What is with the distaste for this fighting game franchise here? Not even going to mention 11 since even before the controversy and outrage 11 got people were foaming at the mouth over X and NRS as a whole.
What is with the distaste for this fighting game franchise here...
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It’s the COD of fighting games only casuals and normies buy it. It’s just lol gore and blood which was cool in the 90s but now it’s bland and tasteless. Ugly women, bad animations, and horrible western gameplay are just shot cherries on this crap gorefest of a franchise.
>EWWWW blood and violence in a fighting game? we need more anime waifus not this shit!
>gore bad give me a cute waifu
I am shit at fighting games but I bought xl on a whim because I'm a big alien/ Friday the 13th fag and I've been having a blast playing with friends
you don't get it
MK is using gore/shock value as the exact same kind of easy selling point as sex appeal, except no popular fighting game is selling itself with just sex appeal
Yea Forums is extremely insecure about their masculinity and has hated dudebro games like MK/CoD for years. Although, recently, it seems we've started projecting (söy) rather than insulting people.
Tell me the people who bought SNK Heroines were planning on going pro with it
9 was seen as a return to form for the series. X was a let down in some respects, particularly in the roster, graphics (it's way too fucking dark all the time), and story mode
I-I-It doesn't count!
MK is still talked abou at least, why does no one talk about killer instinct? I dont think i’ve seen any KI thread in years
i dislike it because the fatalities have been getting worse with each iteration.
X took a step in the right direction with Brutalities, but 11's fatalities with their slo-mo were fucking garbage.
Because KI is worse than MK in terms of gameplay, and that's saying something
People hate 11s customization but by god I can never go back to playing X. It looks fucking atrocious.
Max can shill and try to brainwash his fanboys all he wants but KI in reality is just really meh. Mortal Kombat unlike other fighters never has to rely solely on gameplay. It sells other things like setting/story,gore, and characters.
objectively false
MKX was basically a Marvel game with how fast-paced and high damage it was. People really like this, others hate it. Graphically though it looks like dimly lit shit I agree
MKX looks good, the visuals are just too dark and often bland. MK11 no doubt looks better, and actually has a color palette besides brown and black, unlike MKX.
I did like the fast pace since frankly the game doesn't really seemed designed around zoning much.
>Community hasn't been good since MK9
>Waifu appeal taken away for 11
>Hasn't been good for casual players since 9 and is more of a "rent on the weekend" game for friends
To put this in perspective when me and my friends play fighting games its either Virtual Fighter since it was free on Xbox gold or Fighterz/Crosstag since the game is more frantic and pick up and play.
I am not going to knock the players anymore because at least MK players generally have good fundamentals but I think a lot of them are just unsufferable cock suckers and are on par with the smash community.
Thats why I prefer the slowness of MK11 the block button is so retarded in such a fast game like X.
>Still trying to use gore as a controversial selling point when it stopped being controversial by the end of the 90s
>All of the guest characters are just shitty boomer horror movie characters from the 80s that nobody fucking likes, have piss poor animations and clash horribly with the aesthetic
>The devs wont stop posting their political believes on twitter
There is probably more. I dont know i havnt played any game in the series for more than a few minutes since deception.
Whenever I ask did people truly want gay guest characters? I get shat on seriously fuck guest characters and fuck the normies in the MK fanbase
Block button dial a combo garbage. What's wrong with the game is the mechanics themselves. It is a shitty game.
MXI story mode is even worse.
>waifu appeal
ah yes I love the same girl recolored. Nobody ever like real MK waifus like Tanya or Ash. Always the vore fags and their precious mileena.
Well no, they gave it a run button.
11 has brutalities also, pretty gruesome ones.
the brutalities in 11 are better than the fatalities
Only actual good early MK was 3 then it was a huge string of mediocre forgettable games until the recent one. Even then there's not much reason to go back to 9 X or the Injustice games unless you really like capeshit. Competitively the games are a joke despite the huge casual sales.
KI is much better. MK just pushes it out of the Western fighting game niche.
Yeah I watched it on youtube.
Fire God Liu Kang was a neat idea but frankly any tension carried over from MK9 was diffused with cheap solutions and nothing good amounted from the setup MKX tried to do. What a waste
>ah yes I love the same girl recolored
Thankyou so do I.
Few people complained about MK before X, but with X MK just grow so big that now it's cannibalizing the whole genre and people are much less forgiving for it's flaws
MKX sold over 12 million copies, and MK11 supposedly already sold over 5 millions. That's already 17 millions this gen. In comparison, Tekken (the second most successful fighting game series right now) only sold 4 million copies this gen. That's an insane gap, especially considering that Tekken7 is easily a better game than X or 11, both for visuals, accessibility and competitive value.
the average folk stopped buying 'fighting games', they are just buying mortal kombat now, since it checks their need for a fighting game for local multiplayer while also having MCU-like cinematic story mode and lot's of shock value. The problem is that MK doesn't motivate people to get into the fighting game genre beyond this because it's mediocre gameplay just doesn't attract people nowhere near as much to get really good at the game and go deeper into fighting games.
plus the characters in X looked like they were made of playdoh
Mortal Kombat II
Mortal Kombat 9
Shaolin Monks
are all you need
that's why I said popular you illiterate retard
SNK heroines is a super niché game, and it's a straightforward fanservice game unlike KoF, SF or Tekken.
It sold a few hundred k copies compared to MK's ten millions. Not even mentioning that showing some bikinis is nowhere near as explicit as MK's gore exploitation. A game would need fully animated sex scenes with closeups to reach MK's level of exploit that it does with gore
That perfectly sums up OP's question.
Other fighting games simply aren't as good. Smash Ultimate and Mortal Kombat are the most popular fighting games in the world for a reason.
SonicFox it's the best player. He is a furry faggot with AIDS. Therefore this game fucking sucks.
the top3 mk player is called tekken master therefore tekken sucks
It's just been really inconsistent. MK9 was great but basic, its main draw was that it just tried to give fans what they wanted.
MKX fucked up in a lot of the same ways SoulCalibur V did, in removing a bunch of the fan favorites that MK9 gave us and replacing them with bland characters, plus it absolutely fucked the art direction.
MK11 is better on the fanservice but they added an outrageous grind, online exclusive items via Kombat League (the games have largely been single player friendly for awhile) and a slew of other issues like Shang having a whole set of Klassic Ninja moves which seemed like his signature this game that he can't use in any ranked play.
most spergs here are anime fans, and you have the same 5 mongoloids complaining about censored tits etc in every fucking thread
Eh ?
Mortal Kombat is the franchise Chads, bullies, and nonwhites play, and since Yea Forums is full of sad pasty weeb bitchboys they hate it
Most of the people who paly this game is a casual and / or a edgy kid adding to the mix that the game is rather mediocre ( all of them ) you end up with a franchise that recieves no respect from any gaymer.
There are already less people playing MK11 than Tekken7, despite MK11 being a completely fresh game that also sold much more copies, while T7 is already pushing it's third season
t7 also has more characters, more complex characters, deeper gameplay but easier to pick up at the same time
T7 also has better reviews and scores
also, it's just my opinion but Tekken7 looks better too because of it's way better animations and character and stage designs, even if it lacks those super realistically textured closeup slowmoshots that mk11 has
but still, even if you truly believe that MK11 is a better game, there is no way you can believe that it is SO MUCH better that it justifies such a huge gap betwen MK's and it's second closest competitor's sales.
MK's success objectively isn't caused by it's quality as a fighting game, but because it knows exactly how to appeal to the mainstream consumer.
Even tekken use the fapbait trick . Remember how their fans reacted when the perma offended wanted them to remove the bikinis ?
>MK 11 is ban in Japan and it sold more than T7
>of course T7 has more characters than MK11, it's 3 years old
>MK11 reviewed better than T7 overall
a few of the characters being in bikini isn't exactly the same as detailed and explicit 18+ gore scenes. You would need straight up dirty porn scenes to compete with that
That's some pretty big strawmanning
The don't give a fuck about anything and just kinda push shit out.
Hey, have they fixed the Krypt shitty grind monetization in MK11 yet? Near launch it took bloody forever to unlock anything as of they were trying to make you just pay real money instead. It was like WBs previous Shadow of War again before the Definitive Edition fixes made it a great game and removed the microtransaction crap....
There was an outcry over MK11 about this primarily, and to w lesser extent about perception of wokeness with female models etc, but if they fixed the unlocks / Krypt and added classic costumes / models back it would be easily as good or better than any other Netherrealm fighter in theory as the core of the game, depth, customization, and story is all good
Tekken7 had more characters ON launch than MK has now with the dlcs, but even if you also count in the rest of the first season, While characters in T7 also have several times more moves
both tekken7 and mk11 has 82 critic score on metacritic (T7's critic scores was mainly dragged down because of it's short cinematic story mode), except MK has 2.5 user score while T7 as 6.9
and yes, MK11 supposedly already sold more, and don't forget that MKX was also this gen's competition to T7, that also sold several times more than T7
they made it very slightly faster to unlock shit
on the other hand you can't pay money to unlock this stuff. It was just implemented to keep you in the game for as long as possible so you will more likely buy other stuff. They probably knew that the backlash would be just off the charts if they weren't even sneaky about their monetization tactics
A steadfast refusal to adapt and change to even the most basic, modern fighting game fundamentals. Gameplay wise, the game is stuck in the 90's with things like "dial-a-combo", dedicated block buttons, etc. These are relics from a time where the fighting game genre was still new and its norms were still being discovered. Most devs know better by now, but for whatever reason, Ed Boon is CONVINCED that these are the things that make Mortal Kombat "MORTAL KOMBAT", so he refuses to change them.
The result of which is a game that remains interesting for all of the 15 minutes that it takes to see the new Fatalities, X-Rays, etc., and then is promptly by dropped by everyone except for casuals in favor of better fighting games. I want to like MK, but Boon's refusal to change really holds it back.
>At least 70% of those MK11 players just play to unlock stuff and rarely play ranked
MK11 has different variations that radically changes each character
MK11 reviewed better on x1 and PC than the T7 versions, and users scores continue to be more and more useless beaucse mainly use them to spam shitty memes.
>MK11 has different variations that radically changes each character
Too bad over half of them are useless
MK11 also have a joke pro scene despite being the best selling fighting game out there it didnt even reach top 5 at evo , also check twitch theres literally no interest from the actual FGC towards that game.
I liked mk9.
I'm sorry, what?
>popularity = good.
I guess NBA, FIFA and other sports video game titles are the very best games out there. That also makes Temple run and flappy bird the best video games too.
You shit eating retard.
Video game market is oversaturated. Everybody and there mom can make a game.
Nothing really hits big as much anymore without a new gimmick.
Even better fighters are stale as fuck.
Many of them are just old fatalities from previous games.
I don't like excessive gore and boring character designs.
11 got "outrage" because they got woke. MK also has shit gameplay that nobody wants to touch after a month unless there's a bag of money
I love MK always have
>MK got woke beaucse it no longer slut up the characters
More like people that never played MK until 9 thought those awful character designs were the standard for the series.
The "sexy" outfits were introduced in DA, and were only a thing for 4 games. There's are more games where the characters dress modest than games where they dress slutty.
I used to love MK and I really enjoyed MK9 but I couldn’t be bothered to even get MKX or 11. Too much pandering to their story mode rather than giving us characters people want and too many normie bait guest characters. I already hated Freddy taking an actual MK characters spot in 9 but every MK season pass now is like 50% guest characters
people were mad because the "no longer slut up the characters" didn't apply to the dudes
tekken visuals look retarded for most people
MK was always sold on it's shock value and cool characters. It was never great on a gameplay level and basically died after MK3 which is still the best selling MK to this day. It's only deteriorated on those selling points overtime, spiked back up with MK9 which was like a revival, and then fucked it all up again with X and of course 11. NRS want it so badly to be something else but MK will always be a cheesy 90's action series, Killer Instinct. which is in the same boat except has great gameplay, embraced that and the latest game was quite good, NRS cover their ears and try to be "progressive" with the franchise and that's why people are pissed and why the latest game went on sale a day after it came out.
>Mortal Kombat II
trilogy is a million times better desu senpai
Theres a big different between shirtless proportioned men and retarded proportioned female bodies.
Also outside of like 4 female characters, the rest have a costume with their tits out.
>And they never fixed my boi face
>MKX looks good
>both for visuals
>The COD of fighters
>Releases every 5 years with supreme quality fo control
just say
>it's american
Only retards hate 9 and X(L). 11 is boring to play though and a literally tranny is ruining the series bit by bit, but it's alright. I'm more worried for 12 if it continues.
look at this retard and his edit
>every fighting game ever except fighterz, which also added a big tiddy anime majin waifu to try and pander to sex appeal
Yea Forums hates MK cause it's "chad" and "normie" that's literally all there is to it
>then fucked it all up again with X and of course 11
what did they fuck up the games play fine
The amount of mental gymnastics gamers have to go through lmao
are you talking about the qa tester that has nothing to do with how the game is made
I really doubt you have friends, since most normies definitely want to play MK, Smash, SF, or Fighterz. MvC too but it killed itself.
why do people that dont play mortal kombat allays want to tell others how the game plays
Maybe other fighting games should step up to the amount of content MK has then?
What are you talking about? All anyone here ever talks about are fighting games and boomer nostalgia games.
Tekken 7 is absolutely not as impressive visually as MK11. What a fucking retarded take that invalidates anything else written because of how biased it clearly is.
>The problem is that MK doesn't motivate people to get into the fighting game genre beyond this because it's mediocre gameplay
He's also the top Skullgirls and Fighterz player, both of which are liked here.
Oh boy, can't wait for the responses saying they aren't now.
You normalfags act as if ryona isn't a thing
>thinking chads care about getting respect over playing pixels
>Especially from a fag or tranny weeb
so people are trying to say this looks better than mk11
fighting games are bad and people only buy mortal kombat because of nostalgia
It was fixed like 3 weeks after launch. You can unlock everything in literally 20 hours of normal play / online. Anyone who thinks this is a lot, or a bad thing to have 2k pieces of aesthetics, is retarded at this point. Literally
>more content BAD
>unlocking BAD
SF is older than MK and nobody bought 5
Yea Forums lied for months about it being MX based when you can't even buy shit if you wanted to
>he says as X and 11 are entirely diferent games, as is 9 to 4-8, and 1-3
2k is great besides all of the recent ways of extorting customers though. Stop being an autist and actually play one before acting it's bad, no one that actually likes basketball thinks its bad just extortion
>Tekken7 is easily a better game than X or 11, both for visuals
Reminder that Tekken newcomers that joined with 7 and not before were told by the one that brought them to the series that only training and online matters, also only praise the game and despise the others.
A new ki hasn't been release since the beginning of this gen
I don't know if you were around for MKX's release on Steam, but it was a complete shitshow with it not working at all. They probably lost a lot of PC sales for 11 because of that even if XL fixed most of the problems. Besides, PC fighters hardly ever retain their initial numbers, just look at SF5 flip flops of average players over the past 2 years.
For you
jesus the ps4 looks like ass, is pc the same?
It was so badass when it was new. Crazy lines at the arcade.
I’m a fan but last top-tier game was MK9 imo; one of few examples of well done reboots/requels/retcons etc.
I like having a block button, a lot of fightan game fans don’t. They tried to reinvent the wheel with the button arcade button layout, and while not horrible to me, obv didn’t catch on.
1-2 were basic but kino presentation for the time. It wasn’t until 3 that skilled technical gameplay was a thing. If you can call dial a combos that. Still fun to me.
I can say my preference for MK over others is sense of timing and reflex feels more ‘right’ to me. I ignored the woke shit with MK11 and gave it a chance. Played story mode once haven’t touched it since. Feels slow and clunky to me. It’s injustice with mk skins and micro transactions. Sad!
PS I disregard non-2D MK games as those truly do deserve the scorn. Except shaolin monks. That was cool.
It’s like this. Street Fighter is hair metal and capeshit movies and Mortal Kombat is death metal and horror movies
>supreme quality of control
Nah X looks ok. Fuck off.
the face says it all
because the gameplay is shallow and boring, none of the characters are interesting anymore. Literally the only thing that made it stand out from the crowd before was the gore and violence, but even that nowadays is pretty tame compared to other m rated games.
I also hate it cause Boon brought a bunch of retarded furries and sjws with it to the franchise.
The T7 animations are definitely superior to MK11.
are you retarded?
did scorpion get his outfit custom made at the mattress firm
looks fine to me
>b-b-b-b-but the animations
every time
The release rate is literally:
>MK game
>next year is DLC for MK game
>Injustice game the following year
>next year is DLC for Injustice
Repeat for the last 5 fucking years. Also,
>"supreme quality fo control"
What the hell are you even trying to say? Moron.
And MK11 is the most causal of them all.
these games are great bargain bin buys
MKX sold 11 million copies and is the best selling MK.
MK11 was just announced as the second best selling game of the series history.
>if it continues
It's like the top selling game of 2019 so far. The game has been a huge success. If course there will be a MK12. Only a complete moron would think NRS won't make a sequel.
If you think T7 looks better visually than MK11, you need your eyes checked. MK11 is hands down the best looking fighter ever made to date. Hell, Injustice 2 is better looking than T7 graphically speaking.
>The problem is that MK doesn't motivate people to get into the fighting game genre beyond this because it's mediocre gameplay just doesn't attract people nowhere near as much to get really good at the game and go deeper into fighting games.
Name a fighting game that does this?
SFV bombed in terms of sales.
SC6, DOA and even T7 had so-so numbers at best. Fighting games have always been a niche. MK simply knows how to appeal to the masses.
Boons been saying for a while he'd like to try out a different genre of game so I wouldn't be super surprised if NRS decides to try something new since the ending to MK11 is pretty much a definitive ending for that Universe. It'd be nice to have something new even if it isn't set in the MK universe.
How is MK11 "casual?"
Seriously I would like to know?
Because in terms of gameplay it is easily the most complex MK to date.
MK9 was fun, but it wasn't as deep as MK11.
MKX was borderline brain dead. It was basically all rushdown with 50/50 mixups.
damn, FPBP yet again.
The gore is too much for most normies. Including myself, ahem.
Srsly, tho
the gore, shit art style and gameplay. It's all garbage.
but the gore, it's too much.
Boon isn't even really in control of MK anymore. Did you watch the build up to the launch? That tranny seems to be basically the lead, and Boon is nothing more than a figure head now.
>MK simply knows how to appeal to the masses.
with budget and mainstream licenses that other fighting devs don't have
>That tranny seems to be basically the lead
You mean 16-Genders, AKA Steve the QA tester? He's in charge of jack shit.
its not street fighter
Worse street fighter that sells with a gimmick instead of quality fighting. Dial-a-combo and microtransactions are noticable sticking points as well.
only up to ultimate mk3 was good
look at this retard
Its Stephanie!!!
Fighting game fags on Yea Forums are all weebs and have been seething since the 90s over MK.
9 was awesome. Plenty of ninjas and robots
I meant the tranny-age of mental illness being propped up rather than diagnosed
I like Tekken but the tekken fan base is insufferable
Fighterz :^)
But the biggest complaint against 11 gameplay wise is that it's basically SF instead of MK...
4 hours late but i want an explanation to this right now. i dont believe MK is better than KI gameplay wise no chance
ok Max
don't worry, KI is better
skullgirls is good
fighterz fucking sucks
Entirely because of the Dragon Ball license.
It's popular so people hate it.
>Fighting games have always been a niche.
You weren't alive in the early 90s, were you?
Yep, when I saw my boy Kabal doing Nomad Dash cancels in MK11 I was horrified. They fucked up.
t-t-the game will fail any day now right guys
Because Yea Forums is full of misanthropic contrarians.
Street Fighter is the CoD of the fgc.
>Frequent releases and rereleases
>Dlc out the ass, most of it cosmetic or unnecessary
>Casual as hell but people hype it out of proportion
>Arguably the most normies fg
Lol, X had the best lighting. Adjust your tv and your eyes.
Stopped reading immediately because how ching chang wrong you are. Go back to your nippo kusoge
All the females in 9 unironically looked like trannies, closet fag
>Word Street fighter
>When Street fighter has the most microtransactions out of all fighting game right now with all the dlc characters, fight money, and costumes
Fucking pussy man
Fucking pussy man
Retard alert
>7 mainline games in 20 years
lol, I know you have to like your games and hate the others with passion but please
There are more versions of SF2 than games in the entire Tekken series.