Who was in the wrong here?
Who was in the wrong here?
Other urls found in this thread:
Black people
Every news publication
Everybody. Pewds for chimping out, his viewers for giving him this level of influence in the first place, and the media for having nothing better to do than sensationalize some harmless fucking words.
The fucking nigger who got the cheap kill on him.
You for making this thread
wtf can you cant say that... this is a work safe board
Anders Mindorf for donating money to a guy who makes millions on youtube. Why the fuck would you do that?
>PewDiePie says the gamer word
>Becomes a beacon of lights for alt-right turds
Like clockwork
I made a youtube video of Pewdiepie saying "nigger", and it got 2.2 million views, and was featured on various news websites.
Serious question: what's wrong with saying nigger? It's just a word.
It's not saying all black people are niggers or black people are genetically inferior or anything.
It's just one word.
So what's the big deal?
>Someone big says a racist word
>They make articles about it
Woooowww how was I supposed to know
Bugged news mechanics
>Cheap kill
>Not understanding the social implications behind words
I mean, go ahead, use it all you want, not like you understand anyways
You watch your own videos? Get a load of this guy
I do, too
>Mocking based dsp
Go back chapofag
did you earn money out of it?
Of course there are social consequences for using the word.
I'm asking why the social consequences exist.
Why is it so much worse than "fuck" or "shit" or "cunt"?
It's just a word.
Why is the mere use of one word enough to call someone racist?
He also followed various far right people on Twitter
I personally don't think he's racist but it makes some sense why people think he is
I don't monetize anything.
Too bad. 2.2 million views should be at least a couple thousand bucks.
Black people use it all the time. Sticks & stones.
Why the fuck are people so goddamn sensitive these days?
Pewdiepie for wearing the faggiest headphones possible, what a fucking nigger
Sure that's Pewdiepie but I'm curious about the word nigger.
I get that saying racist sentences is "bad" but why is saying nigger so bad?
Sentences convey thoughts and ideas but one word is just one word.
hahaha that's like 7 dollars
It had just happened after his death to all Jews prank which again was just an edgy joke so it was just multiple things adding up
Plus we live in the era of drama everyone wants to seethe about something
Whats wrong with being right wing?
Not just right wing
Far right wing, as in unironic /pol/fags
There is a difference
>I mean negro
>I mean blacks
>I mean black PEOPLE
>I mean colored people
>I mean people OF Color
>Fuck, no, I mean...
I don't even talk to niggers anymore. I have no idea what might offend them. It's a risk to even speak to them.
Nothing. There's a problem with far right though. And before you ask, far left is an issue too. It doesn't have to be one or the other
because niggers are poor snowflakes that are very hurt
>and definitely not ratfuck subhumans who love the concept of getting free attention, free excuses for chimping, and potentially free money from a word
Why not just call the person by their name rather than their melenin count?
How are you going to tell the police who's running down the street with your phone if you don't know their name?
Why do all ecelebs have their careers end on bridges
PewDiePie with the n word
Pyrofag with his cringy so guys we did it video
And etika
They're just blacks
Summed up to autism
Quit being dumb
I believe he means referring to the race of a people in the presence of said people. It is considered rude and prejudice to do so.
>Why is the mere use of one word enough to call someone racist?
Nigger is a offensive term, on purpose, specially towards black people. It's usually to imply a negative intent towards that person simply because of their race.
Often you get people saying dumb shit like nigger and black people are different. They're not. Because you're only using the word because that person is black.
You'll get annoyed too if people at first glance has a negative image about you.
>be friend with basketball American
>Have to constantly avoid mentioning their race for the rest of my life
That's a minefield of awkwardness. If black people were just ok with being called black people there would be no issue, but they all hate themselves. WTF happened to black power anyway?
If your calling the police the pigs will assume you are reporting a bigger anyway so it doesn't matter
See, that's a good example.
That's a racist post, but it's not racist because of the word nigger, it's racist because of the thoughts and ideas it's asserting.
If you replace the word "nigger" in that post with "black people" it would still be just as racist.
Plus, the word nigger isn't a problem because black people get upset. Everyone gets upset at the word nigger.
But it's just one word, so I don't get why it's so bad.
They literally don't care about being called black though
>But literally who Twitter/Tumblr post
Everyone including niggers knows they are inferior but it's just something everyone pretends isn't true. It's like a magic spell and when you say the bad word you break the illusion
White guilt, in a once white nation. White people are just cucks for corp culture.
Nigger, Negro, Black
That all has one meaning
They googled why only black children cannot be legally IQ tested in California.
Funny story, really.
The ever living fuck did you ever mean by this?
>racist word
that's right black person, listen to me, you should feel offended about someone saying that word because I told you so, and I know better than you do.
Remember, you must never let that word be said, because It holds power over you and I demand you can't deal with it
this. besides, when boomers were young and blacks were more in check there was a culture of just taking it on the chin. Even blacks probably weren't even that sensitive but these past few decades it's gotten worse and whites have allowed it to get worse
No one. Its a slur. If you get your panties in a bunch about famous people saying naughty words it's because you're an ignorant moron getting worked up over things that don't matter. There far more serious issues out there you should be thinking of , but aren't because you're addicted to media hysteria
>knowing a nigger's name
kill yourself reddit
Cops will assume the perp is black and shoot them even if the perp is white
its one of those things where nobody does it because nobody does it. The biggest reason why nigger holds so much power is because you aren't allowed to say it, which is why it holds so much power. This is why no one cares if you say it on Yea Forums, because it really is just a word, and people here use it all the time.
I'm impressed, that's the dumbest sentence I read this year so far. Reply to top it
>dude alt right
>dude far left
Politics are for brainlets
>Quit being dumb
What? I literally don't get it and I feel like I'm articulating my thoughts pretty well but you're basically just telling me "just get it bro".
It's just one word.
>Nigger is a offensive term, on purpose, specially towards black people. It's usually to imply a negative intent towards that person simply because of their race.
I know it's going to sound retarded but I don't really agree with this.
I mean I agree that that's the etymology of the word, but it's not exclusively used in reference to black people.
Like in the Pewdiepie clip he just used it as an expletive like "shit" or "fuck."
He didn't know the race of the person who killed him, he didn't say black people are bad, he just said "nigger" out of frustration.
>Because you're only using the word because that person is black.
I disagree with this. People use the word nigger without specifically referring to black people.
Of course it has a different weight if you say nigger around or toward black people, but outside of that context, what's the problem?
Well, it's a statistical fact that niggers like to shoot each other most of all
My benis wenis is the dumbest sentence you will read this year of course
My penis weenis will top my other sentence
Lol it's my penis wenis
>The biggest reason why nigger holds so much power is because you aren't allowed to say it
But why aren't you allowed to say it.
I get why you "aren't allowed" to say blatantly racist things, but nigger is just one word. Why aren't you allowed to use a word?
the n word is just latin word for black
>Who was in the wrong here?
The nigger
Hulk Hogan
>People use the word nigger without specifically referring to black people.
>Of course it has a different weight if you say nigger around or toward black people
There you go, you answered your own question.
>but it's not exclusively used in reference to black people.
Yes it is. Someone using the word wrong doesn't exclude it from it's purpose.
>He didn't know the race of the person who killed him, he didn't say black people are bad, he just said "nigger" out of frustration.
He used the word wrong. You can't make up your own definition when the very definition is centered around black people. Society may change the word in the future, but it's 100% a racist term towards blacks.
>basketball american
And the swastika is a Buddhist symbol what's your point
you should never upload anything you're not willing to watch
I frequently watch my own videos
I kinda regret uploading some of them though
Probably the group that commits 52% of violent crime despite being 13% of the population
OP i not a fag
>say nigga
>"ayo hol up this man just say nigga?"
>"ay cuz dm me a pic of yo hand right now"
>"oh aite we coo"
I'm so happy I live in europe. I walk around saying nigger non-stop and the best thing niggers do is give you this stupid look.
Although my go-to insult for niggers has been "refugee" for quite some time.
And my WHITE euro compatriots obviously share the sentiment too.
One time I'm sitting on the bus and some brown mystery-meat streetshitter looking type is talking to his friend.
>c-country so racist, I was walking and this 1 guy c-called me nigger
I almost pissed myself laughing, the fact that some madlad called this poor depressed paki a nigger was the most hilarious thing in the world to me
>Someone using the word wrong doesn't exclude it from it's purpose.
What does this even mean?
The reason people use words is to communicate thoughts and ideas. That's the purpose of words.
Pewdiepie used the word nigger to communicate frustration and that's all.
>He used the word wrong. You can't make up your own definition when the very definition is centered around black people.
What do you mean he used the word wrong? What does that even mean?
He just used the word as an expletive out of frustration like "shit" or "fuck."
It's just one word. In context he's not making any racist statements, so who cares?
Its a self fulfilling prophecy in a way, you aren't allowed to say it because it holds so much power because you aren't allowed to say it. It's an endless loop, and I don't know how it started. I think the only way for it to stop is if people stop caring if you say it or not, but with the way society's headed I dont think that'll happen soon.
>It's not saying all black people are niggers
it literally means that
they are synonyms
I think it's more because it's tied to history of slavery, somehow implying that if you use the word you think we should go back to the time when blacks were slaves or some dumb shit
basically in their eyes saying "nigger" is the same as "I wish all you blacks were slaves again"
there's black people that aren't niggers and there's white people that are niggers
MLK isn't a nigger
eddie murphy isn't a nigger
morgan freeman isn't a nigger
Yes, we use "nigger" specifically against black people, just like we only use "bitch" and "whore" against women, even if we don't hate them as a group except for specific individuals. Race or sex-based insults don't necessarily mean hate towards that group.
You'll break the programming user. The only way for words to have any weight or meaning is to expel them from everyones vocabulary. It became a social taboo after "we" realized slavery was wrong and has been used as a tool to remind whites and blacks of that past. Anyone with a brain wouldn't give a shit tho
It was a word meant for all black people. The "nigger race" as the president who set them free once said. It's hurtful and reduces them to subhuman property and saying it casually shows you are disrespectful.