

Attached: Edelgard_Portrait_5Years.png (185x185, 37K)

are you going to say it?

Imagine being a main character and not making top 3

"FUCK crests"

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She has a black boyfriend you guys know this right?

Imagine locking an entire route behind one easily missable and optional side event in a short time window. What the fuck were they even thinking, she should've been a straight villain.

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[I want to rub my dick on your horns and hairbuns]

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>should've been a straight villain.
Yeah except her route SUCKS and it contradicts EVERYTHING from the other routes so she looks worse imo sensei

Seteth wouldn't approve of Claude teaching her words like that

She rapes peasant women

If you couldn't be bothered to see what she was doing for a whole month are you really enough of a loyalist to want to do that route?

>straight up villain
Even on the paths that aren't her own, she's more of an anti-villain than a proper one.

Edelfags actually believe this


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She’s literally the main villain who takes the foreground of the story. Only after she has been defeated do you might fight the Slithering baddies; assuming you aren’t Dimitri and accidentally kill them all on your way during your roaring rampage of revenge.

63% of the people surveyed were women, of course the guys dominated.

I know Dimitri killed Thales, but I don't think the boar wiped out the moles.

More like EDELTARD

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When are we getting fedora Edelgard pics

All three of the main Dubstep cult members are killed by you, and if the predicament final map battle dialogue is of any indication the “non-military” enemy units, you wipe out the grunts too on your way to kill One-winged angel Edelgard.

top 3 of what user?

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literally me

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edelgard did nothing wrong

Well Shambhala still exists with the ICBMS and mechs and I imagine there are still moles there, also Nemesis' coffin

Just looking for a bit of advice - I've done a Golden Deer playthrough and now I'm gonna go full retard with Edelgard. In NG+ what's the best way to spend your carried over renown?

Also I'm feeling compelled to recruit as many as is possible of my old golden deer units (the girls specifically) to carry with me while ignoring Caspar, Ferdinand and Linhardt (whose support levels I'll still increase)

A. Because I dont want to have to kill my old friends
B. Because it'll spice up the end credits with everyones fates

Anyone else play like this or did you just stick to your set house plus a couple of recruitments?

You're meant to play with your house units.
They don't get much character development outside their respective house.
That's especially true for BL.

Just keep in mind Hilda won't join you because she sense's Edelgard's autism.

>disloyal slut is most loyal

Only for Edelgard's route, she'll ditch Claude if you go Church or BL.

Where can a brother get some edits and reaction pics of the game without going through older threads and all the garbage on twitter

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her route outright lies to you and never tells you the actual lore, she goes from beginning to end an ignorant retard

Here’s one, I made it myself

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Based, if disappointing.

I hear ya man, that's kinda what I'm thinking since half the fun of being a new house is using their units, but I still wanna take a bunch of people on board just to see how they act post timeskip IN the empire faction.

go ask vg

>what's the best way to spend your carried over renown?
Professor level and statues.
Your students will learn so fast.

Nice, thanks. Spent it all and got to A+ instantly, it was the obvious choice really.


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The graphics are good, but these animations look like they belong on a handheld game.

New to the game, I did up until that first free time period you have, at like the very beginning. Basically have walked around and talked to people and that's it. I chose to teach Blue Lions bc Dmitri is based. But I really like Petra. When can I start getting her to join me.

That sounds like the name of a city

If they made her a straight villain then no one would defend her hence making her queer

Wait until you get to professor rank D or D+ then spend it to get to A+ for cheap.
Do the same after reaching D or C with all of Byleth's stat skills for EZ recruits then rinse and repeat for any units you want to buff up to where they were from last playthroughs.

Should be able to get all statues from 2 playthroughs if you prioritize right. Ended my 4th route with 26000 renown doing this and now I can do whatever I want when Lunatic drops.

Great shout on the stat buying, I'll do just that. Thanks user.

>Lunatic drops
>Every enemy has capped spd and silver equipment to balance ng+

Well, they are in one

More like edeltard, lmao

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Being bisexual is a sin, Edelgard.

Eldelgard is Byleth’s canon wife!

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you only became a tyrant to cope with the fact that you are a dicklet, DICKLET

>first Black Beast fight
>decide to finish it with Edelgard
>at 33 HP of last bar
>Monster Basher will perfectly kill it with 33 damage
>Crest activates
>crit cut-in
>game freezes for 5 seconds during Edelgard's windup swing
>evaporates Black Beast for 114damage at level 11

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But El is a girl

not in those fanarts she isn't

Edelgard did nothing wrong.

What the fuck are you even talking about

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You know, I thought Manuelas bust size was ridiculous. I then thought a few of the girls busts in Warlock costume were even more ridiculous. Hell, I even thought Shamir in her MVP portraits bust was ridiculous and then after all of that I thought Hilda post time skip was the most ridiculous.

But they're all nothing compared to the fucking mammoth titties Byleth has god DAMN why is she so stacked?

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I know i'm the ultimate evil and responsible for all the fucked up shit and crest experiments. But if you think about it the church made the crests and the church is older than the kingdoms so isn't the church the true villain? You should probably take care of them Edelgard or there's the possibility that someone like me could appear in the future. Go ahead and assassinate all the students too because they might rebel against your glorious conquest.

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>"This has been a Series of Unfortunate Events."
>"That's right, Ola-I mean Edelgard."

That's actually a very convincing argument.

Okay Uncle, and you promise not to take me to the basement if I do this right?

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All I could think of with this pic was this

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She grew a nice pair of tits in 5 years.

how do you move byleth in loading screens while docked, people are saying to tilt your controller but it doesnt work for me

for me? it's stockings

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My little dictator can't be this cute

I was using a pro controller and it worked for me.

does it have to be a pro controller, im using those poorfag $25 ones with different nintendo series designs on them

Catherine has a nice pair

Poorfag ones might not have a gyro.

I would imagine the control has to have a gyro.

>Hubert's dream is to be a Pegasus Knight, but he won't do it because it might get in the way of serving Edelgard, and because he's terrified of heights.

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>Hates Crests
>Allows Crest experimentation in her new empire on unwilling subject, just so she can use the fruit of that research to create Nu-Crests for her Nu-minion successors to further her will long after she burns in hell
To hell with this hypocritical Harlet. Decapitating this usurper isn't punishment enough.

Fuck edelshit and fuck edelshit lovers

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>Tells me to fuck off when i'm in mourning

Nah fuck you cunt.

> Edelgard is Fem Byleth Canon wife

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What would be edelgard's 14 words?

What support?

That's not what he said, brainlet.

Nah that's a center split.

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I think it's a note he leaves in the box.

It's one of the advice box things iirc

Fujoshit ranking, what a time to be alive when FEfags are all faggots and fujoshit now

Who will get pregnant though, Byleth?


Hubert’s a pretty sad character because past the surface you see a guy with lots of potential who knowingly cucks himself out of being himself because he’s too autistic to consider changing the life path he was given

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He chose this path just as much user. Relisten to his support with Dorothea.

>knows that Edelgard was being used in GD so he leaves a note telling whoever frees Rhea (except Dimitri) that the Slithers are to blame
good character with a shitty fate

>research to create Nu-Crests for her Nu-minion successors
Where is that stated in the game? I played the Church and BLs route, but the only Crest experimentation mentioned in the game involves Rhea or the Dubstep Molemen. When the BEs hear of the latter, they even state they would never allow the Dubstep Mole people to invade the village if they were aware of their intentions.

Isn't there also a support with him sending a letter that Edelgard doesn't want him to?

Hmmmm you make a sound argument

>tfw no hyper loyal goth retainer

With Ferdinand

>Where is that stated in the game?
His fanfiction.
He sends a letter, but there's no way to know what the contents are. At least one dude is convinced it's the letter you get in GD, but I doubt it considering Hubert tells the messenger to rough the recipient up a bit.

It’s obviously the same one dude. It’s poetry dude, the retainers both perform acts their masters forbade (dedue and the crest beasts, Hubert and the note) while dedue the “good guy” performs an evil act and Hubert the bad guy performs a good act

>When the BEs hear of the latter, they even state they would never allow the Dubstep Mole people to invade the village if they were aware of their intentions.
>they did horrible shit? Oh no!
How many times do they say this yet do nothing? Hmmmmmmmmmmmmm

Love this one. Thanks.

Honestly there’s a lot of room for interpretation. It may just be that he does indeed have a crush on her and can’t let it go after all


Professor...you're not a fujoshit are you?

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I really think you're reaching.
First and foremost, the letter is supposed to be sent upon Hubert's death and unless you fuck up on classic mode he's clearly not dead in BE.

They literally can't do anything until they've dismantled the Church, because the Molemen and them have an unsteady agreement.

Based Huberts blows them the fuck out with his vamp squad though

Honestly all they needed to do to make Edelgard not look like female lobster hitler is to make her more scared of the Slithers and give the impression that she fears what will happen if she does not cooperate with them. As it stands it feels fucking weird that she willingly works with the moles.

>As it stands it feels fucking weird that she willingly works with the moles.
I'm almost positive that I read in-game that it was Huberts idea, and she didn't want to do it.

It's not a crush user. His relationship with Edelgard is beyond the concept of love. He serves her and walk this path because he deems her path the correct and only one for him. His A support with Byleth is also amazing in that sense:
If I had two lives to give, I would dedicate one for you.
See it like someone that would follow you into the depths of Hell itself. Similar to Dedue really.

Having 2-3 chapters where you kill them at the end of BE would be nice too. Relegating them to a footnote at the end of the game is pretty fucking lame. Not to mention it makes her route like 4 chapters shorter than all the others.

Is this from an actual scene where he calls someone a whore?

As much as i hate the empire, the BE crew is not the only ones that let the dubstep moles do shit behind their backs and act surprised after shit hit the fan, i mean the church didn't find strange that a student and a librarian start acting strange after a year of absence

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I like girls... El.

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based warriors poster

>She and Claude go on about reforming the political structure of Fódlan
>Dimitri is literally the only one out of the three lords that has an ending that implies he implements a democratic system or at least a constitutional monarchy, by instituting a new form of government in which the people were free to be active participants
Seriously, what did the writers mean by this?

>Student goes missing for years
>Is found in some rape dungeon with no explanation where she came from
>Nobody asks any questions

How stupid are these people?

All endings end in prosperity anyway.

Rhea or Seteth should have smelled it. This made no sense.

I guess Dragon Degradation made them retarded.

This. El would have to know or at least be suspicious of the Dubstep Moles when they petition to raid the village. What the hell did the BEs think they were going to do with the villagers? Offer them asylum and make them citizens? El especially knows who these people are. They literally were the ones that gave her the two Crests she has now, without her consent.


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It is a lie people wanted to believe in. After all, which would you want to believe? A student that went missing a year ago and most likely died while in their care, or simply been captured and held captive for a year? Everyone wants a happy ending and more than willing to brush off any inconsistencies than face the truth.

Post the gigachad Lorentz

It's not like she can stopped them. As far as things are concerned, unless it's her route, she is far more under their control than anything.

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Me and the boys about to destroy a cult

Yeah but it still looked stupid when I knew that Monica was a villain from the get go and even Sothis warns you about Thomas. Yet you can't do shit and all is well and done just so that they can kill your dad and make you the sad.

What you know is not something the characters in game would know. Until Monica, they had never encountered a human with the ability to shapeshift into another human. The closest is obvious Rhea and the others but even they didn't know about that capability.

I mean... when the stuff the students do every weekend consist of "go kill bandits and hunt demonic beasts" a few casualties are expected

How does he do it?

Why didn't Edelchan go to sensei to kill the people that made her autistic?

Sounds like a deal. Time to declare war on everyone for a righteous cause!


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When humanity stands together.... We don't need any Gods.... *starts a devastation war killing countless humans*

>All endings end in prosperity anyway.
Edelgards ending is EXACTLY the same ending AND motivation as the dude from Genealogy. Who has her ending HALF way through the game only for everything to go shit after 15 years.

>Late into Deers route, Dubsteppers nuked the fort. Claude did the grande damn speech of tearing down the walls and letting people and goods come and go through Foland to destroy misconceptions, says it doesn't go against the religion.

Eat shit Edelgard.

in a womens magazine

I don’t think they’ll want to do anything after having their top dogs and best mages defeated above ground.

But that was on the battlefield where as she just simply one day disappeared from the monastery. There was no danger and if anything had happened to her, people would be feeling guilty if they could've done something if they had noticed anything wrong in the first place. It's the not knowing part that chains people.

wow, wtf.

Except her epilogues all but shows everything turned out great. Like, her paired ending with Lys is quite possibly the best of all ending within the game.

>Lysithea's supports constantly go on about how she has two Crests and how that shouldn't be possible and it shortens her lifespans
>She actually dies a early death in many of her epilogues
>Edelgard also has two Crests, but the subject of her having a shortened lifespan and living borrowed time is never mentioned in supports or ending with one exception

Literally the reference I know of dealing with two Crest lifespan issue involving Edgelgard is her supports with Lysithea and that only happens in the ending with those two.

I don't get it. Edelgard had nothing against the religion of Sothis either.

Not anytime soon no, but the problem is still there to fester.

That's cause Edelgard has Linhardt as the head of crest research while Lysithea is an optional recruit and players might not even rank support her with Edelgard. Unless she's paired with a specific character, it's a case of IS writing a generic end for Lys to account for the lack of support to the one person that will save her life.

And a thousand boats will greet them.

It might be because she has the connections for it to be cured. It kinda is weird but people tend to sympathise more with Lysithea than Edelgard anyway. Their ending together is pretty good too and one of the few where El actually remain in power

Actually she does. Edelgard calls Sothis a “false god”, Rhea, a minion of that “false god”, and she fully intends to remove Sothis' “vile grasp” from the world in the Church route and the GD route, before the player is able to fight her for the last time. Which is why I find it so strange why Marianne, Ferdinand, and Mercedes, as well as the other characters that believe in Sothis, are able to join her side.

Mercedes being able to join her is brain dead. Most people joining her is like Felix.

Because Byleth

>made it to the final map of the Golden Deer route
>mfw I check the big bad's stats
What the fuck is this unholy abomination of a boss fight?

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I figured Lysithea is the prototype.

I thought she said she only had a problem with the church and not the faith in the BE route

Because without Byleth at her side, she slowly gets corrupted by the people around here aka Slitherers? I mean, she is extremely less genocidal in her route for a good reason. She finally had someone to trust in and doesn't people to disappoint said person.

You gotta keel all the elites
It's honestly the easiest boss map


Lysithea is the alpha version, Edelgard is the beta while Nemesis is the official release.

She trusts his loyalty but not the person himself as she knows for a fact that he does things that she will never condone. She can never fully reveal her inner most thoughts, emotions and desires to someone like him.

>Wanted to go BE
>That Church route
Fuck why is it so good?

Some students who remember Monica said she was different from before.

>game's Official release is older than the Alpha and Beta build


It's a HD remake, alright. It's totally not a upscale port.


Shit I didn't know I was dating Hitler, where's the undo button?

Don't attend her coronation or pick another house

I haven't played the BE route yet, but I'm assuming Edelgard's stance on religion drastically changes due to Byleth. I imagine it's difficult to take an anti-Sothis stance when she's aware that Byleth's existence and his/her divine nature while choosing to side with her. So I'm guessing she's open to reforming the religion. It the same thing with Claude. He doesn't at all respect Sothis, let alone believe in the dragon goddess, but when Byleth fufills the prophecy and having Rhea confirm Byleth is divine, Claude is pretty much a believer of Sothis.

How deep are you in? The game lets you back out in that route.

She abolishes the Church in her route regardless.

Well, yes, the Church of Seiros. It's kinda hard to let the church live after Seiros had gone crazy and had its head cleaved in by an axe and a sword.


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Post your broken team combos Yea Forums

I just beat the fort Merceus stage in 1 fucking turn.

Dance + Stride + Warp is absolute shenanigans

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they killed millions

>Japanese game
>The church is evil

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You can't kill Caspar doing that.

>the only characters that say the church is evil are the actual bad guys

>Japanese game
>some retarded character thinks it's evil but it really isn't

go to bed rhea

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I get to choose who to marry on Golden Deer right?
It's 7/31 on time skip and I haven't gotten a choice yet.

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Death Knight, before the fort Get's nuked .I don't know any story beyond this point since I literally just did it.


You get choose who to marry at the end of the last free week at the end of the route.

Alright thanks.
I'm going full Otome emblem and want to bare Claude's children.
No homo though, I'm playing a girl.

Im sure its going to have a bunch of bullshit but one easy change is just giving enemy archers close combat
Its baffling that they dont have it on hard


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Eat shit Edelgard.

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Is it wrong that despite being the same person, I find Seiros hotter than Rhea?

It's because she is.
And also dom.

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For me it's weakened Rhea

So how did Nemesis go from being able to massacre all the dragons to getting his ass kicked by one when he's roided up on Sothis juice?

Imagine losing to her in a fight and she suffocates you with her ass haha

Seiros knew the basics CQC.

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I managed to recruit everyone possible to Edelgard's route on my first playthrough, and it's very easy to avoid Hilda in battle post-time skip which is the same as sparing her. I'm enjoying the multihouse supports, so I'd say spend renown to recruit and get max professor level.

So only girls play fire emblem? Then why are you playing it?

The only reason she’s less genocidal is because the war is easier, byleth doesn’t do shit to calm her down. It’s easy to be calm and collected when you just win.

Imagine having the worst route.

how long does it take to achieve S rank with someone? I'm worried I won't be able to do it by exploring only once a month

You can only S rank in the last 2/3 chapters anyway, it's A rank until then and it's easy

Get them to A rank then you get to pick who you want to S rank before the final chapter if they can be S ranked.

ah, thanks, that makes sense

whatchoo gon do about it white boi

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Right before you start the final battle you pick one of the units you've A ranked to S rank.

My man

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I find it ironic that Seiros founded the empire and that Edelgard, commanding said empire, tries to destroy her.

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That's partly why I find her telling of who Nemesis is a bit fishy, according to her he's a power hungry guy yet also was never mentioned to establish any sort of state and in fact actively fought against the empire instead of trying to co-opt it.

Play the the game my ninja

I did, and I still don't get what Nemesis' deal is beyond being ass devastated that Rhea killed him.


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This is from /vg/

Reminder that the information that Arundel believes, as he said as such in private with Edelgard, is that Nemesis was a thief like Seiros/Rhea claims in her admitted altered and flase history
Rhea claims the truth in the Church route is, however, that what really happened was Nemesis killed Sothis in her sleep
Edelgard's version of events was told to her through the Emperor's lineage only. Even Arundel wasn't aware that the First Emperor told her this and wasn't aware that he had sided with Seiros.
All three sources are biased and telling their own version of the story. Believing what they wanted to believe.
We'll never get the truth unless Sothis herself tells us.
That's the whole point of the four separate routes.
You choose who to believe in and who was right because history is written by the victor.
All four routes end in peace and prosperity to reinforce that.

are you frustrated?

>Did I ever tell you about your father, Lord Lonato? He staged an uprising that threw his lands into chaos, and despite having no chance to win he urged his people to throw their lives away. He would eventually lose his own life in the completely needless conflict as well, forcing his own adopted son to kill the man who changed his life.
>And he was a true knight.

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It's insane how much more open and honest Bernie's supports with Byleth and Alois are compared to her other supports, I wish she wasn't as quite exaggerated like she is now and more just kind of awkward like those instead, maybe it's the English dub, I can't find the Japanese supports, but they they feel a bit much. It's a shame, the voice itself fits her well.

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That’s not the point at all you brainless dipshit, we are given knowledge that the characters do not have with the intro cutscene.

Edelgard is 100% wrong.

Seteh and Flayn back up Rhea's claims.

>"All three sources are biased and telling their own version of the story. Believing what they wanted to believe."
>"We'll never get the truth unless Sothis herself tells us."
>Sothis confirms Rhea's story
>"All four sources are biased and telling their own version of the story. Believing what they wanted to believe."
Can't wait.

There’s literally no reason for Rhea to lie on GD and the entire purpose of the route is to find the truth

>This salty
If you want an argument over this, take it to /vg/, the person who made will gladly have an argument with you.

How would you know they are not being bias to support her?

Edelgard literally says in BE she's not denying the goddess or faith. She only has a problem against the fake church that Rhea made up.

Again, take it to /vg/. The person will argue with you.

>edeltrannies can’t cope

They where there, Flayn has the looses lips and we know the flow of events from her supports.

If you don't want any discussion then why even post it here?

Regardless of who is telling the truth of Nemesis, Edelgard is still a fucking retard.

kys edeltard

If Sothis confirms Rhea's story then that's that, there's no arguing anything. But without Sothis' voice, Rhea's version of the story is just that, her version from her incomplete view of Grug.

It’s not incomplete, you need to cope

Nemesis being a regular thug roided up is such bullshit, it's not even funny. Whats the point of hyping stuff up for nothing

She trusts those two a lot more than the kids her own age, which makes sense considering she’s constantly afraid that her classmates won’t like her.

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Nice headcanon.

Because I want to show it to you. I said I got it from /vg/, never said I made it.

Man, Bernie's supports with Hubert are the best.

>make game about choosing a faction and war being written by the victors
>make one faction leader objectively correct
Either A. that's not true, or B. the story isn't worth debating because it was written by braindead chimpanzees.

Go back to writing fanfics with /vg/

because subversion.


Why is Rhea being Seiros so casually revealed? It seems like it should be a huge revelation but it isn't

This post right here. If there is an absolute truth, why bother? It does not exist in our real life History yet it should in a game?

I wish he wasn’t tied to edeltard so he could settle down with Bernie and produce the überautist with her.

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Yeah, I just feel the subtlty in those supports is a lot more endearing and genuine. The Seteth support is also really nice.

Still, I ended up marrying her on my first playthrough and can't bring myself to marry anyone else. Her S support is really sweet at least, the ending where she asks for you to always be together is corny but it gets me.

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How did we go from this...

>and war being written by the victors
That's exactly what Seiros did when she beat Nemesis. She lied about everything that happened including Nemesis and the 10 Elites to create her fictional scum church and put herself in that position.

> there's no arguing anything
Why isn't Sothis biased? What makes her any more credible than people who were actually alive during the events?

That’s what edelgard does in her route she even blames the church for the nuke

Lord lonato died for your shitty church
fuck you all

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True and knightpilled

I want to kiss Bernie's perfect creamy white cheeks!

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Sothis doesn't remember shit and fucks off in the middle of the game. The DLC story will reveal the truth since she will be the focus of it.

She literally blames her uncle immediately and knows he's the one who did that shit, but doesn't say anything because the time to execute him and the molemen was not yet.

Nightmare fuel. Also Sothis isn't happy when you flirt with Rhea. Those double negatives..

central church trannies can fuck off back to resetera

I can't wait for the prologue DLC that will arrive next year so we'll know once and for all who was in the wrong and who was in the right.

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Delet this


Honestly, in the end, the truth does not really matter as long as the Slitherers are dead. Everyone ensures Fodlan becomes prosperous in their own way, and trying to claim otherwise goes against the various endings and epilogues that are given to us..

Spoiler, everyone was in the wrong

Yeah, she should have told the truth, humanity is fucking vile and easily influcenced. Then hunted down every descendant of the 10 Elites and ruled the Empire she founded.

Lonato died because he was weak like his son. he proved he wasn't worthy of being a noble because he adopted some commoner trash like Ashe, and had no real influence on the story or history. Good riddance.

Claude is still the only sane one

Uncle Jun?

*blocks your path*

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To this?

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Yes, the redpill will always be better than the bluepill.

Because it's not a big secret. It's simply one of those things where we lack context and given her reveal comes halfway into the game, which helps drives the second half, there's no reason to drag it out.

spoiler: edelgard is dead and the edelgard you see in game is actually a puppet from the mole people

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>retarded for not knowing information she could not have possibly gotten
Can;t exactly ask Rhea for the truth after 1000 years or so of lieing you know? She was right in doing so of course but still.

So you expect people on Yea Forums to do that? They want their House wars. They want shipost.
> cope Edeltard
> Dimitrifags BTFO
> Golden Deer? More like Golden Queer
> cope, seethe, dilate
I wonder why I haven't just removed Fire Emblem from my thread list but heh,I could ask myself why I haven't left this website years ago

Based. Flayn is the canon wife.

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> vapid centrist too new to use actual spoiler tags
The intended interpretation is actually that everyone is in the right, even though it fails.

Just because he was facing a superior power doesn’t mean he shouldn’t have rebelled against their tyranny. True knights die fighting for what they believe in. Better than lying over and just taking it.


I want someone to love me like you people love Bernie.

>t. central church dastard

Buddy, I was saying spoiler as in story spoiler, not spoiler as in this.

Holy shit I wish that Ashe and Sylvain were gay options for mByleth.

Sylvain is gay for

Didn't Sylvain also hit on Ashe?


he was, without a doubt, a true knight

You only get linhardt the boy with sex appeal down in the negatives
Or ruin the marriages of some old men, it’s up to you

Don't forget Claude and Caspar (mainly so him and Linhardt can actually fuck)

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I dunno user, Caspar's ending with Lindhardt is pretty gay.

>Just because he was facing a superior power doesn’t mean he shouldn’t have rebelled against their tyranny
>be noble
> warrior caste
>tasked with protecting your people
>your peasants can't fight for shit and you get them involved
>start war because "muh tyranny" nonsense when you by your very nature are tyrannical
>get btfo
>get replaced with a more competent protector of the people

>True knights die fighting for what they believe in.
True knights die fighting for the oaths they swore, which were sworn in good faith an hopefully align with their values. Dudue is a true knight, rebellious anarchists are brigands in fancy armor.

*blocks your path*

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Fuck you I'd literally fuck Linhardt before any other boy (except maybe Ashe)

is death blow really that broken?

I actually find Linhardt attractive, but I just wish there were more options. fByleth gets 5, why does mByleth only get 3, with only 1 (one) of the endings actually being gay?

Spoiler: an automotive aerodynamic device whose intended design function is to 'spoil' unfavorable air movement across a body of a vehicle in motion, usually described as turbulenceor drag.

> Dedue is a true Knight

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The peasants should be honored that their lives were given meaning in such a heroic sacrifice

This, I want to see the scene where Sylvain hits on Ashe.

It's a free +12 damage for fast units. Do you think that is a good ability?

The church did nothing wrong. Lonato was a pathetic sperg that spit on his sons failure by following in his footsteps for petty revenge and ensuring their goals would never be realized now that their house is extinct. Lonato is an embarrassment.

True knights skip their class reunion then try to kill the teacher 2 months later.

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Oh, so that's when he rejoins? I'm on Church route right now and was confused as fuck as to why he didn't join me already.

Heroic sacrifice is not a peasants dharma. The only noble thing they were sacrifice for is that future generations will grow up under a better lord than pathetic Lonato.

Killing people for blaspheming is wrong, Achmed.

Who's THAT character you fucking hate, and why is it Caspar?

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*unsheathes blade*
*activates deathblow*
*points at throat*
One more word about Lonato...

why does anime hitler have to be so cute vros?

He is manlet cope personified and it brings back painful memories for me

I don't hate him. I think he's a boring shonen protagonist. I bench him so it's cool, don't have to listen to him

>hating Caspar
man you must have some shit taste.


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He's a fucking garbage unit holy shit

i fucking hate petra because in every map she appears she has like 200% dodge, and you cannot touch her unless she initiates combat

>being a self loathing manlet

I never saw his supports past C because he died and I didn't reset.
It was weird that he ran up to someone and they just went full Budd Dwyer out of nowhere.

>gaytheists so retarded they still think capital punishment for blasphemy is wrong in universes where they know Gods exist

So why does Sothis wear bondage rope?

I can't believe this girl gives birth multiple times.

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Kinda funny though with Gilbert:
> Appopogize for this blashemy
I mean, the goddess is physically inside me

You must've gotten some bad luck bro

>denying people the right to be alive because "muh sanctimony"
God'll get over it if he's so great.

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I think many agree that Cyril is a fucking waste of supports
>"Muh job"
>"Muh lady Rhea"

I don't know I just see a bunch of people recommend it.

>killing is okay if it is in the name of the godess

*she, in the case of Seiros of course.

yeah that's the idea

Seiros is no god, Sothis on the other hand...

>muh rights
>muh relativism
You reprobates are a danger to yourself and others, and undermine the very foundations of society. Your executions will be public and the people will rejoice when the wicked are purged.

That's almost verbatim in the Commandments in the church library.

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This is my tale of an absolutely CHUNKY chad.

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Yeah, seems like the best justification for killing there is. God invented logic, morality and truth after all.
>w-what you can't kill me!! that violates the NAP
>what do you mean God isn't a libertarian???

>paladin has time to type this instead of being out there shooting up churches or whatever the fuck
Kill yourself larping faggot, I'm done humoring your bullshit.

>so strong he needs a second bar for STR

Why wouldn't I ignore it? Literally every other conversation is pointless and I hate the school garbage and just want to play Fire Emblem.
>new content
>30 people with nothing to say but 1 line of dialogue and it's all the same for everyone
>except this obscure one time conversation
Completionists are a cancer. I didn't even miss it myself but this is braindead logic.

Can someone please show me where Sylvain hits on Ashe. I need to see it.

>murders countless people on the battlefield for various reasons not limited to but including "they're bandits and they have gold" or "Hilda needs levels"
>lectures people in a taiwanese crack den about murder
Shut up Byleth you dumb candy ass

Who's the single strongest unit in the game?

I want to repopulate her species

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>BE battle of garreg mhag
>empire soldiers keep suiciding to bosses
do i get a reward for keeping them alive?

Imagine getting BTFO this hard.

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Unga the original.

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mada mada

>slyvain hits on smelly neet Bernie
> won't hit on Leonie because she's an ugly dyke
it's nice knowing Bernie is attractive in universe and Leonie fags are mentally ill.

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Name a sexier male character than Boy Byleth.

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Bros....what is this feeling...

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Did you see their support? Sylvain just really fucking loves her writing. He doesn't care about her as a person.

It might actually be Ingrid late game. As a falcon knight she's an unstoppable dodge canon you can just throw into a horde of enemies and clear them all out, even if it takes a few turns because her damage output isn't amazing. This compounds with amazing movement.

Overall it's probably byleth or dimitri.

>Leonie fags
These exist?

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Byleth if built properly. Otherwise any of the 3 lords as they can basically all solo maps on hard.

We can agree that Three houses is the most engaging game from a lore and story perspective right? As in, it makes you want to know the details about fodlan more than the other regions, from other games.

>hating caspar

if you want someone to hate, cyril is right there.

Yes. Closeted gays who don't even have good enough taste to go with Catherine.

If you mean all units then that goes to Nemesis. If you mean playable units then that goes to Dimitri. Both have retard strength that makes them steamroll through anything.

What's a good byleth build?

He's flirts with Bernie during the support and is happy to talk to her. He avoids Leonie in C support and calls her an ugly dyke. He even pulls the "your cute in your own way" and then calls her ugly again instinctively right after.

>finish GD as male Byleth
>look up his S rank out of curiosity
>tear up when he says I love you

So this is love

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Hmm... Manaketes, gotta be.

i don't want to be "that guy" but telius lore and story is much more interesting

Bishop. No seriously, it's way better than you think.

Shut up Leonie

>How come I'm missing something by not talking to everyone in an RPG?!
god I hate zoomers

>who don't even have good enough taste to go with Shamir.

Damn dude that's pretty gay.

Sniper, you get to look cool too.

Unga bunga Byleth

But Jeralt genuinely looks good. Not as perfect as best boy Alois but up there

dark knight, wyvern lord or enlightened one.

EO gets warp which is very useful. Byleth gets enough magic to easily take out low resistance units like generals which are abundant and enough power to take out anything else.

Holy fuck this. The npc version of her is a dodge monster, it's fucking insane. I ended up just baiting her into attacking my Byleth when I had to face her.

The best, most useful unit? Easily Catherine imo. Absurdly early recruitment, base A rank in swords, amazing bases across the board, great growths, nearly base B rank in gauntlets giving her easy access to one of the most useful combat arts without wasting teaching time, as well as free -5 damage taken when without a batallion.

It's a Fire Emblem game. They're filled with the dumbest motherfuckers out there.

Can I go melee as Fem Byleth for giggles despite no class for females or just don't?

>used goods
>edgy arthoe
Shamir is worst girl.

War master. nothing like having 80 base crit with bare hands

It has the best story, but that isn't saying much in this series.
Imo just stick with Enlightened One. Give him Death Blow and you're good.

Without Rhea Byleth would have died in Jeralt testicles.

Catherine is a literal criminal who is in love with Rhea.

>you are a woman IN THEORY
Sylvain murdering Leonie was hilarious

Catherine is a movelet. If you get her early and invest in riding or flying though she's great though, but probably outclassed as a dodge tank by endgame ingrid.

As in fists? Yeah I did that, but you'll have to switch to axes if you wanna ride a Wyvern

>lol teach, you were sleeping for 5 years
they could have handled this much better

she got framed

To give credit to Edelgard I'm pretty sure she never trusted the Slithers either, it was just convenient for her to use/be used by them.

What is it?

Hey, Cassandra

i would argue that shamir is better because of the passive and sniper being much better than swordmaster for the early levels

Thanks. I'll do that on my next plauthrough. Feels weird to have Byleth without a sword though

>literally cannot even read
Damn, your eyesight goin boomie?

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Shamir looks and acts like she camwhores on the side. If it wasn't a japan game she'd be covered in tattoos.

>dodge tank
You don't even need to dodge tank with Catherine, her defense is fine enough as is, combined with Healing Focus to recover at any time. As for movement, just give her the March Ring from that one guy in Gautier Inheritance.

"After the war, Linhardt and Caspar abandoned their noble houses to pursue a carefree journey wandering the world. They traveled to every corner of Fódlan, and even ventured abroad now and again. Caspar got into trouble at every turn on their travels, but Linhardt was always there, begrudgingly, to get him out of it. The records of their adventures were immortalized in a book by an anonymous author, entitled "The Thousand Roads and Seven Seas." It is said they did eventually settle down, after the events in those stories, but where they actually did is unknown."

I want to fug Raphael so bad

Can you marry Claude as Male Byleth?

The graphics are not good. The fuck are you on about? You ever take a look at the backgrounds when the characters are talking to each other? Have you ever seen how shit the cutscenes are? Big titties.

But the church didn't make the crests

>file name
I died

Seeing pre timeskip raphael again after timeskip is jarring as fuck

Why are gauntlets so OP?

>"my enemy is the church, not the faith"
>five years later, believers in the faith forced to leave the empire

Just got the game and just got to the castle.
This game is literally Harry plotter and the goblin of fire
But instead of a competition they're going to kill eachother

Also apparently Jeralt is my dad, I thought it was a joke option lel

Free brave weapons where beforehand those were too rare/expensive to bother with
They greatly increase the power of tanks in player phase

>joke option
Yup same happened here


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Yeah, and in other routes, Edelgard sees Sothis as a false god that is vile and rules the world maliciously through the Church.

Comments from Edelgard herself regarding the goddess and those who follow her in her own route:

>I thought that being a devout believer implied a certain weakness of spirit. An inability to survive on your own.
>The fate of this world depends on the choices we make. It's possible that people would've been happier continuing to mindlessly obey the goddess. Our work is far from over.
> I think about people like you who are devoted to the goddess. People who are unlike the others, who are willing to fight for themselves rather than leaving everything in the hands of a higher power. When I achieve my aim, I'll be crushing their and your emotional and spiritual support.

By reading these comments, it's heavily implied that she's not a believer. She thinks people rely too much in a higher power, that people mindlessly follow Sothis, and that she aims to crush their spiritual support regardless. And this her own route, where she has Byleth to support her. She probably has a far more negative opinion of gods where she doesn't have support, like how Dimitri never gets over revenge, or how suspicious and underhanded Claude is viewed to people without Byleth babysitting them.

they definitely ruined him with the timeskip

Making her Goddess empress of mankind in Golden Deer was awesome.

Why would a literal god side with the fedoras who want to destroy their church? No wonder Rhea goes batshit in the Black Eagles route, you are literally fighting against yourself.

I think you mean improved.


Also I'm really surprised how acceptable the english dub is. Only a couple characters bug me so far.
Also I don't watch much anime so I'm surprised I'm not being crushed by tropes (YET).

>. He doesn't care about her as a person.
That's Sylvain when he's dealing with all women, though. It's hard to like him when he strings women along, despite hating them.

He now looks like a freaking 80s Barbarian, if you don't go Unga with post time skip Raphael you are doing something wrong.


can you post the full pic of edelgard thats in this

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Edelgard is perfectly fine. She thinks that people shouldn't be cast out or belittled just because of how they are born and wants people to be judged by their hard work.

I'm on Chapter 7 of my very first playthrough btdubs

The graphics are absolutely not good. They get the job done, but that's about it.

But Dedue works for Dimitri

Professor level ASAP
Crest items if/when you need to equip relics onto character's that don't have that crest
Skill levels if you want to recruit someone early, or if you're super desperate to recruit someone last minute. With Professor Level A+ you'll have absolutely no trouble training any skills you need, though.

lol no. Claude isn't homo, he slays pussy if you aren't careful with the supports


Enlightened F!Byleth x Edelgard is the hottest, but she's the only girl who can't be married while godly.

Edelgard clearly hates the religion in general, but with 90% of Fodlan being believers, there's no chance that she could abolish it. So instead she just says it's the church who are fucked up, and the religion itself is okay.

I mentioned this in another thread, and user mentioned that it's quite possible Lysethia and her siblings were the prototype, and by the time they got to Edelgard they had perfected the processes to avoid the shortened lifespan.

I don't think that's ever said in-game, but it makes a ton of sense. They wouldn't want their puppet emperor dying before she could even produce an heir.

damn it

Fuck no it ain't. Seiros personality and outfit are much hotter than church mommy.

I preferred the the Not!Reiner look, but I guess I can see the retro appeal of a 80s barbarian

This is the worst thing to ever be posted on Yea Forums(nel)

I think it's pretty implied with Edelgard desperate actions and the fact that she would rather die than lose and be spared that she also got a rather short lifespan, but I'd imagine it might be longer than Lys and that she doesn't feel as weak physically.

Caspar is fucking great though. Ignatz being a sadsack all the time gets real old, real fast.

there we go

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God Cyril is the fucking worst. At least when character's like Lysethia and Marianne are assholes, they have a good backstory reason for it. Even characters like Ferdinand or Lorenz are only assholes unintentionally while trying to do the right thing. Cyril is just always an asshole to everyone, for the sole reason that he wants Rhea's dragon cock shoved firmly down his throat.

I'm currently at the end of the Edelgard route. I only have time for one other route, which one would be best as for insight what actually happens?

>despite hating them
the very reason he strings them along is because he hates them

Golden Deer is the lore route, so that one I guess.

the Deer

RIP user


Claude is a dominant top
Dimitri is a power bottom
Eldegard is barren

Not with Ferdinand she isn't

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nigga u gay

Should I make Slyvain a dark knight or should he remain a paladin all game?

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Tasting Edelgards milk.

About to dance all over Nemesis, who should I S rank? Leonie, Lysithea, or Sothis?


Sothis. She is the only one who really loves you.

Sothis is what the Church worships and her blood and her children's blood makes crests, and Seiros is one of Sothis' children and made the Church, so in a way the Church made the crests. Now, stop asking questions and kill the worshippers.

The Crests came from Sothis yes, humans stole that power.

Sylvain as a Dark Knight lets him exploit his budding talent, also he'd give him some other options which is always good

Where is the contradiction?

If you’re not making every single Blue Lion a Holy Knight (yes even Dedue), you’re a disgrace to the Kingdom.

>easily missable
>1 entire month of time to speak with her
>game makes it very clear every month people have new dialogue with a chat box on their head
>supposedly you want to stay with her yet you don't bother to talk with her


this pic is less funny when you know that dialogue comes up when you slaughter her cunny in BE route

I supported El until I S ranked her and she didn't even say "I love you" fuck this bitch she is getting cleaved

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>and in other routes

false equivalency, you cannot use other routes to describe characters here because they change radically depending on which route you pick to suit the personal narrative of the side characters, it's the main problem I have with the story of three houses, you don't simply choose a path that leads to a different side of a story but you choose an alternate reality where you influence the leader and change them for the better

I think three houses would've been a much more interesting game if you could play as either Lord following your own path and if blyat didn't exist, "my unit" is a stupid mechanic anyway

same person but she looks a lot hotter while dressed as Seiros meanwhile her stupid mommy form looks too puffy

>All four routes end in peace and prosperity to reinforce that.

yeah no the BE draping has a slitherer stabbing some nigga

I just want a fucking Sothis route where I can hear her shit-talk me with her delicious lolibaba speak at every moment, that was the best part of the game

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Should have gone with the best girl.

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>hating on Goku Ultimo


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>not talking to every student every time you explore
You literally only shoot yourself in the foot when you don't interact with them.

>not being able to see through her awkward, reticent shell when she draws images of you and goes insane without your support

Strongest are probably Dimitri, Claude, Felix, Lysithea, Ingrid, and Catherine.

Is warmaster Dedue any good?

Why is her pre-timeskip design so perfect and her post timeskip one so disappointing?

Warmaster anyone is great. It's no Wyvern Lord, but still broken.

Are you honestly so dense that you couldnt tell she was Seiros before you even learn her name?

fuck her reticent shell I want a breeding sow that will accept my god semen and procreate

God. What a nightmare of a boss he was. The only reason I won is because I somehow gave my mortal savant psychic which let me survive with the skin of my teeth.

He's meming bro

So shes basically Zhuge Liang except hated?
Because for some reason Zhuge Liang could burn a million peasants food so long as he stuck with Liu Bei he was one of the greatest people ever.

isn't that what the DLC is?

Can a kind user redpill me on the following;

Do you find it better to stick to your base house roster plus maybe a few recruits, or in NG+ would you recommend recruiting as many people as possible? I understand that way you get more support content to see but it feels like it would remove some of the post time skip emotion of having to kill old/favourite students plus in my current playthrough it would feel kind of wrong recruiting so many people for the Empire.

That and I feel like I'd rather do the recruit as many as possible in my Blue Lions playthrough.

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Post is a pleb filter. If you don't like it you have been filtered my friend.

You idiot humans would have just hunted dragons and each other to extinction for crests instead of respecting them in the fucked up noble system

Quick question lads - how different is the church route from let's say, the Golden Deer route, and is it worth making a branching point save to experience it and if so can someone tell me where that save would be? Thanks.

Gigastacy Hilda was the only reasonable character in this arc, she smelled the Edelshart before anyone else

If Edelgard is the bad guy then why did she only kill the majority of people instead of killing literally everyone?

If you're planning on playing this game multiple times it does not matter, but I'd suggest to not recruit anyone from the other houses the first 3 routes so that you can enjoy your house's roster

>Only has A rank sword
>Is the final Uber boss

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Wait what the fuck? He gets warp? How the fuck did I never unlock that shit, I mastered the class and had high faith


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Based wubs of truth, this wubwub man knows what he's talking about.

I'd rather not play through an entire 4 times to be honest, I'd rather make a branching point save where I can revisit it later without having to complete the first x hours of gameplay again just to get back to that point

trully a supreme Gentleman

she may be ignorant but she solves every problem with less bloodshed

Bow knight/assassin is retarded
Put on crit bow, kill everyone

You literally pick your house at the beginning though

Why didn't the wubwubers just nuke the monastery?

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I'm talking about the church/empire route split ya ding dong

>Edelgard's solution to eliminate poverty is to rob nobles and kill whoever resists
>Ferdinand's solution to eliminate poverty is to provide better ease of access to education for commoners and to provide better jobs and a higher standard of living for them
Why the fuck is Edelgard even allowed to be Emperor when she doesn't even have a coherent plan for the future that doesn't involve rallying the Imperial Army to kill the problem?

cause he's a literal manlet that copes the same way most real life manlets do by acting overly aggressive?

Wheres her diaper you degenerate?

They're really similar. Church route is for if you want to fuck Rhea. GD is church route but you want to fuck a deer instead.

With ya, I'll probably skip the church route then. Or at least I'm not committing to it right now anyway.

Do church route if you don't want to kill students.

First of all, they "know that god existed" in the same fashion that we know that Jesus existed i.e. it's constantly questioned.
Second, she's not a god, just an ancient dragon alien.
Third, she doesn't exist in the way the church portrays her, she's a soul stuck in the crest stone stuck inside Blyat, she doesn't answer to prayers etc.

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I'm going Empire first so I have no choice really unless I recruit as many as possible

>inside blyat


can i not fuck rhea if i'm GD?