games in specific, I'd recommend a few.
>Hollow Knight
>Into the Breach
>Shovel Knight
>Risk of Rain

For starters. Yes, I know it's all indie pixelshit, but you'll never be forced into a 5 hour long cutscene about drumpf or immigration reform, so it's the only refuse you can truly rely on.

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fuck off, acfag.

>to an ex /pol/tard
Killing yourself fo taking this shit seriously in the first place.
Or play Pyre.

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it's the epitome of "I drink beer because I'm supposed to"

Russian Roulette is a start.

Games will always be political. Find games that keep it fighting for basic truths.

A tower defence game,protecting your borders. That ratchet and clank game was purdy good.

play kirby

I'm offering OP solutions. What are you offering him? Scathing indifference? Sod off with ya.

There's some good IPA, but the groupthink is often "people can't possibly like things I don't without being tricked".

They represent mainstream media's desire to subvert the white man's traditional place in society, or are things that are popular amongst un-masculine males.

Are you me? I dropped all that political bullshit for anime and couldn’t be happier. For video games, honestly I just went back and started beating all the games I claimed to like as a kid but didn’t play much of. Currently doing legend of mana

>Killing yourself fo taking this shit seriously in the first place.

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Take your meds

*takes YOUR meds instead*
Haha got your meds

Where's the number in the file name? Don't impersonate soja grin user.

aren't IPAs bitter through? wouldn't an epic wojak caricature prefer something sweeter?

dude he literally took YOUR meds
fucking pwned

Embarrassing. I used to be just like you user. But then I realized women don’t really hate white men and stopped letting jews live rent free in my head.

Why ignore it when you can watch it and laugh?
After all, it wasn't the Jews who voted for womens' suffrage.

>win culturally
>still feel like losing because that's not enough
Yeah I think I'll become a miserable asshole because of shit that doesn't fucking matter.

it is but no one cared back then because it wasn't like directly referencing trump / the wall / the mexican border crisis / race relations etc.

its making fun of the hipster crowd. they drink craft beer alot. but if theres one thing the hipsters were right about is that craft beer is way better than domestic american beer

the zombie apoc i mean the race war is coming

Joke's on him, they're laxatives

>mom wojak is NOT from reddit rage comics okay!!! Reddit is cringe and wojak is based!!!

If only I had purchased a Nintendo Switch, so I could play it on the toilet!

I had a dream with wojak in it before. Is that pathetic?

>I realized women don’t really hate white men

The absolute state of Yea Forums in 2019

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There are many, many reasons women don't like you that come way before skin colour, incel.

He doesn't know, user. He's not old enough to buy alcohol.

>ex /pol/tard
>not ex /pol/loc
Get the fuck out of here newfag

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>net neutrality

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SF Adventures might not be a very good game, but the environments were so lush and comfy in a way that I have never seen before.

You can't "save" the West, Sargon.

what's the game in OP?

>not lack
you too, fag

Looks like Star Fox Adventures.
Good game, but a shit Star Fox one.

The absolute state of Yea Forums in 2019

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I feel sorry for one of the many shitty countries or nanny states you could belong to

>No pic related
Looks like it's fucking trash day
You get the fuck out too

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>browsing Yea Forums past 2005
>browsing Yea Forums past 2007
>browsing Yea Forums past 2008
>browsing /pol/ past 2013
>browsing Yea Forums past 2009
>browsing Yea Forums past 2011

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>dumb frogposter
Go back, underage.

>So just go AC Oddysey (inb4 "muh female warrior". It´s a good game you fuckers), Rainbow 6
Why do /pol/tards always have such fucking godawful taste?
Ass Creed Odyssey and R6S are fucking garbage, fuck off back to consoles you fucking convert.

Why are you still here then?

>Own a Switch
>Liked GoT pre-season 6
>Liked Rick and Morty's first season before it became somehow retarded and pretentious at the same time
>Got Overwatch for $20 because a friend roped me into it
>Am black, so I guess I'm technically BLACKED

He's right for the most part, but only because women are natural cowards and only hate when they can do so without potential backlash.

But I'm not, user.

I think a lot of people on /pol/ are legit some kind of mentally ill. There is a difference between questioning the given narrative and thinking literary everything that happens is a conspiracy or a lie.

They have gone insane, everytime something they don't like happens they think it straight up didn't happen. They went from "i strongly disagree" to "everything that does not align to my views is a conspiracy"

politics is fine. its the far-left retard SJW shit

/pol/ only believes in conspiracies if it involves something that's not favorable towards white people.
Black crime statistics show that blacks are more violent than whites? Totally legitimate, blacks are subhuman.
Japanese crime statistics show that Japan is not only less violent, but less rapey than any white country? Absolute bullshit, the stats are made up, they under report, it's not true.
So on and so forth.

1/3 of Yea Forums thinks japanese people are magic anime samurais

Not really, that's just what /pol/ and their refugee ilk tell themselves.
White /pol/tards believe that if they're not on the top of the pecking order it's because other people have a fetish, because how could anyone who's not white have a society preferable to our white society?

They are obviously not but i still wanna fuck a qt japanese women.

No, they want to show how cultured they are by drinking things that taste like shit

I think they're superior people than us, yes. My love for anime has nothing to do with it, it's just the way it is.

Nigger /pol/ idolizes Japan. They're honorary Aryans and the only developed nation rejecting rapefugees wholesale. No brown people have a preferable society.

I'm sure it's nice being able to live in a city with a population larger than 1 million and actually go outside past 10 PM without having to worry about getting mugged.

>Bombs your path

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>ex /pol/tard
You will never escape.

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Good point, they also reject (((propaganda))). Japan is based and /pol/ agrees.

If you actually believe old games are political, you are genetically fucking inferior AND a westerner.

It blows my mind, you fuckers spam this thread, and you get BTFO every single damn time. D0Npvy2VAAEI_3e.jpg/image/EbrWxlEWHpWIgNi8Mwhfig/

Listen, be honest. The problem is leftists politics. No one actually likes leftism, deep down, no one sane actually enjoys leftists politics, stop pussyfooting, because the funny thing about leftists, is that they'll call you evil and force you to admit you hate leftists because, if you oppose their religion, your evil.

Bait thread. No such thing as ex-/pol/. Once you are exposed to the truth, you don't escape it. Not even if you disagree with it.

/pol/ stopped being ironic after 2016 now its fiull of actual conspiritards

I have a friend that started going to /pol/ because of facebook and is unironically like that...he even decided that his boss was a "libtard" and started confrontating her at ever occasion so they had to remove him to a male boss to stop with it...I don't even know how he still kept his job

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