Seeing as critics are calling it the best Platinum game, predict the Metascore
Astral Chain Thread
Probably in the 80s. They are never kind to Platinum games.
>Astral Chain is going to be shi-
85. No matter how many 90s it gets, there will be those few faggots that just wants to give it a 60-65 just for clickbait, which drags the whole score down.
> Bayonetta - 89 Metascore
> Bayonetta 2 - 92 Metascore
> NieR: Automata - 90 Metascore
Judging by these it will probably be in the 93-95 range, Journalists hate Nintendo games because they are too difficult for them, so anything higher than this is nearly impossible
waiting for my god damn student loan to come in
It's a shame they're not even trying to aim for 60fps considering how rough the game can look at points
Platinum games always get rated like dogshit
last 2 digits of this post
T. Snoy, not our fault your stuck with a shit console with no games instead of joining the PC + Switch Master Race
>Journalists hate Nintendo games
The same journos that gave most of switch exclusives almost perfect scores?
automata got a high score based on the story and characters alone, not on the gameplay
Why does this game trigger some Yea Forumsnons?
To be honest bros I feel like it's going to be low 80's or even 70's and the its going to be then shitposted into oblivion
platinum games title exclusive to a nintendo platform that looks pretty good any has been receiving unanimous praise from everyone that's tried it. Basically, it's W101 and Bayo 2 all over again.
Nintendo exclusive Platinum titles tend to do that.
You heard the man
The impressions from journalists have been shockingly high, it's gonna get above a 90 for sure
> PlatinumGames is unchained once again. Astral Chain is simply awesome - RPG Site
> Even The Non-Fighting Parts Of The New Switch Game Astral Chain Are Excellent - Kotaku
> The iconic Japanese publication (Famitsu) awarded the game a total of 37/40 with three of the reviewers awarding the game a solid 9 and one giving it a legendary 10. This means Famitsu puts it on the same level as SOTC, MGS3, FF6, RE2 & MGS1
Cope more
>The iconic Japanese publication (Famitsu) awarded the game a total of 37/40
>same as Sekiro and DMC5
We're coming home...
What bothers me is that the shitposting feels out of place. Nintendo is letting them do literally what they want and offering good insight. Thank Fuck they told them to scrap the fantasy setting and go with the scifi setting.
MY last two digits.
I doubt it'll have a combat system as deep as even TFD
> The Switch will be the first console since the GameCube to have 3 exclusive games rated 95 or higher on Metacritic
Is Nintendo back to their glory days Yea Forums?
Fantasy would've been cooler tho.
Not sure about that
I think the police sci do aesthetic lends itself better to the mystery of the chinaerat
Looks like all style, no substance to me, just like every single platinum game. Graphically it looks really bad too, don't know why people are excited for this.
because you are a fucking faggot who values graphics over everything else, you are the reason garbage like GTA V & RDR2 was so successful
this desu
critics will cry over the difficulty and jaggies making it not resemble a movie
This, Critics are faggots. The only Nintendo games they actually review fairly are Zelda, Metroid & Mario
That's the shit I like to see
The artstyle would have to be totally different.
Why don't we have more jap games in aztec/mayan settings? Something that kind of has the vibe of Grandia or the green moon in Skies of Arcadia.
Considering critics also think Bayonetta 2 is better than Bayonetta 1 I'll hold my breath on that.
Upgrading the X-Baton unlocks new attacks. Level 1 > 2 enables Gladius weapon mode (you start with only baton and gun). Level 2 > 3 unlocks the ZR • ZR pause combo. I imagine a later upgrade unlocks the ZR ZR • ZR combo, which was shown as a kick on the third hit, and more.
>platinumkeks seething
Damn, GOTY contender inbound
Damn shame.
casual trash
Those were good games
I’m unsure how many devs are actively aware of the existence of Native Americans at all
>RDR2 was so successful
MY game of the decade.
Glad it was doing so well.
He's not wrong though. This could be a good game, or it could be TMNT 2.0.
Imagine using education loan refunds for frivolous purchases.
You have a bright life ahead of you!
I dont know what people are excited about.
If this didnt have Platinum as devs, nobody would be hyped for this since it looks pretty generic. I wanna be proven wrong though since I need a new game
Woah i wonder if it will have a one button dodge/parry with tons of i frames and things slowdown after you parry/dodge
How does this look generic. Point me to a game that looks like this.
The samurai fears the inca.
Claiming my wife.
>have rich parents who don't claim me
>was able to get a grant while going to university while dad paid for tuition and housing
>blew that money on weed and video games
It's actually incredible that I graduated, I guess being autistic helps with my mathematical ability.
>talking about video games ona video game board is shilling
Ugh any PS2/3 3rd person action game?
It's too underutilized. It would be such a neat setting.
>Also going to college for free thanks to scholarships
Thank fuck I did well in highschool to get a mostly full ride.
Tell me bros, is biomed a good major to be in still?
Meanwhile Bayonetta got a 40/40.
>This probably won't get hentai
>High double digits again
It's inevitable.
>falling for the stem meme
From her thighs to her eyebrows, everything is thicc.
If there's an option to skip the flashy finisher KH3 style then it'll be great.
If its like nu Deus Ex and you have to watch it every fucking time its gonna get annoying real fast
Getting good grades in all my STEM classes made me this way. Now all my classes have me stuck with people with giant sticks up their asses.
At least the faculty is cool.
I agree, but it needs people to know it exists for it to happen
MH is the only series I know that references anything Mayan or Aztec
It's weird that Grandia 2 and Skies of Arcadia both had light mayan/aztec inspiration. It felt like a change of setting was gonna happen but then it never did. It sucks. The only game doing that setting is fucking Indivisible.
>Heavy doors need to be opened by the arm legion
>Beast legion will softly claw at the door
I hope there's more nuance with the legion animations like this.
so what was that like 3 button presses lol
Considering the Famitsu score, low 80s.
Not possible.
Daemon X Machina will get a score on the 73s
As a criminal justice major, I welcome the inclusion of more playable cop characters, like my boy Leon. Will probably pick this up. The only other Platinum games I've played have been Vanquish and W101, and they were both solid.
Platinum deserves better hardware, this game just looks cheap and generic
Easy on the cream Bruce
That's a matter of contracting the artist of fucking Zetman for 3D models
I think it's one of the more impressive looking Switch games. It's up there with BOTW.
dude psycho pass
dude kekkai sensen
dude xci soon
>Saying generic unironically
Good job user!
No way that's the resolution of the game.
But it looks great, what are you on about.
what are levels like in this? linear like dmc or cinematic like bayonetta? all the gameplay shows vs 1 enemy
They said it's a dynamic resolution that floats around 1080p / 900p.
This little transition into the fight is nice.
That's nice. I wager portable is 720p-600p? Those are pretty high numbers for Switch.
That's not bad in all honesty. All footage seems pretty locked at 30fps.
That'll be a fun surprise whenever something like it happens.
That's the good shit.
I play my Switch exclusively at home, so that doesn't matter too much to me, either way. It's probably around 720p, though. That's similar to what BOTW did (900p with 720p portable).
Less linear because the levels are more open with sidequests scattered around.
Watch the gamescom video to see them skip through the main quest of chapter 6:
Or watch the Nintendo Minute video to see what sidequests are like in chapter 4:
Which is still impressive for a jap game.
I want to like this game, bros, but nothing is doing it for me. I don't care for the art, designs or combat so far. I'm going to sit this one out. Hope you guys like it, though.
We don't get a ton of science fiction melee combat games, I'm glad this was one.
SoulCalibur barely sold 1 million copies and still has a 98, games like GTA IV & Pro Skater needed to have like half of their reviews removed simply to score that highly
>Ruiner ripoff
My one complaint with this game so far is that the music is fairly standard JRPG / Japanese action game stuff. I wanted some funky Capcom-esque cop beat 'em up stuff. Like
But I'm most likely getting the game either way.
At this time I am starting to think calling this game artstyle "generic" is a meme.
Ah fuck off
Every single artstyle are generic, expect of course when it looks exactly like the last 20 biggest Hollywood blockbuster.
You can smell the dusty ps4pro through this post
Why couldn't this also be on the PS4 bros
>piss easy even on the hardest default difficulty
>even game journos are breezing through it and noting that combat is pretty braindead
>actual hard mode has to be unlocked
And with that my hype is gone.
It's a single player arpg, meaning just avoid spoilers about the game, save up for a switch and get it sometime in the next year. PS4+Switch is the GOAT gaming option in 2019 bud. 2020 only looks to be improving on that too.
>actual hard mode has to be unlocked
So a normal Japanese action game?
It always confounds me that no one ever calls out the artstyle for any of the big triple AAA multiplat/sony exclusive games that will age horrible in 4 years on their artstyle.
That's how Platinum builds their games dude, they make it completable on easy with braindead inputs and offer tons of depth and harder difficulties for people who want to replay the game.
I know this feel user. Unfortunately unless you like chasing government money as a postdoc or you want to be a research assistant you degree is going to not be worth much. Best thing you can do is maybe look into the startup market.
Biomed is usually regarded as a stepping stone for GAMSAT or a meme degree.
All of those companies pay journalists to review their games highly in exchange for ad space. Nintendo doesn't pay reviews, which is why Journalists always shit on them
>Nintendo doesn't pay reviews
fantasy is overdone and fucking boring because not enough devs are willing to put a unique twist on it (see Morrowind). can't remember the last time we got a Blade Runner-esque sci-fi game about cops wielding chimera, but maybe that's just me.
Thank God I have good networking skills and know people. Aiming for my Masters but that will all depend if I have the money to do so.
>Can't combo legions into each other
>Journalist who sucks ass at games got constant S+ ranks by just auto attacking and ramming his legion into enemies, said it was so easy it was boring
>Combat is Smash 4 to Bayonetta/DMC's Melee, where you just hit the enemy a few times before they reset to neutral
I was hyped to hell for this a month ago but now I'm just starting to get disappointed.
You have never played a Platinum game, have you? Your first run throughs of Bayonetta, Wonderful 101, and Bayonetta 2 will be nothing but Stone Statues and Commendation Rewards.
>>Combat is Smash 4 to Bayonetta/DMC's Melee
oh christ, you're one of those autists.
Is there any actual confirmation of the first point? I was hoping there's a hidden mechanic where you can use a lot of your meter to pull out a legion while a different legion is doing a combo, similar to W101.
Nintendo Bonus adds at least 10 on top of that.
>pull out a legion while a different legion is doing a combo, similar to W101.
The game has the W101 style attack, its called unchaining the legion. Webm unchains arrow and brings out sword.
Not matter what you think, this game won't flop. Is on switch, except for one nothing flops on switch.
Switch owners are also desperate for games and will buy anything at this point.
I’m honestly not mad if it’s not that hard.
At the end of the day it’s a new IP and they said there is potential for a trilogy depending if it sells well, and a game like this being complex or hard will turn off the bigger casual gamer player base who at least are interested in this.
I’d rather them wait until the sequel to bring in even more complexity and difficulty if the game sells well enough.
more like the Switch, contrary to what you believe, is building a fantastic library. sorry you have to miss out on it.
so pretty much we control some jjba tier stand?
You control a JJBA tier stand that's actually an Eva: an otherworldly alien that's been shackled to your control at the neurological level
bayonetta 1 was acclaimed by the ign...
So that guy was just making shit up? Good to know.
Holy shit better than BOTW
But they just got mm2 and fe3h. And mua3 I guess. And they'll get DxM two weeks after.
So wouldn't it be ps4 owners who are desperate for games?
I spent mine on a trip to Tokyo and Philippines. Rest of my life might suck but fuck it worth
>Actually enjoying that boring fucking slog of unfun realism
Unironically seriously kill yourself
In support of soul caliber
I fucking loved soul caliber
>Journalists hate Nintendo games because they are too difficult for them
laziest bait in Yea Forums history
>Two blog post about the fucking UI.
Dammit, the UI is not a big deal!
But its still two posts in one week. This one is also about photo mode. Taura seems to like a bit of photography.
Can we use photos for extortion?
I want to use my other voucher I got from the eShop on this. But might want to wait and see.
post the cop lady with the cute butt
Why is the beast legion so fucking cute
Sorry to say but you’re probably not going to get that kind of vibe this is the police station theme
One of the blog posts they did was all about the music director and his vision for this game. I wouldn’t call it average
That's all of them though
Anyone who makes template posts like this should be gassed get some new material faggot.