What new spiderman villains do you want?
What new spiderman villains do you want?
A good venom/carnage
>Venom 2 with carnage
>Venom 3 with spidey v carnage v venom
BASED sony cant stop winning
now bring back spectacular spider-man
I have a question faggots.
If Sony still has the Spiderman license, this make a possible sequel of the PS4 game but with other game instead Marvel Spiderman.
So why worry about the fucking arachnid guy games in PS4?
>So why worry about the fucking arachnid guy games in PS4?
Nobody is doing this.
Mysterio, but with working mirrors.
Reminder that Disney wanted to go 50/50 on the movie profits, control streaming rights, and keep the 100% merchandise profits for Spider-man while only having to front 25% of production costs in the new deal they tried to push.
You weren't in /v yesterday then.
How the fuck are Marvel so incompetent? WHY did they give Sony the rights to their most popular superhero?
Except that’s not true at all
Sony so desperate for a recognizeable character the snoybois sent bomb threats to Disney.
Marvel was fucking broke at the time, they sold movie licenses to a lot of companies.
They were about to go bankrupt.
this is why sony bought insomniac right?
Do you think any good decision were made in the 80’s? Because there wasn’t any.
Outside of Symbiotes, does spoderman have a big threat villain that warrants a teamup with Venom to beat?
Except it's 100% true. Disney pulled the producer once they didn't get the revenue sharing changed.
Well since Sony is so good at making live action movies on their own, they don’t need no Disney producer and can just reboot. I’m sure it’ll work out
Plenty of his villains depending on the situation. The likes of Green Goblin, Jackal and Dr Octopus are more than capable of big schemes that force Peter to get help.
they should make another USM, first one was kino
and its better than sm2, it wouldnt even be close if it had better combat
Guess you are right. MCU spoiled me with Thanos.
Looks like Sony will be continuing their tradition of ruining Spider-Man 3
They did fine with into the spiderverse and the two sony producers from the Holland films are still at sony pictures.
I hacked my WiIU recently to play GameCube games and this one was one of the main reasons. Ultimate Spider-Man was a master piece.
Second best superhero game after Hulk Ultimate Destruction imo
Sony Animation =\= Sony Pictures
The retards that made Venom with Tom Hardy talking like a baby are not the guys who made fucking Spider-verse.
Wait a minute
Wa-was Chad part in the deal? is he behind this massive corp check mate?
>WHY did they give Sony the rights to their most popular superhero?
Because that original deal was made back in the 90s, and superhero movies were in a very different place compared to where they are today.
Capeshit rots your brain, they were right to give their rights away into more competent hands.
reminder this was the superior Spider game and was adapted into film that saved Sony
probably not but no one talks about this game anymore
No Shattered Dimensions was definitely the precursor to Spider-Verse, I forgot if it was Slott who wrote this as well.
Damn, sometimes I forget even someone who's 18 years old now, would still have no idea about what happened with the comic book industry in the nineties.
>Sony steals Marvel’s biggest character away from them
>Marvel is so beta they congratulate Sony on completely taking over the IP
Damn, when did Sony become such a Chad?
>chinese have Sony's back
>Sony is gonna reboot spiderman for the 4th time now
>Green goblin again
>while only having to front 25% of production costs
They wanted to front 50% of production cost you cum guzzlor. On top of that Sony put out the leak to damage control make Disney look like the bad guy. Sony just didn't want Marvel having creative control over their solos like Venom and Moribus by bringing them into the MCU and cucking them out of all control.
Even though Sony pays for production who do you think is making the movie? Marvel.
Marvel cameras, Marvel writers, Marvel Special effects and cgi. If they don't come to a deal expect Venom, Ghostbusters 2016, Men in Black international, Independence day resurgence levels of "quality".
>Sony just didn't want Marvel having creative control over their solos like Venom and Moribus by bringing them into the MCU and cucking them out of all control.
This is false. Sony is being the most open to working together and wanting one giant MCU. Dinsey since the start are being hard asses.
But disney is not evil?
Reminder that the Spider Totem was retarded and that Spider-verse is all the better for excluding it.
I still remember my surprise when you could snap spines and eat a kid. Such a great game.
Marvel should've let Bandai buy them out back when they were about to go bankrupt. We could've had the entire catalogue under bamco which is a lesser evil than Disney
Also Spider Gundam and Captain america vs Goku and other crazy shit
Say hello to your new Playstation mascot.
Based Chad Warden! Halo? More like Gaylo!