GOTD 2020.

Attached: Cyberpunk2077-IT'S-CYBER-MAAAAAM_RGB-en.jpg (3840x2160, 695K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Attached: drumpf.jpg (3840x2160, 1.47M)

Game of the Day


Explosion of shit taste


Attached: Cyberpunk2077-Should_have_taken_the_elevator_RGB-en.jpg (3840x2160, 502K)

I didn't knew there was a switch version

Game of the Dilate?

Pretty action games like this fall into obscurity faster than matter near the event horizon of a black hole.

Anyone remember crysis 3?

Attached: Crysis3-31.jpg (1280x720, 818K)

The game that looks better than 99% of new games but was made 6.5 years ago?

>*calls for magic car*
>autodrives on road to quest marker
>*cybernetic implant toucan sam vision activates*
>"Mhmm....giant blood stains all over the crotch....a tranny™, it's gotta be"
>"Come on, K.I.T.T."
>*follows augmented nose*
>guys in women™ costumes appear
>"Shit you stink" WUBWUBWUB *sets guys on fire and they stumble and dilate immediately, does a cinematic headshot and blows guy in half"
>"™ pretending to be women™......better tell the district head about this"
>"Come on, K.I.T.T."
>*autodrives on road back to metropolis*
>"Just some trannies posing as women™, here's proof *shows wig*"
>10 eddies received

Attached: geralt just.jpg (287x421, 84K)

This looks like fucking horseshit, why the fuck zoomers praise this game? Oh yes, they are braindeads

The game constantly cited on Yea Forums as an example of video games being held back by consoles?

And yet crytek is on the verge of bankruptcy, they probably would be already if not for amazon buying cryengine.

Is this the comfy cp2077 thread? I just want to discuss without shitposts

Attached: 6a4e8c171391696c510bd7c8a9dd646f082ee5b1b0279c78841a247a71516bdc.jpg (471x388, 94K)

Good luck, CP2077 is shaping up to be GOTY minimum and Yea Forums is full of contrarians.

No wonder, they haven't made any game since then

>I just want to discuss without shitposts

might want to try a different site entirely

It looks great though.

Attached: whipped.png (3840x2160, 2.74M)


It's shaping up to be a demonstration of cdpr lack of skill in making games mechanics like witcher 3

no 3rd person, no buy

Attached: 1534550566619.png (1053x1080, 362K)

You mean the same witcher 3 that won countless awards and is still considered by most people to be one of the greatest games ever made? Like I said, contrarians everywhere.

So just like skyrim you retarded piece of shit?

>Lensflare and blur out of the ass
>Fallout 3 tier UI
>Hideous niggers as a cherry on top

Attached: 1533467631474.jpg (387x461, 21K)

I'm not excited for the graphics.
I'm genuinely excited for the role playing.
Massacring NPCs is so boring.
Convincing NPCs to massacre eachother gets my dick hard.

Attached: cyberpunksolo.jpg (200x287, 18K)

>drinking a glass of wine at night,neon lights shine your flat, it's raining and you're giving mommy corpo a foot massage
it's going to be the comfiest game ever

Attached: 1560542947423.jpg (480x418, 88K)

>deleting trannies who went cyber-psycho and bought a Militech M@n-PLZR type C with breeding capacity instead of a dick
I'm okay with this

no thanks I already played modern deus ex and if its like witcher 3 it will have boring gameplay

Where's the new 40 minutes of gameplay

>Lensflare and blur out of the ass
Can be disabled.
>Fallout 3 tier UI
The UI is clean and minimalistic. Looks great.
>Hideous niggers as a cherry on top
It’s America in 2077.

Attached: 6FA2D440-3860-40E5-A50B-2940DBA67513.jpg (3840x2160, 470K)

>overcrowding is apart of the aesthetic
>only 5npcs on screen at a time

Why is Yea Forums trying so hard to hate on a game that isn't even out yet?

>Just wanted to play as a cute cop and try to uphold the law

Attached: 1491386994988.jpg (500x521, 49K)

Whoa! I didn't know Deus Ex Human Revolution was getting a switch port!


Attached: 1566247973959.gif (400x273, 477K)

this screenshot in particular looks bad, not much more impressive than Dying Light and that's years old now

>cyberpunk is just an aesthetic
>it's an aesthetic entirely described by Blade Runner's downtown scenes
I want you faggots to fuck off

>Can be disabled.
Just like in BF3 right. Fucking wrong, it's built from the ground up to look like smeary shit to fool console users.
>the less you see on your screen the better it looks trust me

there are literally no lens flares whatsoever in any of those screens

I think he meant lights. Why he hates lights I don't know

>from GTA clone to corridor shooter

>giving mommy corpo a foot massage
more like i'm giving her a belly rub, since she has bad gas. she's been blasting nonstop for the past 2 hours and her tummy still feels as tight as a drum

So when is this GTA expansion coming?

What will be better my 1060 3gb with 16gb ram or ps4 pro? They cut it pretty close right?

When is the 2nd gameplay reveal coming? They said it'd go public at gamescon

So where is that behind closed doors demo footage they said they were going to release after Gamescom?

I'd guess Mondayish

No, they said after PAX west. So not until the very beginning of next month

Rumor has it it's coming out at Pax West on August 30th.

>hurr let's compare this linear action shooter to this open world RPG that's also being said to not have loading screens

This is why people should never take Yea Forums's opinion seriously


Attached: why did I move here.jpg (3840x2160, 320K)

>The UI is clean and minimalistic. Looks great.
You're a fucking idiot lmao

It's just not fair senpaitachi

Attached: actual korean cop.jpg (1000x1498, 247K)

literally indistinguishable from GTAV

maybe this is more your speed, zoomer

Attached: bbui-b984875f4c6a.jpg (690x388, 232K)

you play as a cyberpunk, not a cop. buy ready or not if you want to play a cop

You honestly think it's not going to be a linear action shooter? Did you watch the e3 gameplay video which showed them going on a mission and it literally turned into an on the rails linear action shooter?

Not enough chromatic aberration

Attached: ECZfaCHX4AAvJ-i.jpg (3840x2160, 560K)

i have a functioning set of eyeballs and a neurotypical brain, so CA doesn't bother me

red screen glow around the periphery...

Don't mind me, keep being gay or whatever, just posting this.

Attached: maelstrom.jpg (1342x1875, 565K)

>can't look like this because CDPR are jizzbrains that prioritize romance scenes
Fuck this game

wrong, retard

Pc just so you can adjust your own settings. You can still use your DS4 if you want.

t. Literally own same computer

>2 and a half hour old cyberpunk thread
>only 64 replies and 38 posters during peak hours
oh shit this game is already done.

What is there to talk about? Pretend to be outraged at something integral to the setting from release day? Or rehash ebin sun maymays for the billionth time?

Indeed, all we can do is wait for the gameplay video

This is one of the gangs in the game, brainlet.

I know you retard. In the tumblr Q&A they said you can't modify your face that way because it would ruin the "kiss scenes". Fuck off.

Soundtrack Good
Filebloat bad
Graphics meh
Politics BLEH!

They remind him of the sun.


Iron Maiden looks more cyberpunk than this

will i even be able to play as a high tech private security corporate goon and blast subhumans with tacticool looking guns that look dangerously close to a futuristic P90 while wearing preferably all black clothing and a nice helmet?

This has the same ugly look as the new Deus Ex games.

well duh

Attached: somewhereintime.jpg (300x168, 17K)

Kiss scenes are important

why do they all look like niggers ?
wouldnt turning yourself into a machine result in the exact opposite aesthetic ?

u are trying too hard

I hope there's old guns that have been retrofitted to stay relevant like in Elysium. That would be cool

Attached: 1432559401966.jpg (508x610, 161K)

In CP2020 too much augmentation makes you lose humanity, turning you into a sociopath cyborg. Yes, basically a nigger, without the cyborg.

I don't think so boy.

Attached: sad.jpg (620x300, 61K)

Why is this board so obsessed with transsexuals? Do you want to be one or fuck them?

>Replies to the image that has far more than 5 NPCs

He said 2020 user, not 2030

Attached: 1524809163265.jpg (480x480, 26K)

looks like they "optimized" it for consoles in these screenshots

>tfw we haven't had a single comfy thread for this game ever since they showed the 2nd trailer
At least they gave plenty of time to lower our hopes and expectations

Attached: 1512356720110.jpg (869x943, 192K)

Do you know what a linear action shooter is?

It's going to be more like GTA meets deus ex

>i'm a retard so this cancerous shit doesn't bother me

>those effects
is this Jump Force lmao

Already looks like shit. Can't wait to see the downgrade.

Yea Forumsirgins are trash subhumans, what do you expect? Wait until the game releases, sells millions of copies and gets rave reviews.

There will be no comfy. Not since all the MUH SUNLIGHT bullshit. The well was already poisoned, probably by Tencent.


*Sips drink*

>it doesn't have to be at night
>it doesn't have to be in a large city
>it doesn't need to be 3rd person
>it doesn't need to have the different classes
>it doesn't need the player to be able to use flying cars
>It doesn't need accessible interiors for buildings
>It doesn't need to be free of liberal bullshit
>It doesn't need to have good customisation options
>it doesn't need to have real dialogue choices
>it doesn't need you to be able to join different factions
>it doesn't need to have killable NPCs
>it doesn't need to have Trauma Team as a gameplay element the player can use
>it doesn't need to have destructible environments
>it doesn't need to have good graphics
>it doesn't matter that CD Projekt Red is staffed by Americans now
>it doesn't need mod support
>it doesn't need to have good box art
>It doesnt need to not blow all its budget on b list actors
>it doesnt need to be an RPG
>it doesn't need you to be able to purchase new apartments
>it doesn't need you to be able to choose different childhood heroes
>it doesn't need you to be able to customise your cars or apartment
>it doesn't need Cyberpsychosis to be part of the game
>it doesn't need VR support
>it doesn't matter that it's cinematic garbage
>it doesn't need good AI
>it doesn't need good vehicle handling
>it doesn't need multiplayer
>it doesn't need dynamic weather systems
>it doesn't need to have a branching story
>it doesn't need to have massive crowds of people
>it doesn't need to not be downgraded
>it doesn't need to have substance
>it doesn't need to not be GTA 2077


Attached: Sipping CDPdRones Tears.jpg (326x412, 24K)

well now i just want to play witcher 3 again

The difference is that Crytek cant make a fun game even if their lifes depends on it...

I'm glad the bullshots make the game look realistic. They don't look as pretty as other bullshots but at least I know what to expect come release date, and won't be disappointed like I was with Witcher 3's graphics.

Imagine being so butthurt about a game you create a list of dozens of strawmen and post them over and over again.