>Co-op mode
>Instant action
Where were you when EAfront was saved?
>Co-op mode
>Instant action
Where were you when EAfront was saved?
Eat shit mouseshill.
Amazing visuals, absolute trash gameplay that takes the worst of Battlefield and mashes it up with tons of clashing arcadey elements.
Not to mention heroes are more busted and common than in classic BF2.
>no splitscreen content
yeah, no. it's still shit.
Have they added Mace Windu and Jango Fett yet?
EAfront was saved months ago, but the "muh microtransactions" reddit babies refuse to let you think otherwise.
Ahsoka and Ventress are next heroes and then likely padme and cad bane the devs said some stupid shit about wanting more female characters so yea
EA marketing shills should unironically be put on death row
yes sir you
you specifically that god paid pocket by the devil on earth himself to come here and peddle his garbage you and all your loved ones should be executed
you are a waste of resources and so is your entire lineage that led up to this moment and will follow it up
you are a scumbag a detriment to humanity itself
do one of 2 moral things
either quit your job at EA or fucking kill yourself
either way you will objectively make the world a far better place
Ahsoka and Ventress I get, but who the hell asked for Padmé? I'd rather have Aayla Secura if they want more female characters.
Fuck off
I don't care if it's ironic shilling or not
Kill yourself to death
still not buying it
Who knows the devs are pretty braindead. My only guess is ayla uses 2 sabers and at which point there would be to many dual saber users maybe?
I'd rather get Jyn Erso than Padmé.
I just want more Capital Supremacy maps. 4 is low already, but I feel like it's always Naboo or Clone Facility.
>it's not 1 for 1 original battlefront with multiplayer, updated graphics, and new content
It's shit
>every map is a straight scripted corridor
>every big vehicle is on rails
>gunships are on rails
>vehicles are killstreak rewards
>the game shits battle points at you just for existing
>Galactic Conquest turns into Heroes vs Villains two minutes into a match because there's no fucking hero cap
Anyone else love being spawnkilled on Kamino by an endlessly respawning squad of Palpatine, Vader, and Maul? I sure do.
why this games 2 years old already
Stop playing galactic conquest. It sucks as I enjoy it, but it's cancer. Capital supremacy may take years for one side to win but at least it's fun.
>every map is a straight scripted corridor
Pretty much, yeah although fixed a little in supremacy (not enough to be bearable)
>every big vehicle is on rails
Same as 1
>gunships are on rails
Yeah shut sucks
>vehicles are killstreak rewards
Not really, but paying battle points for vehicles instead of just jumping into them sucks. Also all vehicles are trash with shut controls
>the game shits battle points at you just for existing
Pretty much
>Galactic Conquest turns into Heroes vs Villains two minutes into a match because there's no fucking hero cap
Actually wrong, there is a cap
>there is a cap
4 instead of 2 like CP. Enough it's an annoyance, when there's only two objectives and 4 heroes on each side it's a shit show.
>Hey guys lets make yoda have the smallest hitbox in the game
>Okay should he have low health?
>lmao no give him over 700 and lets give him passive health on kill a healing ability and a dash that lets him go through any block in the game and a block that turns people who can actually fucking shoot him against them
Who the fuck actually designed this?
Fuck off, shill.
>cross era heroes and weapons
>vehicles do not spawn on map
yawn they can add what ever they want the game is still a mess for whats supposed to be "an authentic star wars experience"
>Same as 1
that does not make it good, they knew fans hated it and still did it
also both of you forgot every vehicle only allows one player, even ones like the fucking At-AT something the original got right the first time
too little too late. also star wars is shit, why would you want to support the franchise in its current state?