Why is this game so underrated? It's easily one of the best Zelda games

Why is this game so underrated? It's easily one of the best Zelda games.

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Because it's a sequel to the best zelda game ever made

because i haven't played it yet.

I thought this was the zelda game that everyone liked

Ravio is cute.

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It's pretty overrated actually

I don't think it's underrated.
But 2D Zelda tends to get overshadowed by 3D Zelda because the latter is heavy normiebait.

I think it's pretty well-loved
ALBW and BotW are the renaissance Zelda games

>A 2D Zelda being one of the best
Zero chance, no way


All the Dark World dungeons are pitiful linear shit and the painting mechanic is actually woefully underused outside of Eastern Palace. There should have been a lot more dungeons like Desert/Mire where you went back and forth between worlds.

ALBW's Turtle Rock is an absolute joke compared to ALTTP or Link's Awakening

I enjoyed a link between worlds far more than breath of the wild. They should port albw to switch.

It was disappointing for me when I played it. It's not a real Zelda as in, you explore a dungeon, find a treasure, make your way through the dungeon with your treasure, and a boss that revolves around the said item. ALBW just gives you a lot of items and instead of letting you into the dungeon wondering what kind of treasure you'll find that will help you activate some mechanism/move through an area, it outright tells you "you need X item for this dungeon". yes at first you rent them and risk losing them if you die, but the game isn't even that gard to begin with. I almost felt punished for being good at the game

zoom zoom zoomies

So you think BotW is even worse?
Not that I'd disagree, just making sure you're consistent.

the renting system is pointless because there's really no reason you should ever die in this game and they give you way more rupees than you'd ever need. it was an awful feeling going through a puzzle cave expecting a piece of heart and just getting 100 rupees, which i had gotten 5 chests worth of in the dungeon right before

Because it's not retardedly linear and boring

I love this game just because it feels so nice to control. Sure I wish there were more incentive risk with the items, and sure I wish I had a totally new game but at least the movement and combat was nice.

Nope, 2D Zelda games just aren't fun.
Ocarina>Majora>Wind Waker>TP>BotW>Minish Cap>rest of the 2D games>Skyward Sword

Because everyone overrates the 3D games

The puzzles were pretty good though.

I dunno, I never played BotW. from how little I've seen about the game, it seems the devs tried to innovate a little bit and going off the rails. ALBW comes off as a mediocre ALTTP spin-off with constant throwbacks to the older game like the map (obviously), the sword upgrades are the same as in ALTTP (especially 3rd and 4th), Lorule being a dark version of Hyrule, the dungeons, the music as well... it feels like fan service for the sake of fan service except it doesn't have what made ALTTP good. the main gameplay of Zelda games revolved around dungeon exploration, and ALBW falls flat on that part

You mean overrates the 2D games

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Difficulty plateau.

I just finished Hero mode not long ago after not touching it for years and it feels somewhat empty, as in there's barely secret stuff, everything feels rather short or linear and there's not much risk throughout the game aside from getting one shotted by the Linels of which there are like 6 in the whole game, thus the item rental system is rather pointless as you can buy almost all items way early thanks to the non-existent risks and the fuckload of rupees everywhere. And the painting stuff feels it went underutilized.

That said it has very nice arrangements, this one my favorite:


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It's almost ironic that the most cinematic dungeon is also the most linear.

It's insultingly easy. Like a modern Kirby game.

cmon, it's easy, but it's not THAT easy

That sounds really bad.

I guess people overlooked it because it seemed too close to ALttP

>the painting mechanic is woefully underused outside of Eastern Palace
There's an entire boss and a dungeon that's based around using it and you use it constantly to explore around for Maiamais

That's why you add difficulty by doing a 3 heart run on hero mode.